Kent Christmas - Regeneration Nashville 9.12.21 Service

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foreign every day [Music] every day oh [Music] but you keep on hiding cause you feel so guilty peace so you know you're unworthy foreign my there's look at these guys come on he is me a testimony is for me wow [Music] so many reasons [Music] my so so oh than before than yeah oh i want to love you more than before welcome welcome welcome welcome good afternoon regeneration nashville good afternoon everyone how are you this is the day that the lord has made and we will what we will rejoice and be glad in it we are so grateful that you are here today i want to just thank our online family for being here and and tuning in if you're on facebook live or if you are on the church website we welcome you we love you we are praying for you today we thank you lord for that we thank you for that family and we thank you for the family that is here you have come near and far and we guarantee you that god is going to show up for you amen amen can you stand with us in prayer come on people of god lift your hands before the lord lift your hands before the king of kings and the lord of lords he is great and he is greatly to be praised we honor you father we are so grateful and faithful that you are with us we thank you lord that this is the day that you have sent angelic assistance to help us we thank you lord if you took one soldier you took one angel that wiped out 185 000 you are some kind of a god we thank you lord that we stand in the great strength and the great grace that you have given us today and we honor you father father i lift up the man of god today father i'm asking you to bless him give him the tongue of a ready writer father we thank you lord that he comes with the word of the lord [Music] that we come lord thanking you that you are with us this is the day that you have made lord and we glorify you and magnify you we come lord knowing that you have already taken care of every need that we have we thank you lord that those have come from the north south east and the west that you have already healed them god and we thank you and praise you for that father we give you glory and honor and praise in jesus mighty name amen and amen come on and put your hands together are you ready to worship hallelujah [Music] [Music] jesus is king singh hosanna hosanna he's working he's saving us now miracles wonders he's coming in power the whole world will see hosanna jesus is king oh satan jesus we crowd you with praise jesus name above every day we lift up our voices and see jesus [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] he's all that we need is [Applause] [Music] oh jesus jesus [Music] jesus [Music] yours is the glory forever and ever amen [Music] one more time [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] we thank you jesus hallelujah [Music] [Music] believe on me [Music] scripture says [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so i've got the river [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i wrote it in my bible [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] when i [Music] church was on fire and the holy ghost from the top of my head to the soul of my feet [Music] from the top of my head to the soles of my [Music] [Music] [Applause] moving all over me [Music] that i've today redeemed follow me down to the tardis street [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] if you don't believe that i've been redeemed follow me down to the darker stream stepped in the [Music] to the water stream i stepped in the water the water was cold [Music] [Music] stepped in the water oh [Music] river [Music] [Music] [Applause] thank you lord hallelujah we thank you lord come on just lift your hands in this place holy ghost we thank you that you're here we thank you that you come to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we could ask or think lord we reach out today by faith and we grab a hold of our miracle today we thank you jesus holidays [Music] this is a house of worship this is a place up [Music] where we proclaim your name say this is a house this is a house of heaven our hearts are full of faith our hearts are full of [Music] say come alive come alive in the name of jesus come alive in the name of jesus this is a house of miracles we break everything to the feet of jesus everything in the name of jesus this is a house of miracles [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] this is [Music] everything in the name of jesus this is [Music] moving i still believe you're speaking god i believe your [Music] on work god i receive your vision god i believe your works for good [Music] [Music] oh [Music] in the name of jesus come alive in the name of jesus this is a house of miracles is [Music] everything [Music] come on i want you to begin to lift your hands and prophesy now over every dream come alive over your purpose come alive over our marriage has come alive god we speak to the mountain and we say move call that every dry bone we say come alive come alive come on shout it out come alive come alive we say come alive in the name of jesus come along in the name of jesus this is a house a miracle we breathe we bring everything to the feet of jesus everything in the name of jesus this is a house of me come on i feel the holy ghost sing it again we say come alive in the name of jesus come alive in the name of jesus this is a house a miracle yeah we bring everything to the feet of jesus everything in the name of jesus this is of miracles now give him the praise come on thank him that he's done it hallelujah [Applause] lord prepare me to be a sanctuary [Music] pure and hopefully [Music] i'll [Music] for [Music] tried and true [Music] sanctuary [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] holy [Music] tried and true [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you jesus [Music] come on one um time lord prepare lord prepare me to be a sanctuary [Music] [Music] takes