Keys To Personal Success and Prosperity Part 1 | Dr. Myles Munroe

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thank you for joining us for another power-packed message from dr. Myles Munroe provided by Monroe global incorporated and Monroe we transform followers into leaders and leaders into agents of change we hope that this message is a blessing to you as you advance your life and discover your purpose now let's go into the message to personal success and prosperity I'm gonna give you four keys in these two sessions that I have applied to my life and I use them every day in order to accomplish personal success and how to experience kingdom prosperity I'm going to focus on succeeding in times of crisis how do you become successful and everybody else is crumbling around you how do you make it through the system when the system has spat you out what do you do when you are no longer needed by a company what do you do when you lose your income what do you do when nothing seemed to work out and you're losing your car and your house and your sanity what do you do when there's not enough to take care of your daily obligations how do you handle the crisis of life when life hits you on the Blind Side you didn't expect things to go the way they went what do you do when even friends abandon you and can't help you when your company has to be shut down or when you lose a business what do you do when there's so much pressing on you from creditors how do you survive when you've been working on a job for twenty thirty years and then they lay you off and now you're too old to even start a new skill what are you do when the insurance company doesn't want to insure you anymore because they are assuming that your age doesn't benefit their policy principles what do you do when sickness ravages your body and the bills of medical attention is eating away at your own family's legacy what do you do and get take your kids out of private school and put them in public school what do you do when you have so much stress in your marriage because of financial problems that is causing you to have difficult time sleeping with your spouse crisis let's talk about crisis for a minute I have a picture of here of a crisis it's a hurricane Americans call it a tornado hurricane is really a massive tornado when a hurricane comes we call it a crisis why is a hurricane a crisis why is a tornado a crisis why is a tsunami a crisis why is a snowstorm a crisis the answer is because a crisis is really circumstances that occur that you have no control over and you didn't cause them if you lost your job because they laid you off you can't control that if your company is not having the kind of customers or the clients have fallen off and you can't make enough money to keep things going you have to shut it down that's a crisis you can't control people coming or not coming to patronize your company what do you do with other crises of institutional circumstances of either nature or the environment or the system that attacks your equilibrium but there are some good things about a crisis the world is in crisis right now the economy of all the countries in the world seem to be under great turmoil and in your nation and in the Bahamas here where I live there's no different people are having difficulty making it but I come with good news today I want you to follow me very carefully on what to do in the midst of that crisis some things that you can do that are based on the kingdom system that will give you the success and the prosperity that you need in the midst of that crisis a couple of things but crisis to write down number one crisis is the incubator of creativity most of the time we're on the creative until something bad happens to us when things fall apart it makes us think outside the box secondly crisis demands a new way of thinking about all problems and all problem is you got to pay a mortgage the problem is the source of income that you used to pay it with has been dried up but the old problem hasn't gone away you still got to pay your mortgage so what you got to let's find a new way to generate income to pay the old problem so crisis actually forces you to think about new ways to solving all problems thirdly crisis is an opportunity to improve and advance over old ideas sometimes the only way for you to move on if it's something to happen to push you and many times we don't grow until we have to so crisis clowns many times to improve us because we've been stuck in a place too long and number five crisis comes also to produce growth and it also produces a sense of development it makes you develop new approaches to life crisis creates new opportunities it's amazing when when we look at the world today every progressive invention came out of a problem and that's because crisis makes you develop and think in new ways number seven is very important crisis produces and manifests true leadership ability no matter how much you would like to claim to be a leader only crisis proves it you are not really a leader in good times anybody can lead in good times leadership has tested and proven when there is a crisis environment so crisis comes to test to see if you are as mature as you claim to be you've been telling people how good god has been let's see how good he is when things fall apart you've been telling how much faith you got well let's see what kind of faith you have ran there has to be situations where things don't look too good and you're not sure how you're gonna make it in the morning in other words crisis comes to test your leadership ability another definition of crisis is that crisis ignites the passion for a renewed vision for your life crisis takes you back to what God told you from the beginning sometimes you stray away and God gotta pull the rug from under you to get you back on the floor and many times the crisis would take you back to the original idea that God told you from the beginning and it's called your original vision and this is one of the good things about a crisis it takes you back to your passion now I wanted therefore talk a little bit about the benefits of crisis there's a statement made by Shakespeare y'all know Shakespeare the great playwright Shakespeare said these words I love it he says sweet are the uses of adversity sit up with me sweet are the uses of adversity that's a deep statement in other words he's telling us when things are adverse when things are in crisis don't panic use them use them for the positive result everything that happens to you could be used to produce something good that's amazing everything so Shakespeare caught on to something he realized in his own thinking that adversity can be used to benefit the one under the adversity the richest man while richest men in America his name is John Huntsman John Huntsman is the founder of one of the largest companies the United States and they produce but 90% of all the plastics forks and spoons that you use in your house or at your parties this company is the one which is like the number one company in the world that produce plastic plates and and plastic cups this this is the company here it's owned by this man his company fell into debt and his company actually collapsed some years ago and he went into a crisis mode and he rented a bank the bank said Dane level only no more money and his company went into bankruptcy he went home and told his wife I quit I'm never gonna stop this company again I'm gonna go find me a job it's over his wife said to him honey you told me that this idea was given to you by God and that you gonna build this and make it successful you that's why I married you I believe you now if you're gonna do this go back and start again he said his wife made him go back and ask another bank he left it all blank and he showed it to break the truth he said here's what I did in the last 15 years here's what happened and I could start again I know how to build a business will you trust me and the bank says I'll take a chance on you he had no credibility no assets just a record that he built a company the bank took a chance on him and he began to start the company again today the company is worth over 14 billion dollars he ran for the presidency during the time of Obama you remember this man's name he's one of the candidates for the president United States billionaire here's what he said as a result of his crisis I quote if there is a silver