KICC 12pm Service | Step into Your Significance | 05-07-2020

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how many of you I excited our up to over three and a half months I wanted to just worship God in your own words just lift your hands and bless the Lord I Arabic I thought a lot about it oh Jesus we magnify you we thank you what a privilege what a what a horror to be able to be alive to be in your presence bless us in the service today hallelujah in Jesus name Heavenly Father we give all the glory the horner - praise to you thank you for preserving us for keeping us at a time like this we thank you for upholding your word in our lives let the service bless us that your Holy Spirit moving our midst touch our lives let your words he'll deliver set free let it set the motion for great things to come we praise you we thank you you will exceed our prayer Jesus name I'm gonna put y'all together one more time come on give God a brace [Applause] thank you Jesus thank you Lord Jesus please so good to see your face after preaching to empty tears for like 14 Sunday's today we can see your face and I can also wait on the next Sunday where we'll have many more faces come on give God praise they're alive you're here God kept you by his mighty power it is the Lord's doing and it's marvelous in our sight amen and because of the season in which we are the times in which we are the Lord laid a message to share with you I started it in the first service the Book of Ruth chapter 3 verse 1 to 5 Ruth chapter 3 verse 1 to 5 then Naomi her mother-in-law said to her my daughter shall I not seek security for you that it may be well with you now boys whose young woman you were with is he not a relative in fact is we know in Bali tonight at the threshing floor therefore wash yourself and anoint yourself put on your best garment go down to the threshing floor but do not make yourself known to the man until he's finished eating and drinking then he shall be when he lies down that you should notice the place where he is and you should go in uncover his feet lie down and he will tell you what you should do she said to her all that you say to me I will do may God bless his word this morning I started the first service sharing with us on they need for you to step into your significance you've got to you see many people don't know when their season of significance comes because great things don't announce themselves sometimes they come in the clothes of adversity battles and challenges the season for for for the young lady called Ruth came at a time when number one there was farming in the whole world there was a great farming Muslim one that practically shook the whole of Israel many of the people went to other nations but they went to mob really was supposed to move to mob but they moved to mob and haven't moved there not long after they got there husband dies father in the dice I brought her in the dice the guys came to the place I married the ladies in the land and all this tragedy came upon them so Ruth is surrounded by all kinds of tragedies a lost husband brother-in-law father-in-law and her mother-in-law said hey young lady I have nothing young ladies rather Hebrew scholars not the Bible believed that actually Ruth and Orpah are sisters and that there are princesses so mother-in-law announces that she is going back to our hometown she's doing a change of name to bitterness can you believe that while OPA chose to stay ruth decided to follow the woman somehow it was like she knew she was stepping into significance they get to the country she goes out to look for food and actually by the leading of god and solving the form of a man called boris the mother and the soy does a step towards significance you also need to know when at a time like what's going on in the world if God is actually getting you ready for something also a sec needs to know we need to know what God is leading us in I cannot forget the day as I was leaving I forgot to come back to London because I knew were coming in to shut a lock down and I didn't want to be locked down in Africana that to be where my treasure is my family and I needed to be where my second treasure is KRC see so as I was about to step into the house I heard God clearly to run the morning prayer even though it had been a challenge for me physically but to see the consequence the impact you know four thousand people wake up 6:00 in the morning to join and then you have another 17,000 during the day who also go back to replay lazy people you know that's awesome we've never called a prayer meeting you have 21,000 people so you've got to know your seasons of God causing you to step into something significant and I'll come to you this morning and I challenge you number one you must you must know what you are after if you want to step into your significance know what you're after have a target don't stay with the wrong people know what you are after that's number one don't stay with the wrong people if you know what you're after forget the past people past places past things if you know what you're after and stop procrastinating start taking advantage that season the moment carpe diem seize the moment enjoy the moment don't put up what you should know what you are after I saw you because you see if you begin to think wrong you go wrong some people don't recognize a season in which we are something that can shut down the world and then finally reopen must mean that you need to relaunch your life some people just I just get excited excited that the log dies over I see we're driving home yesterday after coming here for the training the pubs on our street you could see people forgot never anything call social distancing and as we're driving bad driving to church this morning a young I was being interviewed on the London radio and the younger said they said why didn't you why