KICC 9am Life Class | 19-09-2021

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[Music] me like a mighty warrior [Music] hungry [Music] like a mighty warrior [Music] [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign oh [Music] [Music] like a mighty warrior [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] cheers [Music] [Music] [Music] so yeah [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] so [Music] to [Music] me [Music] is [Music] me [Music] there's [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] uh [Music] we are [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] you are on my way [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] um [Music] bring me to your right i will take your love so deep bring you to your reality i will take your love so deep [Music] bring me to your living [Music] bring me to your healing stream me my constant pace [Music] me away my constant pain come with me [Music] bring me [Music] behind you [Music] me [Music] [Music] take refuge in him for who is god besides the lord and who is the rock except our god that is the one before whom we've come to worship and celebrate and honor this morning so we're gonna start off by saying you are the invincible god mighty power and greatest slaver you are the king of kings you are the lord of god who are the most high god and we lift you up this morning are we ready to celebrate the lord this morning you are my revenue you are you are my refugees [Music] [Music] me i you are my [Music] to [Music] is [Music] i your name is jesus [Music] you are is [Music] is [Music] come and celebrate the king of kings this morning celebrate the lord of lost the suffering lord the god above all the creator the master of the universe who reigns victorious who raised eternity from beginning to the end he is gone there is no place for argument he is god all by himself [Music] holy lord god almighty [Music] is [Music] magnificent [Music] [Music] come on holy [Music] glory and honor so everybody lift your magnificent magnificent [Music] power [Music] is hallelujah [Music] praise the lord father we bless you this morning we exalt we magnify you we thank you for your presence in this place have your way mighty god meet us at the very point of our need do that which only you can do in this place we glorify you in jesus name in jesus name put our hands together for the king of king and the lord of lord hallelujah on behalf of the senior pastor and resident pastor pastor matthew ashmolo and pastor yemis hashimoto i'd like to welcome everyone and in particular those who are worshipping us for the very first time if you are today's or very first time in our midst can you signify hallelujah and for those worshipping with us online if this is your first time attending the kcc online service or you are new to kicc we would like to give you a special welcome please go to our website dot uk slash contact and complete the relevant form we look forward to hearing from you praise the lord and for those worshipping with us actual if this is your first time attending or worshiping with us in testing here we would like to extend kicc won't handle fellowship to you could you please do us the hardness of standing up so we can acknowledge you i think there is no one or you have someone we have a lot of work to do we got work to do praise the lord god bless you as you continue to worship with us enjoy the rest of the service hallelujah [Music] welcome to kicc the home of champions here are this week's announcements are you new to kicc have you just accepted jesus christ as your lord and savior or is this your first time attending an actual or online service if so we'd love to give you a special kicc welcome please go to dot forward slash contact and complete the relevant form we definitely look forward to hearing from you calling all university students join our new monthly fellowship campus fire via zoom each month will be a time of bible study fellowship and fun our next meeting is on saturday the 25th of september 2021 via zoom and it's from 1 pm to 2 30 pm if you're interested in attending the sessions please send an email to campusfire igoc 2021 his extraordinary works we don't find our source in anything else but the holy spirit and when you connect with the holy spirit he will walk with you he will talk to you he will lead you the tendency then is to take revelation knowledge that has been given as to who you are that you don't have to be on a bed looking back is one vantage point looking at is a different vantage point and when you look at you look at for strategy god speaks prophetically into our lives and we believe in what he says he's going to do there's a place for that and there is a place for where god puts an idea in our hearts and we go out and do something for it god had to give me what i wouldn't buy for myself but god will treat you better god will treat you better than you'll treat yourself i went to it but i didn't abort the process i went through it but i refused to let the enemy have the victory order copies of these life transforming messages order now in mp3 and mp4 cd and dvd for more information visit or call 02085250 morning glow 90 days covenant of testimonies continues every monday to friday at 6 a.m with pastor matthew tell your family and friends to join this one hour of god's unmissable covenant power as there will be a harvesting of strange testimonies join us now until friday the 31st of december 2021 streaming live on all kicc platforms have you been journaling your daily testimonies if so let the world know what god is doing in your life share your testimony via email to kiccctv or send a text message via whatsapp on 0743079284 kingsway bible institute kvi virtual classes kbi has exciting opportunities to become a member or a steward in kicc from the comfort of your own home join the one hour virtual lesson for baptism membership and stewardship every wednesday at 6 00 pm if you're interested in this opportunity send an email to kbi dot uk and an introductory questionnaire will be sent to you please fill it in and return it please kindly note the minimum age for the baptism class is 10 years old kicc global bible study join the kicc global bible study and enrich your faith as pastor matthew teaches us and goes deeper into god's word every wednesday at 7 pm caring heart fellowship chf members meet virtually to learn and grow through studying specific life relevant teachings supported by