Kenshi - The Border Zone Base Location & Guide

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hey everyone i'm almar of and in this video here i'm going to be talking about a good location to build a base in the border zone so right now i am in the eastern portion of the border zone if you scroll out all the way i'm kind of like dead set in the middle of the map just a little bit to the left off center and as you can see i'm east across the river from the hub and also east across the river river from squin and i'm kind of at the border of uh the swamp shem and skinner's rome right here which is a pretty good area because uh swamp is like uh mid 30s skinner's rome is probably like 40s to 50s and when i'm giving these numbers i'm specifically talking about the toughness on your characters you want at least like mid-30s in toughness to go into swamp and to do well in there and shem you're going to want probably mid-40s to mid 50s because there's lots and lots of beak things in that zone and also i think band of bones is the humanoids that run around a roam around there and the band of bones humanoids also have skills in the 40s so you need to be able to handle both beak things and the band of bones skinner's rome is like a a mid-teen zone so that's uh it's kind of good to go there but the holy nation patrol around there so be warned if you uh if you have shack or skeletons or skeletal limbs or hivers in your party or really anything besides a white guy uh actually any humanoid they uh scorch landers they accept with open arms too so that's that's incorrect they're not uh they're not that racist apparently they only dislike any non-humanoids basically and they uh they're not too fond of humanoid females either but they but they will still accept you with um open arms if you're a humanoid female in there so um looking at my base right now i'm going to explain a little bit about my base why i chose this layout what each building does and stuff like that but before we do that these uh this is the reason i chose this location it's got two iron mines in uh in the area of the base and uh they're all they're both pretty close to each other as you can see and it's a good little section for iron mining and there's also a copper mine up here right here that is uh more or less the main reason that i chose this location because it's very it's got all the iron we need it's also got all of the copper we need and sorry i'm kind of shouting right now because kenshi has that really really loud uh base background song that just basically shakes the entire house with a if you have a subwoofer for your computer which i do uh this building here this has a electrical bent or sorry it has a uh an armor crafting bench weather armor crafting a leather tanning bench and it has a weapon smithing bench however i don't have enough fabric so i don't um this the building is kind of unused to uh to a little bit of a degree although i also have this a regular weaponsmith instead of a weaponsmith um number two and i built this one for a reason uh the weaponsmith number two i mean the reason i built this one is because i can actually assign um ruka to it let's see let's remove these i can assign ruka to this and she can make she can level up her weaponsmithing even though this is a rank one weaponsmithing bench so and i'm going to give her a light too because if you uh work in the dark without a light it reduces your skill it gives you a skill penalty uh but i can make ruka work on a weapon bench numero uno instead of a weapon bench numero 2. it won't use fabrics it'll only use iron plates and she will still get the same amount of exp towards um the next skill level so i can essentially assign her to this weapon bench and have her work on it for until her weapon smithing is like in the 90s basically it doesn't it doesn't really matter uh let me see i want to i want it to go up at lea there we go like one percent so i can show you that it's going up and uh she won't make any good weapons this way however she will raise her skill for relatively no money at all and uh and that's good in my opinion that's that's win-win as far as i'm concerned uh so that is that one building this next building over here is my uh robotics and electrical uh building it's also where i keep my food and it's also where i keep my general storage chest i usually keep some limbs on hand and uh i also have some electrical components here which i occasionally take out of the boxes here like i'm gonna do it right now i'll actually move the infinite wing wing outside of the building i'm going to offload the electrical components out of their containers now for uh selling purposes later so one good thing about electrical those electrical things is they sell for quite a bit of money and uh and they're pretty easy to make they just require copper really and time you have to uh sit here and convert the copper to the electrical components this is also a research bench but not very important once you maximize most of your researches a lot of basically everything left that i have to research i have to do with uh ancient science books and engineering research so so one thing uh about this well let me finish explaining the base first the next thing that i have going on here is uh this farming section so i have a bunch of cactuses and some wheat