Gary Owen Starts Beef With T.I., Kim Kardashian, Kodak Black, Delta Airlines + Everyone Else

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Breakfast Club morning everybody is DJ envy Angela Yee Charlemagne the guy we are the Breakfast Club I'm kind of confused this morning at this next guest why are you confused last time he came up this post Malone yes the time before that he was Takashi 6-9 I was gonna come at this Kodak black today nah just a Sakura I went to I went the essence last year down New Orleans and that's what I figured I said when black women get really drunk I turn in the Tommy from power Wow stop so much mistaken for you also I bet he was a freshman I was a senior in high school that's what it looks like did you pay your taxes man do you think hurts Oh bring the frickin interview down how much you think I'm having to cut yesterday okay I want to talk about it man is that crazy yeah it's a lot better are worse for you than previously cuz I see a lot of people talking about how it's harder to pay your taxes we owe em more money but some people got tax breaks we got a lot of over at though comedians cuz we write off you know we got we got airline tickets and hotels and clothes a lot of write off so if you got a good accountant you guys can work let the record show Gary didn't schedule this interview too late last night now I know why you needed to be here to promote your upcoming shows and make sure they so loud to get some of that money back Ilana this weekend I'm at Harrah's then Saturday I'm at the NJPAC and Newark okay in Newark Newark right right that right I feel like y'all could give so much this is comedians doing it you don't have to I'm talking about know what you're talking about I'm legal yeah all the way I put in my contract check only don't give me no cash bro don't want no kickbacks what were you doing at essence just hanging out like hour and a half away and I was like I was gonna go drive over New Orleans see what it's all about so I just went over there and hung out for a couple hours yeah I really do hang with black people in his free time I love like people without question yeah yeah that's why I was like I'd rather do your show than like The Tonight Show Kimmel I get more out of The Breakfast Club than I would that were Stephen Colbert question yeah you guys really are like the hip-hop early morning late-night talk show like everyone want to get on Carson bag of the day yeah nowadays I bet you more comedians especially black comedians would rather do the breakfast club then Kimmel I would you get more out of it what am I going come on be like hey I'm at NJPAC all this go sell some tickets we're doing fine it's gonna be packed but let me ask you this what happened with the whole Delta situation with your wife Delta it was an employee at gay be 21 on the particular day I mean I flatted since the all the time but my my wife is in line and she always gets in line early cuz she wants to overhead space same way so she's in line hey you know the guy goes man were you on first then she was like she was like yes and then she sat there for a second she's like I should let this go but she couldn't cuz there was like all white dudes next to her she goes am I the one you're gonna ask he goes yeah and then she goes oh you're not gonna see him be else he goes no and she's like why not he goes can I don't have to and then when she gave him gave her when she gave the guy her ticket he was like oh and I wasn't profiling you either yes so then I I she's our sister sisqó my daughter's with her so i pick him up and i can tell she's a little aggravated I've invited some my daughter's in the back and my daughter's the militant one the family she's sixteen but I call her Kennedy Kaepernick because whatever college she goes to get ready marches yeah but she's I tell him I tell him tell him since she tells me a story then my daughter's like we're gonna do bad dad yeah immediately okay reach out to me and they said they're gonna send a nice little gift we haven't received anything yet but they said their guns and then they they got ahold of the guy and I don't know what happened well if you're at b21 is Cincinnati OH people know who was I people reach out to me that worked for the airline it was like that's how he is so when you see I'd go what is Gary Owen gonna do as a husband what are you gonna do when you see home what at b21 trust i know Barack and Michelle got some did your daughter you said she's like a little activist in the making this she always a demand her daddy use her his privilege prejudiced challenged you like daddy this is how it is nah you know I would have been if I was in 12 your slave I'd have been Brad Pitt I'd have been the one to be like you know what I gotta call somebody now you've also commented on Kodak black on your podcast and we've been watching this back and forth with him and Ti I know so no he's slow he's slow he got some he whoever's in his corner making some of them beats that's the real MVP come on I'll get Patel for my community the way he said community say oh my god he ain't brain fat I'll be my community white men talking about him like we're gonna run into each other but do you think that CI needs to just ignore this now or how do you resolve a situation with this back