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[Music] hey what's up its Carol cross and on this episode of Chrono Cross talks we have an icon on the show he's owned a lot of apologies there's really no way to introduce um uh Chief Keef tell me um tell me about just like life as a father like being a father my first kid at 16 yeah what was that that's what started all this yeah so like you feel like your kids like motivate here to go hard mm-hmm she was saying yeah so my daughter 7 years old when I had a 16 wow that's crazy yeah so she's gonna be eight it's coming up yeah yeah uh-huh so no godsake proud of that what's your favorite thing about being a father I mean just looking at me all over again yeah yeah it's crazy you know watching them grow and talk and learn yeah sometimes don't worry you sounds like you know this yeah that's great as I say so new you like what oh you don't make like this faces you look like damn crazy you just had a kid oh yeah I just thought yeah yeah and it was waffle yeah yeah yeah he's crazy ah it's crazy I know I know you named uh yeah your son slow right no snow no I heard snow somewhere yeah it was like snow what was that a name he was thinking about that's what I was gonna name her photos oh yeah I was gonna I was gonna name her snow and then I was like oh no chief keef did that already I got an A my friend I got it from one of my friends who's a sister Wow sister named her son snow take that name I'm gonna take that yeah you didn't actually do it they named snow man that's nice yeah I want to make my son snow it was like oh you can do that yeah that's fine yeah and the name waffle a just as when I give her like a good unique name it wasn't even about the food I don't how many waffles are not like that man like was a living yeah sometimes like a guy you would never go for them but if they're on the table you won't have like alright though sometimes argue them sometimes but now that's a hard angle yeah thank you spell it ready yeah just regular for real yeah haha what are not coming of course it is one of the craziest things because it's like almost every time I look at her oh my god like that is a creation to me that's like a hobby yeah it never gets old like a grandma yeah yes you crazy though it was it was uh it was hard for me to have people around when she's born because I'm just very like you get away I'm not doing that right now if you're not feeling alright hold on a second that's not how you hold it oh I'm just like so it's a crazy experience for me meets was how I was yeah man I'm hobby though yes sure that's true what's home so tell me about Almighty so - I know what I was dropping yeah you know when I think about the first one I think what was it well can't even remember that but what was the tape that had by it don't even know Bobby that was it back from the dead - no I buy it they buy it Bui yeah so so you saw meaning me you don't know what you mean and mean oh that was great before I think it was right after always don't even know what Dan let me remember to check it but Almighty so to me it was crazy because you have just dropped finally famous no finally rich I'm retired finally rich came out and everybody expected to go to this route you created like so many flows on a plane and for me that tape was like what made me a fan because it's like so many songs are not just like crazy and your flows are so different but like that [ __ ] really like I might touching it and I love when you mix a when you mix the humor about like you be saying some real [ __ ] yeah I mean it is true dough I'll be like funny yeah like my favorite thing is we will you be talking in third person so well even in by you like like like what you would you're explaining is like maybe I'll know third person it's like you talking to like cuz it might not know what third person really is in I guess yeah fried ass I feel like what third person is like just when when you like explain it as such when you're talking about yourself okay yeah as another puzzle second verse it has another person it's like you seem like the third wall I never heard the term second person I'm gonna be honest but in a song by is like you explained in like your interaction with a fan he's like so so when we gonna hit the stoop you're like where you get that other side of to you know it's so sad I bought your album to there you go if I wasn't [ __ ] I would buy it to you so so you so meaning me that song as fired but it was so far to hear you like be that D talking in from another perspective so it was like like that was one of the first thing that got me talk to you was just like the creativeness like you really had no holds bar and when everybody wanted you to go everybody wanted the song sound likes it go I like don't like you know I mean you was just like nah this is the new wave I feel like that tape like a spy that was doing that to me I think this fired a new generation of rappers was like just that styling flowing cadence of like making this one is it going to be the same energy like are you putting the same amount of effort on it yeah tell me about the futures oh yeah so cardi no oh yeah like two three songs yeah yeah we plot you output was like two more love what about the song yeah when's it coming are Mulyani we got a cover song okay Leone yeah oh he want me to drop eats over you drop we don't drop a song though we got to figure it out you know make sure everything right you know I'm saying on both sides and do you have more busy songs I got me more something yeah we got like three songs on said yeah there's more to make dough that's in fact how oh yeah couple weeks in Philly gotta win on Philly do what about a count you know I'm gonna count brother so yeah so right now I'll be talking to y'all ready and polish it yeah yeah touch cardi sometimes right didn't get older yeah yeah I feel like that's how you used to do wrong that's how I know right now that they really really like the can't really catches you know I mean oh no it's not a person it's a movie sometime most the time people don't like to be bothered like that yeah oh no chief I'm kind of like that I'll be honest I remove being like I'm is very out there but I really like the head to myself just in my home world the quiet no that's how I yeah we was born the same year - oh yeah yeah I'm July 26 in 95 yeah yeah man it's crazy the way July we both Leo's right 26 yeah I'm a little star yeah so you know about sanitation no I just know really Leo and I don't want to [ __ ] that's some real [ __ ] to only know about the Leo yeah cuz when Leo in is August 20 some yeah I know I know that's how I went again like every 20 of 27 start new guys like the very next days a burger thing what very nice day right very go after mother thing yeah 27 August 27 yeah July 27 if I feel like this oh no 27 on Leo's and Labor's okay okay I know that's that scale [ __ ] yeah sure yeah sure yeah what would you say is like a date-date in the life you like more combat a lot yeah okay I like I love this setup yeah you gotta put it you gotta actually put words in it know it off I tell it off so anybody got a somebody come over you don't really like them you turn the mondo okay turn the nuts you gotta pay you supercharge how much you want to that's crazy I'll see he come in with a bag of quarters uh-huh come on well no no you know any this is okay that's her dog there's more calm at your favorite game random yeah damn you have a place will tune no that's uh my daughter probably play I played that game a lot more some probably play that to a game is fun yeah peewee thinking that actually shooting games who said I'm actually ball I actually buy my daughter arms by the solution that's but not on a switch actually got so stupid little anyway I got a desperate some case for the whole game what's that what do we use it don't ya we you yeah I know we use yeah yeah I bought of the case the splits own case for that so she can playing the whole one yeah understand oh not soon so I'm saying she probably played a casino down low gains ourselves to