god's word join a group every friday at 7 pm to 8 pm there is a lot of argument about what christians believe and you need to know what you believe join pastor matthew ashimolowo as he teaches on why i believe every sunday throughout october this series will bless you establish strengthen and give you greater confidence in your faith invite your family and friends especially those who do not believe because it will show them that jesus is alive and at work today the world is constantly changing how can the christian remain relevant and grounded in the truth the king's college of excellence offers you a virtual bible school with a difference harnessing the experience and knowledge of its global faculty of teachers including kce founder pastor matthieu shimalo students from every walk of life those called to ministry running businesses and employed in the marketplace are empowered with timeless teaching tools and strategies that equip them to make a lasting godly impact on their generation our cutting-edge curriculum includes teachings on the principles of faith new creation realities christian ethics in life and ministry personal development and spiritual life coaching family life and ministry and much more enrich your christian life and join a global body of students at the king's college of excellence virtual bible school for details and to register for the virtual opening evening visit [Music] be part of the great commission and help win souls to christ reach out and touch someone's life by being a blessing and sowing a seed or attending please note when sowing a seed please use the reference mission seed for more information on attending please send an email to admin dot uk the thanksgiving and child dedication service is held every last sunday of the month at kicc prayer city and kicc the land of wonders during the 11am service if you're dedicating your child please contact the kicc church office a form will be sent to you for completion and please return the form no later than one week before the date of the dedication september's dedication date is sunday the 26th of september for more information about kicc for any of these announcements call 0208 525-000 email events visit dot uk don't forget to follow kicc on all social media platforms including facebook twitter instagram and youtube well that's all from me with this week's announcements have a great week ahead and enjoy the rest of the service [Music] there is nothing that our god cannot do it just doesn't exist [Music] [Music] gently seek your [Applause] [Music] face in your hands and with you nothing is impossible to do we know [Music] your face [Music] nothing is impossible [Music] oh is [Music] that's what you cannot say [Music] you we oh [Music] what you cannot do what you cannot do [Music] that's when we come to [Music] come this is [Music] what what you cannot what you cannot fix [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] lifted higher [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] make the name of jesus great this morning from the rising of the sun to the going down of it his name shall be great come on just open your mouth and pray in the language of the holy spirit out loud [Music] we bless we bless we bless we [Music] god will bless your name god we bless your name we bless your name for we bless your name for we bless your name [Music] your throat [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hallelujah jesus will magnify you this morning from the rising of the sun to the going down of eating the whole world today your name has been exalted your name is the name for healing for deliverance for salvation for joy let somebody be touched today let your power minister to them silence satan for them give total victory in the name of jesus amen that's the i've already come on [Music] we continue to just observe the protocol of kovid because we are we are in a meeting of people use your shoulders or your elbow to greet three or four people tell them they look nice they look lovely they look wonderful they praise the lord praise the lord welcome to this morning service trust in the lord to bless you to minister to you impact your life give you a testimony in the name of jesus and i hear a better amen for those who are joining us in life class for the first time around the world and here in the building we welcome you also those who are in prayer city we celebrate to welcome you we trust the lord to bless you in the name of jesus we always start life class with something to make you smile a little bit something to love to make you laugh three university guys dodged exams because they did not study they came up with a plan and got themselves dirty using grease they rubbed grease on themselves then they went to the lecturer uh so we're sorry we couldn't make it to the exam we attended a wedding and on our way back the car broke down so that's why we're so dirty as you can see okay the lecturer understood and gave them three days to go and prepare after three days they went to the lecturer very ready for the exams because they had studied so the lecturer decided to get four invigilators and put the students in four separate classrooms and had four questions in the exam paper question number one who got married 25 marks question number two where was the reception held 25 marks question number three where exactly did the car break down 25 marks question number four what type of car broke down 25 marks marking your answer must be the same they are still in the exams all even up till now this morning we're going to be looking at 20 reasons why people fail like these guys 20 reasons why people fail in life psalm 1 verse 1 2 3 blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly no stands in the path of sinners nor sits in the seat of the scornful but his delight is in the law of the lord and in his law he meditates day and night he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that brings forth its fruit in a season whose leave also shall not wither and whatever he does shall prosper let me say quickly here that failure is really a choice failure is something people make a decision to go through and of course sometimes people will never think they will fail but there is the actions the things we do that result in failure look at the example of our story today these guys thought they'll find a nice way to fool the the the lecturer but often times the person who fails do not realize how they fool