How You Send and Receive Mail At Army BCT

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what is going on everybody so you're about to leave for basic training or maybe you're just curious in general but you want to know how you're going to send and receive mail at basic training so i always kind of love doing videos like this that are just very simple just like basic training topic videos and one of the things i haven't really talked about that much i covered it a little bit in a video for family members and how they're going to actually communicate with resources that basically i've talked a little bit about the mail but in this video i'm going to cover really in detail just everything you need to know so if you're leaving for a basic training and you want to know when you're going to get to mail home how that whole process is going to work with you actually sending home letters or whatever or your family member sending you mail i'm going to talk about that in this video because it's a short video i want to go ahead and mention the sponsor of this video that's not really sponsored this video but vpn if you guys did not know vpn has the best supplements in the entire world a link in the description use code ward for 10 percent off so if you go to basic training you can't have supplements there you just have to wait a little bit but when you get the ait make sure you order yourself some vpn supplements because that's something that you can do you can just go ahead order some protein pre-workout creatine all the all the goodies all the good stuff let's circle it back a little bit one of the questions that i get from people is like when's like the soonest that you can actually mail home and basically what happens whenever you leave to go to base training is you go to reception and you're going to be there it really is from like three days to a week and that's usually kind of the time frame that they want to give you it kind of just depends on when you fall in with the cycle but when you get to reception if you brought letters with you if you brought a pen or pencil and stamps things like that then you can go ahead and just start writing your own letters then and they're at reception at the end of the day when everything's done you're laying in your bunk you can just go ahead and start writing home you can write letters every day if you want to now for me at basic training or really at reception we couldn't actually send out mail while we were at reception and i think that's the case for pretty much everywhere although i don't know that for a hundred percent fact but i'm just going to go ahead and say that at reception you're not going to be able to actually send out mail because whenever you send that mail you have to have a return address and your address at reception at the reception battalion that you'll be staying at is not the actual address that you're going to be at once you actually go to the basic training building where you're going to be staying at for the remainder of basic then whenever you get to actually you actually get the basic training right it's a little bit different reception basic training when you get to basic training the first thing that's going to happen whenever you go up to your platoon area is the drill sergeants are going to give you your address and they're going to say hey here's your address and then this is going to be where you get your first phone call home or really your second phone call home if you did the first one at reception so the first one at basic training first phone call at basic training i'm going to distinguish that that is going to be whenever you get your address and you're going to be able to tell your family members hey this is an address you guys can go ahead and start sending me mail so if you're on the family side of this at this point you can send the mail before the first week or so while they're at reception they're not gonna know what addresses into so if you go to like fort jackson or something where you can they can use their cell phone at uh reception then they're not going to know what address to send mailed to but when they get to basic the first thing you're going to get is the mailing address now when you get that then you're obviously gonna be able to tell your family members your family members are gonna be able to send you mail and then if you don't have any mail materials if you can't just borrow them from a battle buddy or something then you're gonna go to the px there's gonna be like a little small px where all of the new basic training soldiers they're gonna go to it and they're gonna get all the little standard issue stuff like soap and shampoo or uh toothbrushes just like very very basic things and at that point you can go ahead and look in there and go find yourself some letters and things like that when you're at basic training and you actually want to send out mail there's obviously there's going to be different ways that the drill sergeants can collect it but essentially at the end of the day at the beginning of the day throughout the day at least for us there was basically a container a place where we could put our mail where we could turn in the mail that we want to be sent out and at some point in time again it could vary you know based on your platoon based on your drill target however your drill sergeant wants to collect the mail but essentially you're just going to give the drill sergeant your mail you're not going to go to a mailbox or anything like that you're not going to go to the post office or anything you're going to give the letter sealed signed stamped all that stuff to the drill sergeants and then the drill sergeants whenever they want to they're going to do it in the mornings or at the end of the day whatever they're going to then go and actually send it out to the basic training kind of post office area and then while they're doing that they're also going to be picking up the mail that has been received so uh really after about a week or so you should start to receive mail from family members it's not going to be like two days or something that like if you were to send something on the civilian side it's not going to be quite as fast as that because