longer games it was a good game man yeah yeah man I know these paints like it's like it's like Call of Duty but um it's like painting this said someone say like oh yeah yeah I get it you play as like a person who turns it to like a squid oh yeah yeah so if you like if you like throw paint you could dive into the paint and like just kind of sneak up on somebody come out shoe and paint it's like people it's like people fight so it's on it's on a switch yeah yeah you can switch on its knowledge and I was like alright you know expose no no no nice rich but it's all it's also only I think just the only game that you can play online on the switch other than like Mario Party get some [ __ ] on Mario Kart oh yeah Mario Kart yeah on the switch down I got that man but where's your favorite movies right now I just watched John but three healthy very made me like Halle Berry I'm just like I see him dogs no Sheila wrong I see the movie yeah she hit dogs yet she had two dogs two three dollars she uh she had dogs and it was like it was like like soldiers yeah you don't movie I saw last night so um that movie mom that's what I was gonna say to mom movies on my icebox Mars a crazy moving out some are not discs got a hidden in I got it's got every movie in there hell yeah it's my new [ __ ] when I 2015 the hallway turn out I heard yesterday on yeah Xbox fell down an escalator some weeds an elf were coming up it was years later going down too long getting Auburn stuff ball hit on his head I got a case I got a TV in it right off your head spot steal place all right I know about that is like a little flippant Vanguard as a taste about this big yeah you're gonna win you know known as Nick you know it's a suitcase great anyways he had to strap on his neck and you know that's playing he was talking in his just fell off his neck oh my god he's looking at each other he thought about it like that I don't want to go by the exit no so they come back they came back picked it up and helped us well we get before he even got down to see we just looking at each other so we get down there's two police down there they looking they thinking like something happened like it's a horrible side especially like looking at Sean shared in like wait hold on but it's also something falling in a fast that's crazy all right no so Xbox yes do camo modified that's Des Barres where he do wow and it's so work yeah surprise because once how my truck they wouldn't even I ain't even driving real far yeah it didn't even work no more yeah cuz outta here like 40 things okay I lost one in the van and another one I'll drop some with why you prefer to Xbox that more police station get PlayStation you see don't let's play station over there so you got two different sections yeah that's just trash they just oh that's great no yes angle I know like it's quite an Xbox Xbox smoking them hey smoke all the way tell me about um you and art collecting because you always kind of really been into art I think you had an art show to write yeah Athene yes I might they'd only a member to here but uh yeah I had our show and it was - what got you into it oh no I've been like oh yeah I'm a new bank 2007/8 are they damn I was doing graphics right and crazy thing about it all when I was doing graphics I was influenced by colorful new art which is my brother right now to this day we do every day around you know so I got I mean I used to want to be like him memorize a DM him on Twitter yeah nice of you hobby is here he hit me back and that's crazy oh no cuz that's my brother for really yeah and we worked together and it just became the staple for it it just ah wait Ashley you a millon writes a hit show on Twitter yeah like you remember everything he be like yeah I know he part long as I'm sure with so many other good way y'all perfect yeah if I was him up I'm sure so many other you know the show these in the locust almost making graphics yeah and I was going that just awesome I want to be a to do that too right right cuz I know I do all kind of stuff so you meet you be playing with like photoshopping awesome yeah damn that's crazy Adobe After Effects CC outside nobody would ever think that yeah I would not I could never actually thing like focus and attention here though you know but yeah awesome well our system look for days on des ondes all day long days old days all days and learn what I was just um how'd you get into like making beats and stuff cuz you same thing repeats your own tips on the same time I was gonna Co how so you was just all doing Beach I was rapping inning streets bonus cool that's crazy see that's actually that's 2008 we talking right now but yeah everything dough yeah it's crazy because most people no resources okay back then I was the most elbows right now and you really notice are just know how to simple a can well back then I was doing sounds like this right it was just coming it was just you know that was just less stuff you know I wouldn't even none no look kids alright we was still rapping on their thing yeah a party got some of the souls it's crazy yeah tell me about um tell me about when you work with bent row because I was super early you have been true I was Virgil Matthew Williams will carry they did the freaky shirt yeah but then when you got out they directed that video yeah yeah I had the green screen right oh yeah yeah okay I mean I don't even I heard been affect our Virgil's would been - I don't even know version was a bit yeah was with made sure at or denote it at all you usually huh you knew who he was no he was like I wasn't big at the tone think about in doing that I was learning now after a while I started learning it was similar get virginal well he did the freaking right what he's what bench really here bitching he another clone I heard here - yeah papyrus yeah so and ball and then was when Pyrex and hardens it's crazy I know wolf harbors but I'll do that real deal and if freak you sure actually want some more favorite shirts yeah and actually was fired uh-huh it was though that was five shirts tell me about a nice motel shirts actually it's hard to find I was looking on Gregory right this more than I think I'm gonna not for that much not a we make till man what a year and Loki I'll probably make this monkey video but you was you as part of Virgil's uh uh uh gallery show what was that about yeah I mean he had a supreme I had to do a supreme I went over there what version you call me Tony comes to a photo shoot yeah you knew what it was no like what shirt was there anything like that no he was just like just throw this on I mean I know it was a flag on already know Technos version for him do a photo shoot and he told me I want a supreme with that too so you know I met him and he knows Cotto you know and I was fine I need more I need me a shirt haha wanna get in the gallery here that's a fine that's a big fat for Rio dough how do you feel like sometimes like do you feel like an OG in the game at this point cuz it's crazy cause like you're so young but like in the NBA so early in person upon you know a lot of people dare say no ha myself is LG but you you definitely have to pasture say you do 100% I do I feel that was you before but when you were here like new rappers kind of sound like you would you own would you feel like would you with like we're you mad about it our first but then after a while just like nah like I get it it's like a hotel when I saw people because I was trying to sound like somebody who inspired you but then once I'm nothing like you that's what made me do this smoke please be get some of my big-ass wrap around the house on the metaphorical Street so it's like he's putting on CDs giving CDs away in a block right and I was playing and I was playing him in my window and I was like I wanna be a problem my mom came in the room one time call me Robin and Carson Shanee me do nothing not the house and get whoops let us see that it slipped over see what I'm trying to do yeah she's gonna be to this day yeah yeah man it's fun but I don't actually make mother but em I guess today yeah I feel like I