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Lehman Ross had called him a bezak a Berserker in an angel's Garb and now the Berserker was here now the black rage was here this was the sanguineous all his brothers feared he was taken by the rage though sanguinia stood tall his nobility was gone the mask that covered his savagery had fallen away on his Flagship the red tier sanguinia spread his wings wide he bared his fangs the air around him crackled with psychic energy the lion and Gilman were both too far away for Aid and it's doubtful even if they could have stopped him the Primark turned and a lunged at his nearest son the librarian Kano the angel seized him by the gorget and lifted him high then slammed him down hard through cogitator decks and a servitor but sanguineous was not done with his son and pounced on the librarian this time he lifted Kano by the chestplate and Drew the blade and Carmine as colon commander of the sanguinary Guard interceded grabbing his Lord's arm but sanguinia slashed out and sent The Golden Warrior hurtling away Kano was pleading for his life now but his Gene father didn't care the rage had him now he went to deliver the killing blow but the stroke never fell for the blade was arrested by another's hand with a face taught with Fury sanguineers released the librarian and spun to face the one who had interrupted his kill as he swung around he was was prepared for what he would see for now he stared into his own face he stared at the sanguinor the ruin storm a massive warp storm during the Horus heresy blocked off large portions of the Galaxy for many loyal to the emperor whether The Guiding Light of the astronomican and no longer visible the ultramarines and their Primark rebute Gilman were cut off from the rest of the Imperium this prevented the avenging Sun from heading to Terror immediately and fearing that the emperor and Terror may even already have fallen gilliman made a dangerous decision something that came perilously close to heresy itself he planned for Imperium secundus a region of space founded around the ultramarine's Homeworld of mccrack and their 500 worlds under his command the loyalist iron Warriors warsmith Antioch used ancient necron technology the Pharos device to illuminate mccrack so that other Servants of the emperor could make their way through the storm Gilman was well aware of how his actions would be perceived here therefore he knew he could not name himself imperato Regis however Imperium secundus would need an emperor and so he hoped the pharaoh's advice might deliver to him a brother it was Lionel Johnson of the Dark Angels who would arrive first however the relationship between the lion and Gilman was fraught with difficulty for initially the lion had indeed suspected his brother of heresy and the secretive nature of the lion and his sons made the Dark Angels questionable allies at best though the two Legions would eventually learn to work together thankfully the arrival of sanguinius made things easier for he was greatly loved by these two brothers and so it was that sanguinius was crowned imperato Regis a position he was uncomfortable with yet he took out of necessity the Emperor of mankind had malcolor the sigilite the Council of Terror and many others to act in his stead for even a being as remarkable as he could not be everywhere at once likewise sanguinius realized that he needed someone to act in his place a Herald to make public appearances for him in case supplicants to the throne came with dark intentions asgalon first commander of the sanguinary Guard the Bodyguards of the Primark recognize this however he could not be both his father's Herald and protect her furthermore the Primark needed to be unaware of the Herald's true identity for their Herald would become his voice in Imperium secundus What followed was a terrible request this Herald of sanguinius this sanguinor would be the Angel's sacrificial son make no mistake this son would have to die away from the rest of the Legion as kalon gathered the 10 greatest members of the sanguinary guard exemplars of baal's Heritage all first each brother pulled a length of bound parchment from a bunch held by ascalon two were marked by a single blood drop these were drawn by brothers aratron and hakayala by our father's body is the truth written by his blood will it be remembered and by our blood will it be honored using a quill of purist white pulled from his father's Wing asgalon wrote In Blood the names of both aratron and hakayal onto their pieces of parchment the commander then placed the parchment into a chalice before slicing his palm and squeezing a drop of his own blood into the cup the eight other members of the sanguinary Guard who did not select the marked parchment all then did the same when they were done azkalon set the blood inside a flame a chalice burned with a blue flicker finally asgalon scooped up the Ash and tasted it swallowed it it is done Maya Lord sanguineous grant us the strength to endure with this complete the other eight members all saluted and left the chamber ascalon stood before his two remaining brothers and offered each a length of kindling the honor would go to the one to draw the shorter length drew the longer piece of kindling and so went and stood before asgalon he exposed his neck and demanded no pity or regret for Honor demanded this as colon decapitated his brother with a single stroke for it takes two deaths to keep a secret as kalon turned to face his final brother in the room aratron for it was aratron who drew blotted parchment and Drew the shorter kindling he would become the herald of sanguineous the sanguinor and yet no records of him would be kept by the blood angels henceforth for aratron in many ways would also now die like hakael his name was never to be remembered