lining to bad times it is this when facing severe challenges your mind is normally at its sharpest end quote now look at the statements in that statement he said when you are under the biggest pressure that is when your mind is normally at a sharpest because your mind is something to think of things that never thought of before another quote I got from him is this one he said humans seldom have created anything of lasting value unless they were tried or hurting he was talking from experience he said we don't produce anything that's worth talking about unless we are under pressure you know people respect Bahamas fake ministries because we used to be called a cult and we survived that we used to be called a place where we stole people's money and we survived that we used to be called a kind of a passing in the night for Norman and I won't last and we survive that in other words you will never trust it for the things you claim you are always trusted for the things you survived it is the test that creates credibility write it down it is the test that creates trust so if you're going through a bankruptcy moment that's your test of being trusted and other side Adel crisis in other words you never think that a crisis comes to conclude your life it comes to give credibility to your life whatever you are making through the troubles right now what you're going through is going to give you the respect of other people observing you there are people who are praying that you fail and then they'll trust you when you don't wear it people in the world they hope you won't make it and when you make it they congratulate you so therefore don't listen to the naysayers accept the test as part of you becoming a successful person successful people are always survival testimonies they weren't born successful success is a result of going through a furnace sleeping with lions being torn apart being ripped apart being criticized and attacked success is what people think of you after they try to kill you this is success matter of fact let me just put it this way let me define a crisis in detail for you a crisis is literally a circumstances or an event or situation affecting you and also affecting your environment over which you have no cause you didn't cause it and you also have no direct reason for it being against you and you are victimized by it you're not responsible for it you get fired from your job that's a crisis if you were told by a doctor that you got a assist in your womb that's a crisis you didn't cause it the doctor said you got a a growth in your in your in your uterus so you got a growth in your breasts so you got a growth in your brain that's a crisis you didn't know it was there you didn't cause it if someone says to you well you know we're gonna have to withdraw the overdraft from you because you know you don't qualify any more well you tried all these years now you're a victim of the system what do you do a crisis is simply unplanned and uncontrolled change a crisis something you didn't plan on but it happened I think that the greatest fear today the greatest crisis right now in our whole world is the loss of a job the ability to financially secure yourself people are afraid of losing their jobs some have already done so as I travel around the world I've seen thousands of people who literally have lost their homes I just came back from Orlando and they got rows of million dollar homes with for sale signs in a gated community I drove through there and I said my god they say yes people having to move out because they cannot keep up with the mortgage and the system have collapsed the bubble has burst and we got people who are millions of dollars are now sleeping in apartments with two bedrooms why because the system unplanned a change a crisis some time you think you got it bad but believe me the poor man don't know what they talk about when they say graces a man who is broke to note it is to have no money is there also a plenty that heard the worse the crisis is hitting everybody that's my point but write this down please this is very important and that is this the fear of losing the job is the greatest concern today and I want to talk about this because that's what the Lord taught me to talk about in the two sessions to check your concept of job because that is where the problem lie our economic psychology has made us dependent on jobs and that has become our curse because a job is really an opportunity someone else offers you and if somebody offers you an opportunity can always take it back and if you build your life on someone else's offer you are as safe as how they feel at the time and they can change the way they feel anytime and we draw the offer anybody know what I'm talking about that's why you can build your life on a job stay with me I'm gonna help you with this year one of the good things about a crisis and you lost your job if your business shut down if you got to withdraw your investments or if you had to sell some property of things they working out there's a good side to these kinds of things every test is temporary say that with me every test shut it lock isn't what I fire I tell them every steps is temporary I won't say loud every test is temporary say with some feeling every test is temporary clap your hands that's a truth so no matter what you facing don't panic too long you may panic for a minute but I've come to tell you that panicking time is over now because you're gonna get some wisdom nothing is permanent except God and his promises everything else is changing as a matter of fact God's promises us that nothing will remain the same he promised that now God doesn't change his promise doesn't change and here's one of his promises he said he's Iike the ecclesiastical either Chapter three he says to everything there is only a season and to every purpose there is a time under heaven in other words everything that you experience is only seasonal if you broke now is only a seasonal brokeness you're about to move into a lot of income tell your neighbor I'm only passing through a tough moment give someone a shout right there I'm only passing through a tough moment to everything there is what a season you got a bad time in your marriage laugh outlast it is gonna come do it in a little while in other words you're insane wife don't come back to sanity even the season is over your husband is temporarily weird you're gonna come back soon in other words your kids are acting crazy now but it's a seasonal insanity nothing Jesus says is forever so if your company had to die he's gonna be resurrected come on mr. Huntsman talk to me I'm telling you if your business failed I've come to tell you bury it have a good funeral and then get ready for a resurrection tell them I'll be back why because everything is only for a season if they fire you they're gonna be sorry later they're gonna try hire you again when the season change we'd have your own company by then you can start hiring them it's a season for everything can I hear an amen in the place am I talking to myself this morning to everything there's a season so they laid you off write them a letter say thank you very much for letting me enter a new season I'll be back this is one of the most important things I learned because we are running a race let me show you something it's very important here crisis demand new patterns of thinking that's why they come as a matter of fact crisis creates new solutions when things fall apart you had to find another way to solve them see the problem with humanity is we are creatures of habit we have a habit of doing the work and all of a sudden you ain't got no work you still going to work there folks will get up put their clothes on for God they got fired and they drive past the place up and down they're just looking at the place Hey you are fired okay break the path me we got a pattern of being broke so we even get money be spinner just to make sure we are broke it's a captain but crisis comes to break the pattern write this down crisis initiates new concepts it also renews our vision it cancels experience this one is important when the crisis comes your experience becomes useless this is why the most silent voices today are the economists they are saying nothing right now for the last five years the economists have said nothing they've made no recommendations you know why every principle they ever taught them in