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yeah bro this segment is fucking awesome. Watched the whole interview. I am really really diving into Mac Demarco, he's dope. His 2019 record is really good too!!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/r0jster πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 03 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Thank u for sharing this

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/dickinjections πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 03 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Its a very vulnerabel and honest moment

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FunGarbage3 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 03 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Man... I wished he asked what music video it was gonna be. It probably wouldn't have been appropriate but regardless I wish I could know.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/InternationalTax1156 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 04 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Mac attack

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/RyansVibez πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 04 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Thanks for sharing, awesome. It’s crazy how he’s had all these unique stories told about him and he was only 26.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BroncosFan19 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 04 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Mac Miller and Mac Demarco are my 2 favorite artists without a doubt and I had no clue they ever interacted with each other lol. I had to re-read the title like 4 times I couldn’t believe it lmaoo

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Pmcc6100 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 04 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

This interviewer is horrible lol

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/5to6AM πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 04 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Oh wow. I'm listening to his music now. I was really missing out. I really recommend this artist. Most dope

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Macca1535 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 04 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
hey my name is kerwin frost and i love new york i love the views i love the sites but most of all i love starting my own business and so i go to there you can start a business fairly easy and sell whatever you want [Music] shopify [Music] he walks into the interview with clown shoes [Music] hey i'm cartwhen frost welcome to the season premiere of kerbal frost talk season two our next guest has paved the way for many he is an icon he is a gem please show him respect his name is mac demarco i'll take that yeah um so um what we should let the people know no this is the third time we're shooting this interview um the first time was the the first day we met um last year in february january probably about one year maybe longer than a year december it was december december 2012 19 19. and when doing that interview i was very nervous because half of me wanted to talk to mac but selfishly i just wanted to become his friend and um uh time passed covet happened and we became very close spoke every day um uh and and the interview it wasn't that great it was i think it was a fine interview but yeah we both looked like hogs i was very nervous um yeah it was uh it was good and then and then time went on i noticed you never put it out i never okay yeah and then you were like and i was like okay whatever you want to do yeah and then we had the idea of doing a mystery science theater style silhouette commentary upon the interview and then releasing that so it's kind of a two-for-one yeah and then what happened with the commentary kerwin i so again you know me and mac are now friends you know mac is my best friend um and we shot it but we're almost too friendly because now we're watching this interview kind of just making fun of each other ourselves and the the interview itself um mac hates watching his own interviews so this was painful to do um we shot it in december and uh and then uh and then i watch it and i didn't want everyone to be angry at me so i said you know what let's shoot it for the third time but make it the first time and this is a season premiere this is it baby this is it yeah i did i'll tell you though that commentary though here's the thing here's the reason that i like that yeah is because when i first had met you the first time you came here yeah i put on interview man and did the well yes blah blah blah blah blah blah and i said the same things that i always say and then then covet happened for an entire year and a lot of you know i haven't been in that mode for a while i also haven't had to you know do any of the i don't you know it's not like i've put anything out or really or done any interviews so it gave me an opportunity to make fun of how much of an idiot i usually am in interviews which i thought was refreshing for me but maybe someday it'll be on earth but not today yeah that's shooting yeah that is very true but it is you know look look at us now kerwin that day you came upon the house and you busted in the door i didn't i didn't know who you were at the time we had a nice interview yeah took a nice very handsome actually photo by one of my little motorcycles in the backyard and then uh you started facetiming me every day every day and then i started facetiming you back yeah and then here we are a year later still still on the same train in the same room you've been here you did the telethon here we've hung out in many different situations we've worked on different things different projects made a christmas album this is true and um and now here we are round three this is round three yeah it feels good rounding it out um going back and listening to your music for this interview and i normally listen to to your music a lot um you know i told you this before the interview i i feel like with most artists uh you kind of like the old [ __ ] better but as i've grown with your music it kind of fits in every kind of phase that i go through i grow with it right it's almost the only thing that gets better in time besides wine is something people would say do you feel like that about your music um i mean that's yeah i think in some instances i think there's you know that it's a classic thing it's a classic thing when a band does a thing and everybody likes the thing especially right off the jump and then you're known for doing a certain thing right and if you ever change it some people like it some people don't like it you know i think the interesting thing in my situation was that i had already been doing a bunch of albums and a bunch of touring and a bunch of stuff for like maybe five six years before anybody gave a [ __ ] at all right right you know so for me it was just kind of like wow that's interesting that they liked that one you know what i mean and um and i don't know i mean there's a couple albums in there that i think are there's a lot of similarities i was recording the same way i was in similar locations i mean well kind of i mean there's differences but for me at least better yeah but i don't know i i just like to do it now you know it changes for me and it change you know what i do the music has changed and sometimes it gets stripped back sometimes i try a different flavor i try this i try that and people like it or they don't like it and to be honest at this point in my life i really don't give a [ __ ] do you shut it you know but people you know it's cool and it's it's it's nice to make things and be able to show them to people that's great and that's kind of the problem with the coronavirus makes me not want to do it at all because there's no show-and-tell part right yeah like you're just making it if you're putting it out you're not really catching the it's half of the half of the uh process is eliminated because it's potentially very deadly so yeah well normally there's this pattern of uh how you drop um your albums and normally it's like the project then a year later it's the demos then a year later it's the follow up oh man there's usually maybe a year and a half two years on there we always had the thing where we would be on album cycle for way way too long for some reason i don't know why but it was like like i remember even with salad days that record yeah it charted when we put it out and then it charted again like a year and a half later and the touring just never stopped yeah yeah and it was kind of like i mean it's cool but it was also like what the hell you know yeah so we're kind of you know we go on album or maybe i mean i don't know maybe the album cycle's over but we're just still on this touring cycle yeah in a way where we're out there and like you see different you know you when you're playing in a band you play festivals all the time you get to know people at music festivals and you see you know you play this place you go here in europe in the states in australia whatever you see the same bands that had this an album out around the same time right you because but then when their album cycle finishes they stop being at those backstages and you meet a new crew of people but what happened to us is so we'd go through the first set and then the second set and then we'd see the people from the first time again because they put out another record but we'd be on the same [ __ ] thing um oh yeah it's a blessing it's cool i don't know a lot it's weird and now coronavirus i don't tour anymore do i like it i don't know maybe is it better for me probably but hey do you think you're gonna wait till the virus is over to drop new music well i've put out some stuff during the no but like a project um yeah i don't know maybe the one thing i keep thinking about is like maybe this is an opportunity to make a record or some kind of project that wouldn't necessarily make sense live or like you know couldn't be played live yeah because then no problem you can't do it anyway because you wouldn't do those songs but i don't i don't know the whole thing i've told you this before yeah in our daily face times um i don't like the uh the the chronovirus is incredibly uninspiring yeah it makes you feel makes me feel at least like um i need to do things that have a definite end yeah that have a uh finish line right right so then i feel like i'm not just wasting weight in my home you know and to go out you know that concept in the garage like sitting down and being like i'm going to be creative today