Tyler, the Creator Does Breakfast | Nuts + Bolts Episode 3

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breakfast it's like my favorite meal now you breakfast at 6:00 p.m. 11 p.m. whatever my tongue isn't cultured I'm not into like let's go to a Thai restaurant then let's go get Carrie and then let's go like to this ayah sushi here and there I'll cool sabi and all that weird my last European tour a fluid duffel bag and just cereal and cookie Sarah pancake making items I mean most cooking is to you know fulfill hunger but I mean some people just get creative try new things and you think you can create the next big thing in breakfast I don't know I'm gonna be honest I wish I had the confidence to say yeah I'll come over something cool I don't know everything seems taken already I know nothing about the breakfast industry what came first breather pinky well no that's a stupid clue no it's not same stuff right you just baked this stuff but dimming was like let me just put it on a pan you know but the waffle was the waffle maker may 1st or the waffle I figured out [Music] I like to welcome every one of you here to the breakfast class once again students are late but will make it this one time that's okay sorry all my other times I came I've been on time because I actually go to this school we're glad you could make it here then right breakfast is as most people know one of the most important meals of the day and breakfast is now a more exciting place than it ever was before people begin to experiment around with all sorts of new products like pancakes and sausages together waffles around chicken they will mix all sorts of products yes sir what came first the waffle or the waffle maker that's a very good question I know the answer is the waffle iron came first waffle irons have been around since 1300 yes we have a question back here I love bacon should I not eat bacon in the morning they say that's bad for you it's gonna make you fatter than you already are from a health standpoint eating bacon now and then I'm gonna hurt anybody so that's my comment on this what do you think the next big breakfast food will be I think that's news Millennials are going to come up with names syrup tastes good on everything I really want to know how this is made on a good week I could probably finish this whole bottle of syrup this is delicious that is crazy like weird what is this taste this is so good I'm gonna make my own flavored maple syrup so the guys that crown maple is gonna help me out I haven't had a flavor of syrup that I thought was fired yet I would try cinnamon syrup if I had to make one I would be cinnamon then I would do make I love mint flavored stuff but I don't know if mint flavored syrup will be fired [Music] yeah being trapped in the snow with sun caps tree after you you guys use lot power tools knob but my home are you doing some drilling this is a drop line that vacuums are actually on right now so it's pulling SAP in oh and when the sugar makers come up to the tree they look for the old tap holes there's an old tap hole there you don't want to tap close to that so you look over here and it looks like fresh wood you don't see any problems so you're gonna end up putting a hole in it are you strong we're gonna need to put that on there dripping saps in there oh there goes oh it's flowing and you hear it no your tap no you got no I need to get this look what happens about drink the SAP now before it gets off no jus step in when we get back to sugar house a bill to try something it's about two percent sugar then it tastes good it tastes like sweet water it's 98 percent water so what's happening right now this time of year is it's cold at night and it's falling during the day and that's what's pushing the sap out so at night the gas will constrict and then during the day cause the gases that expand and it's gonna push the SAP out can you get stopped out of any tree ma syrup you can get it out of some mom Church maybe I want to do one alright not this one oh he's been through a lot well they're happy we take care of my have you asked him have you read his Facebook I have not you should see how you fill in your eye buddy [Music] it was an who just beat trees until they started bleeding and decided to lick the blood of the tree I said this is delicious let me put this on bread it started out phenomenon and syrup is delicious tree blood is fired ready to tap it up dog that's poppy right here juice it ah here comes poppy here all this thick yeah a tree can give us about a gallon of sap a day but it takes 40 to 50 gallons to make one gallon maple syrup so well syrup ever be extinct pardon so the next step is to get it in the sugar house from there we'll take out some of the water will boil it down with an evaporator that's tight good I think this is my third time being in snow being from LA we wear shorts 24/7 i've ever seen a frozen lake in my life [Music] it does