Tiffany Haddish Speaks On Girls Trip, Escaping Death, Raising Her Siblings & More

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[Music] you're watching The Breakfast Club [Music] morning everybody is DJ envy Angela Yee Charlemagne to God we are The Breakfast Club we got a special guest in the building man she don't even know she one of my favorite people my best friend after seeing a girls trip I knew I used to watch Tiffany we used to be on vh1 I love the nineties I asked you to get in a photo booth with me and you said you with beer in you was there with I feel bad I'm about the meses name with you yeah I don't know if you took a picture with you I don't even know if Duvall even knew that there was like a box there and if you get in the boxes you take pictures you know it would be so cool if I just finished a book - very good very good very very good I thought she was funny but when I heard your story on the Champs podcast maybe like two years ago three years ago now I was like wow I like people who been to it I mean where do you start where you could say you start you started raising all your siblings that are really young age yeah yeah my mom had a really bad car accident she her head went through a windshield and I was nine and I'm the oldest of there's five of us total and I'm the oldest and so at nine years old you know my mom had to learn how to walk talk eat everything again and so basically everything she had taught me up to that point now I'm turning around I'm teaching her and I'm taking care of these my brothers and sisters baby on the radio and so I was like a full-on mom like right away and I remember the day my mom came out the hospital the doctor pulled me to the side he said look she's never gonna be the person that she was and it's time for you to grow up now you're gonna have to help her as much as you can okay and I was like okay but here's the thing like when I think back about it like um I feel like it made me super strong I couldn't really read that good at that point and then I got food stamps and everything in paperwork so we can eat and you know she had two properties at the time she ended up losing all their properties losing we lost everything man cuz I was not good at you know no my stepdad had cut the brake lines I found that out later on when I was like 21 he had he had a few woman's pregnant and any Haddish policies on us and he kept moving us like we had these houses in LA and he moved my mom from there we moved to Ramona there from Pomona we moved to Colton which is further from LA and my mom at the time was a manager at the u.s. post office she had our own business going she had properties going like she was like a very you know entrepreneurs strong woman and she was only like 28 29 and yes so we was all supposed to be dead and I remember when I turned 21 I got really depressed and I was crying I wanted to kill myself I wanted to die because I felt like why am I even here I can't take care of these kids I can't I like I'm not good at and I just want to be happy but it's hard you know I'm frustrated and he took me out for drinks and he was like stepdad yeah he said you're supposed to be here cuz you could have died a long time ago but you didn't and I don't you know and he broke it down to me and I was just like basically told you you tried to kill your mama he tried to kill you for a while it was supposed to be a good yeah we all was supposed to be in the car and I had begged her thank you but I had begged her to let me babysit cuz I'm like I'm eight you know eight and a half about to be nine I know how to make hot dogs I know how to make rice I know how to change diapers I know how to bake baby you know formula all of that we're going to bed in a couple of hours anyways why drive us all the way to LA drop us off in my grandma house then you go to work then you pick us up at like 6:00 7:00 in the morning drive all the way back then I got to go to school or whatever just let it just let me babysit but she didn't come home you know three she's left me she let me babysit but then you know three days go by she don't come on and she said don't call nobody you know and don't answer the phone unless it ring twice let me hang up cuz you know that's all your mama doing she know and then on the third day I was just like man I call my grandma like have you seen my mom have you talked to her she was like no well I'm wondering why y'all I care about house and then you know I'm like what she's I don't know what she said she hasn't come home and I told her that you know I'm babysitting but we've run along alright and my sister she was for my baby brother was to my baby sister was one and she hadn't had the other one just yet it is it was like a dance now meow I don't really want to I was married to Amanda had children in out and yes he found my real bad that's how he got me he's from Eritrea edit Ranju Eritrea is right next to Ethiopia they were in war together it was all Ethiopia at one point in time there's a big old war that happened for like 30 years and my dad came to America as a refugee and he met my mom and she taught him how to drive and stuff and and they they had a ice cream truck business together okay but what happened was what had happened was he started selling green cards okay illegally and that's what got him caught up and that's why he like took off is the last time I saw him I was three and you know you know when you were kid you make up these fantastic stories about you know where who your dad could be what he is what he is and stuff and my mom used to always tell me before you know like my middle