school has been cancelled the economy that is now existing never existed before they never saw a country become bankrupt they never saw a failed government before what do you do when nothing you learned is working a crisis comes to cancel that and that this is why I think you know I'm being taught like many of you my parents were so nice they said children go to school get an education and then they would say perience is the best teacher well that's not always true experience could be your worst enemy because if you got experience in doing something a certain way and the environment changed your experience becomes your enemy well I never had to do this certain job before yeah but you broke now you better learn to do it but I got a lot of experience in banking yeah but it's not by hiring right now you got to go work in the hotel I got an experience in in hotel yeah but hotels say higher and you better to learn to be a gardener come on and look at me that way see your experience is destroyed by crisis sometimes we become so hooked on I experienced being wait until we find something I can use that experience and nothing once you experience you have to almost retool yourself sometimes you got to relearn things Yetta you got to learn new skills why because life has a way of shaking things loose there are people right now who are so proud they are starving I can to get that job that's baloney oh yeah you better get that job take that job that's available we gonna saw him bury you below the ground if you don't get your act together and put your pride in your pocket if a job opens I'll tell them I'm gonna take it for a season clap now some of y'all gonna get your head right see Jesus was temporarily a carpenter he over knew he was the Savior the world but for that period of time he had to work in a job but that was in his work sometimes you gotta take a job so you can survive and taking work on your work this is no season for you to have your prize to the point where you starving your children dressing up an ain't going nowhere driving on a car on e trying to pretend everything's cool and then bumming money from people you better go get yourself a job until you get your work back oh boy just getting quiet some of y'all ain't clapping with us all right crisis manifest and Express if you are true leader and true leaders will do anything like be a carpenter until it's time to become the savior your job doesn't define you you are bigger than the job you get so enjoy it why you are passing through that job you ain't going to that job that's not your destiny that's a temporary location for you to learn some things and they pay you to learn while you're on your way to greatness this is why you should never despise a job crisis demands innovative thinking makes you think in ways you never thought before young people coming out of college looking for a job some of you are trying to stay in the US they broke you come back home we broke what you gonna do become innovative this is very important I'm going to show you something here I want to talk about success this is how we need to fix our definitions here please write down every statement everyone wants to be I've not met anybody who planned to fail every human wants to be successful everybody but I want to make it clear success is predictable in not a weird statement but you can predict success secondly failure is also predictable this is very very important what I'm saying right now there's no luck in success that's why you can be successful playing the lottery success is what predictable so is failure now how can be these two important things be predictable here's why because everything in life was designed to function by laws and laws make everything predictable we give an example your car was built to operate on the law of unleaded gasoline that's a law built into the car if you were to put grade-a Florida orange juice expensive orange juice in your car it stank what have you done broken the law if you put five gallons of orange juice in your gas tank can i prophesy that you will not have a car functioning can I can I predict then how can I predict it what would happen you violated a law so success and failure are not mysterious they are both results of law at least the point number six God designed your life to be successful he designed it to be successful i'ma show you in a minute why everything God created he designed it to be successful everything the roach the rat the seed the fish the birds everything God created the atom the maggot everything God created he designed it to be successful and there's the reason why at least the point number seven your success is good for God said it with me my success is good for God say it again this is very very important when I discovered this I was a teenager this is one of the things that changed my life I discovered this reading the Bible myself as a 17 year old teenager I discovered that God needs me to succeed let me explain why write this down the success of a product protects the reputation of the manufacturer I'm gonna say it again the success of a product does what protects the reputation or the name of the manufacturer when I discovered that principle I put pressure on God you see a product carries with it the entire credibility of the manufacturer everything created by a manufacturer before it leaves the factory the last thing they put on it is their name you got iPad you see Apple on it Apple is the name of the company that produced this your shoe has the name of the company your blouse your shirt has the name of the company the pen in your hand has the name of a company every product carries the company's name right then word name down please I won't tell you what the word name in Hebrew means name it means being bei ng being strange in other words in Hebrew the name of a thing is the thing this is why when Moses asks God what is your name it was a problem for God to answer Moses spoke in Hebrew we don't know what kind Hebrew words so don't try to speak Hebrew even Hebrew today in Israel is not the original Hebrew folks getting excited with these names of God and think this and get settle down okay even the name you got Yahweh ain't a real name but anyhow you settle down listen he asks God what is your name God told Moses well I am what I am that's what I am God answered correctly a name is not a label in Hebrew name is character so God said to Moses my name is I am whatever I am at the time that's always written you know if you translate it into English it doesn't make sense my name is whatever I am at the time call me that what is your name God says it depends it depends on what I am at the time so moses decided to write god's name the best he could he wrote jehovah blank it's a blank and you fill in the blank depending on what god becomes for example God doesn't heal people he is Rafa I'm trying to talk God doesn't bring peace he is Jehovah Shalom Tama doesn't provide things for you he is Jehovah Jireh God doesn't give you wisdom he is Jehovah Nissi are you getting this so when you start saying you won't know the names of God that's impossible because God becomes whatever you need him to be at the time if you were sick you don't need money you need Rafa so if you need healing he becomes your hova refer to you but the guy right next to you need some money he become Jehovah Jireh to that guy so he got two manifestations of God's character in the same place that same God became flesh and dwelt among us in a body called yeshua which means joshua which simply means savior and one time they asked him what is your name who are you his answer was i've been telling you all along who i am but you don't believe me they said no you confuse because on Monday you says I am the light then on Tuesday you said I am the way and on Wednesday said I am the bread and on things that I am the water is which one of you it depends on what you need is this Jesus became everything you need depending on what you need so he says I am and he put in the blank the light of the world I am the water of life I am the bread of life I am the resurrection I am the truth I am the life I am the way I am the door in other words what do you need me to become I become that name is being I'm getting at something here so when you put your name on something you're putting your beam on it the word in the Hebrew for name is the same word for image write it