Tyler the Creator Makes Sneakers | Nuts + Bolts Episode 2

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[Applause] [Music] I hate fashion but I like clothes I mean just as a person who likes making things music isn't going out late the night of the fashion show was cool my favorite part was just seeing a bunch of people and different outfits our where I just played dress-up with a lot of my friends it was just like I like this outfit here put this on I don't really know about fashion like that I just know I like making clothes it's like I like making music between these that I'm making what I like matter what shoes you wear that's a weird question it's hard to answer questions like that cuz when I'm doing it I don't think about it I don't think about thinking about it nine times out of ten I'm wearing the same shoe for a while just cuz it's the shoe I'm wearing coverage been making shoes for so long I didn't like Chuck's growing up because I always had a big flip they just look dumb as hell on me but look cool other people but I just looked goofy as hell and the one star she was something that I remember seeing or what is that and I really want to see how that shoe is made what goes through it rubber swaying materials how they come up with samples art they have a weird 3d printer like that's cool [Music] I'm gonna play in the converse it's in Boston and we're gonna talk and watch me in Iraq with a bunch of people who do stuff at the company okay I'm fine it's tonier Mathieu when we find out okay Tony hey there's a champion at the desk you got a rock i neva come here to see Tony Oh or Matt let me call you back this is getting weird Brian thank you for coming man he met our book all right peanut Arbuckle they just call me Brian okay I saw the one star I was like wow that's such a beautiful shoes is bright like mustard yellow and now I wear those shoes they do to you let me give you a little bit of history of the company let's walk let's walk that's way back the wall so I was a quick walk so we started as a rubber cover and the converse family figured out how to take uncured rubber and cure it so that it would last a little longer or that me so basically when you get rubber out of a tree it's it comes out as a liquid turns into a solid but it's not really durable kind of falls apart the converse family figured out this technique called vulcanization so you basically cook it at a low temperature with high pressure and it makes it super durable this is one of the earliest ones that we still have early 20s where it first started to become the all saw so everything in the shoe is hyper functional ankle patch protected your ankle the leather I stay is over that helped the laces not rip out you could really lock them down and Nike and Adi come along and go you know what we're gonna start making leather basketball sneakers we're gonna start evolving in that's where the one star happened crazy and it's really she I didn't know it was a basketball shoe at first either I think Tyler really needs to see how the one star is made because then he can build his ideas upon that this is what the shoes actually made on it's called the last thought alas what side of this that's a nine why do people do nines for samples that's what I think it's wrong don't you don't twelve right you wear 12 yeah I wear 12 I wish they'd sent 112 Wow [Music] this is a computer cutter I get your pattern laid out here so that's a one star all the pieces that you need to make it [Music] when it made last year really so this is still new technology yeah this is relevant technology and before this became you would have cutted my hands everyone saw like shoe samples yeah to see where they were going with cut by hand until someone came up with this exact this we have so much like exactly makes him don't more efficient you can tell now I don't like very accurately yellow and so every time you want to make a change we can actually make that change in a digital file and redo it for you that's great it doesn't look like much but if you pull this leather back the pattern just drops right out oh my go Shelton's Wow what's the star pop out wow this is crazy once you have those pieces cut out you actually start to glue them together and then you stitch them together so we've got a couple prep for you so if you want to try if you want to try your hand at stitching the star oh this is about to be crazy okay I have a steady hand yeah how are you going and then if you lightly press yeah just like that and then turn your piece I did a job already it's cool it's cool everyone we're still here right okay yep I did nothing god I'm trash see that's why we have fantastic professionals like Barry with the most amazing instead of hands Mary have you heard any of Tyler's music do you know targets music people listen now now that you mess it maybe there you go you got a maybe that's mariya days all right so this machine is a back part Mulder this takes the two from the beginning platform when it's just been stitched to this nice curve that holds your foot put the shoe in here press down on the foot pedal and then you'll press these two buttons so you get that that back teeth really nice and hot and when it comes out it looks like the finished shoe shape so press the sit down get is that a nice form you put the sock bottom on and then you start to put the outsole which is the rubber piece in the bottom of the shoe and then the tapes which are really the aesthetics of the shoe so presses all that tape that we just put on all the way now look at my shoe baby this is disgusting oh man I drop the ball I drop the ball once that's done you put the entire shoe in the vulcanizer and you cook it once it goes through this feeding process with pressure it's just like a rubber band afterwards so it's just that finished one star this literally runs at quite high temperature for about an