get a little deeper out there oh hell I need another rock I failed on the lake I wanted to just break that but it didn't work next time practice makes perfect so tell you enjoy maple syrup yeah I love it everything we do comes straight from nature you were out you tapped a tree you saw the SAP run we're gonna taste some of the SAP coming in we're gonna walk through the process it takes to make maple syrup we try to do everything in 14 to 18 hours this is from this SAP coming out of the trees us collecting it running it through our production process into a final maple syrup in the barrel so that's pure satin this is straight from the tree right there what's it taste like it's like thanks like thick water this came from a tree right so we're looking at this whole big tank you see this little line here that's how much syrup we get out of that old tank Wow roughly once we have enough SAP we start running it through our technology reverse osmosis is a series of filters that breaks apart the SAP molecule splitting off the water from the sucrose molecules so that we're isolated with what we're most interested in is the sugar molecules say we go taste some concentrate now no yeah that would be running the sap through the reverse osmosis machine removes 90 percent of the water the next stage we've gone from here is now we're gonna caramelize it we're taking it into our evaporator and we're essentially boiling and caramelizing the flavors and removing the but ER oh I've got a thick ass with how many gallons is this right here you think bread in this pan is is probably about 45 what are you 5 yeah capito a small village with that you could or a small child yeah with a big taste for syrup like you [Music] the sir making process it's easier and harder than I thought I thought you actually chop trees and do this weird thing but the process of really getting the pole sweets at just seems like it takes forever and I'm just not patient enough for that at Google we've infused up some mint syrup for you here okay you're the creator of this one this is your idea that's right thing what do you think yeah I'm in so this is cinnamon this is fire Metin cinnamons my two favorite flavors and I've never been able to figure out a way to eat them together so I'm currently mixing mint syrup with cinnamon syrup a cinnamon Wow it's like a sexy toothpaste the cinnamon Ament is the one I've hit a new leaf no pun and finally had mint and cinnamon infused together and work alright so now we're gonna go to the bottling room see where the final products put into the dress what's up not much witch why aren't you geared up um cuz I keep these pretty clean well you got on your head a cool little hat that's nice I love syrup yeah favorite flavor so I'm here okay we're gonna bottle today [Music] [Applause] [Music] I was perfect I want to see that go on we're still a handcrafted prize we've put out a lot of love we're touching and making sure that this product comes out the way we want that's a nice Brown nice I learned that I learned I learned that when you make syrup that hello I am chef Jasmin in 2013 chef Dominique and SIL create a all-new breakfast item that took the world by storm the legendary cronut this delicious treat has became the world most talked-about food in history tell her to meet some inspiration his new breakfast item so we're gonna tag-team him up with Dominique and Harlem what's up Tyler this was my first break free about five years ago open this place with only four employees and now we have about 40 people here oh wow four to two locations you know one Tokyo one in London one will be opening soon in LA Wow so that'd be five stories he's got five stores dope that's what hustlers do you don't sleep when you a hustler am I your king it's it's not that funny man New York accents are my favorite how did the cronut become a thing so it took me about three months to perfect the recipe takes about three days to make a Kona really watch why someone why you need first need to make the dough secondly you need to let rest there's hundreds and hundreds of layers in there once you do all the layers and then you have to tear it fry it and then bless it already finish it Wow so the current became popular right away it went viral and traveled the world within just a few days by the third day we had over 150 people waiting outside Wow when we first opened a shop in Japan who had a line of 700 people waiting outside yeah the line was 5 hours long so this is the last royal touch we're putting the icing on top we're icing away so this is pistachio and Rose flavor Kanna a pistachio we're finishing up with a who tossed it pistachios right here I'll try yes that's yeah yep I lost steam that's why I don't do this you won't put the last little touch what is that two pieces of toast all these French uses we have a problem we have a really bad problem what's the problem accidentally pick three no I should be