you away [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] sanctuary for you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] amen you can be seated wow there's healing in this house today there's restoration in this place amen well i'm here to give you a few announcements today and i will let you know that our church wine fast is september the 22nd through the 24th and at our old location the church doors will be open from 6 to 7 for prayer also today is baptismal day amen so those of you who have come planned to be baptized today right out here to my left and then you go out the doors and to another left into the foyer the baptismal is there and we're going to do that today amen okay september the 25th is a youth outing at the opera mills mall escape game and it's 15 per person and the time will be announced by uh nick christmas nick can you stand away if you have a a youth that is interested in going or if you have a youth that doesn't attend the church and would like to get them connected it's a good way to get them connected is that a church social so i encourage you to see nick amen how's everybody doing this afternoon as we continue our our worshiping the lord you know this is actually one of my favorite parts of the service and you can prepare you start preparing your tithe and offer and this is one of my favorite parts of the service because it allows me to be like christ it allows me to be an evangelist you know in second corinthians it says that god will give seed to the sower so if he gives the seed to the sower then that actually makes him both the giver of the seed and of the harvest correct so if he's the giver of the seed and the harvest and we're going to do something that is christ-like or evangelism see a lot of times when we hear that particular piece of of scripture and we talk about he gives seed to the sower and we talk about the increase with that immediately we start thinking about our own pockets we get a little bit selfish right that's really not the truth when it comes to that particular piece of scripture when he talks about he's going to give seed to the sower there's two blessings that are involved there number one is the increase financially we get more seed but the increase financially is so that we can sow more to produce more harvest and what does that look like i'll show you what it looks like i'm a visual type person i believe in like vision boards so i'm going to show you a vision board really quick today let me show you what that looks like a few months ago we were in a warehouse with about 150 people right now go ahead and take a look around today and this is what happens when you sow into good ground people from all over the united states come there's harvest of healings in the house we hear constant people getting healed and saved and that's what happens when you become an evangelist and you sow a seed so when you take today and start preparing your tithe and your offering and become an evangelist with me today let's sow that seed so that we can even see a greater harvest amen okay so if you'll stand we're going to go ahead and do our declaration together and let's say it like we mean it here we go because i'm a tither and a giver the windows of heaven are open to me and god rebukes the devourer for my sake i am blessed financially and receive a blessing that i cannot contain i choose to sow cheerfully and bountifully knowing i will reap bountifully he makes me the head and not the tail above and not beneath the blessings of god are chasing me and overtaking me because god loves to see me prosper i am believing him for advancements god ideas blessings and increases financial freedom and breakthroughs amen ushers can go ahead and come forward if you have children in the sanctuary with you today you can go ahead and have them go to uh to their classes please welcome and put your hands together for our very own anointed choir regeneration choir [Applause] all right now come on this is a song about joy we're going to be joyful in this house right now come on put your hands together keep working [Music] maybe you can tell about [Music] when i rise up in the morning [Applause] [Music] [Applause] can i stop me i'm gonna win this race [Music] [Applause] [Music] i got joy i [Music] [Music] is oh [Applause] is come to jesus [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh my god [Music] come on give me some great halloween [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] is foreign [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] arms of god soon i shall be [Music] [Applause] [Music] whoever shall [Music] the dark comes from [Music] he was with me [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] with me [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] a [Applause] wow don't you love that praise the lord we love our regeneration nashville choir can i get that little table for my bottle of water too i am so happy that you are here today if no one's told you that they love you today i want to be the first i'm just so happy to see you um i while he's getting me that that little table i want to ask you where are you from where are you from africa did i hear africa stand up africa wow welcome welcome well you should enjoy our heat and humidity then welcome to nashville who else where are you from illinois stand up illinois welcome [Applause] who else do i have indiana stand up indiana we're glad you're here uh oregon wow stand up oregon we're glad you're here welcome to nashville where are you [Applause] oh not oregon okay florida stand up we're glad florida's here glad to have you here oh over here too great welcome glad to have you who am i missing alabama stand up alabama yeah glad you're here virginia stand up virginia welcome to nashville yeah sorry myrtle beach south carolina stand up south carolina welcome to nashville new york did i hear new york no that was new orleans no new york stand up new york stand up we're glad to have you today who california