and forth because now codecs going it oh my god his kids maggoty slur yeah whoa yeah it's really going in leave it alone the grown man in this situation you're not gonna throw it away for Kodak black hey exactly yeah yeah you just had the what was the movie did the trap just come on Netflix I watched it calling it there's not gonna be the trap to Friday it was like a dress you expeditiously look in my MIB I'm not being a hater I'm just being honest they wing that giving you a party right heard about it no media dawg Dion's killing it right now my god but I died in the first one like I died again I'm not trying to ruin it it's been out three years but I died first one D on that looks like we were talking about sag was two people saying that they shouldn't necessarily congratulate tag was cuz he has such a strong relationship with Joe what's that got to do with golf because you know how people aren't consistent like some people would add support Trump they don't support right but when it comes to Tiger everybody's I okay he's great let go I'm not I don't care what people do outside of their profession like if I watch a football game I'm watching it you know for I want to know what you do on the field I don't care what you do off the face to watch football yeah anthem just ghosts and people in this church did you watch golf the numbers went up I mean it did great for the game of golf for everyone but it did get more black people and get I woke areas not blue that when a tee time up I woke up early Tiger I'm definitely more black tiger that's well my life I watch it for tie I learned golf because the Tiger Woods really I know what a birdie is and a bogey I know from playing on a Nintendo Wii back and oh no no I you know people I don't care I don't say and I don't care what people do once they're off work what about Kanye people were very upset about what he was doing run it as far as him supporting Chum but you didn't care about that no I mean if I liked his music I'll just listen to it every listen Kelly was little that's a little touch-and-go though that's a little touchy go yeah I don't think I won't listen to him well it's hard it's hard to deal with the nuance of odd Kelly because a lot of his music reflects his actuary sexually and his performances true I just wish you didn't have so many hits mmm like there's no are Kelly's long I have to listen to yeah I just said I watched that documentary I didn't realize how many hits head post piss right it was right at mission was prepense made it hit cuz he had come off the Olympics and he sung at the Winter Olympics in Utah and everything and then all sudden then the the the P tape came out man thanks lifetime appreciate that do you think that Tiger really like overcame her overcame like obstacles though what do mean cuz it is saying like he overcame a bunch of obstacle the regain of masters my wife no no no here--like the three back surgeries man it was 20s every sports an ellipse like is done he should give up he should retire boom dunno a lot of that was based off the fact he was black dog so a lot of those white sports anchors there's a lot of black ones white sports anchors never thought that he was he should have been the face of golf anyway so when he started getting caught cheating they was looking at him like oh he see look at what type of person he is he shouldn't grab this into sport oh that's crazy so the the number one athlete in his sport is only sleeping with one woman that never happens that's so stupid when people get I think it's so stupid guys in their early 20s they get a lot of money a lot of fame look don't get married guys that would be one advice I would give get it out of your system do you you know twenty nine thirty and then you might be ready but how were you when you got married I was 29 okay yeah you can't you can't be doing that man we do all in your twenties oh man I was at all the summer jams like this oh my god myself I used when I was single I will go to hip-hop like black hos by myself definitely but I would dress really white that's how I meet black girls I wouldn't dress all hip-hop dress in white all Dockers girls always come up why are you here okay why are you here they feel like you got confidence man part that you got that money I wouldn't go there no money no but uh yeah it worked I haven't been in a black establishment and act like you owned it no I should do that [Laughter] Podcast I want to open up a nightclub called w2's and that's that's all you got to do show your w-2 to get in I think it'd be a safe place because people got things to lose you know cover you know just show you w two's no age limit no he's 17 at 17 year old worked 40 hours daddy's auto body shop give him a beer right at the camera you do a lot of comedy nope I'm not that bright just got a deal he lose page no jokes no nothing I can't I'm not that smart dude I'm just not that bright I talk about myself and my act and you know I'm just not that bright DLS always gets it you're smarter than me DL smarter than me for sure when it comes to politics you know if you're smarter use computer your donkey of the day a little bit of more of beast a Tremont today everything your freestyle like goin and then I'll be watching it Oh all you wrote you write it yeah every day every day