KICC 11am Service LIVE | Time For Restoration of Lost Glory | 15-08-2021

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is [Music] [Music] like a mighty warrior arise like a mighty warrior is [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] is foreign oh [Music] [Music] warrior i rise like a mighty warrior [Music] jesus [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] bless you bless your blessing we welcome you to today's service as we worship and praise our god the king who wins he reigns and he rules by his awesome power and by his absolute awesome name we give you praise this morning father what an awesome privilege it is to come into the house of the lord somebody put your hands together [Music] somebody put your hands together [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] open the eyes [Music] into the darkness [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] could ever is us with us [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] we love you we love you we love you we love you [Music] we love you jesus we insult your name we counted an awesome privilege to come before you this morning oh we give you praise we lift up your great day that is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] it's [Music] is [Music] [Music] is power in the name of jesus we want to change [Music] [Music] [Music] we [Music] [Music] [Music] you are amazing [Music] i give you the praise i give you the praise and every knee will bow down and worship you we declare it oh cause you're worthy worthy you're the king of glory seated high and looking low read the heavens and come down lord set our hearts ablaze in your prayers [Music] yes [Music] [Music] every man so let's stop right now [Music] is oh [Music] [Music] and we'll dance in your presence [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] oh [Music] god [Music] king of glory fill this place [Music] just [Music] [Music] lord we love your presence [Music] [Applause] [Music] where we want to be what you're doing is what we want to be doing on oh we worship you lord [Music] we worship you jesus you're the deepest desire of us the longing of our soul [Music] and i will love you [Music] [Music] lord my shield [Music] and i will love you lord my rock forever [Music] i will love i will love you [Music] [Music] [Applause] and i will love you yes [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] am foreign [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] i will say [Music] [Music] sacrifices [Music] you we love you we love you we love you we love you we love you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] we [Music] heavenly father forever all our days we will serve you we love you lord and we know that you are here and we know because you are here we will not leave here disappointed have your way in our midst lord in jesus name we pray praise the lord happy sunday everybody praise god praise god you may be seated in his presence it's such a joy to welcome you to this service on behalf of pastor matthew and pastor yemesi ashima and we want to extend a special welcome to those who are here for the very first time here actually and we know that there are people online as well who may be viewing for the first time so we're welcoming you if this is your first time here at prayer city please stand so that we can acknowledge you and also in whole street stance that we can appreciate you and let you know how much we are grateful that you are here with us today and if you're viewing online we are so glad that you have tuned in you are not going to be disappointed by making the choice to be with us today the ushers are going to hand to you a card that's for you to complete so that we can stay in touch with you and for those of you online please follow the announcements at the end so that we can keep in touch with you too now enjoy the service it's all been prepared for you be blessed you [Music] hello and a very warm welcome to kicc the church without wars this is this week's news in brief to attend the kings kids service held at kicc prayer ct at 11am please register at and click qicc services booking platform the new tomorrow tnt service the actual and virtual service for teenagers aged 13 to 18 years old the actual service is held at kicc prairie city in joseph's academy at 11 a.m and virtually via zoom you can register at dot org uk and click ticc services booking platform join kicc royals today for the actual service themed light of your world join us at 3 30 pm at kicc prayer city me5 9 qg also streaming live on kicc online via youtube for more information you can visit and follow us on social media at kicc royals the world is constantly changing how can the christian remain relevant and grounded in the truth the king's college of excellence offers you a virtual bible school with a difference harnessing the experience and knowledge of its global faculty of teachers including kce founder pastor matthew shamolo students from every walk of life those called to ministry running businesses and employed in the marketplace are empowered with timeless teaching tools and strategies that equip them to make a lasting godly impact on their generation our cutting edge curriculum includes teachings on the principles of faith new creation realities christian ethics in life and ministry personal development and spiritual life coaching family life and ministry and much more enrich your christian life and join a global body of students at the king's college of excellence virtual bible school for details and to register for the virtual opening evening visit kbi virtual classes these weekly virtual kbi classes has an exciting opportunity to become a member or a c-word in kicc from the comfort of your home kbi offers this weekly virtual classes baptism membership and stewardship classes and this is held every wednesday from 6 p.m to 7 p.m interested candidates should send an email to kbi at dot uk and an introductory questionnaire will be sent to fill and return please note the minimum age for baptism class is 10 years old if you want to dig deeper into god's words and have your faith enriched then join the global bible study with pastor matthew every wednesday at 7 p.m available on all kicc social media platforms set a reminder have something to take notes as this is a powerful time of study you can be a part of a close-knit family of believers when you join your local kicc chf held every friday from 7 pm to 8 pm you can learn and discuss a topic from the word of god and this is done virtually for details on how to join a chf you can call the kicc church office on 0208 525-000 or you can visit dot uk forward slash i church and forward slash chs prepare yourself for the inspiration encouragement and insight required to grow create and innovate the international gathering of champions 2021 his extraordinary works join transformational leaders from around the globe host matthew ishamolo and guests including tudor bismarck mike murdock cindy trim mensah unibill jamal bryant worship led by grammy award-winning matt redman the key rcc choir anthony brown helen yawson chevelle franklin the expressions dance troupe the kscc malawi choir plus live french interpretation and events for kids and teens igoc 2021 the actual and virtual conference for every believer everywhere wednesday august 25th to sunday august 29th live on social media and at kicc prayer city register your free place today and join our special guest ollie goldenberg actual services will hold on thursday the 26th of august to saturday the 28th of august at 6 30 pm and on sunday the 29th of august at 10 a.m at kicc prayer city for children aged 5 to 12 years old virtual services will hold on thursday the 26th of august to saturday the 28th of august at 12 00 to 1 pm via youtube kicc online for children aged 3 to 12 years old registration is required if you're a teenager age 13 to 18 years old join tnt the x conference extraordinary daniel 6 33 there will be actual services on thursday the 26th of august to saturday the 28th of august venue kicc prayer city from 2 30 p.m to 4 30 p.m registration opens daily at 2 p.m igoc 2020 stewart's briefing day all stewards and volunteers are required to attend this meeting on saturday the 21st of august at kicc prairie city me5 9qg at 12 noon to 2 pm a shuttle service will be provided on the day the pickup point will be from the greenwich 02 departing at 11 15 prom we are back together again restoration sunday continues on 22nd of august 2021 come and receive restoration and healing jeremiah 3017 join pastor matthew hashimoto for the services at two actual locations at kicc the land of wonders e17 9ah join us for live class at 9am for the morning service at 11am and at kicc career mv59qg join us for live class at 9am for the morning service at 11am and for the evening service at 6 00 pm all streaming will be showing live on all kicc platforms for more information about kicc or any of these announcements you can call the church office on 008 525-00 or you can email events at dot uk or you can visit you can watch kicctv on sky channel 590 follow kicc on facebook on twitter and on instagram you can follow pastor matthew on facebook matthew a ashimilowa on instagram matthewashimolo.official that concludes today's news in brief may you enjoy god's restoration and healing on this restoration sunday enjoy the rest of the service and god bless you praise the lord it's testimony time praise the lord praise the lord i'm going to read this testimony to all of us and be encouraged by it in january 2021 i received a letter saying that i would be taken to court and evicted because of rent arrears i couldn't understand this because last year the rent team had been trying to re-recalculate the rent i wrote to them again for clarification because there were several errors they failed to reply and gave me the run around in april i received a letter confirming the date for the court hearing in july i was so stressed by the situation