Dino Kartsonakis at the Piano 9-19-21

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we're back in fox hollow and hopefully you're hearing one cambridge new york most beautiful spot in the world we love it here we go enjoy coming here it's kind of relaxing for us too such a wonderful thank you so much paul this is dino cheryl my sister christine and her husband paul bartholomew and we're here together as a close family and we're just going to share the love of jesus and just praise the lord we've got some things planned but who knows where this is where it's going to go let the spirit of god just lead us and i'm praying that you're all there watching and just join in as we sing as we pray just let this be a blessing to you on this sunday beautiful sunday morning wherever you are i pray the weather's nice there too first for sure but there's a little course we're gonna try to say i normally do not sing you you do you for some reason here in cambridge new york you're singing i'm singing i don't know why but i'm playing on this little little strip of a keyboard right here i love it but that's okay because we can sing surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days and all the days of my life so let's try it together paul join us [Music] all the days of my life [Music] all the [Music] days and i shall live in the house of the foreign [Music] oh [Music] surely goodness and mercy here we go [Music] goodness shall fall [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] all the days of my life [Music] let us have a little talk with jesus [Music] pj you must come close to your father so thank you he's got a great baseball game [Music] is [Music] [Music] would you like to do your own thing and you had to follow us but you'll need to improvise [Music] i took jesus [Music] me [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] is [Music] every morning he does that it looks right paul that's right you praise god that you're alive [Music] we can pass that joy on to others i don't think this is words but i don't care [Music] oh yes lord knows we need strengths all right here we go i've got strength [Music] is [Music] [Music] i'll do my best but my you will come close to me if i get too low it is an act of worship to resist temptation chapter 12 of romans says i beseech ye therefore brethren by the mercies of god that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice holy acceptable unto god which is your reasonable service a spiritual act of worship is what that is and be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that ye may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of god converting the counterfeit to the genuine salvation that's good this is now and now we have the responsibility to renew our own minds in christ jesus and in the word amen he is so wonderful we got to watch that counterfeit especially the last days yes that's what the word says and there are a lot of words and there are so many that are so similar yes to what the word of god says because they will sound like they may be christians yes but you have to go to a lot of people [Music] how about bubbling oh yeah [Music] folks don't understand it nor can i keep whole folks don't understand it nor can i keep it quiet [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] where's my little granddaughter when i need her [Music] is [Music] yes and we love you and thank you for joining us today and sharing sure i can't emphasize enough to share with here because then you're sharing the joy and the gospel of jesus christ share it with your friends hit that share button and share with your friends [Music] [Music] yes [Music] paul i cannot wait to hear what god has laid on your heart today yes we're excited i know i believe i haven't heard anything about it yet you haven't told us but you've got something that the spirit of god has shown you for such a time as this morning that's right and it's for someone out there and he needs it so much we pray this morning that you will show us show us your perfect will in our lives show us what we need to do to overcome sickness to overcome sadness and fear fear for your fear i rebuke that in the name of jesus any of us right now i pray that the words that paul speaks every word will be so anointed with the power of the holy spirit in their lives and i i pray for healings this morning [Music] share it with us yes please share it because it's great to share so all we've got to be friends paul chris we have prayer warriors watching so we have dear friends that are really struggling right now yes they have a silent needs [Music] is like spreading by the devil more so than ever it seems that way the last days right it's enough okay but we could fight it yes and david that sling the giant because cancer is a giant american cancer just when [Music] and we're going to believe this morning that we're going to hear testimonies of healing salvation bottom line that's the best part right there hallelujah just praise him right now give him praise and honor out loud come on you folks praise him right now just speak it out [Music] reach out and touch each other [Music] praise the the holy spirit prays for through us all day long do you believe that paul yes all day but when we're mindful of that let's praise him with our mouth oh yes praise you jesus all day long negativity no [Music] young man that we're praying for right now in the name of jesus christ let's just focus on that right now right hundreds of people right now you don't need his name all of you know there's someone out there that's got brain cancer we pray for them that that brain operates on father in the name of jesus oh i feel the healing power of jesus christ working for us right now as we praying as we pray those with cancer right now this healing yes think it out i'm healed by the power of god i'm healed by the power no one touched it it rolled away because of the supernatural power of god oh as we think about that how real that is why can't he move cancer from our bodies and the cancer of unbelief lord destroying