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and he's the lord lift one hand towards heaven father in heaven we give you praise this morning we may great your name we thank you for the word which we have just received we thank you for your servant bless us in this next session open your word change our minds our lives change our minds and our lives let your name be glorified jesus name amen you may be seated in the presence of the lord such a great joy to be here today and i trust that uh you will be impacted you will be blessed and your life will never be the same in jesus name um let me just take these books out of the way i've written 108 books and i write books that have to do with what can take you to the future this one is called 30 reasons why you should own your own company because you see you cannot inherit your father's position in the ministry of works but a company can continue as i was driving to come here as a building almost opposite they're turning into one egg and they wrote for a mobby house i know the family it's one mr adela adela who used to live in tokuma street and lagos island his company was inherited by his children your children can inherit your company that is how wealth is created wealth is not created through jobs i'm going to really so let me begin to hurt your feeling from the beginning now if you are a salaried person that is not where you are going to be a millionaire there is nobody in nigeria who earns 1 million dollars anyone you see who is demonstrating a life of more than one million dollars there's another way is making that money so but if you have your own company nobody can restrict you if somebody hearing me praise god the the greatest whip you are creating wealth today is through creativity three companies in the united states of america right now have a wealth base bigger than africa when this meeting is over you can always check it the gdp of the whole of africa is 3.2 trillion am i correct uh 3.2 trillion that the gdp of the whole of africa dollars whereas microsoft is worth 1 trillion amazon is what one trillion you just take two or three companies in america and they have the value of the whole of africa and when you look at those companies they have no products amazon does not produce anything they just they just carry things from one place to the other creativity is what will change people's lives many do not realize the future is in the hands of those who are creative there's nothing about facebook it's not a book it's not a face it's just a meeting point of people in this book i wrote intensely accept and explained how a creative dimension can change your life i remember sharing the content with bishop boy deborah before he i took i told him about the book and the content he said i need a copy right now i said okay i'll send it i forgot two days i kept getting calls from him i need that book so you need it for yourself too i'm telling you this one is about leadership marks of any irrepressible leader uh unique qualities of also possible leadership 35 marks the difference between europe africa america asia is in leadership every nation rises to the quality of their leaders if your leaders are poor you will perpetually be poor this is the power positive prayer bible i'm the only one on earth who have produced a prayer bible with 15 000 prayer points inside and 4 000 scriptures to go with it it will really transform your life how many are ready for this morning session let me see your honey if you are ready how many would like to be really really blessed let me see your hand how many would like to be blessed to the point of at least having a million dollars two million dollars three million dollars for ten all right put your hands down may i ask you to close your eyes how many i'm gonna take a survey before i start teaching if you have so all eyes closed if you have 10 million now raise your hand 20 million are raising hand 30 million naira raise your hand just keep it raised all eyes closed all eyes closed 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 one million [Music] two three four million five million six all right you can open your eyes i'll be myself because uh i run a whole money master class in the united kingdom you can check it out people are also on my platform from nigeria they pay a lot of money every month the things i teach there i'm just going to share with you what we do in our free webinar we have a paid webinar let me start from the challenge in the body of christ when i took the survey just now it shows very clearly that the summit on finance is needed in this church it is needed in our church it is needed in all the churches because you see money answered all things that is the truth you need money to be able to make a difference money bought this place so there are 300 scriptures in the bible on prayer how many did i say 300 on prayer but there are 2 350 scriptures on finance 2 350. on finance jesus spoke 37 parables 23 of the parables of jesus had to do with finance 23 over 37 times 100 over one equals to 61 [Music] 61 of the parables of jesus had to do with finance and yet you find that even when we i still remember when i went to bible school they'll train you and they make you feel like you are guilty to challenge people to give to the lord when i talk today about becoming a millionaire i might not talk about uh giving to the church it might be one of the points i make at some point but i want you to capture what where i'm trying to go 61 of the parables of jesus are on finance so what's finance important to jesus of course but you find that when you begin to challenge people to see to change their mind they don't