Faith and Finance: Redeemed From the Curse | Pastor Wale Akinsiku

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hallelujah [Music] praise the lord so this time last year we were still sort of in the heat of a pandemic we were unable to meet physically we were unsure of what the future looked like but we had god and today we still have god and we're able to meet physically we are alive we are healthy so if you are grateful to the god that has kept you till this point till this new month september i want you to clap your hands i want you to stop your feet i want you to give him a dance [Applause] all right we're going to do it one more time and this time i want to see people actually dancing so if you're grateful i want you to clap your hands i want you to move your body and i want you to give god a shout out [Music] hallelujah thank you god bless you god has been faithful today is a bonus of another day and we're super grateful so welcome champions welcome to you joining us on site welcome to you joining us online from across the world we are excited to have each and every person joining us today so today is going to be an amazing service i want us to pay attention i want us to key into what god has for us today and worship and praise with all our might okay so we're going to pray and then we're going to worship our father and our god we thank you so much for the gift of life we thank you because we don't know the future but we know you and you know the future and we're very very grateful to be standing here today we thank you for bringing us into this new month of september where we are expecting new and amazing things because you said so in your word we are grateful father we thank you for everyone that is joining today we ask that whatever it is you want to do in our lives today will be done completely in the mighty name of jesus take absolute control of this service holy spirit for in jesus name we have prayed amen let's worship amen this morning i want to encourage us to put our feelings aside and step into the realm of faith and just bless god because he is worthy to be praised it doesn't matter how you feel to be honest god is no respecter of persons he's no respecter of feelings but god respects faith the bible says that without faith it is impossible to please him now who is this god that we want to serve who is this god that we want to praise today the bible says in the book of isaiah to whom can you compare god what image can you find to resemble him can he be compared to an idol formed in a mold overlaid with gold and decorated with silver chains or if people are too poor for that they might at least choose wood that won't became and a skilled craftsman to carve an image that won't fall down haven't you heard don't you understand are you deaf to the words of god the words he gave before the world began are you so ignorant god sits above the circle of the earth the people below seem like grasshoppers to him he spreads out the heavens like a curtain and makes his tent from them he judges the people of the world and brings them all to nothing they hardly get started barely taking roots and he blows on them and they wither the wind carries them off like child god says to whom will you compare me who is my equal as the holy one look up to the heavens who created all the stars he brings them out like an army one after another calling each by its name because of his great power and incomparable strength not a single one is missing oh jacob how can you say that the lord does not see your troubles oh shalla how can you say that the lord is ignorant of your rights oh david how can you say that god does not hear my complaints oh in fair how can you say that god does not care about me i want you to put yourself in the word of god this morning god cares about each and every one of us he is the one we have come to bless this morning he is exalted and he sits on the circle of the earth so whatever your feelings are right now cast them aside and look up to him because he's faithful because he's worthy he's exalted hallelujah we want to give him praise thank you jesus he is exalted the king is exalted on high i will praise him he is exalted forever exalted [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he is the lord forever [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] he is [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] come on god deserves our praise this morning he is exalted father we bless your name hallelujah we're gonna praise the lord [Music] amen hallelujah to the king let us raise our voices high praise the name of jesus christ [Music] everybody say [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] come on come on let us worship lift your voice to the king of kings and the lord of lords every nation in one accord praise his name forever foreign [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] this morning [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] father we bless your name we give you all the glory this morning you've been such a faithful father you've been such a faithful god you're worthy hallelujah father we come into your presence with hearts of gratitude hearts of praise oh god knowing that without you we are nothing father you deserve all the glory come on open up your mouth and say something to him don't wait for our next song give him your worship this is your time to tell him how much he means to you father we bless your name we're so blessed to know you as our father we're so blessed to be adopted into your family thank you oh god for your unconditional love [Music] a wonderful merciful savior precious redeemer and friend [Music] who would have thought that a lamb could rescue the souls of men oh you rescue the souls of men [Music] hallelujah [Music] we're gonna sing that one more time he's wonderful he's merciful he's a precious redeemer father we thank you lord [Music] oh you rescue the souls [Music] [Applause] [Music] our hearts always [Music] [Music] hopelessly lost [Music] you are [Music] two one more time [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh thank you jesus [Music] faithfully loving your own hearing a weakness you'll find us falling [Music] we're gonna sing that again sing to the father oh [Music] oh we're falling before you jesus [Music] [Music] we are [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] our oh [Music] [Music] hearts always [Music] just worship him this morning [Music] [Music] oh [Music] jesus [Music] hearts always [Music] worship the lover of your soul hallelujah father we ask that our worship will be acceptable unto you in the mighty name of jesus amen thank you so much champions thank you perfected praise god bless you you may please be seated thank you can we celebrate god one more time please awesome good morning once again for those who are just joining us welcome to church my name is usato and i am one of your co-hosts for today so if you are born or if you were born in the month of september can you shout shout out whoa let's try that again if you were born in the month of september if your anniversary is in the month of september can i hear a noise hallelujah all right so i want you to join me as i welcome pastor talk by akinshiku as she celebrates those who are born in the month of september let's celebrate her come on [Music] praise the name of jesus praise the lord [Applause] it's a beautiful month it's the moment that starts the embers and so it's an amazing month i know that there are some people that are excited they are grateful to god that they are seeing another month they are seeing another day let somebody shout amen god has been good to us he's been an awesome father he's a good good father [Music] it did not allow the enemy to have the last love over your life over my life if you are that one person that is grateful shout hallelujah [Applause] [Music] just before i go on to what i have to say this morning i just want everyone to just say a word of prayer of thanksgiving of seeing this month of september because i am convinced in god that as you give that gratitude to god almighty because of this new month that you you have seen you will see the end of this year you will see next year you will see the year after as jesus stories you will not die young with long life it will satisfy you so i just want us to just say a word of prayer father lord you are thanking god for your life you are grateful for your life so just thank him thank him for your life be grateful to you to him my father my god i am grateful i am so so grateful the lord i can see the beginning of another month you have kept me you have kept my family you have removed sorrow totally from me my father my god i thank you i am whole i am hell and i'm happy i am not on the sick bed i am standing on my feet father lord i am grateful i am grateful i am so so grateful father we thank you we give you all the glory we give you all the praise in jesus name we thank you if you are that one person i only need one person that is grateful to be alive i need you to shout a resounding hallelujah to the king of kings to the lord of lords to jehovah to the earth shadow the beginning and the end the alpha the omega the son of the living god jesus shouted father we are grateful so grateful father we thank you in jesus name we are giving thanks amen you may be seated god bless you i'm sure your week has gone really well it's been a glorious week for you and you see this next week coming it's gonna be a fantastic week it's gonna be every a week of victory you will be victorious on every side those things that you are trying to do that you were not able to do you will do it you will god will exceed your expectations the bible says the expectation of the righteous it shall not be cut off your expectation will not be cut off in the name of jesus my god your father will do exceedingly abundantly far beyond anything you can think or even imagine because he loves you so much god loves you so much god loves you so much you are the apple of his eyes you are that important you are the apple of his eyes if someone is coming close to you and they are pointing their hands and they want to touch your eyes what will you do that's exactly what baba god will do the uncreated creator the unchanging changer the one that is and needs to come the one that sits on the circle of the earth and the inhabitants are like grasshopper before him your father my father the one that you can say our father the one that you can say my daddy father we give you all the glory we give you all the praise we thank you lord in jesus name we say thank you amen amen i can go on and on thanking god this morning because i'm so excited you may be seated but let me go quickly to what i have to do this morning it's with great pleasure that i want to celebrate with those who have decided to give thanksgiving to god because this is their birth month it's their anniversary and they've just made up their mind that they want to come and thank jesus if you are that person i want you to rise majestically to your faith it's your anniversary it's your wedding anniversary your birthday hallelujah [Music] we're gonna rejoice with you we're gonna dance with you because we know that it is god that has kept you up to this point but before we do that i just want to pray with you because i know that this month will be a special month for you it will be a special month for your household in the mighty mighty name of jesus father in the name of jesus we thank you my father my god i thank you for your faithfulness you are the god that has kept us even up to this point you are the one lord that started the good work in us you are a faithful father you are the god that is able to perfect everything that concerns us father we come before you today it's our birthday our birth month it's our wedding anniversary my father my god i asked in the mighty name of jesus that with long life you will satisfy each and every one of them they will not die young father you will teach us lord to number our days we will live in wisdom in knowledge and in understanding for those