stand up california welcome to nashville yes we're so glad that you are here where else anybody over here from out of town did you say oregon i'm not even going to believe you is it really okay stand up welcome who else i heard some sorry did i hear sudan south sudan wow we are so blessed to have you welcome to nashville we're honored to have you glad you're here who else ohio stand up ohio welcome glad you're here who else arkansas stand up arkansas glad to have you i heard somebody over here texas stand up texas welcome glad you're here iowa did i hear iowa stand up iowa welcome to nashville amen glad to have you here who else michigan stand up michigan glad to have you amen welcome to regeneration nashville okay you're trying to tell me something pennsylvania stand up pennsylvania yeah glad to have you here who else kentucky stand up kentucky glad to have you where's roy where's roy roy are you here i want you to see this man right here he is from russellville kentucky and he drives here every time the doors open you saw him in the choir this man is a man of god he's been to china 12 times so look from russellville to nashville is not very far right have you been to china but we're glad to have roy as a part of our regeneration nashville family and he makes the best chocolate pie on the planet i have one in my fridge right now we love you roy all the way from russellville kentucky anybody else before we go on [Applause] yeah tennessee yeah yeah tennessee go ahead yeah amen praise the lord you can be seated i love the way she said that too she had about six syllables tennessee we're glad tennessee is here too praise god well uh i have some uh prayer requests i want to not prayer request some praise reports uh before we get into the message uh i have some wonderful praise reports i brought my phone up here because uh some of them came in online so i want to read you two or three okay if that's all right so this lady writes from fargo north dakota and she says she she's written other things in her email but she said but the reason for this uh email is that two sundays ago you told us pastor kent to expand what we asked god to do first of all i want to say this to our online members and to people all around the world pastor kent and i read all of your letters and we love them and he and i will sit at the table and we'll read these letters and we'll cry and rejoice and the emails and we just want to say thank you uh and and we're praying for you she said uh pastors kent said uh expand what we asked god to do she said that's my version in a nutshell she said my husband has had chronic lung issues for 10 years and has had a nodule in his lung they have been quote unquote following for a couple years he had an appointment a couple weeks ago september 3rd to have a ct scan on the lung to check the lungs nodule after i heard you say we should ask god for bigger things i decided to ask god to remove that nodule we got the report just this afternoon in all caps there was no evidence of the nodule anywhere anymore praise god isn't god good so so here is a lady that i've been praying for for quite a long time i have a list of cancer patients and friends that i'm praying for and this lady is the first name on my list that i pray for and she has pancreatic cancer that has spread all or had spread all through her body and so i came to know her by her granddaughter if you remember when we were in the old building i put a picture up of a beautiful blonde haired lady with two little boys that had cancer that had metastatized all through her body and the whole church stood how many of you were there that sunday the whole church stood well her her name is um kelly so so this is her grandmother so she says her daughter's writing she said mom had issues last week so they felt like the cancer was growing this is the lady with the pancreatic cancer she said they felt like the cancer was growing so they ordered a pet scan for yesterday results showed that the liver and lung tumors are completely gone she said the pancreatic you're gonna love this she said the pancreatic mass is smaller and shows hardly any uptake which means not many cancer cells left listen to this you'll love this said the doctor didn't really have much to say said he was stumbling around said they couldn't explain it because pancreatic cancer is not supposed to go away in the world's eyes praise god hallelujah to the lamb amen see this is what uh this is what i want to present to you as a church body okay we should now be more surprised when people are not healed okay and so pretty soon i'm gonna read the ones that are not healed so we can stand up and take authority over that because by and large they're all healed that's what that's what we believe so okay so uh she said and kelly the granddaughter that i put up on the screen there that that sunday she said and kelly i've lost my okay received a no evidence of cancer report on tuesday as well our hope is built on nothing less than jesus blood and righteousness so so i have a little gift for you okay i have a little gift for you i think they're here today are you here where are you would you stand and let us let us acknowledge you where are you stand up please [Laughter] isn't god good god is so good yes give jesus a praise come on give jesus a praise hallelujah to god thank you jesus amen amen i have one one other uh that i want to read to you and this this came in the mail it's a cute little snoopy card here so i don't want to wear you out with all the miracles am i wearing you out with all the miracles that's what i thought so okay so this lady was um this lady was at the uh fresh fire conference her name is eileen not fresh fire she was at elijah co at the music city sheridan that we had uh two weeks ago said she writes several wonderful sweet things in this letter and then she said our friend in whom cancer returned for the third time was told by the doctor before the conference that it's stage four and spread throughout her body the