In Conversation with Tyler, The Creator

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[Applause] okay I wish you were interviewing me because you'll get at this I'm decent I was I was having a conversation earlier with a friend and I said I feel like people in the UK are way more attractive and have better style than America and you guys are proving me right I'm looking around and I'm like okay this is nice be proud of y'all [ __ ] selves so I have a question I really want to ask first cuz I don't know about everyone else by the best moment of the Grammys was watching your face you looked really surprised and I just I think we got the best smile that's what we have the best smile like really cheeky chappie like into no Goods to tell us what did you I heard I heard that you had a speech clown from when you were a kid who the Grammys did you what happens when you're getting under the lights do you go off off I didn't have a speech but I had points I was trying to make but my mom was so excited that it threw me the [ __ ] off I didn't know she was coming on stage so when I got on the mic and she hugged me I'm like oh what the [ __ ] and everyone was like oh and I was like oh [ __ ] I forgot the whole thing I was gonna say but I got I got most of it out it was just a list of people that I planned on thinking and I got it out then they put the get the [ __ ] off the stage music up and I had no idea it was nice though you know this feeling about fashion I think we have to talk about your outfits that night I was particularly impressed with the red carpet look it was it was pretty major what was like what was the inspiration um just some of the floors [ __ ] like I travel a lot and I really [ __ ] with the bellboys that be at the hotels in a aside from the suit for Igor one of the outfits was one of the other options was to dress as a bellboy for the whole thing but I never went through with it and I just had it laying at the house I was like [ __ ] it I'm uh i'ma wear this on the red carpet because it matched the pink and red I was wearing onstage and the other before just right polo I wore and I made a trunk so I was like [ __ ] I wear the whole thing and then I was like [ __ ] it I'll just put the outfit I'm wearing later in the trunk and just go all out gross and extra with it and people liked it [ __ ] yes so what was the rest of that like what was the rest of that night like like did you go crazy and go party it was cool it was alright so when I won the award they were like okay come this way and I went through this weird back door on stage and like I'm not with Jasper I don't know where the [ __ ] my mom went I have two security guards bill the guy who's always with me was not with me so the other one was with me but like he's just secondary like I don't really know the [ __ ] like that right so I just this moment just happened and I'm not with anyone that I'm usually with so I'm like where the [ __ ] everyone's that they're like okay come back here like we're gonna like talk to a few magazines or whatever and you'll be out so we go back there we do this one sec section of like Pres alright cool or whatever and I'm like bro where's my friends where the [ __ ] is Clancy like I just won this [ __ ] and I have nobody to hug like this is weird we go to this other room and it's like it's almost like this it's like 30 people there they all have computers each person is paired up with another person one person types the other one talks and comes up to a mic and they ask questions and that's the video that came out when I'm in the red and pink polo just talking I didn't know that they were filming I thought that they were just typing [ __ ] out and the court will come out in the magazine so if you look my body language is [ __ ] annoyed cuz people just keep asking me [ __ ] questions and I don't know where none of my [ __ ] are bro so that that was not that fun honestly that sounds pretty scary and then I didn't know they was filming it [ __ ] we get in the car 13 minutes later and that [ __ ] is all on the [ __ ] Internet and now everybody think I'm some other [ __ ] hero and [ __ ] where is mom at this point well I I don't know where anyone is they were all at the trailer though we went back there and it was like oh my god and I was like okay let's go that was my big big burning question I have many more but I don't want to hog the the mic cuz I said no no you do that this has been I mean this has been an epic year for you how are you like how are you feeling now I mean a year ago would you have imagined to see yourself up there like yeah like I'm grateful but I wanted them [ __ ] like oh my god I know I'm tight I know that I'm dummy talented I'm cute as [ __ ] like I know all that and it took me time to figure a lot of like [ __ ] out and get to that point but I knew all that was gonna happen and I'm excited for the next 10 years cuz I don't know what the [ __ ] I'm gonna be doing but it'll definitely be something sick so but finally getting up there and being recognized for like the [ __ ] I put out that's in context of everything that's out and that's poppin like that [ __ ] felt [ __ ] tight that's that's why I was fully excited but honestly and I told all my friends if I was like the Grammy I'm excited to win cool whatever but execute in that performance was all I gave a [ __ ] about cuz they don't let [ __ ] like that on a platform like that and they let me do an album cut like I didn't do earthquake or I think or the single