of us celebrating our wedding anniversary father lord i pray that as one gets richer with age their marriages will get richer and richer in the name of jesus there will be no divorce in this house we forbid divorce in this house with love harmony peace and joy they will live together in the mighty name of jesus my father my god i pray for your children that whatever they lay their hands on in this new year it will prosper beyond their wildest imagination in the mighty name of jesus they will not beg they will not sorrow in the name of jesus your hand of protection will be over them will be over their household in the mighty name of jesus we forbid sickness in their household we forbid sickness in their body because their body is a temple of the living god in the mighty name of jesus father you will bless them you will increase them expand them in the name of jesus with long life lord you will satisfy them wisdom to know what to do to know how to go about things you will grant them wisdom in their marriages lord in the name of jesus to live in harmony you will grant each and every one of them in the mighty name of jesus once again lord we bring our offer of thanksgiving to you father as we celebrate our birthdays and our wedding anniversary joy unspeakable full of glory will always be in their houses in the name of jesus father they will not be poor because christ has become poor for them and so everything that they need for life and godliness father lord you will exceed the expectation in the mighty mighty name of jesus father lord they will be an example to their generation in the name of jesus father bless them expand them increase them in the mighty mighty name of jesus thank you everlasting father in jesus name we pray make sure you are rejoicing make sure you are dancing let's stand up and rejoice with them let's dance with them [Music] [Music] because you [Applause] [Music] for me [Music] he is [Music] he will do it again [Music] [Music] [Music] done for us [Music] [Music] i cannot do [Music] [Music] [Music] be of the glory [Music] [Music] forever [Music] shall we do today today [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] what shall we do [Music] foreign [Music] i'll say to be free [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] this [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] i'm praising this god who is faithful who is mighty who is majestic who is eternal who is imminent who is omnipotent who is omniscient who is all that let me hear you shout hallelujah [Music] glory to god hallelujah praise the lord somebody as you are sitting down i want you to say this week this month this year god will exceed my expectations one more time i said this week this month this year god will exceed my expectations hallelujah you may be seated in the presence of the lord thank you lord i feel like we give you thanks it is incredible to be in your presence and to be alive the taste of your goodness thank you lord well it is my privilege to welcome everyone to our sunday service at the house of praise um allow me to please acknowledge those who are worshiping with us for the very first time here in the sanctuary and those who are across the world who have happened to be connecting with us today you are very welcome can we appreciate all of them please put our hands together for them uh we take a little bit of time to acknowledge you we know you could have uh done something else with your time but we appreciate your spending time with us and we are happy for that and if you are in search of a church home well let me allow me to be so forward as to declare that your search is over this is the place to belong and i get a witness in the house come on come on come on this is our 10 a.m service uh eastern time and we have to be conscious of that now because there are people connecting with us all over the world this is the house of praise and this church we have a mandate and a vision and it's to empower you to achieve your dreams and to fulfill your destiny and empower you to be a positive influence in your society that we're pastored by pastors wali and takwaya kinshiku fondly called pwa and pta suffice it to say that you are welcome to join us and your life will never be the same please uh if you are new one more thing i would like you to do please is um on uh online right now there is a there is a link that shows up uh on the stream uh please uh click that fill out the information this is for us to be able to connect with you and share with you all of the wonderful things that god is doing and all that is available in this ministry so please do that please connect with us give us your information and someone will reach out to you praise the lord what the bible says are beautiful at the feet of those that bring glad tidings and good news well this is another opportunity that we have to share what god is doing practical things that god is doing in the lives of some of our brethren in case you're here for the first time or you haven't heard you allow to sending your testimonies that god blesses you responds to your prayers and does a wonderful thing in your lives please the email address is good news at please sending your testimonies today we have three wonderful testimonies from people who did just that so let's uh be attentive as i read them testimony one simply says my testimony my name is we uh read the testimonies we don't we don't say the names i want to thank god almighty for what he has done and will do in our lives i am truly grateful to pastor walia and pastor kinshiku for teaching the word of god with simplicity and making the word of god applicable to our present situation and lives may god continue to increase your anointing amen my family migrated to canada as skilled immigrants in 2002. at that time coming to canada was with mixed feelings i thought what could i be doing in canada i had a thriving plastics business in lagos nigeria my husband had a great job in one of the international banks at nigeria however i was raised in a christian home and knew that i needed god's direction and guidance therefore i joined the rccg house of praise in 2002 in one of the services pastor wali preached a sermon from deuteronomy 6 23 then he brought us out from there that he might bring us in to give us the land based on this verse i believed that god brought us out of nigeria to bring us into this land of canada and god has a better plan for our lives according to jeremiah 29 11. standing on the word of god in deuteronomy 6 23. i went back to school started in grade 11 and took university courses in the evening because i did not study sciences in high school and only had a national certificate in education i upgraded my sciences did toefl just test out english as a foreign language and got admission into bachelor of science and nursing after my graduation in 2008 i went to share the good news with pwa and he asked me when are you going to start your master's in nursing i was thinking really but after two years i went back to school to study critical care nursing sponsored by my employer in 2011 and i went for my masters of science and nursing nurse practitioner to the glory of god on august 3 2021 i completed my doctor of nursing practice at the university of pennsylvania amen with a gpa of 3.7 over four and i was inducted as a community leader in a sigma theta tau 11 chapter at google that's very prestigious uh many thanks to pw and pta for their dedication to teaching the word of god and using the word to change our lives come on one more time that's an incredible testimony incredible [Applause] testimony number two healing from above good evening hope hello pwm pta i joined hop from america during the pandemic as we could no longer gather together at my local church and i have grown tremendously under your ministry i'm writing today to testify of god's goodness to me and my family in every way especially for healing my mom my mom is diabetic and we have been struggling to keep her sugar levels under control for years now in july things got worse because she found a saw in her big toe that she neglected till the pain and swelling became terrible when she finally went to the doctor she was told the the foot wasn't looking good at all in fact the doctor said she should be scheduled for a surgery as soon as possible to cut off that toe because she's diabetic he told her the longer she delayed they would have to cut the foot off as a swelling foot as a swelling had spread to that leg and the foot had turned black like it was dying i was very scared and worried but i encouraged her to go for the surgery and it would be better if she lost the toe than to lose the whole foot so she went into the hospital and was admitted but i turned to god and prayed to god every minute that i could to turn things around for us before the surgery the doctor said they would run some tests to know how far the infection had spread while we waited for the results we kept on praying and god came through like never before the same doctor that scheduled her for surgery for her foot came back to discharge her after the results came in hallelujah and sent her home with prescriptions for vitamins and antibiotics praise the lord our story went from amputation to just medication the swelling and discoloration has disappeared and life has returned to her foot somebody gave glory to god amen all right testimony number three the final one it says he has remembered me greetings to you all family of hope thank you pastor wale and pastor for the blessing you are upon each of our lives thank you for giving hope to the hopeless through the word of god last year i was hopeless about where my career was going i had recently moved to a new job before covid and i also started participating in the church fasts last year during the lockdown online i have been fasting and praying for career direction and guidance and pastor wale declared on one of the fasting days that he has remembered you and my seat will not be empty these two declarations i took and declared over my life fast forward june 2021 my boss called me to tell me something was in the pipeline for me and to expect a promotion i had not applied for any internal position so i was a bit surprised he then went silent about the issue until july the 30th when i was handed an offer letter for an immediate promotion for a job that was specifically created for me the job was never advertised to anyone else internal or external it was specifically created for me the promotion was way above what i ever imagined or expected hallelujah my god has remembered me as declared by pastor wali it took me a while to decide to write this testimony because i have not fully digested it myself i wake up each day still in shock may god remember each member of hop amen as he has done for me those who are hopeless may god renew hope for you through his word he will remember you and everybody said come on let's put our hands together let's rise up i appreciate god for what he's doing as we worship him as eliza leads us in worship so [Music] two [Music] ah [Music] uh [Music] ah [Music] foreign [Music] do [Music] um hey [Music] [Applause] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] me [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] come on he deserved that worship give it to him he deserves it come on hold on him for 30 seconds sacrifice me last name come on you lord you are worthy you are worthy of god i worship you let's remain forever in jesus mighty name with worship psalm 34 verse 1 to 4 psalm 34 verse 1 to 4 the video speaking then we said i will bless the lord at all times his praise shall continually be in my mouth my soul shall make her boast in the lord the humble shall hear and be glad oh magnify the lord with me magnify the lord with me now the most powerful part of this for me for me is that david said i will bless the lord at all times david had two three wives you know david has many children david had posters of people that are always around him but they said i don't know how they are feeling about god but i will bless the lord at all time