yeah you know i've tried and then it's like what am i going to write about maybe like you know being in my backyard for a year like it doesn't really you know so but i don't know it's tough a lot of fixing things a lot of other hobbies yeah you know here we are we all come in yeah here it is although there is a light at the end of the tunnel yeah vaccines have you gotten the i don't have no i don't i think i'm pretty far down on the priority list all right probably you are well we're young men we are my nanny got a vaccine maybe because she's it's like a very employment yeah makes sense yeah i know some people that have had it my friend jamie did the uh pfizer vaccination trials months ago what that's like the the first runner-up the guinea pig right yeah and how's he doing it's great and he wasn't sure here's the thing how the you know those things work in it it's very controlled uh some people get it some people get a placebo yeah you don't know what you're getting they don't tell you but he felt some symptoms especially after the booster shot the second shot so he's thinking they gave him the real deal but um i don't know i don't know who knows i'm not sure yeah when you dropped a rock and roll nightclub you also released two in the same year um yeah it was it was the same year but i was wondering because i've never asked you this um like was it did you have extra music or was it to skip the sophomore curse here's the the thing with that was that rock roll nightclub i made that record it actually it can't i made it a long time before it came out oh okay so i made the like those songs um and i had like i had put those ones up on the internet just the like elvis sounding like you know dirty weird little you know crusty sounding songs there was like five of them or something and there was actually an extra song on the bandcamp online version that i put out uh that was called korean gay gatorade uh 1966 i think yeah um old inside joke from back in the day with some friends of mine um and what happened is i put that stuff on bandcamp yeah same way actually was a little different from how i did it because it was the first time that i used i wanted to use my real name but i wanted to be max smith because that was the name when i was born it was smith instead of demarco that was the namesake so it was the fourth so i was gonna be max smith four which is a kind of little cyber i'm glad i just went with my normal name after you know but anyway so that went up and people really liked it and it started getting spread around and we started doing shows off that and then the guy that runs my old label in new york found it um somewhere and it was weird because i you know i've been doing music for a while but i hadn't really had that much interest from labels and stuff but he came and then i you know there were other people that were interested in stuff and i talked to a bunch of people and but then yeah he so he grabbed it and he was like okay let's do this kid and i was like okay and uh and he wanted it i had i had some extra other songs that weren't the best you know so what i did was i did those little radio interludes to make it the elvis stuff and then it interludes to like a softer more mice you know nobody knew nobody knew that was like what i usually did though because nobody gave a rat's ass who i was before that point but but then so i think dad had felt like i had had that for a while and then two me and kira moved into this other little apartment i just did that in there yeah i don't know didn't feel that close for me but it probably what the interesting thing for that i remember is we toured before two came out yeah we already the manager and booking agent uh that i have now her name is michelle yeah we had her at that point too she signed me with her like we were started working together with rock girl nightclub and she was like i was like let's go on tour yeah i was like i don't know 21 or something i was like we got to go on tour we gotta go let's do it and she's like was there anywhere you know and i was like we're gonna go for a long two months two months in my volvo around the states before two had come out and what was that like what was like you know no one was coming at the show i mean like new york was an okay show um like maybe l.a chicago would get like a yeah yeah it was okay yeah you know um but it was a long long long tour right in my car it was like very we had like no money didn't you say you would you would shower at the the in the venues no no i never showering at the venues was a thing that i thought was very very strange until recently i always thought i was like that is so weird yeah you know like why would and i've talked to a lot of other people they're like yeah this is weird you know this is strange and then you get to a point where it's literally the only chance you have to shower especially you know if you've ever taken a tour bus on tour or something it's like you that you know you have to uh you gotta do it but anyway what are they saying no we would i mean we just wouldn't shower it was like pretty the car was disgusting we were trying i told my manager she was like is there anywhere in the states you want to go and i toured the states many times up until that point yeah i was like florida i've never been to florida let's go to florida oh yeah and she was like okay and i was kind of like wow what's the big deal but i i realized now nobody really goes down to florida because you go down and then you have to go back up the same way so it doesn't make a lot of sense but it was cool we played a lot of little towns in there and did the whole thing but what i'm saying is that it was a really long and arduous and not very well attended and blah blah blah blah but then we got back up to new york and the second album came out like right as we got to uh cmj festival and then all of a sudden it was like whoa so see i was kind of i don't know damn that's cool but um yeah i mean we still toured in my car for years after that anyway yeah but those were yeah volvo 740 wagon 1992. my mother drove it for several years after actually i'll tell you an interesting story about that car yeah we're driving to calgary some grew up in a town called edmonton alberta one christmas i went back to edmonton and my mother and i drove up to calgary which is where my little brother lives or he was living at the time he was in the ballet yeah he lived there and then he joined the nevada ballet later in las vegas um but we went to calgary had some chinese food at his little apartment we watched scrooged it's bill murray i know you don't like bill murray very much i hate him yeah you can't can't agree on that one with you i'm afraid but um watch that and then i think i was maybe jet lagged i think i i don't remember what year it was but we came and we were driving back yeah and the car as me and my mother cruising down the highway that connects the two cities the hood all this white smoke starts plumbing out of the hood and i was like oh great and it's probably like minus 30 celsius minus 35 celsius outside right time pulled over on the side of the road don't know what to do so my mom calls my dad who i don't really ever see my dad so this is a you know interesting story for maybe he comes out with his friend maybe his friends randy or something old dusty you know kind of mechanic guy like yeah yeah yeah and the fix that they did on the car that got us back to edmonton was it was there was a leak in one of the coolant pipes so what was happening is that one of the coolant pipes broke because of the cold coolant that by green fluid was leaking out onto the engine boom evaporating into a white cloud of smoke so what randy did he snip the tube in half went and bought two of those uh highlighter pens from the gas station and shoved them in both ends of the tube right and zip tied them up boom we made it home for dinner on time that sure is true yeah yeah i don't like bill murray because he's a thing i know i know exactly how you feel about him i hate him i understand i like him sometimes it's good to to watch or hear things without like the the back story or what like the the my the the majority opinion is right yeah and when we're talking about mac demarco like kids have like had this like amazing thing of like just making it of like a oh this is like like a mac demarco fan and it's like yeah the white kid with the like navy green jacket and like the [ __ ] dad cap and you know i hate that so much well i think your fans really find a connection with you and like even like following that style that you did i think a lot of people will look at you and say oh well i kind of want to be like that where it's like carefree but internet intricate and like care about what they do um but then on another end it like just takes away from the art when it becomes too big yeah but it's what do you make of all that that's the whole point of what you know since i've been doing it i think that you know i was always repulsed by the like you know exciting sexy rock and roll man you know wow holy crap look at that oh my god yeah it's like yeah yeah yeah it's kind of weird in that way but it's but it created an entire well yeah but the thing i think my ethos that i've always tried to hold is kind of like exactly what you said it's like you can also do this yeah you can do this do you see me what am i i'm just some weird like you know dude from canada yeah that learn to play guitar like many other you know people do when they're young and i make these songs and here i am and you know the the thing that is a little weird is when you know it's like go do your thing yeah when people do it like exactly the same that's a bit weird it's like right but i mean that's fine it's cool it's you know it's interesting to me that you know it's like the conversation i've had with people for a long time especially fans or younger musicians or whatever it's like um the questions come in like how do i get on the label how do i do this how do i know this like you know i uh alongside of like yeah do it like an integral part of that statement is like if if you're having fun and if you enjoy it do it for but forget about the you know they're like you know label stuff they're getting you know and i don't even understand it anymore it's not the same where like you want to send you know when i was a teenager it was like i gotta send to these blogs because these blogs are cool and everybody will look at the blogs well it doesn't that that system doesn't work anymore now it's like who knows maybe i don't know i don't even know if is it soundcloud that still does it maybe i don't know who knows i'm very confused by it all now but but i think you know it's the same way i think about where