Kenshi 2: Everything We Know So Far! (2023 Update)

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Lo-Fi games has been working on kenshi 2 for  over four years now so here's everything you   need to know all in one video Welcome everybody  it's your boy cool kid Croc here and it's been   over two years since I made my last Kenshi 2 News  video So today we're going to be catching up on   everything that is new news as well as confirmed  officially from Lo-Fi games I'll put this video   off for a while since I already covered a lot  in the first video but now there's so much more   information it's definitely worth making the  second video we're going to be looking at all   the newest information as well as screenshots  and videos that have been released by Lo-Fi   games all about kenshi too but this time we're  gonna be going backwards in the timeline until   we get to the start so starting from 2023 all the  way back to 2019 let this video be a timeline and   sort of like an index up to the upload date it  took me a lot of work to gather over four years   of information so leave a like subscribe to my  channel if you enjoy vacancy content that's all   I really ask but before I get in into that let me  just say kenshi 2 doesn't have a release date yet   so you're not going to get that from this video I  know there's a lot of hype and excitement around   that but the fact that the game has been in  development for over three years and fantastic   and hopefully foreshadows a high quality game I  make a lot of different kenshi videos and plan to   be with you guys all the way into the release  of Kenshi 2. so if this video helps you out   subscribe to the Channel with all that out of the  way let's get into all of the details I'll have a   video in chapters so you can easily find all of  the information as well as I'll try to include   all of these sources I used in the bottom of this  video's description now there hasn't been any new   news for the first few months of 2023. currently  we know that Kenji 2 is an upcoming prequel to   kenshi which is still in development by Lo-Fi  games it's going to be set around 1 000 years   prior to the original game and a setting will be  in a post-apocalyptic State the only difference   around this time is that the game might have  slightly more advanced technology when compared to   and she won now rewind the clock in the most  recent update we got that I know of for kenshi 2   is from October of 2022 so we'll start from there  and then we'll go back we got a lot of information   related to the localizations and languages that  will be supported in kenshi too if you don't   know kenshi 1 has been adding more languages  and updates and localization updates since   release which ultimately will help communities  that speak other languages get involved in the   world in the game this came with a screenshot  from what looks like kenshi 2 Alpha stuff just   some people standing around with one talking the  models in this look a little more realistic when   compared to kenshi 1 models but hopefully we'll  still have some of the wacky possibilities we   currently have I mean I'll be really upset if  I can't create some of the disturbing Creations   I have anymore there's not a lot else to cover  there though I mean expect the game to release   in multiple languages so that's sweet for everyone  who doesn't speak English at very least if a Dev   team has started to work on localization that  means that a lot of the groundwork for the game   is probably done or at least near complete the  game itself might not be finished or it might   still be a long way off but it's a big step for  development of any game now between this post   and for nearly a year we had no updates but in  December of 2021 a lot of information came out   about Kenji 2. to start off this community update  we see a video in which we can see the concept   of having a town and being able to divide the  towns and settlements into different districts   this means cities in kenshi can now have a rich  and a poor class or even be separated by race   or faction even their own individual names  this will add a lot of potential to the game   I mean in kenshi won most of his cities kind of  just everyone who lives in a cluster it's a big   mess there's very little actual hierarchy between  citizens something like this can really add a lot   more Interdynamics and stories that can be created  such as gangs and other factions within cities the   devs emphasize that they want modders to also have  the same tools which is fantastic to hear I mean   not everybody plays with mods but for those of us  who do play with mods or even make our own kenshi   mods this is great kenshi 1 has a lot of mods but  its potential is definitely capped so if we end   up getting the same tools that the devs have we  might end up seeing more complex and high quality   mods being made for the game this adds a lot of  potential I mean there's already a lot of great   faction and city mods for Kenshi one but it'd  be just amazing to have full control and maybe   create some conflicts or quests to be completed  in a modded City moving on there was an outtake   which I thought was pretty cool we can see two  characters here running across some land with some   Flames at their feet with each step this won't  be in the final game um kind of unfortunately   it's pretty cool but still either way it's pretty  