I did a [ __ ] album cut I did number six off that album and they let me do it and my goal was to [ __ ] drive a bus through that [ __ ] Grammy stage and that got executed and that got talked more then mostly everything and I didn't want to do a good performance everyone wants to do a good performance that everyone will like I wanted to say oh this is what the [ __ ] I think is tight and a hundred and twenty percent and now its history I mean I've seen you perform I've seen you perform times now and each time you get up there it's like magic but what point like looking back you know at what point did you feel like I'm in it I'm Eagle and they're like you know in this whole process like so a taco I call them Travis was for those who don't know taco here and there when I will perform my little IDEO sequence he's like my personal little dance moves or just my little [ __ ] for certain songs for the past few years like it would be glimpses of them and he would always tell me like make a go for alien like stop hold it just go for alien so I would be like alright I'm gonna show my green skin that's what I would tell him and then when it was time for ego I was like [ __ ] it I'm gonna just go a hundred percent and that's how I dance that's my [ __ ] that's really me and again the fact that people [ __ ] what it was like oh alright cool so yeah I mean I mean sometimes I wonder when you create and alter ego do you imagine like what ego would eat breakfast you imagine like where he'll is like how do you like put Ito down you don't you don't get you don't get that deep but you don't get that deep but for visual [ __ ] aesthetically like you know I'm not gonna have this idea of a person or character and a [ __ ] Lamborghini like you know that fits more in a Rolls Royce in in a nice gaudy Italian looking house like this so like you got to make sure everything clicks but I don't I don't go that deep unless it's fully needed for a shot or something and and and take us back to when you started think when you started putting the album together and what the first read of the first kind of kind of the idea that you had uh that whole album is just rough drives honestly at one point I wanted to make a dance album so I made I think and then I was like reteaching myself how to write songs so I was like alright i'ma write a song with 25 words or less so that's how earthquake came about and I was like I wanna make a simple beat like no crazy drums in our bridges everywhere like let me make something super simple so that's why earthquake came and then um I wanted to make something that was like [ __ ] really just hard dick just raw so that's when the magic wand came and then boyfriend it's a song that's on like the physical copies I was like I just want to make just kind of the rock [ __ ] that I live grew up listening to but with the pretty pretty chords and stuff so that's that and then after three weeks I had like five or six song ideas that was like whoa oh [ __ ] then you kind of know what sounds you're going at cuz that's the pocket I man in it the album was basically done in like two months and then I spent a year and a half perfect again you know as a writer I'm always reading people describe your sound like does it seem weird to read other people's you know what they think and you you think about it in terms of words or is a Moodle how does that work um everyone takes it differently pause everyone takes it but yes sometimes it's weird because something is just don't be on the same page but I appreciate it because it it it puts in context that like some people just have different ears like some people didn't grow up with the music that I grew up with so they don't understand why I made that stylistic choice so some people are like I don't like it or oh my god this is the greatest thing ever and I'm like bro that's just mary j blige at 93 it's about that crazy but it's always interesting to watch how people react to something I hold so close to me whether negative or positive so that's that's one thing I take from that and how does how does the process of making music like differ from your process of making fashion it's no different you just make what you like and then five hundred percent into it and even if no one likes it you [ __ ] that's your [ __ ] you ride with it and then you move the [ __ ] on okay so top five likes right now cuz I know it sort of changes in stuff that you like in fashion um pink slacks afros go teeth and shorts I love shorts to death but it's too cold to wear but I want to put my shorts on so bad what about tight so you can wear ties that's not for me but you do your [ __ ] thing okay um dislikes fashion no nose no nose for me personally uh the sell out world meaning like everything doesn't have to sell out like it's kind of cool what [ __ ] is just there but I think a lot of brands like the ten things up so then it sells out just so they could say it did rather than like no we actually just made 500 and it sold out like it's a whole world the resale [ __ ] is kind of getting gross now like it was a thing but now it's like dude why is that even on that website those are used boxers um what I was told I like I [ __ ] hate everything honestly but I try not to even say it but yeah I don't know I [ __ ] hate and it's such if anyone in here is wearing a my hate like the sweats where they stop here [ __ ] wear with shoes that aren't running shoes so they may just look like Bieber they they [ __ ] sag here like they're heavy y'all