themselves they make no effort they pay no price they take no step they do nothing they do not stretch themselves then they wonder why they failed the scripture make us to understand that if you really learn to apply the word of god you will succeed he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that brings forth his fruit in his season his leaf will not wither everything he does will prosper so you find that people fail not because they were mocked for failure god never marks anyone for failure matter of fact our next service is about reaching your destination reaching your purpose reaching your calling reaching what god wanted you to be in life but you find that many never reach not because life or god prepared them to fail there is no predestination to failure somebody say amen god never mocked anyone for failure even judas whom the scripture says it is inevitable for the son of perdition in order of the son of destruction it is inevitable for the son of destruction not to be destroyed however you find that it was him who opened the door for that spirit to come into him the spirit of perdition was looking for who it will enter it didn't have the name judas and say which of you is judas because i was assigned by god to look for you to enter you no judas had to make the room for that kind of a failure so today we're looking at 20 reasons why many people fail in life and the first reason i have is the fact that people fail because they do things without a clearly defined purpose or focus in life they have no clearly different purpose they have no clearly defined focus you ask them why are you doing what you are doing they say i'm doing it because everybody is doing it they don't have a reason an undefined destination is the one you cannot arrive at why are you why are you in that profession why are you in that business why are you in what you are doing because if you do not define your destination you cannot arrive there you will arrive somewhere else if you do not define your destination the time of arrival also will not be fixed you will not be able to come into the purpose and how many people are vacillated wasted their time the man on the corner was selling drugs the girl on the corner was prostituting nobody destined her to be that nobody destined him to be a drug pusher he was a choice he made a decision he made a program that has no end a life that has no clarity will result in failure if people do not define where they are going and if you keep justifying where you are you keep saying nobody is helping me there's nothing i can do i just find myself in this situation wake up wake up and realize that you can move on with your life somebody say i'm moving on saved with some power i'm moving on during the week i was watching a young man on television he had spent 20 years in prison he was 11 by 11 he was already a criminal dad dad was never there mom they couldn't raise him she was also on drugs his grandmother was a tyrant so he found himself in some difficult situation and so he ended uh in the house of his uncle somewhere and it was a handful the uncle had to check him out at 11 he was already committing crime so they threw him in jail actually attempted mother at 11 and so they put him to 20 years in american system you wouldn't have to spend the 20 years but in this case he spent the full 20 years and he said actually the prison ended up becoming like a good place for him to live but his life changed when he met another prisoner in the same room who told him you are anywhere in life by the choices you make i'm here because of my choices i'm here because of my choices and the young man a black kid of course wants to be saying oh this color that color this one the red the pork and he told him well the people make wealthy decisions i mean the guy in the prison became a great preacher man wealthy people make wealthy decisions poor people make poor decisions they make decisions that don't make sense if somebody hearing me that don't make sense and they end up where they are you become you reach where you are because of an unclearly defined purpose of focus you need to find why am i here what am i doing why do i want to do what i want to do why some people you just find that and they talk to you with closed doors we had a young man around us recently and i said what do you want to study i said oh uh i'm entering university to study sounds i love sounds and i'm thinking like jesus man and next statements he makes it's obvious he does not want counseling so i keep my counseling the young man does not realize my hours are worth 3 000 pounds one hour that i give him will have been worth 3 000 pounds but he acted and spoke like this is what i want to do and i don't want anyone to counsel me no problem no problem so many fail and also because they are surrounded by opportunities but they did not see it may your eyes open i said may your eyes open may you see the purpose of god for your life and may you follow that purpose somebody shouted better amen because when you don't know your purpose you are likely to take on things they didn't send you to do when you don't know your purpose you are likely to waste your time on where god did not want you to be the second reason many people fail is because they are busy about other people's affairs they leave their own case they are busy their phone is full of gossip all they all their charts are other people's gossip or they are busy looking for some little story scandal rubbish about other people instead of them to face where they are going a good number of accidents on the road is when a man takes his eyes off the road and he's busy looking somewhere else he's busy looking somewhere else i can't forget the days always in my head i was somewhere around stratford and this young man he was abusive he was in this car and some lady and her children in the car a white lady none of the children in the car and this young black young man he begins to abuse her blah blah blah blah blah blah doing his fingers not praise the lord but the other kind of finger is not looking bang he hits the car and the woman is abusing she drives on nicely nicely i felt like coming out of the car and do some some dance that your own judgment was instant you you abused you you hurt this woman he was calling her names and he was feeling good because it's money to buy some forth hand jalopy you are not called to give account for other people's life seven corinthians 5 10 says