and sought legal counsel letters were written but no one replied at the end of june fasting and prayer time i received a letter from the landlord confirming that my rent account had been credited the amount was more than the disputed amount and i would not be required to pay any rent for almost a year how amazing is god [Applause] thank you pastor matthew for stretching my faith and helping us to believe that god still does miracles may god bless you and pass the embassy a thousand times more blessings greater than your father's i have also slain the bible challenge by nearly reading it twice what a testimony yours is coming soon somebody bless the lord this morning bless the lord this morning how many of us are excited to be in church this morning come on give him praise giving praise worship magnify him for the privilege for us to be in church this together this morning after this many months this many weeks i know church has been functional but for a number of people this is probably your first time of coming to church in 18 months we bless god we give him glory we give him praise and has been it's been declared in the the the from last sunday to the 22nd has been declared as a time of restoration i pray that in your home in your family you will experience restoration in the name of jesus i thank our senior pastor this morning for giving me the privilege and the opportunity as well as our resident pastor to share with us briefly just before pastor comes to bring the word and it gives me great delight i say that because i i had an encounter had an encounter on friday gone often i take time out like we all should do to just as a discipline wait upon the lord but i i tend to use often once at least a month the theme of the month that is declared by our senior pastor i tend to use it as an opportunity to connect with the word to connect with the word that is being spoken as the angel of the house that has been spoken over our life so i would take time and i would go into the word and look at that theme and often the scripture that is associated with that thing and i will spend time to just look at that word and particularly how it applies to me because often we tend to hear the word and especially in these times that we're living you and i know there's so much word that we receive particularly in this house we receive the word every day every time and it's important it's pertinent that you take time to apply the word you know just before i i actually bring the context of what i'm talking about you know to you whenever you listen and hear the word of the lord please make it an arbit to respond whether it's in in the immediate or afterwards make it an habit because the scripture says the letter kills but it is the spirit that gives life the letter kills we hear the word over and over and over again but it is the spirit that gives life but this morning just for a few you know minutes i just want to actually point our attention to the rhema word which is where i'm talking about the place of responding to when a word is declared prophetically as the angel of the house as the as the senior pastor of this ministry when he when pastor comes every month and releases a word over our life you and i are not just to just take that word as any other word is a word that you're supposed to take and respond to because it is specific it's not something that is general somebody might on online who is not connected even to also somebody sort of mentioned it somewhere or they picked it up on a on a pamphlet on a leaflet somewhere and trust me the lord would respond to them if they take that word and they run with it but as your senior pastor as our senior pastor that we are connected to as our father there is spiritual oversight that pastor has over us and that spiritual oversight is something that i'm trying to bring our attention to this morning very briefly talking about rhema the rhema of god's word the word of the lord will not return void the scripture says when he sent forth and his word will heal them and deliver them for all what to do with a released word is the point i'm making how do you do battle with the word especially a prophetic word how do you respond to a word spoken over your life someone described rhema as a specific word from the lord that applies to us individually a remember may come while reading the bible as god quickens a certain text or may come to us through the spoken word of another person in this case as i mentioned our senior pastor 1st timothy 1 18 says this charge i entrust to you paul talking to timothy timothy my child in accordance with the prophecies previously made about you that by then you may wage the good warfare by them you may do what you may wage a good warfare this is one of the preface upon which i do what i said i do on a monthly basis and i want to just encourage the church of god the word of god the bible says is quick and powerful sharper than any two-edged sword there is a reason why the word of god is described as being powerful jeremiah 1 12 says i watch over my word to perform it i watch over my word to perform it so whatever the lord is speaking over your life you need to pay attention because he takes particular care over his word to perform it the scripture says in the book of hebrews that he has sworn by two immutable things sworn by two immutable things his name and his word the scripture said he sent forth his word is what healed them and delivered them and set them free i know that's why you're here this morning that's why you're connected wherever you're connecting with us this morning that's why you're listening that's why you're taking the pains to settle down and put everything else aside because you want to hear the word of god so shall my word be that goes forth from my mouth it shall not return to you sorry it shall not return to me void isaiah 55 11 but it shall accomplish what i please and it shall prosper in the thing for which i sent it it shall prosper in the thing for which i sent it just for reference because i haven't got time luke chapter 5 verse 1 to 11 take time to read it where peter was saying we've toiled all night we've toiled we've done everything all night and i don't know what you have done toiling all night you've told you've done there are things that you're trusting god for that has to do with your destiny that has to do with your purpose that has to do with things that you've been waiting for in the place of prayer that has to do with things that you've been waiting for you've waited upon the lord in the prayer in time of prayer and fasting and you're wondering lord what when how john 6 63 says it is the spirit who gives life the flesh profits nothing the words that i speak to you are spirit and they are life it's a time of exhortation and i just really just want to challenge you this morning just before our senior pastor comes and challenge you this morning there's a spoken word over our life this month that spoken word this month over our life is restoration and healing tell somebody beside you restoration and healing that word is restoration and healing i read in the amplified version for i will restore health to you and i will heal your wounds says the lord because they have called you an outcast saying this is zion no one seeks her and no one cares for you the lord says he would heal you and it would restore you do you believe that that's the word of the lord to you for i will restore hell to you and i will heal your wounds says the lord because they have called you an outcast saying this is zion whom no one seeks after and for whom no one cares the biblical meaning of the word restoration is to receive back more than has been lost to the point where the final state is greater than the original condition i will read that again and i just want you to think about it the biblical meaning of the word restoration is to receive back more than has been lost to the point to the point where the final state is greater than the original condition the main point is that someone or something is improved beyond measure do you have something this morning that needs improvement beyond measure because we're going to pray in the next couple of minutes do you have something so what i said i do i did on on friday as i was waiting upon the lord was to take that scripture in in jeremiah chapter 30 verse 17 which is the word like i said has been released over us for this month and to say lord i itemized nothing less than about six different things that i looked at my life reflected on my life reflected on where i am reflected on the things that has happened in the last 18 months reflected on the things that have happened in the last six months and say lord i need restoration i went into the scripture and looked at scriptures that talked about restoration and one by one aligned those scriptures with those things that i'm talking about and started talking to the lord and in the place of prayer and saying lord this is your word over my life and that of my family for this month i received every little bit of it and i started doing battle with it that's what you do with the rhema word that's what you do with a word a prophetic word that is declared over your life i just thought to just share that with us this morning specifically and for us to respond so if you don't mind this morning why don't you just stand up wherever you are or if you're joining us online take this moment and reflect the word of god is powerful the word of god is powerful the word of god i say again is powerful praise the lord and i want you to begin to cry unto the lord this morning have a father you're the god of restoration you're the god of restoration you know john 6 63 says it is the spirit who gives life the flesh profits nothing the words that i speak to you are spirit and they are life the word of god is spirit and they are life begin to talk to the lord this morning i don't know which area of your life needs restoration i don't know which part of the