name is Sarah or sada and in that language it means princess so she should be like yeah you're supposed to be some princess but you look like your ugly-ass daddy for years I thought my dad was ugly and I thought I was ugly too because I look like this man right but it turns out I go on this cruise I meet this dude on the cruise well tell me you [ __ ] your daddy went on this cruise this dude he was like filming me and stuff and telling me that my smile just lit him up and made him so happy and everything he told me he was a police and at that time I had just found out about the stuff with my mom and all that and my stepdad and so I had got in my mind that that's what I need to do I need to sleep with more police I need to date more police I can get this man locked up for what he did to my mom so I was going through this whole little point from the time I was like 19 18 it was too late I did do that and it was too late is that your limitations like the car is gone there's no you so you sat with your stepdad II he told you what happened and soon I didn't get him on camera saying don't tape in and then even if like he was we were drunk we was drinking anyway so back to the cops so I was like oh it's good to have a police friend right so he was a police and stuff so we exchanged numbers and I was like maybe you can find my dad for me one day he's I have maybe in all this sense so we talked I was dead serious because you know I would deal with dudes and immigrations and stuff I was working at the airlines at the time so I would talk to all kind of people trying to find my dad because I felt like if I find my dad maybe I'll be complete maybe I'll understand like how I think more and who I am or and I'll know if I got like crazy super crazy in the family which was definitely on my mama's side so I need to know if it's on my daddy's side so I could know how crazy imma be yeah she's kiss but that was from the car accident from the head injury so I know that my cousin her cousin my second cousin you know um she got it too cuz she got hit in the head with a bat so I know if I get hit in the head so I'm talking for you I talked to him on the phone for like a year I realized in my mind he too old I'm on so we stopped talking I might change my number then five years six years go by and I guess he had been looking for me but he couldn't find me and then he saw me on Bill Bellamy's who's got jokes and he was like that's the girl that's my girl I see the mole that's her and she got the smile and he hit me up he did something you know he's a private investigator by this time and he called a few phone companies got my number pay for it which I thought was kind of romance you know I have been praying to God to send me a man they really like me I really want to be around they you know love my dirty drawers wanna be where I'm at so God sent me that you know he just might have sent the times a thousand but he sent it to me and he called me and and I was like oh my god I remembered who he was immediately and I was like how did you find me he told me all the things he did to find myself oh dang if you could find me maybe you could find my daddy he said I find your daddy for you but it's gonna cost you and I was like I'll pay you whatever you he was like I want you to marry me that's what I want and I was like my daddy anyways I can't find this [ __ ] and so he found him in three weeks and and I had in that first conversation I was like yeah sure I'll marry you or whatever cuz I don't think he would find him but he found him and then like I'm a woman on my word if I say I Medusa search Google no he didn't Morningstar Google because my daddy was hard to find but he talked to me every day on the phone for those three weeks he got up in my mind right and and I really enjoyed this conversation we laughed a lot and stuff and I was like I just need to see what he looked like and then it'll be cool and he linked me up with my dad and I knew it was my dad cuz I cover the things he talked about only my father would know and and then he was telling me that I'm a princess and stuff he was he was in Virginia in Richmond Virginia did you really want to connect with him you didn't have no reservations or feel anger because he left y'all well you know when I was a teenager I wanted I felt anger and I thought to myself oh if I see my dad I'm gonna kick him in the ding-ding first thing I'm gonna do I ain't even gonna say hello I'm just kicking because all these different foster homes I've been in all this stuff I've been through I'd have to go to hundreds if you would've been man but then as I got older I realized well dang you know him not being there allow me to experience so many things and allow me to be loved by so many different people and be fathered and nurtured by so many different people and have so many different experience is that it's probably a good thing he wasn't around he might not have been a good day you know and and I thank them for that that was one of the first thing I gave him a hug and I said thank you for not being there because I might not be the person that I am today if he was there yeah he died three weeks ago he died three weeks ago and I turned up last night in a little Ethiopian restaurant form drank like three glasses of honey wine unimportant none out because he didn't drink I did so I married this guy or whatever it lasted five years and yeah and it didn't work out because you couldn't Andy your career that part couldn't handle the career part he felt like he just recently told me like we got divorced in 2013 at the end of 2012 beginning 2013 and he