the church destroying those who say they claim to be yours lord jesus allow that faith to be extended outward to be of such a nation that people when they come by us when they hear when we share not with our foolish minds and words but lord the spirit that dwells in that you've given us by becoming your son father your son and we pray that as a result of it people will be touched it was known that even when jesus walked by others never even touch him no they were healed [Music] i'm going to tell you something we share practically everything on our face we're family right they shared with us details about what's happening their families bars sickness and hurt well let me tell you something i we're staying on the second floor yes here beautiful second floor we can see the trees from our windows little macy's up there right little mazes up there so last two nights ago uh well i should have turned the light on yes i came down to bring chris something and i was kind of depressed really i took my time walking that's not very conscious of those deep uh stairs and for some reason i didn't see that last step i didn't see the last step and it happened so quick chris you saw that right oh yes i thought you hit your head oh that old devil tripped me i'm telling you that's what he did [Music] that's right us constantly even prior to coming out here little things little things little things and he he was trying to trip you up he was oh he said well he did yes he did and you couldn't even find your bible this one it's huge but that's okay that's cool i'm glad you didn't hear it because you would have you would have been upset oh i was yes i was like you would have tripped down the stairs too oh my goodness but anyway i fell right there and pj stephen yeah paul and chris but pj's the one i said okay guys calm down yeah yeah this is his family still hybrid right yeah calm down we've got so many food like uh and so much baklava where he's still hyper and pj said guys calm down i'll tell you he was led on the lord yes because i was like this on the floor and in pain we were we were concerned that a rib may have broken we thought that was it and it could have okay and a big head and i fell i was on like this on the floor in pain pj said okay just calm down you can see you know just me you know just stay there just stay don't move which is very smart you fall don't move we got the ice i got got the ice and the next morning we came down we went for a walk right we began to take dominion over that problem [Music] yes we're believing for you right now just as i slipped down those stairs you may have fallen recently oh that happens a lot you may have heard from the doctor that you've got whatever but those are only words that's just the word but god's word says what paul thy word have i heard oh [Music] yes the spirit of healing is already present yes our bodies were so created as to us to be healed and we forget that we ask the lord to restore that healing process and so often we forget it we get all excited and bent out of shape yeah but you know be still and know brother and she has five kids and she's the motherhood that's true thomas jewels thomas jewels is asking for prayer for the whole church which is a mess people are quitting they have another meeting coming up and they're not looking forward to it yeah and they want to learn i'll be mentioning that we pray for the church right now yes yes bring it back to the healing process yeah i love what you said paul we should live in that process yes 24 hours a day the healing process takes place now we believe in miracles now we've seen miracles instant miracles but healing is a process and that's that's probably the most yeah popular of miracles you know do you know the song i believe in miracles that's a great one yeah that was nice [Music] to to grow with your healing what you said is something that people really don't think of yes really don't remember and and doing the right thing to become healed to live righteously and that you may be teaching on this i don't know to live righteously but also to to check your diet yes i have to do that and to work toward that feeling [Music] i'm glad jesus [Music] but jesus set me free satan had me down but jesus set me free [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes we pray for the church yes we pray for the church not just a building yes the spirit of god moving it's you know the mediocre every day but they leave the power of god led by the holy spirit by the holy spirit that's the work of the holy spirit see the cracks that's that's the cracks and people some some people don't allow to to to to recognize those cracks you know we're so so regulated our church program is organized when a little crack opens where the spirit of god wants to work we need to recognize that we need to be a little disorganized [Music] in us if we just open our hearts that's right he'll move right in and he will bless can i play something right now yes yes [Music] do you know what it is no yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] that was a modulation chris let's move my theme song for years so [Music] god [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] praise the lord [Music] oh [Music] again please [Music] oh [Music] oh listen before the rapture takes place which i believe cheryl yes cheryl yes i am here i'm chris and chris just i don't call paulshire i'd be very bad but i really believe you know the the word rapture is not in the bible in the greek which means it's a snatch and gravel okay when i say i'm gonna advise you i'm gonna just like that it's gonna happen so there you go that's the greek word is there well we're asking the lord and just bless them as he gets his bible right now i'm telling you you listen to every word that paul says he's been he's been uh seminary rised he's been the bible school right he's been to he's done it all he's taught it he's preached it and now i believe you know chris i really and cheryl and dj thank you all that are in the right i really believe that god is going to mightily use paul