friends let me say this to you there is a point you have to get to in your christian life whereby independent of how the people around you are feeling about the situation you choose as an act of your will i will bless the lord at all times david now goes on thank god decided david now goes on to tell us the reason in verse 4 he said i sought the lord there were situations i was going through that nobody could go through with me there were prayers i prayed that were not loud they were not audible there were cries i meant to god that nobody could hear he said i sought the lord he said guess what he delivered me it delivered me i know there are at least three of us in this house this morning i don't know where you are but that god has answered prayers that god has delivered them god has shown them that yes i'm with you [Applause] maybe the person i'm speaking to is the one that is in the overflow at the back or the overflow on the side and uh you know i salute every one of you that in the overflow maybe that's maybe that's the best i'm sticking with the person on this side wherever you are or the person watching from home i want you for the next five minutes we are going to praise god again oh i want to thank god for all those that were born in the month of september and celebrated their wedding in the month of september but i want to celebrate in this month every month is my birthday now and every day is my buddy every month my birthday every day is my birthday every hour is my wedding anniversary praise god praise god because david told us i will bless the lord i will not i'm not waiting for my baby i will bless the lord come on now all right where are the three people that are joining me to bless the lord today come on give me a shout out [Applause] what a marvelous god what a mother loves god he [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] for me [Music] unlimited [Music] unlimited [Music] [Music] [Music] yes for me [Music] what a mother cannot do what a [Music] what a mother cannot do what a father [Music] [Music] [Music] yes you are [Music] [Music] [Music] who never [Music] forever [Music] hey [Music] [Music] she does foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] we give you foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] you're worthy of the glory [Music] worthy of our praise [Music] you [Music] let him know he's worthy give him a shout out just one more thing before you sit down right i know you really want to sit down and people that are born in september or whether they're investing in september i know we crashed your party but perhaps it's because you didn't dance well you know when we start from the beginning naturally the tendency is for us to feel that we need god hundred percent we need god hundred percent oh god help me oh god let me then god begins to lift us up lift us up and as we continue to go there's a shift in our mindset that this is now 50 god i'm 50 to me you might not say that way but you know you stop feeling it like you know get oversea pastor everybody said in the last convention you start getting to the point where you're not dancing the way you used to dance because now you have revelation now you have preparation [Music] you have you have a big revelation to protect now i mean you're the big guy now you're a big girl now and it's okay you know don't get me wrong it's okay to always you know keep your decorum premium proper all of that is great but you know there's the point you get to that you look at yourself in the mirror i say me [Music] there's no way they will have divided this thing that you get to be me this is me you know you set yourself in honesty i am where i am i am what i am and i am who i am because of god you are able to say like paul the apostle said i am what i am by the grace of god that's why that song said i didn't know you would favor me this way i know there are three people here that god has lifted they did not know god will leave them like this but god has not lifted them where are these three people come and let me hear you give him a shot [Applause] they bought me this way i didn't know you would favor me this way i didn't know you would favor me this way favor me this way thank you jesus i didn't know [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you jesus i didn't know you [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] god is [Music] foreign [Music] this way [Music] this way thank you jesus [Music] oh i'm very very grateful and i say thank you jesus [Music] we honor you lord we worship you we are very very grateful as individuals as families and as a church we are very very grateful receive our worship and our gratitude today heavenly father in jesus mighty name one more time somebody giving me a shout of gratitude now [Music] hallelujah [Music] we're still going to praise god personally for me if not that i have a responsibility now i'm just ready to go home i'm telling you i'm ready to go i'm ready to go now i i just uh god has been good god has been very good it has been very good thank you lord i want to quickly i want to quickly acknowledge all those that are joining us online from across the world from different parts of the world you're very much welcome i know you've been welcome um before but you're very very much welcome god bless you tremendously in jesus name thank you for being part of this service and for everyone of you that have come out to be here today in the sanctuary in the overflow at the back of our floor on the side god honor every single one of you and god will bless you in jesus name what i want to teach on today uh but the kids have gone let me preface it quickly first and foremost when i was teaching today i said the tops yesterday night i mean i prepared our navigator was ready powerpoint everything's ready i said to yesterday night i said you know i won't i i fear i won't have time to really really take this thing because if you're hearing this type of a thing for the first time it's going to certainly rock you in other words it's going to challenge the things you thought you knew okay so my encouragement to you is that the good news is that it's on youtube anyway okay it's going to be it's a youtube so you can always go back to it it's completely free just go back and listen to it some of the things statements i'm going to make when i get to a particular point in the teaching if you are not patient you might think it's heresy but you just have to be patient and check it in scripture without any preconceived notion and you know jesus christ said something he said wisdom is justified by our children this topic i'm going to be teaching on it pleased god that way by his grace that is one of my strongest areas because of what tops and i went through in this regard and all you need to do by the gift of god is look at what god has done in this in this assembly and what grace of government has done in my life also okay this is real this is not theory this is what we practice that brought us into this place october 2018 when we had the service here this was the bay warehouse and i brought the church here to come and see it and i told them we are going to do the renovation and we will not have the building committee neither are we going to have a building fund we're not going to do anything like that it's not wrong it's not wrong we've done it several times before it's not wrong there's nothing wrong with it it's just that there's a deeper revelation and it's not business one of my pastor friends that was in that service told me later he said pastor when i was in the service he said when i heard you mention that i said to myself i looked i looked behind me i looked around the size of the place i said how is this man gonna do it he said well because i've known you i've worked with you i know you're not frivolous for you to make a statement like that you must you know there must be something that you know that is backing up he said what i wonder how is it going to happen you know this man came to me and said business came back and you know just just sharing a testimony with me all right just telling me and to the glory of god we're here yesterday so this what i'm sharing with you today is real it produces results beyond what you can ever imagine you are going to be blessed in jesus name father we thank you we honor you we give you the glory forever and ever more blessed be your name for what you have done for what you are about to do there is no doubt if we ever needed your holy spirit to teach us individually and collectively in any teaching this is one of them we need you badly spirit of god teach us today we need you thank you in jesus name i'm speaking on the topic our series is on faith and finances and i'm speaking specifically on the topic redeemed from the curse redeemed from the course let's note quickly that sin the original sin of adam is what brought slavery into the world sin is what blows slavery into the world part of this slavery has enumerated in math in genesis chapter 3 verse 17 to 19 is that in in struggle and in hardship will man eat bread from the ground okay it will be so difficult genesis 3 17 to 19 it was sin that brought this about okay but we have to also understand something very important redemption brought back dominion to the church not dominion to the world but dominion to the church sin brought slavery to the world everybody was asleep everybody was asleep under sin in the world but once we meet with jesus he calls us out of darkness into his marvelous light ephesians chapter 1 verse 7 colossians 21 verse 14 in him we have redemption through his blood the forgiveness of sins according to the riches of his glory now this is very important so by this redemption then by the blood of the lamb you and i are no longer supposed to be and legally we are not no longer under the consequences of the original sin of adam slavery came in through adam into the world redemption freedom dominion came into the last adam jesus christ by the disobedience of one man we were condemned and sentenced to a life of struggle by the complete obedience of one man jesus christ all i'm saying right now is in the book of romans chapter 5 from verse you can read it from verse 13 to 17 by the complete obedience of one man righteousness redemption dominion came into the world now you know we've had these things many many many many times you know and sometimes if you're not careful it might lose its import on us but this is the basis of true and real christianity poverty then friends is one of the most effective tools employed by the enemy the devil to hinder the destinies of multitudes of people poverty is one of the most potent tools in the hand of the devil that uses to hinder the destinies of people both on an individual basis and of course multitudes of people collectively as nations as cities and so on and so forth poverty poverty you know how many individuals want to go to school how many individuals want to do things that has to do with the destiny how many people want to go to school that they could not go to school because their parents did not have the funds to send them to school sometimes when i when i watching tv and i see refugees maybe internally displaced people or other people going into a camp a refugee camp you know i say to myself amongst the these people flooding into this camp are medical doctors among these little children are sodiums lawyers engineers great investors inventors you know people with great ideas that will solve problems for the world financial and economic juggernauts but look at them in the refugees the destiny might change there is a soccer player that i i really love i love the guy and i love his story his story is compelling and i love him he's a very excellent soccer player and i'm glad that he chose to play for the country of canada his name is antonio davies most of you will have many of you will have teller into sports will have heard of him he plays for one of the biggest and most notable clubs in the world called ben munich in germany germany i think he's about 20 or 21 years old now he was a refugee from