in the Hall of Heroes his name in fact would be forgotten entirely by the legion from a nearby Brazier as colon removed a Helm burning hot from the fire it was created by the primark's own hands and was a perfect replica of the one he wore the blood Grant you the strength to endure as colon held his brother's head firmly and pressed the mask onto his face the Searing heat burns his flesh aratron screamed and then was gone only the sanguinor remained The Herald of sanguineas he would represent the emperor when sanguinius was otherwise engaged he stood even before the lion and Gilman though the lion especially would not take this well at first it was the lion who deduced from the ramblings and visions of conradkers that the emperor did in fact live The Three Brothers decided to make for Terror with their Legions and occurs as a prisoner this meant that Imperium secundus was no longer needed and sanguineous no longer needed to hold the title of emperor henceforth the exact role of the herald was uncertain but he remained Anonymous sanguinius felt a great sadness and to sacrifice his son had made for him this was also not the first time earlier in the heresy another son miros had sacrificed himself and become the red angel he embodied the red thirst a curse within the blood angels that causes a yearning for Destruction a battle Fury and a hunger for blood whilst aratron's Deeds were certainly impressive enough to Warrant his induction into the sanguinary guard The Herald of sanguinius appeared to have almost otherworldly abilities the great Angel himself noticed his Herald's remarkable speed and ability to see to seeingly appear out of nowhere when needed it was almost like after the unique ceremony under azkalon something had truly changed under the mask though he was no longer Emperor the Primark of the blood angels knew somehow The Herald of sanguinius would be incredibly important in his future there was something in him that was so pure the best of what the blood angels could be despite the primark's best attempts they were still a cut off from Terror and their father eventually the lion made a curious suggestion that the way to terror is through Davin Gilman was unsure but sanguineous knew that this was the truth for David is the planet where Horus lupacal had fallen where he turned from their father and where he rose once more as the champion of chaos Davin was where the Horus heresy began the road was arduous everything was nearly ruined when a great Shadow appeared before the blood angels Flagship the red TR IED a single shot straight and true right into the chest of sanguineous even though the event that caused it had not yet occurred somehow sanguinius suffered from the effects of the black rage and nearly killed his own son the librarian Kano only the intervention of the herald cured him of his Madness but the angel learned the extent of the horror that awaited his sons Davin sanguinius the lion and Gilman took curse and stood where Horus had fallen the Temple of the serpent Lodge the altar where Horus Lupa Cal lay and where his fate took shape there a portal opened and sanguineous was swallowed he saw visions of a future where he stood above the logar's body he had impaled his brother through the chest with the Spear of telesto perturabo knelt before the angel and horus's rebellion was defeated the emperor would name him imperato Regis for the entire Imperium from there sanguinius would lead a great campaign to destroy the enemies of the Imperium but sanguineous realized the truth these were lies it was not the emperor to whom he spoke but a powerful demon a demon that saw Horus lupacal as but an imperfect vessel by Paths of eight and gods of four yourself you shall be the angel the forces of chaos had set their many eyes on sanguineous just as they had all us but sanguineous is a loyal son of the emperor of mankind Angel and Demon fought and when sanguineous made it back through the portal he saw that his brothers and their sons were fighting against the hordes Unleashed upon them by madael nevertheless the lion and Gilman were able to Aid their brother against his great Foe sanguinius and madiel were stuck between and the warp the angel jammed spear and sword through the Demon's chest pinning it in place asgalon sought to pull his Lord free but sanguinius sent him away he requested that his sons and their allies withdraw so they could obliterate Davin from orbit sanguineous would sacrifice himself here for his brothers for his sons for the emperor the angel could feel the black rage slithering in the depths of his psyche poised to spread its malevolent influence across the Millennia whether he died here or on horus's Flagship as he foreseen he could not spare his sons however it seems the destiny of sanguineous was set and he would not die on Davin as the legions began to withdraw sanguinius looked and saw his Herald kneeling before him once again he had not perceived the legionary's approach however he was here now and he didn't need to utter a word The Herald raised his power sword and extended his hand towards his father and the angel understood this gesture The Herald would take on this Mighty burden he would stand in place of his Lord as he was sworn to do sanguineous made to escape to honor his sacrifice and as he turned away from his son for the final time he saw something curious something Mighty Wings began to sprout from the shoulders of the legionary he was transformed into a golden angel with this sacrifice the three Legions would escape and to destroy Davin an act that would crack open the barrier of the ruined storm the road to Terror was not entirely clear however multiple blockades lay ahead of them left by Horus who may have somehow foreseen this turn of events to overcome this next challenge the three Legions