put like I perform let me see you'll be saying crazy I'll be so surprised when I see you at eight oh yeah it 800-1000 be rain I may be going crazy but I'll be surprised when I when I don't see when when I said when I'll see you come out go crazy is it like do you feel like nervous when you come out cuz I'll be nervous when I started DJing but if I play one again songs like sometimes I'll play a bimbo but the crowd and make them go for it super mo the most dynamic emulation stills don't like it low those most people normally have a super suit the biggest songs huh most people normally hate their big haha you do I hate I mean don't like more waterfall I like from Louis awesome right yeah yeah like Foreman don't perform don't like formulas also right is it but I don't like love so small I don't like is it more than history behind don't wait I mean don't like they think I was mad at some [ __ ] like that but I want even mad it was just about some somebody claiming told me you see yeah somebody said there's no I don't like that [ __ ] yeah yeah so they say it that I've made us weekend but when I'm eating is like because I noticed everybody was you know Kanye got on and they expected to be like just so excited about it sometimes that's a growing artist you want that [ __ ] to breathe for a little right now exactly it could almost feel like the song was stolen you all right mama [ __ ] y'all assume I loaded Oh cuz it's like honey yeah he's awesome cuz everybody in Chicago he for Chicago yeah right now I'm like that oh yeah that's a champion Marcy do you know that's a [ __ ] fact in terms of inspiration yeah you know how was you um when you make known the home videos that was probably one of my favorite things watching growing up or if you think about like that's it I love no authorities which is large this amazing tonight dance moves it's like just the way you Bob but now you got the jacket on the UM the shoulders like yelling on the phone saying wow [ __ ] like when you watch it that's it video they come in creepin in the house half of the song already playing it in and then it just start over and you just come about I mean just be me there's a lobbyist but a lot of people don't think about that you hate I already do I used to get a whole lot like yeah cuz we here two houses I'm gonna share the house and I hit house right and we are do here the videos in my house and doing other videos at his house yeah mostly all my videos oh yeah granny house back then I was gonna have also a manor house - so everybody was all house videos though I won the video at this house well yeah you have our recent houses too though but I just didn't get around to it was it for your house oh that's a house yeah it's how the part that stairways to stairways to so it like and it's really this really stuck staircase and I had the basements and it was three floors and I hate to live back to that case oh I like that you get a sense you really you really thought you got peanut butter yeah I'm alerts peanuts peanut butter all that seafood that's crazy what should we learn today which wheelers to me I'm fake [ __ ] crazy citrus it make it hard cuz you know I'd be looking mouth foaming no you see your friends go to a seafood place and you got that plastic bag they go to see full play some ball damn that says good night out today damn how you like living in LA I was telling you before I I can't stand it here oh yeah oh damn would you like about it so much you know Chicago first of all I'm from Chicago I saw King Lear there yeah I want to be there I might have enough twenty years of my life not here's my life and plus it growing up always with the moving bean oh well I may not like what I eat yeah that's a fine dude I think for me the reason I don't like his nut person with the city but it's something about just being too free late yesterday me and my wife went to Universal Studios and then we was just having natural fun by the nighttime we just like like it was crazy it just felt I don't know it's just like you just feel a little Spacey like I like it I like living it I like impacted space you like loot that so you seemed like yeah I like you'd like to be like when the walls is closing in on me I like the pressure actually made me work harder you know I mean you never try to like put like new you're know the crazy thing about my new or like in traffic I like how to Apple store stay overnight at 24 I was right yeah values the corner stores delis all right yeah your honor long guys allow gas gonna be nice I'll be there yeah that's nice now hostiles be too hot I'll be there I'll begin Kairos I like Greek food yeah yeah but I like New York though you know I'll be there a lot too I like to go to my bar gotta show somebody that well anyway I gotta do it I'll go do it Danny because I love it is there a place in the world you wanted to go you haven't been yet for me it's Iceland Alaska oh so the same Bob yeah it's nice you know Blazers I prefer that more than oh yeah that's how I would have begun it that's all the glucose we're in Iceland Lagoon later look gone clear so my days what did I forget is that true yeah that's yeah you know a lot about it they also got the arm maybe what they want psycho I can't even remember it look nice look nice so who's somebody new guys you like right now huh who's somebody like the new artist you like right now shorty who latekka shorty see juice here just straighten I just met you exactly like that you know he actually been open hookup of time as he know my name you know but yeah he closed whoops were from no herb yeah herb and cap it's all crazy though so no hurts her yes oh oh yeah sorry huh so something someone notice will notice Spotify is it there's been 12 tapes released like Chief Keef mixtapes in the past year but it look is all like the old songs like in like weeks in shock what's that about listen about its leaks I guess why someone didn't they just read today reput stuff you see now they reap put stuff out they we putting the stuff that's already out if people put out all this we infuse him and it's like how the [ __ ] make 12 mixtapes they reached up this out alright now I'll put out and they taking it down and they reap it it down a little take the little tape you know shouldn't make me angry people be [ __ ] with them leaves those crazed named Bob yeah yeah yeah yeah cuz like they wouldn't I got those songs they exactly don't mean no it's like a little some it's be sometimes they put like stuff that's not out that they want to write but most that stuff is out mmm it's like YouTube something today Dan we had a leaks you know they dropping them 12 man I counted them this morning I was like this is some real ones I was going I can't listen to artists much goddamn it's in the past year yeah well again let me take a stroll down memory lane Oh tapes I'm like oh yeah yeah uh-huh stayed off in a drop a tape from the RSO war yeah potato clogged up a hearty I'm scared to try to steer the car no glass no foolery yeah yeah I think it's gone oh no isn't no constable there's no be hard oh yeah yeah what's your favorite song that you made my favorite song I mean yeah that's not a big hit those don't come I get mad when I'm DJ I'm like and I'm like am I playing your songs and then like some white kids if you like please finito hey [ __ ] you nah cuz the songs are bad just cuz you got so many other bangers that should make me angry it's like it's so easy to find him a lot of new a lot of new you'd be listening to other genres no so you don't listen to rock like that or anything like that I never think 182 no no that's it was playing somewhere else mmm yeah I mean I listen Ellie golden oh yeah she's cool I listen Ellie yam that's fine that's fine Felix scrilla quite exactly yeah I guess that's another time yeah unless you so you like dance music a little bit I mean oh right exactly okay he was a tit yeah they come like wait ago the early going it now I respect it yeah at one point you laying lizard yeah she cool uh-huh cool I know her songs and career you could perform them if you