interesting and likely shows that there's gonna   be pretty sweet particle effects I wonder where  these Flames will actually be popping up in the   game next there are two different videos about  the lighting in kenshi 2. if you've played kenshi   1 I'm sure you've noticed how the lighting  is different from locational location and   depending on what time of day as well as what way  your character is standing and where the shun is   shining it all impacts how you of course end up  seeing the game in kenshi 2 we can see a smooth   transition into a different part of a map in  which the devs will be able to adjust lighting   and transitions stuff like fog and different  weather effects all make a difference so having   good lighting is really important sure it might  not affect gameplay mechanics but it does affect   our visual experience while playing the game  next going into October of 2021 this community   update was about the high verse of kenshi 2. beep  and many hivers stand out in kenshi 1 as some of   the best characters in factions so it's great  news that the devs are focused on expanding The   Hires by making each hiver faction variations and  different in their own ways while trying to stick   true to the original design of a however but also  expand on it the Prototype models for the hiver   look insanely detailed compared to vacancy one  either models when zoomed out in kenshi 1 the   characters are visible but when you zoom in it  truly allows you to see a lot more detail I gotta   say if a kenshi 2 character models do look like  this it's going to be mind-blowing in my opinion   vacancy won character models are fantastic but  they have more of a similar feeling to games like   Oblivion where characters seem less like people  but more of kind of like cartoonish kenshi 2 not   only looks a lot more immersive and realistic  but it also still maintains that unique visual   design that kenshi has the next piece of news  would be about the kenshi 2 River Raptors which   was discussed in a community update from May of  2021. in this update we start by seeing a highly   detailed model of what a river Raptor currently  looks like in kenshi 2. the new design stays true   to the original but somehow makes them look even  more gross and much more bulky and chubby with   there being two different variants this time one  of them has spikes and one of them doesn't I mean   so far I gotta say I love all the a character in  animal models in kenshi too but let me know what   you guys think of them in the comments section  below with an animal or quite frankly monster   model like this I just can't wait to see what  some of the other models will look like for say   the beak thing or the gorillas the next piece  of kenshi 2 News talks about environmentalism   and this is all about how the devs are shaping the  world and putting different biomes together that   way they can determine any problems that might  arise these problems just include basic things   like population sizes and towns or Texture limits  and so on but honestly these photos look amazing   and are a huge step up from kenshi one even in  the first game we're able to enjoy the scenery   and take amazing photos and videos in the game but  I cannot wait to get into kenshi 2 and find nice   settings within the world to screenshot and share  with you guys walls and Gates and kenshi 2 will be   getting a huge overhaul as stated in the community  post by the devs we're currently working on making   a more militaristic designed gate with walls  being able to be custom demise so you can add   things such as watch Towers or garrisons to the  walls I mean this is huge if anybody watches my   Kenji one playthroughs you guys know I barely use  the gates and walls because they're just pretty   standard in design and honestly pretty bad looking  I mean having a more useful and immersive design   will be a huge step up the next kenshi update is  both impressive and not impressive the devs shared   GIF of a kenshi 2 character running with his arms  going wacky along with people that look like they   stole the skin of different humans and started  wearing it apparently the characters were growing   and shrinking as they breathed which is not good  all right I gotta say that sounds like a kenshi   2077 not kenshi 2. that's why the game is in no  rush this was a couple years ago so things like   that are bound to happen while you're developing  a game I'm sure if we're gonna plan to have that   fixed before releasing the game but it is a nice  little insight into making the game kenshi 2 will   have a much better building mode with of course a  free placement design the game will also include   now a grid placement that way for everybody who's  got a bit of OCD in them we're finally going to be   able to enjoy Base building without spending  centuries or countless hours just lining up   chairs and different things we'll also be able to  attach Furniture to each other similar to how you   would say Place chairs with tables in a game like  The Sims and taking a look at two screenshots of   potential kenshi 2 house designs I mean these  look pretty good really amazing designs a lot   more realistic and immersive than before I mean I  would love to either live or shop here this place   looks great the current system for building  in kenshi one is fine but definitely if we   can switch between a free placement and a grid  