hour and a half [Music] it'll cook all the rubber in the shoe and it bonds everything together when it's done that's what it will look like so much that goes into this I'm working on this shoe company I've decided to start this is another creative outlet Pharrell was like y'all want to put you in contact with someone that converse so you could just stay creative in the heart the hardships of having a shoe company you could just get help with long story short we just end up being partners and they're gonna help me you know build this shoe cuz I don't know what I'm doing I'm very hyper on this shoe thing I can't wait to like where I'm in videos and wear them out for no reason just cuz it's not only it's the exclusives I never liked white shoes and I'm able to wear white shoes because this silhouette is so amazing how do we start this I've got this beautiful table for you we're gonna look at some materials we can do these beautiful patterns there's Concord our little pattern that's cool we've got a bunch of different laces trims boy what is this mesh is polyesters collection absolutely much as possible is is this is a texture book we can add some textures to the rounds here all not a cyber yeah there's a lot to choose from so maybe from here why don't we go put some stuff together on the actual shoe design itself I start with colorways first I always think like damn is color will be really sick then what kind of silhouette you want what kind of shape what kind of style your logo what color the colorway of a shoe is what really drives me so what do I have here a beautiful color fan for you why don't you have a look and see if corn silk lazy's colors Snapdragon bone Brown kitten sounds like some weird fetish porn deep mahogany Dijon y'all think I'm making these up it says velvet morning that is crazy Tony black is a name of a color Tony black yeah this is insane it would be sick if we did a light purple okay a light blue a gross yellow and then if we did this weird like oh I'm indecisive I don't know if I want it dark pink or red so we'll do like a weird Ruby okay sounds good I think it'd be nice yeah absolutely what you think off-white bottom I think off-white bottom is gonna be nice it's classic it's gonna set off the beautiful color on the top I'd say money in the bank sneakers anything [Music] Jasper on the street take one so we're here right now on first of the brain I'm gonna ask random people what makes the perfect shoe hey can I ask you some questions miss please I love you bye hey are you a dollar hi little mama walking up in the hills looking real big watch right turn oh she went riding to the store damn come on I'm holiday - boy look at that just pull the whole family off the streets cuz i'm sexiest when you guys stink makes the perfect shoe do they feel good you like the color there's little different retro they call this cool as she looks fresh it's gotta look good I didn't make this I know what the ìiî sisters middle child we were talking about an eclipse he told me what he told his uncle around the corner he owns the one word I could tell by the packaging that's pitching y'all we're about comfort though comfort madly jump from the police real great comfort I don't care what it looks like that's why I'm wearing these and I women sacrifice for it all the time guys can do it too right what's your favorite color emerald green no black hey it was great I love you it was great guys have a good one hey don't do drugs you don't want to be like me so I've been on a journey today accent harder to folks about what they like about shoes and will make the shoe the best thing everybody wants a comfortable shoe it matters really looks like I'd be pretty but some people don't like crazy look some people don't care where there's like something you say how does one become de Bohun some guys say doesn't matter what the feels like long as they look good on my feet good night America [Music] so I know you really wanted to dive up the chute with some of your graphics I know you really love the star we'll probably just do the flower around it I think that's cleaner so what we're doing here is marking the flower stitch detail for Tyler's pattern so that the stitcher can follow this outline around the shoe I don't know where my vision or anything comes from I just think about it and it's like oh that's cool and I try to knock it out we can do pretty high-grade embroideries well it's just bumblebee I've been drawing recently that might work out yeah I could draw it that's fine we can work from that where do you think you might want to add it oh it's not the back was always like a good spot okay so back here on the heel stone this is actually the machine that does the embroidery we have 15 colors needles to choose from and that's how we create the detail you put a bumblebee on the back because it's the art that I'm using for the album that hopefully comes out in August hopefully the people watching this the album is out and if it's not I have again dropped the ball so I know one of the things you were talking about was grabbing some of your album artwork run a few things in the shoe so yeah I think a perfect place as we kind of mocked up here is a you know it's all sock line all right it's one of those first things that customer sees when they pick it up yeah I think I so using that will be perfect I made a few button ups what they did I didn't really get to use it as much as I wanted to just because it was just so loud and wild and I feel using to the sock liner would be great why there's some flour outs of interest I like the way sunflowers I didn't want to just leave it simple so it's give us some life well it's nice because I think it kind of pairs back with the colors also to your be as well and everything that makes sense it's a nice narrative I think that's great I know you were saying that you really kind of were interested