you know now i have quite an intricate set up in here yeah a lot of fancy stuff a lot of old crappy stuff that i still use but i'm still doing it by myself in here yeah and you know how did you learn how did you learn about everything just technical wise like this is a thing it's like you kind of downplayed it and you're just like anybody can do it but they and they can yeah but when it comes to like what you do it's you kind of created this entire like world of sound design uh you produce it you write it's like it's not and you would probably like say well that's like what making music is actually like but when you see what's out today you realize like how rare that is and how like how much like you just don't well yeah i find that music today is different in a way where it's like you know it's a lot of cooks in the kitchen yeah yeah i think for most stuff you know because yeah the song is right and you get the instrumental but you you do everything the interesting thing for me is that that concept of making it with like you know there's this person doing this and blah blah blah there's like 19 people that wrote this one song or something it's like that's always been a thing for you for decades you know what i mean but it was always very very distant from the community or like the style of music that i know or was a part of or whatever but now it's like the gap is pretty small small yeah people who still do it like tons of new indie artists are utilizing those kinds of services or whatever which is fine like i don't you know do whatever you want to do but it's like uh i think um i don't know i think it's just you know there's plenty of kids too that do everything on there i mean with technology too it's like you can get a laptop and you can make whatever the hell you want you don't need anybody yeah iphone it's yeah it's you're all good to go so it's like um it really just depends on what people's i don't know priorities are their talents or whatever it's like you know i've i don't know i'm not i'm not necessarily good at anything i can do a little bit of everything and when you jam it together it's it's a beginning and you get something there right but the thing that i like about it and i think this is the thing that maybe gets lost a little bit more nowadays is that perhaps i had an idea right of what i wanted something to be yeah but i can't get there because i'm not skilled enough or you know some plethora of different reading reasons you know what i mean do you bring someone in in that situation no no what i like is i appreciate what i you know what it is and what it is this is what it is and how rusted it is you know yeah instead of um yeah it's just it is what it is you know i i think the big part of you know it's the part that like kind of freaks me out about somebody having like 40 people write their song or something this is kind of like what yeah exactly which i mean it's fine and a lot of people want to make a lot of money that's great you go right ahead but for me it's like you know i make this stuff because it's what comes out of me and that's kind of what it is yeah but how do you even find the time to just like learn how to use like everything you know what i mean it just took a long time i mean you know even now i don't really you know and how did it start i had a friend a long time ago that um well i was always i played guitar i did a lot of stuff right about a friend of mine jeremy he stole he's passed away now rests but um but he got me a little fostex recorder it's an eight track maybe six or eight track recorder vf 80 fostex blue cd drive on the side yeah yeah i mean and um yeah i mean at that time it was like kind of the it was the crossover of like people were starting to get the early macbooks with garageband and stuff but a lot of people my age still used like a little porta studio they would call digital one or something you know so he got me that and i started learning on that a little bit i got a four track cassette recorder i did this i did that and you know a lot of the music that i've loved over the years or that i'm interested in is you know you read about how the beatles did it you read about blah blah blah or you know whatever all the different or even i don't know just just reading and learning and uh but i think there was always a block somewhere in my mind where it's like well i'm not going to use the computer yeah because that's not i want to do it the other way yeah and then i you know just from forcing myself through that now i know how to calibrate the tape machine fix the blah blah blah use the use the preamp use the compressor blah blah you know just i i think it's like there's no reason that i had to do it this way i just wanted to you know what i mean yeah it's like stupid to have these i mean i i think it's i think it's tight but you know you do not need like an analog mixing console to make a record now it's like there's you know you don't and and the thing is with that whole spectrum of thought too is like i don't care if people make stuff on the computer that's great right right do your thing if you make something i don't care you [ __ ] i don't know record on your phone if you like it then that's great it doesn't matter how you made it it matters what you came out of it you know what i mean and the same with anything same with making music videos or movies or you know that doesn't matter i don't know clothing whatever do it yourself man you know what i mean man yeah yeah i love it i think it's cool i'm gonna ask you something a little left field and i want you to like just answer it as honest as you can when you came out the gates it was so fresh it was crisp it was this new sound we hadn't heard it before but this was also during a time in music where everyone was kind of trying new things it was that turn the page over moment and not a lot of people have lasted that test of time and india's kind of disintegrated to an extent i never looked at your music as indie what is the meaning of that right it's independent yeah for me you're doing it yourself hold on you're doing it yourself yeah that's what i was gonna say right that's that's what the meaning is but i think what the why perception of indie is is this horkensmorg [ __ ] music um and you know you put in there you put uh in there respect to her and respect to them people need that kind of music the heathering over the [ __ ] uh you don't have to say anything i don't it's too close to home for you but i i know i know but i'm just saying you know this is the wide perception i living in harlem got to have this fresh kind of intro to your music and was able to not tie it to these [ __ ] people great people yeah but i was able to just look at it for what it was you know what beautiful music it was it was game changing and it takes you to this nice uh place of feeling like a child a place of feeling like an adult who has no idea what they're doing a place of depression but you know we're gonna talk about it we don't need to go deep into it we feel like [ __ ] it's okay um how do you feel about indie music now comparatively comparatively i think uh like i was saying it's you know the like the gap between yeah it has shrunk so it's like it's not i think i think it's still you know the ethos is still there and it is interesting that you say because you know independent music or indie rock or whatever yeah it's not like a sound yeah you know but it's become a sound yeah you know like oh there's you know like somebody hears a song that has a guitar tone like mine on it's immediately yeah yeah and that's that's another thing it's it's uh [ __ ] i'm sorry i just i keep thinking about things to add on to this uh uh anthony fantano we [ __ ] hate him okay cool he did this one video did mac demarco kill andy hahaha clickbait you click on it but what he says in the video is that you kind of did it so well and uh with such a stamp that everyone's head kind of [ __ ] up like got [ __ ] up on how to go about it and now you hear a lot of mac in everything uh but it's like the most trickle juiced how can we copy and paste this well i mean here's the thing respect to anthony does his research i like his stuff you know but we hate him jesus christ respect but but um i think here's the thing the interesting thing for me it's it's it almost is the same as people being like like people you know i wear vans a lot right or like people saying that i right or like the it's like wow flannel mac demarcus it's like i'm not the first [ __ ] guy that wore a goddamn flip no no no vans or any of the [ __ ] right the music either it's like you know the music that i make is is specifically me i'd like to think yes but there's many many places that i pull from and even at the time you know it's like when i was first coming up it was like i wasn't like coming out the gate as this like whoo you know it's like plenty of you know i think especially at that time it's like it could have been compared to like umo was doing the thing at the same time or like even tame apollo or something you know so it's like it was a thing that was happening i don't think you know i was doing my brand of it which is cool and i had a great best friend of it well thank you but i'm i'm not sure everyone would agree with you on that look at that but um it wasn't tim impala team was killing it you know they like you know these are all my homies too it was cool it was like there was like even though we're all from like wild you know tame's from australia you know like reuben was living in portland i think maybe still there i don't know but it's like you know it was interesting to make a thing and then you know meet these people from all over the different places and then we're you know it's like okay cool here we you know we're here doing this similar thing and uh i don't know i mean it's cool it is i think it's just easy you know to to say you hear a song with the chorus right like nirvana use course all the time come on right yeah but uh but it's like uh and i didn't even i don't know let me say these things i just no i'm just saying i'm just saying but it's it's yeah i don't know indy now versus indy then i don't know i just don't really know that much anymore i'm not i don't really think anyone knows like i don't keep up with contemporary music i don't try and find i mean if it comes my way then that's great but it's like you know she's listening to stuff so she'll show me stuff she knows i'll like it or whatever but i yeah i don't know it's almost like what you were saying before with the um it's only cool till till you know everybody knows about it right right right i have you know i think just inherently i have that you know in a weird way with experiencing new music or what it's like