there's a little bit extra processing that they have to do for receiving mail there's a lot there's it's very complicated there's a whole lot of soldiers there's a whole lot of platoons battalions and stuff like that so things are going to take a little bit longer so i would say at least a week or so for your letter to actually reach the soldier but whenever the drill sergeant goes to send out mail they're going to end up receiving the mail and then if there is mail they are going to issue it out to people so again this can kind of vary a little bit based on how the drill sergeant want to do this but really we kind of had like a mail time in a sense every day and the drill sergeant they would have their little container thing of all of the mail and they would just throw it and pass it out to all the different soldiers that got mailed they would look at the name and say hey here's your mail and my bills are and they toss the datas i do want to note here that they're not going to inspect and read and do all that stuff with your letters if you just send a normal plain old letter that's not really thick with a whole bunch of stuff in it then the drill sergeants aren't going to open it but if you do happen to send potentially like a whole bunch of pictures or if you just have a bunch of stuff in an envelope they are going to ask the soldiers to open it see what it is make sure it's not any like bubble gum or anything like that and then you're going to be good to go they're not going to be sitting there reading out loud your letter unless like you give them permission to do that for some weird reason now if you happen to receive a package like a box a care package i talked about in a previous video that i just did then you're going to have to open that up again right there in front of the drill starts they're going to have to see what is inside make sure you're not getting any contraband which contraband is basically just banned things that you can't have that could be knives that could be a picture like pictures not pictures like magazines that could be uh food right there's a whole bunch of different things that can be considered contraband at basic training like very very simple stuff that you may not consider but make sure you watch the care package video if you want to know what you can and cannot send and then as far as if you wanted to like send a package home i'm pretty certain that you can't do that i don't see a reason why you would need to send a package home but you're really just going to be sending letters home so you're going to be sending letters home that's how you're going to do it you're going to be sending it give it to your drill sergeant give it to your platoon leader however that kind of chain of command is going to work because it could potentially be like hey every at the end of the day we're going to give our letters to the squad leave the squad leader is going to give it to the platoon leader and the platoon leader at the end of the day is going to give all the letters from that day to the drill sergeant and then the drill sergeant like in the morning or something would deliver it so there's you know different um standard operating procedures for how that could happen but essentially they're going to collect mail every day they're going to issue out mail every day unless you are in the field so if you're in an ftx right so you're out in the woods you're doing your own little patrol things that they do basic training you're in the forge or whatever you're not going to be getting mail as frequently as you would be if you were in the barracks so i just want you guys to keep that in mind and then also if you're in like the last couple of weeks of basic training if you're watching this and maybe you have a soldier advanced training i would say if they have like two weeks left of basic training i would just go ahead and cut off the letter sending because you could just end up sending them a letter especially if you're sending them a package i just wouldn't do that because it could get delayed like i said things could take a little bit of time they could get delayed and then if they graduate from basic training and they leave to go to their ait before the package gets there then the package is basically lost and that does happen like when you go to base of training you're gonna see that whenever they're issuing out mail or they're gonna get mail there's gonna be a lot of mail from people that are that's basically wrong addresses they're gonna be mail from people who has already graduated because maybe their family members like i said sent it too late so if they're like five days away from graduating and they send them a care package don't do that because they're probably not gonna get it but that is gonna be it for this video about how you are going to send and receive mail at basic training hope you guys enjoyed it if you did hit that like button that would be awesome if you want to check out some more of my videos hit the subscribe button that would be even better follow me on instagram and snapchat if you haven't already i haven't been posting quite as much since my son's been born but i'll probably post some more updates with him just growing it's just i've been i've been enjoying the whole thing and i've really been caring about social media for a while now since he's been born but follow my instagram and snapchat once i start doing more posts and updates on that i hope you guys have an amazing freaking day and i'll see y'all later [Music]
Channel: Matt Ward
Views: 10,230
Rating: 4.9694657 out of 5
Keywords: Matt Ward, Matthew Ward, go army, Army Vlogs, Army Recruiter, Army, Military Education, Army Education, So you decided to join the army, What is the army like, What is basic Training like, What is red phase like, Red phase, Army Training, Army Basic Training, Army BCT, Army BCT Red Phase, Military care package, send mail at bct, send mail at boot camp, BCT mail, When you get mail at Basic training, military mail, family military mail
Id: zlTW5R_Gd6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 45sec (585 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 03 2020
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