from in africa went from one african country to another african country to be a refugee but he has this talent to play soccer to the level that he will be a global superstar but it wasn't a refugee camp but talent was the name but you know canadian government thankfully allowed some people from that camp to be able to come and resettle in canada that's how you settle in canada and slowly discovered him he celebrated playing for the vancouver white house i believe and from this another person discovered him he ended up in europe playing for one of the top clubs in the whole world now he's won the champions league the highest level in club soccer you know it's amazing what is in people and what poverty can do so then quickly what is poverty these definitions i'm going to give you okay i'm first going to give you the definition that is uh you know dictionary inspired then i'm going to give you what is poverty from god's point of view that is critical from the bible biblical point of view god's point of view okay first you need to know that poverty from it you know the dictionary point of view is the lack of basic necessities of life what are the basic necessities of life you know that food and water housing clothing basic transport transportation means of transportation you know and you know maybe basic health care basic necessities of life things that if people don't have they can die or they cannot take action in life to move forward basic necessities in life do you know how many people live on this planet today that don't have access to clean clean water to drink it's incredible you know when we're driving when my family was driving to church this morning we're talking about it that do you know you know discussing this like that do you know that there are places and we've experienced it where people have to wake up in the morning walk for five kilometers sometimes three miles just to fetch water to have the shower or to wash clothes or to do a normal thing they have to go to a local river to do that woke up early in the morning to do that perhaps today you know many of us are living in the western world here now wake up from my bed and take five steps into our gigantic and uh uh you know a washroom that is bigger than the bedroom you know and you know there are so much technology there's so much technology that we don't even need to put on the tab you just move and the infrared picks you up and just the water is already programmed to the level you know to the to the level of the temperature that you like when somebody else comes it changes again i mean it's amazing thank you jesus poverty is the state or condition of having little or no money to pursue your god-given dreams and fulfill your destiny so sometimes people have basic necessities of life but what it would take to move forward in life they can't i remember the case of one young man when i first first came into this country that i met a very young man that every school he has been to literally every school he has been to he's always stopped in that school right from when he was born and i mean every school so he wanted to study medicine but his parents were not london immigrants here permanent residency neither were these citizens and he was you know applying to get a scholarship but it had not yet come true smart guy but the parents could not afford what is going to take the cost of studying medicine not being a medical doctor they brought me brought him to me then as a last time even me i needed prayers so i told you i said the bible says such as i have i give unto you at this point in my life all i have is prayer only so i gave him prayer only because that's all i had you know now how does god view poverty and this might change the opinion of one or two of you how does god view poverty when you look at it three things one god views poverty as a curse the bible does not have anything good to say about poverty god views poverty as a curse so from god's point of view poverty is a curse from man's point of view poverty might be luck but from god's point of view it is the case in the book of deuteronomy chapter 28 from verse 1 to 14 it talks about the blessing from verse 15 to the end he talks about the curse okay so i'm just going to rush through it quickly just for you to see so in verse 15 it says if you refuse to listen to the lord your god and do not obey the commands and decrees is giving you he said all these cases will come and overwhelm you this is new living translations okay so please don't say amen because some of us are wired automatically to say amen so please don't say amen all right so you look at it so these cases are broken into different parts in the book of deuteronomy 28 there's a part of it that has to do with sickness that's the power that has to do with defeat if you know in battle and there's a part that has to do with poverty another power has to do with something so i'm just taking the path that has to do with poverty so i'm starting from this 38 to 51 as you can see he says you will plant much but harvest little low cost to eat your crops now for the people you were speaking to most of them were farmers so they understood this language for us today what is basically saying that plant much harvest little means a lot of hard work a lot of effort a lot of strategy a lot of planning a lot of all of the good things but somehow at the end of the day when the bottom line is that the business is not profitable he said you will plant vineyards and care for them you go to work very early in the morning come back late but the person will not drink the wine or eat the grapes why worms will destroy the vines there will always be one thing or the other that will just make sure that the business things don't work out you will grow olive trees throughout your land but you will never use the olive oil for the fruit will drop before it ripens this is what you call missed opportunities it's almost there it's almost there but it never gets there you will have sons and daughters but you will lose them for they will let into captivity okay [Music] verse 42 says swarms of insects will destroy your trees and your cups the foreigners living among you will be stronger and stronger while you become weaker and weaker okay that's the case to have the foreigners living amongst a group of people in the nation or in a city being the stronger and stronger ones while the indigenous of the place become weaker and weaker the bible says is the curse verse 4 says they will lend money to you but you will not lend to them there will be the head and you really tell okay he goes on to say in verse 46 i'm reactively reading the verse 48 this horrors will serve as a sign and a warning to you and your descendants forever because they did not serve the lord your god with joy and enthusiasm for the abundant benefits you have received then look at verse 48 it says you will serve your enemies whom the lord will send against you you will serve your enemies you will be left hungry dusty naked and locking in everything let me say this to you when you read a scripture like this you say he says you will serve your elements you say well i thank god i live in a country like canada the country is free i don't know i'm not serving any enemy the country is not occupied or dominated we're a sovereign nation so i'm not having anybody so i'm good but you know if you're working and what you're earning you are paying interest on either credit cards also all alone that is more than the money you are benefiting from yourself you are serving your enemies in today's world in today's world i'm what i'm saying don't feel condemned i'm just stay with me don't feel condemned okay you buy something the thing is broken down but you're still paying for it you're no longer enjoying what you bought but you're paying for it the one is having random enemies one silence he says the lord will put an iron yolk on your neck that's the credit you cannot negotiate oppressing you harshly harshly until has destroyed you verse 49 the lord will bring a distant nation against you from the end of the earth and it will swoop down on you like a vulture what does the vulture do vultures are beds that are particularly interested in what is dead or what is dying okay it is a nation whose language you don't understand fierce and heartless nation that shows no respect for old nor pity the young now look at this it's amazed verse 51 will divide your livestock your crops will be stored they will leave you no grain no wine no olive oil calves or lambs then you will staff stop starve starvation this the bible calls a case god sees poverty as a curse quickly then number two how does god see poverty god sees poverty listen carefully not as a condition god sees poverty as a spiritual entity that has come to attack a person or a nation that's why because of the way god sees it the solution god profits for to solve the problem of poverty is different from the solution that people are talking about in the natural because god does not see poverty as a naturality in the book of proverbs chapter 6 verse 10 and 11 proverbs chapter 6 verse 10 and 11. once again the new living translation it says in verse 10 it says a little sleep a little more slumber a little folding of the hands to rest so here is particularly talking about spiritual sleep okay of course to start a natural sleep too i mean if one is lazy there will be poverty fine but in our context now he's talking about slumbering spiritually you know not being a lot then he goes on to say verse 11. he said then the poverty pay attention will come like a bandit and scarcity will attack like an armed robber that's an entity an armed robber is not a condition an armed robber is a personality that have come forcefully to take what does not belong to them from a victim or a potential victim so god sees poverty and god uses a bandit an armed robber to describe what poverty is god is ascribing personhood to scarcity and poverty god is calling it a personality and i think god you know i think god you know because hebrews 12 9 says he's the father of spirits so he can see all spirits he can tell but what is in darkness and what is in light is the same to him we can see everything so he sees the way poverty comes and he describes the poverty not as a condition it says it's an armed robber please not the word armed for the bible says that when a strong man fully armed is in charge of his goods his goods are in peace so notice the word and it takes month and just writing papers and essays and putting position papers together and there's nothing wrong with all of that and that's great and i know it solves the problem for some people but in many instances as we have seen no matter the foreign investment the foreign aid pulled into an entire nation foreign direct investment aid poured into a nation the next you look go back to the nation 20 years after 25 years after you have not seen the change it's like you poured water into a basket because the entity has taken it and left the captives in their captivity how does god see poverty number three god views poverty as a destroyer of destiny god is very interested in destinies because our fulfillment in life our satisfaction in life it's hidden in the fulfillment of our destinies destiny is very important to god destiny is a plan that god has for a man a family a city a nation all right concluded in the heart or in the mind of god before the foundations of the world that plan will usually number one glorify god number two it will also benefit humanity so if you fulfill your destiny which i pray you will fulfill your destiny in jesus name and i fulfill my destiny the world becomes a better place i need you to fulfill your destiny so that the world can be a better place look at the testimony of the lady we just heard that had the national certificate in education when she came into this country in 2002 when she joined the church i know this lady very well and i know her family no not the family know the husband very well the husband been at the top of his profession you know you know top management when he left the