things you're believing god or the things god has spoken to you that is yet to manifest his word will not go unfulfilled that's what he said his word will not go unfulfilled and so church why don't we cry to the lord this morning and just say father in the name of jesus i pray for restoration lord restoration in every area of my life the years the kangkawam has eaten the years the perma worm has eaten the years the locust has eaten lord i pray for restoration lord restoration in my spiritual place with you according to your word restoration in my home restoration concerning marriage restoration concerning my career restoration concerning investments that i've made restoration just pray just pray bless the lord this morning just committing to the hands of the lord me take care of the devil thank you lord for restoration let it go center however there are questions in jesus name we pray i said in jesus name we pray so shall it be put your hands together bless the lord let's welcome our senior pastor [Music] praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord thank god for that word heavenly father will give glory to your name we'll give you praise we give you adoration bless us even the more open your word to us minister to our spirits let today really really count in our progress and the restoration of everything you have for us to the glory of your name bless everyone who's connected to this service whole street prayer city and all around the world let your name be glorified jesus name amen one more time put your hands together give the lord the biggest praise you can master give the lord a massive massive massive massive massive muscle massive praise hallelujah hallelujah today well i was supposed to be practically on ground in the service today but i'll give you an explanation at the end of the service the most major thing is that i'm live this is not a recording praise the lord and i can almost practically describe where all of you are sitting based on the last image they showed on my own screen in the book of joel chapter 2 verse 25 we are told that god is going to restore everything we have lost everything that which the conquer one ate that which the palmer one destroyed that which uh let me just read it for you praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord in the book of joel chapter two we have it with just turn with me joel chapter 2 verse 25 says and i will restore to you the years that the locusts had eaten the cankerworm and the caterpillar and the palmer worm my great army which i sent among you but if you notice he said i will restore i will restore i will restore so i message this morning and i believe goddess you will be blessed i will bless our message this morning is about the fact that this is the day of god restoring lost glory lost favors the time for lost glorious lost favors to come back to you i believe the time has come for the child of god to experience the blessing of the lord and the favor of the lord kovit 19 and all the issues in our world today are creating such a devastation many and at the same time many children of god are living below their calling yes they're living below their capacity they are called to be heirs of god princes with god but they live like servants they're called to reign to rule they're called to be above only not under but they are living below their capacity in ecclesiastes chapter 10 verses 5 to 7 it says there is an evil i have sinned i have seen under the sun as an error proceeding from the ruler foley foley is set in great dignity while the rich sit in a lowly place i've seen servants on horses while princes walk on the ground like servants in other words somebody have lost his glory princes are now walking on the ground like servants they've lost their legacy they've lost opportunity they are meant to be a voice they've ended being an echo they are meant to make an impact but they are not making the impact in different ways the enemy loves to steal the glory of believers and i'm gonna pray with you today as we look at all the ways that glory of believers is being stolen and i'm gonna pray with you that god will restore it restore it in your marriage restore it in your work restore it in your mind restore it in your mental life your spiritual life your emotional life your relationship with other people god is going to bring your life to a place of dignity and favor because the bible says he called us to glory and virtue i like them if they can put on the screen for me second peter chapter one verse three and four and first peter chapter one verse three and four it shows us the dignity the glory the power the beauty the blessing of the call of god on your life what you are called to you are called to virtue you are called to glory you are called to an inheritance it says ii peter chapter one chapter one chapter one verse three and four chapter 1 verse 3 and 4 tells us we are called to virtue we are called to glory we are called to an inheritance it says verse 3 and 4 verse 3 and 4 according as his divine power had given unto us all things everything we need that pertains to life to godliness through the knowledge of him who called us to glory you are called to to glory to a life that is glorious and the life that is full of virtue that's the call you have uh osha now verse 4 goes on and says in verse 4 it says whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises whenever the bible uses superlatives like this it means there is really no word in english or even the greek would read the bible was originally written there's no word that can convey the heart of god says whereby are given to me matthew hashimoto exceeding great and precious promises that by these we might be partakers of god's divine nature so everything god gave you was meant to make your life colorful beautiful exceeding great precious promises oh i am believing that somebody today res lost glory will be restored in the name of jesus somebody say amen like fire and this restore this glory that was lost is in seven ways or eight ways and we're going to pray for them the first one is departed glory departed to depart that meant to live a life of glory but it departed to departments to leave to go off to be withdrawn this is what happened in the house of eli first samuel chapter 4 verse 21 the bible said then his daughter-in-law named the child e cabood saying the glory has departed from israel because the ark of god had been captured and because of her father-in-law and her husband cabot is glory i like that scripture left on the screen for one minute how about his glory but if you notice they put e and then whenever the hebrew add e to any word they are saying there is no more covert there is no more glory it is it is an addition to cupboard is the glory no more no more glory it's just like when they saw food fall from heaven in hebrew when they say ma it means no what what is this so ma now what is this my in hebrew means what he means no more so no more glory this is what happened to the house of eli ichabod means the glory departed from his house the glory departed from the house of israel the glory departs and the enemy conquers beauty is reduced the sun no longer shines whereas the scripture says concerning you isaiah 60 20 your sun shall no longer go down nor shall your moon withdraw itself for the lord will be your everlasting light and the days of your morning shall be ended the day of your morning shall be ended the enemy's desire is for us to live on the past glory he wants the glory to depart the glory departed from something but he wanted to act as before i prayed this morning i declared this morning this is the sunday of restoration every area of your life where glory have departed we bring it back we bring it back we bring it back we bring it back we bring it back we bring it back in the name of jesus the glory shall not depart from your house shall not depart from your home it shall not depart from the life of your children you will continue to be a testimony you'll continue to be a source of joy encouragement to those who know you the grace of the lord jesus and his power will rest on your household in jesus name departed glory you see many people you can tell they used to have a testimony but the glory are departed but i command a restoration in your household in your life in your family from today in the name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus in the holy name of jesus the second way man the second glory we need restored is diverted glory diverted glory this is glory that has been turned aside turned away or redirected to someone else turned aside turned away or redirected to someone else the bible talks of four lepers and also of a very i guess the man must have been very educated he was the adviser to the king and so when prophet elijah came second kings i think first kings chapter seven i think verses one two from from verse one elisha comes and say thus yet the lord about this time there is gonna be abundance and the bible says the man upon whom the king rested said even if they open the windows of heaven these things cannot be whoa and by that word which he spoke and the king listened to him the glory of the king was diverted the blessing of the nation was diverted who you listen to determines what enters you who you listen to determines what you become who you listen to determines how your life pans out who you listen to determines what your life becomes this advisor to the king acting in the natural obeying the laws of economics the how can the price of food fall when there has been scarcity in the land to the point that we've been eating the dong of birds suddenly you come you this prophet i say tomorrow not even in a month's time tomorrow the price of food will fall he said no way it can't be it's not possible it deserves it it does not agree with the basic law of uh demand and supply he didn't know that god is god when he's ready to move in your life nothing can stop him he can shake the