wanted to yeah - oh you make sue now you should make a remix that would be fired damn that's hard yeah somebody to say that what happened with the arm with the hologram the show yeah they put a blue honey pull the plug yeah you was doing a non-profit yes until I actually bring attention to like dangerous which is crazy about that it came up on stage so I got the sins do did I did a song huh then you know it's green I don't do so many people got on you about like just whatnot and talking about violence like you actually tried to like this was for capital right and it was a kid right the wheels don't happen yeah yeah you got you got hit no one time you try to do something for the city and they just pull the plug I say and it was an Indiana at one even in Chicago so great Chicago called any honest on my Chicago wouldn't even let you do it no it was like a year I guess that's so it's so close to home though and he only 30 minutes away right I will turn it's 30 minutes into the hallways so it's like you know you can go 30 minutes waiting you could be a hair away you could be a 30 minute in an hour way so it's like here we right there I guess they made a call and so it's gonna shut it down and they pulled up and pull the plug so crazy what was it like performing on performing a for the hologram thing you know I mean you ain't nobody has space I don't even like it like that oh like you got to do it in like a tube all right no I'm too but you have like sometimes it was a barks or lion yes like what oh so you couldn't let go crazy no you can't really like it's like you got to stay in this for if you where is it now like what the hell is he used who was Oliver I don't know but what wasn't it gonna be a tour like a hologram to her yeah oh over the hologram where's the holoband oh no what should I do a hologram I do a hologram again when it's most space but I can move on the whole stage that [ __ ] was hard that's what I do a hologram on there you should do I guess it's gonna be 2020 you should do it show you actually pull up to and then I have the Halle beer and do all the b-side songs you're not gonna do in the main set and I just have yourself hoping for yourself that'd be crazy so the hologram perform the right show you come out in late that [ __ ] was legendary I thought that was so cool yeah yeah a futuristic and the base wasn't okay their problem yeah and in the box what I'm gonna do I saw the Tupac hologram I coach other ones it's like he can walk more than hockey yeah he could yeah he was moving way more than you actually yeah all right what's the story behind the loves El Centro with a shorty on yeah yeah I mean it was no backpack and I got out of some I did it so I was in jail too soon when I got out it it was a Shorty's just one crazy old man great and I was talk to some other cult fanbase yeah one made a video like she keep my daddy oh my god I don't think that made a song she was going crazy another video there was another video Wells him a lot of the shorty yeah and I guess we ended up using it for one of the songs it was awesome because it was already going viral just off them just tripping just tripping yes right now for the day they're free there's on t-shirts and people writing them on my skin sending me pitches my only holdbacks went like the whole whole everything is DC's they know that everything yeah Wow hey be with another story right gonna be with some mullet Shorty's all right you had oh you know you have Michael Blackson host the tape I had a most which was cool most people didn't go [ __ ] was his neighbor dad what was the name of the tape we buy it it was big part to that one bank told ya what's been - almighty saw had uh I forgot what his name it was that DJ and he was going crazy I think it was yeah Michael Blackson Michael basketball be right okay cuz I don't have a micro blessing to all mine so - how is this bet light even going back to the boilers just like you always mix like you were with it you never took yourself like like it was serious but you never took my - series like is honest it's like and that's how you know who would know it was real because it's like if you could really like make jokes in it as well yeah he was like 30 years old and I had on a Burberry coat or something like that Oh have you talked to him since my [ __ ] hammer burger I had on the long sleeve with some heat I was looking at his change I mean I won't change yeah you said some crazy right and so DM G so yeah I know we will small that's I was right and I wasn't gonna change my man about me a change right Dan but I was on house arrest at grinny house so you also [ __ ] her like like Soulja Boy - yeah yeah that was going crazy though I was playing soldier boy then Wednesday we did lean come out I was playing down the block Eileen will you sit in front of the corn stover mmm well I called Mike he said Dan so you know and you also collab with anymore nachus yep and he was terrible Utah's watch his show yeah who's the super little uh yeah always yeah but I like that who did it just for the heart of it he was like yeah this is not gonna be a hit but [ __ ] it that [ __ ] was fired I did just because it was like I did it I did it for two reasons because it was getting Milonakis and because of what you just say yeah will be on your mind these days like what do you want something you want to do as you haven't got to do yet investments hmm vestments what investments oh sure like would you want to invest a lot of things I was like okay I can do that like people come to you yeah that's uh huh I could never see myself investing so it just seemed confused after me our summer is cool that's me summer I think about a lot dog yeah I gotta take care of it so uh-huh it's gonna be dunzo ain't none and that's impossible that's a fact it's a big fact you everything I can okay I mean imma make a movie I'm soon yeah but uh I'll try I'll try it off for a movie actually - you did yeah movie was it oh no idea do we did it in here no you know how you cinema screen whatever that matter cordosa yeah take it no no was it further for the movie ma I'm so happy when I don't my kids yeah but anyways have you imagine next time yeah I live in his house he seemed like a cool yeah no yeast watch a Jamie Foxx show even I was texting on top of song Jackson yeah something like a yeah you know they always do Cain Dan yeah who's someone you want to work with that you ain't got to link up with yet are they go Ellie Goulding James Brown Chris Brown Brianna you're in liquid Chris Mariana yeah sure sure so cheap yeah so I pull up record oh yeah that type of [ __ ] here's Brian school I actually put about so she had a studio right you know we was talking and I left from new being me cuz I'm like I'm gonna have a nobody space I go somewhere I say what stuff on one stay around so long as I feel like I'm nobody I feel like somebody I don't want me to yeah situations be weird cuz you don't even go like AHA that's you know he's probably trying to stop you say yeah you go but now my boy said many wanted to record maybe no no he played is up he was like me anymore you know you probably like let's go on a storm core when I have a guy tell me about pull up oh yeah and that attention to it so he's probably one of those seconds something I wanna meet you at the same time nervous when he's like what you want bro like kendama we saw each other dodo was sit down you know and I'll be talking to Chris Brown - yeah and I want to work a party next oh yeah that's cool that's cool Pandy hey you uh what are you what do you feel like it's the biggest like misconception about like Chief Keef because I feel like like a and but I mean it's just like something that people always think it's like there's just a stereotype of you like I'm gonna pull up and call my home he's dead yeah but most of the house and coming in strip malls but you do have like you got like a camera room in here right and before anybody to come over you'd be like yeah but you be on there like before anybody come over right and like jam in on Roxy that's cool yeah you know