didn't you do any social distancing he said look I just wanted to have the drink I know I won't go to my grandmother and then I was three four wishes so she doesn't catch it but he fails to realize it may not be your grandmother I could be the grandmother of the man you were sitting by but you see for you whom I'm speaking to this morning know what you are after in the season of significance know it for your future know it for your destined number to get a capture your thoughts don't let don't waste your thoughts don't waste your time don't waste your season don't waste your opportunities think ly2 you grown a to think big you grow big stop dumbing down yourself start dreaming up start dreaming great start dreaming awesomeness stop dreaming blessings if you can't think you can't change you cannot evolve you cannot glow so capture your thoughts and any thought that does not help you in the direction of significance the Bible says casting down imaginations and everything that exalts itself above the knowledge of Christ 2nd Corinthians chapter 10 I believers three to five you are you one thoughts away from your breakthrough so in this season I was gonna drop ideas in your spirit he's gonna give you visions gonna give you ideas God is gonna give you things you've never done before things that would change your level change your life and I pray for you that you will not miss your opportunity you know miss your favor you know miss your blessing every imagination that wants to limit you hold you back yesterday you are breaking out of it I say you are breaking out of it amazing this woman called Naomi we focus a lot on Ruth why we'd never focus on the Oni the woman knows most you know you need mentors who helped you when you don't know which way to go she looked at Ruth she knew that way I may have spent some of my time but I can help this young lady to find direction to find meaning to find her Africans so she have done to capture her thought because it's he Naomi can I mean Ruth can tie herself to the problem of our husband's death and get angry with God and get angry with men and get angry with the NHS and get angry with the doctor who took ours went off the ventilator and get angry with this wasn't get angry with that one there are so many people who will be busy doing that who do not realize there are some things you may not be able to change it's happened it's happened you've got to now know how to capture your thoughts because you are just one thoughts away from breakthrough you have one foot away from a turnaround your one thoughts away from your testimony you are one thoughts away from your breakthrough capture it recognize you are about to step into significance then the next thing I'd like to tell you is that you must have a vision of what you want the moment Ruth told Naomi whom the man was Naomi knew what she should desire for this young lady she knew that look I must have this young lady not to be tied down and yesterday are you sure of what you want is this it you've got to know what you want for your life what you want for your future you would you've got to know what dream you carry even if you can't afford it now it must be a vision in your spirit until there is a manifestation praise God and then when you now have that vision and you have the right thought battles will come how many of you know the about tubes will come when you begin to move in the line and in the direction of significance battles would come those are the Bible says casting down imaginations but rules will come but you must know what you can handle out what you cannot handle there are some things you can't handle you there are some things you can't fight you've got to know what you need to handle what you need to fight and the battles are getting you ready for greater things I pray for somebody yet a day out of challenges and the battles you're seeing or you have seen your significance will emerge declare again your significance will emerge if there was no Goliath there wouldn't have been a David David's significance emerged because of Goliath there it had been ordained in as far as sitting-room but nobody knew him but Goliath came as the battle to introduce him was a philosopher called Seneca who said the battle your face determined your weight you know some people may declare themselves heavyweight when they're actually light weight the battles you face determine your weights level in the fights of life you can't go and do a bantamweight fight when you are a featherweight person so you have you need to define your moments you need to know the seasons and God will give you chance even if you've missed one chance God will give you another chance and another chance and another chance I don't think I've ever met anybody who succeeded in life who does not have regrets opportunities they missed chances they missed somebody who came to them who could I bless them whom they missed don't die in the things you missed start looking for the things you are about to not miss because favor is coming your way glory is coming your way blessing is coming your way in the name of Jesus pick your fights when it comes to the Battle of life pick your fight some things walk away from it you are not a coward you just know this is not my size or this is not my fight some fights are not your fight move away from it move to where God is taking you to the things God is taking you so you can have significance manifest in the name of Jesus glory to God I said glory to God you've got to know that God prepares you to come in two seasons of testimony you know there are people around the world who will just be busy going from one TV station to the other reading the new who are coronavirus who died from it was happening one nation some of it was scared and some of them can't even breathe so that guy who eats but some other person in the middle