would have to split up the moment of the triumvirate's dissolution was finally upon them the lion would apply lessons he had learned during the heresy the destruction of Traitor homeworlds would draw forces away as well as weaken those who draw their power from the warp gilliman would run interference on the blockades tying them up and allowing sanguineous to reach Terror and every blood Angel knows the story from there the angel would indeed reach Terror where he would fight with the Defenders and fool against his brother Horus but if the Legends are to be believed his blade wrought a in the war Master's armor which the emperor could then exploit to end the heresy once and for all with sanguinius's death his great fear was realized the blood angels will forever have the encoded memory of their primark's death ingrained within their Gene seed on the eve of battle the memory of the Angels fight against Horus may be triggered and the battle brothers mind may be pulled back into the distant past some believe that they are sanguineous upon the eve of his destruction and whatever foe they are facing is in fact Horus they will cry the same curses and House of Rage as their lord once did ten thousand years earlier certainly a warrior suffering from the black rage will appear half mad with Fury and these damned Souls will form the death company where they will fight one final battle in San ctus's name in the 42nd Millennium High Fleet Leviathan would invade Bal however relief would come from rabute returned from a death-like state just as his arrival in the soul system brought reinforcements to Terror now he would bring primaris reinforcements to the blood angels and their successor chapters Gilman would lament his brother's sacrifice and wonder if he could ever be as good a ruler as the noble angel the lord of the first has now also returned the loss of the Angel his most beloved brother was one in a long line of catastrophes that ended with the destruction of his Homeworld and his disappearance you might presume that the proud lion would be broken by these events yet still he fights on the night of Imperium nihilus as sanguineous said himself the Loyalty of the lion will never be in doubt the paths of The Lion and the avenging Sun are set to cross once again the emperor's last two loyal primarks their relationship was never easy and the arrival of sanguinius helped keep the peace during the heresy can the first and the 13th put their differences aside and worked to serve their father's Imperium if not what kind of Calamity May befall the emperor's Realm as for the fate of the sanguinor he is the Exemplar of the host a legend reaching far beyond just the blood angels in the Millennia following the Horus heresy the sanguinor would appear upon the battlefield to fight alongside the angels of the blood in their times of greatest need the sanguinor appears so rarely and in such troubling times that few behold his glory and survived to speak of it and many still believe he is merely legend or hallucination within the blood angels chapters reclusium is a single iron-class devolu where the accounts of the sanguinor's manifestations across the Millennia are recorded there are many tales telling of tides of battle that were turned and Marines returning to Bal after suicide missions for thousands of years this golden angel of Vengeance was the salvation of the blood angels and their successor chapters then one day he meets Lewis of balsekundus or as you may well know him Commander Dante a deep connection between the two has been present ever since during the devastation of Baal the sanguinor came to fight for the sons of sanguine years once again and he appeared before Dante but behind him stood a greater presence sanguineous himself for when Dante looked into the face of the sanguinor it was no metal representation this was a face of Flesh Dante begged his Gene father for the freedom of death but the Primark told his son that with regret he cannot Grant this the Commander's life and therefore suffering must continue Dante is unsure whether he truly spoke to his father that day however it seems that part of sangrinius's spirit now resides within the Golden Warrior of course there are no records of aratron that survive and so the identity of the sanguinor remains unknown to any in the chapter some within the sanguinary guard believe his true identity to be asgalon who still fights on by the emperor's Grace however we know that whilst ascalon did contribute to the death of his brother he is not in fact the sanguinor himself knowledge and rumors of the sanguinor have even reached the Inquisition they worry that the sanguinor is some form of psychic construct or even a Potential Threat some have even used this as further proof of the blood angels corruption fools amongst the blood Angels chapter Council it has been argued often that he is the coalescence of the primark's noble side the part of sanguineous that kept his legion's darkness in check and was lost to the blood angels upon his death when the Black rage was finally Unleashed and this we now know to not be too far from the truth for when the sanguinor Disappeared through the portal on Davin he became much more than even a transhuman being after his sacrifice and the ritual conducted by ascalon over the Millennia into him was poured all the nobility of his brothers for 100 centuries he reflects part of sanguinius's bloodline as all blood angels have a residue of their father's power he came to embody sangrinius's Purity therefore every time a blood Angel creates a work of beauty or performs a noble act it strengthens the sanguinor in m42 the Great Rift the sikatrix maledictum cuts the sons of sanguinius off once again from the astronomicon the psychic manifestation of The Emperor's might The Guiding