first night of the conference pastor kent released healing and our friend was filled with fire throughout her whole body she was healed hallelujah to our living lord my jesus so before we go into the word i just i want to ask you there are there are several people in this room that are that are overcoming cancer and so my fear is that when we read these testimonies that it strikes sorrow and fear why have i not been healed why did strangers come in from out of town and get healed and i'm still here at regeneration and i'm still overcoming cancer can you can you see that and so i'm i'm wanting to know if there are people in this room this morning who are overcoming cancer in this room and i know the lady from africa is would you stand yes is magdalena here this morning and eleanor where's magdalena eleanor glorification are you here right here so i wonder the same holy spirit that touched these other people are is in this room today and i wonder if our regeneration nashville people would just go to those that are standing and if you can if you can't reach somebody that's standing or i tell you what anybody with an illness anybody with an illness because here's the thing when we speak of the healing when we speak testimonies of the healing power of jesus christ released a prophetic unction in the atmosphere for healing okay so if you have sickness in your body would you stand and your regeneration nashville it doesn't have to be cancer your regeneration nashville family is going to come to you for prayer to pray for you would you do that regeneration we have powerful people in this room would you quickly just quickly if you're standing for healing this morning or this afternoon would you just raise your hand so that we know who you are we want everyone to be prayed for we believe that the healing rivers are flowing today in this church now father we thank you lord for your word you said i am the lord that healeth thee and lord today we send your word to every person in this room with a sickness or an illness with cancer we bind this demon spirit of cancer and we send you back to hell we send infirmity back to hell we trouble your camp in the name of jesus lord we thank you that with the stripes of jesus christ each person in this room is healed lord we stand on your word we put you in remembrance o god of your word and we thank you for the healing virtue of jesus christ that flows today father we thank you god for the testimonies god that we will receive from the healing power of jesus christ at work in this room today father all those who are online father that are watching from around the world who have coronavirus who have cancer who have diabetes god we take authority over every spirit of infirmity we bind you and we command you to go in jesus name come on church in jesus name come on in jesus name one more time in jesus name thank you jesus give the lord jesus a hand clap of praise hallelujah hallelujah god is so good please keep those letters coming we love hearing from you and we love our regeneration nashville family uh unfortunately pastor kent is not here today but his better half is here [Applause] i'm joking i'm joking uh i know that you miss him but you cannot miss him half as much as i do he is not out of the pulpit very often i think the last time that he was not here uh at regeneration was about a year and a half ago and so he wanted to be here today he sends his love and so you're stuck with me okay so actually i found out about an hour and a half ago maybe two hours ago that i was gonna be speaking today so you're gonna have to pray for me okay you're just gonna have to pray for me but this is a word that has been in my spirit i have meditated on it a lot uh in the last couple of weeks and so i'm just going to share with you what is in my heart just talk to you just a little bit uh i want you to turn with me to john chapter 15. this is a very familiar portion of scripture and probably some of you can even quote it but today we'll be reading from the new king james version and it says i am the vine this is jesus talking he said i am the vine and my father is the husbandman every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away and every branch that beareth fruit he purgeth that it may bring more fruit isn't that exciting news even when you're doing good you're going to get cut on a little bit you're going to get purged happy times i remember uh when nicholas was in kindergarten fourth and sorry k-4 he was in he was in kindergarten and he was four years old and so we went to this apple orchard and they put us on a little hay wagon and they rode us through the orchard and the owner of the orchard was driving the tractor and he was narrating our ride and he said this orchard is the most fruitful orchard in the state of tennessee and he said it is because of the pruning he said we never prune our own trees he said because we love our trees and we would never take enough off of the limbs for our trees to be the most fruitful so we hire a company from north carolina to come in and prune our trees because we trust them to cut away enough of the branches that we can bear more apples and more fruit and this spoke volumes to me because if it were left up to us we would just be fruitful if it were left up to us to do our own pruning and our own cutting away we would settle for good how many of you know good is the enemy of great and god wants us to be more fruitful he wants to have abundance of fruit i remember years ago actually it was about three years ago regeneration nashville we were running about 80 people 85 people pastor kent got up and he began to prophesy and he prophesied and the lord said i'm going to prune this church and i'm sitting on the front row going really i'm herding cats trying to get people to church on sunday morning and god's going to cut folks away god says i'm pruning the church but the lord says that and some of you will leave but he said the fruit that comes in will be so great that we won't even