know with pants I'll talk them they just look like they stink all the time like your dick automatically sweats when you put a long sorry I appreciate your honesty so I love these pictures behind us and I know that you've been working with Converse for a while now how did it all come about like how did this come about this is converse um I was working on a shoe and I'm gonna tell y'all now working on a shoe is really difficult when you don't know what the [ __ ] you're doing and you don't want to take as much time as you do with other stuff to figure that [ __ ] out so we was working on a shoe and you know back and forth getting samples blah blah blah a sample a photo of the sample got posted on the internet which I [ __ ] hate cuz we grow like I want this but that [ __ ] is trash and it wasn't right but it was cool to see the idea and it's like okay we'll figure it out we'll do different Souls and [ __ ] so a big homie of mine was like yo how's the shoe [ __ ] going and I'm like it's it's going decent figuring it out I don't know what I'm doing but I'm okay with learning on the way he's like I'm gonna put you in contact with somebody that I'm friends with who's in the shoe business I know you're doing your own thing but he could probably point you to the right factories the right people would people poop just so you could get more information I'm like cool while that's happening clancy knew someone who was also at the same company that he was talking about and they were old friends i used to kiss him all that [ __ ] and we ended up having a meeting putting me in contact with the Converse guys it was Tim Julian and Paul middle man we had met would be would show them what's going on they were like this is [ __ ] gross I'm like [ __ ] I know I need your help we um they sent me some one stars and I was like oh I actually like really liked this shoe I just never knew where to get this [ __ ] shoe because it's [ __ ] nowhere and they was like [ __ ] well we need help put these places and I'm like [ __ ] I need help with a shoe so basically we want kids that got married helped each other out and it's been great ever since they uh they kind of let me do what the [ __ ] I want and I really appreciate it where the [ __ ] is tip I love you [ __ ] aunt like me and Pharrell was the guy that hooked that stuff up he always looks out for me so again that's my guy I mean you I think people probably don't realize like just how I love the fact that all the little details all the things and you're very very specific but my question is when you're so specific down to details and you like everything down a certain way how do you let go and you have so many things going on like what is that process you don't you kind of don't let go cuz then you'll have regrets you make your [ __ ] choices and you stick to them and again sometimes it's is pushing pool but I'm specific with the [ __ ] I it's a certain way I like stuff and I think that's why ten years I'm still like it's still like oh it's more because I'm so specific and it's nothing that I really regret because I made that decision right then and there like this is how it is and I don't get FOMO and I don't I'm okay with saying no like I don't like you can't buy me like for example something I offer came in for something today and I was like no I've always said they could not pay me enough to do that finally someone was like hey how about this and I was like that is a lot of money no you [ __ ] suck so I think always keeping that and being a hundred percent honest leads me to a very stress-free stress-free life and also I have no regrets none I have one that I could remember and I didn't see for Ally Coachella weekend - could we talk about know what was it what was the experience like for you this year at flog know oh that [ __ ] was [ __ ] tight stress-free easiest [ __ ] Drake out booed was like it was a glitch in the matrix I was like what the [ __ ] is going on um I killed my performance no one got [ __ ] hurt everything was great it was tight and how did it start because I feel like it didn't start as a festival right it started as so for those who don't know y'all probably heard me say the story a thousand times but sorry it's uh so I was putting Goblin now this is 2011 me and Clancy was like yo let's start a [ __ ] let's have a carnival or like a few rides on Fairfax where I grew up hanging out at shut it down or have rides whatever booty dude that's the album release party the city said no so I was like [ __ ] okay cool we basically was like [ __ ] it let's just start our own thing don't get a parking lot do it there and then the rest was history I mean I know your references are all over the place and generally come from outer space but going to LA and actually go into the festival makes me feel reminds me just how like what's happening there and how it feels like there's a real there's a real vibe there and so much about the way that you think about color and style that comes from like just the sensory experience of being in LA like look what is that Lee what is living in LA mean for you and like how does it influence your creative process it didn't well I didn't realize it till I was older and I think a lot of people don't realize or they probably do what I'm stupid but your your surroundings do play a part in your tastes and things like that so I remember maybe fall winter 2014 golf Wang I put out some swim trunks and I remember getting comments from people saying why the [ __ ] are you putting