heavens he'll go out of his way to make a way where there's no way and streams to flow in deserts and this man made the glory of israel to depart he said it can't happen it is not possible so and the word of the lord malaysia the word of the lord had gone out and it is looking for where to rest because once has he spoken twice have i heard power belongs to god the word of the lord never comes back void so shall my word be which is gone forth it shall not come back void without accomplishing the purpose for which it was sent so the word of the lord had gone out and was looking for where to rest he was looking for where to rest this guy had rejected it it had diverted so as it was going it god helped it saw four lepers who were also jews and it rested on them diverted glory this man diverted the glory of the king the glory of the land by the world of his mouth you need to be careful who you associate with because sometimes by the pollution of their mouth they can pollute your dream and pollute your vision and pollute your blessing and pollute your destiny be careful your ear is a gate to your spirit not every radio station deserves your listening you don't say oh well i know who i am as a believer i just like to listen to the rubbish he talked no way man no way man you will eventually act what you hear people's word can divert your glory today i pray for someone listening to me every diverted glory is coming back to your life coming back to your life coming back everything stolen by the enemy diverted somewhere else god will bring it back into your life in the name of jesus jesus talked of the man whose prophet was taken and given to someone else his prophet was taken and given to someone else diverted glory because he had an attitude he had an attitude the bible says his master gave him something to sow what did he do he said no one talent went and buried it they took it and gave someone else i lay hands on you today your talent will not be diverted your destiny will not be diverted your calling will not be diverted your blessings will not be diverted the grace that god has for you for this season of your life shall become the reality of your life in the name of jesus when a man misses god his strength is diverted to do the wrong thing yeah his glory is diverted into errol there are gifted men who have decided to sometimes use their voice and fantastic fingers but they're singing something else they are gifted maybe musicians but they are playing something else you know instead of praising the lord somewhere somewhere playing he's rocky my mama we are crazy now diverted capacity diverted glory wasting away wrong marriage is a diverted glory wrong job is a diverted glory wrong timing in doing some things you are not meant to do now is a diverted glory wrong relationships because yeah i just want to i want to date somebody what for uh well just to know how dating goes ah so you hung around that lady for three months four months six months going out to eat just talking nice love words playing with her emotion because you want to know how it feels to date please don't knock at the door don't play with people's emotion diverted glory is the reason why many people are not entering the fullness of their blessing i pray for somebody listening to me today every diverted glory from your life with commanding restoration this is restoration sundays diverted glory shall be restored diverted glory shall be restored maybe you know you see this this diverted glory is so enormous i could i could take so long there are nations that are broke and poor because some people have stolen and diverted the glory of those nations carried it away carried the commonwealth of those nations away diverted it hate it in places and then they die cheaply and their sons and daughters who don't know how to work for anything become the ones who use it to go from one clubhouse to the other in europe diverted glory meanwhile the people for whom the money was met are picking crumbs i pray again for your family today tolabia no security that every glory that was meant for you and your sons and your daughters shall not be diverted it shall not be diverted your children will excel your sons will excel your daughters will excel your family will excel the testimony of jesus will be awesome in your life you will stand out to the glory of the lord jesus name the third of glory that needs to be restored is ground glory what does this mean drowned glory the one that had been submerged submerged under this under the pool of something else the glory of abel was submerged under the pool of his blood by his own vicious wicked brother who could not accept that his brother had been blessed he could not accept it he could not celebrate his younger brother that god had shown him favor he didn't know that if you cannot celebrate my blessing how can yours flow one of the persons in my life whom i've always said to myself if i have the power anything he asked for and we always do and he doesn't even ask for much it's my older brother when we were young he was my hero if i when we were younger oh our little kids are we're going to greet my grandmother please don't look at me that way but when i was a kid i was usually distracted by everything so my brother would create fun ways for us to walk to my grandmother's house and he wants us to walk fast and as we're walking i'm already distracted i'm looking at everything and my brother would remember the i don't know if you've seen the image on that a whiskey bought to johnny walker i hope you don't have it in your house i'm just using it for illustration but my brother would just say johnny walker and then we'll start walking we start walking again like that guy on the bottle bottle of johnny walker whiskey we'll be walking very fast again before you know i'm distracted again he was my hero he taught me how to do many things when we were kids and so he is not the kind who will ev and then when we grow up and he that it's in the blessings of god in my life he does not have a microcosm of jealousy of uh not want not in fact he would only ask if if it becomes necessary while others want to take advantage of you but evil didn't have that kind of brother ken could not handle his brother's blessing he killed a man and drowned his glory but the bible talks of another blood that speaks better than the blood of heaven may the blood of jesus speak for you from today may the blood of jesus scream out cry out for you from today in the name of jesus and if anyone is trying to drown your glory heaven will shock them i repeat again god will silence them and surprise them in the name of jesus for 30 pieces of silver judas tried to drown the glory of jesus do you know there are sellouts who will sell their nations for money sell their family for money sell their destiny for money have you heard of people who would travel to one sell one of their kidneys for money and then you wonder suppose the second one packs up drowned glory samson drowned his glory on that delay last lap gehazar drowned his glory in covetousness a man comes to your boss with money with clothes and your boss who receives prophetic gifts this time chose not to receive people bless elijah people will bring prophet prophet seed first fruit they'll bring it to elijah he will receive a woman built a whole apartment for elijah he received it but on this occasion when he saw the spirit attitude of the man the general from from syria neymar he felt led not to take the the prophet saw from from the man after the man had been healed he said no go with all the things you brought but could not handle it he could not handle it he could he just could not handle it he just could not handle it his eyes were so convexious he went behind took and double crossed name and they say well my boss said i should collect the money and the clothes and the boss sent me the same leg proceed hey that oshika elite bulls that left neymar come upon you ge was a greatest name among all the prophetic assistants we know under elijah but he lost his ministry destiny by covetousness by covetousness my covetousness i have chosen i want to have a life that is comfortable my family comfortable but i will not touch the glory and i will not touch the goal but rather be blessed myself i know that i worked for this praise god i pray for somebody who's listening today the enemy is trying to drown your glory drown your testimony drown your destiny but i declare and decree victory victory victory your glory will not be drowned your glory will speak your glory will rise your glory will speak your glory will rise your destiny will rise that of your children will rise if there's anyone anywhere who have tried you know some people didn't know how to rub your children's head to try to drown their glory and you didn't know what they were doing we cast every evil hand that may have touched you or your children in the mighty name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus in the holy name of jesus i don't know i it may be subjective but every time i fight bad tools in my life i always remember one day in 1962 or 63 that's a long time you know when a woman invited us to her room i don't even think i've shared this story if she invited us to a room i said my two or three kids and made this food and prepare these vegetables for us to eat and she made she supervised us and made sure we ate it sometimes when children don't have enough in their father's house some people will take advantage to try to drown and steal their glory today i pray for your children anyone who give them anything anywhere wanting to steal their glory no sweet no mint no chocolate is big enough to steal your children's glory your sons and daughters will stand out as the lord lives whose servant i am this morning i declare and decree the world will hear from your daughters the world will hear from your sons the world will hear from your children there'll be a restoration of glory and the restoration of what you could not