Daggerfall Unity - Part 1 - The Saga of Arthur's Dad

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ladies and gentlemen boys and girls my name is sasha dave welcome to this uh live with a studio audience let's play of daggerfall specifically daggerfall unity which is daggerfall but running on the unity engine a very ambitious and cool project that basically takes daggerfall and puts it on the unity engine and it's really good uh extremely modable as well which we'll get into in a minute so i'm playing this because for years now i had on my patreon page a sub goal thing of uh however much it was a month and i would do a dagger full play through uh because [Music] dying falls a tough game to get through really it's it's it's very old-school a capital o and yeah we're gonna try and the object of this this playthrough is basically just going to be to try and finish the main quest and then call it quits really uh we're going to try and get through the main quest and that will not be as easy as it sounds this is a modern elder scrolls game where you can just blitz through the main quest in like six hours uh no you have to like the the main quest in this game is is long and winding and uh most of it is locked behind higher level so you have to like level up before you can even start the quests and stuff so it probably gonna take a while really um we demand the nude right actually funny thing is i have a mod that allows me to go into a third person view but um as a consequence of that is is it seems to permanently turn nudity on um regardless of what setting you you put in there and the game has nudity in it anyway because because like you constantly run into naked people in in temples and uh in pubs and stuff [Music] so yeah prepare yourself [Music] there is nudity in this game i could turn off the third-person model that probably fix it third-person camera because really all it does is it gives you a 2d sprite of your character in the world it's not that useful really yeah i'll just disable that one thing i do need to enable though um is oh it's already enabled archaeologists okay so as you can see i got mods i got mods i'm not playing this unmodded uh i've played this game plenty of times before uh i'm going to go into it modded up to the hilt uh this time because that's one of the big advantages of you daggerfall unity is you can mod it to buggery which is nice uh so here are my settings in case you're wondering by the way for those curious various things interface enhancements video it's all there close all right mods so got a lot of mods installed uh the main one is dream which is a graphical overhaul mod which makes the game look prettier pretty self-explanatory i've got distant terrain installed so we can see lots of pretty distant terrain mountains and stuff in the distance which is nice i have birds and daggerfold which basically adds birds that fly around in the sky because they're conspicuous by their absence without it i have don't i'm not using third person camera obviously because it's not very useful mod really actually and it permanently turns on player nudity which you know i don't have a problem with with nudity personally but youtube does sadly so uh splat terrain texturing which basically just improves the ground textures in outdoor areas uh hand-painted models for buildings uh that basically adds it replaces a lot of the 2d sprites inside buildings with 3d nice nice nice 3d models enhanced sky basically gets rid of that pixelated backdrop you can see in the background there and replaces it with a proper nice sky with 3d clouds and stuff uh world tooltips basically brings you up a tool tip like in morrowind when you mouse over a person or an object essentially uh you know i care how it is in morrowind or any of the layer games really when you mouse you cross hair over something it pops up with a little thing telling you what it is that's what it does game doesn't do that by default in in daggerfall but with world tooltips it does i also have hand-painted models main and hand-painted models treasure piles which is basically more graphical upgrades so there you go that's the lot the archaeologists one uh is essentially adds an archaeology guild to the game and the main reason i've got it getting it installed because it adds a particular little gadget to the game which allows you to see where your quest objective in a dungeon is because if you're brand new to daggerfall and you don't know this daggerfall features very large labyrinthine dungeons where frequently virtually every quest in the game is a fetch quest um you go into a dungeon to look for something whether it's a piece of treasure or to kill a particular monster or something like that and the dungeon's huge completely and utterly non-linear and randomly generated for the most part outside of the main quest dungeons and uh they're very easy to get lost in they're very frustrating to explore sometimes and when you it it it's a very looking for a needle in a haystack experience at times uh and what the archaeology guild does is well it provides you a whole guild with with trainers and quests you know quests to do and stuff as well which is nice but what it does do also is provide you with a gadget that points you at your quest objective in a dungeon subject to a bunch of requirements so that's nice um and also in addition to all of that it's not displayed in the options but in the ini file for daggerful unity i have enabled the experimental smaller dungeons option which basically makes all the dungeons except the main quest dungeons smaller they're still massive but they're smaller than they would be in vanilla basically so we're watching you scum that too will hopefully make the game a bit less frustrating to play puke and dumpling thank you very much for 12 months of summage and ejr2 thank you very much for 21 months of summage happy new year to you too as well yes so right we can probably add more mods as we go on along as long as it's safe to do so as well like if a cool mod pops up somewhere that someone suggests i suppose we could probably chuck it in uh because mod mod wise the daggerful unity seems to be fairly stable so that's a thing as well [Music] dave just wishes all the dungeons skyrim a linear corridor with a convenient fast exit at the end uh well somewhere there's got surely there must be somewhere between the two extremes right [Music] honestly uh honestly um ultima underworld and ultimate underworld 2 did the whole dungeon crawling in 3d uh concept [Music] uh better than this personally i feel but hey mostly because they designed their whole thing by hand in that game rather than randomly doing it but hey whatever so so so so ladies and gentlemen boys and girls without further ado let's crack on with this shall we let's do this note enabling mods can increase performance requirements that is true actually my game when you load into a new area with all the graphics mods i have installed sometimes it does stutter for like five seconds before going back to a normal frame rate it's just a weird unityism i guess all right let's do this plate hopefully obs will capture this automatically and not but wig out in my wig out we'll see what happens we're watching you joe the english order has subscribed for three months thank you very much joe fancy new intro from the dream mod it's quite nice i haven't balanced the audio for this either that might be completely wrong as well this is an extra intro a bit added by dream as well though it always gives me diablo vibes this for some reason stay a while and listen we're watching i guess thank you very much for 47 months of summage finally see the day like dave caves to daggerfall yeah cave to the will of my patreon subscribers at least that's a really good deck and cane impression thank you right welcome to the main menu yeah the new intros and stuff is quite nasty fancy and nice as well new new main menu as well it's not all pixelated which is quite nice start new game please select your home province you will note you can't be an imperial in daggerfall not available to be selected uh we can be a dark health from morrowind dark elves hail from the province of marriage you're part of a tall dark-skinned people known to be extremely strong intelligent and quick you are extremely versatile in all manners of skills and well-known swires and mages and racists as well actually um is your character to be a dark health maybe um there's also skyrim [Music] i rock i accidentally clicked on hammerfell there no high rock there you go somerset aisle spelled differently in daggerfall summer reset summer fallonwood funny this right funny very amusing this but in daggerfall wood elves are known for being a tall fair-skinned people elsewhere khajiits black marsh margonians while many argonians have successfully mastered the arts of thievery and spell casting that are some pretty well regarded as warriors is your character to be an arguing it is tempting it's a little bit tempting i don't know what to pick honestly dark elves are probably a good choice because of their skill bonuses and i play dark elves and bloody everything uh i don't know what to pick breton redguard nord [Music] hmm natural finish for you for the bow and arrow yeah i'm not going to be using bows and arrows so they're out play arthur's dad that's not a bad suggestion that actually yeah khajiit's in this in in daggerfall they have like human faces if i recall yeah they don't they don't look like khajiits in the other games so be we'd be at bretton i suppose if you're rather's dad right first can people highly intelligent and willful magic seems to infuse the very being of the brethren people as a race they are more resistant to the effects of hostile magic than any other group unless are excellent in all arcane arts is your character to be a briton arab so uh male or female well i'm i'm we're playing as arthur's dad so i guess male um would you like to choose from the list of possible classes to play or generate your character's class by answering 10 questions now we want to make a custom character class i believe that's what i want to do go down to the bottom custom right class name arthur's dad um right so so class creation in daggerfall is actually quite an in-depth thing it's it's actually pretty interesting it's one of the things this game does right in my opinion actually um so we want to apply some modifiers to our stats and the three stats that we honestly really give a crap about are strength intelligence and agility everything else can kind of go hang really so what we want is to actually take points off of the other ones and put them onto these so uh we can probably stand to lose a bit personality uh a little bit of speed and i'll leave it upright and i know we can lose a bit of luck as well um endurance i can probably take down willpower a little just a smidge that gives us 10 points uh which i will slap into intelligence pretty much all of them i think there we go 60 intelligence base deep arthur law right here yeah totes now then with that done we got to pick skills uh so what we want is our main skill i think personally i reckon is uh blunt weapons there we go blunt weapons reason you want blunt weapons and not any other kind of weapon is because blunt weapons work equally well on skeletons as they do on everything else because skeletons in true dungeons and dragons fashion in daggerfall resist any other kind of damage other than blunt damage so you want to be able to bonk skeletons with blunt weapons and there's a lot of skeletons in this game so especially early on the old bonk yes runs in the family uh primary skills also what do we want magic we do want magic unlike arthur his dad's gonna be doing magic for sure because you really want if you want to get anywhere in this game you want to be a battle mage type character so uh we are going to want destruction and we're also going to want restoration i think there we go major skills running dodging and what do we want for another one maybe climbing probably not though backstabbing uh i'm trying to think because you get there's an extra school of magic in daggerfall called thermaturgy and i can never remember what spells are actually informative i think thermateurgy is like levitation and slowfall and stuff like that thermo-turging mysticism just for dungeoneering yeah the thing is though what you really want to pick here is skills that you will use very regularly um don't bloody pick orcish for example or giantish or harpy or something utterly stupid like that uh mysticism's monk recall yes [Music] climbing cats giant medic i forget what medical does in daggerfall anyone know can anyone remember what medical does in daggerfall this al could be a thing in daggerfall i think it's a thing it's just not a skill healing you say healing items better but you don't really get healing items in daggerfall very much there are not a lot of healing items you just you generally rest to to get your health back or use spells uh medical determines how much help you heal when you rest all right in that case boom medical minor skills now we can start to have a little bit more fun with it so we want to go for let's see mysticism uh humaturgy mercantile might not be a bad choice uh honestly swimming you can make an argument putting swimming up there potentially but now i think we'll leave it in minor skills strike that's a good one that one levels up quite often um arthur's dad was sort of a bit of a working class fellow wasn't it really so let's let's go with streetwise there you go just a just a just a smidgen just a bit of a wafer thin piece of role playing there we'll give him streetwise as a minor skill uh anything else anything else if i was playing as a dark elf as i often do in daggerfall i probably picked daedric as a language skill um what would it be a good language skill for arthur's dad be who would he have the most dealings with orcish yeah all right orcish then do i want to rethink any of this because i i do i'm dimly aware of the fact that with the archaeologist mod it does you do i think you do need language some language skills to to get get places with that but i'm not sure how much i honestly care in truth uh swimming mysticism thermiturgy i could swap something out else out for swimming it doesn't come up that often would be another good choice i feel like if you're a magician in in in the elder scrolls universe you must have at least a passing knowledge of daedric right how else are you gonna read scrolls um i can't remember what alteration really does in in daggerfall presumably like you can do shield spells and stuff with it or something uh i don't know it's off the dad yet he cannot sneak or steal i i i like to think he got that from his mother that was from his mother's side right okay so we've adjusted our base stats we've got our skills set up now we can have a little bit of fun you see because you get special advantages and special disadvantages this is actually some quite fun role-playing style stuff you can do here unfortunately there's not it's not a very role-play-ish kind of a game really it feels more like a roguelike sometimes does daggerfall um also puddarov thank you very much for 36 months of savage good day dave how are you today i'm okay all things considered yeah right uh any special special advantages right so um there's a few to choose from here like regenerate health rapid healing resistance spell absorption uh stuff like that increased magery is one we do want and um this is a bit like when you pick some of you some of your star signs in the later games like the like the mage or the apprentice or the atronach i'm gonna see if i can try and wrangle myself three times intelligent in spell points because that would be give us a lot of magicka however what what you will have noticed though is by doing that we've increased the dagger on this gauge here which i've just noticed is the skyrim dagger thanks for dream of editing it so it's a skyrim dagger skyrim dagger my daggerfall this is some heresy right here but anyway um i'll try and overlook that um right but what you've noticed is it's the skill advancement for class has gone up so it's now more difficult for me to gain levels as a result of this so the more advantages you add the more difficult it is for you to level up the slower your progress towards leveling up will actually be you see so what we want to do in order to counter balance our increased majority is there anything else you want to get expertise in and we could take blunt weapon but yeah i don't think we need it escape um sorry i need to move some lich guard off my f keys at the moment because i've just remembered that you need to use f5 and f6 to get to your character and inventory screens in this game and i have some semi-painted necron lich card sat on the top of my keyboard there we go right um uh immunity you could take immunity but immunity is very expensive in terms of the penalty get to skill advancement um spell absorption could be fun but i don't know about that honestly acute hearing is uh whatever adrenaline rush athleticism bonus to hit a bonus to hit would be kind of nice but it's against a specific target so it's like a preferred enemy for rangers and dnd um i'm going to leave that alone although preferred hit against undead might be quite nice but i think i'm going to leave that as is we want to bounce this out with some special disadvantages now so there's a few you can pick here some interesting ones like light powered magee and darkness powered magery which essentially um it lowers your ability magic ability in daylight or completely