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hello moglets today we're going to be summoning for banette kaching we'll be doing someone's on my account as well as bones account mainly trying to get banettes but if we get kaijing as well not going to complain we have them just in our party just those two for good luck we're also standing here at the shiny thing and um we're going to make it nighttime no special time um just just night time so you know the lanterns are nice and pretty there we go so we can see all of them in the sky now very nice we also do have moga chan here for good luck although it feels a little bit weird because we're not actually streaming uh right now our main goal for this session is to get banette up to c5 so that means we need three banettes that's what i would really like that fantastic voyage three more levels up i know i've said a few times that i'm not super interested in caching constellations but once i do actually make her an electro kaching um that will change a little bit so i definitely wouldn't be angry to get another kaching we'll probably go until we get a five star if it's not kaching then we'll stop but i don't know it really depends like if we go all that way without even getting one banette then i'm probably gonna give up and be like oh well that's done you know if we're like one bunnette away we might still continue on with one little ado please do remember to subscribe to the channel it helps out a lot and we're getting close to our 200k subscriber goal let's go and get these summons started first tin pole here we go command it's a purple maybe it's a banette that would be fine by me oh wow straight off the bat we got a banette the first maybe we'll even get another banana good man good man we have a magic guide i'm already happy let's go slingshot that means we need to do one single pull to get another forced o there goes our pity why does the bell love me so much let's do another tin pull we need to purchase one intertwined fate with 160 primo gems here man well i mean a four star obviously just give me another banette just no barbers i'll even take some ninguangs but my barber is c6 so i would rather not have barbara's oh god i feel a barbara i feel barbara coming along oh no barbara barbara i love you but you'd be c-10 by now please please oh there we go wow that's super lucky two banettes so that means we need one more banette i didn't know it'd go like this to be honest i really want one more banette at least uh i am thinking twice about trying to get him to c6 because of um yeah some people brought it to my attention that it could actually mess up mess some things up and i'm not sure i wanna you know like permanently change binet's ult it's kinda risky i would need to think about it more often before i'm really going to try and get him to c6 but we're obviously getting another four star here it hasn't shown up yet come on just get in my suffering give me the banette uh sacrificial bow okay that was a horrible pull not even a character we got a weapon instead i don't know if i'll get that lucky again let's do some single pulls you know but we did all the lucky stuff so i mean we did get two banettes already the two characters we got were two banettes if it's not purple i'm just gonna skip yeah skip sharpshooters oath blood tainted greatsword harbinger of dawn this must be it right this must be our four star no it's not this one this one must be our four star yeah banette blip banana oh it's a barbara i love you barbara but we already got two banettes may we just be happy with it let's do a tin poll command command let's see what we got here we have a raven's bow sharpshooters oath black tassel also ninguang really likes to avoid me she's like the one four star i don't have maybe we'll get her here i'd rather have a banette to be honest but ah banette come home oh my god no stop giving me weapons what is this a character banner or weapon banner my god i'm running out of primo gyms and we have a really interesting character coming soon as well i already wailed i don't want to wail again that's probably going to be unavoidable let's just do another tin pull ah well i guess we are getting closer to pity for the next character i don't think i'm even allowed to see who that might or may or might not be but yeah fair shadow just give us the banette oh my god no please please stop with the barbara she'd be c-12 by now alright shadow maybe we'll get another one maybe the game will be nice to us one day huh huh no it's not gonna be nice to us let's do single pulls until our next until our next four star three star come on black tassel this is pain pain in my bones three star cool steel it's not cool it's not cool at all it's it's it's stupid steel is this it nope thrilling tails this has to be it yeah this is it i mean okay it's finally my first ninguang but seriously just give me the last banette it started off so good and now it's so bad do another tin pull oh man there goes all my primo gyms how sad is this and well let's see harbinger black tassel debate club we just need one more banette it's never gonna give it to us is it slingshot cool steel skyrider magic i'm so sick i'm so sick of weapons especially crap weapons favonius who who wants fevonia sword no one does get out of here maybe like one character that i don't have raged and i think that was the last as well so complete pity complete pity ah forget it oh great and this is the this is the five star i would actually be kind of disappointed if it was catching now because then that completely resets our pity if it's some other five star then whatever because yeah this must be like i don't know close to pity it's a kaching her c2 isn't even that good whatever we can skip the rest just skip i'm not gonna give it a four star oh there he is okay okay and we got a kaching so ultimately we did get our goal but we're down to 1200 primo gyms all of our savings are gone but we hit our goals i guess i said i did want c2 kaching but now we're completely back at you know we're completely back at uh pity reset start when the jig's normal attack and charge attacks hit opponents affected by electro they have a 50 chance of producing an element of particle every five seconds yeah it's whatever i think c4 is like her first good one though and banette passion overload using a normal yeah i i'm actually happy to get this one because i want to try this out as well using a normal attack when executing the second attack of passion overloads charge level one allows an additional attack to be performed that sounds so weird we're gonna