of it they are seen their chances there are opportunities that pray you be one of such persons I told them in the first service a couple here in the UK when the current of virus pandemic broke out and there was all the complaint about not having enough hand sanitizers they long their own business and within three months is now worth 30 million pounds never existed before they didn't have anything but suddenly they saw a chance because you see you will be rewarded for the problems you solve and you are castigated for the problems you cause you will be rewarded for the problems you solve castigated for the ones you create they are solving a problem for someone instead of complaining stocked I was texting somebody yesterday who had lost her husband husband left a lot of business and and properties but typical African situation extended family jumps into it why should she give everything suddenly they are changing the board of directors of the company while the girl is alive and the first black male hand the papers hoping that I will make her keep quiet and of course she's also been smart choosing a fight you got to know we tried to choose or else who I exhaust it but then she said somebody advised me to start my own business I have no money I have no cash I said no you don't need cash cash can become your cash drop in most businesses if you start with cash cash becomes cash-strapped I said what you need is a problem what you need is a problem every man you come up with in your head whom you know who have succeeded financially is solving a problem if you don't solve a problem nobody will look in your direction and you can get angry double blow as much as you want that you don't have enough but the question is whose problem are you solving cuz until you solve someone's problem you don't have breakthroughs you don't have answers if you solve somebody's food problem money will come your way I'm a member of the 21 committee of my state in Nigeria to provide palliative food for the poor and we put our own money there and I went out our friends to put their money this is beyond the government even though the government set it up and we are the ones to just go attract money and buy food for the needy do you know where we were to buy a particular kind of food Gary we found just two farmers who so 35 million worth of it in one week meanwhile somebody's wearing a suit I will not earn that in four years but to farmers wait because they solve the problem it was a part of the world where does the kind of food of the poor the hungry the old what problem are you solving somebody's looking for you to bless them may you be the blessing then you've got to know your defining moments tell your neighbor know your defining moment you have to know your defining moment because if you don't know your defining moment you are likely to miss it know where you are going don't waste the opportunity in mediocrity a lot of people waste the opportunities in mediocrity they hang with Baroness of yesterday you know Ruth has enough reasons to be angry angry at God can you kill my husband they kill my brother-in-law they kill my father-in-law they make me follow this woman this business this old woman who doesn't know what she wants anymore who goes for a deep Poland changes and em from sweetness to bitterness but root was not that way somehow libros Chaya there was a higher hand leading Hardware significance she did not know that one day she the great-grandmother of King David and Ruth begat obed and Obed begat Jesse and Jesse begat David when you read the genealogy of Jesus in the book of Matthew Ruth a Moabite who should really be cursed Deuteronomy 23 verse 3 a Moabite who shall be cursed became a Moabite who was blessed because of her steps led in significance and ammonites or Moabite shall not has entered the Assembly of the Lord none of them even to the tenth generation none of his descendants shall enter the Assembly of the law forever Ruth did not enter the Assembly of the Lord she begot David who ends on the throne that became the seat where God said David as long as the Sun shines there will be a son of David on the throne and Jesus comes and is the son of who son of David you've got to know listen somebody may not know you now you may not even have much it could be disco vide 19 that introduces you to your destiny that introduces you to your significance then introduces you to your testimony to your change some people here ibaka there's gonna be some alliance in there's gonna be some relocating there's gonna be some changing of jobs and people just wander something told me to go and begin to say import this or export that I did not know that God was about to breathe on it may you be that person oh I hope you are receiving something this morning I pray that you'll be that person move away from from bits of people move away from gossips who are no interested in significance they are no interested in significance they are just interested in being around I don't know about you I don't want to just be around I knew from day one that my life is meant to be significant what was that word even consequential thank you you were watching from home alright those are those diehards who were watching from home I knew through every pain I went through from childhood to adulthood that no no if I didn't die from some stupid things I did to some stupid things to some stupid things my parents did not around so I can see what I like in the middle of it all I knew that my life was meant to be consequential you are consequential in fact the fact that you are alive you are here today your life is consequential you're not gonna just go like that you're going to make impact gonna shake your world gonna silence the devil you going to achieve for God move away from gossips hang with busy people not busy about nothing but busy about something