stops you from using magic in daylight which is interesting um forbidden shield types right i'm going to add that we will be forbidden from using tower shields we can't use them it's against our religion forbidden materials have been weaponry as well we've forbidden weaponry we could basically just decide uh we don't use bows uh arthur's dad can't shoot straight to save his life he just he never uses bows um forbidden material we could also decide that uh he's forbidden from wearing mithral armor or something because he's allergic to it or silver armor because he's allergic to it um that would include several weapons as well actually i'd rather not muck about with that if i could help it though unless i don't suppose i can pick iron i can i could pick iron he could be forbidden from using iron for some bizarre reason that would be the gate that would be the cheesiest gamiest uh put choice wouldn't it be forbidden forbidden type iron uh inability to rejoin spell points that basically turns you into the yatranak star sign from from the later games damage from holy places or from sunlight we can take damage from going into a church that's quite funny you could effectively turn yourself into a vampire without actually being a vampire uh and it's special discipline oh already gotta open uh see [Music] phobia could have a phobia of something phobia of daedra perhaps i'm assuming that gives us some sort of negative to hit against them uh you don't want to honestly you don't want a phobia to undead in this game because there's so much undead in this game um i feel like that would be a bad idea critical weakness we could also have to a particular element as well we could have a critical weakness to frost or something for example or disease but i think that's more or less got the dagger back where it roughly average um so that's good i think we'll go with that so we can't use tower shields we can't use bows and arrows and uh we he's here we have we have a slight phobia of daedra he really doesn't like daedra at all yeah you don't want you don't want uh you re what you really don't want is like dark powered major in your or whatever where you can't use magic in the dark because like dungeons are that are considered the dark and that's where 99 of your combat is going to be taking place so right uh edit reputations right so uh we have reputations of various people in the game merchants peasants scholars nobility and the underworld and we can distribute points by taking them away and adding them at the minute it's sort of like zero for all of them um let's say though that peasants like him because we are working class so the peasants do like us a bit uh however the nobility probably less so and maybe scholars as well because they probably assume based on his accent that he's a dumbass that he's a bit of a dunce and therefore they don't like him quite so much so there we go right phobias daedra also speaks stage well yeah as i just explained you know you have like magical scrolls in the elder scrolls are written in daedric aren't they like if you want to do you want to be a mage in the elder scrolls you kind of need to know daedric don't you it's the thing uh right that's everything i think there's also help here in case you get stuck with anything um skill advancement for example the position of the dagger and the skill advancement table shows his approximate difficulty with skill advancement with that particular class higher the dagger rises the more difficult it is for a member of that class to rise in skill level adding special advantages and extra health points makes it more difficult for you to learn spell skills so on and so forth right the underworld is referring to criminals yes so that by probably presumably people like the thieves guild i guess right and you can change your max hit points per level as well and that will also um adjust the position of the dagger on the chart as you can see so if i actually load that to seven we'd be pretty much bang on average popscotch thank you very much for eight months of summage so i think i'll go with that i'll go with seven max hit points per level is a dice roll so it's like rolling a d7 i think but um yeah that brings us on to the average pretty much for skill advancement and trust me you want to i mean like you could even like take a bunch of disadvantages and no advantages to get this lower so we level up really fast but basically if you want to speed run the main quest you want this this dagger to be as low as possible while also obviously still having a viable character build because the main quest is locked behind level tiers so right arthur's dad class is created right would you like to fast start by automatically generating your character's background you'll be able to adjust start your attributes and skills within the character or choose your character's career path by answering 12 important career decisions let's do that it's more fun what school of magic have you been studying the longest destruction or restoration is the question um restoration what motivates you into a life of adventure rich is fame knowledge fun or helping others what motivates us rich's fame knowledge fun or helping others hmm helping others a noble fellow are we hello max in between formal study you spent your time socializing with aristocrats learning street smarts learning economics practicing acrobatics swimming or sparring let's say i want to go with learning street smarts all sparring sparring since childhood you've saved 100 pieces a favorite book curious or a pearl let's say we saved a curious in gratitude for services rendered the emperor gave you over 200 gold pieces an ebony dagger a book a ruby a silver staff or a suit of armor he gave us an ebony dagger as you grew older you received additional magical training in the school destruction the school of restoration school of illusion school alteration so on and so on uh we want to we've probably doubled in restoration yeah as a child your nickname was rabbit guppy quicksilver scrapper or monkey monkey our nickname was monkey you are friendlier than most with the savage harpies the simple giants the glorious dragons the immodest nymphs the infernal daedra the bucolic spriggans the primitive centaurs or the mischievous imps i wish orcs was an option on here but it's not uh we are friendly then most with hmm the simple giants they're just doing their they're living their best giant lives they ain't harming anyone good fairy expression it wasn't it really wasn't of all disagreeable types you have the most personal hatred for sanctimonious priests diabolic wizards stupid peasants power mad robber barons or immoral assassins power man robber barons you're intimate friends with a monk a mage a rogue a warrior or an assassin uh we are intimate friends with a mage who's i'm gonna say is the guy who taught us our magical skills uh what god if any do you worship okay but none rk birth and death god zenitha mara dybala julianos akatosh stendark ginoreth um mara you have the most trouble resisting poison staying awake and alert getting on along with others avoiding diseases resisting magic fighting without magic uh staying awake and alert your reputations have changed as follows uh unchanged with everything except commoners which is higher excellent name thyself now we could put type in a name or we could do this random which i think it might be added by daggerfall unity this let's see if anything remotely pronounceable comes up wealth beyond measure outlander norwegian decoy happy new year continue to be awesome that's a stupidly generous donation norwegian dude what the dude holy crap man ed wayne interesting um that's really good of you dude i appreciate that that will go to the new computer fund directly cheers appreciate it big thanks to django as well by the way actually because i should i should mention this jango is the patron who pushed us over the uh the the goal limit for the daggerfall playthrough so if you want someone to thank for this daggerful playthrough or possibly blame for this daggerfall playthrough it's django uh man all the breton names in this game are freaking weird uh theodore wasn't too bad i suppose theodastia [Music] roddyneck ed edwardian a bedding act that sounds orcish that does luthivol better steer donorian rodain mordestir rodictor these are these are all rubbish these are all rubbish i need a different name uh we shall call him they are yeah they are all a bit anglos actually yeah like like i think morrowind was the game where where bethesda basically changed their minds and they decided that bretons are french now um bought jim thread craig craig as the americans say brian artorius no i should call him [Music] time intro time hopefully when it loads please load game please we're watching you scum how am i playing the unity version yes click don't tell me after all that just gonna leave it for another minute longer i'm just just gonna leave it like a base bloody archaeology mod in it that's bugging it yeah it's crashed excellent oh what a great start oh good good good good good good let's try that again then shall we i could probably blitz through this quite quickly now that we've done it the first time all right right mods are all the same as where before saving clothes unless there's is there anything i can there are no ed edited settings or something no okay right play time to redo the entire character sheet hooray all right new game we're from high rock yep mail uh create custom primary skills where blunt weapon no not backstabbing for god's sake game all right um restoration beyond measure outlander armchair civilian sorry dave we had to make this happen thank you very much for the donation man happy new year to you that's very very generous of you as i suffer through the daggerfall is making it clear very early on here folks that it intends to make me suffer so we're just it's just laying its cards on the table nice and honestly at the start here all right uh what did we also pick for mages i think he was running dodging and something else wasn't it running dodging and um i don't remember actually what was that and i remember what was the third one medical it was medical right thanks yeah medical and then minor skills we went with daedric we went with uh orcish you know what i forget orcish giantish because we can count we can we can add to that the uh what's it called the the the the bonus from giants we get from the the character creation uh quiz thing so we're just friends with giants for some reason uh we'll call this class arthur's dad again we will uh you know grab a few points here put it into intelligence study there right and uh the rest of these were critical strike i'm sure i picked um threumaturgy was one of them wasn't it therma tergy and mysticism and i think was it uh what else was it marcus mcintyre long played lock picking jumping d i already picked daedric um archery axe backstabbing climbing etiquette street was i think it might have been streetwise yeah there we go okay uh special advantages increased majority times three special disadvantages we are forbidden from using tower shields we are forbidden from using bows and arrows we are forbidden or we have a phobia of daedra and we get seven max hit points per level reputations i believe we were up a couple of points with peasants and down a couple of points with scholars and nobility right 12 character questions okay it was we picked restoration helping others sparring a curious an ebony dagger the school of restoration monkey giants uh power mad robber barons and we were friends with a mage and mara and staying awaken alert lovely name thyself tim there we go choose thy faith this face this is what we wanted to get to right so what does after to tell my god some of these bits some of these portraits are hilarious what does arthas dad look like oh wow look at bill shakespeare right there some glorious portraits for the bretons right now look at this stuff hmm kind of like that one yes he he has some definite dead energy about him we're watching you scum first job thank you very much for 11 months of suppage happy new year to you too oh there's a bit groundskeeper willie um let's see shakespeare says not on mushrooms eye patch arc tim there we are tim arthur's dad a bit of a racist gentleman well that's the problem is we're not we're a commoner that looks far too noble no it's not gonna work it's not to work that's not gonna work we need something a bit more i mean that's not bad the eye patch that would definitely cause nobles and scholars to look at him and go i quite like that one i think i'm gonna go with that one i like the eye patch i like the eye patch let's go with that sparring accident took out one of his eyes when he was younger this is why he doesn't use bow and arrows by the way right here you go narrative narrative we have a narrative he doesn't use bows and arrows because he has no depth perception that's why he can't use bows and arrows folks there you go law indeed okay good right now we've got the balance gate style re-rolling for a bajillion times to get the stats you want so we have we edited our base stats but now we actually add roles on top of those so what we really want is good strength good intelligence and good agility so let's see if we can get a good roll it doesn't give you a handy handy dandy total here anywhere which is a bit annoying but n65 it's not bad i can't take points away from these unfortunately but i've got 10 on top of these i can add so 59 willpower is higher than i really care for it gives us five magic resist but agility yeah like i'd like a bonus to hit so you'd want to get uh yeah that gives you plus one if you make it 60. let me roll again you can't save a roll if it's a decent one i probably should have done that all right strength 60 intelligence 58 g52 all right this is more like it okay here we go less points to add but uh that gives us plus one a hit and that gives us 186 spell points plus two damage max encumbrance is 90. uh endurance no no extra hit points from endurance but no negatives either works for me low speed gonna hurt i don't care i'm gonna have a horse every time we're outdoors before very long and inside dungeons we can just sprint so i don't know it doesn't but it doesn't bother me it doesn't bother me besides ray of restoration so uh theoretically i could probably buff my speed or something if i really wanted to with the magic the speed effect attack speed i honestly don't know because it won't tell me without looking in the manual or something what speed actually does um it influences combat speed too i guess that's a thing isn't it all right fine we roll okay and just stay 65 and 58 speed let's get it to a nice even 60 because then that probably activate some sort of bonus for us um and then 60 agility 60 strength and 195 spell points plus a nice 58 willpower as well which is actually not bad i like i'm liking that let's save it but i think i'll go with that actually so yeah 60 speed 60 agility 65 and 60 strength that works for me that was a pretty good role actually wasn't it yeah you're right i mean we've got slightly low personality but we'll put that down to the eye patch i suppose [Laughter] alt says baked flakes alt hold hold thank you very much for 47 months of summage of halt uh right i'm gonna go with that that's a good one that's a good role okay primary skills we can also add a bit to these two so what did we get out of all of that in the end we got 15 in giant ish which i kind of expected more really but hey whatever uh let's see blunt weapon restoration destruction they're all pretty much even uh that's all going into blunt weapon uh for this wealth beyond measure outlander oh i can't read the name the character's history when the game is working yes yes we can i will read out the character history thank you very much for that donation unfortunately the broken donation notification means that the text and the font was so weird i couldn't see what your name was but thank you and yes i will read through the history um right the character biography thing yeah uh let's go ahead and put all of this into dodging and down here let's put this into it was you barman ah cheers man buck is not that poor it's like a second agility yeah yeah exactly um right let's put it into [Music] am i likely to use thai maturity probably but also mysticism ah favorite put it in that there we go 23rd maturity cool beans player reflexes determine the overall speed of the game if you pick very high reflexes the monsters will move and attack quickly forcing you to be quick with the controls very low reflexes means the monsters will move in attack slowly allowing you to draw adopt a more cautious thoughtful play style your character will advance a little slower with a lower reflex setting and would advance a little faster with a higher reflex setting on that basis i'm gonna go for high reflexes i could go for very high but i'm not sure if i actually want to punish myself that much does high danger mean danger won't attack you um yeah uh like there's a chance when you encounter certain enemy types if you have high language skill for their enemy type there's a chance that they'll be passive won't attack you um i went with giants as one of the giant issues one of them because you can encounter giants quite early in daggerfall and they will absolutely wallop you in one hit so a chance for the giants not to attack me would be real nice so daggerfall very high is like modern normal speed i suppose we could give it a go couldn't we all right fine i'll do very high i'm gonna regret this i just know it all