i don't want to be told to like something right i would prefer to enjoy something on my own terms yeah you know what i mean well now it kind of when a new alternative indie artist comes out what it feels like is like uh when you're at a festival and a random artist is playing on the stage and everyone's running to go check it out i mean that's a whole another weird yeah yeah just the way the internet has become the way the music industry has become and you know artists puts out their first single and they're playing like a you know 5 000 person show it's their first show like that's maybe not that big but you know a thousand cap 500 cap yeah that's nuts i mean it's cool i guess but it's also like i feel like i learned a lot on the way you know the 10 years up to that venue you know not 10 years maybe 5 years or something but twenty yeah third two might you know on twitter now 40 years up to that you know what but uh yeah i don't know i think i don't know it is what it is i don't know people are making art it's cool just as long as people are still doing that i think we're we're okay yeah we're gonna be fine it's tough though right now growing with the rona yeah when you think about fans mac you have some of the sweetest fans yeah i love how you interact with them i love the fan club um what's it like having that kind of relationship with your supporters uh because i feel like they kind of understand you more than maybe i don't know you know the interesting thing i've been thinking about this recently yeah i've been doing this for a while now yeah you know since i mean on like a scale where people know who i am for at least like nine years or something and there's been different um waves of kids right you know what i mean yeah yeah but the interesting thing to me is the what what are the different waves like well it's like you know kids that found out of me about me back then or you know it's almost like now there are kids that heard about fan the fandom a couple years ago yeah and they're like a fan of that idea and yeah you know and it's like uh there's different pockets and there's like yeah i don't know it's like but they it's interesting though because they really no matter when they're from or how old they are or whatever it's like they really i've met a couple kids that are very they're very like this is my thing yeah you know yeah and they're you know even though i don't see a lot of these people nowadays i don't have social media so i don't really you know there's not a immediate interaction as much now but if i see somebody in real life you know it's it's cool i mean maybe but but but it's also like uh i don't know there's a weird thing there's just like in terms of like you know fans who would kill um they're idle i feel like your fans are least likely to kill you even though you've made the opportunity very open nobody's trying to kill i mean i know that's what i'm saying no one's trying to kill it but that idea though i feel for people you know especially like i think you know like look at i think about it all the time it's not like i get stalkers or anything like but there's a lot of people out there that do that kind of [ __ ] is pretty [ __ ] up yeah but but at the same time i think it's just like um i don't know i think there's another thing that i've kind of sculpted over the years where it's like even if people are like then it's like please come in yeah yeah yeah and find out exactly how boring i really am yeah and then they're like oh it's like okay and that comes all the way back to like you can do it too you can do it too what am i nothing you know it doesn't really matter i love that perspective yeah i think there was a story robert pattinson a vampire actor yeah batman now he had a stalker at one point apparently maybe this is complete [ __ ] i have no idea right but uh and she she you know was was obsessed with him for a long time and then you just took her to dinner and bored the hell out of her apparently she was like oh and it's like yeah yeah there's not much to it it's a wild you know i think especially now with the internet and with you know the way that people consume things it's easy to uh live in some kind of like or like you know some kind of fantasy idea what are like some of the craziest like unlikely fans that you've had because it seems like you have a lot of them you know what i always love getting what we call recognized yeah by tsa employees what are you having what kind of date you have when you're going through the tsa check the worst day of all time yeah yeah it's the worst thing it's awful mm-hmm taking her whole bag apart right but then everyone smiled like mac and i'm like cool yeah yeah that's right but i mean like celebrity fans oh i don't know i don't know yeah i don't know i had one time that guy speaking of batman yeah i think they got killian murphy one year said that he liked my music that was cool yeah maybe he even came to a show of ours in manchester i was like wow that guy was in batman that's crazy yeah um never met the guy but i'm sure he's a sweetheart but um but yeah i i really don't know i have no idea who likes my music but you're nice to them to who celebrities i mean i don't know very many celebrities i'm just trying to wheel it into this next topic okay logic don't say anything okay i got this logic you met right you met logic and yeah yeah sweet guy yeah yeah amaz amazing he's such a you meet him and he's so nice that you almost forget he makes music because he's such a nice guy and um he has a solid days uh tattoo tori moy tattoo and uh tame impala which like goes back to like if i could just pull your music out of a box that would be it you know what i mean just please like stop comparing it to other [ __ ] um great great don't it's fine i think well i mean it's like the trifecta you know it's like those are the all three of us fans are very like gateway into this yeah let's go watch it on the stage of music you know what i mean for a lot of people i think and it's like you know that's that's joe i don't know which is true yeah okay now you being and not even tied to the story i would like off the record say you are the realest person i've met in this industry the nicest like just most like uh selfless person you help you help any way you can one time you drew you drove me to tarzana to pick up a [ __ ] for waffle my daughter came back to the airbnb and then set it up yourself built the crib random day that was a fun drive though you know it's nice to go to the suburbs every once in a while and be like wow this is how they live out here isn't it huh yeah yeah my hairdresser ty comes over to this studio does my hair yeah brings her five-year-old son you give him a guitar off the wall and i'll tell you that guitar i bought that guitar off my friend oliver barnes i'm looking right down the lens here oliver i'm sorry i gave your guitar away i hope you didn't want it back i guess i bought it i guess it was mine yeah but it went to a sweet little black boy who's now learning how to play the guitar for the first time mac is going to give him lessons for free okay lessons now i'm just painting the picture of what kind of guy he is he's just a selfless [ __ ] like he's oh and i got plenty of guitars look at this beautiful beautiful human being okay so mac meets this fan logic right and obviously he doesn't listen to his music you know because who does you know like mid midwest people you don't don't co-sign anything i'm saying these are all my opinions okay this is and we haven't talked about this off the camera what i'm about to say uh but what i found in research um and this is what i imagine happened okay so you give logic these two beautiful instrumentals right and you say thank you for being a fan thank you for getting salad days tattooed you're awesome thank you and you give him these two beautiful they could be mac songs easily and you trust him with him you know you say here you go have him he goes and plays with those beats and what he delivers is almost the most disgusting [ __ ] i've ever heard now mac doesn't collaborate with a lot of people he says here you go little treat they're fine it's all good the worst i mean you wonder why the guy doesn't collaborate with people and then you hear these two fugly disgusting songs the guy went in there put on his dad cap his navy green jacket he made a parody mac demarco over real mac demarco doing his thing the songs were terrible mac here's the thing logic is a sweet sweet man he texted me not only a couple days ago this is sweet sweet man i don't underst you know i hadn't really heard his music that much and the way that we met was um this is my opinion i think he posted a instagram story he was buying my record at the at amoeba or something i was like oh cool then we met at a festival and you know we exchanged numbers and he uh we started talking a little bit i've been to a couple of his shows and we played you know the same festival several times and um he asked for some i sent him a lot of stuff right but that's the stuff that sits on my hard drive that you know i mean these will be the two fake mac demarco songs produced by the real guy i i i had a bunch of stuff and he was like i want to you know and he also at the time i think he was learning how to play piano he's learning how to you know sing and he wanted to do a different thing why not give him the stuff and let him try i think it's beautiful come on [ __ ] that jesus sorry mark i just he's a sweet i know i know he's probably an amazing person to be around and that's how that's how they get you um no one asks right no that's how they get me no one asks no one asks i'm like yeah sure of course yeah i mean luckily the logic is a sweetheart as well yeah but nobody nobody comes to knocking people may think they do not around here but then here comes logic solidus mac please give me i don't even know if he had the tattoo at the time ugh he got it after he stole i don't know he didn't steal a game to him he even paid me for it that's not what the fans are saying mac i'm just i'm going off the forums i mean i do not i don't collaborate that it is no for that reason not for that that wasn't a collaboration i just gave him something and he he did what he felt was collaborating for me is like somebody comes in here and we write a song yeah you know we do like the only the only time i would consider recently that i've like actually really collab like the one i did with benny sings yeah like that that was from scratch yeah there's no like nobody came in with a little beat or something or an idea it was just like he came over we'd never met and he's like you know from amsterdam and he was like hello he's like nice to meet you i liked his tunes and the new juan uh