for we must all appear before the judgment seat of christ that we may give account of what we have done in the flesh while i am responsible as pastor yet i will not stand before god for every individual for we must all all how many all appear before the judgments of christ that each one may give may receive the things done in the body according to what he has done whether good or bad stop you don't have to get involved in people's story in fact and if you're going to get involved you do the rotary test is it good is it necessary is it truthful and who will benefit from it that's the rotary test you want me to repeat it get the tip praise god get the dvd get the the message many are too involved in what's not their case they hear some story they're looking for somebody to they say give me the full gist i need a fool jesus as if they are going to make decisions of life based on what they will be told you're on a journey you will not fail you're on the journey you'll succeed your life will be blessed your life will arrive at the full purpose for which you were called shout amen too many people have gotten themselves engaged in other people's matters other people's matters only where you can are betrayed be a blessing help you stay away you stay away and often times when you think you have all the truth you may find you don't have all the truth you may find you only have the story they want you to know is someone hearing me the story they want you to know god wants you to succeed with your life he didn't plan for you to be a failure he didn't plan for you not to arrive at your purpose at your destination so i pray for you today may you arrive at purpose may you arrive at destination may you fulfill the reason why you were called why god made you in the name of jesus the third reason why many people fail in life is because they are indifferent in the face of opportunity they're just indifferent they're going to i just told you now by a young man he couldn't just care he was not he he had no questions written down to say man i have the opportunity to meet this person i'm gonna ask you a question how do i do this how do i do that can you please honestly give me a feedback do you think my choices are the best i wouldn't have rubbished his choice must have been something he liked but i would have let him know that in today's world don't pursue passion pursue problems don't pursue passion pursue problems nobody pays you before your passion i like i like chocolates who will pay you because you like chocolates they'll pay you for the problems you solve the telephone in your hand is is solving a communication problem isn't it the clothes you wear is solving a clothes i mean a a a dressing problem a fashion problem a young man came to see me during the week also i said what do you do he said i have laundrettes i remember when he came to the united kingdom i came to krcc like the second day broken having nothing but you know but now he has a laundry serving a whole community that is that is opportunity he noticed the area there is no laundry people are moving there he quickly fixed one he had one business money is coming to him i see opportunities opening for you so listen failure to seize the moment will make a man of failure when the when coca-cola was first uh patented and put together the man who patented coca-cola was knocking on doors to sell the shares at as cheap as one dollar a young man wrote the story how they knocked on the door of his house and his father chased the way the man selling the shares he said i wished of all the decisions of my father that he decided to buy the shares our life would not have been the same some of your own indifference in the face of opportunity it does not only keep you it keeps your children it keeps your children's children how many people have turned their back on opportunities and they have behaved like it is nothing an indifferent man gives excuses romans 12 11 says not lagging in diligence fervent in spirit serving the lord an indifferent man has an excuse oh no i can't go hunting today according to the book of proverbs why there is a lion out there there is a lion out there and somebody has an excuse how i am where i am today because of where i am because of you know i was a i was a little boy in primary school they taught us one of the dumbest me song on earth dumb very dumb they taught us a song to sing adam and eve you did me so adam and eve you did me so i go to school but i always fail adam and eve you did you did yourself [Applause] it was the dumbest song on earth so any kid who failed in that school will just have to sing that song adam and eve you did me so i go to school but i always fail and i'm an eve the devil is a liar but you know we cut we we graduate that same song into various facets of life wherever you are today and you are listening to me this message is not intended to condemn or make anybody feel less but for you to know that even in old age you can still do well you can still achieve you can still break ground you can still reach where god wants you to reach out somebody is listening today may you really prosper go forward break grounds and even the opportunities that are still around you may they open up to you shout a man with power the bible says he shall still bear fruit in old age wow he shall still bear fruit in old age caleb said to joshua his colleague when they were sent to spy canaan he was now 85. he said he said joshua please don't give me easy grounds give me those mountains was my strength was when we were first sent by moses so it is now may you be strengthened may you take territories may doors open for you god have already said that we are in the season of the covenant of testimonies may the lord give you unusual uncommon testimonies from places you do not even think of made doors open for you may testimony flow and fly in your direction in the mighty name of jesus may you operate under the canopy of an open heaven and open heaven and open heaven shout amen with fire [Applause] forth reason why many people do not succeed but they fail is because they have a destructive appetite a destructive appetite god told gideon to select soldiers he would go and fight the enemy the enemy were hundreds of thousands of soldiers on the first day gideon made a call 320 000 jews showed up god said there are too many god said there are too many and god gave two tests by the time god finishes one of the tests was a test of vigilance the