down image is name for example Calvin Klein is an image Sean John is an image you read a person's image when God was in his factory producing you the Bible says he said to himself or three of himself father word spirit he said let us but you say product this ain't gonna be like the birds and they're gonna be like the dogs and the cats and the fish there's gonna be a unique product we can put our name on this one let us make a species called man in our own image that word is powerful it means characteristics we will put our stamp our image on this creature no angel was made in the image of God when Michael sees you he sees the very image the character the being of God when Gabriel sees you he sees the very character the being of God let us make man in our own image and likeness means he functions like us now why does God make you not just to have his characteristic but all sort of function like him because God never fails so gods I can't afford for you to fail because I got my name on you how about a show try to be all by myself I know you using this let me borrow this for a second these are these are the cyber Saints I have in my hand a iPad from the company called Apple now when you bought this it was in a box sealed film wrapped around it when you open it the first thing you saw was not the product they had it covered up with a book and the book says do not attempt to operate this product and tell you read me completely how many of you really completely let me see your hands don't tell lies in church all right see no one reads that book completely no one does forgive me to Lord all right but if I want you to go back home and check the book because in the book usually the two last pages you'll find something important every manual first it has a warranty page then it has a guarantee page am i right you don't read them okay these are very important the most important pages in the whole document the warranty and the guarantee is the manufacturer's promise that if anything doesn't work in this product they will replace it free of charge at their expense they say put it back in the box ship it to us at our expense we were paying the mailing we'll ship you a new one back they don't even no you so don't think they like you they do it because they like you there must be some other motivation why they're so committed then it's okay if something goes wrong with this in the first two years we will replace everything free we will send our authorized dealer to repair whatever is wrong and we will pay for it they don't even know you they said if you open this up and there's any malfunction in this we guarantee with a warranty by our company that we will make sure you get a brand new one replacement at no cost to you they don't even know you so why are they so dedicated to this I'm gonna say it slow why are they so dedicated to this I didn't say to you they don't know you they are dedicated to their product because when you turn it over their name is on the product they don't know your name they will pay any monies they take their entire company a backup the product they promise to send you an authorized dealer they promise to send you genuine parts and they even warn you do not attempt to fix it yourself take a deep breath as a deep statement in other words no product should try to fix itself and no customer should try to fix another man's product why because the company is only interested in its name so it wants its success to be tied to its name the company knows that if anything fails in this product their entire name their reputation their character is in trouble so they will do anything they say ship it back to Canada we pay why would they do that because success of the product is more important than the cost they have to pay to restore the product there's no expense spared why name image you ever heard is a company had a bad image god says let's put our name on this one and then God says now we are going to give this product a manual the manual is simply the laws laid down by the manufacturer that ought to be followed to protect the product and to guarantee function laws are never to destroy a product laws are given to what protect the product why do we hate laws so much we don't understand their purpose they have to guarantee function I can never be a failure in life anymore why I know how to succeed why I learned some laws and that's why you gonna miss none of these sessions this week because you have to learn that coming out of a crisis is one hundred percent law based laws have no crisis gravity have no idea what's happening in your economy let me say it slow gravity doesn't care about the economy you jump off a roof bad economy good economy no economy proudly gonna pull you down get my point in other words in law restore respect laws of a government on earth for example God made your rectum with a law it's an exit excretion point loss of biological not who look at me that's a biological scientifically sound law my hip is an exit no legislation in any government can turn it into an entrance the laws doesn't change the law I just thought I'd throw that in in case some of y'all get them excited about some things Nature has no respect for any Parliament you can't vote to change nature's natural laws God has built into his systems including you laws in the product that guarantees its function to protect his name that's why when you failed in Genesis 3 the manufacturer said if I have to go down there by myself and die myself and spill my own blood I will spare no expense to restore my product why God didn't save you for him I'm sorry for you let me try it again God didn't salvage you for your sake [Applause] all this stuff God is doing a for you you think our blessing got him blessing you he protected his name Rama Rama sake listen God is gonna bring you out this week and whatever you have to face you're not because of you I want you to get that put in the facia to say Lord deliver me for your name's sake come on save me you believe for the first time in your life I don't know what you're facing this week but tell God don't do it for my sake do it for your own reputation put some pressure on him your success is good for God if you fail you embarrass the company that's why he died on the cross to protect his own name that's why he rose again to protect his own name that's why he gave you the Holy Spirit to protect his own name that's why he lives with you every day - the Holy Spirit protected his name that's why he wants you to follow his laws protect his own name that's why I want you to be righteous to protect his old name because his name is on the line when you fail your success is good for God right this point down but is very important here success is not a pursuit you remember I started by saying everybody wants to be successful the problem is you are pursuing it successful people never try to be successful if you try to pursue success it runs from you success is a result of obedience to laws a car doesn't try to run will just give it what it needs that's all and it runs well you don't to try to get your car to run well not a pursuit just follow the laws of the engine and it runs well so it is with life you trying to be great you'll never be great you're trying to be successful you know be successful you try and be prosperous it'll run from you the Bible actually says he who chases money money takes wings that's in the Bible the more you run object the more runs from you why it doesn't happen that way as a matter of fact Jesus said something that is so weird he said seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all of these things shall be added unto you they'll be chasing you you attract things I got a phone call this week from the one of the the chairman of the board of the NFL this is the board and the guy called me five times trying to get me I called him back I said yes sir he said I've been trying to get you for a while I said yes sir he said look we are having some problems with NFL players they're having difficulties and he talked about how their marriages are breaking up and how they're having difficulties in all the different areas and and he says are you the man that we want to come in and talk to the NFL players that happened two days ago and I'm saying I said me he said yes he said we've read some of your material we want to retain you as a consultant he said we also gonna write a