said like and he never wanted to admit I was just like you crazy you this you that and I'm like God gave everything I had it just felt like I was back that nine year old not being good enough not being able to do enough but I was not gonna allow my dreams to be shut down like I will not allow no man to shut down this dream I have cuz it keeps coming to me and it's like God keep telling me you got to do this you got to show you story you got to spread this joy you got to spread love like you got to do it and there's no stopping it and when I try to stop I get all depressed and be crying and [ __ ] I gotta get it so yeah he just admits me like two weeks ago he was like you know I'm sorry I'm sorry that I treated you the way that I did but I was scared that you wouldn't need me that you would become so successful and so powerful that she wouldn't need me and that that bothered me as a man and I was like but I married you because I need I married you because I loved you and I didn't get married because I needed some man to walk me everywhere or protect me I marriage because I wanted somebody to share all this with that's why I married you you know it's funny a lot of guys will hear your story and try to take advantage of it cuz they'd be like oh she's hurt she got I don't know I'm strong you better be careful now your mom used to be abusive to her yeah she used to beat the crap outta me cuz after that accident and stuff you know mental and brain-damaged and here was a woman who could communicate very well you know she's like a former she's of Jehovah Witness she still says she of Jehovah Witness but champion to the king muhuali I don't know how long yeah yeah and my mom was very active and everything and very good at communicating and all this stuff but now you know because of an injury she can't communicate that well her vocabulary is not that good and so she would get upset and when she couldn't use the words right away if I knew something and she would get just uh and punched me and be mean she said a lot of mean things she's my first love now how does she feel about my success she said her coochie make stars yes a lot of things I learned in the kingdom heart I still stick with me to this day you know like how to treat people how to treat children you always because you know children never forget but you can make an impression on them so easy like bad kids I like to buy them ice cream and slap it out their hand because life does that to give you something you really want the next thing you know it's taken from learning early they won't mess up later and you knows if you treat people right you things won't be taken away from you so quick well then hey you got a strong immune system you make the best of with what you got wait hard being a kid cause you already was poor and you celebrating Jehovah Witness you don't get nothing for Christmas ever gotten act and I never got nothing it was not to got into the foster care system and they start trying to give you stuff you know but then I was like always trying to still hold that up to be like out of respect for my mom and then I did this party of I went to this party at school and I was dancing his white man came up to me gave me a business card and he said you are awesome dancer I'd love for you to do bar mitzvahs and executive parties with me and I had no clue what a Bar Mitzvah was at the time so I thought he wanted me to get on a bar and show my Mitzvah I thought he was being nasty and so um I had took that card to my grandma and I was like grandmother's why Mia came it to me as we do bar mitzvahs and executive parties what do you think of she was like girl you better call that man it's getting closer to your people I was like we strippers her family she's like no and she explained where Judaism was and bar mitzvahs and explained to me that my father was Jewish and told me all that and I was just like oh man and maybe I'll do it by Miss when I see my dad or something and so I started doing bar mitzvahs and I was there first I started out dancing then well nah it's different it's my tighter was energy my title was energy producer I produced energy so I get the kids on a dance floor teach them how to dance how to party you know get the grandparents up you know get people gone whinnies just bring happiness to the room make it fun like come on we gonna do this dance all together we gonna play this game we gonna do this we on that girl's trip stuff now how'd you end up in foster care I'm story to yes so basically I'll take care of these kids you know and I wasn't the best mom okay and I'm taking care of my mom totally nine okay but this point I'm 12 I should be I should be better ready right but my baby brother he was okay so my mom had another baby right where my stepdad she is she was getting off she was off the chain with because she's lost all her friends so now I'm her friend so she's telling me about her sexcapades with my stepdad meaning we met in the votes wagon and we did it in a Volkswagen girl and I'm like dear way she's like the sperm disease that's what she caught she told me I couldn't do it till I turned 21 then I could have babies and I have to get that's when you get the vaccination and then cuz men have this stuff that's Shu Saturday we need that can cause your legs to fall off and your baby carriers to fall out and then you'll die in three days and yeah she said men have enzymes and a mouth better each show face up and each other so don't just kiss guys they'll never put your tongue in a man's mouth because the enzymes the name mouth will eat you up if you don't have your vaccinations