try it out though and this one is the one i was really going for three more levels on fantastic voyage so that's maxed now and then yeah c6 does sound cool but i'm not in a massive rush because i haven't even decided if i'm going to do that oh and we actually have ninguang in our team now all right so what um do you have to charge it maybe you have to do only level two oh i see wait what so this is his level two and i guess if you're spamming via the attack button he'll do something else alone yeah okay that last hit i guess is extra although huh i thought he always did that that looks more like level three did no all right that's pretty pog i guess i guess it might be worth it to do his level two every now and then i just like his level one a lot more just a quick little but let's check out that level 13 talent now fantastic voyage 119 of his base attack it was like 101 before i believe he has 701 base attack he actually could have a little bit more with the weapon he usually has on his jade cutter but you know we'll probably be getting our c2 now kaching uh probably giving out to her and making her an electro kaching with that he has a 722 base attack which actually isn't that much more i want to see what that attack boost actually does we're at 1972 attack with our kaching here let's go ahead and place it on the ground get get kaching in there and then check her stats now 2900 literally a thousand attack boost that's insane 1 000 attack i guess real quick as well we will check out c2 kachin also um just check out that elemental particle appearing so let's see here that elemental wait um oh wait there may have been one but i know enemies dropped one at like 50 hp also so i don't know yeah there it is so you just have to attack someone that is imbued with lightning yeah there so there was okay we probably got his 50 hp orb and an electro orb pretty much does what it says on the front um but yeah so it's okay i guess basically like having a little bit more energy recharge and for a main dps that's definitely not bad because you want to stack the other stats on them anyway dig don't tell me we're gonna find another chest i just saw dig somewhere i'm not crazy yeah oh my god bones also did some summons she was basically just trying to get one banette for c1 so they'll always have the attack buff whether they're being healed at the moment or not she was unfortunately not very lucky she ended up not getting any banettes she did get barbara all the way to c5 so she's one away from that c6 revive which i think is really uh awesome i believe she also did get a ninguang but yeah ultimately she didn't get the binet she was going for so what i might do is secretly log on to her account whale a bit because she did spend all the primo gyms she had and try and get her a banette so here we are on bones account same procedure it seemed to work out decently well for us uh so we're gonna go back over there unfortunately we don't have a kaching so we're going to take everyone but banette out of our party since that is our main goal here she hasn't really won to kaching not because she thinks kaching is a bad character but just because she already has so many units to raise and she doesn't want to be pressured into raising another one and boom save settings all right here we go banette it's all we want let's go ahead and just start with the tin pull straight away uh and hope we do not get a five star because then you know she will be closer to pity for the next banner so we did buy some genesis crystals here kind of didn't have much of a choice uh so let's go ahead this we literally have zero now so let's go come on banette or oh well there's the c6 barbara that's not bad either c6 barber is pretty op you know revival that's sick um but yeah also went to bened uh we had we started off with a barbara so that means if we don't get a four-star here it should be in the next single poll and that would be sick also come on bennett just one banette would be fine because then his oh my god no not this again with the with the damn spear now we may as well do another tin pull going to go ahead and get the genesis crystals again come on i'm kind of scared of getting a five-star honestly because then it's going to reset the pity and again she doesn't really want to catching right now or or any new character for that matter maybe another mona for a c3 mona i don't know banette banette come home please banette bennett yes there it is we're done all right i'm gonna save the rest of our primo jim's now for the next banner but there he is we could we got the c1 banette and that's all that matters so i'm not gonna actually ascend him i'm gonna let her do that but there it is this is actually more important than i thought and also you know the 20 um additional base attack boost but since he only heals the 70 if there's any sort of damage over time going on then it's like they're never going to get the attack boost really because he's always going to be trying to heal oh no wait it says here within the aoe is equal to or falls below 70 so they will heal at 70 but not 71. um so okay they would just need to be at burnett's you know limit to get the attack boost but again with damage over time or anything like that there could be big chunks of time without an attack boost so i think as c1 is more important than even i originally thought and then of course you know the additional 20 so super happy we could get a bannette i'm going to save the rest of those primo gyms for the next banner and um and yeah hopefully she's happy about the little surprise because she did kind of give up after running out of primo gyms which you know is understandable and we also got the c6 uh barbara which was pog also so we have c6 barber and c1 banette now i'm happy about that more than my own summons uh but our own summons were great too we got the c5 banette got an extra kaching although our pity has been reset pretty hard now so i don't know next banner we're gonna have to get really lucky or really broke but i guess that'll pretty much do it make sure tell me what you think in the comments down below dropping like on this video w enjoy is always greatly appreciated as well thanks as always for watching and until next time
Channel: Moga
Views: 531,153
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, keqing, genshin, genshin impact guide, genshin impact gameplay, genshin impact bennett
Id: ru7II5SEPDg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 30sec (870 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 18 2021
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