achieve your children will be a hundred times more a hundred times more a hundred times more a hundred times more a hundred times in jesus name number four is desecrated glory desecrated glory to consecrate is to set aside pure consecrated glory to desecrate is to defile to profane to contaminate to desecrate is to defile to contaminate to profane the bible says jesus got angry because the people who were now selling all those turtle doves and the table of the money exchangers they turned the whole place to where since god put that in the law of moses they became totaled of sellers they did not even have a heart to worship they desecrated the place jesus was not against the the sacrifice it was against the spirit behind it sometimes something tries to desecrate our glory contaminate our testimony profane the glory you hey i see a vision of somebody who you dream and every time you dream you see yourself in a place where like you are in in a place where they pass excretion outside and you are walking in the midst of excretion and some of it rubbing on you will wash you with the blood of the lamb we wash you with the blood of the lamb a total restoration this morning every desecrated glory everything that are stored in your glory will wash you with the blood of jesus anyone who have touched your life in the wrong way will wash you with the blood of jesus we command the restoration of your beauty and your testimony and your power in the name of jesus shout amen if you can praise god praise god i know i'm doing a lot of these but they all make sense the fifth one is deranged glory you know when something is deranged it's like it has lost its mind deranged glory if i was in the service this morning live and direct or not online will i put all the d's on the screen and you people have known all my these before i get to them so maybe good for you that you didn't know them until i give them to you praise god to derange means to disturb to destroy the arrangement of to bring this order to this arrange is to derange to disarrange to disorder to disturb to destroy irabakarta you also may not even know that you have been part of the deranging of your glory disarranging your glory genesis 25 verse 33 34 genesis 2 25 33 34 then jacob said swear to me as of this day so he swore to him and sold his birthright unto jacob and jacob gave eso bread and the stew of lentils or potatoes of lentils it looks like pepper soup to me anyway and then he ate and drunk and rose up and went away does eso despise his birth right you see for us today your birthright may not carry as much weight as jacob and esau abraham was called god told abraham in this are all nations of the earth be blessed loaded god is telling him i'm sending a blessing and it will come through your family abraham throws the ball the baton to isaac as he catches the baton isaac is about to throw the baton to either esau or jacob is one who opens the matrix of rebecca therefore isab by hebrew culture is the firstborn he should be the one through whom the messiah came one he should be the one through whom all the priests come to he shall be the one through all the prop who through whom all the prosperity of israel comes three but for one day's meal because of one nice pepper soup and nice lentils and vegetables he sold his birthright he gave away the right for jesus to come through him we will have been praying the god of abraham isaac and esau but he sold his birthright he disturbed his glory he disarranged his glory he disordered his glory he he disordered he he destroyed his glory and consequentially the sons that came out of him are destroyers the are the sons of esau the from whom come all the heralds hero tetrak herod the great herod agrippa herald philippi including herod the great who wanted to cut the neck of jesus herod philippi i think who killed john the baptist herod agrippa who had the power to release paul and did not release him and the one other herod who was alive when jesus was doing his ministry these were from the from esau the way a company of destroyers and killers i lay hand on your household today every disarrangement either from your father's house or including the actions you have taken we bring it under the blood of jesus may god rearrange the glory of your household so that out of your pain will come for testimony testimony testimony testimony testimony your sun's excelling your daughter is excelling your glory rising your glory rising your testimony rising your beauty rising in the name of jesus some of you the struggles you are going through today is because of some destroyed glory disarranged glory disordered glory i pray for you today there'll be a restoration a restoration of glory in the mighty name of jesus in the holy name of jesus ah the mother of jacob complete i mean the mother of israel completed the disorder and the disarrangement she took the best clothes of esau and placed it on jacob a transfer of glory and jacob white cabaret isaac placed his hand and transferred what he got from far from abraham to jacob after that his son outcomes and father i brought thee the deer you told me the bush meat you told me to go bring god must be so good with pepper soup i have brought the busch meat i have a brother or deer you told me to go bring the father said ah are you not the one who collected the blessing he said no i'm just coming say well i'm blessed i can't reverse is there anything left father said there's nothing left over you will serve your brother today i pray for somebody you are breaking out of the shackles of limitations in the mighty name of jesus you are coming into the fullness of the call of god for your life the fullness of the purpose of god for your life the fullness of testimony for your life the fullness of glory for your life in the name of jesus the sixth is detained glory detained glory many people's glory has been sentenced into satanic detention and imprisonment no manifestation they work so hard with nothing to show and some of them have imprisoned their own glory in drug addiction and drunkenness and being thieves and sexual promiscuity and financial strongholds and which is covens when your glory is detained you can be brilliant and nobody sees you you can be rich and yet you are wretched spiritually you can be talented but you are going round and round in the wilderness loaded with gifts but living like a bag of nothing well this is a service of restoration and i want you to say amen powerful anyone who that resonated with you feel that your glory has been detained you know that ah i am better than where i am today by the oil of god of my life today i command your rising i command your lifting i command your rising in the mighty name of jesus there'll be a new lifting in your life there'll be a new grace on your life there'll be a new testimony on your life there'll be a new glory on your life there'll be a new testimony in your life in the mighty name of jesus you will rise you will rise everything that was to hold you down must let you go if it is about to fall from your father's house god sets you aside from today you will be distinguished by the oil of god i love the scriptures he says i have found david my servant with the oil so may the oil of god come into the hashimoto's house and lift you up may the oil of god come into the house that of the name you bear and lift you up in the name of jesus you will be for signs and for wonders in the name of jesus number seven is dented glory i'm not gonna stay there for long this is when the enemy waits for people to destroy them when they have made a name you know some people don't see you they don't talk about you until you have a name then they think they have a right to cr to grab their phone and begin to write whatsapp about your blog about you including things they know or don't know the assumptions i pray for you today your glory will not be dented they attack you but their arrows will go back to them it will ricochet and go back to them it will ricochet and go back to them their own arrows will ricochet and go back to them in the mighty name of jesus number eight is desolated glory desolated glory this is when the enemy makes you destitute wretched despite where you are coming from destitute wretched though we should look at your life and see dignity and testimony this was the glory that departed from a man in zechariah chapter 3 whose name was joshua he was standing wretched and naked do he was a high priest wretched and naked though he was the high priest and if you read the book of lex leviticus you see that god deliberately wanted the high priest to wear these colorful clothings which is a type and a shadow that the man before me must be a symbol of what i want inside me but this case this guy was righteous zechariah 3 verse 1 to 5 then he showed me joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the lord and stan and satan standing at his right hand to oppose him this is one of four times we see satan opposing someone and the lord said to satan the lord revealed you satan the lord who has chosen jerusalem rebuke you is not is this not a brand plugged from fire now joshua was closed with filthy garments and was standing before the angel when he answered and spoke to those who stood before him saying take away to fill the garments from him and to him he says see i have removed your iniquity from you and i will close you with rich robes and i said let them put a clean turban on his head so they put a clean turban on his head and they put the clothes on him and the angel of the lord stood by wow wow if you notice in that verse it says this particular high priest was a man plugged out of fire joshua the high priest here was one of those who came back from slavery from babylon the book of zechariah was written by one of the exiled prophets uh those small books after daniel to malachi we call them minor prophets uh most of them were prophesying to one tribe or two tribes or four tribes a good number of them were exilic or post-exilic