he comes out that's why I had to get home my camera because for the nanny okay yeah I had a fire like five nannies in a pail right yeah you gotta watch nannies all would trust yeah we're ready to counter period oh yeah I feel like your house right about your house right in my house it I would never even need a camera you wouldn't want to count normally I would never because I didn't know about cameras break dance so I didn't hear much but we fought it if I don't know breaking off you always have yeah sure just in case yeah might be gone somebody knows where I want to come to your house no it's not as open as a manís yeah I'm Sookie saying I love you to the kid you never know soon really never know know what you just got a camera yeah you have a defier Bobby huh you have to fire a nanny okay see me and my wife we weren't dating day in day out I mean so he needed that you know people look for child support yeah she's straight though yeah she's going there is our working solid yeah every day makes every day maybe like I was saying all day when we met when we met I was sane at her house yeah and I just came and I just I never left I just started squatting in a house I love Hollywood I was like I'm saying right here she cool and then she figure out how to make us both go through the bigger one with the doorman so that's you know when she can multiply for you like that oh that's a fact hey I can't find it it's hard to find love and I can't find it huh what happened Oh have you ever been in love yeah yeah my daughter mom okay okay I was a little jasmine I still love jasmine though it's not forever yeah yeah yeah so together no you think your body sometimes yeah all the time yeah mm-hmm that'd be the words yeah a little more Sun moans ooh yes nice you know take me am i good my daughter moment you really see out huh yeah you know and I start over my son which is crew yeah I lost off with his mom winning I'll uh and we stop around I'll just write exam you know Chicago so it's like even when I was young then I was you had fast yes New York is is almost the same way you gotta grow hey easy access exactly yeah you know it was like oh no that's crazy that's wrong when you had Amir you probably used probably what the [ __ ] man also I could deal with this no no no right now trust have to something yeah is it hard with like alpha done really is it hard with friends soon huh is it hard with friends who like just find a trusting like new friends and whatnot not be the new fighter radio one I'm not a reader person you look I'm up and down and no person's old woman you don't know they're gonna be good know if they're gonna be a good person or know if they here for the right reason is here just because they want to take a picture of your house or be here taking videos you feel like so I feel like what she was gonna say sometimes new friends be better than old friends there's no history taught to it exactly yeah when history taught to is like oh good of a handout oh yeah mm-hmm you know especially if you can got on and you're the one doing this and doing that for everybody they understand they not kids yeah knowing this and you got kids already know words being if you try to work with them you know you can even put them in a position to do the argument want it all right it's like that's like a muscle up on my solanum I do it in a position they tell me you know we want you to keep taking care of us yeah but in a 23 is state 25 years old I'm like what I got a job doing this yeah you actor you don't want to do this it's too much mm damn I'd be the words yeah and then and then they say you change they really change cuz they say how you didn't they know so they change what I do sometimes they won't even say it thinking it the whole time around you casually talk less and less they got lots opinions on what's going on I kind of just observing it all have new friends like that neither me neither to be honest yeah it's crazy it's dark man it's just like you kind of almost I think becoming the father I like I was like why this meaning to life is just like creating like was like having love I mean he's like there's really not much more to it it's all really dark and people just suck although most people yeah most people sire most people yeah it's hard you got some people there's this as that solid gay one's real fruit yeah that's a fact that's a big fat what you thinking about what you think about people way anyways I got my way pseudo I'm saying I got my ways yeah yeah I might have some ways somewhere someone uh who I you really remind me of and someone I just wanted like just talked about as a as a Fredo because when I met him he was just like smart because yeah yeah his image was painted so scary but when you met him he was like just one of the smartest people yeah you could talk to you know when you don't like that to be honest I'm not even on weighing him would you always go ahead did yeah yeah since he had to bear down on his head yeah yes more God oh yeah it was super smart right yeah mm-hmm I used to try to do 500 yeah he gave me she gave me one he gave me a half but he was right yeah we're gonna do it do it like this he was like you gonna do it cuz you came you don't tell me I'm like what yeah nobody and oh I'm like wait yeah and I was 18 party 19 nobody something like what you trippin it's crazy I'll do this he's like no you got - I didn't say today I'll be telling people like I talked to his girl about it - I managed to be right and as I used to be tripping crashing I don't that [ __ ] that's Jerry that's four monkeys not even four monkeys that's for a chef aliens man he was a he was he was like when I was talking to him he was just like with Sosa's like you just never know where he's just gonna pop up on you you just not hear from him he was just like pull up I don't know it mm-hmm he was great yeah yeah I made a tape together right that never came out yeah I actually wasn't even finished our current about it's probably cover songs by like classic songs but uh harder says you got yeah yeah she say she was actually told she's gonna bring them over here out of Texas we don't fix it we don't fix it up the way we don't make sure there's rooms here yeah just story really need we don't do it though yeah we were just talking about that just out of date she was just here how do you how do you deal with like just just so much loss and just like and just paying I feel like you've kind of yet your strength has kind of been put to the test so much in your life so the point is it's not even fair how do you deal with that why that game is focus on lines yeah you know sometimes even like you tell your art man oh no guys not be at a house about it yeah try to stay out all right I think standing house keep me out of trouble yeah that's what I think yeah yeah this is like once you start mingling and mixing that now you know now you worry about who this person with all this breath well I doesn't leave me alone yeah the hot [ __ ] I'm gonna be good here yeah and if somebody come to see you they come over respect hotshot exactly who stay on that might have son right there and I finally got writer's block some I played a game said I can't think you know well I watched my like to watch movies - yeah yeah that's the best huh do you like old movies more than news no no you like you like the new one oh I can go watches the 2000 movie oh you can't go ladies and unlike your well the 90s 90s that was I think that was night 99 no no right Friday with me right Prada hey go on the two down once the nineties I was like late nineties if I think about next Friday then okay yeah you think about yeah yeah or Friday after next yeah no justice in there what about the mobster movies us oh boy a poetic adjustable some K walk I leave it on you leave it or anything you watch it from the house that's what is in it Oprah that's colorblind yeah - Ellie Jackson particle color purple - someone you know what I say probably I don't trip purple blind you think about Janet Jackson Jenna's accident in to pop that is and poetic justice