and it was so funny when she told me that cousin I went to school her parents knew she was gonna be a ho they got the shot for her early and so anytime I would see a girl kid from the Sun would be like he did this me did I play oh yeah you got the shot early my mom is a mess she used to les used to play like you know Bill Cosby albums and and Richard Pryor and Lenny Bruce and other stuff is she supposed to be Jehovah Witness but we listening to cussing and all that because she she was just she really I think she's just a Jehovah Witness for the babysitting anyways yes I'm watching the kids 12 years old my brother wasn't my she would like I went to school before all the other kids and I'm a layout they closed and my baby brother he would go to school wear whatever he want to wear it and he would be in a bed and stuffing the tea he would get to school and the teacher would be like heat up teacher I'm hungry I'm this I'm that and so doing you know they called the social workers they came over I mean we had roaches I mean I wasn't the best housekeeper it was a lot of things that I wasn't doing right in there the social workers started talking to my mom realized she got some mental issues I mean she was talking about my mom used to talk about aliens in the house and she could hear him and they come in they're gonna try to rape all the kids and stuff and she would like not let us go outside and we were only allowed to go to school and come right back and if I came back like five minutes late I was getting beat for that because you must have been out there letting aliens rape you and it was just crazy it was crazy talk and I was getting beat every day but I never told on her you know she like I remember she was pregnant with my baby baby brother she punched me in the face busted my lip and stuff zoom in like pushed a whole dining-room table and some it's in my abdomen and I just thought oh now I'm never gonna had no kids but this is cool and then I get to school and everybody's like why are you walking like that well but to your face I'm like man it was crazy some Crips right like troublesome gangs because I want to be a gangbanger because I thought if I was a gangbanger then she'll be scared of me right but the gangbangers that wouldn't let me join they talking about you too you too funny you too goofy you pretty you can't be in the hood you not you know like us and I'm like but I could get like y'all like me come on like never like nah you just the clown and I'm kind of glad they didn't let me join but so yeah the social worker came through evaluated the house and she came over like every other weekend and then one day my mom got into a fight with the friend neighbors and she had hit the dude with the 2x4 and they accidentally had his baby and she got arrested yet but they matech no jelly just took it to the the mental institution and we got to when I came home from school it was police cars out there and the social worker was putting all the clothes and trash bags and she's like you got to get your clothes and put in trash bags let's go you you moving and I was like what and my stepdad was there and he could have took at least my brothers and sisters I'm the only one from my father but he could have took the rest of the kids and they didn't have to be in a system like that and he's like take him on take him on I'll just follow you and see where you dropped my fat and I'm like why do like just let me go take that I'm like don't let them have to let his life and my baby brother Justin man he only he was calling me Mom all the time like like it's Tiffany call me Tiffany call me Tiffany and this was the first day when we went to dress she let me go with her to drop them off and so she put my two brothers together and my two sisters together and I remember we dropped my baby brother off and he was just walking good and stuff and he we left on my kissing my stuff and I come out the house and my baby brother come chasing me he go tinnie tinnie and I was like oh my I'm so happy cuz he didn't call me Mommy he said my name but he called me teeny which made me feel like I'm gonna have big titties he could make no future he was wrong yeah yeah so I moved around a lot and we would go to Family Court and stuff and it was like a year year and a half and my grandma finally got custody of all of us and we was all back together because they was like all his background checking out his stuff and they wouldn't let her take because my cousins was in a system too and they had claimed all this crazy stuff what's going on it's just crazy craziness how many fathers the families were you with I was with three okay three different families and then I went first to McLaren Hall which is like the it's like a jail but they it's it's mr. McLaren Hall is not someone you want to be but I was only there for like a night and a half so that's kind of where your comedy yeah that's where I was born at because it was we had to share this room and I don't know you want to see me have attitude now anyways in McLaren law they had these bum bears would be like four in the room right four bears in the room and it's like these hella like this is gangster chicks with mental problems and all kind of stuff in the Kane house them and so here I am like 12 almost 13 up in here with these chicks and they they was like everything with you gonna cry tonight [ __ ] will kill my [ __ ] ass tonight like and all I could think is this bunk be like there's no out there's no way out you just you trapped up against this one so I just start acting real stupid and like clowning it was like yeah you want to beat me