notice the ones that have left because i want regeneration nashville to bear grapefruit so god will purge he will purge us as individuals and then he will also purge corporately but one thing we know that god wants fruit the first commandment that god ever gave man was genesis chapter 1 verse 28 he told adam and eve what be fruitful because god wants fruit he wants children he wants souls so he says every branch that beareth fruit he purges it that it may bring forth more fruit now you are clean through the word that i have spoken you spoken to you abide in me and i in you as the branch cannot bear fruit of itself except it abide in the vine no more can you accept you abide in me again he said i am the vine you are the branches he that abideth in me and i in him the same bringeth forth much fruit for without me you can do nothing if a man abide not in me he has cast forth as a branch and is withered and men gather them and carry and cast them into the fire and they are burned if you abide in me and my words abide in you you shall ask what you will and shall ask what you will and it shall be done unto you herein is my father glorified that you bear much fruit so shall ye be my disciples so i have been i've been meditating on this passage of scripture i've read it a lot over the last couple of weeks and i began to ask god what was he saying in this passage of scripture first of all pruning is painful but pruning is necessary he said if you abide in me and my words abide in you the word abide just plain and simple it means abide that's what it means in the greek abide it means dwell it means continue remain stand tarry endure and it means relationship so for us to be able to be fruitful first of all we must abide and you know what that was a trick during the coronavirus during the shutdown when the churches were closed it was a trick and it was really interesting to see because during during 2020 dividing lines were drawn because there were people who sunk their roots deep deep deep in the spirit of the lord and then there were other people who were caught up in the fear and and frantic with what was going on in the in the world and they got caught up in fear and not in faith my husband and i uh back in the about the year 2000 i went through a horrible depression some of you have heard my testimony and it was a generational curse that was uh had been passed down in our family genealogy for years and i was traveling singing gospel music with the gaithers and flying on a private jet and singing in front of 15 20 000 people a night and i thought i was fruitful i really did i thought man this is what god's called me to a private jet and thousands of people and in the year 2000 i got i contracted this horrible debilitating depression and it was so bad that i uh the doctor wrote me a letter to give to the gaithers they were so gracious to release me i stayed in a dark room day after day week after week i had children still at home and i would get them up for school in the morning with a smile on my face and i'd take them to school and so that they wouldn't know how sick i was then i would come home and i would go back to bed day after day week after week and lie in a dark room and cry there were weeks on end that that i stayed awake all night long i planned my funeral two different times i put a loaded gun to my head i couldn't die but i couldn't live because i was afraid of i was afraid of the hereafter and what would happen to my soul my husband and i found this book called secrets of the vine dresser about that time and it was such revelation isn't it wonderful sometimes how god will just bring you the right book or just the right message and this man he was saying that um he he had a vineyard in italy where they had make all this beautiful uh wine there in italy and he said they had a drought there in uh uh in italy and he said all of the other vine dressers all of the other vineyards were bringing in artificial water sources they were bringing in irrigation for their vines because the vines were drying up and he said i decided that i would not do that he said i decided that i would allow my vines to sink deep down into the earth to find another water source and he said the other uh the other vineyard owners around they talked about me and they they came to me and they said you're cruel what you're doing is cruel you're allowing your your vines to die and your grapes to dry up and here they're carrying water he said the one thing that i knew was this if i ever started artificial irrigation artificial water source to my grapes then i would forever have to continually irrigate water into the vines so i allowed my vines to die on the ground surface but the roots went deep down and found another water source deep in the earth and he said when the drought was over he said my grapes were the sweetest of all the grapes in hundreds and hundreds of miles and i charged more for my wine because it was the sweetest and the richest because of that alternate water source that they found and in my life at that time i had been a christian i loved god i was going to church i was speaking in tongues i was shocked with the rest of them praying every morning reading my bible and so depressed i literally could not put one foot in front of the other now let me ask you this you think god or the devil did that i'm not going to get bogged down in that i know it was the devil i know it was but let me tell you this if you're going through something here's what you need to know all things work together for the good of them that love the lord and are called unto his purpose whatever you're going through at this time let your let your roots go deep deep deep every day i'd be in that dark room and i'd be crying i beat the devil convinced me that my kids and my husband they'd be better off without me and that that life should just go on without me and and and i had no purpose and all of this and i'd just be crying the devil just be selling me a big old bill of goods you know