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lol kerwin is awkward as fuck

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 40 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/kiwianab ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 21 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Never forget when playboi carti beat the fuck out of kerwin frost ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 101 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/OfficialWhiteRice ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 21 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

This is like the interview I would have loved to do with Tyler, only with better questions. Tbh this wasnโ€™t all that bad, some parts were genuinely funny.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 30 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/3_Slice ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 21 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

kerwinโ€™s videos about kanyeโ€™s listening parties are so good

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 44 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/keller500 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 21 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

eh, this could have been a cool 6 min awkward interview thing taking the best bits. But def not an entretaining hour+ interview to sit through having so little substance.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 9 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/pinxewuey ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 21 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

can someone make a gif of Tyler spinning in his chair, kerwin stopping him, and then Tyler saying 'Imma Fuck You' ?

that shit would be hilarious. also Tyler playing the drums on kerwins chubby ass knees

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 8 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/thank_U_based_God ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 21 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Kerwin Frost is the rap game Adam Egert

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 4 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/furr_sure ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 21 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

This guy is genuinely a terrible interviewer, Jesus Christ I canโ€™t believe these artists are agreeing to this.

He literally called Finally Rich โ€œFinally Famousโ€ and spent 70 minutes being awkward when interviewing chief keef.

Genuinely awful interviewing skills, how do famous people entertain this bozo?

This one is on the same level of terrible.

Hate this rucking pencil head.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 40 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/MagicSwedin ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 21 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Kerwin sucks so bad. It must rule to have money and get to do cool shit even when youโ€™re unfunny and talentless.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 21 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
[Music] hey what's up guys this is kerwin frost and today i'm speaking to the most interesting man in the world cut get off of me hey what's up guys it's Kerwin Frost and today I'm speaking to the world's most interesting man in the world hey guys what's going on it's curling frost here and today I'm speaking to the world's most interesting man in the world Tyler the Creator to talk Daniel Caesar I'm not the most interesting man and yes i'm daniel caesar's stunt double also what hairs and Bill Bellamy if you are drunk hey I'm Kerwin Frost and on this episode of chrome frost hocks I'm speaking to the most interesting man in the world how does the Creator how you doing at a time how are you really good so you had an amazing year so far getting GQ Man of the Year and Wall Street Journal how does it feel do you feel like you're more accepted or do you um yeah because before you you had a lot of feelings about feeling like an outcast and whatnot it's cool it's nice it's cool getting acknowledged for something right the wall street journal thing was really uh it was nice it was nice being there was there for everything about it the people that they were acknowledging me with correct melina hype Williams it was a lot of a lot of really cool people Cindy Sherman was there love sending rocky rocky had a came and had a speech yeah put me out of those cool you know you didn't rock you have a really interesting relationship I hide out sir we hated each other our crews have beef and then um who'd you hate the most in the ASL team honestly me and rocky didn't hate each other but everyone around us yeah each other so that's what it was yeah and then one day he he hit someone up on my side I was like I'm going on this tour and I don't want a tour without Tyler well and it was and I put out Cherry Bomb and he put out a his second album right um and then I was kind of iffy about it just based on past things and I kind of was like that's stupid was it clear like like that's a close friend of mine yeah I was a crazy moment cuz it was a when you guys were getting the comparisons you know you were getting like the Wu Tang comparisons and the NWA and like it was like oh he scepter Ella that uh except the New York version of future vice versa yes I feel like what you guys came together it was really strong yeah not people was he was waiting for that like heavy yeah and they loved seeing us together it's cool not sure are you guys working on anything together soon uh probably probably not I don't like to talk about things that's not finished yet yeah or like even if we're not working on anything I don't even like putting that thought in people's head of things like that cuz people start making narratives up in their head and then they get disappointed when the narrative they made up doesn't come true they point the finger at the person who didn't even imply anything wow that's heavy I've seen it happen so many times yeah I've seen a peanut viking took a photo with some random artists cuz I don't know we're at the same event and there's like oh my god they're gonna work together right right the muse they're gonna work again it's like no we just took a photo together well even recently with the festival you got announced it was a question mark of someone who was gonna show up and then you had jay-z perform why don't you just get Beyonce everyone thought Frank was gonna be there but I never said he was or implied it or anything Drake came out and a couple of people were mad everyone's having a good time but it was a few people in the front who is not [ __ ] with that how does that make you feel the only reason why I was mad is because I was like yo Aubrey [ __ ] come and come to this everyone's gonna welcome you with open arms these kids here don't judge like they don't know they don't know this is a safe spot for anyone yeah and then when that happened and these [ __ ] it's like [ __ ] you