test of vigilance somebody said vigilance it was a test of vigilance he said take them to the river let them drink water some of them the movement they saw thrust oh my god water oh jesus water they just put their head in the water they did not behave like the deer if you watch all of those david attenborough's geography channel videos on animals you notice that the deer does not drink with all its craziness his drinking is watching he's drinking he's watching some other animals are even smarter a mere cat will have two guard americas watching while the others are drinking you know they're guards they're animals but they have the instinct where you be the century for today those ones are watching moments i don't know if they whistle before you know all the americans have split before there's a splitting [Laughter] but you know when your appetite controls you it kills you when it controls you it kills you a good number of great men and women in the bible it was not the devil that killed them it was their appetite so the great great warriors that have conquered the world great kings were destroyed by maybe their sexual appetites they would just assign someone to them genghis khan conquered the whole of china mongolia and conquered up to europe up to russia all they did was assign a lady to him so that his appetite would take him down an uncontrolled arbiter can destroy your personal potential and uncontrollable will destroy a man's future it is not the big things that tend to conquer the powerful but the appetite they never controlled the bullet of the enemy is always looking for your achilles heel your weakness the place to take you down you will not go down the failure to discipline yourself can be the stepping stone to destruction paul said in first corinthians 9 27 and therefore bring my body on that subjection lest after i have preached to others i become a caste away a caste away what does that mean have you noticed you buy some things for their packaging beautiful packaging you buy you know your you buy your you if you use like uh all those tinned sardine nice packaging but when once you scoop out the siding do you keep the cans no no no that one isn't even as great if you love some nice perfumes like i do sometimes i have problem throwing away the bottle some bottles are maine the design that goes into some bottles you want the creativity but you have to throw it away before they begin are you okay you say my own gift is bottle collection how many know what i'm talking about i have problems i mean i have problem throwing away just about two weeks ago i opened where my perfumes are in africa and i saw 10 empty bottles of uh what's new so now oh it's going off my tent i said i'm sure the housekeeper must begin to think that something is wrong with my boss is keeping empty bottles i packed the whole thing and threw in the bin before the girl begins to think [Music] but you see castaway beautiful or castaway nice looking but castaway [Music] fantastically shaped but cast away cast away oh you will not be cast away you fulfill purpose you fulfill assignment you fulfill destiny shout amen with fire success is stopped in the future by the appetite uncontrolled in the present success is stopped in the future by appetite uncontrolled in the present acan was one of the men who was there when god warned that when you get to jericho don't touch anything in jericho jericho is the first fruit it is mine it belongs to me it is the tithe of all the cities i will give you i'll give you hundreds of cities i just need one don't touch what's there but his eyes wouldn't go off akan was a leader let's covetousness destroyed him i pray you will not be destroyed i declare again you will not be destroyed you'll fulfill purpose you'll fulfill achievement assignment you'll reach your destiny shout a massive amen the fifth reason many people are destroyed and they never succeed is uncontrolled childhood experiences when people fail when they they feel men many people feel when they have uncontrollable childhood experiences when you're born your mind is a taboola rasa nothing written on it the first five years psychologists tell us tend to influence how you are you live in the atmosphere where everything is forbidden forbidden forbidden forbidden forbidden forbidden you live that way unless when you come to christ somebody say i'm now in christ they say it powerfully i'm not in christ because the bible says if any man be in christ what is it therefore please please stop telling us that's the way i am that's where there is let the holy spirit transform you let him change stop blaming broken parents trying to raise good kids you can end up being a testimony it's someone hearing me this morning and i pray that will be your story i say again you'll be your story i said one more time you'll be your story [Applause] god doesn't want you to remain the way you were all childhood experiences should not keep you who raised you can stop your progress or help it but even if they did a bad job look yourself in the mirror and tell yourself that people those people i lived with they did not help me they did xyz but i'm grateful at least i'm alive now i'm in christ i will allow the holy spirit to do the work of transformation change my mind change my thinking change everything about me in the name of jesus shout amen [Applause] once you are born i mean a lot of parents a lot of us lived with restrictive people we lived in the atmosphere we were never hugged we were never told we were loved in fact we were given food like you would call your dog jack to come and eat we were treated like uh like a necessary evil but you don't remain that way you grow out of it now that you are in christ most murderers you see on the street that's the problem rapists there is an issue from childhood sexual deviance there's an issue from childhood but when you come to christ the only reason the reason the gospel is not a religion is that it has the power to transform if any man be in christ is what praise god new creation means brand new and then that's why the bible says and be not conformed to this one romans chapter 12 verse one and two but be not conformed to this world but be what transformed let the transformation happen your dad had issues in the way he raised you don't sit down and be blaming him all of your life outgrow it become a better person consciously do something your dad left you broke you make up your mind i'm blessing my children