right okay his name is tim he looks like that he's these are his skills his class is arthur's dad and uh we're doing very high reflexes apparently unless speak now forever hold your piece if there's a reason i shouldn't pick very high reflexes tell me now i've only ever played on high before i've never gone for very high but it might it might mean we'll level up faster on the other hand so that could be good on the bright side you're good if i recall correctly if you wanted to put a couple of points into instead oh critical strike yeah i know correct that's right critical strike will go up quite a lot by itself so we're not too worried about that really surrender the booty why beat him i know i'm not a pirate everyone thinks i'm a pirate for some reason and it's very irritating right yeah now i'm gonna go for very high we'll see what it's like i usually play on high we'll try very high this time right intro time folks remastered fancy high resolution intro time the beginning will meet the end and the bloody circle will close at the empire of tamriel the unworthy heirs of deceptive dynasty have allowed the bonds of the empire to weaken and crack uriel's septum the seventh cannot repair what his ancestors ignored the provinces fight among themselves like neglected children drunk with rebellion and one indomitable power hides itself but not forever [Applause] [Music] excuse the gloom but none may know of this meeting the nature of my trouble is darker still over a year ago king lysanders of daggerfall died honorably on the field of battle he was as loyal as subject ally and friend as you are i did grieve for him but his spirit does not rest with a spectral army he haunts his former kingdom crying for revenge i do not know why a good and loyal man would be so cursed perhaps you can find the answer and close the marble jaws of oblivion bringing peace to his soul i ask this as your emperor and your friend i have one lesser request several years ago i wrote a letter to the queen of daggerfall it never arrived the letter was of a sentimental and personal nature if you find and destroy that letter i will be grateful now my champion rest well this night for tomorrow you sail for the kingdom of daggerfall quest back one initiated oh yeah i haven't i have a mod installed the ads i don't think it was listed in the in the list or if it was i missed it but uh they add more random quests to the game because sometimes the original ones can get a bit repetitive you wake and look around the room some hours ago you were in a boat on route to daggerfall when a storm of supernatural strength boiled over the iliac bay like a malefic creature your boat was destroyed but you managed to swim through the churning water to a promontory rock there you found a cave and escaped the fury of the storm you had only just lit a small fire when a mudslide sealed you within your fear of being buried alive calmed when you saw the corridor leading out of the cavern perhaps there was a way out of this cave after all once free of the cave you can begin the emperor's quest so uh you start the game not as a prisoner like in every other elder scrolls game but as a pal of the emperor who sent you to daggerfall on a mission not to save the world from dragons or a demon invasion but to find out why the previous king of daggerfall is haunting the streets of his old city and also to recover a letter that was not delivered many years ago it's it is a very strong start does daggerfall as a very intriguing beginning because it's so not your traditional fantasy rpg opening but anyway uh the elder scrolls daggerfall has a tutorial that can be active during the game it runs throughout the first dungeon and for a short time afterwards do you want to use the tutorial well for the benefit of the audience even though i've played this game plenty of times before yes tutorial lesson one the very first thing you want to do is experiment with moving your character around don't worry about monsters there are none in this first room when this text clears move the mouse around to change where you are looking use the wasd keys to go around uh hint these are the default keys you can change them later during the yeah yeah in the controls options i'll be back in about one minute to tell you about arming yourself and finding monsters very good so here we are as you can see it's much prettier than the original game on account of us having all these lovely mods in store and also it's very dark daggerfall has dark dungeons uh you are you do get items in the game like candles and lanterns and things to light your way with um they are necessary because you can't see anything without them but we've got our little campfire here at least so we've got f5 that's our character loving the blue trousers mate big blue shorts this is arthur's dad tim got all his skills here we have 100 gold to our name currently it would seem uh if we go to history it tells us first that we have forbidden weaponry missile weapons as explained he doesn't do bows and arrows on account of having no depth perception he has a phobia of daedra he cannot use tower shields and he has increased majoring by three times so three times our intelligence score will be our spell points uh so he's like he's like it's like he has the atronach style sign in the later games but without the negative effects so also a character has a biography so your earliest memories are of a warm and unusual home your mother a beautiful enchantress would entertain you for hours with tricks your favorite was her finding a wounded butterfly and sending it flying again your father was a fearsome man many in the village referred to him as that warlock but to you he was a loving and doting father oh god as you grew it was apparent that you had unusually strong magical powers soon you were able to perform healings and cures yourself you remember your parents talking about an evil battle mage jaeger thanh the guy from the first game arena how it was known in their circle that he had usurped the power of the land away from its rightful ruler no one dared to move against him you vowed to avenge than's evil against the innocent villagers one day in your 20th year a courier arrived at your house with the news that a powerful hero had killed jegathon restored the rightful emperor to the throne even your gruff father nearly wept with joy at the news the courier also brought the news that there would be a great celebration in the imperial city and that all the people who had worked secretly to depose than were invited once the courier left you asked your parents if you you could go to the celebration your mother and father looked concerned and explained that there was not enough gold for all three of you to make the trip downcast you tried to hide your disappointment your father however turned to you and said that it was time you made your own way in the world it gave you a curious and a very unusual staff and sent you on your way to the imperial city and the celebration after many days of travel you approached the capital of the realm the imperial city you noticed a small band of travelers only a short distance in front of you as you're about to hail them they were attacked by brigands who had been lying in weight in the woods along the road you rushed to help the other travelers as you approached one of the brigands raised his short sword to strike you in a natural reflex you tried to deflect the blow with the staff your father gave you as the sword struck the staff a great bolt of lightning erupted from it and both weapons shattered the brigands and the travellers all stopped and stared at you as the thunder subsided the brigands ran back into the woods you were mobbed by the travelers who thanked you profusely for saving them members of the imperial family who had been visiting in the country and were returning to the imperial city for the celebrations they insisted that you come with them to the palace and have an audience with the emperor the emperor was very impressed by your bravery and knew your family as loyal supporters of the empire he presented you with an ebony dagger the celebrations continued for weeks and the emperor often called you called on you for informal talks when you were not an audience you usually spent your time learning how to talk tough with the imperial city locals one night you were called to the emperor's presence in a manner such that you knew the business was serious he met you in his study and there told you he had a favor to ask and that's when the intro began when you first did this you had a dad who was secretly a thon supporter and oh that's cool yeah so this changes depending on all of the stuff you picked in character creation basically it's pretty cool it's a nice little feature arthur he does indeed come from an interesting family yeah it's true right so first thing you want to do is save the bloody game yeah so someone has just pointed out because it doesn't save the game as soon as you start it it doesn't auto save so uh we'll call that one done there's actually a mod you can get for daggerfall unity that automatically saves the game as soon as you finish character creation because frequently what happens is you you make your character spend ages doing it you walk down the corridor and are instantly killed by a bat and then you have to do it all over again so uh yeah tutorial listen to before you brave the depths of private is hold you will want to arm yourself press the f6 key to bring up your inventory window clicking on the weapon puts it in your hand now you're able to draw your weapon click on the exit button you'd have two weapons equal to press the h key to switch back and forth between them so you could sort of deal with but not really click yes to continue no to cancel the tutorial it will continue right so here's the inventory screen and here you'll note here is the curas we had since childhood here's the ebony dagger the the emperor gave us and we have an iron long sword i'm gonna go ahead and equip the dagger um we have magic items we have our spell book we have torches and a couple of candles and we have a talisman which i believe is a talisman of mara and it doesn't really do anything it's worth 120 gold and uh we've basically got it just because we picked mara in the questionnaire i think and we don't have any ingredients right now so there you go so equipped which i'll head forth i can draw my weapon with the zed key and uh yeah it's first person animations are about six frames each and it is a sprite because bearing in mind even though the game looks kind of pretty now with unity it was made in 1996. so right what we also want to do is equip a torch you like the torch there you go and i will also have to remember to douse the torch when i get out of dungeons otherwise you leave it burning for ages and you forget about it then you waste it essentially so anyway yes a few more sprites there's lots of sprites in this game because again 1996 some mods have replaced it with 3d objects but a lot of them are still 2d tutorial lesson three to draw your weapon press the z key there is a short delay after equipping a weapon so don't panic if it doesn't draw instantly take a few practice swings by holding down the right mouse button and moving the mouse around yeah so that's by default how you do it like you like it's morrowind style almost um but i believe i have like the always use best attack option turned on or something in the options so ignore that moving your mouse in different directions makes the sword swing differently each type of swing affects your chances to hit the monster and how much damage you do etcetera etcetera i'll give you a minute to practice swinging the sword yep is it true 3d it's true 3d yeah and it was in the original as well um it wasn't sort of uh two and a half d or whatever it was called you know what like doom had in that um no it's legit 3d all right so we're in the dungeon known as privateers hold it's one of the few uh dungeons in the game that is not totally random open the secret door into this chamber here i will find after i quick save it rats which is now dead now we have a spell book i can get to that by pressing the backspace button which we've got and then it's shock chameleon and slow 4 which seem to be the three you always start with um shock might be useful against certain enemies uh chameleon uh whatever slow falling can be very useful i can save your life back and actually um we don't start with healing though in spite of the fact that we have very high restoration skill to start here uh his loot some gold 69 nice gold pieces the rat is not full of gold no the body has no treasure down the hall and through the doors giant rat let's go kill it yeah yep yep yep yep yep a bit delayed mr tutorial in fact i'm gonna cancel the rest of you because i think we get the idea now this is a wrap this is the bat this this this bat may well kill us oh it nearly did it has no treasure because it's just an animal yeah you don't tend to get animals with with with jewelry on them and stuff in this game and like in the other games uh like like a rat or a bat or something it's just it's just going to be you know it's not going to have anything on it because it's an animal you thought rats were all full of gold ah you were mistaken good sir right i'm going to douse the torch here and what we're going to do is rest until fully healed as you can see my health is going up there now i have swapped the bars around it's an option in daggerfall unity because in daggerfall originally green was your health bar and red was your fatigue oddly enough but i've swapped it around with unity so that the red is our health and green is fatigue since uh you know that's what they did for the rest of the games all right let's continue our exploration exploring a dungeon in this game can sometimes take like an entire freaking week or more because of how much time you spend resting because resting and spells are the only two ways to restore your health in this game generally speaking i think there's probably some exceptions to that but right it's an ib it's an imp that has almost one shot in me good it will probably kill us oh no we got it we just managed to get him three gold thank you very much some gold in this cage over here and we're going to rest again [Music] you can take an hp regen advantage that's true i was tempted to this time but i don't think i could have picked enough disadvantages to balance it out effectively really on top of the increased majority so uh all right let's see dungeons elaborate as well yeah i am aware some guy have played this game before many times dead rat sculpt things i practically know my way around private is hold by heart that's how often i've played this game well that's how often i've started this game never once finished the main quest though and that is a a rogue or something or a thief an npc it was a thief who is now dead who had gold pieces a big tooth uh steel broadsword round shield this is what we want chain pauldrons leather leather leather okay so clothing and mist weapons and armor armor no one iron curious is better and a round shield excellent right a loot pile containing gold and wraith essence had a pile of heads i can't do anything with lovely let's rest again you once made the mistake for trying to do a pure warrior build without any magic at all yeah you really want to be a battle mage in this game generally speaking [Music] oh get there we go he's dead right now for if memory says there should be a barbarian in this room yep there he is let's see if i can use some magic on him [Applause] uh nope nope the uh the the spells failed or rather his resistance coming oh i should show you the death animation uh i should show you that at least once before skipping it sorry that was like a reflex thing i just completely skipped the death cut scene sorry go on kill me i've cheated the audience out of a death cut why are you running away now kill me i'm here do it do it now there we go to get a little cut scene when you die you okay dave anything you want to share or self-harm the new direction of this channel [Laughter] very drawl okay there we go we got him with some lightning bolts excellent right i'll have uh those or snake venom spiders venom they're the buck ah that's probably better another helm though i'll have and the left holder and now we've already got one [Music] all right let's equip the helmet i mean it says it's a leather helmet but it clearly looks like it's metal to me or whatever whatever you say game what matters is i have my casual blue pantaloons and i'm gonna rest again uh although first again i always forget to do this but douse the torch and then rest elephant leather all right save all right take his sword there's no point there's no point i don't really have long blade skill with this character my primary skill is blunt weapons uh long blade and in fact short blade for that matter are actually in my miscellaneous down here where is long blade yeah six percent i'm actually better with short blades by two percent and we have an ebony dagger given to us by the emperor so that's actually gonna be better to use than any of these crappy swords we're finding dead ratties now i don't think there's anything we can do with these boxes they're pretty much just set dressing however we can go we can actually this isn't technically climbing so you can climb in daggerfall climbing is a skill in this game if you go up to a wall and you can go into climbing mode and you can actually climb up stuff however this incredibly steep slope here doesn't technically count as climbing