that's crazy they know am i talking today this is my donkey today he'll my doggy days Kota black all right some big stand-up shows when they got the prompt out oh really you don't freestyle no stand up set down my life stop is it a freestyle in your head okay just can't believe I'm that good you get paid good money for writing though yeah yeah that's my problem too because a lot of times when you when you do like a special they want you just submit your material beforehand and I was like do you like my I'm filming my next special June 8th right so show times already like you know a we don't want to see a lot can happen between can happen I know I know what I think I'm gonna talk about but I'm not sure but like Thursday last Thursday we did um DeMarcus Cousins did a boogie comedy slam which he basically took the shack mold any Basie running with it he got Epps the host and I was on it and that show I have my set in my head but it all went away when the crowd started getting rowdy on me then I was oh well it wasn't around when we taped it in Oakland so I was talking about that I was trying to come up with a set that was regional to Oakland about some of the difference we made our fans and 49er fans wrong move Gary because Raider fans would not stop y'all I was even there about 30 seconds like they was back and forth in the audience like oh time to flip this up so I started talking more about the Raiders and 49ers and people in the audience and it was freestyle they thought it was funny I'll crushed it we can see you to believe you've never written a joke down not not written it's in my head right we had all these rappers say this and now you're trying to run with this bro right to your head in my head I write oh that's what I'm saying rappers Billy J Wayne they all say that I write rhymes in my head I never write them down yeah I write my jokes in my head hopefully makes sense I can see that give me something right now given a lot of money right that's why I'm able to write book that saw me with a write scripts that's good man great Khalid any movie called college I was the only one did was all white and it tanked watch the trap man I'm in to watch it already I gotta watch it listen it's a funny movie if you're just hanging back it's not gonna where Beauty Award nominated for n-double-a-cp Image Award it was a slow year in entertainment that's what I'm what network would have been on flip a property or daughter going to college soon yeah are you saving of you money to pay away yeah we're gonna pay away oh I'm someone like Laurie Lachlan type of pay like how I I just think you be honest I don't know enough about ass do you miss her they basically spent the quarter million dollars well how much to get our daughter the USC why USC though getting that go to Harvard or Yale USC I'm it's you know and maybe they want a her in Cali it's a good school but it ain't you know Harvard at all right okay I'll put it this way um USC is the trap word Harvard is shawshank redemption' Academy good they probably could have just donated money to the school and then that's what rated yeah anybody want to get on dr. Dre yeah what do you boys did the picture talking about my daughter got it here on our own merit but they have a whole building named after him and they should all his kids should be there for free and not go to class again straight A's accepted 17% seventeen percent of the kids acceptance rate seventy percent that's it I like all those guys man we're all friends but I'm gonna be honest with them oh boy come on now she definitely identifies with her blackness so I wanted to go to HBCU you know not not in Alabama I want to go to like Howard or Florida A&M would be my top two choices okay those be like honestly those are my top two period well pack a gun in your head to about Florida is that what he went yeah he went there but I I got a friend now his daughters air and she loves it uh yeah I'm that wouldn't be upset be asking my top two it'd be Howard and Florida I put you in that movie you wanted to be in know what men want yeah no he apologized he said Jeet there's nothing for you in what men want anyone saw it I go oh yeah there's only 86 white guy parts nothing no I take it back I don't want to go for me I went hard for will money but you know listen don't get it wrong but I just think she took a little too far with compare and will Packer to Harvey Weinstein have you seen Monique no no okay and it's legit like it's a sag after type deal check involve yep no Packer dude get off me apart in little but I was doing a pilot didn't get picked up I was texting them like yo little thanks hurts it wasn't a big role okay it was the valet but I wouldn't I would have made him made him up free site that's one thing that will he does do he lets you go and in Tim story to who did who did thing like man he let us make stuff up so you free started the whole thing like a man a lot of it yeah oh yeah cuz they do you know it's like improv jokes baby you know you'll see this week NJPAC I don't know could be I don't know free so old thing what up what you guys will talk about boom I've done that before hey Kim K getting her law degree yeah the only problem she likes you can't be you can't be sleeping with your clients my god what you're just assuming our clients