book for NFL players for transitioning out of sports in the natural normal life he said we want to do only three chapters in the book we talked about royalties later I said yes sir now here's my point here's my point I am still a baying town boy living in an island seven miles wide I didn't move to the u.s. to try get a better job it came looking for me from the highest level and I wasn't even looking for it all I'm doing is obeying the laws of God obeying the laws of God obeying the laws of God and these things are attic success is a result of what obedience to laws I want you to learn that this week coming out of a crisis is a law issue you know my pilots flew me in this morning and I appreciate captain Thurston know he teaches me so much he said Pastor miles when you get into a storm in an aircraft he says you go back to basics you don't try to to correct things in the aircraft you go back to basics and get back to the laws of flying he's gonna pay the laws and the plane gets itself out of the storm itself are you in a crisis don't panic go back to laws like tithing okay god I'm broke let me tie I got some orange let me give two oranges away why let me go back to basics they become so sophisticated you know I gotta try to work this out I gotta try it out can they were gonna happen it causes look just go back to basic big cake for someone to give it to them no I want to show you this I want to define successful you first of all let me take what success is not write this down success it's not what you've done compared to what others of them you'll always find someone dumber than you you don't find someone who can't run as fast as you so don't try to compare yourself to anybody you'll always have success against somebody else so success is not what you've done compared to what I have done that's not success that's competition so what is success success is what you've done compared to what you were created to do how do you measure success by what you've done compared to what you're being created to do for example if a bird that was create to fly never flies that bird is a failure but if that bird ready to fly flies it is successful so success is first of all discovering which is supposed to be doing what you were born to do what you're created to do what is your gifting and then forgetting competition and pursuing fulfilling their gift that's success and you do all in your might to keep pursuing fulfilling the gift don't work for success serve the gift in orders for Bahamian boys who ran in the Olympics recently y'all only saw them on TV you haven't seen their training habits their eating habits the oldest one among them tried to win a gold many times and failed but he kept coming back how about you coming back that don't just happen do you know why we all love a winner because deep in our DNA in the heart of our spirit being it's the spirit of a creature that knows how to succeed and when we see it it makes us identify with it that's why we don't like to see people who come last good news is you are here because you want do you know that when your mother and father went to bed over 500 million sperms released by your father scientifically proven average five hundred million and they all dash toward one egg in the woman it was your mother and those parents were fighting to get there first and guess who made it you did that means 499 million sperms lost the race because you want you are here because you want you're not here trying to win give yourself a hand you win on you look yeah tell your neighbor I made it I beat them all I won the race I begin as a runner and I begin as a winner give God a hand for winning before you even start the race huh that's why you're here now you're here you gotta find out why did I come that's where the success part is and I gotta figure what about what is my gift what am i assignment what is my reasons my purpose for being here don't miss Venice tonight we're gonna talk about that how to find it because that's success success is not in your job right make a note of this please success is the fulfillment of the purpose and the assignment for which you were created a seed is really successful when it becomes a fruit bearing tree you know if a seat becomes a tree still not successful it must bear fruit and the footprint of seed in it a successful seed in other words if you only do half of your life you're still not successful if you only do some of what you're supposed to do he's still not successful we supposed to die like the Apostle Paul I have finished my course I have kept the faith I am like a he says I am like a drink offering I've been poured out he says there's nothing left that success success is dying empty success is saying I have done everything that I was set here to do that success please friends listen to me success is simply fulfillment and completion of your purpose the purpose of a fish it's to swim in the ocean and become one of the systems that actually cleanse the ocean that fish swims it has to swim to be successful it's successful if it swims that's why God made sure it could swim because he got to protect his name he made the fish to swim so fish better swim so he gave the fish the ability to swim so he could be successful whatever you were born to do he built into you the ability to do it for his namesake I come with good news this week your future is in the gift that he gave you you know why we call it a gift you didn't have to work for it you it came with the product you know wait look at this iPad thank you Pastor Pat for a second it's our iPad got all kind of stuff in it it came with it it came with everything needed to be an iPad you ain't gotta pray for nothing that be added to this no fasting and prayer it comes with it when you can't just earth you landed boom you came with everything necessary to fulfill your assignment that's why I go at the University doesn't make you successful you don't go to school to get your gift education cannot give you a gift it refines you'll get but it can give it to you your gift was built in by the manufacturer that's why your gift must not be a victim of the economy crisis cannot destroy a gift crisis manifests gifts most gifts are buried on the career and getting ahead of myself here most gifts are stuck in a job that you had for 40 years buried in the graveyard of your career that's why God fired you to get your gift to be resurrected so you can stop thinking for something else sometimes your job is your greatest enemy because becomes a graveyard of your work the problem with the Caribbean people is we've been built to be employed by government this is one of the greatest crises upon our historical mentality we look to the politician for our future excuse me see God never gave Adam a table never gave Adam a chair never cooked a single meal for Adam God hid the chair in the tree gave the man the tree he say work with that I give you a brain with 500 billion cells use them please stop looking the government to bring you everything this is why the crest of our region is consumerism we consume we don't produce producers are thinkers consumers are hoarders that's why we important 80% will be consumed we don't produce nothing right we are built to depend on the system to provide us employment maybe that's why the system ain't working maybe that's why the system is spit you out spat you out because this isn't a saying go think start up something on the inside let me show you something Joshua Gaza Joshua keep this law book on your lips Georgia was a young guy just like you wanted to do something good in life Khan says here's the secret keep this book of the law on your lips meditate on it day and night he says and be careful to do everything written in it and then he says the result is this you will make your way prosperous and you will have good success the two thing you trying to get I related to law you things ready to loot you ready to work hard working room no no no you can work on still be broke ask the person next to you don't look right don't look right now are you a hard work that does it slaves work hard study history slaves are hardworking people there everyone own themselves so working hard is not the secret its laws if you keep my laws meditate talk about them on it on your lips he says they will what you will make your way prosperous that means you make your own prosperity by what doing the laws I