it's a bit weird now that is some sort of animal like a bear or something by the sounds of things it's a bear and a bat just died somewhere um oh god an ambush i'm probably gonna die come now you're bastard he's running away ah no sabers spell made unfortunately all right where is this guy there he is my quick save senses were tingling there mr thief nice try another leather helm plus three round plushie armor that one's got horns on it so obviously we're not having that and a steel flail that's what we want that's a blunt weapon i think pretty sure now we're cooking [Music] hello mr bear honestly i think i had more luck with the dagger yeah i did f12 the quick load fail flail yeah all right then let's equip the dagger instead i don't know if i'm actually better with the dagger or if i just got luckier with my dice rolls [Music] but whatever [Music] okay light the torch again off we go see something on the other side of that door wanting to get in uh loop pile inside this coffin gold pieces a red poppy and a holy dagger which i don't think yeah no it's it's worth a lot 2500 gold but it's not actually a weapon it's a ceremonial hello bat body has no treasure this is a dead end room although sometimes there are secret doors in rooms like this so it's worth just clicking at the wall sometimes to make sure although sometimes you can see it on the map this is the auto map in daggerfall uh it's fully 3d and it's quite confusing to use at times it's better in unity than it was in the original game i'll i'll say that much it's much better in unity than it was in the original game um but yeah this is where we all we've been we started in here then we went up through there around that way into this bit and then there were two doors in here there was a door on the left that i didn't go through and a door on the at the end which i went through and that's all the way up to here so like i said i know my way around privacy is hold more or less by heart so i don't really need the auto map for this one but it is there and we will be making plenty of views of it later on bloody yell all right that's half my healthcare [Music] imps all right it's dead we got it and we i've taken it single gold piece that it had she doesn't know why i shot that to be truthful all right i can't do anything with any of these bookshelves unfortunately or indeed with this circle of skull candles i can't interact with that which sounds like it might have opened a something somewhere yeah that definitely made a door opening noise i came from over here somewhere you think it was the books ah you're right it was iron mace that's what we want an eodoric let's equip the air doric i can look like an egyptian priest let's put that back on and put my nice shirt back on right uh it's worth six goals probably not even worth carrying really weighs 2.5 kilograms so i actually give the weight of stuff in kilograms in this game instead of just arbitrary weight units like the others uh it's worth noting right i want to actually equip this iron mace because i think i might no not in the other hand iron mace shield i think i might actually have some luck with this because if this is if a mace isn't a blunt weapon then i don't know what is anything in here secret walls what secret doors wise i don't think so [Music] anyway yeah let's see over there [Music] yeah it was the bookcase first time i've ever found that play in this game there you go even in the opening dungeon i've discovered something new and woof hello gigantic room so i'm gonna back slowly out of because i've just realized i have no health [Music] i'm going to cower in this in this dead end here for a bit okay [Music] now there should be a skeleton in here where are you skelly he's down there i can see him i think he's fighting a bat currently just had a door open yeah he's distracted by that bat i can just see him down there now here we've got a throne with a lever if we jump up on here and push the lever it goes up onto this upper level and this way lies our exit i believe rat be gone another rat just died i think there's a rat fighting an imp in the other room next to us right now if i recall now in the vanilla game enemies didn't fight amongst themselves but i believe that i i don't think they did anyway from what i remember that is in fact a unity feature enemy infighting thank you for killing that him he could have been very annoying there we go he has some gold for us and that's the exit to the dungeon there you go that's the exit if you go by accident completely the wrong way and private is holding your first playthrough it can take you forever to find the way out or alternatively you can find it almost straight away by accident we're not actually going to leave yet though because there's plenty of other stuff we can kill down here in loot we might as well since we're here since we're in the one dungeon in the game i know my way around let's exploit that fact dead rat oh skeleton oh the bane of my existence at early levels in this game skeletons he's probably going to kill us on the first attempt i wouldn't surprise me skeletons make this annoying screeching noise and they really just refuse to die when you're low level and they kill you very quickly as you can see they're a pain in the ass see if i can get him with shock magic perhaps [Music] come on dice guards give me a break here this is why the first thing we need to do as soon as we get out of this dungeon is go straight to a town and buy a healing spell from the mages guild [Applause] dead once more with feeling i might better often just not bothering with the magic at all next time but i won't hey this way got a hit finally and he hit me thank you very much for the raid hello zamalf raiders how you all doing today happy new year guys welcome to daggerfall unity specifically where i'm getting repeatedly killed by a skeleton because that's what skeletons do in this game they're jerks and they kill you repeatedly at low level unfortunately i'm still in the starting dungeon there's at least two skeletons in the starting dungeon there's this guy in this guy that was in the main hall we saw earlier and they're both jerks you never could make it out to start in dungeon yep the the privateers hold is the first obstacle for most daggerfall players and i i would i would suspect that most potential daggerfall players don't make it past privateers hold and this is part of the reason why hallelujah we got him steel flail iron war x i already have a steel flail so no thank you but i will quick save i will go rest in the corner here after unequipping my torch hello computer thank you very much for five minutes of summage yes we are doing daggerfall because the patron goal on patreon was in fact met and we've leveled up hooray level two already that's probably a good start uh the very high reflexes setting is probably helping with that all right so we want more int i think i'll just go more into this for this one [Music] actually tell you what more and we'll get it will power up to 60 as well because that'll give us some sort of bonus i believe uh when you hit a round number like that okay you love the class yeah so when the chat suggested we should play as arthur's dad from arthur being the character from my oblivion let's play well one of my blooming let's plays someone's like you should play as arthur's dad because we're in because we're in high rock and i was like all right fine so i made a custom class called it arthur's dead uh right um so blunt weapons gone up medical's gone up critical strikes gone up yeah stealth stealth always seems to increase for some reason even though you never sneak like i haven't been sneaking once in this game and yet stealth has for some reason gone up it's weird um and short blade's gone up a bit because we're using that dagger so much so yeah uh great stuff sorry equip the torch quick save and i'm afraid this is really bad timing but you have to forgive me everybody just for five minutes here i desperately need to go to the loo so um i will be right back enjoy the dagger for the remastered daggerfall music in the meantime but i desperately need to pee so i'll be right back give me a second [Music] so [Music] um [Music] all right i'm back how's the audio levels and stuff for the game by the way i'm not getting drowned out too much by the skeleton shrieking am i audio is perfect oh wonderful excellent whose car alarm is it outside that is always going off like every other night because it's happening again now you might even be able to hear it in the background anyway right i'm having a drink in a minute because my throat's very dry i'm suffering from some a bad case of acid reflux at the moment and it's leaving me with a very dry throat constantly so bear with me right let's continue now that our skeleton nemesis has been destroyed all right there was really nothing in here other than an angry skeleton that's of course there was a secret door i don't think there was i'd be a little surprised if there was yeah the mace is kind of trash but i can hit with it more regularly than i can with the with the dagger so it'll do for now put a door open somewhere ah it won't realistically be that long until i get something like an elven mace so i wouldn't worry about it too much for now honestly there we go dragon scales hey chain right pauldron chain greaves half those and i believe my torch just died yeah it did so light another one pop on my chain grease which look kind of horrible really the texture for the the chain grooves in the player menu is quite dreadful um hopefully at the earliest opportunity we'll be replacing that with some plate armor okay some sort of horrible torture device i can hear a skeleton that way oh no you bastard run away run away okay i think i might be safe here oh god i can hear it pineapple on pizza you're a champion some although i knew there was a reason i'd like to pineapple a pineapple on pizzagang yes you are healed okay stealth dodgy and critical strike have all improved which is lovely now then let's go and hunt this bastard show thyself skeleton [Music] there he is if we can just keep backtracking we might stand a chance here it seems to be the best way to deal with him keep backtracking so that when he stops to swing you get out of his range it's tricky obviously to get right though because we're playing with very high reflexes set so if you're playing a normal it's much easier to avoid their attacks there's a mod you can get actually shows health bars for enemies and stuff but um i didn't install it because i kind of like that you can't tell how damaged an enemy is sometimes as to the drama let's try some shock magic i didn't work that was what killed the last one oh he's gonna get me isn't he probably so close but he's gonna get me yep skeleton warrior the bane of many starting adventures yes unfortunately as soon as i get like an elven warhammer we won't care about skeletons anymore it'll be a bit of a non-issue but sadly until then they're going to be like little mini bosses we basically just want to pray that we don't get sent on a quest to a dungeon that's full of skeletons because that can happen sometimes and boy it's frustrating yeah i know tell me about it iridium it's quote captain picard mr data it's possible to make every correct move and still lose that is called life or alternatively that is called playing daggerfall hey i might just leave i might just leave honestly tell you what we'll go the other way let's explore a bit more of the rest of the dungeon because there's plenty more to see here [Music] there is the other skeleton who's down there somewhere of course new popular stream game because it's here because it's elder scrolls related right now i could be streaming an ultimate underworld which is a better dungeon crawler than daggerfall but nobody would watch because it's not elder scrolls i'm telling you that's what it is you put an elder scroll sticker on something everyone will turn up to watch there's a really good game called the quest which is very much kind of oh steel right pauldron thank you very much thank you very much i love that um the quest some of you may have played it before it is a um a really really cool game and it's like a cross between legend of grimrock and daggerfall it's bloody superb and i would rather be playing that than daggerfall right now but if i was nobody'll be watching because it's not called the elder scrolls but yeah to check out the quest if you haven't by the way if you if you fancy playing something a bit like this that is very elder scrolls inspired but is like a grid style uh legend of grimrock type of fair check out the quest it's real good it's really really good [Music] you'll also chill the stone keep every chance you get you know what i've never played stone keep it's one of those things that's been on my to-do list for years some of the best games you played have been the least popular yeah it's the way it's the way of things it is delay of things give ultima yes i freaking love ultimate underworld so good and the sequel i really like the sequel too curse your bat thank you [Music] secret door yeah well we're on the other side of a secret door someone's lit a handy dandy campfire in the corner just rest by i suppose oh god what has emerged a door opened somewhere uh nothing in here that's a common daggerful occurrence rooms with back all in them rex oh my greatest foe come on tim it's just a rat mate you can hit it there we go ah another feature daggerfall you can bash dot dot lock doors can take a while sometimes but you can do it lock picking who needs lock picking there's a grid-based crawling bundle on steam with 66 off it has the quest of vaporum and star crawl and so plus some others you don't know that sounds fantastic i should check that out [Music] ivory eh it's only worth 13 gold lock picking is a little more stealthy indeed i've never played a lock picking character in daggerfall ever never done it because i just don't see the point beyond role playing i suppose right i know for a fact there's a skeleton in here he's still trying to kill that bat he's totally distracted look at him is he going to be distracted enough for me to sneak by here's a good thing right if you press the alt button you can sneak i'm actually sneaking in there for once to see if we can get away with it all right there's a bear in here yeah hello mr bear don't thank you very much for that prime sub appreciate it so you call me halfway through taking a drink there okay all right i'm sneaking with a torture i'm not realizing as well by the way all right i fancy my chances with the bear more than i do the skeleton so hello he says famous last words all right come on bear that's about yeah i know i can take a bear there we go they don't have as many hit points as you think they do so cool can we rest in here with the dead bear we can right [Music] game saved [Music] yes you keep being distracted by the bat mr skeleton that door over there that door over there if you're curious where that goes that basically leads back into this room where the barbarian behind the table was [Music] that's where this door goes so earlier i could have turned left and gone straight into the skeleton's face and died but i didn't because i knew he was waiting here for me [Music] why is there a bear in a small room daggerfall presents us with many interesting questions like that why is there a bear in this room by itself why is there a centaur living with uh two bears a giant and three orcs we don't know he i can hear him up there that bastard oh no i think he's coming for me oh no i've had enough private is hold ladies and gentlemen it's been fun but i'm out toodaloo let's douse our torch before we leave give it a minute to load because mods making it load slower the screams in the deep yes or it could just crash of course no no no no we're good or are we yes we are it takes a little minute to load because of all the new textures and distant land and stuff that's normal i think the crash we had during character creation now there was just a bit of a fluke so welcome to the outside world in all its distant terrainy glory because uh yeah daggerfall the unity is a wonderful thing you wouldn't be able to see all this in the original game this wonderful view but it's all here it's kind of cool it's really cool it's a bit like installing distant terrain on morrowind for the first time it's like all this landscape was here the entire time but until today nobody could see it because the game engine wasn't able to draw the the terrain far enough away so yeah as you can see we're on the coast this is all water it's blue stuff you may be familiar with it now in this game the overworld is so huge that you have to fast travel everywhere you have to fast travel anywhere it's like it's not a it's not a it's not an optional thing you have to fast travel everywhere and the wilderness is pretty much just this it's just trees there's really nothing very interesting out here to find or explore um now this is this this bit here is one of the weird exceptions because there's a town up there called gothway garden which is literally just at the top of this hill this is one of the few areas in the game where you can exit the dungeon and just walk back to town [Music] i'm trying to remember what the auto run button is now [Music] it's not that's crouch [Music] v no that's the map zed is weapon what's the auto run button hold on sure there is one um controls [Music] auto run [Music] it's right here i just can't see it because i'm an idiot auto map travel map notebook ah there it is why is it set to mouse oh wait yeah