up oh come on with it dude like you crush your arm over like this like I say and like and I was being real stupid and all I could think of is um Who Framed Roger Rabbit this movie like inspired all my comedy because there's a scene in Who Framed Roger Rabbit where the detective says why are these people doing these nice things for you he says because I make him laugh Eddie if you make people laugh they'll do anything for you breathe and yeah that's the ticket this time I get people to do my homework this time I get people to help me this time I keep from getting beat up so I just started counting just aren't cracking jokes and and being like mostly cracking on myself in these girls it's like laughs and it was like yeah she got problems we they ended up not beating me up but I was so scared like they like I was scared I just knew I was gonna get beat but they didn't they didn't beat me with a defense mechanism is a defense mechanism and I had you saved my life that story what Roger Rabbit is responsible for your comedy yeah I think you know what's crazy you know it's crazy I ended up in the Laugh Factory comedy camp and one of our first mentors was Charles Fleischer the dude that did the voice of Roger Rabbit do you know I wanna I heard that man so hard and was like thank you so much for doing Roger I because you changed my whole life you kept me safe I have friends because of you now because I have friends when I was younger and because I saw that movie it just changed everything and he was like he's my friend to this day he's a scientist he inspired me to be into science and stuff I got a microscope and everything I do I look at everything under the microscope did you really go to the Church of Scientology yes I really mean that's when I flipped the [ __ ] out on them so I went I was homeless right yeah yeah cuz I was homeless cuz I wouldn't sleep with nobody I was like I'm not gonna put I ain't gonna get this ass up for a roof over my head I'm not gonna do that and so the Church of Scientology they was at the central casting place oh I'm not trying to give me some extra work in the dudes like you should come down and take some classes and I was like cool he was like we got food I was like I'm there so I went I took my class it was free and then they were like your personality is so awesome you should work here you could work here and we have housing and I was like y'all do it it means like you and we'll give you money just to work here I was like how much it said $50 a month and we'll feed you three times a day and we closed you and all that stuff we'll take care of everything and I was like man it's kind of cool because I don't have nowhere to live as it is I'm living in my Geo Metro and then so I signed this building your contract right my country you gotta sign a contract it's a billion years okay a billion-year contract how'd you break that okay so what happened was they took me in they took me where I was on first we had to do all these little Peck work and stuff and then they how you get on these cans and you do like this a meter reading thing or whatever to take energy out of memories and stuff then they took me to my barracks to barracks right and it was bunk beds and I was the only black and I was the only black chick and it was birthdays and all these little white girls and they was giggling and stuff and I was like I ain't doing this I'm not sleeping in a bunk bed so I just kept getting the little white girls was scared as hell and I was like [ __ ] that I need a real bed y'all don't give me no real [ __ ] bed I'm not staying and I just wish shut up I just was loud up and down the highways give me a real bad I don't bark [ __ ] I'm [ __ ] when I got here I don't don't bug me I came and saw I was just tripping on this like you got to get on the cans take the energy out of these memories from the bunk beds are trigger true that's the trigger I'm doing I don't do them and then the guys was like they try to get me on the cans I'm throwing the cans I thought that I don't it's all after three hours things like if you want to leave you can leave they tore my contract up and I walked out Wow yep but they still send me literature all the time in magazines I don't know how they know they know everywhere I moved to oh you know everywhere you move did you really get toxic shock from a tampon yes I got toxic shot into law no I was using a big one like my third period and it was there was no maxi pads and nothing in the house nothing to use but underneath the sink there was these these super absorbent tampons so I was like forget I put it in so I put it in and I only had it for about four or five hours but as soon as I took it out sorry start scratching and my mom was getting my grandma was there my mom had came over and my mom's like just give her some Herbalife that's all she need but everything I kept throwing up every time I drank water throwing up my turn started to like like I got a big turn it started to shrink in like I was and then it got so like swollen and little that it was choking me I was choking on my time I had scratch holes and almost and it's great you know how you go outside chasing an ice-cream truck in the summertime you know if you go barefoot you burn your feet a little bit it was like that all over my body just burnt and my grandma was like I gotta take her to the hospital my mom was like don't take her to the hospital and my grandma's like this is why you don't have custody Leona this baby is about to die look at her eyes like my eyes were sunken like I was completely dehydrated and so my grandma took me to Children's