out swim trunks in December you idiot and I'm like looking out my window like because it's [ __ ] hot are you dumb meanwhile I'm so caught up in my bubble that I don't realize they're from Minnesota and UK it's [ __ ] freezing out there but I'm never around snow so when I'm making clothes yeah I'll make shorts because the sun's gonna be out in December and I didn't realize my [ __ ] where I grew up play such a part and to you and how I make clothes even like the Sun always being out and it's always so bright saturated all the time that probably has a reason why like super bright saturated colors and pinks and blues and why aesthetically I love mountains and riding bikes and [ __ ] because that's all I know and it's probably obvious to everyone else but my dumb ass didn't realize it till last week like like I know a lot of people in London don't drive like that's [ __ ] weird to me cuz [ __ ] be 15 back home getting their permit to drive so like my love of cars come from always seeing them you're in LA so you walk down the street and see a Lamborghini or a Ferrari or something so I was kinda always around it so that also plays part I like [ __ ] like that to top top five cause I don't know anything about cars but I trust that's a weird question right now laferrari Lancia Delta I want this V out one for 150 wanna I can't find it though I love the Rose horse Cullinan and my e30 m3 that's my favorite cars often Tara about two weeks ago and it was really beautiful you don't know what the [ __ ] I'm talking about but it's okay so what is a what is a fun productive day like look like for you like what does that look like wake up what time I usually wake up at 7 a.m. um go sit with my sauna for like 15 minutes cuz I like to sweat showered get on my bike ride to a meeting or ride to the office um work on stuff there have they'll come he picks me up put my bike in a pickup truck go eat go to the studio work on a few ideas leave there by 8:30 go home I'm sleep by 10 oh well the [ __ ] and a productive day they get now if we want to get in the details make a watch the Sun set since the big pigs like I'm also only done that once is sketchy dude don't you be thinking your phone go get hack this [ __ ] I'll be waking up in the middle of night and cold sweats okay so what turns you on sweaters okay I'm fully okay with saying this out loud so I was cuz I want to ask all my friends what their everyone has a kink and a lot of 98% of people will never publicly let people know what it is some people like feet well I like feet but that's not a king some people like getting like their their knees spit on and like like weird [ __ ] right like I like his clothes and aesthetic so like it's like no like keep your clothes on like that's your silhouette is nice like I want to see the back of your cashmere sweater why you do that what do you what do you think of all the like red carpet shenanigans in there that's sort of stuff like yeah I mean your view of the fashion world is so you know from the outside it's cool I think it's silly when people wear clothes that aren't theirs just for the red carpet so people could see them and clothes that's not there and then when they take it off they have to give it back to someone it's like why they just wear your [ __ ] you look and you're stressing over like oh like these dresses by Gucci but it's not mine so you're lying because people will see you in these clothes but it's not yours but you want them to think it it's so stupid just go in a t-shirt you you tend to make everything you want you know you're not a big shopper or do you like shopping I know you like handbags very very deep phase of bags it was dark it's like in this I can weigh in on this is my this is a lot of bags I really like them favorites top 5 all right Chanel has to go in there I had this pink like velvet Chanel bag big old whites it's like light pink this velvet oh that [ __ ] is crazy um I like trunks I love a good trunk Jesus Christ in fairies I like bags like a nice bag I think backpacks are gross after the age of 23 like if you ain't a college student or like going on a hike take that [ __ ] off get you a nice bag or trunk or something like if you got a beard and you have a [ __ ] backpack what are you doing you have facial hair bro I mean you're still pretty young is there anything on your bucket list that you that you that you haven't done or people that you work with I feel like you work with everybody but like what's on your bone I have it too um bucket list I don't know have fun stay stress-free [ __ ] just be healthy don't look gross cuz a lot of [ __ ] my age are [ __ ] disgusting like [ __ ] hit 24 and just what happened I don't know and I see it all the time so so all my young [ __ ] in here do not get gross I don't know what that means for you but do not yourself go cuz like I be meeting rappers and damn people look up to you bro like your ashy like [ __ ] be stinking and bike-o other other life lessons I mean I'm into this I need to write these down just don't just be on top of [ __ ] that's not that's not even a life lesson maybe should wake up and want to be on top of they [ __ ] like and [ __ ] get your nails dog broke [ __ ] be shaking my hand with [ __ ] dark as fingernails with dirt and like bro come on make a [ __ ] how are you when you hit get show let's make a line about it [Laughter] it's cool if you smoke look if you snuck in you're not getting kicked out it's fine I won't let it happen just when you get to a certain age