yeah it's like a reflection on me to Aubree and I'm just like it's like coming to my house yeah and then my kids start peeing on your leg right like you start looking at me like dog get your [ __ ] kids bro yeah and that's what it felt like but it's crazy because I say thought that they thought what they thought right I feel like that's been like a big trend in a 20-19 of just people it's just like a huge mean till I just always just kind of press people for something to come out or like you know oh it's been like that since forever I don't think you don't think it's been the most this year I mean it's probably it probably feels more like the most just because you're on social media you see it a lot more firsthand but it's been going on forever people or just have expectations for certain things what sure and when you talk about Drake I remember even uh him being the early supporter of you guys and by you guys I mean just like you alone um talk about your relationship with him uh we not like buddy-buddy but like every time I see him like it's love and respect there um he did whoo take forever for me yeah that was cool and he did feel no ways and I got a really good look because those are like album cuts yeah and I think those are really really great songs and for him to say [ __ ] it I'll do an album cut even if no one knows it yeah for me like that was really [ __ ] awesome of him so do you ever go to that Bri oh sorry I didn't erupt in that one oh do you ever go through that with like booking someone for the festival where you want him to perform something and like it's just all super [ __ ] kelis she [ __ ] play milkshake and it was some weird wu-tang conversion I was there and she's playing [ __ ] dubstep like she didn't do none of the heaters from [ __ ] Wonderland or [ __ ] kaleidoscope taystee had [ __ ] mad and I had [ __ ] in the front looking at me like you booked this [ __ ] sorry like what the [ __ ] right so like she had me hot damn not sure anyone else that happened with that she had me I wanna take sugar honey iced tea so bad like that's in my top ten songs of all time and [ __ ] it even if she didn't do that like if you gonna do milkshake which I [ __ ] love this don't do it weird we remake no we want to hear that to make it funny she had me hot no um what stop looking at me like that she had me so mad yeah I was there and I was I was I was disappointed too I was walking by it and I was like Oh Kelis is performing and then that was I act walked in to her doing the wu-tang thing yeah and I I uh you got a free concert and you always see like an OG perform like if you hire like Raekwon the chef or somebody like they're gonna do that and it's gonna be like a million just like remix renditions like even if you get shot get it do it was look I get it you get tired of doing this [ __ ] I get it I try to make songs interesting for myself on stage if I'm I'm sick of doing the same thing but [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah you're one of the few people with a respected her account log no I love more be on their heads yeah yeah I got that wander landfill I got the Wonderland CD on my 14th birthday oh five who found it import Best Buy and I had to download it like version for like years before that and when I found it bro my eyes start watering cuz I was like I didn't think I'll ever see it in person yeah I love that [ __ ] like shooting stars scare money [ __ ] [ __ ] honey iced teas the best Mars all that [ __ ] spot I didn't even make Wonderland I know where it's Bob freaked me so that didn't make tasty is some [ __ ] she has some [ __ ] mm-hmm ghetto children that which ghetto children is basically just hey young world by Slick Rick sounds better though but like it's fired that last my Lydia at the end of that it starts fading out when you get a chance it's good what's on and then an eternity but abundant and time to turn it uh it sounds like I think we're MIMO it's good looking back at what's behind us you got a a [ __ ] ton of a of your of your SHINee's is it crazy looking at this yeah just walk me through it just a few shoes are you my guy yeah just a few shoes I've done some alligator one's regular blues he's like church shoes I did two years ago that never came out nicer late yeah I wanted to make them light so like they're still looking nice but you can go hiking actually when we when you did the Kanye Christmas party I had the green ones on and they were beat up because like I was just wearing them everyday because they were also really comfortable right and then I have the G on oh that's like the shoe that I ride my bike are going like hikes or like whatever with they're really comfortable and then the og who knows a bunch of cool stuff the bowling shoes yeah there's a bowling shoe I was like working on these for me they set out a lot because I used to go to bowling alleys and I would steal the shoes yeah I think bowling is trash it's really boring for me at least but I always thought the shoes are cool so converse kind of like a like what just throw the ball you know that [ __ ] is so boring it's nice it's fun I don't like it tell me about these yeah uh well if you gonna pick the glittery ones up pick the green or pink ones up because those are the wrong ones yeah it's a it's I just wanted some glitter shoes so I for you is it crazy though looking at all of these coming from like just wearing like dirty vans and and drawing on them and whatnot and right now you're looking at a [ __ ] family of these you know it's like what does that feel like for you and there's just like no one gets you know not not that this very small percentage of people it's great I mean converse really just allowed me to do whatever the [ __ ] if I'm like hey I want to make a really ugly shoe yeah that was I like Chanel bags mmm they allow me to it makes sense to me now yeah they allowed me to do that or when I'm like hey I'm doing this Grinch soundtrack yeah let's make a hundred pairs and make it like the skin of the Grinch and like with all that if you feel it like they allow me to do like [ __ ] like that so or like glitter hey I have this new silhouette idea right let's do that that's like a hiking boot yeah or hey when I wear my slice em I like sweaters I want to mix it like that since this Kazu they let me um like kind of let me do do whatever the [ __ ] and I really appreciate it cuz a lot of people don't have that freedom a lot of people just like here's a silhouette yeah pour your name on it yep let's let's keep doing it so the [ __ ] sells out in the night but they allow me to just have it well even with you when you do a different colorway it seems like it's a it's a complete different place you're taking it's a whole different feeling you got from each pair yeah you know and it's normally when you look at another colorway it's like oh like that's black that's red this is like a whole yeah they let me try [ __ ] I was obsessed with brown and stuff yeah for a while I'm like I'll do the simple ones I want the Teutons sherbert ones great I was like I've said I've loved the way construction signs look so idea this is ovarian yes Austrian but the nice take