juan yeah i mean that was also yeah we that was that was juan waters waters waters i like juan rivers though 100 waters yeah um that was a really good song that was you know but that's specific too though because uh me and juan have known each other for a long time we've been all over the world together on tour and stuff and world friends and it was kind of interesting to be like let's make a song together because we kind of hadn't at the time yeah but yeah but that that felt even more natural than you know with uh with benny because i didn't know benny yeah but um yeah i don't know i mean but that that's that that's that comes back to my other point of uh the way things are today with like the 9 000 songwriters and the blah blah and this and that it's kind of like because i have had opportunities in the past i get emails every once in a while like do you want to collaborate with this person do you want to do you know once in a while i don't you know i think people know that i don't do it that much they don't ask very often but uh and or maybe nobody wants to i mean that's a definitely a possibility but um but the instance is like you know like with juan where it doesn't feel like a play date yeah no it doesn't feel like you know it's just a very natural you know and i've already know this person and i feel comfortable enough round one to like make stuff and it doesn't have to be like some like joke song or something you know right that's the way it it should be for me i don't know it going back a lot of people cover your music during the telethon um lil yachty did on a level i loved that yeah that was really good yeah that was a good example of someone doing it right yeah it was a nice treat yeah yeah and now you start so sweet sweetheart he is he's a another person yeah a very real person he's a good guy sweet guy yeah that is a good guy yeah i like him you asked him to do that didn't you no no he wanted to do it no i called him on the phone um well with the whole telethon you know george floyd had got gotten assassinated in front of our eyes it was terrible and uh you know me and aaron trying to figure out how to do something and she was like you should do an act like a telethon that was her idea um the thing with us is we're kind of like just like scientists it's just like when we come up with something we have to follow through with it um and yeah you were the first person i called i was like do you think i should do this you gave it the cosign and i was like all right well if mike thinks so um and gotti was one of those people who immediately also said yes uh but he was he he was saying he wanted to do covers and you were the first person he had thought up of that's cool yeah yeah yeah now the telethon turned out great so there we go yeah and you also donated five thousand dollars to the know your rights camp you you're puffing me up over here i don't need this also donated the dog mask yes from another one yep yep and you also donated the guitar you played at madison square garden with to open up for the strokes i'm not even gonna correct you there i like that i like that one just go with that one nice and square okay yeah sure it was barclay center no let's keep it at madison madison yeah that's where it was followed out msg man that was a crazy night man yeah that was a good one yeah yeah bella hadid bought it msg bellady bought your guitar yeah yeah that's very sweet of her and how does that make you feel that's cool i'm glad she is a fan you know it's cool yeah i think i've seen her on the side of the stage once or twice at festivals she's a good person yeah i've never met her a real one that's cool but yeah i don't know guitars masks telethons you're just a very giving person it's like santa claus she's just so magical i do what i can man yeah good guy jesus enough with this good guy okay okay okay it's true i'm a bad guy like the billy eilish song uh um max record label you started a while back um now you got the hats you started the labels i haven't really put anything out but we got hats now now we did uh i mean i did my last record on there and the demos for that record and uh my friend tex text crick that's what i was gonna say he's the first artist and and uh yeah love the sound yeah he's coming out we're listening to his test pressing on the stereo last night yeah i love that record it's you know it's like i think because when i sign or when i when i did that whole you know the because it's like a distribution deal blah blah blah blah blah blah it's like it's kind of a label but it's not like the way that you would build a label from the bottom and then you right it's it's more well it started just to kind of like own your [ __ ] fully well yeah it's like more like an imprint or something but it's like but it's a label i guess but uh but yeah no it's but the thing with tex is um [Music] i really like that he sent me that record quite a while ago and he was like this is my new record and i was like oh this is really sick yeah and i just liked it and he had already finished it and he was like i want to get it mixed i think and i was like well i could try and help you out with the mix now because i mixed it too with him which took a long long time because my gear got some old stuff that was kept blowing up and [ __ ] but um but yeah but even that process was like i tried to do it and then i was i'm not a mix engineer i don't know what the [ __ ] yeah but then i was like i kind of like what you did in the first place so maybe we can just tweak that and maybe you know put a little gravy on it or whatever yeah so it's mostly what he did um but we got it all squared up and now it's coming out and it's very exciting yeah and i know he's been a homie for a long time and you're bringing him on but it's like it's your first first person sign under the label have you thought about is there a grand docio vision of like uh uh helping more artists just kind of like just put it out cleanly or like yeah just well i mean that was i mean for years before i started the label the whole idea was like it'd be nice to have this honestly kind of thing that i could just you know if it's like not it's like if i'm not like i'm not going out to shows being like hey kid like your sound like right i don't i don't care maybe if i did see somebody to show and i really liked it i haven't been to a show in a while but uh but i think it's more just like um yeah like with in texas example it's like circumstance the circumstances like he had a record i really liked it and you know we oh chances are you know look at this we have a way to put it out yeah we put on vinyl yeah and that's cool but it's i'm not like rushing to do anything really and if anybody wants to do something with me then that's great if you're not then there's a po box though where you're taking admissions i don't know i i really don't know i don't think people believe that my email is my email anymore cause i just get spam in there oh damn yeah but um i don't know i mean i'm not you know i'm not trying to like make a legendary label or anything i just want you know it's helpful to put stuff out the right way but i do like i'll show you this here but this is there a uh my tape isn't here i don't maybe that's no that's not one i was gonna show you where i bit this logo from but i think the tapes are maybe up in the top there so oh [ __ ] only the nerds know yeah i don't know i like to you know it's cool i like the idea i think more over the coronavirus and i did it before as well you know with different little video projects or streaming projects or like last two weeks ago for example i was bouncing all of my old cassette tapes yeah stuff that i recorded years ago ten years ago and i still you know it's kind of beauty of the the tape format is that if the tapes don't get completely destroyed like a fire or like something you know or like a water damaged or something then you can usually get the stuff back off of them right but i like that ties into the label where it's like i like the archival of things yeah yeah physical yeah like most the music i listen to nowadays is like um these guys i don't know anything about them i kind of prefer to keep it that way but it's people that go and they find old like new age cassettes or like weird you know albums that were just you know either like library music or or whatever else or or meditation sounds or even just field recordings they find these cassettes because nobody wants to buy them you know but they know how to look for them and then they upload them to youtube it's not like they're making money off of any of this stuff they just it's about the archival and it's about having the page with all of these different tapes on it or different old weird vinyls or whatever and like maybe it's not even you know it's not even like music that most people would probably [ __ ] with but it's i i personally do quite a bit but you respect that how how it's logged in i also love the music too yeah but it is but yeah how it's it's just there yeah it's beautiful i don't know i love these pants thank you you know that i was deeply obsessed with jim morrison when i was in junior high school i didn't know that nobody does but i know you liked weezer i did like weezer but i think that i i maybe fronted that i liked weezer more than i actually did but i do i love weezer really reminds me of being a young young man all right you know what i'm gonna ask you what everyone's been waiting tell me about the first time you met king cruel actually you know what's interesting archie is his name i've always been a fan of his music and i think he's a really cool guy um but we never met for years and years we never met we had i had friends that had gone on tour with them and you know a lot of mutual whatever but i think the way i found out about them i used to be friends well i'm still friends with them but i used to see this guy a lot more uh this guy alex who has a band called dirty beaches yeah and he's uh quite a bit older than me and when i was living in vancouver i found out about his music we became friends on myspace and you know that's where we just put our stuff and i talked to him and he was very inspiring for me and you know the way he did his thing and he ended up you know his career kind of started taking off after that and uh but he lived in vancouver for a while and we used to get together and you know drink coffees and eat cheeseburgers and stuff master chef diner that was the spot but um but but i remember king krul coming out and it was like oh this is cool and like he loved he also loved dirty beaches so i was like oh man i bet i could you know this kid and i maybe we would get along yeah so i think king kroll's maybe a little younger than i am but not