getting manicures and [ __ ] is important cuz [ __ ] be out here looking disgusting that's beautiful [ __ ] I love calling white people [ __ ] it just shows how far we've come as a human I'm waiting for your nail polish line I actually don't I'm very I'm very English I'm very crappy anyone else I guess people get their nails now but when I was and it feels good there's the lady just massaging your hand that is nice well you you you make a lot of stuff like what what has been it most exciting about I mean what do you what else do you want to what else do you want to create I don't know everything I don't know I just like making [ __ ] I don't know tomorrow I might be like let's me chicken I don't [ __ ] know okay how do you how do you feel about asking questions from the audience oh how are you feeling uh let's do okay hold on we could do like 15 give the people what the [ __ ] they want I like what English I I really love Britt funk um the [ __ ] that was going on in the 80s whether it's fries or level 42 and um Savannah and what even was shot they was doing it was just uh it was it was such a crap it has to happen please it was it was a crazy moment at music in the UK in the 80s with like like white kids making like black music that I don't think it's even mentioned at all so when you get a chance just looking up and all that [ __ ] paved the way for the end result to me to be what Jamiroquai did so like when you get a chance just look that [ __ ] up cuz that [ __ ] is so I didn't even know that was a thing really until I started like kicking it more with like the punk kids like that was around and [ __ ] and they told me that's what it was and I was like oh cool and sick and like I don't be out here saying it but like I just never wanted to drink it's just something that didn't interest me and don't get me wrong like I've been height Y s-- in my life when I was 17 I smoked weed and I was like this is not fun and then the new years going into 2010 ESSID studio I had a small piece of weed brownie cuz I was like [ __ ] it do you like we're here I'm not gonna die and that made me say I will never do this again because I think everyone at least we there's something try it like you never know some people thrive off of it but that that shit's just definitely not for me um and for whoever it is for like do your thing but I have a dick new personality like where I wear the same outfit for a month and a half type [ __ ] so me being aware of that if I ended up liking alcohol or some [ __ ] it would be the [ __ ] downfall of me cuz I would I would need it and I'm in a financial I swear I can enable it myself and I don't ever want to be that guy so I'm off it I don't even look at it plus I don't want to do it it's just [ __ ] you drunk your steak and then like you see people like I regret what I said like but then it's like okay one don't blame it on alcohol you [ __ ] like your [ __ ] and two maybe that's what you actually wanted to say but you're too much of a [ __ ] to actually be honest and I don't ever want to rely on alcohol to be that guy like I'd rather just tell you sober and look you in the eye and not regretted so so he's the geezer God so I don't think anything would impress him but maybe right now today because that has three different chord progressions throughout the whole thing and I think at least one of those will catch his ear I think the last one though cuz it's very like it's very Innervisions like the pocket that I popped off with it so yeah oh no [ __ ] I have 20/20 vision I'm just trying to be cute I'm just trying some different [ __ ] I don't eat them [ __ ] uh I appreciate it and I'm happy that I could make something where people give a [ __ ] about like on that level cuz again like I was the twelve-year-old on nerd fan sites like geeking out but sometimes I think it could be it's weird it steers to it like sometimes you have the people who's been there for six years and then they're really mean to the kids who just got into it and it's like [ __ ] you're not special like stop like don't do that like put them on the new [ __ ] like and then you do have the people who oh I like this one song I heard so let me just so I can understand like grow up this is [ __ ] that I love your new why are you being like this um and that's all I have to say I think that's it oh if you wanted them stop choking y'all [ __ ] shoes all the time with the [ __ ] shoes they be [ __ ] joking a mission I'm like bro you [ __ ] the shoe up loosen it up you go [ __ ] trip bro that's my only note obviously I think I was with Clancy and I just started laughing like ha ha two [ __ ] mad and then that was like huh okay how did you celebrate it Oh your dad guy your dad wanted a brexit [ __ ] zone it's usually instantly like when I hear the beat it's like this is where I'm visually played or the tone or how the voices sound on it and that kind of dictates the visuals and then I had lyrics to it based on that so then it kind of stays in the same vein like yeah like for I [ __ ] hate you when I made it it was just the instrumental I was like oh this sounds like the very wonky dog trying to live in a real world and they're not when I wrote the lyrics I just made that concept fits into what the song was about it and it worked out from there nine times out of ten they're pink [Music] [Applause] [ __ ] paws I don't know I think that to me personally I'm not right I'm not wrong as just me I think that that concept is kind of outdated and that's kind of why I