on it yeah the shiny like shoe and people slept on these but I still think these are some of the hardest ones you know hit the alligator I just was like let's do crocodile [ __ ] alligators no and we did a photo shoot with a real Gator were you nervous no I thought it was sick I like scary I love guys in Florida playing with like I play with like they're so cool yeah and we did the shoot and I feel like people were like but I just was like I'm kind of known for that item I'm like this is so hard and I did the matching bags yeah with it I just was like well what's crazy is Tyler on the shoes yeah it's raffling at undefeated right I don't know I thought that was sick another thought I have is like because right now I'm working on a shoe is just like once you die you'll be able to like leave this behind you know I mean the shoes forever yeah it's no but it's worth it it's true it's true you'll be able to die with without another like I'll never do these again yeah that's finished when the Jia noes are done mmm you'll never see them again and same with whatever I do next like that's a wrap that's true okay let's sit down ah tell me about working with the Grinch it was cool chrismedonne jury gave me the craziest opportunity where Christmas music's worth I mean you know let it snow by boys to Maine mm-hmm this Christmas by donny hathaway that that fire paul mccartney wing song right the fire what's the boy named My Mind's blinking not Joe is a George Michael Vick's jumex no no George Michael oh yeah I have to go what's the George Michael song okay I can't I can't oh yeah that's a classic fire they've added surround it's crazy really good okay not sure you go to the gym no never been on one yeah that's cool I've been working out either no I've been happy oh I mean I have a sauna at home cuz I like to sweat well I don't sweat for like four days I feel weird yeah and I had a treadmill cuz I thought I was getting fat but I've only used there five times tops it's been a year when you think about this [ __ ] air movement you [ __ ] nasty when you think about this decade and just where you rooted you know I was in high school when you release Goblin and for meaning more than the music it was your expression and the vision you were pushing out and the entire just energy that you had you know a lot of artists today do the whole you could be whatever you want like you meant it and you can see that in your eyes all the way now it's just like where does that take you even like looking doc and I know it's something that it's not super good to look back too much because you think too hard about things but no not everyone a lot of people don't overthink things I don't think I'm one of them overthink things all the time older I get the more I'm start cause I'll be like watered [ __ ] talk about know whether it's on social media or I'm person that will be stressing and overthinking and I realized I guess I don't overthink things and I guess that's a plus it could be a negative I guess but like yeah with that said I could look back at something and never miss it that was a good time all right what's next what it was and how you came in was just so heavy uh that's one of those things where I was so it was me yeah like I'm me so I don't like I'm not outside looking in so it's a whole different perspective not sure so I can't even comment correctly on the way you saw it how do you when you see this shirt that I'm wearing what's the first thing you think the first thing I think was the laptop in my grandmother's living room that I will make that stuff for him it was like a shitty Photoshop and I was like I know that we cool and made all types of [ __ ] sure I wonder if I have all those files yeah somewhere what's nice I loved clouds he thought it was always in like my [ __ ] since like 14 when I was doing stuff just putting clouds in every way bad or the sunset that's crazy even on this weird Jesus shirt y'all still managed to like but this for sure the best way you've seen someone wear third okay who's first hit first it was I think Coachella um playing a show it was it was rowdy and his kid broke his nose and it was blood all over man yeah and I was like ah tie it nice cool and not that as cool as my first time seen yeah that shirt that I made just in a whole different no it's okay to feel like that is just like you and like I said when I say even more than and it was the moment yeah everything so it was just freedom of expression and it was a really good like rebellious way to like like show you can really be yourself I think I have a photo of it and he's like smiling yeah I think it's in the first Gulf Wing book for 2011 if there's not a photos we would tape how do you keep yourself from being jaded or like do you feel like an OG at this point because of the way music is moved so fast uh everyone gets jday by something yeah you get used to stuff but I was still fine I still love stuff I still wake up at 6:00 a.m. and just search for any music to find rent new chord progressions are like I still go out of my way to see a good sunset like I love it or I still like it sounds very childish but I still love ice cream and donuts and cookies and [ __ ] so like and that brings me actual joys yeah I think when you find and you feel it right here shape that you actually really love I don't know if ever give give getting jaded his actual thing when it comes to certain things I remember about five years ago I saw this old man in basket Robin and he was eating like a root beer float yeah and now this he was genuinely like from Arizona Mike man you've probably been like that about this yeah forever it was like this and never changes the ground he study had I loved it for you those things that just catching the sunset yeah and then like that stuff moves to different things well it might be I know what is a color palette that I'm into or just traveling or just know those things change I think I think it's rare that it's a void I just think that excitement is moves to different where are some people I don't know with the Grammys coming up how do you feel about it I mean last year you got snubbed by cardi B all right this year you going head-to-head with why be in court Corday when I saw your governor's well I noticed you didn't curse when you performed Yonkers really yeah you didn't you didn't say the N word I had to say I'm a [ __ ] he did and I have to say she shut the [ __ ] up no winnings a lot of [ __ ] in then I saw we said [ __ ] like you said the word [ __ ] and you like look you turn out the crowd II wish I did that's my bar video that that's it I don't think anyone recorded in there that's so hot your mouth makes a lot of noise when you're just like you ever got like that taste in your mouth it's like a taste no in this room I feel like inspiration I [ __ ] you what do you mean it's just like a little it's good try it I don't want it what's your favorite movie right now right now yeah right now I don't bring out that this isn't at all timeless thing this no which is right now I don't [ __ ] know the Joker was cool that I liked it parasite was really cool I like the lighthouse I got to I got to meet