understand they love what the colonial masters have created in nigeria they created a job mentality job mentality that's why 5 am on the way to vi the roads are jammed on the way to the island the roads are jammed is it not so [Music] then from triton from 3pm to come back to the mainland the roads are jumped the same rat race every day the same rat race every day the same rat race every day because the colonial masters when they came to africa they didn't come to create wealth they came to raise a civil service that would serve them and they did that very well so they created the mindset of job people our schools were to create people who know how to find jobs and a job only keeps you job just over broke i told you it's going to be rough and i've not even started yet so if you want to create wealth you have to realize you have to come to the point where you realize that you need your own vehicle for the creation of wealth somebody say my own vehicle or please say louder my own vehicle so sixty-one percent of the parables of jesus had to do with finance tell me some of the parables you know [Applause] i can't hear you please huh parable of the talent talent in the bible is not the ability to sing it's not the ability to dance ah am i any talent the talent there was a gold was like a gold bar a gold bar you know they will they will they will melt gold i make a bar of one kilo one kilo of gold right now that this money's value is 34 000 so when jesus said a man was given five talents three two talents one talent the talent in the day of jesus today's value is 527 thousand dollars so the man who was given one talent was given half a million dollars the one was given two talent was given one million dollars how many can manage a business without a million dollars let me see on you are not raising your hand who decorated you ah let me even tell you quickly a principle of business too much to start with is not the best even they lead you to start with his best because it keeps you on your cutting edge so when jesus talked about talent what those people were given were serious money exactly the amount that was given to alico dangote it was given half a million dollars by his uncle that was what was given to those men the one who had one talent and buried it he didn't say because he was inadequate he said because he didn't want to spend his time and to be working hard for one man so so many of the parables of jesus had to do with finance another parable the parable of the lost coin luke chapter 15 has three parables there lost silver lost son lost sheep sss lost silver lost son lost sheep the lost silver was the woman's dowry she kept looking for it because she knew that without it in hebrew culture they pasted the dowry on their head me they pasted it on their head and the thing fell the lost son was the prodigal son who collected his his uh inheritance before the father died whereas the will of the testator does not come into effect until he tested or dies the lost sheep is the story of a man who left his capital to go and look for his prophet he had 99 sheep the one the one lost was his prophet if he doesn't look for it then he is at a loss so the bible is full of [Music] all through the scriptures all the parables of jesus had to do with finance and one more then i began my teaching huh the parable of the soul fantastic shows you investment many people it isn't that many have not gone through their hand but they don't know where to put it either that they are throwing it by the roadside heavy parties in spite of covid particularly the yogurts they will still hold parts they'll throw the seed by the roadside and then some people in business they throw the seed among the thorns that choked it and some again would throw the seed on hard ground businesses that have no evidence that they can do well so listen the scripture is so full two thousand three fifty scriptures have to do with finance it is the desire of god to prosper you to increase you and unless you come to that place where you begin to change your thinking even when i finish today there is a limit to what i can do the number one thing that must change is your thought pattern your thoughts and your talk your thoughts and your talk if you don't change your thinking and you're talking no one can make you wealthy but when you begin to change your thinking and change your talking then your wealth can come but you meet christians nigerians i just want to make everyone as if it was money that would make a man not to make heaven your thinking and your thoughts because as a man thinks so is he your thought has capacity to limit your life or to increase your life your thought has capacity to shut you down or to blow you up then your talk if you learn the power of talking right and talk yourself into prospering then things can change many believers will hear teaching on prospering but they do not realize that unless i begin to wash my head my mind wash away all the kind of things that were said into my life when i was young by my father and the people around me who accepted poverty we have statements that justify poverty that's why we're saying change your thoughts statements like money does not grow on trees who told you it depends on which tree you are referring to statements like remember the son of who you are if you don't change your thoughts and if you don't change your talk you can't come into wealth creation so this morning i want you to realize that god wants you to prosper but before you can there are foundations you have to live for yourself when you lay those foundations you can then increase in wealth i'm going to share as much many as i can in the next 40 minutes