Hospital and they didn't lady she was like are you having sex and I was like no but I want to she was like well why are you using tampons are you using she asked me if I use tampons I said yeah I used one she said why are you using tampons I said because there's nothing else to use why are you sure you not having sex how did you get it in there I was like it took a long time and it hurt really bad but I got any minute and I put the thing look it was I was like dang it was hard to walk look at the directions like okay the toxic shock so I ended up having to stay in a hospital for like three days they put a day hooked me up with all these IVs and stuff is like I was 13 got my first pap smear they basically broke my hymen they and they put they put like fingers in all your holes it was the worst and there was like it was the worst and the lady something she told me if you ever use tampons again it'll be like committing suicide the reason that you're so sick off the tampon is because they put a chemical in there that is the same chemical they put in rat poisoning so the the and the bigger the tampon is the more poisons in it so you bleed more so you're allergic to this poison and that's why you're sick that's why you have the toxic shock now you can't use if you ever use it it's committing suicide so I guess if you want to kill yourself you can use the temp I like them big drawers are you when I was running truck instead when I was running track and field I used the cup now I like it's like a Diva Cup I was like I should just keep the pitch to cover just throw it anything I did booboo in this one do shoes cuz he cheated on me that was brand new taganga corn so he knew it was human [ __ ] directly in the shoe I put the shoe right up to my ass and I let it go did he call you about it no I did it right look this is what I did right I did I put it in it put the shoe back in the box and was like and he left him at my house I took him back to his house I was like babe we should go play basketball let's go play basketball you should put your new JS on so you could be the [ __ ] on the court you know okay don't do me wrong you won't get [ __ ] on see in I would've did like and I would've did when normal girls do like put sugar in the gas tank bust windows out the car slashed tires or whatever cuz he slept with another chick on my birthday on my birthday on videotape like a man I had picked up the video camera he scratched my face I still got a scratch mark on my cheek from that day I stopped was dumpster dive in trying to find that tape I was in a dumpster for two hours in the rain I I watched it and I was like this revenge is real and now I know now I'm a better person now I know let God handle it there you go and when guy handily he do it so much better because he snatched it from me and I was like what's on the damn tape that you snatching the camera from me scratching my face he's done he's done Jordans honor yes so what happened was so what happened was I trying to put the drawings on so we could go play basketball he put his split in the shoes like what the hell put his foot on my shoe and I stand in the door I was like year nickel all the [ __ ] you put me through now you're walking in and [ __ ] and I ran out the house cuz I knew he wasn't gonna chase me [ __ ] on your feet and I was out of there now I didn't speak to a few more times cuz I had to steal his [ __ ] and then yeah that's a whole nother thing yeah what happened was no no she he was trying to be a pimp in the gorilla he had made a video where he was like had her in a strip club and stuff I had her doing porn he was like taking all the money what a [ __ ] was calling my house right and I was like I don't know why you calling me and she's like he always talking about you he always comparing me to you and I was like yeah cuz I'm better than you and so I was like I'm a befriender so I befriended her and basically I was like here goes another master my plan will take his [ __ ] right so I ended up I because one of my friends was a stripper I was like look how much money you making a nice trip and she's like $70 I was like I can help you get more money I'm gonna introduce you to my homegirl she gonna train you we gonna train you on how to get more money how much money are you making doing these pornos she was like only I had like $500 but he keeps all the money he gives me $50 to get my hair and nails done I said look I'm gonna take 10% and I'm gonna get you more money okay I was a pimp so then I went ahead and I start making phone calls Brian pumper used to always be at the slots and swap me right so he was always recruiting at the Swap me saw yo what can we do to get kids to be a drone you know things like not a problem he gave me a few numbers I called those numbers I'd say I started drove her out to Chadsworth you know I had her do a few things and I'm always hooked the rebel she's getting gangbanged because I felt like that's that was good for me payback [ __ ] and I'm watching you again [ __ ] my doodoo [ __ ] so yeah I liked it that I'm in mourning people you got her a Corral yeah yeah what was her name she caught herself I'm black I'm in or something like that oh I always called her dog face but she could she got a little dog teeth yeah I wasn't nice to her yeah I got him what she made more money and and that's why you said you read them some stuff in my book that had a little your toy coming in life that happened to me too really yes okay first off it wasn't toys a painting at least and my sister remembers it so I'm not crazy I'm very saying okay I'm just not afraid to speak on yeah so