prophets so this joshua he managed to come back from slavery come back from exile and yet he came back all his clothes full of dirt filled the garment on him spiritually dressed in the prophet's clothes in the natural when the spiritual realm was wearing fill the garment the glory had departed only the performance remained the glory had departed only the performance remained the glory had departed only the performance remained the glory had departed only the performance remained i pray for you today all those lines of performance just function just wake up in the morning go to work come back home have some food what television go to bed no fruit no result no progress no beauty it ends from this morning god is going to restore every desolated glory every desolated glory i'll lay hands on you today every garment of filth is turn of your life in the name of jesus every garment that makes your life discolored is removed from this morning god beautifies you god glorifies himself in your life god wears you with a clothe of beauty the clothe of testimony in the name of jesus in the name of jesus and the holy name of jesus every desolated glory is removed in jesus name there was a priest in the bible called abby's at the high priest he became a beggar of bread because of the curse that came upon the house of eli his father his grandfather his great grandfather was eli but because of the curse when god said he cabot a beater a priest from the house of eli became a beggar of bread because of the sins of his fathers that was not brought under the blood but you have come to mount zion you have come to the city of faith you have come to the place of the people of god made perfect through the washing of the blood of the lamb and you know ty de berozia you will not be held accountable for the sins of your fathers anymore or the mistakes of the past the blood of jesus washes you god restores you god restores you god restores you god restores you god restores you god restores you god restores you god restores you to new levels new testimony new glory new beauty in the name of jesus shalt a man with fire the bible tells us of another man who had desolated glory he was a prophet second kings chapter four verse one and two he was a prophet but he left his family in debt because he couldn't take care of his family his life was desolate empty his children became beggars of bread his wife became a beggar of bread ayata cabaros needs you will not beg for bread your children will not beg for bread generational wealth will not leave your household some of you have fasted enough you've prayed enough you've cried to god enough abundance will not leave your house the things you went through your sons and daughters will never know that experience in the name of jesus desolation that comes by way of everything leaving you blessed and leaving you we cancel it from today with the blood of jesus testimony follows you in the mighty name of jesus ah god is gonna restore you god is gonna so restore you the bible says in the book of isaiah 61 verse 3 to console those who are mourning in zion to give them beauty for ashes the oil of joy for mourning the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness that they may be called trees of righteousness the planting of the lord that he may be glorified that's you there that's you there that's you there god will console you he'll give you beauty for all your ashes he'll give you the oil of joy the oil of joy the oil of joy the oil of joy for every place where you have more the government of praise is going to replace your spirit of heaviness and when people look at you they will see you as a tree of righteousness bearing fruits of righteousness you will be the planting of the lord and when you are the planting of the lord you are unshakeable they say in the amazon jungles of brazil that there are trees that have been standing for three thousand years still alive no wonder the bible says that the days of my people like shall be like the days of a tree like the days of a tree when i came to england to pasture in 1984 37 years ago i think it was that year the next year that they were about to do a new motorway and they were clearing the trees along the way and they had to painfully clear out a tree under which john wesley preached 300 years before the clearing wow the tree was still standing i declare and decree that to the shame of those who expected your destruction you will be standing and you say i'm still here doing well prospering increasing achieving breaking grounds if you believe shout your good amen there are two more that i wanted to share if time promise number nine is delayed glory to deliverance to procrastinate to put off to linger the enemy loves to see your glory delayed lay kappa kasohitiya some of you have prayed for some things it has not manifested one year two years five years ah you know daniel's glory was delayed by the prince of persia daniel chapter 10 verse 13 the prince of persia was a demonic entity bible scholars believe was satan himself you see when you see a nation and there's so much confusion there like you see afghanistan right now where there's i'm sure the people are in panic you have to look with the eye of the spirit the eye of the spirit i was looking at the news and i just got worried you know great powerful nations will carry they are gone and you'll go there and say we can take care of this place and 20 years they have no clue what to do they don't realize that what they are fighting with it's not flesh and blood there is a spirit there the continental spirit was not dissuaged and it was not pushed out it was not guns ak-47 icbms america's best weapons and britain's best weapons cannot take it from me that in the next three months everything america did there 20 years and everything britain did in the past 20 years you won't see anymore because they went in the arm of flesh in the arm of flesh every time the world disrespects the realm of the spirit they see the consequence what you see in the natural is always a picture of the spirit realm the spirit that has been in that place the place is a stronghold for a thousand years of the kind of of the kind of religious spirit there you come with guns and you think you can dissuade it it's a terrible spirit of course it is a terrible terrible spirit same thing the enemy wants to hold back your blessing delay your blessing that's why it did to daniel in daniel chapter 10 verse 13 but the prince of the kingdom of persia which stood me one and twenty days hello michael who is god but jehovah that's the man of michael who is god but the mighty warrior was dressed for by the holy lord of lords himself the lord of hosts they are denied the king of kings lord of lords the mighty god who speaks and no one can disall his words the same yesterday today and forever is the rock of aegis and the stone and the hand of david that brings down goliath yet osha capari is the rod in the hand of moses that passed the red sea every time you disregard and disrespect him he lets the world see a little of the food they themselves cooked so where america had occupied for 20 years and britain for 20 years on trained taliban have taken over in three weeks and everybody's in panic same thing happens in the realm of the spirit but today by the mantle of jesus every taliban of the spirit realm that have come to take the ground that belonged to jesus in your life they are frustrated for your sake they are rebuked for your sake every spirit of persia that have come against your household first in the name of jesus i declare and decree that the things that have delayed in your life i begin to release them right now your joy is released your favor is released your testimony is released your glory is released your peace is released your healing your healing your healing is released i command your body to come alive i declare and decrypt from today that everything that postponed your blessing that thing itself is postponed and your blessing is released every delayed conception i lay hand on some worms this morning be open be open be open the one who opened the graves how you take angus kabira rosie the bible says and on the day that jesus was nailed to the cross they saw the graves open and holy men walking up on the streets of jerusalem the one who can do that then is still alive today and can do much more so i lay hands on worms today i command them to come alive once to come alive in the name of jesus i remember every delay to your promotion there will be a lifting every delay to your elevation there will be a lifting every delay to your blessing will remove it from today we declare the glory of the lord will be revealed all eyes will see it for the mouth of the lord of hosts i've spoken it demonic delays are as a result of opposing common blessing there are demonic delays that are opposing common blessings some of them you don't even know they are coming but these tiny impis spirit they jump in they are delaying causing confusion in fact they want to distract you they come in front of you that nah nah nah nah and so that you can take your eye off jesus and begin to look at them they are liars you shall not be distracted your eyes will be on the lord the blessing of the lord will open first corinthians 16 verse 9 says for a great and an effective door has opened to me even though there are many adversaries first corinthians 16 verse 9 a great door an effective door has already opened not going to open there may be many adversaries but the one who is with you is more than the ones who are against you let me know go to the 10th d let me leave you where it is i know you are blessed this morning i'm really blessed i tell you maybe would you continue this message next sunday but i feel led because i'm only halfway what i was supposed to share i believe that god have ministered to you and spoken to your life today approaches peace restoration of your joy restoration of your testimony you have heard the word of the lord