oh no you gotta watch that yeah what about like the Scorsese like like the Mafia thing yeah I like Bronx he is my favorite Ronix he'll squash okay Goodfellas I ain't seen that in a Goodfellas alright I like my father I like Bronx Tale more than I like any of that though it is surprised because that's more of mobster doesn't good for this Marvel mafia that's more like Oh had live cells more like New York this kid grows up around this yeah I no longer watch that all the air they assume yeah brah steel bar yeah that's a fact yeah I just actually hear that I wanted actors up to act in the mains lucky their garage is here tomorrow what's his name oh you know what I'll just hit them all let's go we was just talking you know just having them like man I'll set up a video of me watching the movie I gotta watch this over and over yeah like you say oh he said some you know we live in New York sign out something like man you need to do some Mills's on the other watch let's make a sequel movie on come get up to come get you I think you definitely should make a movie oh yeah even if it's awesome underground [ __ ] you gotta learn about production right now what's gonna be doing one yeah I haven't had it for a movie deal or something like that - and I have - yeah moving in when I did that but I didn't even do it why haven't you mr. Bosley how'd you end up leaving them when I was bad way to do this you just attacked that yeah he come in and then five hours later yeah he come in and he was just never show you like my father like you would just never show up hey but no you sure you show up now I mean I'm still learning pseudo yeah it's all the learning process I mean I was young I was the other night what he trusts 1716 yeah I mean savings right sixteen seventeen eighteen and bad seal young shorty you know I can take him out none really yeah that's like what they already want me to go do one else's Park if they say if you don't coming on being you okay baby exactly [ __ ] my God give me that ultimatum does that mean [ __ ] I ain't for the kids know ass one day more come on Tommy man kids no dogs no sir you did it your way to Hawaii my whole life yo hey even though she always sold off a kiss I ask you man though she and hip alas out come on ass out and say kiss my butt she oh she taught you not kiss no ass though I was uh I feel like Montclair owe you a check what's going on he was the first person that was actually one of the stones gave me something my birthday yeah damn that's fire one time that's true yeah true legit Montclair I was like and then when you saw somebody woulda Montclair you knew I said to me there's a they picture the Montclair they had a catalog it was pitch form catalog gonna hit them all the way am i clear they liked the customer the customer clear models versus the customers in the enemy yeah with the classes on big glasses on with advancement [ __ ] yeah that's crazy was you was you um what's the what's new brain you like the most I feel like you're really into adidas like no like the most you posted heat estamos oh that's adidas murdoch's it oh yeah yeah oh yeah yeah yeah oh yeah the crazy thing about it is I won't anybody win if I was going to buy them and put them in the closet because they was fit it was to fit the other days I wasn't financials right now yeah cuz that's kind of is kind of cop sometimes I wish I massage I massage 10 sometimes I wear a size 13 yeah just to get the Big Sean way what I got wide feet so sometimes I'll be having the fat come up how you accessorize any what size - you mean cuz it's just a vibe like sometimes y'all come out the diner shoe so they know you're not [ __ ] around like you got packs or space it's like you got a condo for your foot what the [ __ ] I'm telling you I'll be on some terrific not always a stand and a half but I was asked man okay but for some shoes you know members know now was that an ad in that half but I will know sometimes my foot is just be going on go out though I can't go up no see I think that go over you forget it see I got a tensile test okay and that's socks shoes okay yeah well slaps like kick me win because I like no big okay tato used to tato 1000 used to go by his grade man he said everybody was as a night Brady was as nasty yeah are you suing my brother stop that man we told him like man wait we showed him his real shoe size yeah for me I massage 10 to 20 for the [ __ ] I used to share shoes with my brother's you feel me so for me putting all notions is not it just feel like my shoe got my [ __ ] up you should fit all those the 43 years a 43:43 okay I do have 43 all right man there's no witness about the arms yeah you said we went out for Swan's exactly so have you seen Kyle yeah I want to do some jigsaw like when I just could turf step okay do you think Sonya no no no Dean so you ain't been a Sunday service yet know everything about it okay I'm going to the right one yeah I mean I wonder I won't get divided I thought you'd fill it yeah I might like it and probably go every other Sunday I saw you did that home you did that that therapy video with mice like last year would you take it out I kind of didn't like it too much it was I know it's it's it's are so people yeah a lot of stuff they didn't it wasn't oh no it just shouldn't have even been like some people touch though like Rizzo I found like it was just trying to like what is that so mean II like Washington told me he like he be watching him wow what a soda problem yeah eat something like yeah I can relate to this yeah it was no bananas you know but then it was just like he was like you're going by Chief Keef law it was like well you ain't even do nothing bad since like 2014 oh no no no no joke what driver yeah man oh my everything out of date was driving really I was the only reason it made me upset because he didn't know enough about you to like you miss not be a racer and say exactly nacho yeah good guy that's what I be trying to tell people No Oh No have you gone to therapy at all just like yeah same it is this something you thought about it's going therapy yeah I feel like going to therapy it's like when you fat you go I'm gonna go to the gym you all know the cryotherapy yeah yes sir oh what's that Cole laughs tanks okay oh we sent a cold like Tom you know deter the circle thing you sitting out all you can see all I can see is up here I want to see one of those I mean therapy I want to really really don't I would try that but what I mean by like with the therapy and like the fat do I go to jail well i'ma go to gym tomorrow and he just never go tape [ __ ] is it something what you would want to go to or the job it's a therapy therapy like real tears yeah I wrote therapy like not no damn I mean I ain't thought about it yeah I mean some life I need therapy somebody to me oh you know feel like I need there maybe I do Shh not for me yes I'll be saying the same thing no I feel like my car keys family they're praying came to me you know talk to me but how does that make you feel make me feel like how you think it make me feel alright oh is that go you get you making me gonna untie show it to every young therapy yeah I got when I was moving I come on no I'm a DCFS yeah you know you know what's crazy we were we both high school dropouts yeah I think about out of this day yeah you still be wanted to go back yep everything my high school I want you know Jess the floods I mean it's like I went to a bad school I wanna go I mean everything about it oh man like there I mean think I got one shot never even stopped going to school yeah yeah like high school was I stopped there like freshman very very round was dumbest [ __ ] cuz I was I learned I school when I first went yeah I liked it - hello - hey cuz I was running ain't even dogs run run homes yeah I mean I was the same thing it was hard it they just started writing me up for coming late nice well when he stacked it up and then it was suspend me for like two weeks okay go through the hallway that's a real [ __ ] those where everyone in the bathroom regard Clone High yeah well I think about this