want you to forget about people talking about crisis anymore laws have no crisis I'm gonna teach you some laws this week to help you understand you can come out of anything sitting home in that house you are not activating some laws that can make you prosper right in your own house you got an oven that don't work except once a week that's a sin you only use your car to go to work somewhere that you concern some people with your car pick an old lady up from the chair I could take out every week once a week use your car it's there's a law he says you will make your way prosperous you have good success look at Jeremiah God says train 9 verse 11 I know the plans I have for you God says plans to prosper you what kind of God is this now why do you want you to prosper name sake I plan for my product to prosper he says what else not to harm you why cause my name is on you I can't have a broken product that's bad for my reputation as a company you know why pray when I have a need I say Lord this ain't good for you I can tell everybody and the needs can be met you don't pray for your sake I have a plan he says for you a plan to prosper you not to harm you a plan to give you a hope and I gotta make sure you make it to the destiny what the Destiny the destiny of a bird is to fly I got to make sure you make it to flight it just never seed it to become a tree bit fruit I got to make sure you make it to the foot bearing stage I have to make sure you make it to your end because my name is on the line I've come to tell you in announcement today with my whole spirit that God is gonna make you successful for his namesake before we go just the chance and thank him for a couple of seconds just thanking what he's about to do to bring you out for his namesake just thank him for it for a minute I know the plans I have for you he says plans to prosper you plan not to harm you but to give you hope hope is coming today hope you coming out hope hope hope hope hope he's saying I'm coming out because of my name's sake I'm gonna fix this because of my reputation I'm gonna bring you out because of my namesake giving some praise right here I'm gonna give you hope hope I am hopeful because my future is inevitable I will succeed because it's good for God look at this next verse in clear C 10 it says if the acts is done and it's ages unsharpened then much strength is needed you ever try to cut a tree down with a dull ax the tree never gets hurt who gets hurt you who works hard you do you succeed no so I'm working hard don't succeed a dull ax is hard work and the tree laughing at you and all the callous buildup in your hands blood begin to form in your palms and the tree is saying what are you doing if the ax is done much strength is needed but I like the next statement but with skill success comes quickly but what skill I looked up the word skill the Hebrew word it means knowledge of laws a skillful person is not a person kind of PhD a skillful person is a person who know the laws your car stops running on the highway you pull over on the side you try to start it and the car just makes a click what do you do first you suck your teeth there's Bohemians for each reaction and then you begin to talk to the car some very interesting statements this old dumb stupid car see he's actually gonna say this crazy car why this car so stupid always stopping at the wrong time and you can do this whole argument third step you walk out the car you look at it then you kick it dumb stupid car so now you're trans island against the car the car sitting there going why are you talking to me why you cussing at me why you beating me up I am then unit Li you blaming me for your ignorance as to what's wrong with me you don't know the laws by which I function that's all and because you don't know the Lord which I function you are attacking me and so somehow some thought in your brain says pick up a telephone your cell phone and call the mechanic he called the mechanic mechanic rise in ten minutes he shows up it was the Bronner and you say I don't know this old dumb car wouldn't stop McEntee okay no problem go go go and go sit down the car turn the key quick he's a turn again click he's ok no it's wrong opens the hood goes on the deck for about two minutes he's tired again me he said done now you were there for two hours cuts in two minutes he's finished what the difference between I get to the money yet what's different between two hours and two minutes knowledge of skill I've been working so hard trying to get my life right waiting so hard trying to get my life right try working so hard to make it and me working so hard cause it look you kick in life you cussing at life you need skill look at that verse again if the axe is dug that means you dull you don't know how to fix this Karl you dug the diamond the skill walks up and he even can hear what's wrong when you got north you can even smell what are you gonna work success is not luck you got to make sure you keep obeying laws when I come for people I was telling look at you violated a law is never looking okay listen you want is married to wait you got a there's some laws ain't no magic I can't pray for you love a good marriage there's some laws involved in this you know devil in this y'all York I got law problems I was blaming the devil for these laws if the axe is what done much strength is needed with no success but with skill success comes out even quickly the guy said two minutes finished not a problem is when he's finished see you on prosper okay prosperity come from what laws the guy bought some laws to the car now he gonna prosper are you ain't gon prosper you lose him if you didn't know the laws of a car yourself he wouldn't get your money so you'll be prospering yourself you take your money to a dentist because you can't fix your teeth you take your money to the doctor but you can't fix your body you take your money to a lawyer because you can understand the contract in other words when a person they develop their skill you take their money to them it's a law so why would the NFL call me they saw a skill and believe me your skill is developed for a long time we don't pay just keep working on it just keep working some time you got to work with the children first you know something won't be big right away no but working children church for just work on it I learned to teach by talking to kids who didn't know when I messed up let me say it again you won't be a public speaker go teaching children's church the kids don't know when you don't know right go work in the nursery talk to them babies tell them because they don't love you practice your gift of every opportunity some looking for a check look for an opportunity work a gift work your gift so he says if the axe is done the edges on sharpen you got to work hard and get nothing done but with laws skill makes it successful let me give you this last one before me go write this down please Luke Jesus said seek first the king of God and these things will be what given to you as well do not be afraid little flock it is your father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom Luke 4 42 he says I must preach the good news of the kingdom of God to other towns also because that is why I was sent I'm sitting here for something here he'd send us he's giving us this kingdom this country now here's what's unique about it Matthew he says the knowledge of the secrets of this kingdom has been given to you knowledge of what of the secrets right there right avoid secrets down he says there are some secret laws that you're supposed to learn when you come into this kingdom lifestyle he says it's not given to those outside which means that somebody could be right next to you loosen their job loosen their business loosen all their life and you right next to them you gain in all kind of prosperity gaining your life game here but they said now walk how come yours working in my name working the differences there's some secrets he call him secrets another verse that makes me interesting he says I will give you the keys plural of the kingdom of heaven whatever you unlock on earth would be unlocked in heaven whatever you lock up will be locked up in heaven you have some keys blow me your keys anyone got some keys candy all right this guy's give me a bunch of keys don't forget okay show you I got a bunch of keys I can walk around all day saying I got some keys I got some