yeah I rather be a busy bee than the ones who do nothing who sit down do you know that be he will visit close to a million flower petals to gather nectar to make a good honey up to a million up to a million never be that hung around so people don't let anyone use you some of you are users don't let him use you know your defining moment then like I said in the previous service the mother of this lady the model of this lady next statement told her wash your face touch your 7c wash your face touch yourself again and say wash your face see many of us have not washed our face we're too engrossed in yesterday she was trying to tell Ruth wash away Moabite why should we pain wash away my husband died therefore wash yourself one translation says wash your face wash don't let the mask of the past hold you in the present wash your face leave people in the past and some people listen listen I stopped buying affection stop trying to buy affection you are not to hang around this your sister by fire by force when she can't celebrate your movement forward leave them I would rather be alone in a corner with the wheel of God than be in the center of nowhere with the crowd too many of us don't even know what God is doing our lives we don't even realize that God is moving us into significance so what somebody after their own pettiness and jealousy unable to handle your blessing have not been talking to you you made effort you build bridges and they did not recognize the bridge stop building build somewhere else look for people who value who you are who value their destiny you carry who value the purpose you carry somebody somewhere looking for you to connect with you so the iron was chiffon iron the countenance of a man was shot on that of his brothers the Bible says when Mary Olivar Kyrie Mary left she left where they used to live in Jerusalem to go look for the mother of John the Baptist do you know that many people didn't accept Mary but when she got to the house of the Elisabeth the Bible says that baby Nina Elizabeth lived the babies in both of them were living because spirit talks to spirits live talks to life destiny talks to destiny there's somebody who recognizes your significance who values your significance and was celebrating your significance connect with them hang with them and be with them I rather be like Elijah who when he saw Elijah he knew they have got to leave this my father's oxen this my father's business and follow this man my stepping with him is tapping into significance I pray for you today that you step into destiny and you step into a favour forget yesterday's history wash your face do something about tomorrow wash it away so you can get into the now divorce yourself from yesterday move away from the past don't ruin your new season don't ruin it forget the things that are behind look forward to the thing that I had you can't go forward till you wash your face reach forth stop the clinging issues from the past I couldn't do this I couldn't do that I am a failure Hey move on move on you've got to understand move on don't look like yesterday anymore don't go to Boras looking like a Moabitess wash your face look ahead God will and Purple's God's will and God's purpose will take place in your life that something so education cannot give you your significance will find it move with people of influence tak that that can help you stretch learn know what you need to know change your attitude to reach your altitude stop blaming this wasn't that person look at where I am which is a wizard are after me hey hey who is greater witches or Jesus and if Jesus is in you how come that your testimony is money by witches he that is in you is greater than he that is in the world it's not just the product it's also the personality that matters so here she comes she's beautiful she walks into the tent of the man but you see many people don't even realize you know let me say this on behalf of men a lot of women don't realize the man does not marry the pancake he doesn't marry the mascara doesn't marry the Brazilian head it doesn't one thing a man does not want to see is the Moabite in you they want to see the destiny that this person is running with me they see my significance and they speak to my significance you can get I mean here our single lady Di's the way to marry a man if you speak to the king in him oh my god the king he can gain him your eyes and he will look for you then he will marry you but if all you are doing is carrying Victor attitude oh I've been through so much I hope you will be there for me shut up nobody wants to hear your victimization people want to hear about the fact that you see significance in them you see significance in yourself and you are going in the direction of where they are going then you can connect somebody shout Amen after you've washed your face the next thing in that verse is and knowing yourself get yourself some anointing get yourself some beauty get yourself some glory get yourself some destiny put something new on brighten your countenance and anoint yourself put it on you have to put it on first then before it fix sometimes it does not fake one scripture says that we shall put on the Lord Jesus Christ Romans chapter 13 verse 14 he says you should wear Jesus wear him you should put under Lord Jesus Christ and make no provision for the flesh glory to God we're here another translation another scripture I think it is Isaiah it talks about we are in beauty in place of ashes the garment of joy and place of mourning that's what you do anoint yourself wear a new paint put on Jesus no one is interested in complaint to console those who mornings I'll replace ashes with beauty replace mourning with joy replace replace heaviness with a garment of praise so when I see you you make me feel like I'm in heaven you make me feel like I can succeed step into your significance