number one develop the right perspective on wealth what's your opinion about wealth the right perspective on wealth what do i mean by the right perspective on wealth you left church found yourself on the corridor road as you were standing two cars collided one broken down small volkswagon beach have just collided with a bentley and the bentley was damaged when you looked at it how did you feel did you feel that good for him all this all this money misroad striving abruptly in these legos that is your attitude to wealth i was at abuja to preach in january i was picked up from the airport in a bentley mulsanne as one of my dream cars i like belt limousine and the rolls-royce phantom i'm not going to drive any other rules for us except phantom yeah to learn as we were driving we got to a point and look at that man was passing by and he said something like 419 that's his attitude to wealth that's the problem until you begin to change your attitude to wealth it's impossible for wealth to flow to you because money is currency and it goes where it is respected it is currency it flows it has a flow it is like a water current that's why it is called currency so it's flowing to some people and it's flowing away from sun there are some people even when they don't leave home it's still flowing to them so he sees us inadvertently and the next thing is 4-1-9 you must have the right attitude to wealth what is the right attitude to wealth for the believer 7 corinthians 8 9 2 corinthians 9 8 consider ye the grace of the lord jesus christ how that he was so very rich yet he became so very poor that through his poverty he might be rich and god is able to make all grace abound unto you and that you having all sufficiency in all things will abound onto all good works job 36 11 if they obey and serve him they will live their years in pleasure and their days in prosperity isaiah 119 if you are willing and obedient you will eat the best of the land so your attitude your wealth and your perspective on wealth must change you must see that wealth is good i like you to scream wealth is good oh i want you to say one more time wealth is good the day is going to come when members of this church just one will buy this kind of building for hcc shout a man with fire wealth only goes bad when it is wealth without a mission did you hear me when it is wealth without a mission wealth must always have four missions mission number one must be to meet the need of your family mission number two must be to serve the lord mission number three must be to touch your world mission number four must be to make your own life good to make your own life good whoever says money is evil he has not had money so the first one is to have the right perspective on money the second one is to make your service count if you want wealth to flow to you what kind of service are you offering if you don't have a business and a service that counts nobody is going to come to you what do i mean by making your service count i'm saying do something do a business with people want to do business with you and you make your service count if you are selling if you are selling bananas make it the best banana selling shop although you can't become a millionaire by selling bananas let me just see how much of all these principles that you share with you i will okay listen the difference between people who do business and those eventually becoming millennials is that millionaires multiply themselves you can't be a hairdresser and be a millionaire the only way you can be a millionaire is to have 50 shops in lagos where you are doing hairdressing and each one of them is coming back to you every day with 20 000 naira in each of those 50 shops 20 20 000 naira times 50 shops how much is that one million error every day but you see this one is they are speaking into a rep rocotoropo and they are doing hair in one place and they are wondering why am i not breaking through it is called it is called [Music] i just don't know how many of the principles to share in this 45 minutes that's why i'm just all over the place so you've got don't forget that the reason many never become millionaires because there are four kinds of people in lagos for the poor the middle class the rich and the wealthy four kinds of people the poor the middle class the rich and the wealthy the poor [Music] once in a while encounter money middle class they have an education a nice car and accommodation and they feel like they have arrived and they don't realize they just have a middle class life the reason many families who create wealth lose it is that the man who worked hard to create the wealth raised middle class children sends them to harvard oxford cambridge those ones now came speaking like parrots but cannot run anything so they have a middle class life am i making sense to you you are so quiet so there are four kinds of people in lagos the poor [Music] how do you rate poverty poverty is if you cannot survive 90 days without a salary you are poor it doesn't matter how much you earn if you lose your job today and you can survive three months you are poor and the bible even has three greats poor poorer forest bible says one man came and invaded israel and carried people away then he left the borders anyone in liability so there's the poor then there's the middle class the middle class a good chunk of people who live like i do in leckie are middle class and they don't realize that they are not wealthy [Music] all they have is the car some professional job they are either renting or okay let's say even if they own a house but they are middle class then the third is the rich the rich person truly has made money is probably