country they came from and came into canada and she was not really working in the career though she had the national security of education she was trading and got into this country and taught and she started hearing messages and thought you know what my god i've got to fulfill destiny i said come she was saying i made those messages you know the church was a handful of people and she had the message and she went back to school to grade 11 and started taking the classes she never took before chemistry she told me a story what she said she's a pastor when i sat in the chemistry class i mean she said the students are many kids they were making fun of me they're making fun of me when she wants to ask a question in the class the stress will be giggling but you know she did not look at those things she went for it she was focused she sometimes you want to be a little bit you know it's natural but she comes back to church she hears the message again he pumps out she goes back she started she passed it got went into school had the bsc nothing like she said in her testimony got a master's degree when she was going to the u.s she came to me she told me you know that time i remember that day it was just amazing she sat in front of me while she was telling me that you know she got this great opportunity in the u.s he's moving to the u.s and i said oh praise god excellent her phone rang first time then the phone rang again the second time then she spoke to the ladies that oh then she when she finished picking the lady i said no pick it up it's okay pick it up she picked it up and she spoke the lady for a few minutes and said you know what so and so on and so on so then she dropped phone he said my pastor i'm so sorry that's my assistant calling me that some patients are waiting for me after she said that both of us look at each other and i said wow wow from where she was coming from amazing now she has he has a doctorate in nothing now come on give god praise for that again now she's been a blessing to many people in a community as she said in a testimony because god wants us to fulfill our destinies and one of the things satan uses to block people from fulfilling the destiny is poverty prophesied verse 5 15 says the world of the rich man is a fortress is a fortress the poverty of the poor is the destruction god has nothing good to say about the poverty the bible says poverty brings destruction guess what brings destruction again the thief comes not except to steal to kill and to talking about satan in john chapter 10 verse 10 poverty brings destruction bible says it is the destruction of the poor but the wealth of the rich is a fortress do you know how many people have died of easily treatable diseases because they just lack this small little amount of money that is required to get good health care so god sees poverty let's take a quick review as a case as a spiritual entity and as a destroyer of destiny as a case a spiritual entity and as a distraught listening listen carefully that is why from god's point of view the first solution to poverty now note i used the word first i did not see the only but the first solution to poverty is spiritual the secondary solution to it is to um create opportunities and empower people to use those opportunities i'll repeat that statement from god's point of view the first solution to poverty is spiritual somebody's spiritual that's right the secondary solution is to create opportunities in an area of for a person and empower the people to make use of the opportunities but if we don't solve poverty at the spiritual level which is the root level no matter the opportunities you create no matter the empowerment programs and thank god for all of the empowerment programs by different organizations around the world you go back 20 years later 5-10 years later of course you will see maybe one of two individuals that will be profiled but collectively the people are still poor people are still poor so the question then is this what is the lasting solution to the problem of poverty scarcity and financial insufficiency because these three things are cousins you know the first causing somebody might say oh i'm glad i'm just grateful to god i'm i don't live in poverty my basic needs are met great you know my own test of this telling my finances is this when a need arises unexpectedly unexpectedly forget him now and maybe my wife says so and so on so and so and i will want us to do so and so and so how do i respond uh to use the phrase my mom and my dad you know you used to say can i go in and come out in other words you know unannounced can i just act together and say oh i want you to say it once again all right just give me a minute and act on it immediately and solve the problem [Music] or does it have to be something that i will engineer a conflict at home and a simple request will become a marital conflict i don't like the way you asked me i'm just coming back from church i'm not even rested okay rest rest rest rest and and and and like i said i'm not condemning anybody these are things that have been true you know these are tools that were in my two books to the glory of god i removed all those twos now but those were twos that i met two two books that you know because you still have to continue with life so you have to find a way of getting out of this challenge you know if my wife says something something something says you know i saw this and i'm just thinking that maybe we should i said why are you always looking do i use the obviously let your eyes be straight [Applause] praise god wherever you go they ask you in the morning you say it's the money i don't like dealing with issues like in the morning i've not even read my bible i've never meditated all right read it then you read it it's not 1 pm so i don't like you don't even ask me what are we going to eat in the house okay she asked me what do you want honey you tell her she makes breakfast you want omelette you want sunny side up you want you know scrambled egg everything what kind of bread do you want you want toasted bread whatever bread you want they make it for you then after you've eaten and you're full then you're asked again so my food has not even digested when and how will i know if the food will digest it just shows you that you know my brother my sister what just needs to happen is that we need to step up somebody step up that's right step up so what's the solution let me tell you what the solution is and the solution will shock you okay the solution is this it might sound too simple that you might miss it the solution is this understanding the power of the gospel of jesus christ and you and it's redemptive purpose please write it down even if you don't understand what i've just said just write it down i'll take time over the next couple of weeks to explain as much as possible because this is the solution so i thought it was going to be something very deep something very elaborate no that's the solution this is solution the power of the gospel and its redemptive purpose is a solution they've listen carefully we have known people that have risen up either in their career in their business or financially and they were heroes of yesterday heroines of yesterday and we look for them today they've had a negative reversal they've not had sustainable wealth we've known people that have had been wealthy in one generation and we look at their children in the next generation they ask for and you can't even imagine it i'm telling you two life stories how do you have sustainable world how can you be at the point where you know that where you are today is the least you can ever be how can that be the only solution to that to guarantee that is understanding the power of the gospel and the redemptive purpose of christ now when you say this and as a christian you hear that the first thing you are going to say to yourself the first thoughts i'll come to you is that oh yeah i got that i was looking for some something more practical i already know the gospel of course i know the gospel which is going to lead me to the next thing i'm going to say and i'm about to make a very controversial statement now a place if you don't uh if you're in a hurry you might think it's heresy or that i'm just being [Music] just condemning people but what i'm saying to you i'm very serious about it it's biblically founded and also 21 years of pastoring more than 20 years of experience the experience i've had tells me this starting from my personal self i've been a christian now for this long you know almost three decades i've been pastoring for over 21 years this is the statement i'm going to make first and foremost most christians only know i'm talking of christians they only know and they follow the law of moses most people that are in the church today now have actually haven't had or don't know the gospel of jesus christ so let me say this to you when i give my life to christ i did not give my life to christ because i heard the gospel what is actually called the gospel i gave my life to christ because i had a problem and i was looking for a solution i didn't give my life to christ because i had the gospel i gave my life to christ because i had the problem and i was looking for a solution and in the process of being looking for a solution i met a beautiful young lady that told me to come to church and i thought to myself okay if i can solve the problem i can solve this problem so i went there and the young lady our teams are so bad and you know she told me then that you know i was looking to get some cash to just even get a travel card in london england and you don't know this church service today thursday in the church that you know if i show up that no no she might be able to give me the the the money for the trouble card which was 20 pounds and i showed up she didn't give me 20 pounds but i got her she started to give me but you know she's that you give me i i can't remember what she gave me so 26 years now been married almost 26 years rather i've been married to her i've been asking her for this 20 pounds every day maybe after this teaching she will give me the 20 pounds many people that gave their lives when i gave my life and also don't forget i've been in the past 40 years even as for me as i preach many people give their life to christ under a threat not because they heard the gospel so they didn't hear the gospel they had a threat there was a sword hanging on you if you don't give your life to christ today somebody did not give their life last week as they were going out the other side and they died so you better give a life today that's what we heard i you know it's okay it's one thing that will bring all of us to christ no different strokes or different folks but most people that give their lives from african with african heritage they gave their lives undie threats there was a sword hanging on them if you don't give a laugh today two people didn't give your life yesterday they slept they did not wake up give your life now so no gospel was yet so when the people give their lives to christ and i pray i'm not looking at any preacher i'm telling referring myself to you that's what i preach i preach to you i preach on hell i preached on uh happy well one day with me i felt it you know i felt it i could feel the heat of hell i preached hell i told everybody if you don't give a lie you're going to hella and i painted the picture of hell the fire but that's not the gospel if you don't give your life you're going to hell it's not the gospel that's why i said this is going to be controversial and you think it's heresy the gospel is good news giving your life to christ as a threat you didn't hear good news you had a threat the gospel is good that's why we've given our life to christ we don't know god loves us we believe that i just gave my life to you because i'm afraid not because the father loved us it has a requirement that none of us could meet so because i could not meet that level of requirement i'm already condemned but the good news is is sentence on to meet that requirement on my behalf that i now don't need to meet