by a lot but the first time we met was in uh fyf festival in la this was maybe four years ago maybe more i can't remember it's a while ago but we met backstage and immediately it was one of those situations i mean i had been drinking a lot he had also been drinking a lot but it was like i think mutually we were doing sometimes you meet someone and it's like let's hang out right now but i think what you're asking there was some point during the night where i'm pretty sure that i washed my hands and his pee stream oh wow yeah and you guys played swords i don't think we played swords i think i just maybe i got a little bit in my mouth too okay yeah but that's you know if if you can have an experience with you meet someone and then pretty much straight off the you know off the bat you know you [ __ ] with each other washing yeah your hands with then it means something yeah actually that's an interesting tangent you know who else was there that night ethan and hila from h3h come on don't wait wait wait wait wait wait and yesterday i was watching their things no no no no no no and in their thing they were showing videos of people in i think maybe i don't know india or africa or something washing their hands in cow piss wow it's like a huge thing on tick tock where it's like healthy apparently i don't really know the benefits but it's like a bunch of videos on tick tock of these cows standing there peeing and cows pee a lot and people are just it's like a tap but you don't really know about like atria and stuff that just came up randomly on the up next on youtube just randomly right you don't actually like watch that right it love every moment you don't but you don't but you love every moment of it but some but they just came up randomly on the youtube it's not something you know about i know about it i'm all about it yeah well um you know i can say i've known you for a year now and some change i guess so and the person i know is like a very i wouldn't like you know we spoke we spoke about this the other day it's a it's a it's like a like a pg-rated mac that i know now not maybe just like a very wholesome young man young man mold a wholesome young man okay and and throughout you know the come up years we talk about health yeah sustainability yeah you used to drink a lot i mean up until very recently yeah how it's well and also in all seriousness i'm just trying to think of how to ask about this because it's a very serious topic it's just how like how was it making that transition and what was like the final like moment of like the discipline of i'm just not gonna [ __ ] with this anymore like well i mean who knows if i i don't know if i don't [ __ ] with i mean i haven't had a drink in like a year yeah which is like we've also been in quarantine for about a year yeah but quarantine almost says go do this you know what i mean go do well for some people for me i'm i'm very particular with my style of alcohol abuse yeah you know what i mean it's like i would be what people consider a binge alcoholic yeah so i'm either not going in at all or i'm going in 50 miles an hour yeah i mean like yeah like you know piss my pants kind of vibe which is like you know it's not good for you no um and i was like that for many many many years and i you know it was high functioning for a long time but i definitely i knew you know it's it's it's interesting because where i'm from everybody drinks a lot yeah you know people i grew up with older people like everybody drinks a lot and a lot a lot and it's always funny because i was always like well you know i'd be like yeah like meth heroin like that shit's [ __ ] up but like booze is just [ __ ] up for you like you [ __ ] ruin your [ __ ] yeah because it's almost like 10 times more accessible it's normalized yeah exactly it's crazy but um i don't know i mean i here's i haven't had a drink in a year i feel good i think yeah will i ever have a drink again probably right but it's but it's interesting because you know not doing it for a while and telling people or like you know going to some or seeing someone be like oh you want to have a beer or something not that that really ever happens now anyway but i'm like oh i actually haven't been drinking and they're like wow and i'm kind of like like it does it doesn't feel like you overcame something not really but i think it's just because i haven't been in an instance that usually makes me want to like let's party you know like i haven't been to a show yeah i haven't been to a bar i haven't done any of these things so it's kind of like you know the idea even before i like stopped drinking like like me and kara hanging out in the house like hey babe think i'm gonna down like a two-four of jameson right now like that's [ __ ] insane you know like i wouldn't want to do that anyway yeah no so i don't know but i think that you know i feel good and that's all it took was just not being in situations you think or like well yeah i mean there's another part of it where some people would just like you know you just can't and it's no and that's [ __ ] it's crazy like for a lot of people it's really really hard and i think that if i was in different situations it would be very very very very hard for me but i wonder if i the only tour that i've really ever done where i was for the most part sober was well and i guess over the last couple years i try not to i don't really drink before we go on stage but i'll drink on stage but right when me and kyra did a solo tour through like the bible belt a couple years ago i didn't drink because i was driving the whole time and you know and we would get to the venue and i have to play set up pack down and then drive to the hotel so i was like well if i did i think maybe two times on that tour i had i had some drinks with these kids in uh phoenix maybe but if i was gonna go drink it'd already be like midnight right because i'd have to get all the work [ __ ] done and then yeah and then you can and then daddy can have some fun yeah but i mean but attention you know the last couple months of touring before coronavirus happened because we were out right until like shaboom you know right we came back from hawaii and then it was like everything is about to get canceled and i was like okay great but um but yeah even those tours it was kind of like i kind of i mean i was drinking a lot but it was like i had a more i don't know it's funny like i was getting to a point on tour where i was like i want to it can feel very mechanical and very routine you know where it's like you either you're on a bus or you're in flying every day or you've got the hotel and the blah blah blah blah blah and i didn't want to really do that anymore and i'm you know i was never really good at like let's go out and like explore the town or whatever i always had this weird uh like um what is it like uh like a hermit no no like uh like uh not a phobia but a uh um adventure no no no like uh uh uh uh um what the [ __ ] i've lost it hey uh uh i had this thing let's say i had this thing where it's like well i have to stay in the venue right the whole time before we play or else yeah i need to feel the energy yeah yeah yeah it's like taking in what you're about to do you know but i've been doing it for a long time and you realize like you know actually the venues that that kind of mattered in now it's just kind of like empty giant empty box every time so it's kind of like this is stupid but but i was making an effort i wanted to go out i wanted to see this i wanted to see the friends that i hadn't seen in years and these different cities all over the place and experience this and do that and and then it all just kind of got capped up with the coronavirus but it sounds like yeah but i would be interested to go back out again and see how it would be yeah not drinking really you know because it's a huge part of the culture no it's super amazing and i'm super proud of you for like here's the music and drinking's like right here yeah yeah so it's inevitable i don't know you know what pisses me off though is that everybody says like oh you lose a ton of weight when you stop drinking and i'm kind of like excuse me no you're so worried i'm still working like i'm waiting yeah for the [ __ ] but yeah is it true it is wild though karen i think about it our relationship you walk in my door one day i have no idea who you are yeah and i talk to you every day yeah i guess that's how it goes yeah that is how it goes yeah i mean it's nice how do you say knowing me has impacted your life it's nice it's nice because um and i think we got along pretty easily right off the bat yeah but at the same time you know we have varying interest you're interested in a lot of things that i also i'm interested in but you have a you know even just what you do for you know your clothing person you meet you know different you know a lot of people it's interesting for me to step in there and kind of see what you see a little bit you know i mean maybe you feel the same way about some things that i'd like to but although we don't seem to agree on movies that i suggest you very often do we no no no well some some of them are really good what was it miracle mile yeah that was a really good one yeah um you didn't like brazil it's just too artsy for me you know me when i sit down and watch a movie i don't want to think about [ __ ] okay i don't want to think about the director i don't want to think about these [ __ ] shots if i'm you're losing me with this i i like pull me in in the story even if it's a big popular movie i just i really like when you just get taken in and you get taken out that's it don't don't do this get dunked yeah don't place it a certain way yeah but uh i see i just think i don't know i this is one i love meeting new people yeah and you know understanding their world yeah and uh you don't really get to do that either very much nowadays no you don't especially being off of the internet it's just really it's nice yeah you guys are always up to something crazy over in new york city living it up big apple style yeah no yeah yeah i don't know we've lost a lot of people with chronovirus yes yeah it's insane just in general without the virus no with the virus mostly yeah well during that period of time someone we did lose mac miller could you tell me about your relationship that was before carnival yeah he was before i know that's what i'm saying malcolm um yeah he was a very very sweet man what was it like when you guys met i saw this photo of you two and steve lacey which is like we used to hang out at his house a lot but it was uh it was interesting with malcolm because it was like i years ago i think the first time i ever played a solo show i played it with it was me doing this like solo acoustic thing