Kevin Bacon Enjoys Cursing In A "Motherf****** Boston Accent" | CONAN on TBS

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you're working on this show city on a hill yeah and it takes place in Boston it does which is my hometown I realize this so my first question is are they taking care of you yes when you when the times you've been there for shooting you know you don't do all the shooting there yeah no I I love working in Boston coincidentally this is like the sixth thing I've done there I did Mystic River and I know you've done so many yes you've done so many things that take place and a lot of stuff yeah and so you know I've also been in Boston the FBI this is my third Boston FBI guy Eve so even they there's even like that you know so you're getting typecast yes and you're not from boss not profound fulfilling no so and but nothing ever like things unfortunately you know bah it's good for Boston but you know feel affiliated that people don't set things in Philly that often so sorry right they need to yeah there needs to be a guy that me a guy who's like guarding the Liberty Bell yeah exactly exactly good rock or what Rocky was enough yeah you hardened that Liberty Bell I'll tell myself oh yeah what what kind of coke diet coke every week they've stolen the Liberty Bell and you have to get it back hey from that Liberty Bell there's already one crack uni I don't know so you got that obviously you've got that that you have the do you have the because the Boston accent is so hard it's hard it's really hard to do it some people focus in there's some actors who famously they do movie and bus let's say I'm gonna try it yes like yes I try it you try it yeah no but you do it you you do a pretty good job thank you thank you yeah you very good job well you know I do my best the one thing I know for sure is that nobody from Boston is gonna like my Boston accent people from Boston don't even like it when a guy from Boston does a Boston accent no you know people from Boston almost in a weird way root against people from Boston who've left Boston they're like would you leave Boston for you like because I went out into the world I still come back here all the time you know I've just resigned myself to that and I find that I try to think of it listen you know what I always think about is it you remember Car Talk yeah was on NPR was a great for those you don't remember is like a great the great showed these two brothers right and and and they would just sit around they talk about cars is hilarious and stuff and but when you really analyze their two accents they sounded very very different yeah and there were two guys that were raised in exactly the same household so it just goes to show you that you know from one side of town to the other there's no there's no absolutely this is what I keep telling myself I am I am one of six kids raised in Boston I don't understand anything any of them are saying what's your favorite word to say in a Boston accent I'd say that scene doesn't call for that word that word has a certain zing in any dialect though you know I'm sorry in Britain that kind of leapt out of my mouth I didn't really think about it's alright it's alright you know so it's primarily for children but this whole audience is on work release yeah good but you know it's interesting because I my character curses a lot so I get to say that along with pretty much every other curse possible and curses do work great in a Boston my accent and but the other day the that came to me in the post production and they said listen we need to clean this up for the foreign markets and let me tell you that was a lot of work I'm on we've done ten episodes I'm on Episode eight now and it's probably in the course of one episode I probably have 50 lines that I have to change and the things that they come up with to replace him you know is just they're hilarious I mean I'm trying to even think of oh gosh watch it yeah exactly yeah yeah it's like when you watch if you ever watch Goodfellas on on network television it's ridiculous yeah Joe Pesci alone just watch wait look at your TV you know I said look at your TV Guide that said them and then sign up to fight the Civil War you can ever see a showing of Goodfellas on like ABC at 8 o'clock at night it's all Joe Pesci going like you bunny hump up
Channel: Team Coco
Views: 205,892
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Conan, Conan (TV Series), Conan O'Brien, Kevin Bacon, TBS (TV Channel), Team Coco, andy richter, best moments of conan, celebrity interviews, coco, comedy, comedy sketches, conan best, conan best moments, conan classic, conan funniest, conan funny interviews, conan funny moments, conan obrien interview, conan obrien podcast, conan on tbs, conan remotes, fan favorite, funny, funny moments on conan, humor, late night show, talk show, talk show hosts, tbs, top 10 conan
Id: nDNXXkN0gCg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 11sec (311 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 09 2019
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