keys the trouble is I don't know what they're for keys have secrets I will give you the secrets I'm gonna give you the keys plural of the kingdom keys are laws this is a law to a certain place suppose this key is to a safety deposit box with two million dollars in it but I don't know that I got some keys I broke you know I got some keys cider road I got some keys under the bridge I got some keys two million dollars and I'm sleeping on a piece of cardboard with keys hold your Bible up say I got some keys that's a bunch of keys you got your hammer now the book is full of the keys put you under the bridge that's why we're gonna talk about it just this week you have to learn what is the secret to the keys the only person that knows the secret is the one who owns the keys check the same keys our laws write this down keys are what laws the word for keys in Scripture is the same word as principles laws precepts schemes these are principles schemes I have a car and I'm still walking because I don't know which car the key opens I can be in the sea of cars and still be walking because the keys got a secret I don't know the laws write this down laws are universal that means they work any we're number two laws are permanent gravity is always present in any country fire burns in England it also burns in China and it burns in calabash be China and England and fire don't have different fires it's a law heat burns my point is if you learn the keys it doesn't matter where you live I told you I don't need to leave the Bahamas to be successful success comes looking for you in the Bahamas if you work the laws number three principles and laws work anywhere that means in a crisis outside a crisis under crisis behind the crisis it works once you get the laws then before principles and laws I'm not partial they no respected person stop saying the Pastor miles had a break I had no break I grew up in roaches and rats man but I learned the laws of the teenager when you were shooting Marvel I was reading the Bible that's all we use that time differently you be smoking dope I've been smoking the word you high I higher it's as simple as that how do you lose how do you use your time don't get jealous a guy who line the keys early that's why I am here standing here teach you the keys you gotta learn the keys so you can turn your life around and make your way prosperous stop waiting for the economy to turn around we got a line and this week how to turn they call me around in your old life ain't no lack of money in the world ain't nothing went to the moon not a dollar left this planet everything is still here but they the wealth follows laws it doesn't follow wishes money comment money income in it and you you got a place here to wake some laws laws are not partial god no like Chinese people are white people or yellow people or black people no you read God ain't partial gravity will kill anybody am I right fire burn any color skin laws are not partial number five principles and laws guarantee successful results they guaranteed them which means that you can actually control what happens from here on out I'm gonna show you that on a winter's day night I'm gonna give you a key that you will never forget you got to come out of this situation ring our way for no government policy we got our own government policy our government policies never change they work every time number six principles and laws can never be broken you cannot break guarantee a gravity rather you can't say gravity I'm going to jump in a 10-story been a rebuke you in Jesus name you will not work thank you very much I'll kill you while you're rebuking me you don't break laws and expect success at the point of making you don't break laws they break you let me tell you something friends what makes a good counselor is someone who knows laws all this psychology stuff you are getting into it listen the psychology of being divorced four times you get an advisement for marriage I did some Freudian studies when I was in university another Freudian theories all this deep stuff I'm like okay this interesting yeah but now what about the laws and natural laws of God laws you you don't break laws and win but pastor miles I still gonna do this no problem I don't see you on the other side of your problem this is just how I feel okay if I need a law is it C laws don't take nothing place in her so if I give you advice ain't gonna be what I think you I always go into law I guess okay this is the law it's the law of God I I never give personal counsel you can't be helped I give him Lois car on a gas gasoline you need no prayer no fastly no tongs call it a gas station simple main gotta get spiritual on this whatever I give you a long loss any gas me some people so spooky and something from you you thought the Lord open it means I say the Lord the poison violator law you tell him go correct it let me say one more thing too while I'm at it it's a key if I go to a door and try to open the door at this key and I start speaking in tongues and praying in tongues and reading the Bible and quoting dr. Monroe's books and you know yeah the doors still lock it then a motion you get door still no God to answer prayer because you pray loud screen speaking tongues are all on the floor you gotta come with keys your emotions don't bless you you have emotions after the blessing go hey I got it you know stand by the door say oh crap don't say no I need a key I'm the right key to or just come at any key solo the guy who used into the wrong law to try to get something right I can't marry him even though he a Christian and I can get him safe all right but just don't come to me for advice I love him you love the locked door - I love this door door see still needed a key laws look at number seven principles and laws have inherent judgment remember I told you that success is predictable but I also said failures predictable also yeah if you stay on the roof y'all got a verbal gravity top of the roof gravity does its job now if you jump from a four-story building did God kill you did the devil kill you who killed you a long killed you the judgment is built in to the law so when you violate a law failure is not a gift of the devil not of God it's a result of violation so you can't blame anyone for your failure in life and the only way to correct failure is to go back and retrack yourself I said let me get back and obey laws a lady came to meet you the 78 Venice you know she telling me one day she said y'all know worship on the right days okay I said well you know praise the Lord she's working with me and I've mentioned education she was really adamant and every day she come to me you know you are you going to hell I said all right y'all wishing one son is okay for the waco sadly all right too much later she came to me can they see you is it sure she's that down she's not crying it's what happened she's a pregnant and I ain't married so I asked her what were you doing on the Sabbath you know people are amazing trying to keep a law breaking another one and expect to succeed so you said she said what am I gonna do I haven't told my parents yet I don't know my whole life is destroyed young girl nice beautiful girl I said oh well I said tell you one thing you know we got a deal with your parents I'll be happy to meet with them and talk to them for you and we can get this sorted out with them she said you know I don't know what to do it the baby I said well you can't kill the baby no that's the baby's innocent baby didn't do anything my baby it's pure you're the one that messed up and I said what you're experiencing is the harvest hey buddy get my point Louis got it built-in have sex we'll have baby she said can you pray for it to go away I said no whatsoever man show it some of you are reaping right now stuff you wish you didn't plant that's the way life is you don't break laws they break you you don't violate them they violate you the judgment God doesn't even judge you that Lord judges you it's built into the law you want to be successful in your life and to prosper in your life you got to obey some laws you don't pay those laws you're gonna struggle all your life we got to get it right number eight principles and laws protect the product that's why God gave us laws to protect us they protect the product give me a verse causes you may say to yourself when you become wealthy and prosperous the straight of my hands have