cause i said it's a middle mouse button there we go i just forgot yeah it is under advanced yeah auto run yes very actually go to advanced you can set auto run it's a very steep hill this but um luckily tim is uh he's a bit like a skyrim horse he can just doesn't really matter how steep it is he can just go and even if it was for completely vertical he could climb and we're getting some lag here because it's loading the town in [Music] here we go it snowed yes daggerfall has seasons um so the weather and uh the snow coverage and stuff changes depending on the time of year and then it's the middle of winter at the moment or it's the ninth of morning star in the eyes of the law of daggerfall you are a common citizen um yeah the game has a seasons it has a calendar with holiday events and stuff in it as well because from from the start of the game to the end of the main quest entire years can pass in this game because that's how long you spend traveling we're using the fast travel and also you know just generally exploring and doing stuff um you'll like your character will easily spend a couple of years at least in in the game before you complete the main quest a piece of paper gently blows past you you grab it and pick it up let's have a look all right letter from generous citizens and by a commission of local wealth that's charted by each regional monarch the cartographers association right i think this is uh from that archaeology mode the cartographers association of the iliac bay daggerfall charter a group of expert explorers and designers uh wish to chart some of the locations lost to memory that might have historical or resourceful value to the public we are currently accepting applicants for new explorers at ips head for the next 25 days present personally to gondo steer greenhouse at the superior lyceum in your in service in your service to tamriel you will be you will travel leagues innumerable sea locations forgotten by time and earth secrets the archaeologists have dreamt of for decades the cartographers association is supported by donations from generous citizens and by a commission of local wealth as chartered by each regional monarch right so yeah uh where did it say then the superior lysium in ips head ips head right is where we want to go within the next 25 days if you want to do that which i think we do can you tell me where it said is have you heard of ipset so this is the dialogue you get with people you can tell me about where is people things work um then you can be polite normal or blunt i don't know how i don't have a clue what that changes honestly um what what effect that has it changes what your actual what you actually say to them is like hailed with you would you kindly update me on the world at large like you're an ultimate character or normal how are you more golden what are people talking about now or ahoy more goldiemcroft what's the talk of the town where am i you're in gothway garden in daggerfall any news uh coegri got the short end of the stick in some deal now they're out to get the order of the raven i see have you heard of [Music] as you see there's a lot of factions in this game the modern knights had that name somewheres before but i've got no idea where yeah we might join the marin knights actually because we we do worship mira we picked that in the beginning bit uh okay where is regional no all right whatever we can find lips head on on the map anyway it's no big deal right welcome to gotham garden the only town in the game that whose layout i roughly know by heart as well um this is the pigging cat in and over this way is the mages guild which we want to join ultimate speech normal speech and pirate speech yeah [Laughter] welcome to the mages guild hello peresta wicksmith i'd like to join yes you are worthy to join the mages guild as an apprentice you can use the spell maker and get training in any of the guild skills later you will become eligible to use the library buy magical items and even make your own are you interested in joining yes then heads forth you'll be known as tim apprentice of the mage is killed it will take patience and hard effort to gain access to all the guild offers my child but i can now give you access to our trainers and our spell maker too much power in too little time has destroyed many a man woman the mages guild is nothing if not conscientious right christoria garethly here will identify items first because you have to identify items in this game after finding the magic ones well you don't have to but you know there's a certain level of risk involved in using a magic item that you don't know what it does does this game have cursed items i think it might yeah i don't really remember though edwin masterhouse he offers his training for 200 gold uh i don't know how much gold i actually haven't 514 no i will get some training later but not right now in here is a library and we can't use it because we're not behind a frank uh up here we have barbissa woodham who is a spell maker uh i don't want to make a spell right now but i do want to buy a spell [Music] dunyak we can buy magic items from if we had the right rank but we don't [Music] edwinter he will sell the spells what we want first thing is baldness baleena's bomb which is a healing spell not a very good healing spell but it's good enough it's a cheap she's very cheap to cast like the 17 magic of the cast so it's very cheap so we'll have that uh bastard down 57 gold pieces yes uh we also what else we might want water walking buoyancy let's have that uh cure poison cure disease would be nice but they're very expensive for us right now i think yeah super expensive but we definitely want heal would be nice but we can probably get what get away with ballina's bomb for now yeah levitate would be good it's quite expensive though because levitate levitate you can sometimes get away without because climbing is a thing right [Music] and yes the chat has just said it out loud what i'm after is mark and recall right now that's the one i really want so it should i think it's just called recall and it's one spell there we go 300 gold it's almost all our gold but it is gonna be worth it 258 we got it for so that's not too bad brilliant so mark and recall basically the way that works is you cast it and then you get a choice whether you want to put down a mark or if you want to you want to put down anchor they call it in this if you want to put down an anchor or if you want to teleport so what you use that for typically is you walk into a dungeon for a quest and you put an anchor down immediately by the door and then when you when you go through the dungeon and you're exploring it and you find whatever your quest objective is and you complete it like you get the item or kill the monster you can then just teleport straight back to the exit again because the dungeons are pretty big and labyrinthine you have never forgotten to put down an anchor yeah i sympathize i remember once i went through a dungeon i went to a dungeons request popped down an anchor at the exit did the dungeon came back out again bloody black blah turned in the quest great stuff went off to do my next quest went to another dungeon and um i got to the i fini completed the dungeon and then realized that i'd forgotten to place an anchor by the exit oh hello hello greensley he offers teleportation only for a certain rank though um so yeah and i realized i'd forgotten to put down oh we're on the roof uh i forgot to put down anchor and so what i did is i just teleported to the anchor from the other dungeon because that was still going to be quicker than trying to find my way out properly do you draw summoning right ye this guy you can use to talk to the daedric princes i believe should you wish to [Music] pedestare quicksmith get quest yeah i had work but the situation just resolved itself thanks anyway oh great anything else if you're capable of casting the standard circinate spell sleep friend of the guild's need ah i can't actually though theodore aircraft no sorry i see my starfalls water sleep is relatively simple spell i would probably it would probably do you well to learn it all right does this guy sell sleep yeah it does although that's a really really tough spell for us to cast actually and it also costs way more than i have in money all right come on give me something i can do occasionally we misplace our trust in certain students allowing them more latitude with our chemical experiments than they deserve i have a sample here of contaminated fluid that must be purified and sent to one of our more experienced members for reuse are you willing to cast a spell to cure poison bro [Music] as the premier research institution in the empire of tamriel the mages guild employs a number of mystics and scholars all over the land if we can get a representative of the guild over to a place within a reasonable distance up here the eminent scholar vanibith woodcroft has agreed to share her research would you be available for this yes grand just grand now vladimir woodcraft is staying in green orchard in a place called the half house residence for just a few days the danger is the necromancers those reprobate spellslaggers are interested in getting to vanderbilt woodcraft and her research i will give you 43 days to get to vane with woodcraft and back before i send someone else good luck all right let's look at our quest log on a mission for the emperor to investigate the shade of king lysanders we can't do anything with that right now that will we don't need to do it actively pursue this right now the main quest will happen to us like an event will happen uh in the main meantime [Music] half house residence greenham orchard is where we want to go greenham orchard and the other place was ips or something ips head that was it it's head what's a level up progress 13 to level three that's not too bad all things considered now then i might have a few bits and bobs we can sell so let's go find a trader and i believe we'll find one towards the south end of town yeah if you do ignore the main quest it yeah it just got it's just gone and you can never complete it gundam's quality supply store the shop is laid out in a practical and straightforward manner all the items seem to be of adequate construction and there's that music [Music] so shops in this game you basically go to the shop shelf and you have a look to see what's available um instead of talking directly to the dude you talk directly to the dude if you want to sell something uh elven staff nice i can't afford any of this stuff though and each shelf has different items as well so it's worth checking all the shelves fancy armbands [Music] a torch how much would you get how much 16 gold all of that 12 gold i bargained him down to for a torch i'll take it oh my god look at that tunic hello going to steer about to sell you potentially yeah this long sword and this steel flail possibly as well oh god that mace is really trash isn't it i like that i can use it with a shield so yeah you can have this flail as well anything else you could have that weird outfit halloween costume there uh 83 gold for that that's not bad uh there's a shop shelf here yeah we already checked that one out there's this one here lots of books for sale vampires of the iliac bay a lot of these don't appear in the later games as well like the king edwards series um and a lot of them have edited versions as well like you can get the original uh what's it called real baronzaya series in this game which has the saucy bits still in it and another thing you can miss actually with the shops is if you go upstairs there's an additional shelf up here in this room you could buy a horse you could buy a cart to put your stuff on horses worth a thousand gold give or take a bit for bartering um that's gonna be my number one goal is getting a horse [Music] saving up some money for that yeah unfortunately i don't think he'll buy the dagger off me because it's like an ingredient or something as you can see it doesn't pop up in here so i need to find like an alchemist so i'm pretty sure how the daggers are because now i can rob these crates if i'm stupid enough to try but i'm not um what we need is an alchemist it's another general store there but we want an alchemist you're there random person gonda steer it's a popular name around here apparently uh i require regional any alchemist i think they have one in charing okay so with that we're going to leave gothway garden for the moment and this is the map here so this is the map of the game area as you can see it includes high rock and also the rothgarian mountains and also a bit of hammerfell you've got all these different regions in the game that you can visit the map in this game is freaking huge roth gary mountains that's where uh what's his face was from from the aborted scaram lp um right now we're in we're in daggerfall the kingdom of daggerfall which is this bit here uh and we're in gothway garden which is right there right next to private years old and what we want to go is you go find and then it's share something wasn't it [Music] i'm not sure if it was any of those hi i need to ask you again sorry mate where is regional any alchemist fan vale right van vale van gaal is bloody else all the way over there if i wish to travel to vanvale if i were to go recklessly camp out which would be much cheaper it would take me eight days going by ship doesn't really make a difference if we could buy ship or by foot apparently we'll go by ship uh begin there has to have been a closer alchemist than that he probably was out he was pulling my leg wasn't he this guy he was like yeah i'll send you to the opposite end of the kingdom all right it is snowing [Music] right we're in van vale there should be an alchemist here somewhere uh you sir alchemists first class pot herbs keep going that way north east if you keep asking them again if you keep badgering them he'll put it on your map there you go so there's your town map and uh he should have marked it on there for us first class pot herbs is over that way to the northeast [Music] yeah i know we're going to go to ipsec to do it right after i've sold this holy dagger for a big pile of money if i'm lucky i might be able to get horsepower for it so [Music] if i recall the the soundtrack also changes subtly depending on the season because right now we've got lots of jingle bells because it's winter [Music] first class potter is just down the road here here we go this is the place biggie oink hello first class pot herbs hello i wish to sell you a holy dagger among other things oh i can't stop the holy dagger that is interesting all right fine you can have this big tooth ray that's in snake venom spiders venom red poppy dragon scales and ivory which he'll give us 308 gold for that fair enough [Music] who the hell can i sell my dagger to then [Music] pawn shops pawn shops brilliant thank you [Music] uh where is regional any pawn shop i can't even ask previous list [Music] we could just go to the city of daggerfall itself because they're bound to have one there [Music] all right well in the meantime yeah a long ad a young lad with fierce eyes hands you a letter and runs away into the alleys right this will be the main quest finally triggering tim do not make an enemy of the dark brotherhood we can make we can we can be great help to one another but you could not wish for a worse enemy when you have oh this is okay this is not the main quest when you have vanna beth woodcroft's research paper bring it to me here at the greenton residence and deer walk fail not for the wrath of mephala queen of oblivion be on you by sarah hawkfield okay so interesting the plot thickens what i want to do though is go to ipsed which is just over there nice yep let's travel two days [Music] ah this town has a wall electricity right surely this is now the main quest it's been to see who gave it to you capture clinton's delivery that vanishes into the crowd what crowd bulletin board hips head any person from summoners of rk will be persecuted to the full extent of the law king gothred [Music] right i haven't quick saved in a while so let's do that and uh here we go dear tim i heard about your accident at sea and feared the worst now that i've heard you're alive and well i would like the opportunity to meet with you and discuss our beloved emperor's mission in the iliac bay allow me to introduce myself i am lady magnuson the emperor's agent in the court of daggerfall my position is not so official as an ambassador none but other agents of the emperor know of my true affiliation the iliac prayers rife with rebels against the imperial throne so your discretion is required for the purpose of our meeting i will take a roommate in the crimson ferry in east bridge of daggerfall for a month after that i will no longer be available i will expect you as soon as possible you're sincerely brisiana lady magnuson [Music] right yeah if you don't turn up i believe she sends you another angry letter saying you didn't bloody turn up right here's your last chance turn up and meet me here and if you don't do that then she tells you to off basically and you you can never ever do the main quest after that point so we would be wise to do this soon soon so we'll east bridge apparently east bridge is where we want to go right anyway we're in ips head because we want to talk to the archaeology people present personally to gondsteer greenhouse the superior lyceum what's the time right now is half past six in the evening we need to rest soon because our fatigue bar is almost half empty also there's fireworks outside if you can hear it popping