and then come kent christmas he'd lay hands on me and he'd start binding the devil he'd just start speaking peace to me and see i could feel i could feel the virtue of jesus christ flowing through his i literally it was tangible i could feel it coming into me but there was a time and a place that i had to get in my prayer closet and find my answer for myself i had to find another water source let me tell you something else that was a generational thing and it had come down somebody found a note from my mother this week handwritten had been been lost and she'd written a song and she said this was a song that i wrote during my depression so it was a generational thing and i got to the place what is it king david says in psalm 23 he said um thou preparest a table before me in the presence of my enemy thou anointest my head with oil and my cup runneth over okay so if your cup runs over that means your cup has enough for you right i got enough for me but when god causes your cup to run over then it spills over on everybody else you got enough for you and then you got enough for other folks right and so there was a time that i got face to face with that devil and i said the the buck stops here you're not going to torment my children it's not going down in my bloodline my kids are not going to be depressed they're not going to fight suicide you're not going to torment my family anymore it stops right here because my cup runneth over surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and i shall dwell in the house of the lord forever hallelujah hallelujah now i said i wasn't going to preach i said i'm just going to talk to you a little bit so he says in verse 7 he said if you abide in me and my words abide in you see this is how this is how you become fruitful you abide i remember early in my christian walk you know i go to church and feel god oh man i need to pray oh god i need to read the bible oh jesus i promise you i'm gonna do better this week jesus and get to work the next day and carry on with life and forget see that's not abiding and then you and then you get so dry and empty and you pant to church the next sunday you go oh jesus i'm gonna do better this week and god says wait a minute it's time to abide he said if you abide if you dwell if you have relationship in me and my words abide in you i'm going to tell you something to the to the folks that that suffer from depression you can god has given you it's like your brain is is a computer and i tell this to the folks at the bridge but your brain is a computer and sometimes your computer will get a virus okay and you have to buy an antivirus to download or upload you all know more about that into your computer right god has given given you an antivirus for your computer and if you will be if you will meditate on the word of the lord you can literally reprogram your mind psalm 1 says this blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly nor standeth in the way of sinners or sitteth in the seat of the scornful but his delight is in the law of the lord and in his law does he meditate day and night and he shall be like [Music] planted by the rivers of water that bringeth forth his in due season his leaf also shall not wither oh god help us lord to abide in you and allow your word o god to abide in us oh thank you jesus oh how about how about how about isaac some of you single folks you're gonna love this the servant went to get rebecca for isaac and isaac went to the field to meditate on god's word and his bride showed up huh yeah some of you some of you single folks looking for a mate you need to start meditating you need to start meditating on the word of god and allow the lord to bring your bride or your groom to you that was free that ain't gonna cost you nothing right there but he said if my word abide in you and you abide in me he said it's a direct relation to your prayers be an answer now see if you don't abide in him and your word his word don't abide in you god will give you a mercy drop i've prayed those prayers god if you will get me out of this and he did when i wasn't abiding but if you want your prayers answered on a regular daily basis then you must abide in the vine so here on let's move on to uh let's look at uh i find it so interesting he's talking about the vine he's talking about abiding he's talking about pruning and then all of a sudden he moves over to love let's look at uh verse nine he said as the father see all this stuff about fruit and all this and then he switches streams he said as the father has loved me so have i loved you continue ye in my love he said if you keep my commandments you will abide in my love so then there is a direct correlation between abiding and love can i tell you this if things always went your way if you were carried around on a pillow your whole life and you got everything that you wanted you would never have compassion on the hurting people around you see jesus learned obedience by the things that he suffered can i tell you that the things that you're going through is not judgment it's a blessing it's a compliment because god says look at this person they are fruitful i see potential so now i'm going to bring them more fruit i'm going to make them more abundantly fruitful so what so that you can abide in his love and i forgot to look at the time so uh galatians 5 and 22 and 23 he says the fruit of the spirit see we're talking about being fruitful he said the fruit of the spirit is love joy peace gentleness long suffering faith meekness temperance when you go through the pruning you come out loving me tell you i read this this book this guy wrote he said he had an avocado tree and he said all the years that they lived in the house with this avocado tree in the backyard it had one avocado and he said he was trying really hard to wait for the avocado to get right before he picked it and right before he picked it the birds ate it the one avocado so not long [Music] after that he went to this friend's place in california and