William Dafoe two days after at a dinner that was cool do you like uncut gems oh I was about to say I got to see uncut gems like a month ago do something yes are you in there for two seconds that's what hey this is can I do the my life James is really fire hey this is my line turn on the backlight the week I need this backlight that's sexy thank you thank you good movie it was good it was good that's good a lot of good movies in 2019 it's been a good year you know it's crazy it's a lot of good movies and somebody's probably on the internet complaining about it hasn't been no good movie this year yeah it's been so dry this year but like people probably only look at one type of like one genre of movies or like certain type of movies yeah and yeah people do with music all the time this year's been so bad with music but yeah well no it's been a lot of great music but maybe it's not music that you personally don't like and or you're only listening to one genre so don't be dismissive to all the other stuff cuz you have trash ears some someone who have like Britney Howard's album is really [ __ ] good autumn she has a song called baby I think it's number nine I'm not sure hisilani that one's really fun Lizza I haven't listened to that little Nozick's I haven't listened to it ybn Korda haven't listened to it not saying not implying it's bad or no I would never imply shy have it no he's having donek that I know I mean you got like 50 shoes here he's like that's hot but you find something you like you listen to it you know did you let my design just put a thing out that's really good who like it's a few song it's like a seven eight song little thing that shits really tight who's mine design some guy is it like a production kind of thing or is yeah oh that's nice stuff it's cool that's nice so tell me about young kurz I'm just gonna um or a green jacket when I made that green anything jacket some cutoff blue Dickies white socks and like probably some blue vans when I make that oh that's nice it wasn't like it was in it was in October of 2010 hmm the the night before Halloween and then I finished it the night of Halloween and then we went out like hung out how the green ski masks come about was uh I don't know I just I just went and got a green beanie cuz I like it and then I cut holes into it because I would do it to this red beanie I had yeah when you fold it up its regular bothers everyone yeah and then I got the green one mmm kind of put it on and I did it cuz I was like it was a show that we had at the lolene 3 and I was like oh I'll wear to ski mask so if this show is [ __ ] trash I'll just keep this [ __ ] on route but if it's fire like I'll just take it off after the first song and then we did and why I did that and it was crazy and too hot I just took the [ __ ] off and you could see me on this it's a photo of me side stage it's like tired because my as well and I think this keep masking at my hand down what can you remember I was like just your first earliest feeling of like well this is like real uh-oh when I went to New York I was working at FedEx this is 2010 I was working at FedEx in playing Pat had the m2 me know on Twitter and they had came out to LA or whatever and I had met he said plain Pat this guy named Arthur and I forgot the other guy's name my brains but uh really nice guys whatever called us on Fairfax hey what's up uh blah blah he knew the plane that was from like cutting stuff yeah and um came to the block I was at reserve at the time just hanging out at fresh drive and stuff with cream right one with them Eva they were really cool and stuff and then I told them like I've never been out of California they're like what you're like you got to be 20 you're 19 have you never been out of California I'm like no I've never been out of California right so whatever they go back home and then that's like yo come just come in New York like we just fly you out I'll see it and hang out for two days and whatever and I'm at FedEx and they're like wait this is while bastard is up ya bastards out so this is this is fall 2010 like it's not that much track like a few people know what our future is but it's not so um yeah I'm like I don't it's either I work at FedEx him like stay there I just quit and go to New York for three days just to go and then I sat on it for a day I walked to the manager do that FedEx and I had this super leash if like we started night and get off at like 6:00 or whatever yeah and I walked up to him before the shift on this Friday and I was like hey dude I I don't know how to quit so um this is me telling you don't quit in Wow and he looked at me was like yeah you're not supposed to be here right he was like you're not supposed to be here you're not like these other guys get get the [ __ ] out of here yeah I'll get you paid for today whatever and leave and then I I quit and then I went to New York for like two days Wow plain Pat was really nice him and his girl I met at five Freddy I was all these different stores I was just a new bed for the first time and then from because I'm from LA it didn't get that cold and comparison other places so I was out there and I got to experience like winter weather there's my first time ever and I got to see different types of streets and just then just that experience being able to just travel for two days I came back home with just a whole different thought process cuz I'm like a lot of people don't get to leave their their Naaman announces so I was just so grateful for that and I wasn't even signed or nothing we didn't even do a show then yeah but just that right there just well [ __ ] ah I gotta leave I have to I want to leave I'm gonna go see the world more I was oh [ __ ] I'm gonna have to get a passport at some point I just want to go more and more and just experience [ __ ] and check out everything and that was when I was that was one of my earliest memories of like I don't even know this [ __ ] right no he just did you guys never made a film together no well he took it he let me hang out in a studio for two hours I made like three beats and I still have him yeah every time I hear him I think at that time him it was so sick he took me to Joe's pizza it was just it was so great I'm really grateful for that I always say playing pop without him Pat like he yes the claim Pat would up he really uh man I'm forever forever grateful for that when um I remember reading when when you got came out to get you told people you want to art school and like you felt like you have to say that which is so crazy because in today's time it doesn't really matter you know where you're coming from it's kind of like what you can create and yeah could you just like tell me about that a little bit yeah I never went to art school no I think I mentioned it meaning I wanted to go but I went to Community College for like a month Wow and then I was like I'm wasting my [ __ ] time yeah what I'd you know immediately that I didn't want to be there yeah I just well I didn't want to be there at all but to shut my mom up I'll just like all right I'll go whatever and then I just kept playing like I know what I want to do and what I want to do has