in the background by the way i think this is a pawnshop this what were the chances of that [Music] yeah there you go uh i'll keep i'll keep the talisman for for all playing reasons because it's our talisman of mara and we worship mara so we won't sell that but there you go finally are you gonna have this leather curious and this chain pauldron as well i suppose [Music] another zen is dickering dickering eh you're obviously in great need normally i would pay far less but for you i will offer 1929 gold excellent now can i buy a horse off you am i going to go to a general trader for that i could buy some gauntlets pawn shops do have an interesting selection of stuff che ching indeed yeah ah you don't have it wait no there's the shop shelf there we go chain boots steel clay more iron mace hello what so many people called gondor steer what is going on i guess it's like john smith shop shelf oh there's another one in here leather tower shirt alas we are forbidden from using tower shields against our religion same well not the same with bows we don't use bows because we've only got one eye uh i have another torch i suppose [Music] quick save regularly because there's no auto saves in this game right anything good on here not really okay [Music] back outside nip's head now uh unfortunately it's getting pretty dark i need to find an inn i think that's an in over there looks like an end to me [Music] i'm gonna need to stay here tonight [Music] yep this is the queen scorpion right hello so it was a name gundy neck i'd like a room for a day four gold pieces um and we can now rest until holly fully healed i guess and now we'll wake up in the dormitory upstairs the fact was is the time now uh no we can stand to right away a bit more for a while [Music] seven no six hours whatever uh probably want to rest longer than that actually really yeah it's yeah yep three hours there we go [Music] right oh there's a naked lady in there there you go there's some titties for your chat enjoy [Music] and demonetized hooray okay uh let's see [Music] let's see where are we going we're finding the like the the the something lyseum superior lyseum i think gone to greenhouse where might we find him it's realizing on my map thank you it is uh down there southwest ish also it's uh before i leave madame victara is there a general store [Music] having a clue sundries on the map thank you that's the notebook not the map oh god it's all the way over there really oh whatever let's go let's go north west because there's a bunch of shops up there apparently soul fade thank you very much for two months appreciate it [Music] the stream lagged you missed the tits oh no condolences there's always the fod [Music] because we have the dream mod installed there high definition titties as well bargain mail a bargain mate that doesn't really fill you with confidence does it that name but all right what you got oh you can repair stuff although i think we really need to right now condition new new new new new new yeah however anything good by the kite shield i suppose [Music] steel boots how much should you uh oh they're expensive okay never mind clear exit no no no we're good i need a horse that's the main thing i need a horse [Music] and this general store will probably finish this with us with one might even get a cart while i'm at it too there we go horse and a cart anything else good [Music] cloak blue cloak i'll see what's on the other shelves first 1 300 gold done deal set right we have a cart and a horse now so that's good shop shelf what else you got is that that is a steel warhammer that would be a good thing to buy actually in fact i will yeah i love that [Music] strap say khajiit suit as opposed to a cat suit obviously [Music] where's that parchment elven stuff yeah where'd you go upstairs mate let me through green i'll take this green cloak this casual cloak oh my god [Music] what's going on there oh okay that's weird so when you get a cloak you can yeah one of the bits for it is slightly bugged out as you can see when you get a cloak you can hit the use button on it and it'll change the vague appearance of it that looks good to me we'll go with that so we got a green cloak [Music] purely a cosmetic item unless of course you enchant it i suppose yeah you were you wouldn't you wouldn't get the letter for the main quest if unless you were high enough level that's the thing because all the main quest quests are level locked you don't get the the letter unless you are already the correct level which is helpful i suppose all right speaking of level still 13 progress while we haven't already done in combat have we so makes sense need a blue one to match the pants uh well i don't know how much long we'll have the blue pantaloons we might be able to find something cooler [Music] i like the green cloak it's a good look okay um else we got it's a bookshop isn't it this is a alchemy store i suppose hello do you ever sell alchemical ingredients mostly i think i've never done anything with alchemy and daggerfall i don't even know if it's freaking possible i have no idea oh no that's private property [Music] awesome car display in the shop right yeah speaking of which we can travel along with our horse and the cart or just the horse i think the horse by itself is slightly faster it is yeah now you can access the cart and actually put items in it i just don't remember exactly how you do that off the top of my head but yes horse riding in daggerfall it's very weird i'm pretty sure my horse only has two legs by the sound of the clip-clopping but yeah wagon button in inventory oh of course yeah there you go so we can put stuff in the wagon can i put the wagon in the wagon no no i can't can i put the horse in the wagon [Music] no never mind can i put no i don't like the torch i can put that in the wagon though i can't put the horse in the wagon i can't put the wagon in the wagon which makes me a little sad but never [Music] mind i guess i'll put the ebony dagger in the wagon for now that's our gift from the emperor so i don't really want to sell it daggerfall you can also put gold in your wagon oh can you nice that is useful because right for those who don't know gold actually has weight in this game uh i can demonstrate i believe somewhere i think i i don't think i can right now it's not available in here anywhere but gold has weight suffice to say uh you can also take out loans from banks there are banks in this game gold has weight so therefore you want to put it in a bank account and with that you can take letters of credit for large amounts of money uh you can also take loans out and stuff there's a whole banking system in this game [Music] so yeah [Music] do you have to pay taxes no i don't think so i think it doesn't go quite that far anyway we're we were here for a very specific purpose weren't we we want to go to the superior lyceum which is directly south of us more or less [Music] hello what's this another armory okay i can sell you a few bits actually i guess i uh oh i'll sell you that for now i'll keep the shield in case i find a good one-handed weapon [Music] silver warhammer that'd be nice probably quite expensive though you will typically find a lot of really good loot in dungeons to be fair you don't i don't find myself buying weapons and i'm terrifically often in this game really most the time you just get it from loot gold button in the inventory mess oh did i uh gold there you go 100 1052 gold pieces how many do you wish to drop yeah there you go right cool cheers i have played this game before honest plenty of times it's just it's funny how you forget random things like that this is the unity version yeah bloody hell the dos version does not look this good good grief you'd be able to count the pixels on the screen if you were playing the dos version uh now then horse uh south i think believe was where we were going yep by playing the unity version with plenty of mods that's what we're playing right now ah here we go set the superior lyceum right better kingsley i i presume nice tablets you got on the floor there [Music] ah books and stuff right i despise your kind just go away uh oh good uh great [Music] gondolas to greenhouses who were looking for thankfully not this guy gonda steer hello welcome my name is gonda steer greenhouse and i am the regional registrar of the cartographers association of the iliac bay i assume that by coming here you show some interest in uncovering the mysteries of hammerfell and high rock and are capable of long distance travel on a coins drop and can handle yourself under adverse and sometimes dangerous conditions now that i have warned you concerning the hazards of the cartographer's path do you desire to follow it and aid us in mapping out tamriel's past present and future yes then i formally welcome you tim to the ranks of the cartographers please allow me some explanations first your actions will be on your own while on duty if you sleep on some street you're not supposed to or take something that doesn't really belong to you you'll be prosecuted and not us the courts know this well and will not humor any excuse that involves naming us second compensation is middling for a new recruit such as yourself and depends on the generosity of our donors we hope to improve upon it but at the start you may only be earning your own travel expenses with that out of the way allow me to present you your first assignment this is indeed menial but we must ascertain the skill level of each member by the work they do your first assignment is to find the bucking buckingston residence in kinging manner a simple test i'll give you 17 days to do that and return here all right yeah django i know all right gone to steer kinging manner that's where we're going king manor king manor is over there yep two days travel let's not forget we also have that mages guild quest to do as well should probably get on with it pretty soon and of course the main quest all right we're in king manor and i believe we're looking for the buckingston residence right you there random person excuse me general the buckingston residence freaking britain always begging us common folk for help while you're done for me lately right he's basically just going to be get to us uh so we'll not waste any more time on him liz le cieveria or whatever your name is buckingston residence what do you what i want to give you directions tim all right they're all jerks around here a page quietly offers you a letter in depth what now bloody hell mr popular with all the posts we're getting tim breton in the service of uriel septim the seventh please forgive my indiscretion the emperor spoke to me concerning you and i have some information to offer as aid if what is hearing contained containers of no use to please disregard it and forget that i bothered you in the region of daggerfall some ruins by the name of the ruins of king and manor lie in the wilderness the place has been adopted as a lair by an aberration of nature a vampire ancient named morales this on its own does not merit so much attention where not for that the foe possesses an artifact of great power called the necromancer's amulet our little information suggested that the foe will spend three more months in the cave and once it leaves it intends to take the amulet with it my involvement in this mattress to inform you concerning the object's existence and then treat you employ all possible means to recover it surely it will be a great aid to you as that will cease to be in one week's time from delivery and i request that you jot down all information of use a map to the ruins of king and manor is included on the opposite side of this page the emperor's warmest greetings the great knight that's just a random quest that seems to have popped off um however there is no way in hell that a level two character can take on a vampire ancient so we are probably not doing that it's from it's from the quest pack mod ah right [Music] very cool but uh yeah no [Music] is there any reason to explore the map or not really never it really isn't like all this wilderness out here is genuinely just wilderness there's pretty much nothing out there the problem is that i mean there is stuff out there you know there are dungeons and stuff but the problem is that the map is so big in daggerfall that it will take you literal real life days to get to find anything because that's how big the the the over world is in this game it's a i believe apparently according to some people it's daggerfalls map like over world map is approximately a one to one scale size comparable to the entire united kingdom it's freaking huge [Music] great night quest is for veteran players who want to try for a real challenge at early levels yeah that would be not me i suspect um oh my god this poor horse stranded on an island someone help him anyway i'm looking for this bloody place all right general the buckingham residence oh thank you what was your name barbain [Music] you legend oh it's just right next to me there we go welcome from all you can tell this is the place going to see greenhouse told you to find now to report its location back to him all right cool there should be someone in here if we were told we could come in hello hello hello el elder yomford what do you want now tim ah she a noble yeah i think she's a noble that's why she's getting a bit brusque with us because our reputation with nobles is slightly low nobles and scholars don't like us very much which is probably why that in the library didn't like us because he's a scholar [Music] he heard our silly accent and he saw our eye patch and he made a very bigoted judgment about us [Music] about portraits background is purple too purple usually means royalty or nobility um well you telling me that's a game thing or if it's just a coincidence anyway um yeah there are there are a couple of mods like warm ashes and wilderness npcs which do add some wilderness stuff but otherwise there's really not anything to do out there other than enjoy the nice views i heard me eye patching me accidentally shots of stereotypes are uh right we're going back to ips heads are we [Music] where's the time ah it's quite late in the evening i love i like the new sky boxes and stuff from uh the enhanced skies mod or whatever it's called jackson hayes thank you very much that tier one sub five months of sub engine total i appreciate it now then where are we going uh all the way down there oh okay better hop on the horse i suppose also quick save because i keep forgetting to [Music] yeah i heard that that was supposed to be a whole whole prostitute faction in the game dragonfall is kind of weirdly saucy like that it has you know all the naked ladies there was a planned prostitute faction and some of the uh in-game fiction is quite uh raunchy shall we say [Music] all right just over here now [Music] oh it's this guy again he still hit us yeah he still hates us all right good work we occasionally send our members on such trips to calculate distances and so on cartography is a science that must undergo continual development as i said your early fees will be low this time we only have 63 gold pieces allotted for you but please be patient with us and let more funding come in we hope you'll keep helping us who knows what could turn up in one of tamriel's forgotten corners so we'll send you for you when we need you okay very good thanks for the gold all right i have a point with a lady in in and with someone else who's being hunted by necromancers too yeah that's the archaeology guild thing that's what that is right uh let's do a perma save i'm not doing nearly enough of those two there we go right okay mages guild of gothway garden sent me to green and orchard where vane with woodcraft as a renowned scholar is staying in a place called the half house residence i mean to avoid the agents of the necromancers uh get vandenberg wood cross research from her and return to the mages guild in no more than 31 days all right cool and i also received a threatening letter from lysar hawkfield of the dark brotherhood telling me to bring vannabeth woodcroft's research paper to the greenton residence in deerwalk instead of the mages guild and uh whoever this person is they can bugger off so i'm going to bring it to the mages guild like i'm supposed to so we want to go to [Music] greenham orchard yes uh two days of travel you can ride the horse while in werewolf or werewolf form i didn't know that i know you could make your horse fly if you use levitate while you were on the horse that's quite fun green and orchard and look it actually is an orchard i guess which is kind of cool foggy horrible day though isn't it right we're perestar yumhum hello [Music] well my friend how are you this day uh i'd like to know where uh the people location things general the arthouse residence points on the map thank you good sir oh it's it's just it's the one building that's here okay fair enough doggies welcome says whoever's in here eliza ashwing please make your quench madam but you're not actually who i'm looking for uh that's an interesting layout of pointless rooms okay hello here we go vannabeth woodcroft uh you're not quite what i was expecting if i'm honest you're the breton mages guilds and the breton the mages guild sent over to protect my work yes marvelous to meet you my child here's the ballet thing good luck getting past those infernal necromancers with it i certainly couldn't oh god all right back to gothway garden then not goth way goth way garden no all right god damn it go for a garden over there [Music] imagine that exchange was pretty tongue-in-cheek yeah see the only house here