replace the spirit of heaviness because listen you are just one idea away from where God is taking you and you're going to get there get the right attitude that's what that verse is saying you know many of us think okay one day the Spirit of God would just come upon him and I'm the spirit of evidence will leave me and the garment of praise will come upon me you have to do it yourself sometime you have to anoint yourself if you're going to step in significance no one will do it for you you got to do it for yourself then the next thing is to set goals set goals for yourself who do I need work what will I need to achieve my dream what are my latter days that are coming to a pass I need to move away from destruction that's part of my goals it's also a goal for you to move away from what makes you fail look ahead to where God is taking you take decisions in the verse which we saw about Ruth the mother-in-law said wash your face number one number two i anoint you say their number three Chautala change your garment change your garment prepare for calming favor dress your favor prepare your favour prepare now get ready prepare look successful and join look at not stop caring victim mentality victim spirit I said it in the first service and somebody may say controversial but when I when the blacklivesmatter began I just could see the end while they were at the beginning I think it was past well I'll go of Jesus house was faint and I said if somebody does not take over this movement and get something good out of ease some wrong people will capture it and turn it to some something stupid he said what do you think they should say number one that you come with up proposing to the government something I got best Black Enterprise entrepreneurship and something like that something where they can give some young person money to start a business and also train him because if you say all these black lives matter you remove all the statutes it changes nothing truly some people captured it and they are saying defund the police shut up you need the forties to run it in Asia you don't know the amount of crime going on every day because you live in a bubble did we have the 746 people who were captured who have their own internet in which they occur in our contract killing you and you will see them on the street you thought they are normal people like you said you didn't know that they are not normal you need somebody who knows what's going on then the second thing they are proposing punar capitalism a rough number - shut up shut up capitalism is free enterprise maybe because I teach that people should prosper I cannot see this I can see the stupidity so statement I want to see people prosper and instead of you to come up with something that make young people your color prosper you say bring down whatever brought brings people to prosper you know all kinds of doctrines and then and there against Israel huh you haven't dealt with your own problem you are now ante Zion and the Bible says pray for the Peace of Jerusalem did that love her shall prosper Amy died had pro-israel they had firstly because of Scripture secondly repeal of the Messiah thirdly because of Christianity and fourthly because you never put down people who succeed you learn from them I'm sure you were watching the message is when I was even going into the tower mode to show you how this people decoded the Old Testament so you have a bunch of 20-something year olds who are privileged education paid for by Lloyds Bank Barclays with their to pay later I wish they lived in places where no bank will even give them the funding for the school and they go to some broke University where the system does not work then they will know what to ask for but see when you have not washed your face and where you have not anointed yourself and you have not put on a new garment you reach out in the wrong slang all over town you've got to know what you need you need to know how to step into your significance I see some great people rising in this house your garment is changing destinies rising be prepared be dressed for it be ready to walk into it be ready to receive what God asked you be ready because you must have all your stuff prepare some of you need to get your bags ready because God's about to launch you into a world of major business major opportunities favors are going to come into your hand you're going to be buying properties you're going to be buying too late well so be well complaining you will be celebrating your children will be part of it your grandchildren will be part of it you are I'm praying for you today you are reaching ahead you are looking ahead you're possessing possession you are taking what God has for you shout I receive it glory to God I'm going to close I know I mean this thirty minutes in this service is a beautiful one it's not for preachers like me but I have to stop now but the last point I was going to make the mother-in-law said to her go to the place in that servers what's-your-face anoint yourself put on your garment then go to the place get out don't be held down let people not be able to understand how you don't fit into your father's house anymore if you not be able to understand how you are not a picture of where you're coming from anymore I hope you get what I'm saying and when they hear your story they even think you're making it up because you have so gone to the place somebody touches I'm going to the place the place of my significance and when you get there don't stare in the lobby and I'm meant to be in the lobby you are meant to go to the office of the chief executive officer and if no one is occupying you take the seats I'm preaching to someone this morning I'm preaching to someone this one take the seats occupied be the person God meant for you to be new environment you may not fit in the beginning but you will fit later