What's Replacing The Shark Attack At BCT?? | NEW First 100 Yards

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what is going on everybody so today is the technically the second video in like a two-part series about the whole no shark attack the shark attack being removed from basic training and in this video i'm going to be focusing more so on what is actually supposed to replace the shark attack and whether or not in my opinion that this is gonna be like a change that lasts and whether or not it's just gonna be reinstated so we're gonna have the shark attack again the first thing i want to talk about is whether or not this is going to be like a change that is here to stay and it's not going away so as in like the shark attack is staying away and the first hundred yard thing that is replacing the shark attack is here to stand okay so my personal opinion on this is i hope i i hope i'm praying that the shark attack gets reinstated in a sense and that this first hundred yard things goes out the window and then like yeah you probably should never try this because at basic training or really in all the different training schools in the military they're always trying new things they're always trying to see what works see what doesn't work see what creates better soldiers see what doesn't create good soldiers you know they tried the stress cards they tried giving people patches at basic training which you know i don't understand why they did that but you know they try a whole bunch of things sometimes they keep it sometimes they don't keep it and because of the current situation and events in the world right now you know they're like hey we probably shouldn't have the shark attack because you're just right up in people's faces there's a whole bunch of craziness going on and we could spread this disease and do all that stuff and so somewhere along the line somebody got this bright idea that we should actually keep this change for forever which is removing the shark attack and replacing with something else that's a little bit less stressful that's a little bit nicer that's a little bit more welcoming to people which is stupid watch part one if you want to understand just all my reasonings essentially well not even all of them on why i think it it is a really stupid idea to remove this but essentially like i said the army tries a whole bunch of different things and one of the problems this is a key problem that the army has had recently is soldiers coming out of basic training in ait are not as disciplined as soldiers in the past who came out of base training in ait and one of the things that they did to combat this essentially is you know reinstating drill sergeants at ait so now you have drill sergeants at base of training and you have drill sergeants at ait in order to make sure that the soldiers are more disciplined whenever they actually get to their units so how do you make a discipline soldier is it just you know having a drill sergeant because essentially you had platoon sergeants and then they just sent them to drill starting school and they came back and now they're drill sergeants okay so obviously they're going to have learned a whole bunch of different things but by doing that you're kind of changing the atmosphere a little bit in order to you know supposedly make soldiers more disciplined and the shark attack in my personal opinion is something that very quickly makes civilians more disciplined so you go to basic training you get to reception you know it's just really crazy people aren't very disciplined they're doing a whole bunch of crazy stuff because the drills horns can't really punish you at reception like they maybe can make you do like five push-ups or something like that like they're not gonna make you do that much if they make you do anything at all when you get to basic training there's a whole lot of punishment that the drill sergeants can do it's still technically limited but there's a whole lot of things and the thing that i talked about in the first video is how the shark attack is like a mental shift that people go under in order to kind of take on the environment the physical change the mental change of becoming a soldier and kind of in a sense what the shark attack does is you get off the bus you you know the drill sergeant says get off this bus in the next five seconds or else everybody's just gonna have to do whatever stuff or you know they make you do all these very specific tasks there's a part of the shark attack in which if you screw up in the slightest like in the slightest you're gonna get smoked you're gonna get yelled at there's gonna be bad things that are gonna be happening to you so you have to pay attention to detail you have to pay attention to exactly what the drill sergeants are wanting you to do if they tell you to do a specific thing you better make sure you're doing that very very specific thing and don't deviate whatsoever don't feel like oh you know drill sergeant says do this but i think it would be better to do this then if you do that you're you're screwed you're gonna have a very very very very bad day especially if you're talking about the shark attack day the day one of basic training so it's essentially training soldiers to be more disciplined to pay attention to detail to listen to their drill sergeants to listen to their superiors instilling kind of that leadership role of ncos into trainees at basic training and if you remove that then you're kind of removing a piece up to the puzzle that makes soldiers disciplined so then they're going to go to ait and they're theoretically going to be less disciplined than previously whenever the shark attack was there and i'm not saying that this can be a crazy drastic change or anything like that as far as the discipline level but you know it could be there uh when you don't have that mental shift in becoming a soldier it's going to be a little bit more difficult to discipline in my opinion so i kind of went on and on that but you kind of see where i'm going with this removing the shark attack essentially is going to create theoretically less disciplined soldiers which is a problem that we've had in the army not just in my opinion is literally why they reinstated drill sergeants at ait is because of the lack of discipline of soldiers coming out of initial training so maybe possibly hopefully they're gonna reinstate this i really really really hope that they don't remove it across the board because right now technically like i don't think they're doing shark attacks anywhere just because of the current situation but specifically at infantry one station unit training it has been removed and it is essentially you know it's kind of like they're like i said they're testing it they're testing it there hopefully it doesn't work out hopefully they realize holy crap at ait man we're getting some really undisciplined soldiers here like this is this is not good and then by the time they get out of ait and they get to the actual unit the units themselves are like holy crap these soldiers are like really undisciplined and since that's like a bad thing and a good thing at the same time so hopefully if it's bad then they reinstate the shark attack and you know we have that awesome terrible memory of the first day of basic training you have more disciplined soldiers and you know all all is good now what is replacing the shark attack temporarily