that requirement but when i put my faith in him jesus christ then is called the free gift of eternal life for god so loved now so not god so threatened the world but god so loved the world now because we don't understand this then the gospel and i will show you this now in a few minutes it's where the power lies but because we have not had this gospel we can unlock the power okay we can unlock the power so we're still living under the threat of the law of moses please hear me clearly hear me very well john chapter 1 verse 17 contrast two systems john chapter 1 verse 17 he says the law was given through moses but grace and truth came through jesus christ two systems were contrasted there the law with moses grace or the gospel of jesus christ came to him against grace and truth so then notice the lack of the lack of understanding and application of the gospel of jesus christ is the reason for our struggles as christians our doubts our frustrations as christians you see many christians today they have a lot of doubt people come to prayer sessions they pray they say prayer session is finished and you still see the same people they leave that particular meeting crossed to another church again that is having another primitive they're repeating the templary again it just tells you they do so because when my own son asked me for breakfast in my house he does not cross to my neighbor's house again to ask for food it does not you know because of this straight mindset when my son was very young maybe a drone or two yeah i've done something that i just did not like you know children playing around just doesn't like what they're doing maybe they're packing stories so i can't remember exactly what it was so i took him to the motivational corner of the house there's a corner in my house i was moving for motivational purposes so i motivated him a bit you know just to encourage him along the right path you know so and explained to him that you know what i will no next time do this and this and taught him what to do so it was up here because i wasn't too happy initially you know i was shocked because if this just don't happen this is not supposed to happen a minute later it was making a very major request and i said no he said are you hungry i was almost like which world were you i'm the angry let me i need to still have the anger because we grew up with our father holding something hanging on our heads for weeks sometimes sometimes the worst thing is if you offend let them discipline you now but to tell you you kept doing i would deal with you when your cup is full so we never know the word the size of the copies we never know when the cup will be full so you go to bed with one eye open you're thinking to yourself when is this sword of when is he going to fall this threat so we strong we bring the same mindset to god please listen carefully to me this morning the law of moses contrasted with the gospel of jesus christ let's look at it quickly i'm going to run through this quickly but read it at home and maybe over this week's coming weeks i will open it up because there's some very powerful thing here things here that i need to explain the christ is the end of the law that's what the bible says this is the bible i'm reading now literally romans chapter ten verse four to eight in the ancient division christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes moses writes about the righteousness which is of the law that the man who does these things should live by them but the righteousness of faith i will need to explain this phrase to you as we move on speaks in this way do not say in your heart we will ascend to heaven that is to bring christ down from above or we will descend into the abyss that is to bring christ up from the dead okay but what does it say the word is near you in your mouth that is the word of faith which we preach not the work or works of the law by the word of faith that is preached and so then note this then many christians are trapped in the frustration of the system of law while ignoring the power of the cross and the redemption through christ jesus when i say many all this i'm saying to you right now friends there are things i learned years after i've started pastoring so i'm not condemning anybody i'm telling you uh i'm reporting myself to you of how i was also trapped in the system of the law before god helped me you know and it will not for me maybe i should let you know quickly here that i would not even have known that i was trapped in the system of the lord neither would i have changed what happened was that i hit a wall and when i hit a wall the system of the law could not solve the problem for me so i said to myself you mean all these years what i've been doing you can't solve this he couldn't serve it so god enabled me to go deeper to find a solution in the world and i realized that the land on which i was in is a dead-end lane and now by the spirit of the living god by his grace how to change lane now and look at the cross [Applause] and look at the cross and embrace the finished work of christ not the beginning work of moses you know moses began even he based on what he left he couldn't get him into the promised land he couldn't enter would you understand that but jesus christ by redemptive purposes he started and he finished and jesus was able to say in his own testimony in john 17 verse 4 i have finished the work you gave me to do he finished it not only differently he said i am going to my to back to everyone he said in my first mansion i will i'll preparing the place for you to come moses could not say that he stood he saw the promised land so if you are going to obey and follow this law of moses you will see some things you can't enter into that's why this scripture please note the scripture i know you know we know it by heart we sing it we talk about it but please pay attention hopefully over the next couple of weeks i will open it up to you with me i am not ashamed when i used to quote this scripture i thought he's talking this scripture was talking about preaching or witnessing to people and he talks about that this scripture talks about that but that's not only saying i'm not ashamed of the gospel of christ why it is the dunamis of god it is the power the world power there is the word dunamis which is the word miracle walking power of god it is the same word that is used in acts chapter 1 verse 8 when it says you shall receive power when the holy spirit comes upon you it is the dunamis of god unto salvation now let's talk about it salvation soteria in the greek is not just forgiveness of sins we have reduced the finished work of christ to just the forgiveness of sins and for people to go to heaven that there is no doubt about that that is a great great benefit and a very important plank and significant part of salvation i would say the ultimate of it nevertheless the word salvation in the greek is beyond that the one salvation in the greek in you know in the original reading of the bible suteria okay and it's and the way it's used means more than that it means preservation it means deliverance it means rescue the word sozo which is what translated safe it means to heal okay you know when the when the woman with your blood said you know okay i'm jumping a little bit are you okay are you still okay with this can i continue in matthew chapter 1 verse 21 when the angel came and said his name shall be called jesus and he shall save his people from their sins that was saved there is the word sozo okay so it will sozo the people from the sins okay that's somebody now you look at the woman with usual blood in mark chapter five if i may touch the helm of his garment i shall be made where that was so this one is not talking about forgiveness of sins now acts chapter 14 verse 9 acts chapter 14 verse 9 look at it acts of apostles chapter 14 when paul was preaching preaching in israel it says the man had what paul was saying observing intently paul salad the man had faith to be social he had faith to be healed so this world is accepting his people from the sins it's not talking about forgiveness of sins only he's talking about you being made well he's talking about you being healed he's talking about you being rescued he's talking about you being delivered [Applause] it's a full package we should not reduce what christ came to do to just the forgiveness of sins he came to do much more than that that is why i'm going to make another statement now note this please the works of the law of moses or the old covenant is powerless it can't change your situation it did not change this religion of moses you can't change your own powerless only the gospel of jesus christ is exceedingly powerful to bring about transformation so are you sure of this i'm very sure i'm going to show you right there in the bible this is it romans chapter 8 verse 3 look at it it's right there in the new international version in the nkjp it says that what the law could not do in the niv says for the law was powerless this is scripture powerless don't do it and it tells us the reason why the law is powerless because the law has an enemy the law could not deal with which is our flesh the spirit might be willing but the flesh is too weak to support it so the lord is powerless but look at it now if romans chapter 8 verse 3 tells us the law is powerless romans chapter 1 verse 16 says the gospel is powerful so which one do you want do you want the law that is powerless or you want the gospel that is [Music] powerful now then which leads to the next question what makes the gospel of jesus christ powerful and the law of moses powerless in transforming our lives i think we should continue next week i think we should continue next week now i'm on i'm on slide 42 and i i i have 58 here so uh i don't know it's because of the time now so should we continue next week right okay so we'll continue this week okay thank you very much the bible says that em when you have um pills you should be careful how you share it i'll take my thing home since you don't want to hear it praise god hallelujah i thought yesterday night this is what i told that in honesty i said where do people come to church they watch from the dance so i'll let you do your thanksgiving and you do your dance god bless you may i will be seeing you next week hey but let me pray for you first you know some people son only just won this ah i've suffered ah i'm so fat ah i suffered ah i suffered i suffered i look back now it's very emotional for me i've seen many sodas fall on the left-hand side many students fall on the right answer because they were waiting for somebody to activate the law of moses when all this were the power of the gospel was inside them you could not use it you could not use it you could not use it all is well father we thank you we'll give you the praise for today we celebrate you thank you and we thank you and we thank you we magnify your name thank you for all that you have done and all you're going to do all the glory all the praise all the honor be to you oh god thank you for what we've shared today thank you for how far you've taken us blessed be your name forevermore in jesus name we pray i'm going to pray for you in a minute but just before i do there might be somebody that is out there watching this online or somewhere in here in the house today come on the lemons here as you've been hearing maybe you've never at any time committed your life to jesus christ god almighty is not condemning you when he sent christ here the bible tells us is not imputing trespasses to people the goal of jesus christ is to reconcile you back to god where you belong to your source whatever you might have done in time past nothing that you have done no matter how far you have gone that can be as powerful or compete with the potency of the power of the blood of christ for whatever sins about grace are bound even all the more you and i can never meet that requirement of god but christ has met that requirement all we need to do now is believe that's all just put your faith in christ and that's it and it brings you about the tremendous changes