nothing to do with school yeah taking these classes I'm wasting my time I'm wasting their time then what okay I'll go to a university give financial aid or whatever the [ __ ] is somehow be in debt like find any job I could get to start paying that off and like everyone else that was a that I saw 38 knowledge dead not doing what they love because they had to go do what they wanted I mean they have to go do what they needed to get money rather than what they love I was like [ __ ] I'm young I'm gonna take this risk and just [ __ ] this and I just stopped going cuz I'm like I don't know how many [ __ ] think piece thesis statements I could write on this Obama biography how did your mom feel at the time like that she know she was in Sacramento so she didn't know I was just like all right grandma I'm in school yeah but my grandma was like oldest [ __ ] right so she didn't really have an opinion on what you doesn't know like luckily I didn't have the parental like right looking over like wait what are you doing so yeah cuz I had dropped out of high school and I remember like like ending up in certain places and you kind of had to say you did something like adults are [ __ ] weird like yeah what do you do I used to just always say always in editor for paper magazine no one's gonna double-check the hot like that was just my go-to answer hours that's right when I read that about you I was like oh [ __ ] that's funny because it's like I was off I mean and I knew what I wanted to do so yeah I was 12 but yeah I had to take that last 10% and say maybe ya know what you want to do like why are you wasting your time and what were you like when you were in school like even high school annoying yeah daydreaming class clown if I could be right kind of just all over the place the work was stupid to me would you ever go except for like certain things mm-hmm it was this one teacher named Miss Monroe 11th grade I always say she's the only teacher that didn't tell me to calm down right and sometimes I feel like I owe a lot to her because like for example when we had to write essays instead of like let me write essay like the other kids she'll make me figure out a topic and then write a verse know from that so like things like that she's you know what I was yeah hearing that she let me um she allowed she saw maybe the talent I had or my hyperness or whatever focal don't like make that a focal point a very certain work so maybe I could get better and it worked out so well I'm forever grateful for her - have you ever thought about going to like going to your school to speak uh honestly I wanted to donate I tried to donate money to one of the high schools I went to early on um because they wouldn't let me join band right so it was like what I want to help in life yeah makeshift opportunity for the next class here blah blah blah whatever yummy but also this is a [ __ ] you like yeah let me join band yeah no here unfortunately they don't even have a music program anymore Wow so I'm kind of like that's gonna try to figure out how to get that back started up there that's cool I love you sure but I don't know what the [ __ ] I will speak about yeah cuz I feel like they gonna ask some stupid question like what's your inspiration yeah I feel the same way about a name nine times out of ten i'ma tell all the kids not to go to college okay that's a pain it's like you can't even when you give advice on on on on someone even making it's like you can't I don't even like giving advice can that's like brothers [ __ ] singular for me yeah I need for my yeah think it's like someone's saying yo yo how do you wear your pants like that like I have long legs I'm considered tall so it's not gonna look the same on you yeah I don't even feel right telling [ __ ] like [ __ ] like that Yeah right yeah cuz it's like what do you even say and it's like everything is about being right place right time beans yeah it's about knowing what you want to do do what you want to do that that's the only advice I've ever gave I've ever gay people you know do what you want to do and make sure you happy at the end cuz a lot of people definitely do [ __ ] to make other people happy and that should be mind blowing mm-hmm like you ever see people like I mean it doesn't happen in my friend group but I've seen people like get the Ox cord and put on a song that everyone will [ __ ] with just like playing what they really want to hear it may be putting their friends on new music and that my friends always put each other on leash it like all this is the music that I'm in right now yeah so yeah dude yeah you know what I'm gonna ask you I don't mmm-hmm Matt DeMarco what about him how about your relationship with him he cool he the homie he stinks sometimes he smokes cigarette nice guy yeah everyone's nice I don't like saying nice guy about people don't say something nice about him um something you really like I'm over the rock and roll Vegas I won't [ __ ] was fired he was in a he was in a different little pocket right there yeah I wanted to experiment more sure have you guys tried to make music Theo uh we made one song for a loader squad but we haven't really got a chance to go in again mm-hmm maybe that time will come who knows what [ __ ] that's really true you know no one in my house Kayla I don't earthquake what about it platinum yeah that's cool platinum do you remember when you played me that song yeah then I heard the five seconds don't leave mm-hmm you remember what I said no I said that's the one there we go and you were like no they're gonna not like that one they're gonna like Igor Steve I was like nah didn't I knew you eat earthquake was the one when I was when I did the demo they call Jerry Heller and I proof and I was like I'm gonna perfect this and this is gonna be the [ __ ] one and that's why I was the first real single and but I put card but I'm you and that's why I yeah but I you I just [ __ ] yeah but yeah but I need like I knew that was though yeah no but I mean okay every song sounds different tell me about that Oh Igor yeah cuz I noticed you playing with your voice a lot and it's the most you've done it on an album where like it's just kind of a different world on every single truck so what was that like and was that on purpose or was it you just kind of like oh this was nice and look up that's nice - are you talking about was it on purpose that every song sounds different or my Vocal Duo cos vocals - I've been doing vocal tuning [ __ ] since the episode most on this album where it was like very kind of clean-cut does I'm gonna carry you know yeah I think it took me ten years to perfect it yeah and still a lot of people don't like it yeah whatever it took me 10 years to perfect a think what I was trying to do right and I think I I think I nailed it yeah it was unintentional like I don't really like my voice that much when it comes to certain ways I use it well you like use like an instrument so that allows me to it's just like a key yeah you could play D here D here see here see here because you know like this or it cuz I like this and do it with voices and some people don't like voices being freaked like that they're listening