in the last days it could happen right from here this it's god god property i'm telling you yeah it's amazing you heard yesterday when we're doing our uh our cooking show if you haven't seen it you have to watch the kick really it's called that i watched it last night again did you really that was great someone said that we should get on the uh some network what is this network or something god paul we shared about paul walking this property right here yeah and he felt the spirit of god as when adam walked that was really powerful it really was yeah and god and this isn't no i'm not finished but god i prophetically i really feel in my spirit and god is going to use paul it's such a mighty way because he's got that depth in the word of god listen closely get your pen and paper out and start taking some notes and you will be blessed okay so ladies and gentlemen [Music] present to you the man of the hour the theologian whatever you want to call him but he he teaches purely the word of god okay jesus paul but that's okay you know anything that i have to say this morning is blowing smoke unless the spirit of god reveals it to you my words even even at times i say this carefully those of us that i'm speaking particularly believers or they say they're believers and within the church they'll use the words the words themselves in a sense are not important unless unless they are filled with the spirit and the presence of god we've been to church already this morning we've been to church we've held them we felt the presence of the lord the holy spirit and we must in these days be unctionized by the holy spirit because personally in ourselves we're incapable of it incapable of it without the power the filling of and the being drenched and clothed with the holy spirit i uh as i i thought about this i we could take all morning just reading the scripture but i i have to read part of this before i come to the the four or five minutes that i really want to share but i'm not great on names or terms or whatever but uh if you want to remember the little the little message the little thought this morning you can call it faith or fumes and i'm reading from romans chapter 8 there is therefore now now no condemnation for those who are in christ jesus paul's speaking to the church the unbeliever yes but to the church for the law of the spirit of life in christ jesus has set you free from the law of sin and death and that law abides within us consistently until we come to jesus and then we have to express it for what the law could not do quick as it was through the flesh god did sending his own son in the likeness of his sinful flesh and as a an offering for sin he condemned sin in the flesh and just a couple of other things before we come to you might call it the major or primary point or issue for those who are according to the flesh set their minds on things of the flesh and those who are according to the spirit the things of the spirit and yet we find at times we feel we have to acquiesce move into the area of appeasement to be able to attract the people the spirit of god through your witness of a mind of heart of word of action indeed be filled with that spirit paul questioned seriously those within the church that claim it say it but do not follow it he puts out that anonymous note or question then are they really christian are they really christ followers [Music] but the spirit of him who raised jesus from the dead dwells in you he who raised christ jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies though he his spirit who dwells in you uh without going on for all day just one more thought from this part of scripture the spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of god if you don't have they say boy i don't know i don't feel forget your feelings that's right yes forget your feelings trust in faith to believe that he has made you his child by receiving his son and by receiving his son by the spirit he is also part of the family we have become part of his family [Music] and please in in your moment of quiet time if you will read that entire eighth chapter of the book of romans if you'll do it with your mind and heart open it will set you on fire paul knows what he's talking i don't mean this paul i mean that paul that on the road to damascus met the christ eternal himself that changed his life from a murderer of christians yes to one who went out and put his own life in danger as a result of being a witness and turning against those things which he passed believed not what you believe or think i had to go to the cardiologist here just a while ago i had had some open heart surgery and he started asking me some questions well i said i believe or i think he said paul i don't want to hear what you believe or think this is what is there you go and you know scripture tells you paul the apostle tells you this is what is please please with all i can ask read that entire that entire eighth chapter but then i i have to come to this [Music] for whom he foreknew that's jesus god he also predestined to become conformed to the image of his son what he might be the first born among many brethren and whom he predestined these he also called he's called you it is the case that you're going to get up and preach you're not going to write another bible you're not going to become the greatest perfect most wonderful person in the world because we're human we deal with that constantly but when we have come to him we have someone be sitting before the father god whose name is jesus christ who acts as our eternal attorney an attorney that never loses and when we screw up and if you say you don't screw up then you better find another place to go because it doesn't go to be heaven if you screw up you don't know it you have a problem but when we're with jesus and we are his uh we are part of his family then jesus to his father has already said father god you know this is your son your daughter your child he didn't he didn't mean it it wasn't intended however that occurs when you in your own heart when you've done it immediately