gonna be black I didn't think it would be a criminal lawyer guys come on people come on they try to deny what was in their brain just read my brain were you saying our clients gonna be black I got oh my god did you just read my brain but she could you could look at and say she's an entertainment lawyer she's representing rappers true boom real talk hey Machine Gun Kelly get ready no I think she's in a good place would you hire Kim Kardashian as a lawyer no I would not hire Kim could I show you my look I just wouldn't I just I'm not gonna risk it maybe if they're like 10 years where she's established herself but I'm not gonna be her first client I remember her dad was a lawyer right my dad drove a FedEx truck I'm not delivering your mail please officer look where he's interviewing criminals all day Robin environment [Laughter] no you don't meteorologist on the Weather Channel firing on the Weather Channel all he does right do people know that dudes ballin yeah we're ballin no Byron Allen is ballin okay I had a meeting with him I was like oh my god it seems so sharp he knows exactly who he loved you don't know who they are in his business yeah he knows exactly his lane where he's gonna succeed and you know what was we did to him a couple shows for him the game show we didn't wait he did comics unleashed and then he's done so much other stuff man he's got that game show I did it in a camera Oh who's the funny where's the funny I did it I can't remember I don't know but that dude man he he bought the Weather Channel about three hundred million dollars yeah yeah we're at work on him like black people were calling him like square yes really exactly that's a square yeah that's the kind of black dude that I want my daughter dating right my daughter like stuck dudes okay oh she's 16 oh it's awful you end up with Nick Cannon type once you get to college no dr. bean whoa caimans class yeah yeah Nick stop class Nick it's not like Anna's glass no it's stupid Wilin out and cannons class don't go together Oh make up your mind you know what I mean I like Nick I take it back I like scamaz class yeah I want to give you guys a lot to edit you take like 60 seconds and then you post it and you're like women I didn't really mean that I mean I'll take all the racist stuff you said and we're gonna put it together and be like wow Gary Owens just has a real racist moment on the breakfast close to forgiving but they are man we forgive everybody but each other though we cancel it we cancel our own quick you bring them back though yeah yes you do yeah they do you bring them back it's quite that black Hansel we know you can come back you think though I don't know if he's I don't know if he'll know it but everybody else will yeah I think that we are pretty good at allowing people to make mistakes and come back in our own culture as well permanently Kelly and I'm saying no Jesse's gonna be back yeah I felt like that kind of died down I feel like that died down I'll be on some days of our lives canceled besides our Kelly and I think you going to see Bill Cosby in concert they will not see black people there no copy gate was Fat Albert in the junkyard gang a different world The Cosby Show Bill Cosby was poppin - he never said I never said he wasn't popping what I said was when you go to his comedy show you're not gonna see black America y'all know cause how night I don't know how much they were oh but I'm just saying black people were not busting her ass to go see Bill Cosby tell jokes how was that II Murphy shows back in the day to audience man like raw and all that I don't know now there was black I watched it that's some of the prizrak Chris Rock tool Chris Rock's is a lot of white people yes Chappelle - yeah all without question yeah yeah Dave's like pretty white - I feel like it's pretty mixed though their tickets are expensive what are you saying buy if you ain't got money I'm saying we don't need we don't like that we always like to get a do I need a deal you all sometimes Gary what you all some timberlands I'm gonna make sure this is two different reviews in a row I don't think my feet hot okay you know my socks they're just I warm like once and I gave him away real hip-hop every 100 total miles at Summer Jam hey wait do white people not wear timberlands start reusing what they're supposed to be used for though crazy Game of Thrones guy I love it okay I think I don't know I think though white Walker is gonna be the one on the throne it's gonna freeze over a white one oh yeah yeah of course I'm white of course I'm gonna think the white Walker wins [Laughter] gonna be like that I'm so embarrassed why see my daughter acts like she's embarrassed by me but deep down she eats it up because I'm our friends on the cool day at the school mm-hmm you know what I mean she bringing any her boyfriend's home to me - no no they're all gay every time she talks about Mikey gay okay do you tell me that to scare her away from sex yeah okay that's that shall be the worst if your daughter's a homo say gay people little worse I did not say gay people the world oh my god when my daughter brings a dude over she's talking to dude you know I was FaceTime or some dude on the phone but he gay I say making hear me oh he gay [Laughter] yeah Rick's gay Charles is gay this is what