we had this like poster in our room it was two teddy bears right and it was a girl teddy bear with the boner here and a boy teddy bear at the bow around his neck and they were hold hands and hearts go up in the middle and at nighttime we turn the lights out the hearts would start to activate and they would jump off the off the painting and we would play me and my sister would play with him and it's so funny because I brought it up to her like a year ago and she's like I always thought that was a dream I didn't know that was real and I was like no it was real yeah and they were play with us in the room and we had those bids like I slept on the top part and you know the bottom part that slide out like a daybed here slide out so we would push her in the air and stuff and lock her in there she let me know she don't like confined spaces now because but we was playing me in the Bears playing with her and then we let around like we was playing evil because they start telling us like what we gonna be like what we names like to my sister Tuesday you need to do here you're gonna be so good at doing here and stuff and so because the bear said that I would get our gutter at Thomas and I part my ear and scratch my dancers and grease my scalp and I give her like ten cents then it got up to a dollar and now she's a professional hairstylist and barber they told me and they told me I my job is to spread love and joy and happiness and you got to figure out how to make people happy how to bring you're gonna be said they said to me you gonna be sad a lot but you got to figure out how to make that happiness you've got to figure out how to share that and make it happy and so then we would do shows for the bears and the Bears to do shows for us and it was like it was it was real you keep in touch with the bear today no man I don't even know what embarrass my god I know you better enjoy it I've got moved into section 8 things so I don't know where to held it life has gotten much better for Tiffany you got the Carmichael show yes which I love season three that yes yes and I love working on it you know girl's trip comes out next week no comes out the 21st July July now I didn't initially think I would like that movie until I saw it cuz I was like what is the premise of this I'm confused about it but then I saw it and it's actually really funny yeah it's just me and chasing [ __ ] but girls I saw also cuz I had the privilege of getting to go to like an early screening tell us about this a little bit and I mean not to give anything away but Tiffany is like the funniest person I mean from the trailer you like to start a movie in this movie what you saying it like this Queen Latifah and Jada pinkett-smith I think we all equally have our positions in the movie and I don't think I don't think I'm the star at all I think I just push the funny along I help push the story and it's it's basically four friends who haven't seen each other in a while five years and they get together because one of them gets a hookup at the SD every Geno Jaquez looked up at the essence specialist she brings all of us with her and we fly first class and my character is just like the Christ's like a black female Zach Galifianakis but turned up to full ratchetness levels it's fun it was so much fun making the movie when I saw the movie I liked it's not that I forgot what I did in a movie but it was just like why are you 75 percent of my like tags of like stuff I made up my ad libs they use 75% of that and so that made me feel really good and I was like dang do I get a writer's credit because there's a lot of things in that movie that some people might have shied away from but you guys are you know having sex like sexual and it's not like oh my god well you know it was just really like a real girl [ __ ] like you guys got that one friend that's trying to teach you how to hook it up you know teach you how to he had a grapefruit you got to see the grapefruit slain that's off the chain yes Shaka Zulu spank yes crying ended up in the hospital he took my uterus what not my uterus out of alignment I was in South Central Los Angeles black eye baggage handling and he was he told me he was like you know I got a lot of dick you ain't gonna be able to handle this smells like boy please I don't have enough dicks there's nothing I know how to throw this ass back like boy please like just make sure like make sure you got that Lube in them condom cause if I forget the [ __ ] [ __ ] out of here and he put his dick I was like god that's not real right man he came weird and I was late and I was taking it and I was throwing it back and it was killing me I was killing me but I had a point to prove it like and whatever I say I do like and so I did all that he was like right after he's like I love you we should get married like he wanted to marry me and stuff he was like you want to move it to my place trying to take me to because I uh meet me at a hotel because we finished just like that see but Dave was trying to take me to his house he took me to targeted by me all kind of [ __ ] at Target and stuff and I was 2020 yeah I was 20 would you still date like a baggage handling now because of that experience yeah I like baggage handlers with jobs they had a great experience no it was horrible it was war it was the most painful thing it was like it was like putting a flashlight in your [ __ ] and sitting down on it super hard yes I went to the ER and I said look straight up I this dude told me his thang was big I didn't believe him I had talked a lot of mess I've through that ass back and something's wrong I was throwing up I kept