straw growing and what i am doing with this is the cactuses and the wheat straw are being used to make dust witch uh in order to make dust switch you need bread which you need a wheat straw in order to make it so up here i have uh i have some flower storage as you can see i also have some wheat straw storage which uh is where all my extra wheat straw goes and then i also have some bread storage i can eat the bread too but i prefer turning it into the dust switches it's also a good way to raise my cooking like you can see alma right here has 31 cooking and i want to actually keep increasing his cooking hamu has 71 cooking because he's currently working on alcohol which actually does increase cooking and uh i'm making alcohol um specifically i'm making cactus rum because i want to uh my game plan is i'm going to load up on a whole bunch of cactus rum and then i'm going to visit the swamp and i'm going to sell all the cactus rum and buy all the hash and sake and gohan that i can and then i'm going to go from the swamp to flats lagoon all the way down here and mourn and i'm going to sell all of the hash that i get i also might stop at cartoon depending on how i feel the only thing about stopping at katun though is uh there's lots and lots of beak things around there and they're quite challenging also once you're done with katun you gotta run through high bone fields unless you run around high bone fields and uh running through high bone fields is uh not something i like to do cartoon is a very dangerous city to get to in my opinion so i usually skip it as far as the run goes flats lagoon has let me let me count one two three four five six vendors that you can sell to and moren only has two so uh flats lagoon i usually go to that location then i kind of just chill out there for a few in-game days as i sell everything and then i also buy skeletal repair kits too because uh skeletal repair kits sell at 99 price markup in flats lagoon and they sell for way more in pretty much every other location in the world they sell for like uh about 800 to 900 cats more so it's just a it's a it's a nice way to also uh get rid of your hash since these are the two places where your hash sells very well and then you can dip out of here and go back to wherever you want but the reason i'm doing cactus rum is because cactus rum actually sells for 25 percent more in the swamp at and you can sell it to uh shark here you can sell it to this mud town you can sell it to this rot and you can sell it to this swamp village and then this stone wrap village so there's quite a few villages in the swamp that you can visit and sell uh and sell your alcohol to and also buy hash at you can also sell skeleton repair kits at each of those locations too if you would like uh you see this location on my map here the two iron one copper this is probably going to be my location of my future swamp base uh because i want to actually start making hash myself and i want to start making sake and rice weed and fabric and all of that stuff myself because this base right here i uh i could make hemp here but the it's only 10 green so i'm not gonna get very good production as far as hemp goes so i uh i'm not i'm not gonna dive into hemp at this location although i could i have a few characters that are still standing around aimless from time to time like al mar right now and uh i could definitely add another farm and add hemp to that farm or do do hem for the farm i mean bard what you got this building here is the last building that i haven't shown you and this is essentially just uh uh practicing characters here are raising their assassination their lock picking and their thievery skills the reason i'm raising lock picking is because uh it's very useful when you have characters out and about multiple characters that can lockpick because you never know who's going to be unconscious when you get to a um area a new area that you're oh cool bandits are moving towards my base too so i get to show you that uh i get to show you the base event let me uh lock my door but uh yeah you don't you never know who's gonna be conscious when you get to uh whenever when you're exploring so i usually like to have at least five or six characters with high lock picking also if you've ever done any uh raiding like hostile uh bases or anything like that or even if you like looting humanoid enemies after you wipe them all out when they attack you you'll constantly get the you have been caught stealing um pop-up which will interrupt you when you're looting and it will close the window and be tedious and annoying so i like raising my thievery skills as well because if you have a decently high thievery skill you'll cut down on that annoyance of you've been caught looting or you've been caught stealing so that's that's why i'm doing thievery locksmithing assassination i'm doing for guide writing purposes because there's a few things i want to cover with assassination um it depends on how you like playing in the game if you like uh if you like playing very small units more like you have five characters that go out exploring assassination is a lot more useful to you because you can basically one shot uh honestly any enemy in the game as far as i'm aware i've seen people one-shot bosses with assassination in the 90s before so i mean it's it's more it's more going to