worth more than a million dollars but he likes to show it [Music] he likes to show it wealthy people who are really wealthy unless you know them closely or you see the impact of what they are doing they are not the one to wear designer things per se whenever i want to fly whenever i want to fly i'm always observing when we're at the boarding gate the guys who are carrying all manners of louis vuitton all kinds of names when they they begin to call us to come in as economy long whoa [Music] i expect to meet them in first class i fly first class i'm expecting to meet them there i don't see them because they want to show that they are rich but the wealthy don't of necessity do that are you getting something i said are you getting something so listen god wants you to be wealthy psalm 66 12 [Music] says you've caused men to ride over our heads we've been through fire and through water but you brought us out and into a wealthy place i like you to scream wealthy place [Music] say loud a wealthy place say one more time wealthy place if i don't go very fine what i teach today because i just i'm saying in my head hey what do i teach these people let me just quickly tell you a wealthy place requires a vehicle to take you there help me to put deuteronomy 20 8 from verse 5 to 12 on the screen deuteronomy 28 verse 5 to 12 on the screen you need a vehicle to take you to the wealthy place bless you your bus could be somebody say basket okay go down go on go on i'm blessed shall that be when the comments will go to verse eight verse eight verse eight [Music] for your storehouse okay now leave us eight there the lord shall command the blessing upon thee in the storehouses and in all that thou settle thine hand unto do and she shall bless thee in the land which the lord that god giveth thee there's also another place where it says you bless your hand the work of your hand i don't know which verse one of the verses says you bless the work of your hand so i want you to take notes in deuteronomy 28 there are three vehicles work of hand basket store house walk of hand basket store house work of hand is salary and that's all it just fills your hands basket is small business sme small and medium enterprise store house deuteronomy 28 verse 8 is when you are now hiring 50 people 100 people that is a storehouse business so if you want to get to the wealthy place you need to have your vehicle that will take you there the lord shall open unto thee is good treasure they haven't to give the reign on to give rain unto thy land any season and to bless all the work of thine hand all right so this one talks of hands and that's the problem like i told you the colonial masters taught us to join the people who walked hand and before they came our people were business people all be it limited if we hunter it reminds me of that's what he did and you have to buy from him the man's a farmer you had to buy from him whatever he did was his but then they took away the business capacity and listen listen there is no ceo of a nigerian bank on a salary of a million dollars none of course they will get through shares and dividends that will qualify them to say okay they get that much but in salary there is no we must not even talk of public service the official salary of the president general republic of nigeria's 1 million and 26 26 000 naira 1 million and 26 000 era so work of hand is limited the next thing is basket someone say basket listen to me until you have your own business god cannot transfer to you all that he has been keeping for you until you have your own medium for receiving it you need to have your own basket your own business then after you started your basket you need to now move to the level where you have a storehouse level storehouse level is when you begin to hire other people hire other staff [Music] when you enter that level things begin to change [Music] so in order for you to really prosper work in financial dimension to the which god wants you to walk number one you must dream great dreams what's your dream dream great dreams what is your dream what is your dream have a one-year dream a two-year dream a three-year dream a five-year dream a dream of what you want to achieve a dream of the kind of finance you want to have part of my dream was that when my sons would get married to give them a house each and i fulfilled my dream [Music] i married him to a boys quarter as an assistant pastor in shomolu foursquare the church said the guy will pay fully for the boy's quarter [Music] 130 naira they couldn't pay that was money in the account but they want to they don't want to pay they paid 100. so i prayed that i will give my sons a house and my new vision and which i'm carrying out is being responsible for the education of my grandchildren to master's level so even the one that is just one plus now going to a very private place school 1 500 pounds a month i'm the one paying for all four grand it's not an entitlement to my sons that's the problem of this generation the feeling of i'm entitled it is rather a dream of a man who believes in proverbs 13 22 a righteous man leaves an inheritance for his children's children but you see please connect all i'm saying today you can't leave an inheritance for your children's children if you are doing work of hand alone so everyone was here and i see a lot of young faces get your side hustle don't resign from your work but get your side hustle start something on the side so we're getting as you were going home yesterday i saw something a young man on the road that would eventually lead to my estate put on a tie and it's holding three packs of fruit salad to sell i think it must have just occurred to him if