started doing the video things showing the clothes cuz I'm like okay you're gonna spin all this money all this time stressing going gray like ah for seven minutes of people who barely give a [ __ ] or just want to be seen there so like a post on Instagram to make people think that they're killing it right for the [ __ ] to maybe not even be perfect fly all these people out crazy expenses all of this [ __ ] right renting the spot out that [ __ ] is expensive bro and again to chanel every vitaly doesn't matter but overall just the concept so you spending all this bridge stress and trying to make it perfect by blah blah and what's the end result if you wanted to look at blue key blue keys last Fashion Show runway thing right where would you go to see it the internet YouTube right so that's where it's gonna end up so I'm like okay I could fly people out if I need them to to LA or wherever the [ __ ] I could film it in the place that I want the clothes to live in the world that I actually wanted to live it I could get the angles I can add music all of that [ __ ] color it how I want but I could get details on the clothing that a lot of people miss based on the runway because it's so quick and windy duping the Lighting's weird and save money based on the fact that it's gonna end up literally at the same place where Chanel Louie everyone's think is gonna be I could control the [ __ ] whoop-dee-doo pi could pay my friends different rates all because I'm not following the [ __ ] that they've been doing which has been working for 40 years I think it's important to realize oh that worked for them but I don't have to do it that way I think you could create a new blueprint for whatever you're doing in that's probably why I'll never do when we [ __ ] is this park called where's the park where the squirrel may go ran up my leg regions pug that park is really nice y'all parks are and again is the y'all got cobblestone road streets that's too small for vehicles is buildings every [ __ ] room like it's always gray but y'all [ __ ] parks bro like I hope y'all don't take them shits for granted cuz the parks back home in a layer [ __ ] trash a [ __ ] squirrel walked up to me asked me how I was doing I said [ __ ] I'm good where did you learn English he said never mind that I like your jacket ran up my leg touch the fabric I said this is good quality and left I've never it's a photo it's like photo number 15 down on my Instagram a [ __ ] squirrel book she was there it was the craziest [ __ ] been a [ __ ] duck took a bite of my ice cream bro [ __ ] just rocked up looked at me I'm like is he robbing me I gave it to him he ate it it was like thanks and walked off I swear I'm not making this up a [ __ ] bumblebee landed on that same leg and just go on my Instagram when y'all leave I'm not [ __ ] lying bro remember the bird [ __ ] remember the bird [ __ ] listen do not take y'all parks for granted they're [ __ ] beautiful and not really much like I'll come across some [ __ ] here and there but like the consistency a ttle it's not like an artist I'm into but my friend coops who weren't straight rats he was playing in the car so he was like why don't you ever do covers of songs I'm like [ __ ] I don't know cuz I can't saying he was like alright whatever he played that [ __ ] and I was like yo I'm covering this tonight and he was like yeah right did that [ __ ] that night and like now it's that yeah them kids are sick like the motherland kids are where where didn't make is that I didn't make a shy well then kid someone coups from stray rats showed me those kids like maybe three or four years ago and you know being from estates it's I barely know what the [ __ ] is going on in the next state over so I was oblivious to anything outside of that for the most part but he show me them kids and I'm like oh it [ __ ] really pop in like out there that we don't know about so that's one of the things I [ __ ] with and I definitely got to get out there just cuz like in the 70s it was so much psychedelic rock and funk being made by these young black kids that again a lot of people don't know whether it's which or like whatever so my goal is to get out there I thought about it like I really thought about it like let's go to New York or London and like it will be very successful but it's something about keeping something in one place in home base and making it special there so cuz I like the idea of people leaving their comfort zone and traveling and getting a passport so when it's something like that in LA and it's some kid and butt [ __ ] nowhere that gives them like the [ __ ] blood rushing okay I gotta get a passport or I gotta figure out how to get a plane ticket or really figure it out to come to LA for that and yeah they go to the camp vlog now show another that but them unlocking their head like oh I wanted to do this and I fully figured it out when I had nothing allows them to approach things from that point on in the different ways and that [ __ ] that I'm really into so I think for the most part I'm gonna keep it in uh I'm gonna keep it in Los Angeles plus I don't want to be like rolling loud at all I love since a child I love really romantic songs like that's my favorite [ __ ] but was that Christmas 2003 when I got that album in it's been so Kelis second album never came out in America it only came out in the UK and like physical we was weird so I was waiting a few years for some new police Neptune stuff so when tasty came out like I had her milkshake protect my