we're gonna do is every rapper and artists you mentioned in this come on now see the trap no no this I'm going to now talk about the trap since welcome cuz we're gonna watch good or bad I just generated traffic to the track right I'm a why that is true regardless so I come back I'm betting the trap 2 is not out bet you there's nobody going with my dog to you I'm very afraid that everybody this morning I look it's one thing to say the movies bad I didn't say it's bad you someone good it's another thing when you put your money up and you still get stuff done and after I did a few and now you go hug him I didn't say it was a good movie I'm just saying the hustle just like your boy I got to know Andrew Schultz that's my guy I didn't know enough about him and I saw him on Joe Rogan's podcast and I was I was so and this is serious I'm always like I'm always impressed and I respect people that put their money where their mouth is and when he like everybody said no for his specials he didn't [ __ ] and complain he went and just did it and put on YouTube was like I just want Guinness material out there and and hopefully lighting the bottle strikes him one of those bisque overall and then you're taking start moving I got resell tone I hope I'm doing you guys podcast Wednesday but yeah I don't know he's busy though I know if he's yeah okay I'm what come on I invited myself that dude I was so impressed I got cuz I died and not to turn back to me but I will but I always did that my first decent amount of money I got I had a TV deal with Quincy Jones and the TV show they're gonna wear but I got a lot of money from from quit see and I I was like I just got I'm gonna do my own special and hopefully I'll sell it and it didn't sale nobody bought it but I did it myself in San Diego and I've I saw on the road for like literally eight years so I made my money back it just took a while off DVD shows no points he offered you a show that's dope because the only other sitcom I remember Quincy doing was fresh Fresh Prince yeah it was it was a dope show but it just didn't go there yeah it was it was about I was so long ago do when I say it was 17 years ago 18 cuz what he did he saw me at the Montreal Comedy Festival and I bombed the first night like it was a terrible bomb it was what it was legendary like but I had I had I had listed another vessel I stopped listen people I was with I was with an ad to see and they kept saying you gotta get your point of view across for a TV show right and so I was like okay and then look the audience I go this audience isn't gonna get these five minutes of material because it was it was a mantra was old there was new faces just all white people they weren't gonna get it and I didn't stick to my guns be like flip your material to make work for the crowd bombed I mean I'm talking brutal so the next night I went up I did better I'm not gonna say I ripped but I did better and then guy Torry misses flight for the urban show and they go he wants to a next day I go yeah yeah tonight in the urban show and that's where I killed and that's where Quincy said yo I went and saw all three of your sets we did three different sets he goes count right mm-hmm so he goes but I saw you adjust so you went from litter he goes it was like it was watching a comeback story because you bombed then you did okay and then you ripped he goes and that's how I got the deal so the bomb help me get the deal just at that time it was me uh I was I was younger obviously so was me coming home for the first I was like guess who's coming to dinner but it was the black girl bringing me home to her parents and we had to move in cuz we weren't we just got out of college I just got in the military and they didn't know that she was dating this white dude and I did move in with her father and father was like a jazz musician similar to Quincy your life story kinda it really did yeah it really did it was crazy yeah oh I had a fox dog walked away from why cuz when we went to script it just wasn't a good script like every joke was racial like these writers everybody was doing black-white so there was one joke where they I literally I'm married and there's a joke where I I got done sleeping with my wife like we just had sex and I go yeah it was Y but you know it was right my wife would stab me if I said that and I go just too much I just went as I got to walk away I just walked away from the deal Wow I said I can't go on the air with something like that but you've lived such a great life you've made seven figures or more I made $3,000 last true true true yeah at the ended what do you think what do you think people got paid off the trap is to breakfast well good morning [Music]
Channel: Breakfast Club Power 105.1 FM
Views: 2,805,111
Rating: 4.8324933 out of 5
Keywords: the breakfast club, breakfast club, power1051, celebrity news, radio, video, interview, angela yee, charlamagne tha god, dj envy, gary owen breakfast club, gary owen interview, gary owen interview 2019, gary owen stand up, gary owen beef, gary owen ti, gary owen kodak black, gary owen kim kardashian, gary owen latest
Id: 2QdUnwkYtN4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 34sec (2494 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2019
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