people see me properly dressed they know that i'm responsible it's just that i want to do something so if you want to make an impact you cannot but have a great dream number two find a problem to solve many years ago i used to teach that you should follow your passion i have since corrected myself don't follow passion follow problem don't follow your passion find a problem and solve microsoft is solving a computer problem facebook is solving a a relationship problem amazon is solving a logistics problem if you look around nigeria there are a thousand and one problems which you can solve which you can answer which you can either you and a couple of friends can come together but then if you are coming together with a couple of friends never do anything word of mouth must be clearly written must be proper and it must be legal and it must be contractual uh when i say contractor okay one of the books there the book on perpetuating wealth that i wrote 10 things that make a an agreement legal i cover every area when it comes to world creation you need to find a problem find a problem many years ago in these lagos we all drank water from the top so three friends started the first bottle bottled water what was the name ragolis r a standings for russia rhg standings were rashid badamosi and then his friends at the olis yeah three men they solved their problem they saw that it has been done abroad so they brought it here today everyone is of course every time you start something new nigerians will copy they will copy it right back but find a problem and so that is where your wealth ex that's where your wealth is that's where your wealth is stop saying i studied i have a degree it is not in nigeria alone anymore in the uk now a thousand degree olders are pursuing one job so don't you ever think it's only africa find a problem and solve find a problem and solve that i'm giving you the practicals of wealth creation now i could shout and pour oil on you and go but the reason the church continues to struggle is that the principles that lead to wealth many have disconnected they say but i bring my tithe your tithe is not the source of your wealth but it is your access gate you want me to prove it put malachi 310 on the screen your tithe is your access gate to your wealth malachi 310 help me to put it on the on the screen bring all the tires into the storehouse that there may be food in my house prove me now and see here we said the lord of hosts if i would not open the windows of heaven and pour you out what huh no no no why a a blessing an idea a window a creative idea so god does not drop money on you because you tithe it after i bring my tithe i should wait for a creative idea a blessing he said i will open in fact king james windows of heaven there the world there's no windows of heavens floodgates a flood gate is used to lock out water we have it on the river thames in london because the east of london is below sea level sometimes they lock it when the sea rises because it can flood east london so god is saying i will flood your life with abundance but the abundance i'm going to flood your life with is a blessing a blessing a window a creative idea a a connection and many have been given connections but they didn't know how to use it follow a problem and solve it follow a problem and solve it number three find your unique gift what's your gift what's your ability find your unique gifting find and develop your unique gift find and develop your unique gifts find and develop your unique gift find it develop it because your future is in the gifting that god has placed in you to one he gave five talents each according to his ability find your unique gift the skill in which you are trained the natural ability and inbound traits you have the supernatural gift of the holy spirit do not spend your life in what you are not good at look at what look at your life and check what got you the most result that's where your gift area is find your unique gift and develop it and after you've developed your unique gift begin your business then when you begin your business i've just told you how to really break into the millions open multiple sites multiply your time if you don't multiply your time you can never really enter the realms of abundance you have to multiply your time you have to have several places running at the same time are you getting something i said are you getting something number four see yourself as self-employed see yourself as self-employed unless you reach the place where you understand that my own business my own vision it's what will work for me you may not be able to break into the realm of finance you desire see yourself as self-employed even now when you are working for someone think of of the company like yours put your strength in it help them while they are while you are working for this man put all your strength because when you now face your own the way you behaved here is the way you will behave in your own if you are faithful in another man's thing you'll be faithful in your own many years ago my father-in-law used to be a furniture maker along with pastoring before he came full time and he would train men he had one guy who came to learn to be a furniture maker but this guy when other apprentices are working hard we never do anything other apprentices would challenge him i said but you're not doing anything you say i'm reserving my energy for when i start my own business up to now is still in reserve because if you are not faithful in another man's thing you can't be faithful in yours behave like you are self-employed commit yourself with short strength number five commit to excellence be good at something all