cuz some people listen to music different I'm listening to the whole thing how it all goes in like that every when you listen like plenty work hard E and the way he switches it up plays with his voice and sometimes it's more I pitched and faster so similar to that uh I guess if that's how you take you sure you don't have to think too much on it if that's how you take it then yes and you listen to his earlier songs and then how it even sounds out on earthquake is it what do you always sound like and it's very kind of like just it's kind of almost baby voice kind of way of doing it which I think was like super creative to a sense no one else did it you know yeah no I'll give him up it was sick I love that song it's a good one I liked him over no germs yeah I was like I just wanted him over the piano playing man just to hear his tone have you guys done the song live yet together no we have it but you guys are gonna do it uh something in the water I don't know I guess he's playing something in the water yeah I haven't checked online up yet that's sure we'll just leave it as a mystery for now so the Igor show the Igor show wait what you gotta move up right here I just feel like they're gonna tell you at some point did you just fart no I think he just farted that was clearly you know that he it was like a stretch and it kind of just came up by accident no you are you farted that's why you brought it up to make it seem like I did this is crazy you did the stretch that's the fart stretch when it's gonna come up accident I've been stretching this whole time about eight minutes you heard it they say my back cracked like what are you talking about how many times did you fart when you played Igor in the studio remember there was that when you were playing it for the first time it's so weird that you're lying it was a Saab nos was there everybody was in the studio and they were playing it isn't it weird when you play your music for your friends in the studio and they all try to do they like not my hedges does that freak you out not really I don't like when people fail out their head to shape like I'm gonna do this I got like like someone died you know what I mean like why the [ __ ] are you looking at like well maybe some people are tuning into a baseline or right I noticed that an angry I do that I've just seen it so many times and it's a weirdest thing it's just like you feel like it's like you're uh I don't know and some people take [ __ ] in different pause right like I played with although and [ __ ] was like not moving right like performing but it's like one I'm new to them and - they're actually just watching what's going on yeah it doesn't mean that they don't like it they're just taking an Indian for not everyone has to do a [ __ ] backflip and I'm like you should make next time you do another album just make everyone face the wall regular I'm gonna play it for you guys you're gonna get here first but just like don't [ __ ] look over here that's hot and then that way it's like you know they can do what they want you know or you could have like a silent disco I already put on the headphones were regular cuz I didn't mind them how they were reacting I saw it was just everyone like yeah you didn't you didn't like kind of overreacting no no should make them do a silent disco then yeah I'll do it for my elbow that'd be so hot I had as one will happy I don't know a lot of people grew out of it yeah yeah this sucks but I think that's the universe slowing me down gonna have a lot of energy so that's what has to be something to have it yeah it needs new and he's bad yeah just be perfect any ballot tell me about the wristband yells rounds let's see where this bracelet uh this is a different one fan gave me this says 101 and um I had this one this other one I said state cloud level that I've had on for years mhm and then um some kid decided to make a shitload of him no and it was gonna send him to a bunch of other fans for free and it was like so we could be more connected oh oh and I was like yeah I'm off it so I just took it off because I just like that's my shape that just weirded me out and I I give being a fan but that just was that was just weird and it's so singular to me like that was mine yeah so no one like a bunch of other people had it but for different reasons right right but that's the thing it's like that someone someone someone is funny someone's gonna take that the wrong way ya know not understand we're not know you're a good kid where you have to this day is gonna watch this and gonna be like but that's like kind of what I talk about when I'm like oh even in the earlier I made that yeah but you were the same when Eminem was out and you had the same not enough but you had blonde hair nah do not but when I think about this world and the time were in and it's crazy because you're left with this responsibility and I feel like you you and even Kid Cudi who were around the same time probably deal with the where you're kind of just so responsible for that and that I'm now responsible for [ __ ] but my but then you hear a song like Colossus and that's like why I'm like tied to that song because it's the first time we kind of address just what you feel like and the whole exchange I accept I don't like when people sometimes can't understand like things for the sake of concept yeah we're fiction in this sense like very not ideal like you could come say hi and things like that I don't like when people think Colossus like how I'm like but right it was for the sake of the narrative of the song right and yeah I don't want people to think I'm like some [ __ ] decade well you're a dick sometimes honest and I'll tell you how I feel like I'm approachable you could come say hi that's actually terrible people uh more fans are probably tell you I'm cool this [ __ ] person and not so I don't hopefully people who listen to Colossus don't take that as so serious and hopefully they could you know yeah differentiate [ __ ] for the sake of the concept of the song to go in a detail and like how when you made that song though it was intense I was like but you have like 666 carved on like their [ __ ] TV stands yeah and I were like to hear that yeah first I was and then I was like okay you got let me see hockey take that right this far and this listen is it's all right to feel like that sometimes and look I'm a super fan for shitty yeah yeah but you know I know I know my boundaries have you ever ever thought about like like performing right and then taking off all your clothes and then going to the crowd and say I'm yours no you can read it this B take me cuz then like it's probably some kid in the crowd and then I'll have to register as a sex offender and then it'll just not be cool be plays I couldn't go you ever thought about it though no not sure I'm yours but please take me take me take me take me take me give me that bracelet put it on mine when I landed in LA there was a kid walking like the first person I saw when I landed it was a kid wearing up Egor honey and I said that's crazy and now we're here and that's pretty cool you ever think about that no I'm not you I wasn't on that plane and I