Kenshi Tutorials - Melee Weapon Types, Enemy Types and Combat Tips

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hey orange one here with the hunters in this video I'm gonna show you a couple different weapon types and talk about when you might use them as well as show off so the tax that they have and I'm going to then after I've done that on this group of man hunters show you how this works with a number of different groups I've already got some saves lined up where we've found a couple different enemy types just a brief overview we're going to look at animals groups of medium heavy armor light or no armor and then some strategies for larger groups versus smaller groups so let's go ahead and get started with weapon types if we look here there's katanas sabers hackers and all of these or they do a fair amount of cut damage and that means that you really want to have quick attacks like have high dexterity and those are really good against like unarmored enemies so let's go ahead these man hunters they've got armor on them but it's not the best armor so we should be able to get some damage in with some cutting weapons so if we look here tuner has a saber and the saber has bonus damage against spiders small spiders bone dogs and skimmers these are just people so those bonuses won't really apply but I want to have him just solo this group and see how he does and also show off why you might choose a saver this guy wants to attack us as you can see you can do that attack where it taks one person but that other attack that he just did can hit multiple people at once so Sabre is pretty nice because it has the capability of hitting a few people at a time and it has a really nice defense bonus like that right there he just hit I think four people there he is actually much higher level than these guys so he's got a pretty big advantage on them but as you can see a sabre has really good area of attack attacks as well as pretty good defensive capabilities if we look at the actual weapon itself it gives +2 defense which is a nice little bonus okay that's try a different weapon type alright so tuner is going to do the same thing but this time instead of using the Sabre he's going to use this guard 'less katana which has a huge attack bonus doesn't go through armor very well but it actually hurts people a little bit more so because these guys are armored I suspect this isn't gonna go as well with the defense but when he hits them he should do a fair amount of damage to them he's actually not even doing that much he's doing less I think than when he had the Sabre so this does also have the area of effect things as you can see these guys because of their armor this isn't the best weapon for the job let's try another one alright this time we're gonna try doing this with stinks and he if we look at his stats he's really good with heavy weapons he's not very good with anything else before we do the heavy weapon I do want to show off the cleavers because that is another cutting weapon it doesn't do an awful lot against animals but it would hurt robots pretty bad no these guys are robots so I don't think this is gonna be our best weapon but it should work yeah 30 damage that's pretty good and it also attacks really quick stinks is kind of a beast though he's he's got really high strength so his attack speed is super quick even if the weapon was heavy he'd still be doing tons of damage so a hacker is pretty nice it has similar attacks to like a katana and a saber but it's got different bonuses I think it actually does a little bit better of blunt damage when they have our protection oh my goodness that attack that was pretty brutal okay that's trial a different weapon type all right so this time I've got stinks with the naginata and also you should always take off the backpack because it hurts your combat ability but we're gonna go with the naginata and see how that works against these people you look at the weapon itself it should be used against animals but people it works against pretty well too you can see it's got decent damage output and it can attack a lot of people because it's such a long weapon it can attack pretty far away so the naginata is pretty good of a weapon it's a cutting weapon though so if people have armor like these guys it's not going to do a ton of damage though but as I said you should really be using this against animals and so they're not gonna have armor all right won't we try a different weapon type it's so stinks now has a blunt weapon which if you've got a high strength is a pretty good weapon and I think that it should work out pretty well against these guys yeah 35 that's respectable damage and you can hit multiple people with it it's reach isn't very good though it's a it's a decent weapon if you're trying to fight an armored opponent and it doesn't take as high of strength is like a heavy weapon basically you need a super high strength if you want to be effective at all with a heavy weapon lucky for us stinks does have really high strength so won't we I think that's most of the weapon types but why don't we go ahead and show you the heavy weapon alright so sting says it's heavy weapon equipped and this is a group of people so I suspect it's gonna work out pretty well look at that 60 damage 60 damage on three people granted this is his specialty so he should be doing a lot of damage but heavy weapons are really nice against mobs doesn't really matter if they're armored or not this is going to be a nice nice weapon once you've got this strength but if you don't have the strength required like if I just gave this heavy weapons someone else they're gonna be swinging so slow the enemy will constantly be staggering you as you can see stinks is quick enough to get off fast attacks but I'm just going to actually have him run off and I'm going to give someone a heavy weapon that said it's not skilled in it yeah like Oh Ron let me give that to Oh Ron yep let's have our on go over here and he's gonna try swinging this just so you can see just how slow this is and he's moving slow just because he's not used to carrying this weight but look is so slow I mean he does decent damage with it but it takes forever so if if you're going against a group you're often gonna get staggered like you can see he's getting hit so many times he's getting staggered quite a bit so you do want to have high strength if you're doing heavy weapons player and his strength is okay but it stinks over here no that's what you want if you're using a heavy weapon okay so I think that's all the weapon types I've gone through all the weapon types at this point I want to show you a couple a couple different of the mob types so we've talked to a fair amount with this group this is a like a medium armored group so using blunt weapons or heavy weapons is really good against these guys if you if there's a large group of them a heavy weapon is going to do really nicely against them like as we saw with stinks and his heavy weapon there I mean he is also very talented with this weapon so like I said before that helps a lot but let's go ahead and cut to a light armor so you can see well I would do against a group like that all right so we've got a camp of Empire peasants these guys as you can see they don't really have armor and they don't even really have a good weapons either so they're kind of a pushover but I just wanted to show you we attack them what the damage output the cutting weapons are on people without armor let's see I wanted you guys to stay out of this because you've got some of the heavier weapons like 40 damage there I think that's the savers that just