so if you're here today and you're saying pastor i want to commit my life to christ god loves you it's not condemning you what he's doing right now is as open arms is welcoming you he wants to welcome you as a father so if you're saying pastor please will you pray for me i want to commit my life to christ if you're here wherever i or if you're watching out there just put one of your hands on your heart and i'm going to say simple prayer with you and that'll be it wherever you are let's do that [Music] almighty god i've come to you today i believe you sent your son jesus to die for me come into my heart lord jesus i receive you today amen some of you have gone back you know you're vaccinating you want to rededicate your life take it take the same prayer and as you've done that god bless you you are welcome to god's family praise god if you said our prayer last week sunday when when i issued the call like this three people said the prayer so no which was great so if if you said that prayer also just right now on youtube okay you could see a link there click on that link and please fill in your name and your postal address so that we can send some materials to you completely free of charge that will help you in this journey of yours and god bless you as you do that and this is completely without obligation and god bless you as you that in jesus mighty name my spirit is not at rest because of what i said um about you just going home so i'm just gonna because i won't have time to go to the slide it's there on the slide but i don't have to go through so i'm just gonna say i don't know if if i come down there if the camera will be able to pick me up is it okay all right the young man they said is okay it's been a long time i came i preach i gotta come down here now this young man here is trying to he's been praying trying to tie me up there because if you're coming out of praise if you come to other places you realize that every time i preach there's no time i will preach without me um encouraging me really to it beating me a little bit like that i always try to illustrate my point when he gets to some hit that point i smack him he said yeah pastor in the service so he tried to bind me there but the power of the gospel freed me now now let me say this to you what makes the power of the gospel is on my slack but i can let me just say this quickly powerful hallelujah [Applause] [Music] are you interested in hearing this thing it's not your fault you've had this several times or two that's why the power of the gospel what makes it powerful and the lord powerless i'll explain it better next week is something called substitution that's that one word substitution substitution that's what makes it powerful listen what substitution has done is that he has taken what you want from your future and put it in your presence karma kushiya ah father please let at least that one person you want to give it to her that you didn't allow my spirit to rest so what substitution has done is that what you are believing god for in the future that you are stretching for your hand to oh god please oh god please substitution went in there for you and took it for all of the promises of god in christ jesus the year and they are even took it and came back to you so when you ask christ to come into your life it comes into your life with it so it's not in your future it's in you now in your presence so when god showed me this mystery i'm telling you to love her when god showed me this ministry this mystery i'm not looking for abundance i'm not looking for money i'm not looking for deliverance i'm not looking for any other reasons he's inside me i'm bringing it forth i'm not looking for healing so much i don't know you know god might bring the healing of my loving daily well that's the law of moses that's the law of moses in the power of the gospel god is not bringing healing you know god god told me yesterday when i was originally listening he said it is you men of god that break cases i don't break cases i was shocked you don't break curses so what am i going to do that's your own job to break it not me i don't break this why i became a case i don't break it i became it so he became it is substitution he's carried it so you i pray that god will give you revelation in jesus name that your eyes will be opened let me say something to you that you need to understand about suspicion that's interest on cyber assumption is this what you are looking for came into your hands before your condition came into your life that's the power of the gospel prosperity came into your life before insufficiency came around you around your life listen carefully so i don't see prosperity no what you don't see is currency prosperity is in your life currency might not be in your hands but prosperity is in your life listen carefully at all times your prosperity is always greater than your currency even if you have 10 million dollars 20 million dollars in your account right now it's not the level of your prosperity it is the substitution that brings the prosperity it is wisdom that brings the currency see you you see what it is you have been missing i have shown you in this like one by one of scripture but all is well so i want to pray for you today now so if i stand and i make a statement based on the power of the gospel that i don't know what you're talking about i have never sinned i have nothing i don't know what you're talking about you said to me ah how can you say that the bible says the book of son nobody can stand before you that doesn't have a sin that's the law of moses because my sins are not covered beyond the lamb of god that what takes away the sin not covers the sin in the law of moses the sin is covered if you cover something you can uncover it but when you take something we don't know where he took it to he took it away atonement in the new testament he took it away it touched conversation so all things are passed away behold all things have become [Applause] he foreign him who knew no sin come on now to become so the sin i committed listen when i say i have no sin i'm saying the right thing the scene i committed if you are looking for it find it in the pocket of jesus how do you have it someone said well i'm looking at jesus yeah the righteousness of jesus is here so that i cannot become the righteousness of god which with righteousness means i cannot stand before god without any sense of guilt or inferiority this is god standing so when god looks at me and he looks at you like that song said when you look at me it's your righteousness you see lord make me pure in her you know when you look at me now it's your righteousness you see reverend sound told me a story speak no physical story without telling me it's a simple story he said one day that he was just the word talking he said you know he looks like he's balanced good idea lots it looks like his biological dad he says that was the day he was in the house his uncle his dad's junior brother came to the house to say literally that so he was resigned this was long ago it was far younger than this so reminiscent said he was backing the door but looking at reverend son from the back i come to the riversand he looks like that so when the uncle came in here sam was standing when nangu gave me he thought he was a senior brother so like we do in africa he frustrated [Music] a person because he was seeing his senior brother so he accorded the respect of giving this nobody to the man he was seen because he looked at your entrepreneurs that when his wedding remembers i'm that just ah you know that's the way setup process for you because when he sees you he can't recognize you anymore all he's seen is the righteousness of god in christ jesus that's what he sees so he's prostrating for you now so when you say in jesus name get out he doesn't know the difference between a command issued in jesus name and the command issued by the person of jesus satan does not know the difference because there is no difference when jesus stood and said to the magma they look at the righteousness of god and they look at the authority of christ and they moved when you stand you are the righteousness of god and when you speak god in you speaks and the demon can tell the difference between a child of god speaking and god himself speaking because we carry the same righteousness is anybody ready to speak this morning so here you are you're not begging you're not begging he's done i said this don't i said it's wrong your future is secure in god you are not begging you're not begging you're not begging you're not begging you're not begging so much i'm not begging i didn't hear you so i'm not bad again [Applause] luke chapter five i preached from it very several times my past my pastor seven days i preached on this book about launching to the deep i thought it was you know and god showed me he said the most important thing in that story is that jesus got into the boat that's the most important thing before he even said anything he got into the boat he said do you know i'm also in your own boat i'm your heart the most important thing is christ in you come on now somebody is in you the hope of glory at any time he issues a command you are going to catch get results when you never got a result before so this morning i want you to do this now and this is this is true this is what i did i commented this in the middle of the night when things were rocky shaky and a few things like that i'll come here late in the evening i'll stand there ask the righteousness of god in christ jesus fred i used to do this thing so i used to do all this all these things they told me to do are you laying on the floor roll on this side roll on this side father you know it's your church lord don't let your church oh god i'm sure god is just looking at me what is wrong with you stand up stand here father i thank you for the sacrifice of christ all of your promises in him they are ye and amen you never start what you have not finished hebrews 4 verse 3 says all the works were finished now there for now remains a rest for the people of god so i stand there as the righteousness of god in christ jesus as the new creation in christ poverty you can't be around him insufficiency can be around me so i command you take your hands off now is there anybody that is ready to issue a command this morning i think i see two hands or three hands there anybody ready to issue a command this morning come on let me hear you give him a shot all right let's do it this way leave those hands and thank you for the sacrifice of jesus on the cross come on thank him that's where it's talent from the sacrifice of jesus on the cross let's do it let's do it let's do it let's wrap this up come on now the sacrifice of jesus on the cross ambrose [Music] come on now come on come on come on come on let's take two prayer points come on oh sacrifice of jesus on the cross i thank you i can feel you i don't know if you're thanking him come on come on [Applause] the sacrifice of jesus on the cross can perfect that praise come please quickly the sacrifice of jesus on the cross let's do that let's do that thank you for that sacrifice that's why it starts thank you for the blood thank you for the cross thank you for the blood thank you for the cross thank you for being a substitute for me i thank you because it is done i give it a praise thank you 10 seconds more show your gratitude tell your gratitude for allah in jesus mighty name we are praying father i know you have apportioned for my needs to be met in this hour prosperity is already in my life so on behalf of myself on behalf of your children every one of them the ones that want to go to school the ones that want to buy a house the ones i don't have that it's made the ones that need the capital for a business all of these are already planned out for them before they were born and you are so wealthy your resources are inexhaustible for deceiver and the god belongs to you so father we want to say thank you thank you for meeting all of our needs oh come on thank him thank you for meeting all of our needs thank you for meeting