and then i think it was rubber tracks or something like it'd be pretty funny if we put mac miller and mac demarco on the same bill so he did his thing afterwards but i didn't really meet him that night and i think i almost even had a little like a little formula maybe i said in some interview at some point like yeah [ __ ] mac miller like he's got you know we have the same name like that's all it was based off of but i remember his his friends came up one time i think it was in atlanta or somewhere some festival at the hotel when everyone's leaving to the airport after the day after the festival was kind of like hey man like i know you kind of have beef but like we just want to let you know that we're big fans i was like beef like what are you talking about and i was like oh but was that anyway that's the preface that's kind of just funny but i think we finally like actually met through anderson pack uh because they were friends and they had done uh that dang song together i think at that point but we are in buenos aires in south america uh in argentina for lollapalooza down there i think we were all doing that and it was one of those things where i think there was like a brazil i mean it wasn't in brazil but like a chile one argentina it's moving traveling festival we met him there and um yeah we hung out with him that night with anderson and then the next night he was like you guys want to come to the studio we're like yeah sure it was me and my bass player my keyboard player what we didn't know is the studio was like an hour and a half drive outside of town yeah and we're like okay it's like the middle of nowhere yeah yeah the beautiful studio like big you know um beautiful place and like really nice studio and they were all gonna stay there and then you know three or four in the morning rolls around and we're kind of like so we gotta get we gotta get back to our hotel because we have a flight in the morning so we ended up going back but by his number and then i think at one point matt martians and sid from the internet brought him over here and then we chopped it up then and then you know now then we were like okay we're live in l.a together and i started going to his house because he was always working on music and i would go and work on stuff with him there he did a couple things with me in here um we just hung out but with him too especially it was like you know i we became very close very fast yeah you know and he was like a very again though it's like very different worlds yeah yeah i mean but a real sweet guy and we hung out all the time and yeah when he died it was like really crazy we were on tour and we were playing he had called me the day before and he's like i want to be in this music video shooting on monday and i was like yeah of course yeah so we were gonna do that but then we had to go to uh we were playing in new york we're playing in central park and yeah we found it that morning and it was just like wow this is so crazy and then i flew back to la for the wake and then we flew back and did red rocks and that red rock show was just an absolute mess it was just awful but you know god bless him and it's cool that people remember him the way they do yeah and uh yeah and it's cool because he had so much that's like almost like prince in a way where he had so much stuff on ice yeah yeah it's like there's stuff you know there's always and his family's like totally you know they take uh control you know they're they're like very involved with the whole thing with that i haven't heard from any of them in a while but but yeah it's really sad it's really [ __ ] up yeah it is and it's like you know with that kind of [ __ ] it's like with the drugs and you know it's like it's just not sketchy yeah you know doing drugs like that is sketchy not to say that i haven't indulged hundreds of times but it's just like it's not a good idea yeah no you know but i don't know god bless him yeah got a blossom yeah let's pick the vibe up god bless malcolm good memories you know there you go yeah yeah did you ever meet him i've never met him no no no but he seemed like a really who's that really awesome guy he's really cool um funny as [ __ ] that guy i'll tell you yeah well yeah when he came out the gates and you were doing the shows you're really amazing showsman um and you would find like amazing ways to just make the show fun or just like kind of do things differently you know um watching that when i was younger was amazing and sick you know and it was cool because you kind of got to like during that time people were just like down for whatever it was crazy uh but with that you know came a lot of like people were just expecting this all the time yeah um i mean it was that for yeah yeah i mean it still kind of is sometimes but yeah how does it make you feel or like how do you go back and look at it or i had a great time we had a lot of fun on tour it's it's it's interesting because um i think especially when we started doing it it kind of just mattered you know we play all the songs really fast we just play as hard as we could you know everyone's doing like you know crazy moves on stage and crowd surfing and i used to do trust falls a lot which were i think i would crush well i mean i probably crushed them back then too but um but i think yeah i don't know i mean it's fun it's cool and i like you know it's an easy i don't know if it's easy i don't know there was just an energy here's like the thing is like i wasn't necessarily doing it as on you know it wasn't specifically check this out it was like the crowd was the one that were they were the ones that were like yeah you know and i was like all right and sometimes there's still our shows that are like that but you know things change and my music's changed and the way i i it wasn't it wasn't for an exact reason it was just the vibe of the crowd i mean i had been doing that i think my shows in general even before people gave a [ __ ] about me were like i would crowd surf every time i could i love to crowd surf i love to you know do crazy things on stage do the whole thing yeah and when the crowds are really want it then you got to give it to them but it's it's all it's just like an energy you know and that's like uh but what was it saying is it goes away if venues get bigger crowds get further away you're staring at the back of some bouncer guy's head yeah you know but i but i i still you know i think over the course of the coronavirus there were a couple shows that we did on the last round of touring that were in like ridiculously huge places you know like it's in places maybe even too big for us like you know trying to fill like a 15 000 person venue or something like that's not especially with my last record like it's not going down like that you know what do you mean with the last record it's not even that kind of music it doesn't make sense you know it's like it's very like quiet small sound you know yeah let's play essentially like a pavilion or a stadium like that's insane but uh but yeah i mean but i was saying is over the course of the virus i think i'd i'd like to kind of you know do smaller stuff again the xx once uh they did uh 50 shows in new york uh i think it was like in this 50 crowded room like you could fit 50 people in there and they did it for like 10 days yeah would you ever do something like that we've done little residencies before yeah we did done a couple here done them in uh they did it like every day yeah i here's the thing with doing something like that in a city like new york it can make sense like we've done it there before where it's like okay we'll do one in brooklyn one in queens one in the city one in like a you know weirder part of brooklyn or something you know yeah um but and it makes sense because new york's like one of the biggest cities on the planet and you can move around and other people will come to the different shows but i don't know i always whenever you play the same place twice there's something about like there's been plenty of times we've done like the same venue four days in a row or like three days in a row or whatever or even two nights in a row it feels like you go out the second night and you're like what's up like i'm going to try and make this not like last night right right but it always kind of feels like and then it's always like well which one out of the three was the best you know and it's like i don't it's a weird vibe but i i don't mind it i just think you know still you know i just think smaller venues taking our time like the way i used to tour back in the day where was like yeah we got time to go swim in this lake that we're driving by for two hours right now like why not yeah fly i don't i really like flying i don't really like you know we've taken tour buses a couple times now and i know that i always was like [ __ ] that i'll never take the fire tour but yeah you've taken them a couple times and in some instances it's cool i really like the fact that your stuff it's like you have a little bedroom it stays in the same place that for me curtin yeah it's great but it's also i don't you know some places i like at other places i don't but but um yeah i don't know i think just taking it easy doing nice little shows intimate you know yeah i mean we'll probably do some bigger stuff again maybe who knows i don't i i take anything at this point yeah the truth you know i'm starved yeah but i don't know i mean still even today it's like you know i'll crowd surf sometimes now or yeah we'll do something or play a really old song just really depends on the vibe if they don't want it though then whatever so there's some instances now where i feel like oh this show's not going so good i know what'll save it i'll crowd surf and it's usually not a good idea but um but it usually does save it because that's the whole thing i realized a long time ago is you know people are kind of like goldfish at shows you know it's like the attention spans only for like the last two songs if you do a whole bunch of insane [ __ ] and like play a whole bunch of guitar solos and do all this insane crap and you know the stage is like wrecked and then you leave everyone's like holy sh what did i just see they forget about the like 30 other songs before that point [Music] so i mean not always but i i don't know it's interesting i i don't know i love playing shows but really my favorite format is when i do it alone or it has been it's like just going up there with acoustic guitar and playing all the songs that i can do alone um i like that because it's like you talk to the people obviously like you know i'll try and play like you know seated venues it feels very adult in a way like a radio city no no radio city would be a little too big for me solo i think