i'm blessing my children your dad left you unhappy make up your mind i'm gonna make sure my children are happy i'm gonna give them great memory make up your mind if jesus truly transforms i will be an example is somebody hearing me this morning too many people fail because they are busy you know they're going to sit down on psychology's couch they say i want to take you back back to your childhood when you're a judgment then they also you know they fool themselves they begin to cry yeah i'm not a child shut up get out of that couch and get real and get a lives [Applause] i told you to do this to look at your neighbor tell them get a life [Music] praise god man too many people busy blaming blaming that blaming mum of course i know and i am not belittling there are some parents that were either abusive or tolerated tolerated the kind of abuse you even read or hear and you are shivering shuddering you mean a person can do that if you are one of sword persons who have experienced that kind of i pray for the healing of the holy spirit that the power of god will so taught you transform your life and you will break out of those limitations shout a big ima [Applause] but listen don't let anyone give you a reason to stay in perpetual prison too many people on our streets while we're in prison they just are walking but they are in the prison prison of their childhood prison of the things they went through and they have not come out of it but listen what makes your life progressive what makes your life a blessing is when you decide i'm not gonna let my past decide my future i'm not gonna let my past hold me from fulfilling destiny may you fulfill your purpose fulfill your calling may the trauma of childhood not hold you down i see you lifted i see you blessed in the name of jesus the abuse you may have experienced shall end up being a stepping stone that poor negative environment of your upbringing shall turn around to become a blessing the limitation of the dreams of the people who raised you i declare and decree from today shall rather make you to shine i say it will make you shine in the name of jesus every word they spoke with which they were describing look at you you fool you stupid you idiot you did disease look at his mouth you know if you know my culture is a culture where they use your body and not told me to describe you your mouth is like the opening of a gun your head is like uh blah blah blah blah your eyes are like jesus man even your own parents forgetting that they are you are an extension of who they are they are an extension of who they are yet you know when i was a little kid i had a habit of leaving my mouth open don't look at me that way and my father will use it to describe me but you see i am an extension of mr shimola praise those things have a way of wanting to dent who you are but you know you can rise above it and become the most beautiful person on your inside i like you to scream i'm beautiful i know you're a man you're supposed to say i'm handsome but say beautiful please and this is not transgender right now somebody say i'm beautiful oh say it loud i'm beautiful put your hands together give god a praise this morning come on come on out of 20 the last one we consider this morning is that many people fail because of the fear of man many people fail because of the fear of man because of the female and there are so many kind of fears fear of what they will say fear of what they will do fear of what they will think fear of their opinions you know when are teaching world master class we teach them to access opm other people's money but there's something you must not access anymore opo other people's opinion people have an opinion about your shoe they have an opinion about your head you have an opinion about everything you must look yourself in the mirror and be glad with what you see once you are glad with what you see and you feel that god does not condemn you then rejoice some say rejoice you cannot cower before men and be bold before god your failure is inevitable if a man is the reason why you live the bible says not to put your trust in man in whose nostril his breath is too many people are worried about what others think it is a major deliverance to not allow yourself to be held by other people's thinking it's a major deliverance to not allow other people to hold you by what they say what they say what they say somebody will have to say something have you noticed sometimes people pass by you and you can see them whisper or when they're approaching their whisper and then when they come near you they change their face and they're smiling and they greet you well please don't meditate on what were they saying before they got to me or what were they whispering after they got to me that's their own problem it's not your issue somebody says it's not my issue or say louder it's not my issue because once you begin to meditate on the devil will give you 10 000 reasons and you may find that they were not even talking about the whispers it was not about you went to preaching portugal 1994 that's a long time about 27 years ago and one of the evenings i think the evening before my departure the pastor word invited me was with we were with another pastor and they were talking and raising their hand the portuguese and the and the italians forgive me they have the same style of talking santa parantha parantha parantha i was just hearing all kinds of you know quarantine cuatro patrol patrol i thought jesus i am safe i know where my ticket is and my passport at least i can get back home when they finish talking my my host who was the only one who was really good english said and what we were saying is that we would like you to come back again and i'm thinking and that's all they want to parantha parantha paranthas [Applause] do you know you have assumed about people when they had no evil concerning you someone shall forgive touch yourselves the lord forgive there are people who have never had any evil intention about you their whisper was not about you but you have been thinking oh it's about media talk even if it is about you give them more things to talk about change your hair style change your dress look better smell better praise the lord and anyone who cannot handle it let them suck a lemon that's their own problem man i'm saying praise god praise the lord stop being held down by the fear of man the pharaoh man that leads to freezing and making mistakes in the presence of men will stop