come down to your personal play style i personally do a uh a very crappy sort of play style i kind of just like send characters in and then hit turbo speed and let what happens happens because i'm not uh i don't like micromanaging characters individually and here's uh here's an issue you'll experience a lot when you do bases in this game see how aomar's kind of just like stuck he keeps trying to well the reason he's doing this is because he's actually trying to uh haul items to a bread basket while also uh taking items out of a bread basket [Music] so i'm not gonna i'm gonna unassign that one task [Music] [Laughter] was that the bannon demands no it isn't how'd they get inside okay now they're whacking the door [Music] i wonder if this raises engineering yeah it does that's funny so i can actually like keep what uh repairing in the door and he'll never be able to get inside so what i am going to do is i'm going to swit give this guy uh to the turret and he's going to start shooting at this hungry bandit in a second he keeps miss there we go he finally took him out his uh turrets is very very low so that's why his accuracy is el crapo so over here i have a bunch of wheat straw and uh cactuses growing because like i said these are like the only things you can actually grow at this location let me actually offload and as you can see i got a lot of wells around my entire property and there's a reason for this too in my experience characters don't hit up the wells as much as they should uh if you assign somebody to do some hauling with a well they usually only take like five water at a time or they it's just it's always a mess when it comes to uh hauling out of wells in my experience so what i do to counter that is i build a bunch of wells instead and then i just drag the water out onto the ground when they're fill up fold up and i don't even bother with somebody hauling that you'll also notice that a few of my characters move slow around the base and this is purposeful purposeful too like you'll notice griffin he has a bunch of raw iron in his inventory like this weighing him down that is uh done on purpose if i didn't put the iron there i like it there and this is because it'll raise his strength skill when he's running around back and forth doing different tasks i also assign characters to multiple tasks for this reason too like you'll notice uh kang kang i have signed assigned to iron resource and steel refinery i also have him assigned to hall water which he basically never does because of the reasons i just talked about but occasionally he will run across the base to the water area and then run all the way back with usually a full inventory getting him some ex-bay like crumble john is doing right now but crumble john doesn't have a full inventory but this is a good way to raise strength on characters when you own a base and also i guess technically it raises the athletics too because they are running back and forth uh now as far as my actual base layout and design where the bandits are apparently the bayonets got stuck on the border line can i see them they're over there they're over there somewhere but apparently they're stuck and not not finishing coming here sometimes that happens in this game too i think it ha i think when they get killed on the way here that that's when it happens but you'll notice my uh my wall oh here they are they're all uh hungry bandits they're not even the actual dust bandits so i'm not even remotely concerned but you'll notice uh these walls are positioned in such a way to where enemies have to run through this kill box area in order to get to my front door like you see them doing now and i put turrets alongside these walls that way my characters can basically uh shoot at the enemies as they're running towards my front door like i said this is designed to be like a kill box area and that's effectively exactly what it does it funnels them into a specific area and then they all get annihilated uh you also notice or rather another tip i can give you is when you have characters assigned to the dispose of bodies like this like dr chung i assigned to get dispose of bodies and you'll notice he has some uh crap in his inventory too which uh i want him to have more crap in his inventory if he's going to do this and this is fine i guess what uh what i'm trying to do though is i want dr chung to pick up bodies and carry them to the corpse furnace chuck them in the corpse furnace with an um already encumbered inventory i think he's mining right now instead yeah with an already encumbered inventory what this does effectively is uh when you carry a corpse you'll get 25 strength xp usually uh when you're lugging it around and because he already has a full inventory he's going to get nearly 50 bonus strength xp when he's doing this stuff and it's just one of those little nice methods of like afk uh skill training he basically he has a full inventory and he's picking up bodies and he's constantly moving around on his own because he's looking for bodies all the time so therefore you know he's basically raising skills without me having to interfere i just assign him one task and he's good to go basically arwick what are you doing standing there aha artwork got stuck in the wall occasionally this happens too there we go he got unstuck uh and this trick can be used