today go and take back your glory take back your favor take back your testimony take back all that belongs to you stand on your feet and say with me i'm a believer i am a believer i believe what god says about me i believe his word i believe his word i declare and decree today the glory of the lord is being restored unto me the glory of his peace the glory of his joy the glory of his favor the glory of his testimony i've been restored to me today i'm walking in favor i'm walking in goodness i'm walking in the joy of the lord i have victory over the enemy all my life is coming together my blessings are coming together my peace coming together my glory coming together my joy coming together a restoration is happening right now unto me onto me unto me a restoration of everything i have lost lost blessings are coming to me lost connections are coming to me lost favors are coming to me lost blessings are coming to me lost glory is coming back to me in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus father and everyone i pray for your sons and daughters this morning that the word which they have received will not work against them but in their favor from this day lord we walk in total restoration we receive everything that belongs to us things stolen that we didn't even know of we take it back we take it back we take it back we take it back socially there'll be manifestation from this morning of restored glory in jesus name amen amen amen amen if you've been blessed give the lord the biggest praise you can master this one given the biggest praise okay master this morning come on praise the praise and praise him praise and praise him with all of your heart thank you jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah you must learn to just hold on to this word if you've not been ordering the messages in a recent time this is one message you should get play it in your call through the week and every prophetic word you declare it again to yourself and you'll just let the enemy know that you're taking back what belongs to you in a way to sing a song that says i went to the enemies camp and took back what belongs to me it's under my feet it's under my feet satan is under my feet the enemy always targets glory he just can't handle it once he smells glory he tries to destroy it once he sends his glory he tries to destroy it if i tries to kill it the tip comes now but for to kill steal and to destroy once moses was born he just sent out someone to try to kill him because the glory of moses was epic epic epic epic he was to aya yaya yaya he carried one of the greatest assignments on earth to to capture creation to capture creation and write it down as and i wrote as i was commanded god took him to a mountain and made him to write the account of creation from the beginning thank god god used moses to write it or else we'll have all kinds of funny stories of creation funny stories of creation eastern stories african stories of creation there's even a creation story from my mother's hometown i love you were dropping from heaven and to my mother's hometown and from that they spread to the whole earth jesus man so because of the epic glory he carried the enemy wanted to kill him so we will have a distorted picture of creation genesis we'll have a distorted picture of how the children of israel came out of slavery exodus will have a distorted picture of the levitical priesthood the book of leviticus will have a distorted picture of how god took his people through the wilderness and made them to overcome numbers we'll have a distorted picture of the final blessing of the man of god over them and bringing them into the promised land and capturing the future deuteronomy will have a distorted picture of the prophet that went ahead before the final prophet jesus himself and the enemy tried to kill him that's how he's you see the enormity of your battle is a sign of what you carry you are carrying glory you are carrying greatness that's why he's been fighting you he uses all that he can satan is not only into physical warfare he's also into mental warfare and spiritual it's only spiritual faith sometimes it's mental you attack your mind you lie to you that's why you need to connect on wednesday when we teach get out of my mind transforming your mind you win in the battlefield called your mind you win in life praise god i hope you were blessed this morning hope you were blessed he knew that moses's life was epic but he didn't know the god he was messing with that god god can use wind to save you god can use your enemy to bless you put moses in a basket made out of ball rushes out of bush you know put it on water and the daughter of the man who is killing people finds moses and carries moses to the house of the man who is the killer and the man is playing with moses while he's looking for the baby wants to kill ash this god is too much too much no weapon formed against you will prosper their arrows will not walk god didn't bring you this far to forsake you to leave you to frustrate you now all your glory will be restored i do hope you will bless this i was so blessed i was so so so so blessed in jesus name praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord this morning we're going to worship the lord with our tithe our pledges our offerings our seed our various things god had blessed us with we're gonna magnify jesus with it we're gonna magnify god with it wherever you are around the world you need to join us in the giving need to join us in the giving and to celebrate this god of restoration with excitement but joy praise god praise god all those of you who are around the world who are joining us this morning i want you to look at the details on the screen and i want you to copy it and i'm just saying now to my accounts people we need to have a barcode so that if i can just point my phone at the back would all the details show on my phone that would make it even much easier simpler praise god i guess we have that backward on the back of the envelope we use in church let's transfer that to the screen but wherever you are around the world use that and then for those of us who are in the united kingdom can get the church account the account number you can use paypal can text your offering you can go to the church website and do a standing order we celebrate all of you who already you've done a standing ordering matter of fact right now 75 of giving at least in whole street prayer city and global is is virtually that way so we celebrate you make it easy you make it virtual you make it uh seamless may the lord bless you bless you bless you bless you bless you and for those of us who still need someone to take our call no worries that's fine there are people who are waiting for you to call uh the number zero eight zero zero two zero eight five two five double zero zero to take your offering we're gonna give with excitement after that couple of announcements and uh please don't go away so you hear all the announcements including why i'm not in church live and direct this morning let's give to the lord right now let's give to the lord let's give to the lord let's give to the lord praise the lord [Music] made [Music] now i'm walking in now i'm walking in victory by the [Music] everything victory [Music] [Music] now i'm walking in victories [Music] victory [Music] come on i got my strength [Music] [Applause] [Music] victory [Music] victory [Music] [Applause] praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord stretch your hand towards the screen or if you have your giving paraphernalia maybe your credit card or your check hold it in your hand stay with me lord as we bring our offerings and our tithes our various givings our prophet's offering our first fruits we believe you for better jobs raises bonuses finding money money finding us receiving increase incomes royalties dividends inheritances checks in the mail gifts surprises abundance prosperity and plenty in the name of jesus lord bless your people today let your name be glorified open uncommon doors unto them a written nebula let somebody have a remarkable remarkable remarkable testimony in the realm of finance this week wipe tears give testimony wipe tears give testimony wipe tears give testimonies in jesus name glory to god amen amen amen amen somebody in one of the adidas street or prayer city but you're traveling to a crowd this week i don't know why the lord wants me to pray on you i'll just pray father in the name of jesus i pray for that person in particular i was traveling to ghana to a crowd this week that you the lord will build a wall of fire around them the weapons one begins and prospers that their journey be greatly their journey be a testimony let their journey be that will glorify your name go ahead of them prosper their hand make your grace rest on them to the glory of your name jesus name and there's someone whose name is joseph finn and you've been in season of valley valley valley trouble trouble trouble and your spirit god says he takes care of the things that worries you and he makes a way for you in the name of jesus i see as if some marks were left on you marks suggesting pain of the past i lay hand on that josephine and i pray the peace of god the hand of god to touch you to heal you to deliver you in the name of jesus i don't even know if this third person is in our church without hear the word sounds like an islamic name ah looks like a lady matter of fact maybe it's your surname i don't know but today i pray for you that god intervenes in your life and you come out of that pain and depression peace in jesus name there's one man in the service in prayer city you've lost a lot of money from a wrong investment you just put your mind the wrong investment pre-restoration restoration restoration restoration restoration restoration restoration restoration restoration restoration restoration jesus name praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord and i'm sure you were blessed today a couple of announcements