and that varnish treatment that we have on a lot of our shoes why don't we hit something a little bit like and then we have the custom Rand which is done with a pad print so a pad print is like a rubber pillow that is inked like a rubber stamp and then pressed on to this so it transfers the wording which will show on the final shoe I know you were interested in kind of doing something with our out song so we've actually got a couple of different things we can do have a look the one that you see over here on the left this is kind of a transparent rubber outsole we can then print graphics or whatever you want really underneath be an image could be you know something really really simple like that a logo so you see the polka dot here we could do anything you want greater than print yeah so you want to go that way it approaches with it now I guess the question is what would you want to do with that we both have really good logos on the bottom of a separate shoot yeah you're sure okay yeah let's work with that why not okay how do you feel about that so then we were really kind of attacking your golf logo we've got the Fleur in there and then really bringing our converse wordmark flow as well no yeah it looks great yeah especially the colors these are made with film rubber that's dropped into the mold and then the white rubber is actually pressed on top so as the rubber that we press on top of it presses all of the film down into the crevices of the mold you get a really really unique pattern especially when you have this much color definition between the two once you have the tapes on you add the toe bumper and the final piece that really makes it the one star is the license plate on the back the one thing people don't realize about the making even one star shoe is how many actual steps there are to it it really seems very simple when you look at it in the store but once you actually break down the steps there's quite a few so we have here is a fully vulcanized shoe all done ready to go so what is your official one start going to be what is it gonna be a shoe Matty it's gonna be a shoe you just answered your own question hey that that that Honda trunk what is that Honda truck gonna be a Honda truck Matthew the one star that come out in August includes this purple this light peach it's very desaturation blues and this bright-ass yellow so we have a flower embroidered around the star our sock liner is all over print flower pattern that I came up with a while ago the bottom nice little golf logo nice little converse then we have our tongue which will have an embossed breast a golf Lafleur logo then on the hill state we have this B that I've been drawing up embroidered right there on the back photos of products are very important to me when it comes to the book I take it very very seriously whether it's for the posing or the color mashups or the the looks the people in it you know certain outfits doesn't really work on certain body types and people so I think it looks good I think the finished product of the look looks are are great so one ounce that I was doing something with converse they just said hey let's do some videos you know I was like okay how about you just be really edgy and try hard and they was like okay and it's footage of me and my friends because we're edgy and try hard [Music] and I was fired hey do overtime with the shoes off there's no let him do without shoes and just heard Jessica she's on but he did it without shoes on saying she did one wish use its a 95% chance he could do it with shoes hold on our ask Travis do you do it with shoes anyway with Justin hey man you don't know what kids see these days all right we're rolling settle my goal wasn't to show the shoe the whole time it was just introducing me into their world or introducing them into my world I don't like when something is thrown in my face like shoot you're like this is what we're doing and we just happen to be wearing shoes skate me when I miss you doing this we have on the shoe I think when people see that they're more team they'll say oh good job converse thing and just being like converse covers conference conference conference conference covers no but then again I could be an idiot in horrible that marketing so which way you run it you just go back ready like and use the same people you just friends that I've always used in my looks when it comes to the golf stuff macam is energy he's just fun and just like it and that's my world crystal has a really good look and her personal style is also like really well why does a wild man he has a great look to since I've known him and just made the shoot fun and also like getting my friends pain any way I could the shoes are at a few select stores and I'll rather start small and blow it out big I want to work up to that point they know hopefully people like them how do you describe your relationship with comes I don't know car I've got a relationship with Converse are you saying you have no relationship conference some kind of relationship with conference anything [Music] [Music] I don't recall top media oh my god
Channel: Noisey
Views: 1,880,623
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: golf wang, igor, tyler the creator, new album, 2019, new song, basketball, fashion, food, film, Technology, cows, commercial, rapper, Converse, Shoes, Campaign, sneakers, build, Suède, vice, journalism, documentary, underground, Noisey, punk, independent, exclusive, noisey music, noisy, music news, odd future, jasper, earl sweatshirt, designers, one star, 1 star, nuts and bolts, vans, skating, kicks, hypebeast, sneaker shopping, complex, adidas, nikes, jordans, yeezy, drake, camp flog gnaw, APCLPWCL124153118
Id: KheQzifwfXk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 49sec (1309 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2019
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