did that yeah that was totally sabers there was doing that kind of damage do you get like katanas and like sabers going against a group like this and they're gonna end up doing tons of damage it's definitely it's well worth specking your group for the enemies that you're going out because as you can see you can do like twice as much damage against unarmored opponents as armored with the right weapons ok and let's go ahead and look at an animal group - there's a skimmer right here which is really common in the desert but if you have a desert sabre you actually do +1 higher percent damage to them so you'd get twice as much damage on them if you have the right weapon but there's still there's still a pretty nasty enemy if you look there they've got really high health and they attack really quickly so if you aren't quick yourself you're got staggered and low attacking multiple times and you really want to attack these guys one-on-one because if you're just you're having multiple people attack maybe actually love you aim back we'll send someone who's not got as much experience into this fight hold on tuner before you attack this one that's how older get in there so older you haven't got does it saver you've just got a rain saber and that will do some damage but as you can see it's not nearly as much damage and there's also something you want to be careful of is if you have people roped up this guy attacks with an area of effect so he can get the people that are not attacking him if they're standing I think it's just back here he actually passes so yeah I think right there tuner just got hurt so you don't want to be bundled up when you're attacking animals you want to flank them if you can and that will work out really nicely also if you've got the naginata is those are pretty nice because those let you keep your distance and also attack the enemy so tuner want you come back for a minute it stinks it let's get you attacking the fat naginata yeah I mean it's it's quick it has a damage boost so it works if you have something like the desert saber though that's so much better to to do also when you take down an enemy you want to loot them right away that kills them instantly so he's dead he's not gonna get up back up this one over here will get up in like a minute so if you can take an enemy down you want to loot them as soon as possible you want to have you want to attack with something fairly quick because they don't stun and if they're attacking you constantly you'll get stun locks and you won't be able to get them right back from them and you also want to use area of if you don't want to get caught in the area of affect the skimmer it's not so bad both beak thing things it's a lot worse so I wanted to show you a beak thing really quick so we got some beak things just up ahead this is exactly what you don't want to do you don't want to just say attack these guys with a big ol group of people because what ends up happening is your guys and I don't know why they're not attacking are you guys on passive or something though anyways you'll you'll see what goes down when you just try and mob up on beak things you're gonna get these huge area of effect like all those attacks are like hitting basically everyone if we do that I've got a feeling this this group will get killed even our super experienced people are not doing well against this group and the really dangerous thing is beat things when they take you down they'll eat you it's it's not good so you want to you want to make these things get knocked out as soon as possible if you look we're really badly beat up from that fight and there was like we didn't really do any fine fine before that so I'm gonna show you what you want to do instead of that it's the same group of beat things same group of people but we're gonna do this time is we're going to bait them with one person who's got a good defense and if I can attack one just one on one I'd like to do that so if I get that one to come over here looks like we're gonna have two of them guys we don't actually even need you stinks I want you to attack this one let's go with tuner you've got good defense so let's have you fight him everyone else came back and Kang you're gonna go over here so see I'm how I'm flanking this one this one's area of attack now can't hit the other one stinks is doing just fine by himself though because he's got good defense if you've got good defense it's not really a gotta be an issue there there I've effects attacks and let's just look at ourselves we've only been hit like once or twice for pretty minor damage too so instead of getting like the entire squad gang hit by like 20 damage at a time you can just hang back and take them out so easy and then you have a ton of food and a ton of animal skins a lot of people really like going after beat thing big things and some people get very shocked by that because beat things are pretty nasty enemies I mean they do a lot of damage they took out one of my I mean this squad was pretty much taken out by a group of them and these guys are good they're pretty they're like mid-game squad so you want to be careful around these animals but if you purchase situations smartly and you counter their area of effects by spreading people out and or just kind of smart about how you engage you'll be fine it's like not that big of a deal so yeah that's all I wanted to do for animal groups so last thing for this video that I want to show you is a group of samurai these guys are really heavily armored and I'm just gonna go all out and try and point out a few things so as you can see they've got naginata eyes which are doing really good attacks against us it's kind of hard to see exactly what's going on but you can see that stinks he just landed attack 446 damage so like the heavy weapons are still doing good our sabers are doing they're doing 19 or so damage so it's respectable but katanas are gonna be doing like very little to nothing yeah like I think all Ryan just hit them for 10 damage it's not yeah 10 damage not very effective using katanas against heavily armored opponents it kind of makes sense but like you can see with these guys it's okay to mob up on them because their air effect isn't as horrible as the animals if you really want to be smart you'll spread your people out when you're fighting some of these larger groups with naginata z' and like the holy nation they have their heavy weapons so you want to spread your people off otherwise as you saw me charged and you'll get hit by this area of effect but I mean mid-game squad can still take out a group of samurai nogales like samurai level lutes which is really good stuff and one other thing that if you are fighting people you can take their weapon oi from them and so when they get when they get back up they won't have a weapon so that's a nice way of preventing yourselves from just getting owned by people after you beat them alright well I think that was everything that I wanted to talk about with and weapon types and mob types if you got any questions please send them my way thank you for joining me this has been an orange one
Channel: Orange 01
Views: 71,170
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kenshi 1080p, kenshi hd, kenshi indie game, kenshi pc, kenshi pc game, kenshi pc gameplay, kenshi rpg, kenshi sandbox game, kenshi sandbox gameplay, party based rpg, squad based rpg, guide, how to, tips and tricks, kenshi combat guide
Id: 1cR1XwFCI-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 49sec (1129 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 05 2019
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