before you could get it out of your mouth your heart the spirit within you has said i'm sorry forgive me lord as the lord has already presented you before his father [Music] what then shall we say to these things let this follow you through the next rest of your life if god is for us who can be against us if god before us i like a little play on the words of the king james here normally we think of god being for us in other words he is uh he is with us he's attending to us uh he's paying attention to us uh he uh he he wants to maintain the relationship with us but with the king james particularly he's as if if he before us f-o-r-e that means in front of us but not just in front of us but around us he is as we go through life he becomes our shield he becomes our protector he becomes our guardian and dear lord above pay attention to that if god be forced who can be against us my point is hell is broken loose [Music] excuse me but i feel that so strongly look through our country look at our families look what look what's happened to us in every area of life that we know financial sickness family development marriage the way we the way we treat our bodies and the way we treat other people if god before us there ain't no nothing anywhere they can come against us it doesn't mean you won't have trouble what it means is there is no one who can who can come against you and be able to survive to be able to to be able to put you down but we have to understand that it is faith that goes with christ before us he is before us he is for us he is our protector our savior the leader of all deeds it's it's important to understand i uh there were multiple things that came to my mind i i'll share just a couple of them um that dichotomy of god being our guardian and also our savior at the same time as he walks with us but in today's chaos and hardships it's hard we are capable of handling it and we're finding that among christians it is becoming so difficult the way the enemy attacks our family through sickness and finance and through uh the differences that are created among us are our neighbors our family friends but if god before us who can be against us david had to make a decision do i do this or don't i his his brothers whom we thought so much of they were kind of struggling back like the rest of the cowards the big one being saw and saul had some kind of proclamation in having had belief in god but he withered in the sight of the giant david he said god you gave me a lion you gave me a bear and you're going to give me this uncircumcised giant that is threatening our armies he said goliath when goliath looked at you you're sending a dog out a little boy with a staff he's going to take me he said you come to me with sword and spirit but i come to you in the spirit of god [Music] we must claim that spirit everything we've talked about in the spring yes it is the spirit of god that does it among christians today and without throughout the old testament anew if you will find those heroes the great the great ones that served god and done great things they've said it is by the spirit of god they can say i in the flesh i am so great i am so wonderful i am so educated i know everything there is to know boulder dash not so it is not until you become filled and connected with that spirit that god has prolifically given jesus had to go to his father he said but i leave another comforter i even even i leave another provider but before he left he said go terry in jerusalem go in there and you will be filled with the holy spirit that comforter will come he will provide he will clothe he will cover you as you go out among those who try to destroy you and since that time the world has been attempting to destroy us thereby destroying christ because we didn't follow through and accept the spirit oh forgive me but i yeah do i have something i i i i i'm not i'm not going off that same tenor but i i think i used to write quite a bit on internet under the name of gideon you're going out and meet these these hundred thousand uh midianites and why we've got uh we've got about what about 32 000 god said ask them how many fear 22 000 will reduce it reduce gideon's army to 10 000. oh so he says well god said take them down to the brook and see how they drink see those who laugh like a dog with their head down into the water and look at those who with cupped hand pull the water up and they're watching and being aware and listening and paying attention while they're still drinking the water and we even need to learn how to drink water i guess there were 300 and i'm sorry i have to laugh at this he told him to go take your weapons gave him a horn a jar and a torch and you're going to you're going to take this against the great midianites you you're pippi he did and they defeated them as they went in a surprise attack in the middle of the night breaking the jars revealing the torches and blowing their horns and it blew the lid off the midian knights and they began destroying each other don't get me too excited because i haven't even come off the edge yet but there is a place there is a a spirit that you can maintain and oh i i went through when i checked every one of the apostles on how they died without getting into into all of it they all died as martyrs they were stabbed they were speared through some of them while they were witnessing while they were preaching another one when when he was casting demons out they destroyed him they they slew him with a sword and we're afraid oh you belong to that group you bet your sweet light we do we can't be backing off from what god has given us don't you think paul but there we get to the end of our lives and the world you know that's we have to understand just like you're saying yes not hold back not a shame yes give it everything like you on the piano do you know yeah uh you don't get in there and diddle away on a few case now sometimes you're having a little fun but when you get and you're moved by the spirit of god there isn't a note on that piano you don't touch that's right it it's that same thing