you from succeeding you know my grandson is learning how to stand before viva speaks how do you do it to stand before large crowd and speak i said take a deep breath and don't look at their face look at their head they'll think you're looking at their eyes but you are looking at their forehead they say okay i'll try it i said try it on me you know from now on don't ever look down for anyone looking down when you are talking to people is a sign that you are afraid when you have a dog in front of you and the dog can't look at you and it's looking like it means it is scared by a dog that knows it is a dog looks at you dog man to dog that's a great anointing on your life never let anyone make you feel less that's a destiny to you that's the reason the enemy's been fighting you you were never pocket to fail you were called to succeed and look at me many of you don't even know you are already a success not only you your extension is a success your family is a success your children are a success your business is a success you are here today by the grace of god oh come on give god praise you know if my parents were alive i would have told hey you guys are a success because i couldn't have been here without you my mother was a success my dad was a success all those who combined to help me to raise me are a success because in my blessing i see them come on give god a praise this morning stand on your feet and shout i am a success i am blessed i am called by god called to achieve called to make a difference i refuse to fail i refuse to bow in the face of adversity i will fulfill destiny i fulfill my calling i will reach everything god called me to reach and be everything he called me to be in the mighty name of jesus lift your hand as a holy spirit i receive your power your grace your ability to be all that i should be to the glory of your name in the name of jesus father i pray today we thank you for your word we thank you for the entrance of your word which brings light and understanding to the simple continue to change our minds oh god continue to renew our spirit let your purpose stand in our life let your counsel stand in our life let your will be done in our life may we be a reflection of your glory a reflection of your kingdom a reflection of your purpose we refuse to fail in the name of jesus we will not fail we will not fail we will not fail we will not fail in the name of jesus everything we taught will succeed everything we talked will be blessed lord your name will be glorified in jesus name amen amen amen now give god the biggest praise this morning thank you jesus oh thank you jesus were you blessed this morning i said where you blessed praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord you may be seated in the presence of the lord you maybe see that in the presence of the lord this morning we're going to take the time we're going to celebrate our god worship him magnify him bless him with that which he has provided for us i'm going to give god all the praise god give god all the honor this day he's a good god he's an awesome god he's a great god he's a powerful god god of faithfulness without injustice when i worship him in the tithe i want to worship him with our seed we want to worship him with our offerings and worshiping with our commitments and i want to encourage you this morning yes last sunday we're raising offering for the missions i like you those of you who still feel you haven't committed or committed enough towards it please go ahead whenever you are giving right missions on it i want to support this want to see thousands of souls saved when i see people come to jesus i want to believe god that this time around as they are touched their lives will never be the same some of you are around the world and you are connected this morning please make sure you take the details on the screen and use it to give use it to give we're going to give to the lord right now after that we take the announcements and bring the service to a close let's give to the lord let's give to the lord let's give [Music] you make my life so beautiful oh you make my life so beautiful you make my life so beautiful you make my life so beautiful you make my life you make my life so beautiful you make my life so beautiful you make my life so beautiful you love to make my life so beautiful [Music] and as you are you have made me here on earth jesus unless you are you have made me here on earth [Music] jesus [Music] you jesus jesus we need all of you [Music] me [Music] [Applause] the smaller [Music] [Applause] [Music] stretch your hand towards the offering and confess look at me whenever we make confessions you must learn to really hold on to the word say we may lord as we bring our offerings we believe you for better jobs raise this bonuses finding money money finding us receiving increase incomes and royalties dividends inheritances checks in the mail gifts surprises real estates victories victories victories victories victories in the name of jesus lord we saw i see today believe in you as a god who never fails we thank you favor comes upon us bless the seed we sow prosper the hands that give let your anointing rest on them open the heavens upon them give them new seasons new testimonies new glories new breakthroughs in the name of jesus i pray for your church i'll say that we will use everything you give for wisdom to use everything to promote your kingdom to the glory of your name in the name of jesus shout amen you never see it i wanted to announce my brand new service to a close i'd like to encourage you about the two services today you will be blessed beyond measure beyond measure beyond measure beyond measure in the name of jesus this the next service the 11 a.m service which will be two services 11 a.m here in whole street and 11 a.m in prayer city and 11 a.m global also uh kovid have to redefine how we do services and i think it's a blessing now praise god 11 a.m service is about reaching your destiny reach in your destiny get into where god is taking you smoke is connected to the first service but it is more about reaching your destiny somebody say how we get there tell your neighbor i will get there in the name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus tonight is unique because we are connecting tonight with morning glow tonight we launch uh the days of miracles the days of miracles these are these are the days of elijah these are the days of miracles it's gonna be a miracle