heart was cool but then I got to that song and it was everything that I wanted in a new collaboration for them and I was 12 at the time so like my ears were [ __ ] fresh and just wanted anything like that in yeah that's a song that I wish I wrote and it reminds me of like a Stevie Wonder b-side like a rough draft he didn't finish yeah I'm happy to know you liked that song that's one of the greatest songs to me ever is sugar honey iced tea bike Elise if y'all don't know what it is I mentioned that I see you again that's how much I love that song okay I'll go to Petco grab a hamster or a bird like I need a pet of some sort with me I'll go still a laferrari if I could find one and I would probably drive home and dude I'm sorry I'm not I get sleepy really early and I'm sorry damn I feel like that answer was underwhelming but it's the truth but at least I'll have a hamster I don't do videos for legal purposes but I'll sit right here and you could take a photo of me staring at you one founder - I'll talk to you after this don't leave I you don't I kind of just make it that's what it is like I've been working on I've been rapping like other than record a new little rap songs just rapping like no conscious straight rapid and it's kind of fun just rapping about what's happening in your life whether in in detail like oh this sweaters pink or I drove this or I ate this specific food that's so [ __ ] cool to me when it's like not even trying to be cool like I loved when J and Wayne and Lupe will rap about like super specific random [ __ ] they were doing that wasn't a punch line or sounded swag because it gives you insight on what they do when no one's around like this is the tea that they're drinking or this and that that shit's really cool so to that point I'm always honest but I've been even more honest recently in like very very detailed ways that when it comes out people will probably think it's trash but I think it's so tight because it's actually my life - a [ __ ] tea it's diet uh I don't know I just know like I know what the end goal and end result is and when it's nothing else to add or tweak or take out it's like oh it's it's done it's kind of you just got a no I don't know that's a weird question it's it's one of those things I don't think humans can explain yet probably new magic wand that [ __ ] is like it's hard and it starts annoying and energetic in like what the [ __ ] is that but then that middle part just has those chords that I keep talking about but that's this [ __ ] I grew up listening to that feeds my soul and then it has a weird structure but it works and I love songs where people sing songs sing on it and I love when [ __ ] rap in weird pockets with energy and I do that at the end so I think that song has every element that I think I'm decent at in one and then I perfected that and that's another reason why I performed it at the Grammys cuz when I made it I was like I need the world to hear this [ __ ] I'm not like into it but like sometimes you'll read some shouldn't be like oh that's me but sometimes I should be vane gonna make people feel good but then sometimes it's like so OnPoint that you just be like what the [ __ ] but I'm a Pisces what do we have something in common I wouldn't think I'm weird are you a tippy toe Walker I walk on my tippy toes when I wake up I don't like my heel touching the ground just everywhere but I my mom told me I've been like that it's a child I thought that was a Pisces thing but I guess we don't have anything in common I kind of [ __ ] with that question I wasn't making a beat the other day and I started with like chords and melody first and someone was like you don't start with the drums first and I was like I don't know it depends like and I didn't know that a lot of people do start with like [ __ ] like that from first thing I never honestly thought about it but I guess it just comes from how it feels in the feeling of it like I had I was playing the sofa Igor's team it was literally just the chords or whatever that was just [ __ ] wait and I just had him in the back of my mind and I never had nothing to go with it I found that drum break and I'm like oh this [ __ ] is hard but that all was like Oh added that to it out at the center stuff and when I make music I don't just think about how it sounds in headphones I think about how it sounds in a car and overall think about how it goes at a show a show is the most important thing for me so when I'm a Yegor same I put that long-ass intro cuz I won't wanted to set up the album for life to get people's attention and to I knew at the shows I was gonna have that [ __ ] be a minute in 10 seconds just to hold [ __ ] attention cuz I think our whole and I'm a guilty of our whole generation we don't just be paying attention to [ __ ] like this so I made sure at the shows I stand there for [ __ ] three minutes and don't move just to get people's attention and I wanted I wanted to implement [ __ ] like that throughout the whole [ __ ] album and it gets people's attention even the four four four count on I think four foot like what's this countdown and then these [ __ ] drums coming it's like what is this so I don't know that was a good question everyone here is great okay everybody smile [Music] you
Channel: Ken
Views: 521,291
Rating: 4.9563518 out of 5
Id: mf6V7sNWWHo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 15sec (3075 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 24 2020
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