successful people you know commit to excellence commit to excellence every successful person you know they commit to excellence number six obey the law of demand obey the law of demand is your idea being demanded for is your vision being demanded for don't write a book nobody wants to read don't start a business nobody wants to engage in i know jam wastes people's time and makes people go story what they don't want but if it's possible don't throw yourself into what does not have an atmosphere of demand you see this one what did you read the business administration another business administration they don't understand the business itself let alone administer it so many are just going because they need to have a degree they need to say i finished in a university obey the law of demand obey the law of demand in such a way that it is something that people need now number seven have an automated and repeatable system have an automated and repeatable system what is automated and repeatable system automated and repeatable system means that what i was saying earlier where the person who opened the hairdresser's place the same i think is being repeated in all the shops in all the shops in all the shops 50 shops they were doing so many hair and on from each shop the person is expecting at least 20 000. so the repeatable and automated system creates the atmosphere for wealth number eight apply the principle of leverage l-e-v-e-l-a-g-e apply the principle of leverage allow you to say leverage please say it one more time leverage apply the principle of leverage you cannot create wealth if you do not know how to leverage what is leverage inside every car outside there there's possibly a jack to lift the car when the tire goes bad how big is the jack compared to the car very small how come it can live to the car because inside the jack two thousand years ago a philosopher called esop discovered the liver which is the for the one that is external called liver or leverage he discovered the liver and it became something being used so that a small thing lifts a big thing if you want to create wealth listen you must be ready for leverage and by leverage i mean opm opk opc not too dwell opm is other people's money how many of you have money in a savings account i'm a savings account how many of you have money savings accounts i can't guarantee you they don't give you more than one percent or less the bank is shaving you [Music] how much are they giving it out in loans between 15 and 18. so they gave you one percent and they gave it out at what 15. but you know people still borrow it opm many people talk of gangote's wealth but they don't realize that dangote uses opm all that people's money he's using your money he's exposed to all the banks in nigeria i am very sure every day those banks are praying don't go to about the lower level because if he goes down they will go down he owes all of them he knows how to do business there is a challenge in the church our pastors tell us not to borrow we need to know which one we should not borrow and which one we should borrow never borrow to make your life look nice that is bad debt oh no man anything but love proverbs 22 verse 7 the rich rule over the poor borrowers are servants of lenders that is the kind of borrowing you must not get into don't get into borrowing that makes you a servant to the lender but there is the one if they gave you i mean julius burger did this he could do road the first time it was done how many of you knew that i was jealous but guy who did it i was a student in the kuru bible school and i have to follow this route whenever i came to town so i knew it was julia's background in this road that time julius burger will not put their penny down they'll collect money from a bank that's how big businesses do their work where you have the cash to do it fine but dilution is necessary for expansion dilution is necessary for expansion i have a 10 15 more 10 12 more minutes so listen you need to use other people's money other people's money don't go and borrow for nothing sick but borrow when you want to carry out a project don't say and they taught us not to borrow you will not be able to carry out a major project you'll not be able to carry out a major vision of your life you might need it to be able to do something it's one of my companies i have a few companies about 10. one of my companies is about to build 32 apartments in lucky we're going to borrow 40 percent of the cost of building and raise the remaining in sailing and selling the the apartments before they are built during built during being built and after in other words what you are doing is you are using leverage you could have struggled you could have laid the foundation be waiting for years but other people's money their opc other people's credibility don't misuse it but use it if you know somebody who can endorse you someone who can help you someone can push you up connect with them make them your mentor make them your financial mentor your financial advisor have different kinds of mentors have financial mentor have spiritual mentor have mentors in the area where you want to pro you want to prosper you need opc other people's credibility you need opk other people's knowledge other people's knowledge you need it there are about there are about seven of those o peace i can't give all of them to you now number nine create multiple streams create multiple streams in the book of genesis genesis i believe chapter one the bible says the river that came out of genesis out of eden broke into fall and flowed in four directions to water the land why will god create four rivers for one garden where only adam and eve are