and i i just want to leave with one little so many people sing this song nobody loves me everybody hates me i'm going out neat worms big fat juicy ones little tiny slimy ones oh how they do squirm that's the life of the unbeliever and that's the life of those in the church that don't know any better and they don't know how to obtain or know or understand the spirit of christ but there was another little ditty another little song that goes i'm so happy i'm so happy i'm so happy happy happy happy [Music] one last word if we can handle it go ahead there was an old an old black preacher uh that came to our church wherever you picked it up or whether it was original i don't know i was like a little kid and then my father used it many times afterwards when you're in church i don't care the beautifications that are around it and i i i love great art texture etc but if it has a plain dirt floor and a bamboo ceiling god doesn't care about that that's right but this this preacher sang this little song god is god he always will be god he's got up at the pulpit he's gone back at the door he's gone up in the prayer corner brother he's gone all over the floor god is god now he don't never change god is god and he always will be god dino amen praise god in other words what's happening what's happening within the churches today when they give all these words and niceties and they talk about their cemeteries they came from and whatnot i've been in all of them i've been in the highest uh forms of education and all you're doing is blowing fumes yes humes don't do it it's all flesh yes yes right yes sir that's mine what's that god is a good god god is a good god but i'm sorry did i did i go all the time [Music] i like that oh thank you father for that word that we are not in this world just to show off the all the stuff we have but to show off what god is and what he means to us in our lives continue to be with us in your power and your faith that we have the power of the holy spirit and you know what the gospel is so simple it's profound what's helping when it comes to salvation yes it will come as a like a child so little child lean not to our own understanding but in all thy ways acknowledge him and he will direct your past and if you're out there right now and you need god in your life and you're saying paul well how do i get that how do i how do i achieve that you know i've been church i'm just watching that a curious about a hotel room wherever you are and and uh you're saying okay so what do i do i want to have that power i want to have that same power that david had when he swung that sling you talk about that yeah we sang about that right that same power and by the way dude just to fit it in real quickly yeah yeah i don't i don't i don't say these things because i'm perfect i'm a long way matter of fact maybe i'm a chief of sinners as as paul was you don't do and say what you do because you're perfect but we know we know what forgiveness and salvation is and how it comes that's right and because some people think oh i got to be perfect no we have the advocate period don't blow fumes what you need is the expression of the spirit of god faith exuding faith for only he is perfect chris i'm gonna ask you to do something right now because we're raising glad tidings tabernacle in new york city i'll tell you since i remember i feel like sometimes like i say in concert i feel like i was born in the pew of our church right morning new but one of the main themes has always been salvation yeah it's always been again the bottom line so you've seen people say coming forward and seeing them accept christ the personal savior and as the bell is ringing in the background saying that it's an hour and we wow we start limit but that's okay everybody keep going it's on facebook you can go as long as you want oh is that right i want to make like i want to make kind of a declaration is that the word uh that i think that paul bartholomew needs to continue to be on facebook and share even it's 10 minutes what do you think tell us if you think that's a good idea yes i'm trying to encourage them to do that when we're gone from cambridge still you can do it kristin's still cooking we can still keep things going because i think i think our best years are the years that we are right now in the 70s and 80s and 90s and 100s and this will keep you living forever because when you're doing god's will he'll sustain you yes he really will and what is his will chris what girl to so chris i want you to pray a prayer okay and pray a prayer of salvation for those that want to accept christ or rededicate their lives to christ that's right okay i had a great way to end this sunday night it really is okay hallelujah jesus we praise you we come to our heavenly father we come to our god who gave his son jesus to come into this world as a little babe knowing that someday he was going to be nailed to the cross and that cross was full of the sins of this world he wore all those sins on his shoulder the sins of you and you and you and all we have to do is just come to jesus say father forgive me of all my siblings he'll come into your heart right now it doesn't matter what you said you're murdered you're killed you whatever whatever sin is is haunting you for the rest of your life say lord jesus i give it to you come to him right now he'll take those sins away start my life anew lord let me start from right here where i am now and he will fill you with his power he'll forgive you of every sin in your life just believe that that's all we have to do we don't have to make all kinds of sacrifices or anything like that all we have to say is and you jesus he'll cleanse you he'll make you clean and then whatever comes into your life you know you could walk out into the street today and you could drop dead but jesus right lord we know that you're going to go to bed how to be to heaven with our lord jesus so today lord we give everyone to you thank you thank you for your saving power in jesus name we accept it now amen you know the physical healing is wonderful we've