Pass Out Getting Shots? Can You Still Join The Military?!?

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what is going on everybody so in this video I'm sure a lot of you are looking at the title and you may be like what in the world is this person talking about what was the point of this video and I'm sure there's others of you out there that would like thank the Lord he is covering this topic because I am so worried about this so today we're covering kind of an off-the-wall topic and that is you know giving shots getting your blood drawn people that are scared of needles or they pass out whenever they get shot or they get their blood taken ever really period ever and if you're deciding to join the military and you're wondering if that's an issue how is that gonna affect you if it's not an issue and I'm gonna kind of lay it all out for you because this the video is essentially for me in the past because I was terrified of this and I thought that I couldn't join the military because I personally passed out whenever I got shots and got my blood taken so I'm gonna go over a quick little story about how whenever I was at MEPs and I passed out kind of what happened there because if this is the case for you this is a likely situation and so just kind of clearing the air letting you guys know my experience on what happened and how I was terrified about this whenever I was going to met so long story short my entire life up until joining the military every single time that I got a shot or got my blood drawn I passed out you know some people laugh they think it's funny some people don't know that that is a very common thing and just so you know watching this if you didn't know that it's common it is actually way more common than you think and then whenever you join the military and you're around people that are getting shots all the time and you're gonna get shots every year at the very least you're gonna get the flu shot then you're gonna realize that it's a very very common you know thing that occurs and it just happens to everybody those reasons behind why it happens and it's not just being scared of shots personally I don't care about getting the shot it's just it happens to me don't really know why it happens to me aside from blood pressure and all that stuff but anyways just know it's coming so I'm wanting to join the military five six years ago whenever that was half and I was like bullcrap I know whenever I go to MEPs whenever I join the military base of training they always tell you you're going to get like ten shots whenever you have a reception and that's you know kind of accurate for some people you're gonna get somewhere between three to about seven or eight shots when you're out reception and so I was terrified of this because I'm like crap I'm going to pass out I have never not passed out before I've always gotten I've always passed out so I get to maps and we go through the line they are about to draw my blood and I'm just like I'm just like Oh guys please please don't pass out please don't pass out again never happened before where I didn't pass out anyone's get my blood drawn doctors like man you're looking real pale right about now and I'm like oh really you know I'm feeling great all the while I am feeling dizzy as crap and I'm like oh this is this is not good so I get up which you should never stand up whenever you're dizzy and you're about to pass out I get up walk out and as soon as I get out of the door I just flopped on the ground I don't know what happened flopped on the ground and I wake up and the doctors are over me and me knowing that I passed out every single time of my life and I was I did not know if you could join the military and you in and pass out whenever you get shots I didn't know that was the thing the doctors like oh man you know are you okay and they're like has this ever happened before I lied and I said no this is never happened before this is weird and the doctors asking me if I drink enough water and all that stuff and I was like you know yeah I didn't really drink that much water that passed you know a couple of days so and they're like you know that's probably it you probably didn't drink enough water in the past day or two or today and you probably that's the reason why you passed out little did they know that I always pass out when I get shots okay but long story short the doctors at MEPs they gave me the okay to you know join the military even though I passed out at MIPS whenever I got my shot just a little forewarning for y'all make sure it's now that you know it's okay to join the military and pass out in the draw your blood and pass out whenever they give you shots make sure you let the doctor know so that they're prepared if you like fall to the chair or something like that you don't want to get injured by literally falling and and your head on the ground so that's my little two minute or so story of whenever I went to Metz terrified I mean I was so terrified because I really wanted to join the military and again I didn't know that you could join and pass out so I lied and said that all this had never happened to me before but it's okay so if this is you if this is something that you're worried about just know you're going to be okay it is very very very very common it happens to a lot of people and for me for example when you get these shots you're gonna get them kind of back to back to back and for me I am far far far less likely now to actually pass on whenever I get shots because I've gotten so many kind of back to back I almost got used to it and this sends sometimes I might get dizzy if I get a shot and it were they have to give me a couple shots in a row or something like that but shots are usually okay for me getting my blood drawn I still most of the time or about half the time will pass out to get my blood John if I'm not laying back or laying down or something like that can't really help it but if you can lay down whenever you're getting a shot we're getting your blood going definitely do that and just a little piece of advice for somebody who has like halfway gotten over the whole past thing out during all this stuff like I said I usually don't pass out anymore whenever I get shots but I was still about 50% of time pass out whatever I get my blood drawn it kind of depends on how many vials the blood that they have to take on me if it's more than one I'm probably a goner but if it's just one vial of blood I'm good to go but just a little piece of advice talk right that's the biggest thing that has helped me is talking getting your mind off of it whenever it's about to happen because from what I understand the scientific reasons and stuff behind this is all the anticipation behind giving a shot and it's not necessarily for me personally getting the shot it's that knowing that there's a pretty strong likelihood that I'm gonna pass out and passing out is not the most fun thing in the world it's a little bit it's just a little bit weird so anticipating that you're probably gonna pass out what happens is your heart rate kind of speeds up your blood pressure goes up and then basically as soon as they pick you with that needle your blood pressure just draw and you basically deflate like a balloon and you pass out so whatever you can do for me it helps with talking to get my mind off of the upcoming event that is going to happen that has helped me tremendously and then also make sure you're laying back do not be sitting up because it's all about the blood in your head that is the problem now one other thing that I want to mention is if you're scared of blood and you pass out at the side of blood and it's not necessarily the needle same thing applies for you as far as join the military if you pass out whenever you see blood it'll be a little bit weird at times it kind of just depends on you if it's like a drop of blood or something hopefully you'll kind of get over that as you start seeing things more and more often that's usually how you get over beers and stuff like that but you will still be good to join the military don't necessarily recommend going into like the medical field where you might have to give yourself an IV or something because for me personally I would just be a goner I would probably never ever be able to give myself an IV so there you have it this is the video for those of you out there that were like myself a little bit more informal a little bit of a story a little bit of just telling you making sure that you know that you can still join and to not be worried about it and to actually disclose that you have a tendency to pass out so that is gonna be it for this video I hope you guys enjoyed it if this video helped you out that would be awesome if you get the like button you wanna check on some more of my videos to subscribe button that would be even better if I'm on Instagram snapchat if you haven't already could be got some amazing freaking day and I'll see y'all later [Music]
Channel: Matt Ward
Views: 5,935
Rating: 4.9893618 out of 5
Keywords: Matt Ward, Matthew Ward, go army, Army Vlogs, army college, Army Recruiter, Army, Army Education, Army Reserves, So you decided to join the army, What is the army like, What is basic Training like, Military and shots, shots in the military, MEPS, Shots at MEPS, What happens at MEPS, Blood and the military
Id: fpSXsPixEPI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 4sec (484 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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