Light in warp space however mephistan the chief librarian of the blood angels is able to use the sanguinor as a guide for the blood angels Fleet but the sanguinor is not the only reflection of the blood angels that exists in the war for even as he guided the blood Angel's Fleet he was fighting a fierce battle with another warp entity the Black Angel where the golden angel is the purity of the blood angels the Black Angel is their flaw this being has swelled to great power over the Millennia as the Angelic bloodline has degenerated the black and the golden angel do battle in the warp and the sanguinor is slowly losing it is said that they have been at War forever even before sanguinius came to Bal those who dwelled on Bal in the distant past knew of the angels of black and gold even zenos were aware of them this could be because the warp is not subject to time and space like our reality so their battle could have essentially spanned for millions of years or even longer or maybe these two beings presupposed the arrival of sanguineous who was chosen as the host of these Angelic deities on Bal for most of History it seems the sanguinor could keep his foe in check but with the opening of The Great Rift he is now outmatched the Black Angel is too mighty the black rage will one day this rooms of the blood it is inevitable the question is how those of the blood choose to spend their days before that happens as Paragons or as monsters nevertheless a partial temporary and Incredibly dangerous solution has been found unlike this aguinor the Black Angel was never mortal he is the rage roaming free throughout the war chief librarian mephiston was able to take the essence of the rage into himself he grounded in reality became its prison this was a terrible sacrifice for he underwent a second rebirth as he became a primaris marine and he is now the living manifestation of the chapters Darkness many within the blood angels fear and hate him he is now consumed by this role and his soul is Damned but potentially by this sacrifice the blood angels will be saved for a time mephiston is a being with a threefold soul whose power is quite unlike anything seen before Commander Dante knows well the threat mephiston represents to his chapter and the Imperium and is willing to end his brother should it be necessary mephiston has also seen what he could become should he fail to control the power of the Black Angel he resembled the sanguinor but where that Warrior's Armor was purest gold this ones was blackest Sable its Helm mask was haughty and cruel blood ran freely from its hands and the mouth of the screaming visor the warrior lifted a hand shaking with rage to its visor and swung The Mask up the face in the helm was wild with bloodlust fangs out and digging into pallid skin the warrior was as different to mephiston as kalistarius was but it was still undeniably him this mephiston screamed inhumanly black Flames Blaze around its eyes obscuring most of his features but the wild mouth this image zoomed in making his face huge in the space between the pillars mephiston washed as it raised a bloody fist to its mouth classed in armored fingers was a small human arm the Lord of death turned away as the warrior bit down and fed upon the flesh mephiston was Soaring Over the battlefield if such a slaughterhouse could be named so casting bolts of red light from his unsheathed sword what's more asthma fiston has grown in power he has attracted the attention of the Thousand Sons Legion I have discovered a threefold soul amongst the sons of your dead brother sanguineous in their Fortress Monastery a warrior scholar whose links to the great ocean are stronger than anything I have ever heard of he was reported after death and remade resurrected by an unknown power and now he has survived a third berth tortured into a new form by the priests of Mars he has been given a unique Triad Soul there are fragments of sanguineous in each piece a echoes there is a shadow in him the same shadow that was in sanguineous but it has been made manifest he has been born three times and his third Birth has made him uniquely potent so there we have it in the latest mephiston book city of light we get to see his new heightened power level and even compared to the Sorcerers of the Thousand Sons he is insanely strong he even attracts the attention of Magnus the red as I finish this video it occurs to me that this is a very long chain of events starting with rabute Gilman forming Imperium secondus through to sanguineous falling to the black rage the birth of the sanguinor and his potential future battle against mephiston it is pretty incredible how well connected the many storylines of 40K are this video is essentially covering seven different books from the setting I hope you enjoyed this video and if you did please do like and subscribe and if you feel like getting access to some extra content and supporting the Channel please do consider joining through Channel memberships we've almost hit 10 members so thanks to everyone one who is already supporting I'll see you next time
Channel: Sandman of Terra
Views: 129,425
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, space marines, space marine, commander Dante, blood angels 40k, warhammer 40k blood angels, blood angels lore, sanguinius 40k, lore warhammer 40k, dante 40k, sanguinius lore, sanguinius, sanguinius 40k lore, sanguinius 40k death, blood angels black rage, black rage origins, horus heresy, horus heresy lore, horus vs sanguinius, sanguinius death, sanguinor, sanguinor lore 40k, sanguinor identity, mephiston warhammer 40k, mephiston, black angel blood angels
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 25sec (1825 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 14 2023
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