experienced it i did this the other night as you heard a while ago i fell down this is kind of fall down the whole flight this year but the last three or the last one you kind of miss and i'll tell you what i could have been so injured and i would not be sitting here right now but god healed me that's all i can say he healed me and uh and the same thing could happen to you but the greatest of miracles is a miracle of salvation because that's for eternity that's eternity forever forever and ever that's where that's where eternity amen oh what a great morning this has been thank you chris paul thank you you talking with us and it's so nice to be here and cheryl i'm glad you're here too yeah well i appreciate that you better be here ain't going nowhere without you but wonderful time well we i i'll make this little announcement that uh i got a call yesterday from uh three abn network three abn network and uh they've asked zero night to be on friday this friday it's gonna be live it's part of their uh camp meeting their camp meeting danny and we had other arrangements you know and they apologized in the last minute but you know things changed everything's changing today and you gotta and i told cheryl you know we got to act now you know i know we were going to spend more time with our kids and so we'll do that christmas time and so on but we feel that we because time is short yeah and they're giving us 25 minutes that's a lot of that's a lot of time on national international network and i'll be playing the song sure will be there with me and danny shelton who is the uh really the head guy that owns the network great great people and yvonne will be singing together you know yvonne his wife sang with whitney houston before she was saved maybe she was saved at the time so she was very close to that whole family she still isn't she has a beautiful voice in the shade and we're going to sing and share some see 3 abn as in nairobi three angel networks three angel network will be on this friday check the listing and it'll be live everywhere but in the meantime please share what we have we have presented you this morning share this church service so many people that can't go literally to church and this is why we come to you because we want to bless you and of course you know our to be you know to be honest with you we haven't had that many bookings really because of the virus churches are now picking up but still like we said on facebook things are scrambling and people are trying pastors trying to figure it out and how they're going to build their congregation again because they lost a lot of congregation how to bring them back but when that happens uh we plan to go out there maybe not as full time as we did but stay with you on facebook but we do thank you for supporting our ministry yes so many of you say dino i know you're not on the road i know you're not traveling like you used to because we sell product on the road and god only bless us financially but now we're doing this and to bring this wealth of word to you as paul did ministry the music and the singing we love doing that but we ask if god speaks to you there's no pressure whatsoever whatever god lays on your heart and you know one way that people give to our ministry they give through our bakery goods 24 carat cake company and it blesses you and it expands you [Music] but anyway you can you can support us through that like the last thing like there's the baklava so anyway uh blessings if you can with piano books and there's a lot of product that we have that you can bless us donations to our ministry we love you so much and we want to say thank you for watching share share share share hit the share button please share this with your friends and your enemies better you know what i'm saying which we end with a song kind of oh let's see victory [Music] paul said if you were to leave with one sentence to the folks that summarize that whole thing you said what would you leave it with oh let the people trust your word because that word is unctionized by the holy spirit that we have seen received through our commitment to the lord jesus christ amen oh that sounds good that's a good ending okay folks have a wonderful day today enjoy your afternoon get with friends and relatives and just share my cooking share share share share them especially the word of god yes share this right here that you heard okay and until then don't forget what god willing if the lord doesn't return what what what well you're vice versa we're coming back here to cambridge new york next year in october we're calling it the oktoberfest revival that is probably out here it's absolutely beautiful we'll get a piano up there a little tent you'll see the trees i mean this is like technicolor it's it'll be like a painting here in the middle of fantasyland they're so beautiful and it'll be on top i'll give you exact dates prepared now you've got a year almost a year and a half start packing it's not figuring out the way it's just like mom should pack like yeah she dressed all day for the night concert yeah and uh plan from now using plenty of time figure out who's gonna bring what friends you're gonna bring how you're gonna get here if you have a camper that's even the best i'm telling you you can stay in your camper and but uh we'll have more information bring your own water more to talk about we'll have more to talk about but i want you to plan now because a lot of you always plan ahead i know some friends out there that'll do that god bless you we love you and god be with you until we see you again and you never know we're going to pop up for something else amen bye
Channel: Dino at the Piano
Views: 1,249
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Dino, Dino Kartsonakis, piano, piano hymn, piano hymns, piano hymnal, piano music, gospel piano, Christian piano, Sacred piano, church piano, church hymns
Id: CQNtF-Zn2to
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 15sec (3915 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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