fired in cash straight no no that's it I'll give you a second chance would you allow me to be the manager maybe not the manager like right away damn it all right you ready yeah what is this the dk8 flicky come on Oscar song right let's go for it oh good this is the courage not to cut you off this is amazing it's really soft and flaky the weird stuff on top the weird there's no real stuff just trigger that that sugar yeah it's common lice what would you do up here it looks like wrinkly skin it's just sugar like testicles it's delicious it's just sure yeah there's a feeling me here and caught me off guard oh my it just came out of nowhere huh do you like hot chocolate is that white chocolate and there's a little bit of what you're saying whoa oh my gosh it's gonna some hot chocolate oh my god you a genius papi you a G is popular here I mean he is he put so much detail and than you know he just tries new things he's very innovative and that's where I everything I've had so far flavor-wise is people punch me in the dick I do want to make something that I've never made before I just want to be able to put some syrup on it okay so it has to be brave doesn't always have to be what do you expected to be all right how about doing it fun waffle a fun waffle yeah with like special and like very special wood burger me maybe not program eat no I love waffles and french toast and pancakes so in that realm it's not like it's not simple expected I mean it's fun to look at food differently and and reinterpret like what is expected but change it to something else our plan is to take you to my kitchen in a West relation you two actually we're crazy [Music] the cinnamon admit is the one there's a hot always how to be what you expect to be I couldn't figure out anything really good to make so I was like I like waffles like syrup I like sushi why don't I just make a fake breakfast sushi where instead of rice it will be a waffle instead of salmon we'll put bacon or sausage and we'll put 100% maple syrup the flavor that I made and a little ball right next to it so it could look like soy sauce I didn't like sushi in tune like last year now it's one of my favorite spots sometimes you got to try it you don't know if you'll like it or not what was the inspiration on this was actually my idea so piss off do you wanna make one of these right now sure here I'll show you yeah waffles throw it in some powdered sugar right yep yep yep yep did you grab a breakfast sausage then you put a bacon on it it hugs the sausage like Jadakiss hugs the block and then you put it like this right there yeah then you roll it and then you put the butter that looks like wasabi there you go it's mad delicious this is mine right on got to give the people what they want how is it it's yummy super yummy this is gonna be the special in today's menu and hopefully everyone likes it and if they don't we're gonna find their family later later what do you want to eat sir I invited my friends here I actually don't work here I know everyone here at this table I don't know him though excuse me sir sir why is this shirt so small I suggest me getting all of you guys this breakfast sushi thing so I can continue on with the next table what do you want to eat I don't really work here but I know some dudes who do yep that's it okay photos stupid deep-fry the waffle it's so good beautiful thank you very much careful on five Oh a risk on brand it's a delivery ah we made it yeah right sushi dumb in coloring yes look what's going on taste the poppy but there's like happiness don't stop hey stop the walk will taste like the French toast snake at Burger King else great a sauce that's delicious for this service Wow I'm actually really happy to hear it's really good yeah I can eat this today was successful everyone liked the sushi and I didn't get fired from the restaurant this will work we started it upstate tapping the syrup trees ended up with Dominic learned things about the krona and there's other breakfast foods and for us to finally get here with this breakfast sushi and it being successful was really really sick sushi but mister she got media she is poppy you aji is puffy puffy Jesus
Channel: Noisey
Views: 1,983,198
Rating: 4.9690704 out of 5
Keywords: igor, odd future, tyler the creator, Breakfast, New York, fashion, food, film, Sushi, Technology, Waffles, rapper, build, cronuts, Dominique Ansel, Andrew Smith, New School, Crown Maple, syrup, Cinnamint, Tree-tapping, Fred 62, wafffles, vice, journalism, documentary, vice videos, Noisey, punk, independent, exclusive, vice magazine, noisey music, noisy, music news, pancake art, new album, new song, 2019, nuts and bolts, nuts & bolts, full episode, munchies, drake, camp flog gnaw, APCLPWCL124153118
Id: IunZwX5iBGU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 47sec (1307 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2019
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