name like man Oh miss school I miss diet damn cuz it was falling over it was so was though and the classes was cool - it was cool - yeah she had a music class oh I didn't even have that yeah better close the class Trump is even the way you play [Music] yeah I have no music Sam where does it leave out the door okay so we go to Jimmy Levi's when you leave has a keys go to jail we can win on the dough not even when we lead or we leave her lunch time we believe it now please leave me now when we first wanna trippin just somebody come get us we go on the street strip in front of I believe about the date oh my man [ __ ] go back to high school damn that's can't go to college so you would do the whole thing over yeah I thought that it was young get it back never he's made me sad Singlish me but our college a scam it sound like a scam you know I liked high school but college I kind of know for the type of people that some you can learn or YouTube will go in and learn you can go buy the same books they have enough I was gonna say this the mod debate same books my debate with the high school was put it because I was putting hub Martin Luther King high school and you know any high school named after a black man is the worst thing you could go to same with a park like if you go to like Ellis like Frederick Douglass okay have you went to like Frederick Douglass the worst fool man so I was I was like I was interviewing people who have graduated or just like like it's just like where do you want to go that this is gonna take you because if you go to it and then when you get to the sophomore junior year everybody's like oh man little college you're gonna go to you go to and they start applying that pressure but then people be going to college to learn [ __ ] I was learning things in the street already so I was like alright let me be honest like I don't have art I don't have music so it's like I'm just here to just be here and it's like I'm gonna do this Hill is done and then do what I want to do or I can stop right now learn learn about pop culture music everything I want to get into dive into that and then go from there I still think even if I did graduate it wouldn't get me to the place I was because I had to grow up early all the dumb she thought I did early nobody can trace back to because I was before I was anybody so it was like yeah I mean like like like like whether it was drinking or anything I had those phases early so I you know it's not me anymore and you it's it it taught me to learn early and when you think bring the thing about colleges like somebody will go to college now and just be in debt for life I mean unless you're trying to be a lawyer there's just another place you're not gonna fit in any I want to go most some people just say see college graduates have a footlocker mom or sister Howard oh that's awesome so you got to do a lot easy go to Chicago to the N times crazy lawyer in town and she goes his studio time here zone she done doing that she goes to the studio she just starts to be about self though she's older you know younger yeah about 19 okay she's born in 19 states with that you know about 20 19 1920 oh no I still think she I still try to treat her like she's twill I mean I mean you know when she 14 and I'll be forgetting she yellow rings I get the dog you don't then I'd like me not forgetting you wrong you getting wrong right and I should be now hardest is probably gonna be even harder it's ending with your kids huh it's what I'm gonna even be harder to see that with your kids like just some growl yeah I'm still thinking treat them why they like you yeah 20 mm-hmm no you ain't yeah calm down Oh check-in takes back when I takes you yeah if it's a yes/no question say no mm-hmm you okay yes or no yeah no one's not taste back no no you like top yeah yeah you been shot before nah I never met him chopped ass I never mob I'm dead chop-chop photo no I never met him but he always Compton I'm dead on academics well how do you feel about academics actual unless you say hey my mom is Libra I was raised by a Libra I thought you said liebherr liebherr okay I was raised by a Libra mmm and then my grandma chilly oh yeah yeah those on okay [ __ ] though I would check off just on that one I would even just just check the nokia notes on the D do you do what he do if you hit whatever I can't okay yeah putting under my pocket yeah that's easy what are you doing mm yeah yeah do you feel like he was like at the same time good luck feel how you get so much negative flak I feel like nobody else reports on on this stuff he report on so he was kind of like our news outlet he started off reporting on nothing but us yeah mm-hmm okay man was good you heard us he was right there every day about his whole life he started off us yeah Chicago did what is she was called Chicago trill scene you know u2 and the Grim Reaper and I used to always wonder who the [ __ ] is this thing and what do you look like ice water guys always wonder whether this man this man came out of nowhere on the face he'll robbing everybody bribing you [ __ ] around star Robert I guess yeah Charlie your song I'm checking if you want if you want the feature I mean if you ask yeah yeah I got a pencil on my face yeah people be missing the point though through okay yeah huh pointed a pencil I'm just joking oh I'm sorry I just know but let's go I against has those on my face no no I see I didn't know why why marker much Oviedo okay she go mmm I'll grab my doctor yells woman man I have that for real yeah sometimes I feel like she was sacrificed for me you are me like she died and all but but when I got it it was it was before the soundcloud rapper so it was only gucci mane who had the ice cream yeah okay and I saw and I was like you know what I went all about it a lot when I was be like man motto always somewhere come on always I always feel like I'll never come on you know I just let them down so at least don't even think I want to get our lease and I can least not get a title on office I just wanted to change the meter for face tattoos because before I got it it was just about like just scary people at him and I was like what's the perfect face tattoo and I went to this pencil soon huh and they had us this is a real thing but I never haven't told people just I was make something up okay but I went to this pencil store and it was I'm I cannot make this up it was a pencil day listener and they had these pilaf tattoos and it was a pencil okay and my home he put he put he we were like oh [ __ ] like you should put it on your face and I put it on my face and applying it every day I just loved it it was like when I smile I myself on the line it was like it was it was my motivation honestly I was getting this why stop yeah I stopped as always tat I saw my man [ __ ] this shelf and do something else on phone oh I got tired of sin no I had all kind of novocaine that's the most painful - I think yeah it was cool okay steady sweating that should make you sweat on your nose oh yeah with some skin I want to get my legs my backpack okay yeah that's what I'm doing over there didn't get anything else build anything for feast I was like I was only gonna get my stomach oh yeah I don't know other visible and underneath I think oh I just got my wife name right here we got to matching the classic matching oh yeah okay she got shot yeah but that's how I was not gonna put no nuts on his own oh yeah yeah I got my daughter named I got my daughter named as awesome she got one no no she do got me about a crack I don't know where is it I forget it some way you got me and kicking I was yeah so how okay no she said no me deflate damn she's gonna be a song coming up yeah yeah real song what you gonna do for a birthday - oh no we got to do some dough I got I got a I got actually plan ahead of time really which is what some that I don't do I feel like we do both of us we like very hate easy it's like whatever in Arkansas closer than I am baby yeah are you saying no problem you know I used to have a I'll prescribe to me I was a kid my mom used to chicken