still living there that show that shows you multiple streams four streams if they can find that verse for me i'll be glad four streams flowed out of eden but many of us are living on one stream salary that's why we cannot afford to lose the job whereas when you have four streams it means if one is not flowing well the second is flowing and the river went out of eden to water the garden and from thence it was parted and became into four heads next verse the name of the first is pi's son that is which compasses the whole land of avila where there is gold this one python means free flow every month it is just free-flowing every month flowing next one go on the next verse please the next verse and the name of the second river is guy horn this one means sweet water sweet river there should be an income in your life which is is it quiet you know you are eating the thing the people don't know money is coming to you from this area this is the second river third river and the name of the the name the same compass the whole land of ethiopia and the name of the third river is hidden here that is like an arrow wrap it like an arrow wrap it like an arrow non-stop hitting the target that kind of flavor is coming to your house that kind of income is coming to your life that kind of breakthrough is coming to your life so this third one here the care repeat like an arrow you've seen those kind of river they'll be shooting it's moving rapidly like an arrow the fourth river is the river euphrates the word euphrates is the same word as fares all many many to kill faires means breakthrough so the fourth river in your life should be the river breakthrough money breakthrough kind of money that when it arrives like this even your neighbors know that something has happened to you the music changes your attitude changes four rivers if you don't have four rivers you just struggle that's the truth and guess what dangote has 63 rivers [Music] there are 63 63 companies but believe us we're all busy just speaking in tongues we do not realize that god has created a platform you have to do something to make it flow to you forevers so you need to create multiple streams i'd like you to say multiple streams say it one more time multiple streams say loud are multiple streams please when a person is teaching on finance like this there's never enough time so what i'm trying to let you know is that it's great you have a job you're able to put food on your table but your life is bigger than that and if anybody else you watch do you want to be wealthy tell them you do more good with wealth you can never do any good with poverty i told stories here yesterday of uncles who would not help me when i was young and today i grab all their grandchildren send them to university not just them pastor talked about coming to meet me on the golf course here in the kenja golf was playing off one day and the girl was helping us pull our bags spoke very good english and atta you speak very well what are you doing why are you here doing caddy job she said i've tried jump five times and i have not had admission i just sent her to ghana pay her university fees four years her mom is a cleaner at the airport her father is important the family is in disarray the guy will be graduating this july [Applause] the second one her mom sells rice to the people at the university at the golf course she came to me and i want to go to polytechnic i sent her when she finished on d i didn't even i said is that what you want when she finished you ending she came back her friends wendy and to go on do hnd what do you want to do hmd nigeria has an attitude towards hnd why don't you do university she said i just called my son in ghana who has a university this guy did uh hospitality and hotel management and that's why you offer your school say yes she can come straight away she went she entered 200 levels there i'm paying her school fee i don't know i don't even know i think my dad may have died a long time i don't know her siblings i met her mum once one of the women the woman who sells rice to the people there you do more good you do more good you touch lives you bring dignity to people not just yourself one of my cousins passed on i practically adopted her daughter and her son picked that daughter out of all those men around the place you know meron [Music] send her to lao tech made her live alone in our own room everything in fact they were voting out the most sophisticated girl on campus as she finished send her to university of bedford paid 34 000 pounds to see her through a master's degree broke cannot do that whereas her grandfather mocked my father my father picked the pod of cooler notes when he went on holiday as a soldier when he was on leave and he picked the pod of colors oh god blesses you you're able to touch lives you're able to make impact i can't begin to recount catalogues of how many people to university i just can't recount if i went our university took off in audience kings university belonging to kscc the first year was 100 scholarship and 40 of it was me and my wife paying for other people's kids journalists will never see that they unless they only abuse churches i'm about to close so remember create that platform then find something that multiplies your money real estate multiplies money creating a good business multiplies money and if you understand the stocks and shares can multiply your money but if i were you i'll look at real estate in lagos don't let almonilla discourage you there is wealth to be made in nigeria there's wealth to be made in lagos in case you don't realize what i taught you today i practiced when i was a young man at the age of 14 i started