my needs are you thanking him thank you for meeting my needs something is happening here something is happening here something is happening here thank you for meeting my needs it also my life is 10 million the loss of my life is 20 [Music] thank you for meeting my name so god is a simple matter thank you for meeting my nate i'll give you the praise in jesus mighty name we pray righteousness of god in christ jesus poverty you are under me for i know the grace of our lord jesus christ that though he was reached for my sake he became poor so that through his own perfecti i can become rich satan i'm glad to let you know i call it the scripture i am rich already come on open your mouth open your mouth i'm not poor i'm not poor i don't lack i'm not poor no satan i'm not poor you can't confuse me you can't deceive me let every man be a liar oh yes i'm rich i'm rich my needs are met allah report santa liver thank you lord christ became poor so that is poverty i can become rich he become a substitute for me hallelujah power is releasing power is being released come on in jesus mighty name please if you've not been praying before you have to take authority now just two things we got to do first you are going to open your mouth poverty i command you in the name of jesus get out of my life and my family in jesus name come and take authority command this sufficiency command scarcity command poverty to go it has to go it must go i command you get out now unemployment what are you used to doing around me get out in the name of jesus christ poverty get out get out in the name of jesus christ you can't hang around me christ already became poor for me i cannot bear the penalty of sin again i can't carry the penalty the consequences of my sin nature has been borne by christ therefore poverty i command you in the name of jesus i'm the righteousness of god in christ jesus i command you get out now in jesus name take your dirty hands off what belongs to me in the name of jesus you found devils you found demons i command you now take your dirty hands off in the name of jesus christ [Music] satan take your hands off me take your hands off my family poverty take your hands off scarcity take your hands off insufficiency take your dirty hands off open that mouth open them out in the name of jesus no no no you can't stay in my house no you can't stay with me no no no no no i rebuke you in jesus name get out you found devils take your dirty hand off in jesus mighty name in jesus mighty name we pray all those that believe say living here one last prayer point the bible says from the days of john the baptist until now that's the end of the law that's the end of the lord he said the kingdom of god this is a new concept now it has permitted spiritual aggressiveness are those that will ever see anything practical they have to okay by force that which i need now i stretch my hand into the realm of the spirit i take it in jesus name it belongs to me i take it now it's my person it's my personal the finances i need right now oh come on now this thing is real this building you are in now that's how you came to be millions of dollars were spent here that's how it came to be come on take what belongs to you now take it now take it now take it now take it now take it now millions of dollars were spent in this building you are in right now until the glory of god we all know about nothing and it happened because because of this because of this [Music] i take it now i take it now i take it now i take it now what belongs to me i take it now [Music] i take it now [Applause] [Music] 10 seconds tomorrow come on come on lacazette i'll take it in the name of jesus i take it thank you my father blessed be your name in jesus name i'm going to pray for you i've done this things other times millions millions i've talked about serious millions of dollars like it's done for this renovation of this place as you can see god is my weakness nobody ever received a phone call personally in this church nobody got the personal letter in this church i didn't call a group of people into any room i didn't ask anybody please uh please hold us go lead in your heart nothing he said today you can bank the floor it's all paid for you can you can see comfortable on the chair it's all people aren't you glad he came like that millions this is what brett is about instead of during 30 years 30 years just waiting okay do something now because the budget to do the work of god is not in the head of a man [Music] should never be man so pastors have been reduced to beggars lost the dignity lost their vision not will never this is eater this thing is worth this look at this look around you is it what i'll tell you right now delivered in my personal life 2020 when i applied this thing what god showed me i applied it things i've never seen before i saw it things that people run around help us get and they're pretty something they cannot reach you just give them very easily came to me i'm going to pray for you now friends you are going to see something you have never seen before [Applause] in the name that's above every name father thank you for the salvation of our soul thank you for the sacrifice of christ thank you for the atoning death of christ on the cross thank you because two thousand years ago there about everybody under the torch of my voice and i say everybody because father according to your word i am not ashamed of the gospel of christ for it is the power of god to everyone everybody here was made rich by christ because christ took their poverty so that they can take the place of christ in abundance and sufficiency so far i thank you i will give you praise therefore by the torture of the world i speak to you demonic entities called poverty demonic and it is called call scarcity you demonic and it is called insufficiency hear the word of the living god i command you now god in jesus name lose your heart on this children of god oh my god my god lose your heart in jesus name [Applause] [Music] whatever case of poverty has been working in your family or working your own personal life i stand on the finish work of christ and i declare that cause which christ has become for you i declare broken now in jesus name [Applause] by the power of the living god that which belongs to you whatever is tied at this hour i command before this month is over i command you to be released and prosper you be released and blessed to you please say a living amen to them [Music] i was in a abuja many years ago i preached for a young man the church has become a mega church now but it was a big church today i prayed for him no that was he has sent me to decide but i just prefer him just a friend i prayed for him he came to me the day after operation so sharing a testimony would mean that somebody just gave him a car and of course he took me to his house and all of that my brother jokingly juvially humorously said to me when he had that someone and he heard what was going on in the environment he said to me ross i don't know why you're still in canada you should come and start the church here he said if you started yourself be a personal assistant you see all these things that are giving all these people he said if you know if you're the man of god you don't want it they give it to me he said come and start here you know so we joked about this and all of that i've heard some of my friends in nigeria and the place they will share this with us you know amazing testimonies i'm grateful to god for them and everything they won't do your call to me you know i always used to explain the way that oh you know it's in canada i've been living in canada now i'm living in canada this is this yeah that's nigeria and something you occur to me didn't god know that you'll be living in canada before you created everything when christ died is that for you here too so that's so i called it out i tell you it's testimony what people say is not possible in this country somebody bought a house a new house and gave it to me just take this it pay for the house and just give it to me just walk up to me and the person i just want to be blessed took him to the house when i saw the house ah something as big as this is just a gift christ the things that he is not in the nation is in people what are classes in people friends wake up this is not theory i'm telling you this is this is real life this is real life this thing real life this was the same thoughts in our life we couldn't bear it we're struggling for the landlady to come and repair a hundred dollar shower head that broke [Music] but christ already died for everything what i'm about to pray for you now you better say living amen to you because i have no doubt we're not waiting on god to do it he's already done that's why when we're thanking god it's a full-time job we're thanking him we're dancing where he just because he was expressing gratitude he's already done it he's already done it i said he's already done it talking to me about talking to me about it does somebody want to give the pastor 100 somebody calling the boss 75 times faster please when can you whenever you where are you going to be free that you come to my house god forbid ayali mambakushya law of moses there's no moses but under the gospel it brings dignity he said they will greet you and they will give you i'll pray for you right now friends this is you don't need to beg anybody if you can't even tell the way i talk you know i can't there can't be anybody that make it you don't look like anybody you don't need to look at anybody you don't need to prove something to anybody just need to understand who you are in christ i decree concerning you whatever you need in this hour whatever you need in this season wherever it is died i command it to be freed up and brought to you in jesus name the resources you need for your next level i command you to be loose and blessed to you [Applause] believe i'm blessed to him she will not be poor she will not be poor she will not be born wealth and riches have been in this house i summon words and riches to come to your house in jesus name somebody shout out i receive it come on let me hear you i receive it oh i want you to sign seven if you believe he said all right now give him a shout out [Applause] [Music] i think that praise is going to lead us in one minute as we do some thanksgiving if you you know what to do to give your offerings the tithes and offerings let's do that uh where's my phone and god bless you as to do that in jesus mighty father we thank you for our offense and our titus will bring it up today bless your children bless them as they bring this forward oh god as they bring this to you today always watching online and those that are here in jesus mighty name we pray [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah jesus you get the glory jesus you get the glory for all you have done and all you will do jesus you get the glory come on [Music] [Music] so i will leave my jesus higher hallelujah [Music] jesus glory [Music] jesus [Music] hallelujah [Music] come on jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] jehovah you can change [Music] [Applause] [Music] worship [Music] life [Music] [Applause] [Music] race [Applause] [Music] my name foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] praise right now [Music] [Music] [Music] you is [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we give you praise [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are the reason i'm singing and [Music] dancing i'm singing [Music] i wanna live you are the reason i'm singing and listening [Music] oh you are the reason i'm singing [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what a powerful service thank you perfected praise god bless you champions for joining us those of you who joined us online god bless you the ignite service for those of us who are staying you
Channel: hopraise
Views: 4,115
Rating: 4.9384613 out of 5
Id: sN-GnCOu6oc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 173min 40sec (10420 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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