he had an avocado orchard a grove and these avocado trees were just heavy with fruit and the guy said please tell me your secret and he said well he said uh what we do for our avocado trees to make them fruitful he said sometimes we'll just get a baseball bat and we'll beat the roots of that avocado tree and bruise the roots so that the sap will flow through the tree to recover the wound the bruise and he said sometimes if i don't have enough workers to beat the trees he said we'll just get a big old rusty nail and we'll drive that rusty nail right into the root of that tree he said we'll wound our tree and he said it makes the sap flow and the fruit grow so that guy went home and he loved his tree and he hated to do it but he got him a big old rusty nail and he drove that steak in the base of that tree and he said wouldn't you know that tree started growing fruit everywhere he said we enjoyed avocados he said we had that house for i don't know two three years after that and finally we sold the house he said i've been gone out of the house 20 years he said i drove by the house to see if that tree still had fruit in it and he said the limbs were just hanging over with fruit because of a rusty nail so what does the bible say jesus said he said i am the vine let me tell you something this is a principle that even jesus christ himself was not spared from because they took three rusty nails and they nailed them to the vine why because god didn't want just one son he wanted lots of sons he wanted sons and sons and sons for decades and generations millions and billions of sons so this is a principle that even jesus christ practiced i really believe this is candy 101 but i really believe that the sap that flows through the tree is love bible says that god is love and so he puts us through the pruning so that we can be fruitful and be filled with love and joy peace meekness gentleness not long after i was delivered from depression the lord gave me the bridge ministry out of that horrible let me tell you the candy christmas that went into depression is not the one that came out okay because the one that went in wouldn't had anything to do with the poor people would not had anything to do with the homeless but the ministry that god has given me on the streets was born out of the pain and suffering of that depression let me tell you something i thank god for every tear i thank god for every sleepless night every time i had to seek god's word to get understanding to just get peace of mind to get through the next hour the next minute i thank god for every bit of it because it was worth every mile of the trip so i rented this little warehouse i had um i had a 2 000 square foot warehouse somebody gave me some coats and some clothes and i got hooked up with second harvest food bank and so i you know so back in those days i'm gonna put a disclaimer on this okay don't try this at home okay but so i used to go get homeless guys that would come to the warehouse with just me me and the homeless guys and we would work in the warehouse sorting stuff and so one day this uh brother ron stroup he ran the hope center in um white house tennessee i'm not even sure he's there anymore but he brought me this young man it was cole's winner and he said candy he said i got a guy that uh is struggling with addiction and he said um i've put him in a little camper trailer he's living in a little camper trailer and i'm taking care of him and i'm going to try to disciple him a little bit he said i just got him off the street so he brought him over to the warehouse and the kid worked with me all day well he gets there and the warehouse is not heated and cool it's freezing in there and i noticed that he was trembling his nose was running he didn't have on a coat i said honey where's your coat he said well i don't have a coat so i said well let me get you a coat so i got him a coat and a tissue and boy we worked together and i bought him lunch we spent the day together and we had such a good time and so at the end of the day i paid him a little bit and i hugged him and just told him how much i loved him and we just had a glorious day and brother ron came and picked him up to take him back to the travel trailer and brother ron was riding in the car with him and got him to the travel trailer the boy said brother ron why did that lady tell me that she loved me see i was just fresh out of depression i you know i was just i just loved him i couldn't help it he said well it's because god loves you and he put his love in her in her heart for you he said but why did she give me that coat why did she hug me and he said it's because god is reaching for you let me pray with you let's pray the sinner's prayer so right there that young man in the car received jesus christ as his personal savior well all right so the next morning seven o'clock my cell phone rings brother ron's troop and he said i i answered the phone i said oh brother ron we had the best time yesterday thank you for bringing that young man we just had the best time he said hold on sister he said he hung himself in the night he killed himself last night he said i led him to the lord and he said i left him in that travel trailer and he said i have no idea what he faced in the night what kind of demons but he hung himself and he died see i'm gonna mess with theology okay i'm gonna mess with your theology because the religious candy would have said ain't that terrible he went to hell and i'm not gonna i'm not i'm not gonna die i'm not his judge but i'm gonna tell you this there are men and women in this city this morning that woke up in their urine that woke up in their vomit and god has designated people in this city to be fruitful and around the world to be fruitful that will look past all the addictions that will look past the struggles and say the buck stops here i love you let me show you jesus couple a couple months ago and i'm going to say this as reverently as i can a couple of months ago a precious family emailed us and