selling for other people so when i was a young pastor when i lived in the place i told you at the age of 27 i built my first house how did i build it as a bachelor pastor this particular spot where we are in is part of my story there used to be a union bank outside there i don't know if it's still there that's where i bought my first bta basic travel allowance they will give you 560 pounds if you bring 500 naira nara was so powerful i was given 560 pounds i went to england and then i went to italy bought musical instruments next door here used to be the cross bookstore i don't know if they are still there no longer there i will leave the musical instruments there and i will sell i'll give them a token for my space where i was keeping my instruments i'll bring drum sets i bring guitars i bring keyboards i built the first house i saved money to go to canada to do my masters when foursquare now said go to england to pass off for us i took the money to england but still kept buying musical instruments to nigeria kept by musical instruments as the musical instrument was doing well reverend chris jordan i will never forget him christ chapel dropped the seed in my spirit it was the days of abacha or babangida not sure but you cannot carry currency out of nigeria so this man said why don't you bring books into nigeria for us we can't find christian books that's how i started matisse in media i don't know if anyone ever knew of mattis in media used to be the biggest bookstore christian in nigeria we were on djibou where kennedy lichuku is now and we were also on ireland we became representatives of 30 publishers in america 30 publishers you wanted their books they'll tell you go and meet mates and media god kept giving me different streams as the money from the books came i didn't know what to do that's how somebody told me or someone wants to sell land the movie will you buy i said yes what's available they said 30 acres i bought 30 acres then i went back and bought another 200. then i went back and bought another 411. then i went back until i bought 900 acres don't be jealous say praise god [Applause] can you see the chain link in my various streams my very strengths i learned when i was a young man i first went to csc before i went to foster and i saw how ministers were not properly paid so i made up my mind i have a calling but i run my business because i knew i have an anointing for business god has prospered my hands and has prospered what i have done uh i only refer to the maui and there are others but see you need a vehicle real estate is a very good don't tell me about pastor i don't have much pay off your debt first one two yeah i have mocked savings account but if that's all you can find put your money there three once you find a people who are selling land even if it is far but it has good documentation by in property properties like five fingers finger number one is documentation if document is not good don't touch because if you go to court the court recognizes documentation first occupation second if you are in occupation of the land you have a second upper hand three development if you have done even if it's fencing you did you have document you occupied you developed ah you have a voice so even if it's one plot you want to know why when i was a young pastor there we were the ones who bought land for four square koka three thousand naira we were the ones who bought land for four square in solo one thousand naira and we bought two plots near uh what's the name of the area now a palace ago palace there are now plus 400 million in algo palace don't tell yourself ah it's difficult yeah i used to think that way when i was a young pastor there somebody asked me if i wanted a plot in okwebi that i was 500 naira i couldn't afford it but i went back and bought for 10 million did you ever visit me my house in norway okay and then i sold i think it's the land the guy bought not the house i sold it for 150 million i built a house on it the guy bought it and broke down the house so it must be the land he wants about the 10 million built for 55 equals to 65 sold it for 150. yes you are taught to be profitable how many of you are ready to really be profitable listen look at me you are going to so prosper and you are going to do well i just told you now somebody who really that union bank the reason i remember it was that they were not processing my my bt no first bt i ever bought was national bank marina i don't think national bank exists anymore it was national bank marina first one 1978 43 years ago was my first bta my second bta was this union bank they were not processing it on time i had a savings account and they'd had no respect for savings account in those days so when i was screaming you are not processing my basic traveler now sometimes one woman answered that one from my desk what kind of account do you have here i said i have a savings account she said you have no account my son that was the day i made up my mind i must be blessed i shall be wealthy so listen i see your story change praise the lord everybody
Channel: Zion Television
Views: 25,568
Rating: 4.7941833 out of 5
Keywords: Sinach live 2021, sinach joseph, sinach live concert 2021, sinach concert, sinach 2021 concert, poju oyuemade, Pastor E A Adeboye, David Oyedepo, Paul Adefarasin, Ifeanyi Adefarasin, HOTR, RCCG, Covenant Nation, Elevation Church, Living Faith Church, Winners Chapel, Bishop David Abioye, Bishop David Oyedepo, Paul Enenche, Matthew Ashimolowo, Dunamis, KICC
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 33sec (4353 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 18 2021
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