didn't see that so I never think about that when you came out with fever and you're gonna love this question trust me it's how the police is so Tyler please sit so it's out tell her please how I stood someplace yo yo yo yo imma [ __ ] you that [ __ ] was cool but now you want that Widow haha goofy [ __ ] come on family when I but what I what I was trying to say it was really it was really incredible to see how you rolled that out of mouth and the way you perform it it's really like a like a whole show it's like you're going to like a it's amazing yeah I like it a lot it's my best huh come about what does that mean how would you come up with the concept I don't know just idea I had and I was like alright let's execute it this is a really good one thank you I wish everyone got to see the show yeah like even if they don't like the music or it I want it them many people they yeah Spears yes that and see it so you're saying like as much as possible I was like the best version of yourself uh that's the most thought out idea I've had so far physically I think cuz I just went there 100% it wasn't like 80 it wasn't like yeah it was that's it was her favorite song about Igor yeah new magic wand that song ruined me that's my favorite song I think I made a really good song I love that song and then ii will probably be a puppet I think not sure and then running out of time mmm I remember when I did the Christmas video yes yet the line from what's good but that's gonna hug on the accident two months before that so it was fresh in my memory you know the whole last verse is actually about that car accident but I don't ever see anyone say anything about it you tell me what happened I don't think I've ever heard you talk about it so I wake up every morning at 5:56 a.m. you know I go to sleep like early like in the past month I've been going to sleep at like 859 inch that's nice last night I was actually stayed up till like midnight but whatever you know I've always kind of been an early early flakes wake sleeper I was working on I was trying to finish all these uh the Grinch songs and stuff yeah just so devoted course this is like insane at the studio late whatever took like 15 min and a pinare welcomes like alright I'm out drove home I'm in the Tesla so like maybe that bits comfortable yeah yeah warmer yeah I get back I thought I don't even got the windows down oh no I didn't even have music playing I was just driving I was gone and then I'm on the street I'm like yeah yeah asthma's crazy okay I'm not far from home and then I don't know I just hear boom oh my god and it's just like oh [ __ ] oh my god oh what the [ __ ] realize I'm in a car crash I'm like [ __ ] okay the car's not off like fire yet right right [ __ ] I'll be my front seat yeah first thing I do is a first thing I do is like [ __ ] how do I get out of here I can't open his door so I'm like so I'm in the [ __ ] pushed in it's like a car in front of the shits I can't go out the window right or the other slice hole oh my god I get in the again in the middle and I try to open a back door and one open and I'm like okay this car smoking I probably have 25 seconds before for real can't breathe oh no I'm like okay it's another exit because you're also claustrophobic I know I guess sure whatever okay I can't break the windows at the top so I look at the trunk and I'm like oh yeah look at my key press the button the trunk opens I'm like oh cool I go back to the front make sure I grab my computer because the whole albums already got my computer my bag or I get out I'm like oh damn I'll probably want this hat for next week too oh come on I'm like cool I get out walk like ten feet from the car look at it like [ __ ] okay I hit a parked car cuz no one's in it and it's went from there okay no one's outside yet cool I walk I go put my [ __ ] in the cut on someone's front lawn yeah and I go back and I'm just sitting there like ha look at myself I'm okay then I'm like okay this car's replaceable no one's in that car no one's hurt so you just like alright cool some guy walks out he's like you're right I'm like yeah give me a minute I call 9-1-1 then they're like hello I'm like hey I just got is a car accident two cars no one is hurt but it's in the middle of the street and traffic is probably gonna pick up even though it's late and it was only like 1250 mm-hm like so yeah they're like okay hold on please put me on hold I'm like [ __ ] and then she start asking like stupid ass question and I start getting agitated so I just hung up and was like oh my god what the [ __ ] you know oh my god did that and a guy then another person came out in there like hey what's going on I'm like hey could you call 9-1-1 for me yeah the guys like yeah are you okay city is gonna deal with it I'm like I'm doing yeah but imma just call my people yeah I could get home who's the first person I call my friend Lionel okay and then I caught the Clancy's yeah and Lionel came she came and then yeah and I was just like I was like oh [ __ ] whatever took the car grateful I'm in a great position I think God ya know they just ordered another one in next day the the fire man was like hey you good you good right Tommy good you good you good it's [ __ ] up the first fireman that came was like like he thought I was on xanax it was another yeah yeah yeah I'm like bro I'm chillin like I just fell asleep he's like yeah right you just fell asleep I'm like noburo I my friend make fun of me because I just be fought like I can't stay up late it's just not in my nature right whatever it was a young firefighter I was like don't mind him are you okay let me just like check stuff so he just checked little things I was like I'm good he's like make sure you go to the doctor tomorrow cuz your Adrenaline's up and you might have back pain and be tired and all this stuff I was like all right we go the next day they're the doctor he's checking he showed me like he's like you don't feel nothing I might know but I feel no different than I felt three days ago he's like listen a lot of people say that today it's Friday it's 10:00 a.m. come Monday 9:00 a.m. you were going to be in pain and I'm gonna expecting you to come back here no worries I'll figure out a list of things to get you and buh-buh-bah know I'm like alright Saturday we go on a bike ride not another Polly's rabies or whatever mmm sunday another regular day Monday I'm chilling I'm in a good mood I forgot that the doctor was expecting me never had to come she had text me like yo you good you still gotta get it back I'm like bro I'm good never felt anything weird I was like [ __ ] I'm not religious or anything but I was like oh the universe did not want me to go yeah like I had [ __ ] to do and then that's when I was uh we had just did the angel the green angel the the little black boy as an angel graphic okay and I just felt like it was some [ __ ] a little green they're angels like me no you can't die yet yeah you got [ __ ] to put out that's so crazy you just weren't the face wasn't altered you like me totally yeah an idol total nice like I should have been [ __ ] up yeah oh my god and I'm [ __ ] height yeah not for oh I want to be a [ __ ] picnic if I would have died I would have been pissed yeah like [ __ ] I can't put ego out yeah your name would have put like bad rough drafts out and [ __ ] you did a tribute show yeah also don't do none of that [ __ ] [ __ ] when I'm gone I want golfing the end I want golf LeFleur gone and foie gras done I want everything to just stop y'all make ya'll little Instagram posts I don't want no rough drives but no album out with [ __ ] I don't [ __ ] with all my [ __ ] yeah I'm out of here that's a [ __ ] rap how do you feel about that when someone dies and everyone do want someone to put my dick pics out though alright if I don't put them out first I want my dick pics out if I die early nobody said instant hope not but I'm just saying twice okay to mind your [ __ ] business nudity so mind your business and don't wear black ISM to my funeral I wanna get to just wear like regular [ __ ] that they like to wear mm-hmm don't be all crying and [ __ ] like have a little party a little party yeah I'm sure make nerd perform though yeah but the only way how hot the [ __ ] out P if that [ __ ] was like only perform at his funeral oh I'll haunt the [ __ ] out that right in this [ __ ] job just what when when uh I think I want to be cremated and just thrown into the dummy sheet like when you're contracting a goldfish bowl or like something stupid gonna be thrown at me and like the mix of like some type of [ __ ] and make me into a small little Leatherhead or they have like a tribute show my mom looking at leather little hat crying in her living room oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] this she get a dog and just just name it after me and they put the hat on the dog or just be looking at it crying oh that's really funny tell me about the clancy's you guys have been together birth a little the cleanses they cool I'm no Dominguez may I yeah but a lot of people even from from the beginning to where they go they don't really have a relationship the way you do on ah they're the best telling they're the [ __ ] best how do you guys meet in that relationship we just know each other like you know things you know what I would they just we just know mistrust there and it's like we in a long-term game and knew that since the beginning um they saw my ideas you're gonna I was jumping around crazy they saw my ideas yep and it wasn't about quick was about quick money was like hey no I got this idea I wanna grow this into this yeah like I'm thinking eight years down the line I know I know I still get excited for five hundred dollars but very I think I think this idea would be cool and also to make a gazillion dollars one day but yeah we'll get there so just that mesh and they were are great they already knew ins and outs industry and hey do this do that so they protected me and allowed helped allow me to last almost a decade and still be growing like this feels like the year I'm having now is a lot of people's first year first year yes so like a lot of this [ __ ] is still new to me and I'm just grateful that I got to experience it now yeah and just have someone help me really form and build the foundation because a lot of people don't have that yeah why don't you pass up no [ __ ] you got a little champion geez I have a common plunge down we got chunky knees so everyone keeps doing this to me yeah they're like perfect to just kind of grind you know what I'm gonna ask you to stop you were [ __ ] weirdo shiny ass boots on are we ever gonna get a furniture collection from you probably not I gave those dreams up so it's not gonna happen I mean maybe in four years but that's not what I'm focused on right now could I have one of the cookies oh no no okay all right can I water the fire no you got the bikes can I have one of the bikes no okay you know why you can't have one of the bikes though well this is too small for you and it's too small for me mmm like I'll ride 26 paws those are twenty fours and it's like the bully video game weird like yeah yeah yeah yeah that's true not sure are you gonna make more of them yeah there's more bike circum yeah I love biking is the best thing ever this is the most original question I'm gonna ask you right now you ready for it what inspires me I misaki when your [ __ ] throat I swear to God or what inspires you they watching this I think that was [ __ ] scripta you dumb [ __ ] I told you not to I hate that question it's just that people want to know dude oh [ __ ] what it's my something asked me that [ __ ] in the airport I'm a big fan I'll [ __ ] what you don't like mm-hmm like what is Phi would it be like such a dick Heller what a spies the music Mike I don't know I just make [ __ ] not other like King Combs that's what I was a sir if some King combs what inspires is [ __ ] music King combs when people look at me to say you're like I [ __ ] with you like what made you get that [ __ ] on your face yo I'm just different like you [ __ ] with your [ __ ] bro it's different but [ __ ] the real talk your talk people used to eat the roach come clean lady you ain't it not like it goes off and not the whole yes it was different people used to come up to me like you're like I'll [ __ ] with your style like is differently you beyond that our future who have funny [ __ ] [ __ ] so like she like you've been dressing like a own like London newspaper character type John like what's up with that likes reading the paper and [ __ ] I'll be [ __ ] her right now ah so you're different [ __ ] just be doing that and I'm like I'm a dude is this you right you right here never forget that I never forget them yeah oh but like you you put that wig on alright like that shall I help you what I'm saying know what what I'm saying no like can I get a freestyle of something bro just let me get a quick come on bro it's funny when [ __ ] walk up to me rapping people do that to you like yo can I speak for you I'm like I always tell them like I rather you not like I don't it's no be playing and then even if it's good I don't know what are you take it from there what's your ideal what happened the action what's your ideal like some ice on you and then you give them to Ben baller Rockefeller chain like that like right on the dick but could you spit freeze bro can I get a come over please I already speak to you just let me get something bro please I'll rap for you every time I see it this time it's on camera but every time I see you I rap for you what was that saying which [ __ ] you be spit like spit that okay you got twice I'll give you a chain hi bro alright what Tyler thank you so much for coming on my shelf at you can I just hug you bro please yeah different see look taryn's wife he a [ __ ] we're not just appreciative it's not like it's not like that you a sick thank yous crying any that last part out my house is like yours
Channel: Kerwin Frost
Views: 2,046,565
Rating: 4.9543691 out of 5
Keywords: Kerwin Frost, Kerwin Frost Talks, Kerwin Talks, Tyler the Creator, Tyler the Creator interview
Id: 5_Y8sXeoYrE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 5sec (4145 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 20 2019
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