throwing up it was like cuz he pushed my stuff up and linked it and don't get it twisted now now I'm still the ride a big one but now I know how to use a way to do it the technique and you gotta you gotta have some control and some power you can't just go like yeah you gotta wear panty little bit like I don't even laugh at myself like that usually if I see me doing something funny I got hilarious that's that's funny hilarious that's how comedians laugh basically but I couldn't not hold the laughter I went to the bathroom before the movie started and I ended up by the time I got to the grave from thing I peed on myself and I've never had no children there's just a big no no no it ain't loose it you're on the front of essence that's alright yes I'm on the cover of essence magazine dream come true yes they gave all of us a cover and then all this together the movie - yes they were super supportive of the movie they facilitated a lot of the things that we did we got to shoot at essence festival it was it was like one of the most amazing things I have ever experienced this is the best job I've ever had like that everyone treated us so like the crew was so respectful and kind and like always willing to help I got the best makeup artists in the business the best hair person like it was just I never had the best an act and always had you know good enough for it's good and I always try to give my best and then this is my first time being on a project where it was like I'm working with the best and I'm giving my best and it was the most fun I've ever had on a job and I always have fun like no matter what I learned that from Richard Pryor like it whatever you do have fun I got to meet him when I was in comedy camp and I was onstage surprised I met Richard Pryor or not the comedy camp and I'm on stage telling a joke he stops me in the middle of my joke he goes stop stop stop what are you doing I said I'm telling the joke he goes no you're not I said yes I am he goes no you're not I said yes I am because no you're not I said what am i doing he said you're getting on my goddamn nerves that's what you're doing I was like clutching my pearls he said look people don't come to comedy shows cuz they want to hear about your problems or politics or religion or what's going on in the world they come to comedy shows to have fun so when you won't stage you need to be having fun if you're having fun they're having fun if you're not having fun they're looking at you like what the hell am I spend my money on so have fun and I've taken that philosophy with me and everything that I do I always try to have fun even when it's like the worst situation ever I'm like I'm going to crack a joke I'm gonna laugh at some point in this crazy messed up news it's amazing that someone that's as smokin as you are now didn't even really talk to the child no I didn't like when you get over that basically yeah yeah this is my first time playing a leading lady Tracy Morgan showed the last og it was my first time being a lead on a TV series and it's been awesome working with Tracy he is so on point so funny so honest inches yes very passionate yes so rich he'd come to work every day in a different car like what I got to ride in a Bugatti I was like oh that's what my ass for like a millions of dollars and I'm it felt good how did that work out with mu zero yeah you caught my goal in well you know you have to be strategic which is what I've learned I've learned how to do that and also you know they used me on the Carmichael show like the first season I was just guest star then it was reoccurring and in this season the third season they they took me on as a full-on series regular but they use me like a reoccurring so I went in and was like you know y'all holding me back let me grow like either use me or let me be somewhere else and I could keep coming back here I guess cuz you use me like a guest or reoccurring I mean uh you know just come through like I do say sound funny and leave like so they let me they let me do it and it's just you know some stipulations here and there but you know I'm just trying to be the white woman that I'm supposed to be we look forward to seeing girls honey you deserve it all always thought she was funny and talented but when you hear your story that's when it's like I was like real people with real stories me definitely got one of the realest ones that if you can't possibly love her even more you will love her she's like the best friend that everybody needs to have and wait to see what's the date again July 21st out there yes and then you get to meet my best friend Jada pinkett-smith tell them where to find you on Instagram and Twitter everything is Tiffany Haddish Tiffany like the Diamonds had and dish keep the 2ds is how you spell it and that's on Facebook Instagram and Twitter Tiffany Haddish no no I only want dick pics that I request now first send me your credit score send me a credit score first let me get a CEO Credit Karma copy you know I'm saying and then we could talk about that big pig Marcus is the bring the breakfast club every weekday morning tune in [Music]
Channel: Breakfast Club Power 105.1 FM
Views: 4,105,393
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the breakfast club, power1051, celebrity news, radio, video, interview, angela yee, charlamagne tha god, dj envy, tiffany haddish, girls trip, who framed roger rabbit, richard pryor, comedy, actress
Id: TQ09OnwuXZs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 9sec (3069 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 19 2017
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