mate that's the one you want yeah okay welcome back to golfway garden everybody what is the time it's quite late uh but i think the mages guilds might stay open quite late those things so maybe we'll be in luck here they have weird hours the mages guild in this game yep they are open still i thought they might be oh this is brilliant stuff i i guess those damn necromancers were not too difficult to handle at least not for you spiffing job apprentice well they didn't show up at all in fact thanks for the gold right before you go accepting any other quest because everything's time sensitive in this bloody game what's my favorite elder scrolls game morrowind don't even have to think about that for even a second morrowind absolutely i've just noticed that the windows are green at the maze guilt right so lady brazienna lady magnuson she wants to us to visit her i'm gonna have to check the letter aren't i east bridge the crimson fairy in east bridge okay well we'll rest first here at the pigging cat i think hello theodin i'd like a room just for a day [Music] until fully healed great and uh i'm probably still the middle of the night but i don't care we'll leave anyway i'm stuck upstairs somewhere now where am i oh no there we go [Music] right east bridge oh it's just next door practically [Music] see you not on mushrooms have a good one ah here we go just in time for sunrise it looks like [Music] is this the crimson ferry no that's the baton chasm where's the crimson fair is it this one over here here we go the crimson ferry lady braziena i presume ah thank you for responding to my letter tim i am lady brisciena let me bring you to date up to date on affairs the spectre of king lysanders haunts the streets of daggerfall at night and he does by the way if you go to daggerfall at night the bastard will run around shouting vern johnson attacking you um trying to communicate with him is futile he will occasionally moan the word vengeance but that is the only coherent word i've ever heard him utter if you are ever in daggerfall do not wander the city at night you are certain to be attacked by his legion of ghosts yup she ain't kidding it would probably be more gainful to investigate those who might have wronged lysanders to find the cause behind his torment i do not know if the royal family of daggerfall or another person or persons merit more suspicion the major powers of the base sent an all-way rest and daggerfall may be good places to start in the match of the letter the emperor's agent says that he was unable to hand deliver it to the queen because of the war he hired a courier who was supposedly delivered who supposedly delivered the letter in his stead we do not even know the name of this courier and obviously there is little information of use but it would be worthwhile to see whether the letter arrived at castle daggerfall at all how you decide to do this is entirely your decision i will contact you if any new information should surface i'm leaving daggerfall soon my position here has been compromised and my life is in danger do not mention my name in court it is more likely to hurt than help good luck and watch your back tim thank you lady brigina right that's that's it for now we'll get a letter presumably i think when uh [Music] other stuff kicks off although actually we might be able to go to daggerfall itself and go to the castle and talk to someone there i don't really remember i don't think we're high enough level yet ah right uh okay well that leaves us pretty much a free man [Music] don't think i want to tell you where to find the archaeological skilled all right what shall we do is the question what shall we do could just pick up a random side quest from somewhere sometimes people who give them out in taverns hello hello hello just my luck hello no you know yeah great i'll just go back to gothway garden [Music] i know about info mode yeah but i don't generally need it because um i have the tooltips mode speaking to people with a blunt tone more often for better results i'll give it a go we got here what's this place resolution of zen that'll be a temple of xenothar in other words [Music] we could try and find the knights of mara wherever they happen to be that might be something to do [Music] hello perester i'm just going to go next door here and see if i can buy some more spells see i got um yeah 1300 gold at the moment so now unfortunately it doesn't remove spells from the list that you already have um biel's buddy thank you for those bits dude happy new year and dave and chat thanks to stream i've been looking forward to dangerful well here it is if you get a max level then night order you get a free house do you indeed um but yes though like you can see that berlin's bomb is still in here because even though i already have it it's a bit annoying but whatever same with the buoyancy uh cure disease would be good because you can get in a really awkward spot sometimes if you get a disease in a dungeon yeah i love it feet of notorgo fortify speed huh fenrik's door jamb it locks the door that's fairly self-explanatory though potentially quite useful fireball um now i'll leave it for now now we're good for the minute buy a house yeah i'll just do that with my with my spare hundreds of thousands of gold that i have i'll go buy a house yeah sure you can buy a house in this game i should point out there's there is there are many houses you can buy in the game you go to a bank basically and you ask if you could buy a house um and there are houses available but uh they are ludicrously expensive we're talking like 600 thousand gold for a good sized house not six thousand six hundred thousand gold however you can also buy a boat um which is much cheaper and it goes everywhere with you um yeah like onion like onion onion has pointed out exactly yeah it's bet you're better off buying a boat in daggerfall than a house boats are yeah they're effectively like a little pocket dimension essentially yeah even on land yeah even on land i think get quest apprentice have you any ability to identify objects no major school of gotham garden has an exciting opportunity to benefit from the work of the renowned researchers oh it's the same bloody quest as we just had no occasionally we may misplace our trust in certain students allowing them more latitude with alchemical experiments than they deserve i have a sample here of contaminated fluid that must be purified i can't cure poison oh by the wolf i had this i put this one in the back of my mind and here it is again rid of me of this unpleasant thought blue tim one of our guild members was assaulted while bringing notes from one of the more brilliant scholars of daggerfall a kindly informant has told us where the dark brotherhood knave absconded to in the face of danger will you stand firm to retrieve the research yes then make haste to slay this subhuman filth and bring the papers back i will need them in 20 days time lest we lose face with the scholarly community no one should know this ever happened other than the despicable dark brotherhood oh and how my blood boils off with you now the woodstone residence old victaine's farm now go old victain's farmer all right [Music] all victain's fam farm as opposed to old victana's shack [Music] okay you need to indicate some endangered lords they might not even turn up yeah [Music] right oh victor had a [Music] right where is this where is this assassin i'm assuming they're around here [Music] oops come on in says someone yeah sneaky very sneaky you know i i don't think i've quick saved in a while no no okay we could we quick saved up there it's okay it's fine so i can happily die now i guess this is an assassin for a reason right nifty smashy till we got there yeah it's not bad i like it i should remember as well i've got um i do have spells i can use such as that healing spell [Music] right you were hiding in here weren't you yeah i got healed myself the dark brotherhood knows oh assassin is dead we get 10 gold spiders venom steel claymore chain boats sweet and bunch of other stuff ladder okay these must be the research notes to return excellent right i should take my leave there we go you cannot escape the master switzerlands uh click save you modded the helmets to be invisible i quite like him i want my fancy chain boots though how are we doing now level wise oh man oh and mind you your skills only increase when you rest so and i haven't done a lot of resting lately okay back we go yeah you're right we do level on traveling yeah critical strike just increased for example it is a big hammer it's rather good isn't it i like the wall hammers and daggerfall they're pretty good weapons generally speaking i find they got them good stats why sigma what a big hammer i know do like a good warhammer [Music] ah right yeah they opened from 11 till 11 freaking mages sleeping in late uh some water for a while no no no loiter there we go for three hours i come in now thank you oh what a joy i've managed to keep it a secret in the meantime how wonderful these 223 gold pieces will go unnoticed have them and remember tell no soul of this excellent thank you anything else to do that lousy someone has been spreading rumors that i need i need help i don't need help in anything except you do because i regret to speak of this matter but it is necessary tasks the major guild wielding all the power that it does assumes responsibility for any misuse that arises out of its teachings on occasion there is no solution to a problematic pupil except a mercy killing bloody hell the king insists that we do away with the shape this shape-shifting villain will you help us an admirable response might does this have ray tracing do you know what some mad men out there will probably mod that in some day uh an admirable response my child it seems the student became hopped up on power after using a chameleon spell for the first time and found it just addictive then came experimentation with the shape-shifting spells and suddenly we have reports pouring in of a tiger wearing robes that kills people what okay clearly chameleon works differently in this game than it does in the later ones uh one of our students friends knew that there was this hiding spot of of resort the haunt of magnolcen in this same province go there and find our pupil in whatever state they as they may be the case and end this menace for us you have 21 days okay the haunt of magna can to kill a a shape-shifting mage that may be in the shape of a tiger by the sounds of things all right i dig it first though i need the low again sorry everybody be back in five minutes i suggest you guys do what you need to do as well if you have to i'll be back in a few minutes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do right i'm back and you're all going to horny jail right [Music] what the hell are we doing we're going to somewhere to do a thing that's usually how it goes in this game we're going to the horn jesus christ what is it called the haunting of something something the haunt of magnolcan the horns of magna can there we go three days it'll take us to get there three days back again when it seems six days so that gives us like 17-ish days to actually clear the place oh it's out there in front of us somewhere i think a strange silence envelops you the air is still and oppressive [Music] here it is all right let's save not screen shot quick save rest there are enemies nearby oh god hello oh god an archer why why game why ugh again really [Music] burglar just died suck it burglar [Music] i won the dice off this time right her enemies nearby the enemies nearby i'm going in okay uh we may need some light there we go right our first random dungeon of the game ladies and gentlemen wish this luck oh first thing we need to do really is uh this anchor there we go [Music] well all right then that's not a bad start ah it was a trap and what's on trap [Music] dead night blade thanks for the swish looking helmet to my dude alvin mace i don't mind if i do [Music] 2-13 damage versus 3-18 i think i'll quit that for a bit and i gotta swish horsehair bit on my helmet now get in [Music] ah battle mage is the only player class in the game yep right that leads down spider no thank you a loot pile gold a bell and a rare symbol is it a trap you know speaking of admiral ackbar actually we still need to uh do that next awakening of the rebellion stream i think the next one is going to be a boss battle with admiral ackbar versus thrawn and also darth vader exacting revenge on the hutts i think that's where we left off last time holy tome okay plenty of loot in this place at least anything lootable in this nope i feel like there should be a secret door in here but there doesn't appear to be one yeah yeah that's the option i've got available click to attack instead of dragging the mouse yeah bloody hell fire it's a werewolf or possibly a werebore who knows well then that was a wereboar okay i wish i bought that silver mace goddamn where piggies go away spider be gone thank you all right let's try to access the wagon i didn't want to loot [Music] click save again all right ye were bore show thyself yeah that's true actually originally in daggerfall um control scheme had two modes one was mouse looked like this and the other was like uh ultimate underworld style where you panned the mouse around the screen and you had arrows at the edge and you clicked to move the screen around it was very very very old-school and weird already been in there hello god he's a kid isn't he i'm stuck in the coffin no ah dear this guy's gonna be tough yeah mouse looking wasd was totally a vanilla thing yeah you didn't need a you didn't need unity for that [Music] oh man we're so close probably oh god though i i thought i had the quick spell equipped and i didn't bollocks please tell me he's the only one down here oh god it's the skeleton all over again you can hit him it's about it yeah like we can't kill him i just need some good dice rolls really here hello furio cifo yes i have i have not not an imperfect christmas and new year but it's about as much as we can really hope for at the moment ah stuck in a coffin again oh boy this is a tough one no oh god back off right okay we're good we're good i thought it might be worth quick saving there because i got a couple of good hits on him [Applause] oh no he's learned how to climb over it [Music] this sucks boy oh god damn it daggerfall why are you such an oh god that was that was a poor place to save [Applause] all right you jerk now i really wish i could use a bow and arrow [Music] hey rabbit saucer happy new year to youtube coffin's op yeah i don't know if i'm actually getting close enough i mean he's trying to hit me so i have to assume maybe i am ah quick save hooray praise the coffin of safety hallelujah the werewolf is dead body has no treasure you oh god right think i just heard a rat that's a bit more my speed good to know the coffins there though if i ever needed to make another hasty retreat please don't let this beat dungeon be full of wear creatures that would suck so very much yeah dungeons often have a theme and the theme of this one might be bloody werewolves okay that goes up i can hear another one oh god no all right let's see uh i haven't explored the end of that yet secret doors here if we can go down that way where i heard a werewolf or wall alternatively is the only place we can go oh no no no no this this here i mean it's still down but so do we get there we go down this corridor to our right and then right right again and then left at the coffin straight forward yeah this is daggerfall unity with many mods installed which is why it looks pretty god dammit no quick back to the coffin all right you dastardly creature yeah i see you there [Music] is he all coming through he is he's just taking his sweet time [Music] coffin mc werewolf band yup interesting it does occur to me probably should have rested after i beat the first one to get my magic back but whatever oh okay that one wasn't so tough you'll also notice by the way that the longer our our torch burns for the dimmer the light from it gets until it eventually sputters out yeah you're right we should rest good blunt weapon and stealth has improved always with the stealth i should have made stealth one of my minor skills damn it it always improves in spite of me not actually trying to oh god run away safety coffin torch flickers and dies there you go right on time hello this game is downright spooky when you've got no torch all right i'm actually getting stuck on the door again okay scum hey deadbeat thank you very much for the 14 months of summage hello oh i think he's figured out the door now yep he has he has right get him stuck behind the coffin okay he's slightly too far away right there isn't he i need to get him round the side there we go okay stay right in the middle there willie bro thank you very much for 10 months of summage just die bastard come on dice gods help me out here not cheesy at all this game is cheese i am only acquiescing to its its twisted sense of difficulty you're on right slightly tight time limit here as well by the way so we should probably be sparing with the resting as possible really right new torch let's go the game doesn't play fair exactly so neither will i after all that was there anything in here because it doesn't really look like it yeah just a big old room with some poop on the floor [Music] all right what nasty inside here wants to kill me anyone not yet that's the way i came isn't it and it's easy to get lost in this game so freaking easy hello oh boy hello mr werewolf here he comes here he comes hello [Music] this way [Music] this way it's like that's right this way [Music] yeah yeah keep keep coming you can do it you can get around the corner i believe in you right thank you here we go round three oh dear he's going around the side again come on right now it's a fair fight i see you trying to go around the side there it's not don't do it it's cheating yep thousand bucks a month on patreon we did achieve it and therefore i have to play daggerfall now basically luckily daggerfall unity is a thing these days so it's nowhere near as painful as it once would have been when i originally made that sub goal so you know just playing doss daggerfall oh boy that would have been rough dos daggerfalls for masochists and grimoth yep accurate [Laughter] well i'm gonna try and complete the main quest onion i will see what what happens first i will either complete the main quest or completely lose my sanity either will happen [Music] why not both indeed ah he was hiding in another poop room i'm sensing a theme ah poop brooms galore all right this is the room that always has someone in it that's a rat this time it's the room that sometimes has someone in it murder yes i like rats they die nice and easily and don't do loads of damage to me it's wonderful okay we've already been here we opened this i took took one look down here i was like nah going somewhere else so okay that's a big old circle we've got it well level i'm level two and the class i made is called arthur's dad it's a custom class oh yeah underwater stuff yeah that's not great that reminds me actually we should get a water breathing spell at the earliest opportunity oh christ am i right now okay that leads further down people okay i guess we're going i guess we're going left i'm still looking for this damn shape-shifting mage [Music] another coffin okay that's actually fantastic news lots of random little trinkets in this dungeon like that oh great it's probably in a hidden room fair i guess yeah right start furiously clicking in the walls hidden rooms hidden doorways just think that it's playing combat music up here i think hidden doors do show up on the minimap thing on this map thing sometimes but i don't know if it's always and even on the map it can be quite tricky to spot to be fair [Music] now if if all else fails actually to be fair there is i believe a console command that can teleport you to the quest objective although i i generally don't ever want to have to use it oh hello hold on there's a bit we've not been up there an upstairs okay you know what ha proved you wrong chat suck it i did do an anchor oh yeah rihanna you're right i think you have to re-anchor don't you [Applause] yeah i know you gotta stop that yeah it's one use only there we go and cassette yep yep you're right i've been playing too much morrowind i totally forgot that was a thing right okay how do we get to that stairway exactly from here we go down down again and then we go right left left okay let's see if we can figure this out [Music] okay yeah it's this way no took the wrong turning there although have we explored this one yet we haven't actually this is another unexplored avenue all right we'll come back to that in a bit what i actually want to do right now is go up this way oh no i can hear another one why did you have to give me a dungeon full of werewolves game [Applause] did you think it was funny maybe i can use this a bit like we used the coffin do you like the smell of that cheese mr werewolf thank you who doesn't like a bit of gorgonzola great uh this is the secret door here this was pretty pointless yeah it's pretty pointless all right well let's try that other place then this way what's down here let me guess more werewolves oh some loot scarab holy water and a rat somewhere i could just stood on the poor bastard right i should really rest shouldn't i uh it's bleeding away more useful time but i should really rest all right there we go whoa lots of skill improvements hello plant weapon went up dodging went up critical strike went up jumping and stealth as well sweet what's our progress now 33 oh imagine a game where you need skills to join guilds and be promoted yeah but also imagine a game that wasn't quite as punishing about it you know like morrowind [Music] ah good another classic empty room [Music] oh my days can we i'd really like to make all this stuff above us completely transparent so i can see what the heck is going on on this level that it's difficult [Music] um [Music] okay we can go over there to a stairway which will lead further down [Music] oh yeah nightbot has not been a feature on this channel for a long last time unreleased i've never really seen the need for one really i just i originally got nightbot because it was like everyone else had a nightbot so i was like oh well i suppose i should probably get one then and then it broke once and stopped working and i just was like you know what i really don't miss it that much voda no spoda don't poison me please bad spodo more coffins but not of the useful variety sadly small statue that's a new one unicorn horn huh religious item i cannot carry any more stuff apparently that is unfortunate if i'd remembered when we were back at the entrance i could have put some stuff in my wagon remove steel claymore remove leather buckler remove these and that i am apparently carrying an entire horse yes that's true okay looks like this is gonna lead strand in a big old circle so when i go back this way and then down even further all right that's my stuff i dropped yeah you'd know about it if it was dos daggerfall oh i'm back down here again i'm really have options here i'm gonna have to go in the water aren't i then this is this is the stage of the dungeons is the most frustrating it's peering around the auto map trying to find the one passage you didn't check [Music] i guess we're gonna have to go try and go in the water and hope that it isn't too lengthy and underwater segment but i suspect it might be because in a lot of places around here i've been here hearing water gurgling noises bother [Music] i'm carrying too much to stay afloat which means we're just going to walk along the bottom basically uh it's a lot of fish go away go away no actually don't go away come back so i can kill you this little fish is dead right i need to get out of the water and heal myself oh god torch flickers and dies i'm surprised it lasted that long considering i'm underwater any more introduced difference between watching hearing on youtube a bloody scorpion really i have to admit that's not what i was expecting i can't help but notice also that the scorpion is not what we're looking for well you laugh spaghetti but like the ancient ancestors of scorpions were sea creatures so it's not completely unreasonable [Music] sorry i i i really ought to check just to make sure but i do i mean maybe it was the shape-shifter yeah it's a big maybe though so maybe the size of the empire state building [Music] i'm just gonna drown anyway like and suppose it's in the loop pile what i'm looking for some there is some nice stuff in here admittedly but mind you he is casting magic isn't he that scorpion is casting magic which i'm pretty sure scorpions don't typically do so i think that might be our guy the problem is i i can't get rid of him without drowning i mean we have buoyancy but it's it's water walking it's not i don't know then again walking might not do what i think it does in this game [Applause] oh hello okay uh well this is my head is now glued to the ceiling not ideal but i guess it'll do come with me scorpion all right um i'll move faster until i get to here at which point i'm now paralyzed and idea maybe uh maybe it's not magic then maybe it's just a sim the simulated effect of his tail or something okay well good to know i can ceiling walk [Applause] oh there scorpion this way all right quickly quickly come on come on faster before it gets us all right game saved the safety coffin saves us once again there's some confusion in daggerfall because poisoning and paralysis is implemented using magic effects ah okay well yeah like poison in morrowind is the same to be fair a spell rather than a effect right what i need to do is get him around one side of it i suppose i could try electric electrocute the bugger but i don't know if it's really gonna work yeah they always just make the spell save the jamming kits [Applause] how i see you trying to go sideways there just die please [Music] they die now alas the end is near and now i face not the final curtain as the creature's corpse falls you hear a groan this must have been the shapeshifter thank goodness i mean i'm mostly dead but thank goodness i mean i i had it totally under control the entire time i knew exactly what i was doing and wow those skill increases though right i there's some there's some fat loot down here and i want it pretty sure i did save already or did i their permissive i was crouching there for some reason yeah by water breathing good idea blue pile give me i want that holy dagger it's worth a ton of money [Music] right before we bloody drown quickly [Applause] [Music] i'm actually stuck to the floor instead of the ceiling this time that works for me right there we go few you can swim down and up while boying oh i didn't know that i thought i was i uh well we know now is it like yeah it's like levitate okay i didn't realize that yeah cheers right should we get out of here mission successful everybody do you wish to access your wagon oh yeah sure let's do that um actually no we're all right for now no let's just leave now you know and knowing is half the battle indeed a few huge bat flaps slowly overhead my god [Music] i'm healthy right i haven't been turned into a werewolf then good to know [Music] all right back to golf garden man hopefully we've managed to do it in time are we killed the scorpion are the great underwater shapeshift and scorpion [Music] are [Music] bring personality up to 50. what is it currently oh it's 48 yeah that's a good idea that dean golden star oy might love your stuff and i hope you enjoy doing it as much as i enjoy watching well that would normally be true of virtually everything except for possibly this game oh hey there's an arc i'll just killed it here in gulf war garden i didn't realize that that'd be to be fair i am i am kind of enjoying this but uh at the same time the game is a well daggerfall has always been a bit of a wind-up merchant if you know what i mean [Music] oh dear what's the time 4 a.m bloody hell uh yeah all right well let's go to it go to the pigging cat and rest shall we [Music] um we could probably stand to rest a bit longer actually no just rest five hours [Music] [Music] right a thousand thanks for saving our poor pupil from a worst fate those who fail to control power become slaves to it in time have your book biography of queen baron's eye volume three is that the naughty one kit fox thank you very much oh wait hang on a minute no dean's given gifted out a bunch of gift subs that's very very generous of you dean cheers appreciate that we're watching you i have a lot of miscellaneous crap right now don't i look at all that [Music] nope it's not the naughty one thanks here's a porn book yeah actually you have anything else for us to do in the meantime recipes are a daft business apprentice i'm working on a formula that calls for a goodly piece of hezrava what is it has rave or a herb a mineral well i've researched the matter and found hezrevo is a mummy imagine that in this particular mummy is right here in daggerfall can i talk you into going to its tomb and grabbing a piece of hez raver for say 201 gold pieces why why 201 why not 200 it's like 201 specifically or is it volume two right it's volume two that has the naughty section uh hell fine jolly good apprentice uh it'll be worth 201 gold to you now this mummy's tomb is not too far away at all so it shouldn't take you any longer than 12 days to get there make your grab and get back remember it's got to be fresh preferably off its body the name of the place is something like the hold of buckingston it should be gruesome you might want to bring a good bring a sword or some such thing well good luck young brother 12 days just 12 days that's that's cutting it a bit fine honestly yeah mummies they're not they're tough but i think we can take a mummy i think we i think we can probably kill a mummy right get water breathing good idea i assume he sells it you there fancy floating book spell man change me water breathing yeah there it is thank you very much [Music] nothing else worth getting already have shock [Music] magelite inferno [Music] all right yeah rain spell would be nice yeah true lightning i don't need something that's a bit cheaper to cast really fireball i might do the trick fire based area at range perfect fireball love it i don't think i really need levitate i mean we could get it let me see how much it is i find that i mean it would be it would be good to have but i do find in a lot of situations really that you can just climb instead of levitating but yeah sure tell you what we'll have light as well in case i run out of torches because i've done that before i've forgotten to buy replacement torches and just found myself in the pitch black right actually levitate is mostly fun for um making a flying horse i find [Applause] i'm a flying horse get a nice view of the town from up here though [Music] pegasus mode engaged indeed there's like that's like a nightly order or a fighter's guild or something over there isn't it i should go check that out in fact if it is a fighters guild i might join it [Music] hello madam just floating on by on my horse griffon mount i finally got a uh i finally bloody managed to get a flying mount for my wow character this week it's so good being able to fly [Music] in wow it's just it's just the best what the hell is this place anyway i didn't bother to check yeah it's the fight is killed it is indeed the fighters guild right sign me up chums yeah you're still warrior we can use the fighter skills we offer skills training special discounts and armor and weapon repairs and very profitable work assignments in addition you always have a place to rest in any fire scale are you interested yes great i won't get a question right now because i've got another one for the mages guild to deal with but we can do training here this guy can do repairs i don't think we need anything repairing right now everything's still conditioned new [Music] and of course we can rest here as he said hey we joined the fighters guild anyway ladies and gents i've just looked at the clock i'm afraid we do actually have to stop here apologies everyone but our time for today is up so what we will do ladies and gents is pick this up again some point relatively soon i'll just basically play this game when i feel like it and if i don't feel like it then i won't play it otherwise i'll just spend the entire game complaining that's the entire stream sorry complaining and that won't be fun for anyone because this game is weird i love it and also hate it in equal measure it's an odd one sometimes i have a really good fun playing this game sometimes i just want to rage quit after a session it's an odd one but we'll see if we can get through it we'll get through this main quest finally finish it for the first time in my life ever we'll see how we get on um so i hope you enjoyed everybody uh as as as you probably know i have a patreon which is the reason we're playing this in the first place because the patreon goal got met um but if you want to support what i do on youtube and here on twitch i have a patreon links below and uh yeah happy new year everybody i'll be back streaming again with something else very soon uh we we do roughly every tuesday but not every tuesday we do um euro truck and at the moment i've been doing a on and off empire war awakening of the rebellion empire campaign which will pick up at some point again soon still learning the game in preparation for a big youtube series i want to do you see and uh what else what else what else what else i might pick up control again at some point and also i do now have uh horizon zero dawn which i'd like to get stuck into as well loads of games i want to play really not enough time i kind of fancy having another crack at stellaris at some point as well but i just can't figure out on how on earth to fit it in with everything else so you know anyway cheers my dears i'll see you again next time let's have i done a yeah i just did a perma safe great um let's see if anyone is there available to be raided variax is playing rimworld perfect start raid there we go all right there's gents pile on in say hello to variax he also streams daggerfall at the moment he's also doing a daggerfall playthrough but at the moment he's playing rimworld [Music] so and rimworld's awesome so you know go check that out folks say hello to my good pal variax and have a good one everyone thanks very much i'll see you next time too [Music] right they've all bugged off to see variax so those of you watching this on youtube this was part one of this ongoing series hopefully uh i'll hopefully catch you for part two whenever that happens to go up on here um thanks for watching though catch you next time
Channel: SorcererDave
Views: 618,861
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, Daggerfall, Let's Play, Unity, DFU, Twitch, Stream, Mods, Modded, Main Quest, Walkthrough
Id: wyjOkR6KlcU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 234min 7sec (14047 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 03 2021
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