produced this wealth for me he said be careful but remember the Lord because it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth and so fulfill and confirm his covenant that he made with your father even to this day he says look there are some laws that connected that I activated in your life that gave you the ability to produce wealth this ain't no lottery this ain't just happening because you lucky it is I who gave you the ability to produce well I gave you the skills the laws to produce wealth closing your goal therefore in life is not to be employed but to be deployed and that's the secret to our coming out of a crisis it's not employment its deployment in other words employment prepares you for deployment deployment activates your gifts it energizes your life it's the juice that make you get up in the morning when a person deploys themselves they don't wait for instructions they find something that is so sweet to do that they initiate their own activity deployment deployment is the use and the serving of your natural gift to the world and everyone came at one or two in other words the future of your life is not in a job is in your seed your gift the Lord spoke to my heart he said I'm gonna give everybody clear instructions this week of what to do for the next 10 months you're coming out of this you're gonna come out of this you're gonna create your own environment create your own resources you're going to create your own revenue there has to be a change of thinking stop being a victim of the news to listen to the news anymore you are not in that system you're not controlled by that system you go to your job don't depend on it begin to ignite your gift inside of you is the wealthiest place in the world it's that seed unreleased and germinated you've been stuck just like you'd go from from your job to your house to your TV to your bed it's got to be something else and the problem is you don't own your life until after 5:00 you gotta get to the point where your gift becomes more important than your job go to your job don't get me wrong but don't trust it work on your gift work on your gift my voice thing got old man work Genesis 2:15 first command work what did I say work the first command God gave man was work not marriage work not woman work work not a job work the word work is the word Aragon it means to become become become what in the word is God talking about God put the man to garden and says become what are you talking about well it's like a seed with a tree trapped inside become it's like a bird but flight trapped inside become God cause that work books on potential to books I wrote five chapters just on work go read them the secret to my life it's become become work means not to do something become yourself first command become yourself the last thing they encourage a behavior to do in my country is to become they say find a job get an education they say so you can get a job so you can pay pills and then die they never say discover who you are and become it that's why it's so tough for you Gary it's tough for you so you decided I want to become and they got no room for you your products don't make no sense to them they want you work for somebody else work become God will never demand what doesn't exist already big that's something in you that you're supposed to become this word work it's like a seed becoming a tree it's like a it's like a bird flying now I want to just caution you in this last part because I think it's very important not all jobs are your work that's why you hate Monday mornings because you go into a place that doesn't allow you to become you stuck ego is like a bird in a cage you know a cage allows the bird to fly you know but only to a certain limit they control you they cage you you still a bird and you can still fly a million miles but you in a cage your ability has a left your restrictions call you back and they say this as far as you go every Monday every Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday this as far as you go and be having the cage until 5:00 p.m. let me let you out that's why you - show me that car you feel so free you call it off you should call it out say out the Franklin telling I get an out you're getting off you out of the cage when you do go straight to the couch turn the TV on and do something dumb you watch TV it ends this week no more TV you gotta activate that gift you're gonna tap into that hidden gift that treasure not all the jobs is your work write this one down good job is never your work your job is what they pay you to do your work is what you were born to do they're different your job gives you a salary your work gives you fulfillment your job gives you pain your work gives you prosperity I meant Bill Gates one time I tell you I'll never forget that day Tacoma Washington what a day that was I met a man who is to work for IBM he was to work for IBM did you know that he used to work for IBM Bill Gates he worked in the programming department he used to write the program you know dass this and das that he used to write them for your one day he decided I could simplify this so he went home in his own house and worked out a formula to create these icons to make it not hard but soft and he said we'll put all the hard work behind the scene I just have a desktop I just click on icons and the work is done behind instead of putting in the DOS this das das that we just do it for you behind we just let you click he took it to the board of IBM and he says I got an idea they presented him to the people he stood there before the board he showed them everything he said this will work the Board says it's impossible Bill Gates they said it'll never work but give it to us we'll keep it he said no no no no no no yeah won't you keep this if you don't want it take it Annie resigned from IBM I went on to his garage and built the first software in his garage IBM it's still trying to recover they could have owned Microsoft but they didn't allow a man out of his cage so he left the cage and now every IBM computer has his software I got a feeling some of you gonna come out of the cage in the next few weeks God's gonna give you something that no one's gonna have it's going to be birth right here in your environment and they won't believe you the first time or do you dream your work can become your job what you want to do is go to a place where you actually work you go to a place where you become that's the goal some of you are in that place already you go to the place where you actually use your gift that's wonderful that's great you're gonna leave there at least not now stay there develop your gift but not all jobs are your work but you can find your work in your job your work can be in your job some people have found it as you leave here today please be back here for Session two I'm gonna give you the four principles of how to come out of your job get into your work and you're gonna depend on the systems no more I found my I'm not a victim we cannot be victims of the system be in the world but not of the world be in the system he says but don't allow the system to make you a caged bird as you god of here today ask God to show you your job and your work and to see the difference are you glad you came out today something good is gonna happen to you something good is going to happen to you hallelujah thank you once again for listening to this message as we hope that it has been a blessing to you our goal is to show you new paths and opportunities so that you can discover your purpose it is your love support and partnership that makes Monroe global possible please visit us online at you
Channel: Munroe Global
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Keywords: myles munroe, dr myles munroe, munroe, myles, munroe global, motivational, inspirational, motivation, inspiration, kingdom, leadership, purpose, character, speaker, author, consultant, bahamas, nassau bahamas, the bahamas, food for thought, educational, learning, self help, personal development, album, speakers, teach me, planning and change, crisis, Azusa, conference, global, teaching, ruth munroe, charisa munroe, mylesjr, myles munroe jr, next generation, the legacy of purpose, legacy, prayer
Id: SZ7GasMDTuk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 54sec (6414 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 23 2019
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