service and you're gonna learn how to hold on to god and believe in the miraculous these are the days of miracles the days of elijah the night is going to be a miracle service and from there we launch for some days it's going to judge the morning glow of miracles praise god i say i praise the lord let me encourage you again the 90 days of the covenant of testimony is supposed to be you that will learn to hold on to god and say god you cannot lie i trust you for my miracle and i believe god with you that god will give you uncommon testimonies unusual miracles doors will open for you strange strange strange terrific miracles will happen for you shout i receive glory to god i said glory to god having people already sending in their testimonies god stretching his hand and doing unusual things and you will be the next on the line i said you'll be the next on the line [Applause] we started on monday the 30th of august to really believe god for those for those covenant of testimonies so keep your eyes on god see it come to pass in your life in the name of jesus from the first sunday of october there are five sundays in october i want to take the bull by the horn and i want to be sharing every sunday i'd like you to invite your friends from the first sunday of october i like to be sharing messages on why i believe we live at the time when people have so many libertarian beliefs when people are beginning where is god how can you say there is god how can you say the bible is true well on sundays in october i'll be sharing with you why i believe in god why i believe in jesus why i believe god created the universe why i believe in the bible why i believe the absolutes of the word of god why i believe in the trinity praise god how many are looking forward to those kind of messages you need it to be able to answer your friends first peter chapter 3 verse 15 i think it is first peter 3 15 says you should be ready always to give an answer as to the hope that is in you sanctify the lord god in your hearts and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you with meekness and with fear so it's going to be a great time and people will be blessed you will be blessed you will stir up your confidence in god and he will stir up your desire to see the hand of god in the name of jesus praise god wednesday we have an adventure we're having experience with the holy spirit life in the spirit life in the spirit last wednesday we were blessed as i was teaching and what how many of you are right only one person was listening how many people listened to bible study last wednesday all right praise god we continue this witness day as we see the holy spirit all through the books of the bible i began to share with us the holy spirit in genesis and exodus in leviticus and numbers you see the holy spirit in every book of the bible and how to encounter his power in your life his power in your life amen i mean 25th saturday which is this saturday uh the royals have campus fire in other words all those uh cassie see who are on campuses there'll be a virtual fellowship this saturday campus fire will hold praise god again let me encourage you about mission support mission support mission support so that's it if you desire to be with them in bulgartanga the name of the place in ghana in uh november you can always call the church office put your name and details down but remember again you'll be responsible for your own ticket and you also with a thousand dollars and fifty a thousand and fifty five dollars they'll be able to take care of you their accommodation your local flight then there's a local flight from accra to a city near where we're going i'm back to a craft for you to fly back to the uk they take care of your feeding three meals there's no in-betweens you're going for a mission and if they only give you two meals you receive it with thanks praise god i'm gonna be there it's gonna be awesome you know i was trying to dodge and only be there two days they made sure i'm there from start to finish so it's going to be awesome awesome awesome awesome praise god we're going to play the norsak video of okay the hard work we did through noah's ark and i'll bring the service to a close [Music] and this morning our lovely volunteers have gone to the shop to buy the food stuff so we packaged some of them already which are in their room and i will take minutes to the families anyone out there who wants to volunteer with my wife to come on board and help us because there are a lot of work that needs to be done deliveries family schools around midway london as well okay so anyone that wants to come on board will be happy to have you to help us praise the lord many thank you for your support and your help with we do really appreciate it here thank you [Music] let's give god praise for that we pray for all those who continue to sow that the lord will bless you and prosper your hand i leave you today please stay on your feet i'll leave you today with psalm 63 verse 5 i will be fully satisfied as with the richest of foods with singing lips my mouth will praise you i speak into your life that this week the grace of the lord will be on your walks on the walks of your hands the labor of your hand will yield great harvest good result will follow you reward will follow you you will sing the praises of our god a new song will fill your mouth anyone who came to service today with a burdened heart will break victory in your life whatever challenge whatever battle you've seen in recent times we speak victory in the name of jesus we declare and decree a season of testimonies a season of healing a season of testimonies a season of healings in the name of jesus going to this week conquering going to this week victorious going to this week blessed going to this week lifted go into this week with testimonies in your mouth so shall it be in jesus name amen amen amen amen tonight's evening service is going to be awesome let's see you there make all efforts to be at the evening service today god bless you god bless you god bless you god bless [Music] [Music] bless the lord we're glad you watched today's service for prayer call 02085250 or text to share your testimony prayer works at prayer city see you next time
Channel: KICCOnline
Views: 3,343
Rating: 4.9322033 out of 5
Id: 8UM_m9bXHcE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 40sec (6280 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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