it's better to be a misfit in today than to stay in yesterday it's better to be a misfit in today than to be in yesterday is better to be a misfit and today than to be in yesterday stand on your feet did you get something from that teaching lift your hands father will give you praise I want you from your own heart to begin to thank him because you are coming into your place of significance your place of fulfillment you're not gonna be feeling sorry I don't worry anymore you do a new thing God will do a new thing through you you are moving into a great places I let iro Saba they're moving into destiny into purpose it's a greater achievement you're fulfilling destiny you're fulfilling purpose you're stepping into significance IRR Osia Landeros your life is consequential in Jesus name lovely thank you for your words thank you give you praise honey on em today help us Jesus help us Jesus today blocks our vision of tomorrow but we're not the one who holds tomorrow and we know he holds our hands so we cannot fail lead us into your perfect will for us help us to step into our significance help us to step into our significance help us to step into our significance to the glory of your name in Jesus name look at me it is when you begin to step into your significance and truly the door began to open that you now begin to see why you shut that door where the door was shut why didn't marry the guy who you almost died because he said no more marriage why they turned a diner place I remember I was desperate for education they traveled ten hours to where my brother was working another part of Nigeria just so I can get to any college there only to find that we're drunk we have criss crossed he was here traveled towards where I was coming I missed him there I will have wasted and I will have missed me it was a few months later they ended in the church that ended in my calling glory to God may you fulfill purpose Jesus name print and as long as we do it we do remember his body until he comes the communion is a place of victory a place of testimony the blood speaks and the blood of Jesus speaks better things than the blood of a before I have received of the Lord that the Lord Jesus and the nights in which he was betrayed took bread after he had given thanks he broke it and said this is my body which is broken for you do this in remembrance of me after that he took the cup when he had supped and say this is the blood of the New Testament father bless the cup bless the bread I see a people party today let there be healing they have a deliverance they have a favor let every weapon of darkness feel for their sake silence Satan silence the arrows of darkness give your people total victory Jesus name Amen as you take it this morning we pray your healing we pray your favor player totai delivers thank you Jesus yes mounted and it flows to the lowest Valley [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] deliverance favors and your people today let the blood continue to speak for your people we curse this thing called coronavirus speak victory over your people Lord and also will release upon the land to tilt and around Lord total turnaround total turnaround total turnaround total turnaround total turnaround Georgia turnaround in the name of Jesus contrary to the prediction of all science absurd and more debts we say no in the name of Jesus thank you Lord Jesus name couple of announcements bring the service to a close where you bless today let's start with the evening service we'll have to emphasize many of you watching back home join us tonight make sure you go online book your seats absolutely important for you to book your seats so we know where you start when you came tonight see me sir it's gonna be awesome it's gonna be great on Friday with showers Friday we start taking testimonies that came out of this season we had over 217 us at a time we stopped taking and we could only read through 65 every testimony read we read it we prayed for people and we pray for those who are watching tonight I'm gonna try to take probably maybe 150 I don't know how I'm gonna do that as we read the test and powerful testimonies of healings miracles unusual out stretching of God's hand when I read them tonight as we read it will also be prophesying to people's life so don't miss tonight's evening service there's every greats gonna be powerful and if God gives a word of knowledge he's gonna be slightly more flexible than this one because it's longer and if God gives the word of knowledge we'll be able to promise ITIN to people's lives don't miss it by any chance you know you must take the word God gives one of our brothers in the church I sent him a text on the 18th of June I just felt a leading to ask about his health and he was in shock because as the day he got a letter from a specialist it was some health issue he's been going through God doesn't just drop these things unless he wants it addressed so there'll be a word from the Lord tonight and I believe it's for you so don't mess it in Jesus name praise God many people kept saying oh one evening the evening glow was really introduced because of the time of fasting and praying I really wanted to be at least to know that we shoot so we shall continue evening glow in the month of July alone in the month of July that would be evening Globo morning glow will continue I don't know when we'll just continue morning glow amen every day Monday to Friday 6 a.m. to 7:00 the morning glow continues still have 30 nations joining every morning the evening glow is back but this time is slightly slightly slightly adjusted star 7 & 8 because Wednesday is gonna be Bible study so Monday night 78 evening glow Wednesday night 78 Bible study Friday night 7:00 to 8:00 evening glow amen and this Wednesday night our study is the book of Ephesians itself so we're calling a sit walk stand sit walk