on basically every character in your team if you want like you'll notice green hamu silver shade east ham and uh not beep right now beeps just chilling in one spot why are you just chilling in one spot beat you'll notice though these characters keep running back and forth because essentially what they're doing is when enough carrots are uh gathered or sorry carrots cactuses they run them to the supply drop drop them in there and then run back to the farm grab more and they don't grab a lot at one time like you would assume that uh well actually right now what you're watching them is you're watching them be extremely inefficient and they're only grabbing a single carrot at a time or cactus why do i keep calling them carrots let me see if any of these uh green you should be assigned to hauling to storage cactus yeah so let's stop that and stop that so these are the silly things that your characters will sometimes do sometimes it's because of what you personally set like sometimes you'll set like i did with alma earlier where i want him to make food but also haul to the bread oven so he'll constantly get stuck in a loop of hauling the bread that he has in his inventory to the bread uh to the uh storage and trying to pull bread out to actually cook with it so it'll create an indefinite loop where he basically just gets stuck there's other things in the game that have no explanation whatsoever uh like you've seen before with my characters running one at a time cactus back like east ham is probably doing right now like eastham yeah he's taking very he didn't he didn't take the whole stack of cactuses he only took back like a couple and then he just keeps running back and forth with a couple cactuses over and over and over and over would i instead of uh being really annoyed by the inefficiency of the characters what i would actually recommend you do is take advantage of it load up their inventory with something that they won't take out of their inventory and let them run back and forth over and over and over and over again and this will basically just the strength xp will stack up on those characters big time and that is how you raise your strength you can also uh if their inventories aren't full at all you cannot of course uh benefit from the athletics xp of them running back and forth over and over and over and over again but i personally prefer the the strength xp at least for you know a while until they get strengths above like 50 to 60. that's usually what i my preferred range for most of my characters so let's see beep he doesn't have a backpack if you're going to load up characters uh too with items in order to weigh them down as they uh level up their strength xp i do recommend you use a backpack because uh whatever that character is doing otherwise they might not be able to uh fill i don't put items into their inventory and it will just break them they'll stick there and be stuck with aimless and uh not move kind of like bart is doing right now i don't think it's because he has stuff in his inventory though no he's just aimless because somebody else is using the robotics bench and somebody else is using the uh thief boxes so he can't do either of the tasks he's been assigned but that's okay and this is really all there is to it uh building a base is pretty easy and straightforward uh well once you get to know how it all works it's pretty easy and straightforward um [Music] like i said before at the start of this video for your first base i'd honestly recommend you focus primarily on money making and uh raising your skills i don't think it's uh i don't think you should consider like i don't think your first base that you make in this game should be your last base i think you should probably make a first base with the intention of experimenting learning and uh learning how the game works and then your second base or third base be your main base [Music] in my personal opinion the border zone also isn't a great spot for your main base i would recommend some place with better farming because uh you do need good fabric production for a lot of high-end trade skills and anyway that's really all there is to it if you guys want more detailed information about this and you want a a complete write-up on my base and everything like that check out my website there is a lot more information there and if i forgot anything in this video forgot to mention something or anything like that please let me know in the comment section below it's always nice being corrected that way everybody gets the correct information and uh aside from that if this video helped you guys out please leave me a like because that helps me out and i will catch you guys around in future kenshi videos peace
Channel: Almar Winfield
Views: 24,167
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: almar, almarsguides, almars guides, video guide, walkthrough, gameplay, no commentary, guides, how to, explanation, tips, tricks, help, where can I find, location of, how do i get to, where is, where do i go, how do i complete, Kenshi, The Border Zone Base Location & Guide, The Border Zone, base location, base guide, border zone base
Id: eTMDj3pWDnY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 46sec (1366 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 05 2022
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