we bring the service to a close let me encourage you about tonight's evening service is going to be a blessing tonight's evening service is going to be a tremendous blessing so make sure you attend it's going to be powerful it's going to be a blessing handling lives pleasure handling lives pressures handling lives pressure i don't have the pressures or pressure life's pressures of course they could come from various angles how to handle them praise god praise god praise god it's going to be a tremendous blessing tonight in jesus name amen talking about the evening service the reason i was not on ground even though i'm in the uk and i'm in the studio and sweating here in the street even though i could have turned on the air condition but i just felt then the room be too cold could have been on the platform either in whole street opera city when you are in a place where you made contact whether in the plane or anywhere with someone who may have tested positive what they do is tell you you have to isolate so suddenly i got to know i have to isolate but again the rule changes tomorrow if you have been double vaccinated you can be free so from tomorrow i'm out again oh jesus man it's just but we have to obey the law we have to be part of those who are seen who keep the law and talking about obeying the law if you are listening to me wherever you are you have not been vaccinated please i beg you by the mercy of god i beg you do not listen to all those conspiracy theories in recent times we have had to deal with people who are in emergency because they did not get vaccinated and the delta variants came in and it is very vicious in the way it attacks people it spreads fast and attacks their body please for the sake of there is look listen we in krcc we had a we had a medical town hall meeting with i brought it together over a hundred of our people good number of doctors nurses medical practitioners in different remits of medicine some of them part of the whole process of even knowing the nitty-gritty of what makes of the the the vaccine that will be given and the advice that there's nothing to it other than what is compatible to your body to provoke antibodies that will fight the disease this thing is terrible and it's out there it doesn't smell you don't see it it just comes and in fact i think it is defined science i tell you it comes one way and it is coming in many ways and it is changing its various manifestation first they thought they knew the three four ways it attacks now it is changing how many ways it attacks so that is any kind of it can come through any method it could even be a headache you know so please get vaccinated protect your life protect your life very very important but i'm free i'll be out moving around from tomorrow praise god i'm sure you were blessed today we had to change the times of service i'm sure you heard the announcement and if you didn't now you know but we promise you no change uh there's there'll be no reason to change so the live class is nine a.m and two services will be running at a pariparso nine a.m whole street nine a.m pre-city nine a.m whole street nine university live class i hope they would please help me to highlight the name of the services because blank white letters you have to be blinking blinking blinking to see what they wrote i live class inside this text please so nine am whole street nine am uh prayer city then the second one is 11 a.m uh whole street the second service is 11 a.m whole street 11 a.m pre-city very middle 11 a.m whole street 11 a.m prayer city very very major evening service remains 6 p.m talking about that we move to the international this year's international gathering of champions with the team extraordinary works his extraordinary works we look forward to great a great conference that will practically change our lives evenings only but may i encourage you krcc everyone watching and those of you who are able to travel in and maybe lock down for a fewer days or not locked down at all according to the law [Music] why don't you just take hotels near the church and so we can have a great time and you don't have to pick and choose which day you can make take the days off you've been in lockdown for a long time come and be in the presence of the lord two messages each night two messages wednesday two messages thursday two messages friday two messages saturday sunday two messages in the morning and uh i think we are going to add the london philharmonic i don't know if they are called the london orchestra yeah the london orchestra we're going to add them to the morning service on sunday uh we're still tying up all the things i'm not they haven't told me if it is all totally tied now but the london orchestra who have played now easter services in the past are gonna come and play us two or three songs which i especially chose i felt the minister to people uh they will bless you saturday morning is gonna be great during igoc sunday night is the big one the best this is a music festival we're gonna have madrid man helen your son anthony brown shiva franklin cassidy sima square cassie malawi choir and the expressions dancers from kscc nigeria these people will bless us it's going to be great and it is going to be amazing amazing amazing amazing so don't miss this idiocy take the days off walk please please please make it your short holiday you didn't want to leave uk anyway uh some of you have not had the boldness to do i have i'm traveling all over the place i've taken 30 coronavirus tests all negatives 30 months 30 i'm a veteran at taking those tests now it's just i don't like the poking of my nose and the pricking of my mouth i went to one particular test this guy i don't know where he was born in this world man the guy has no regard for other people's mouth and nose my nose was bleeding when the guy finished i praise the lord so so glory to god glory to god glory to god and uh what else do i need to share with you the bible study is going to be awesome okay yeah yeah yeah tnt tnt tnt uh conference during idiocy will be great it will be a blessing they have their own speakers and musicians it will bless you and then talk about that beyond that also beyond the tnt we also have the children's church will also run during igoc we will have the children's church king's kid will run from the second day of the conference from 12 noon so that if you came you stayed in the hotel you can just bring your children 12 noon the following day and they had their church from 12 noon to 1 p.m uh i guess okay that one is virtual the actual is 26 to 20 6 30 when you come for the evening service from the thursday when you come by the evening service from the thursday you bring them with you praise the lord and registration is required please registration is required please i like to play the video of uh of uh like to play the video of noah's ark i'll bring the service to a close these bags are going to chelmsford area today we've got some gifts in there for the children the nine-year-old and the thirteen-year-old boy and we've got some families that are about seven so they have two bags each and they're really grateful we've got some yamuco plantain for the african families and we've even got um an xbox kate for one of the children for their birthdays which i'm sure they would very much appreciate so thank you for everyone who has donated to this good work the lord bless us all amen [Music] all right i'll show you a blessed day i give you the scripture psalm 105 verse 14 and 15 he permitted no one to do them wrong he rebuked kings for their sakes saying do not touch my anointed ones and do my prophets know her today i speak into your life that no wicked antics of the enemy will bring back every arrow that was destroyed i declined your life today no weapon formed against you will prosper i show and ensure your life with the presence of the lord i cover your home your life and everything concerning you with the blood of jesus the evil agenda of the wicked one concerning you will not stand you will be untouchable indestructible and the testimony unshakable and always standing favor goes with you this week opens opens opens opens opens opens this week opens to you in the name of jesus let me give you one more scripture i love this one i gave it to them at live class it's so strongly psalm 104 verse 28 psalm 104 verse 28 it really so struck my face powerfully when you give it to them when god gives to you they gather it up may you gather everything the lord gives to you when you open your hand may the lord open his hand to you they are satisfied with good things may you be satisfied with good things i read it again to you that thou give us them the that which thou gives them they gather librosia kapoor australia everything that the lord will give you you will gather each other's cutter thou openest thy hand may the lord open his good hand to you they are filled with good may you be filled with the goodness of the lord in this season of your life in the mighty name of jesus go into this week celebrating rejoicing testifying dancing glorifying the lord because goodness follows you blessing follows you in jesus name god bless you richly dio te vous dios god bless you [Music] [Music] victory [Music] victory in victory [Music] [Music]
Channel: KICCOnline
Views: 4,128
Rating: 4.9359999 out of 5
Keywords: kicc service, Matthew Ashimolowo, Kent Church, Prayer City, KICC live stream, Live feed, live news, live prayers, live stream, stream, watchfree, livestreaming, coronavirus, lockdown, prayer, Covid19, UK, KICCOnline, kicc stream, kicconline,, T.D. Jakes, Elevation Church, Transformation Church, Lakewood Church, Domi Stream, RCCG, The Covenant Nation, Daystar Christian Centre, ICC TV, Creflo Dollar Ministries, Bill Winston Ministries, Jerry Eze, COZA, NSPDD
Id: WgcTq7zcY1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 137min 8sec (8228 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 15 2021
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