stand visions chapter 1 and chapter 2 says we are seated in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus chapter 3 enforces we should walk worthy of the Lord chapter 5 and chapter 6 I think 6 6 10 and 11 something like that says we should stand having don't know just I'm so sit walk stop sit you sit walk your walk past understand some Bible study we're gonna go through the hobo Sam the book of Ephesians is the only book where Paul did not correct the church every other church he wrote to there was one problem to correct but between Ephesians were there and the time you wrote the book was just that 40 years later they had become lukewarm so in Revelation they were not neither hot nor cold so you can't say because gas is hot now continue to be hot it is you the next generation that must keep it hot praise God so it's gonna be awesome mobster we also like to take the time to announce I do see come on somebody put John together International Champion first time the 30th I do see virtual I do see is the 30th started in 1991 so you can imagine yet it's gonna be a blessing and the speakers orgy absolutely even if there's a total easing we will not have enough time to turn around and change it from it being virtual say will remain virtual and you're gonna be blessed gonna be awesome reason we tell people to register for example there will be information about this period we want to send to people if we don't have your email address if we don't have details of you when able to send it to you between last Sunday and this Sunday we have had to change Terms of Service is that a kind of info that will come to you when we have your data we like you to register very important also for those who register be good to buy the messages be good to buy the messages because the messages will change your life the way to succeed is to have people like this speak into your life and to have 12 messages 415 pounds is a giveaway and p4 for 15 months a total giveaway praise God so please make sure you register let's look forward let's keep praying is gonna be a blessing and the name of Jesus for since this period began we have had tremendous opportunity to touch lives through the Ministry of Noah's Ark Noah's Ark was a vision with God gave for us to be able to help people with who have need we needed food and other things but during this period he became very massive want to celebrate and say big thank you to the men and women who come every day and drive to the four corners of London s X can't to deliver food to people please put chance again for them we take some other time to celebrate them I want to show the video of the serving that happen to Saturday [Music] [Music] thank you very much first service that's nine I want you to be here eight or before so you can go through the process of going through the ijen turnout which is thirty seconds I think really on you in so and we have two of those tunnels here service will also run in whole street so if you run in both places on the twelfth is only here today but next Sunday we're running here we're running in whole street please please please remember tonight isn't gonna be awesome make sure you here with us in prayer city at the end of the service those of you who I hear who I have your envelope please remember to drop it at the point of exit that's only one exit you can't go through where you came in from please you have to use all the exit doors but particularly I think - you're right speaking to your life today that God will put a word of miracle in your mouth everything you declare this week will come to pass prophesies of your mouth will become reality as you pray go to answer as you mind it shall come to pass as you lose it will happen may your mouth sing a new song may your eye see the goodness of God may the name of the Lord in your mouth be powerful be awesome as you call them p1 speaking to the Allah make grace flow from you may power flow from you may be will be encouraged through you Jesus name I leave you with Colossians chapter 4 verse 6 let your speech be always with grace seasoned with salt now you may know how you ought to answer every man so be blessed we'll see you tonight and then we see you online the morning glow evening glow Bible study and we'll see you again next Sunday when all the services running both here and in coast Street please remember to drop the envelopes god bless you all that you have done sing Alleluia all that you have to win [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] Wow I'm very sure you were blessed by today's ministry as we have streamed into your home's your life wherever you are please do not keep the beauty the blessing and the power of this message to yourself like share our social platforms let people know about the ministry let people know about what you have received let others be blessed get online all the various platforms and if there's a platform on which we're not let us know we'll be there god bless you richly we're glad you watched today's service for prayer call o 208 525 double o or text to share your testimony prayer works at prayer city see you next time
Channel: KICCOnline
Views: 6,090
Rating: 4.941606 out of 5
Keywords: kicc service, Matthew Ashimolowo, Kent Church, Prayer City, KICC live stream, Live feed, live news, live prayers, live stream, stream, watchfree, livestreaming, coronavirus, lockdown, prayer, Covid19, UK, KICCOnline, kicc stream, kicconline,, T.D. Jakes, Elevation Church, Transformation Church, Lakewood Church, Domi Stream, RCCG, The Covenant Nation, Daystar Christian Centre, ICC TV, Creflo Dollar Ministries, Bill Winston Ministries, Joyce Meyer - Enjoying Everyday Life
Id: 9sif_gE07p8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 21sec (3321 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 05 2020
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