said our son struggles with meth addiction and he loves kent christmas and he watches kent christmas videos but every now and again he falls he falls and he said he'd just watch his videos and just cry and cry and he said our son loves brother kent but last night our son od'd on the bathroom floor saying i love ken griffiths i love kent christmas god god make us fruitful make us fruitful god lord put us through the paces lord that we can win the lost that we can look past addictions let me tell you god has prostitutes out there that are going to be prophetesses he's got drug addicts out there that's going to be pastors and preachers and evangelists oh god is wanting a people who will be fruitful who won't look at themselves and say it's about my ministry it's about my personal happiness god says no it's about fruit it's about fruit [Applause] i'm just gonna i'm gonna close right here but i just want you to know that if you're going through something if you're if you're going through struggles if you're overcoming cancer if you've got a wayward child whatever it is whatever it is sink your roots down deep it was david that said it was good for me it was good for me that i had trouble he said because i learned your precepts it was good for me god wants to work all of this out for your good because there are gifts and callings of god god is trying to prune away the dead weight the dead limbs to make you more fruitful with every head bowed and every eye closed and no one looking around just for a moment i'm afraid i may have gone long and i apologize about that but i will tell you this i know this there are people under the sound of my voice that need jesus i can feel it i feel a tug in my heart you're not sure of where you stand with jesus christ i'm not going to make you come down front today but i want to pray for you right where you are if you just slip up your hand and say that's me that's me i need jesus yes i see anybody else anybody else i need jesus up in the balconies man i feel it i feel a tug man i'm telling you jesus christ brought you here today yes sir i see anybody else jesus brought you here to yes i see anybody else jesus brought you here because he loves you he loves you he's reaching for you i see anybody else anybody else i want us to stand as a church family today and we're going to pray this prayer everybody from front to back and side to side i want everybody saying or sin are we going to pray this prayer together okay i don't want anybody leaving this room that's not ready to meet jesus okay everybody father i come to you in the name of jesus lord i confess that i'm a sinner but i believe that jesus christ the son of god died on a cross and he rose again that i could have eternal life so lord would you come into my heart i surrender my life to you would you forgive me in my sins wash me in the blood of jesus why don't you give jesus a hand clapper praise come on jasmine hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah amen amen i'm going to have jasmine sing us out my sons and i are going to change clothes for the baptismal service but stay here for a few minutes while i can get changed and jasmine's gonna sing us out hey i love you y'all tell my tell my pastor that i preach better than him okay i love you god bless you lord prepare me to be a sanctuary [Music] try and true [Music] lord prepare [Music] to be a sanctuary pure and holy tried and true [Music] r [Music] lord prepare to be to be a sanctuary [Applause] [Music] we thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'll be [Music] [Applause] [Music] i want to end today with prayer boy i feel that the lord just spoke to us today do you feel it god i thank you i thank you for your word would you take your hand and just put it on your heart father i bless your people today god from the front to the back and side to side those that are watching online and those that will watch later god i bless them and god i come against every spirit of depression and heaviness god that wars against them and wars against their mind and i take authority over it in the name of jesus and i command it to go that every spirit of heaviness that would weigh them down god in every spirit of fear that would war against their mind and torment them o god i take authority over it in jesus name and i say it has to go oh god i plead the blood of jesus over your people god that you administer peace to them today god you said that you give your beloved rest so god i pray that tonight that they would sleep all the way through the night god that their mind would not just run and run and run and torment but god i speak peace to them in the name of jesus god that no weapon formed against them would prosper lord jesus we we take a hold of every stronghold god of depression lord jesus every generational curse god that has come to wage war against their families and god i take authority over it in the name of jesus and i say it has to go in jesus name come on say in jesus name in jesus name in jesus name now god i pray that you would bless them bless them in the city and in the field god bless them when they come and bless them when they go lord that whatever their hand finds to do lord that you're blessed your people give them opportunities this week god surprise him with the good things that you have in store bring us together again in your peace and your love we say it all in jesus name let everybody say amen hug two or three people pastor kim will be here next week we love you so much we're glad you're a part of regeneration join us for the baptismal right through these doors right here on my left and your right god bless you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let's take a look
Channel: Dreaminbig420
Views: 3,995
Rating: 4.8550725 out of 5
Keywords: Kent Christmas, Regeneration Nashville
Id: k6kiEhjtgqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 52sec (6292 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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