she used to put in that happened I wanna prescribe well none of them when I was kid I don't know some [ __ ] - I can't applesauce it his day I was awesome yeah yeah yeah cuz I hate it I couldn't smoke fills me so he have some applesauce yeah oh she actually gonna be right in no no I can't even eat it without tasting him and she's the um she's to crush them in the Doritos that's when I really got angry cuz how the [ __ ] you gonna put pills in Doritos man I'm gonna take that [ __ ] all right no it's dry as [ __ ] I know evil evil man I got it was different and we never knew I guess he's gotta figure it out exactly [ __ ] we all know it's true but I know I am oh yeah yeah yeah my mom used to try to get home my mom used to try to get government checks so when we was in the doctor's office she would say just I crazy like how people crazy yeah for real some Bush just to get some money [ __ ] up my whole papers man she like just start saying random [ __ ] man I should was dark man she was crazy yeah that's some lesson real [ __ ] up [ __ ] man yeah one time I got home one time my mom left town and I don't know how but we got a thousand dollars on the food stamps and I took all my friends shopping for food I don't buy [ __ ] for my whole house I was like we all eat I took all my friends to the grocery store and it was game over and now yeah I didn't care what she thought that's still don't I'm not sorry you said he used to play those help games you couldn't it was game over the news will be tired oh no I was able to yeah yeah I knew how to disappear like my father you have a overlayed huh you have a overlay mm-hmm oh yeah you know here's Scorpion Bernardo I'll need a dead man I used to fake crying [ __ ] all day and then when she leave us a hit on her I'll put a vest on what sanding and it was doing so much oh you gonna for that baby oh I'm sorry nowadays it ain't like that cuz only one size monkey is at all yeah you can't just Bank my Sandow huh yeah I'll just slightly though I put on the mic no there's the bus Reagan say what huh I saw Nancy embarrassing no so you think I pulled his pee out and pissed in his room on this rim or the same he's doing the hell are you doing this you know the saying hold of rim still I know I wouldn't tribute not adding he like because I had use it's a bear for right now I asked why he'd do what he said some I forgot man that maybe what though man it's in the world I had to call it mom and everything I'm like man how would you how did you even explain it to him that was wrong what you mean he gets to know that's wrong yeah we used to pick we used to piss embodies you know what a bear for me that's them to your chair yeah I never do this back then we didn't ain't we had to share bathroom yeah they got a shared bathroom steel but I'm saying like we know what a bathroom was raised in fact bill you right yeah but you ain't having no bottoms on his flow he got created [Music] yeah damn that's crazy you gotta give up some cows yeah that's true too nice to me yo punching baby in public somewhere they treat your body yeah you gotta know how to do that it can't do that to you that's why all the labor playing the rough games I'd use gotta cut it they said you know like super you know like I said I did yeah of course on this but yeah yeah yeah fun with my hand not ask me hey you're not gonna build my hands very contemplating on what and it was like someone hurt my son but is he got to know that right yes you know no because like I say there were you over there posture yeah especially moms mmm you know if you don't take my truth you know school you'll be at school pulling up today school you begin in trouble then they treat us at school yeah what happens when you pull through the school you know who you are yeah no actually no no no never I just want to my daughter dance and you know what I already knew PMS me go someplace gaming waters out down should a new but okay I don't know how you feel about that again you got a lot of love in the skate community well y'all know I wish I'd know how to skate yeah sometimes I can actually get on the board I just came I'm here again I can go to the guard off man this dude no tricks no no no there's too much once he follows game I try wait sir friend I think that was weak server you trying to serve Kate no now what the damn things jump no no feet mmm I got no water like oh no no I can't do none of it I came I just got this the word wait I can't no not it not trust that he would've lifejacket on bro oh listen I like swimming yeah I can't swim I guess I'm scared of water I love being in a pool man too bad you just say we instead of it yeah what's up yeah man okay so that's how my girl have to lift me up my back I just pretend I'm swimming you feel me that's some [ __ ] I feel like damn I'm really doing yeah I'll be waking up baby at the pool right and tell them stop that sleep yeah come on I'll walk up beyond the mere five minutes no they do it every 10 minutes oh yeah you sleeping no way iPhone sleep they in the pool ain't like to go to the deep yeah they gonna get real creative my daughter goes to the ticket a closed model of my songs at a deep in like it's wrong way we could be right up yeah you supposed to be over here now all the way over there was snappy tiffy whatever it whatever it be 12 feet okay I'll stay I'll sit on poppy alright boys right three feet what the stairs they stay right there you can't even though with stairs over there too but when you fall in there's always overweight straight to the bar wish you know well and I'll be sleep it would so what's uh what's your plan for the next year what some you want to do more would you want to produce my other artists I feel like that's something you have a guy to do much of yeah you got a crazy archive of beats I feel like that nobody even heard I mean it's some people that's ready mm-hmm really ready really yeah I would love to see you who is he you Lucy and Ewan cardia just like carnie and dominated pump did a couple of them mmm-hmm yeah yeah main so your day one he did one back when I was still figuring it out mmm right now everybody right now I figure like I'm still figuring it out right now I got it oh okay yeah like rocket arm selling everything his I to some dear old like okay that's horror that's fine yeah alright last question tell me about turbo turbo oh yeah I really didn't know that he did Wow I mean there's another it's somebody else with that name I don't like it it's like I just know from he came out of nowhere oh no artist sort of dude that that makes it that doesn't drop he's gonna eat I know okay so who's the guy will make those beats for you mean Arab oh oh so who's that me also you're terrible yeah I thought you should so it's going to be no that's me - so you didn't done yet I know I'm just saying turbo - alias that guy's oh that was no that was no turbo was my office Eagle okay four beats okay turbulence chauffeur turbo turbo show containers to me okay and my name is turbulence like one of my phone's is turbulence if you look it up ever dropped me some [ __ ] right now I'll say everything ok anyways turbo was dead but out of nowhere now is somebody this is another producer named turbo so it's like I'm like all on ditional yeah and let them had a and so it's like [ __ ] that to Roche I got so many names so you killed you all to you go yeah okay that's fine dad thanks so much thank so much to having me go seriously thanks for inspiring me all these years you got a beautiful song man for real I want the world to know now but I'll become a team yeah yeah they're not gonna be invited yeah yeah guys that's a wrap
Channel: Kerwin Frost
Views: 1,597,230
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kerwin Frost, Kerwin Frost Talks, Kerwin Talks, Chief Keef, Chief Keef Interview, chief keef sosa, kerwin chief keef, chief keef kerwin, cheef keef
Id: S9cM9guGDhw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 24sec (5184 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 13 2019
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