hopefully at base training is called the first 100 yards and then supposedly this is supposed to help you be more motivated to complete your last 100 yards at basic training don't get too worried about the whole 100 yards things just you know you know hopefully at the beginning of base training this motivates you to finish basic training not sure how much it's going to do of that personally in my opinion if the shark attack was something that made you want to quit basic training then i think you should probably just quit basic training and and it happened like again my personal experience going based training literally day one shark attack we had several people who wanted to quit not not like a whole bunch of people but a couple of people who wanted a quick base training literally after the first day and in my personal opinion if that's how you feel if you're that easily scared away then i would say most people probably don't want you beside them whenever you are hitting some critical times so i'm going to go ahead and just read off what the first 100 yards is okay so the first 100 yards puts the new arrivals through a series of activities that include introducing them to the infantry's history and its spirit of the bayonet offensive ethos as well as a series of mentally and physically demanding activities the activities include among others a mock battlefield resupply mission physical fitness tasks and a demonstration of the weapons equipment and methods infantry soldiers use in combat so it's essentially you're going to take some supplies to another area you're going to be moving some equipment there you're going to do different parts of the a cft which is the leg tuck the push-ups and i think it is the standing power throw okay so just three pretty simple events and also the training is going to be given some facts to memorize for a quiz on those facts later on so it's just very very simple physical you know exercise fatigue whatever they're trying to make you make happen and then also just the a quiz essentially on some things that they tell you now this would be probably a little bit better if it was like later on in base training because honestly first day of base training holy crap this is gonna be hectic it and again it's not like the shark attack like the whole shark attack thing is it's supposed to be hectic they're supposed to be in your face creating chaos uh making you confused making you just stressed out so that you can't complete the simplest task to just i don't know pick something up out of your uh out of your bag like say hey grab this out of your bag everybody do it in the next five seconds and you're just freaking out and you can't you just can't remember where you put something okay now this is different because you're not gonna have that added stress i mean what are the drill sergeants gonna be doing when you're trying to do the resupply mission and whatever you're supposed to do like i don't know take mres to something like it's you're not gonna be doing anything complicated whatsoever the first day based training you're you're just not going to if they try to do that it's just going to be pointless but the drill sergeants are just going to be like standing there watching talking nicely to people not yelling at them maybe they will be yelling at them just not super crazy they're going to do any kind of smokings if they screw up if they don't complete the task in time like honestly i don't even i can't even fathom how this is going to happen not in a shark attack like manner like how that will even be helpful whatsoever like it's seriously just mind-blowing to me that somebody thought this was a good idea now again it would kind of be a little bit different if this was just later on in base train maybe they do this like the second day of base training the third day first week whatever but then the drill sergeant is still being all up in your face chaos craziness uh get this done in the next 20 seconds or else you know everybody's gonna be doing push-ups or whatever like a bunch of chaos right that's kind of how it should be done in a sense that initiation period that mindset switch being like holy grapple the crap holy crap holy crap pull up holy crap oh my gosh i don't know what to do just that kind of mental experience in a sense working together but when you don't have that chaos from the drill sergeant added it's probably going to be easy it could be hectic i don't know what specific task for the resupply mission that they're talking about but i just i can't imagine that would be super complicated i can't imagine drill sergeants doing this having to i don't know like hold people's hands while they're trying to do this i'm not really sure how that's gonna happen but ultimately i don't think that this is gonna be like a suitable replacement for the shark attack a suitable replacement for the shark attack would be you know some events like this but also with the shark attack environment with the drill term still yelling at people creating that chaos but actually having kind of like some set things to do the shark attack as it used to stand is essentially just you know get off the bus you know you get in formation in your platoon area or your company area and the drill sergeant is having people do a whole bunch of crazy stuff physical exercises holding the bags over their head doing air squats holding a squat position for a long period of time you know going up to your bay areas not being able to stop moving so having to run in place the whole time and anytime anybody does or says anything incorrectly maybe somebody doesn't know something or they freeze whatever like anything possible could go wrong essentially for a soldier during the shark attack as far as getting smoked for something but if they had a set structure to that you know i mean they did the same thing essentially every single cycle but maybe if they have some tasks like they were talking about with this first hundred yards you know incorporate both of them together not separating and removing them so a super long video if you made it in this video let me know down in the comment section if you did let me know also down in the comment section what you guys think about this if you agree with me if you disagree with me i'm really curious because i've essentially got some emotions into this video because i just i just don't understand i do not understand how this happened so that's gonna be it for this video i hope you guys really if you did hit that like button that would be awesome if you instagram some more of my videos hit the subscribe button that would be even better follow me on instagram snapchat if you haven't already hope you guys have an amazing freaking day and i'll see y'all later [Music] you
Channel: Matt Ward
Views: 29,982
Rating: 4.8978724 out of 5
Keywords: Matt Ward, Matthew Ward, go army, Army Vlogs, Army, Army Reserves, So you decided to join the army, What is the army like, What is basic Training like, What is red phase like, Red phase, Army Training, Army Basic Training, Army BCT, Army BCT Red Phase, Failing Basic Training, Army shark attack, Army first 100 yards, Army bct first 100, bct first 100, removing the army shark attack, no shark attack at bct
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 37sec (817 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 13 2020
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