but we did do that with the band it's kind of weird but um oh i meant because the seating yeah yeah but that but smaller like little churches or like little theaters or whatever you know um like places where there couldn't be a mosh pit yeah you know but um i like that i like that kind of vibe but the thing is though if a band show goes poorly it's kind of like ah [ __ ] but if a solo show goes poorly it's like oh my soul you know yeah cause it's just you yeah it's just like that we can't blame anyone else well no it's not even about blaming it's just kind of like there's not a lot of it's hard to save it right like and it's things like if the sound is bad or if this happens or if that happens it's just like [ __ ] yeah it's not it's not super loud you can't just kind of hide behind the pa or whatever you know i don't know buy miss shows and um something you've become more obsessed with lately has been uh rare sneakers yes you love rare sneakers and just tell me more about that because i always see you in maybe a a jordan 85 one retro i have 40 pairs air max 92 yeah yeah 50 pairs of those maybe an adidas superstar here and there yeah love those tell me about your obsession with sneakers and just where it started it's just such a beautiful art form uh you think about it in the way where people you know it not only is it art right it's utilitarian yeah which to me is meaningful in the sense that it's like a box of chocolates almost you know it's it's it's it's it's to be used yeah but often it's so beautiful that you use it quite infrequently yeah because you want to preserve that beauty that that makes sense and that's why a lot of people like them indeed so it's cool i love that connection with you and rare sneakers and i i know uh anytime you do a really killer show you sign a pair yeah and give it to the smallest kid in the crowd exactly and i love that you do that yes i say someday you'll grow into these exactly yeah yeah that's so cool that you do that yeah especially for the handicapped kids you go for those mainly it's just the smallest kid that's all i'm looking for yeah if there's a baby at the show they're getting the shoes humans can't get much smaller than that yeah and so just inspiration nikes adidas puma is that a fancy people like that in the sneaker community pumas no people yeah i don't know puma's not really uh kind of next yeah what else they like they're not selling no converse talked about the converse street adidas you like the converse shoe which one the converse the the one the one yeah i like them it's hard i think i can't wear them i look like you can't wear them but when they look good on a person they really like they really look good yeah but on most people they just doesn't work for me i always loved that george harrison wore them when they were recording uh let it be i thought that was cool yeah i didn't know that yeah you like the beatles a lot i love the beatles yeah truly do yeah yeah they were all sneaker heads too the beatles yeah that's what people would always remember them for yeah the white album they were wearing the white uh jordans the white jordans yeah and then the black album they were wearing black superstars adidas superstars yes yeah and that was something i love that you tie that into your head is groundbreaking yeah yes yeah yeah people are always showing me old photos of john lennon wearing um just old sneakers yeah all those photos of him at the line at the launch or whatever and when he would go to basketball games front row yup yup yup yup yup and jack nicholson jack nicholson they would pull up together but they wouldn't really talk publicly behind closed doors yeah yeah um it's sneaker culture what can you sneaker culture frank sinatra huge collection of sneakers there he is right there right there and i think he's wearing retro air jordans yeah fully he did it his way he would he would wear mitch match laces and everybody would go uh hey what are you doing frankie i'm doing it my way so the legend goes yeah and that's how he made the song right this is so twisted that would be crazy to see frank sinatra and a pair of jordans yeah would be so strange yeah it would well you know frank loved to try new things every time the records were top selling yeah it's true so that was a sneaker is his sneaker obsession era yeah what i got to do quincy he was like put on the sneakers it'd be kind of interesting if humans lived like maybe just uh 200 years instead of 100 if you're lucky to see and these artists that just their careers instead of like he had a 50-year career he had like a 150-year career yeah and like how many phases how many different vibes yeah you know yeah like if frank sinatra was singing over like trap beats right now or even if he made it to the to the 90s and was doing grunge that'd be cool yeah yeah rest in peace frank rest in peace the boss the chairman of the board yes i do love it back then we had the rat pack it was frank dean sammy davis and now we have the new rat pack which is you kevin parker mgmt torrey moy i don't know about that twisted twist it you guys are just twisting the new rat pack yeah who would be the new rat pack amigos amigos megan the sally and mack demarco i would like to see you boxing with these artists more in 2021 i mean i don't know yeah yeah i'm here yeah none of that folger's [ __ ] folgers yeah coffee the best part of waking up is folgers in your car wayne gretzky did a folgers commercial once upon a time you know who wayne gretzky is he's a basketball player nope football player nope hockey yeah he was the boston he was the greatest of all time i've heard his name a lot in my lifetime he was he played on the team that i the city that i grew up in he was on the team left the team left the team went and played in the states a whole bunch people never gave him up where i grew up yeah statues all this other stuff i hate hockey yeah but i love canadian pride okay i'm for it okay i feel you i like canada a lot but there's something they just they hold on to what they got we don't got a lot and so we do have a lot yeah big beautiful mountains fresh clean air gorgeous clear water tim the queen is still on our money no tim tim horton t-h we do have t.h you true that's true true yeah no yeah i love canada i haven't been back in a while i wish i could go yeah nova scotia nova scotia yep best place [Music] yeah what are you looking at me like that for just so cute thank you i love music um i love music i love stories i told his story and made his story yeah don't let that go over your head matt no no no i do i do admire your love for you know there's things where i'm kind of like i never paid attention to that and then you'll go well but this is why you should and i go okay oh okay you've got an open mind an open heart i try to yeah an interest a thirst that must be quenched yeah by the waters of art entertainment and culture take a dip have a splash that's true it's true um i'm out of things to ask mac i'm gonna be honest i mean that was a great interview we're good i think yeah but i like being here with you so yeah hopefully this is the one i think it'll be the one hopefully what if it's not it's the one it has to be the one it has to be the one and now you're going to perform for us oh didn't know you last time know you this time pal [Laughter] would you do maybe you doing the instrumental and then i could perform it you want to sing one of my songs could i which one uh you could pick one but you need to know the lyrics to one i know them all really do you know together together [Music] once upon a time yeah that sounds good man you looking fun one long to be okay [Music] oh holy [ __ ] it's been late and life's been great i'm so happy that we can be together [Music] and sometimes i think about the things you said yelled and went to bed together [Music] and here it comes the only one my time is done no longer together sit back and just relax there's more to see together one two three two [Music] again second verse sometimes i think sometimes i drink sometimes [Music] the kitchen sink just relax it'll all be fine life takes time together [Music] together together [Music] we had our fun interview done hey the time of the song has sprung yes together and this is where i butcher the chorus and i don't i love this song [Music] is double chorus come on i see come on together don't be shy now i'll do this one with you [Laughter] and then the big finish can we do another one what else you got what do you want uh g you pick it [ __ ] you know uh what do i got i just don't know the second verse [Music] hope you had your thrill all those days are over now is that it perfect okay next one yeah settle down and uh let your head down yeah it works for me i'll take it okay that's great all right now here's the chorus little doggy [Music] little one [Music] yes [Music] move down to virginia [Music] pour me in a glass vintage old rum and then and the lady the ladies go march little doggy grandpa goes macho little one [Music] little one [Music] and then can we do uh dreams from yesterday too ready kerman yeah this is your big shot okay this decides whether or not you get signed to max record label we're talking about a 500 advance [ __ ] yeah [Music] wait i've forgotten already okay got it here we go [Music] once your dream [Music] comes knocking at your door it's time to realize what it's time to realize oh that's where i was supposed to say it you aren't dreaming anymore [Music] and once your life is set to settle down what do you do mac let's take a look around you no more dreaming to be found so why then are you [Music] crying [Music] and no amount of tears [Music] roll back all the years okay here we go bring back all your dreams from yesterday [Music] once a life uh seems to have it set up got binoculars a closer look reveals just how empty you can feel oh jesus yeah yeah good shoe and once a dream it's finally put to bed rest of sleepyhead [Music] you might as well be dead [Music] so why then [Music] are you crying it was you [Music] who denied them [Music] and no amount of tears roll back all the years [Music] bring back all those dreams from yesterday did i do a better job than logic or a worse shot than logic you're never saying that song huh mac thank you so much for being on my show you are a [ __ ] icon i love you buddy i love you too thank you for having me on your though three times [Music] you
Channel: Kerwin Frost
Views: 345,527
Rating: 4.9582043 out of 5
Keywords: Kerwin Frost, Kerwin Frost Talks, Kerwin Talks, Mac Demarco, Mac Demarco Interview
Id: k_uK7LHP_es
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 27sec (5667 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 26 2021
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