placement system that'll just make it even better   if you're feeling sad then this is a news for you  because I think this piece of kenshi 2 news is   gonna light up your day okay honestly It Isn't  that cool but um this is some official concept   art for different lights they plan to add into  kenshi too I'm not shooting you okay there's a   wall mounted lights which are convenient for walls  and buildings along with street lights of course   to light up your store front or roads alright I  know this kenshi 2 News isn't that hype but I'm   trying my best okay even though this isn't really  much it does show that the devs are focused on the   little aspects of a World building which in the  end is the true light at the end of a tunnel the   monsters in kenshi are some of the most memorable  and unique creatures I've seen in gaming and sure   enough the devs are making them even better  in kenshi too as you can see the model for   the skimmer is already looking amazing there's  a lot of light reflection on his eyes making   him look like a little sweetheart but I'm sure it  moves around depending on the time of day as well   as where the skimmer moves I gotta say though  this looks a lot more realistic compared to the   skimmer and kenshi one and personally I love it I  really want to see what all of other monsters and   animals in kenshi 1 will look like in Kenji 2 so  this is a great start the next piece of Kenshi 2   news that was put out was this blueprint that was  made now this is not what buildings will look like   in the final game at least let's hope not could  you imagine but as we can see these buildings are   huge some of them are easily maybe three or  four stories tall meaning we're likely gonna   have a lot more unique interiors and buildings to  explore in kenshi too the first game is great and   all but the buildings start to feel quite cramped  or repetitive to go to after enough play time so   hopefully these will have multiple variations as  well as plenty of different options to choose from   designing a beautiful world for kenshi 2 is at the  top of a priority so it was amazing to see one of   the first pieces of kenshi 2 early on in 2020 was  none other than this screenshot of a landscape and   kenshi 2. there was an interview attached with  this photo which is a great read the developer   explains that there's some normal issues when  making the map size work as kenshi 2 is supposed   to be even bigger than kenshi 1 and he also  answers a lot of frequently asked questions about   the world and map also a part of a kenshi 2 world  is the weather and sky AI a lot of the scenery and   beautiful locations in the game utilize the  sky and in this video footage we got to see   what it's like when time is changing in kenshi 2.  honestly this is sick the clouds look really nice   almost lifelike the evening time and night time  looks amazing as well like the planet in the sky   just pops out at night here I really can't wait  to see what Kenshi 2 looks like all put together   with the sky on top of a complete Games map moving  on we haven't seen much concept art from armor or   weapons in kenshi 2 other than these screenshots  here they were released early on near the   announcement of kenshi 2's development and this  would have developers made as you can see there's   some armor and it's placed on what would be a  character model and here's the source concept art   that they drew inspiration from honestly I think  it looks pretty good the ropes are pretty tight   there's lots of wacky stuff going on here I love  it in 2019 Chris Hunt would announce that kenshi   2 will be developed use an Unreal Engine which  was really one of the first big Dev logs put out   about kenshi 2. kenshi 2 being developed with the  Unreal Engine is going to be a big step up from   the engine used to create kenshi one that brings  us to March of 2019 when kenshi 2 wasn't announced   in a community post or on Steam it was in fact  announced by Chris Hunt the creator of kenshi   of a Lo-Fi games website as he States our original  plan was to keep the new project quiet so we could   work on it without public pressure and then do  a big public release when we had something to   show however it seems lots of people are getting  confused or angry about us not still tinkering   with kenshi or leaving the world of kenshi behind  so I'm going to go ahead and announce early what   we are working on now as I think it will put most  people at ease we are starting to work on kenshi   2 it will be set 1000 years in the past during  the time of the old Empire and reveal more of a   World's lore and history the next few points above  engine got changed with a post that I just talked   about about Beyond real engine but we've still  been updating kenshi 1 and applying bug fixes and   whatnot to that as well as core improvements  to kenshi one and that is everything I don't   think I missed anything I mean I looked as hard  as possible and this took weeks to put together   I try not to include any speculatory stuff or  anything that wasn't official or straight from   the source now I've been making kenshi videos  for years now since the game came out and I will   continue to do so until the release of kenshi 2  and then I'll make videos on that game as well so   if you enjoyed this video and you want to stick  with me for a ride remember to subscribe to my   channel and turn on notifications I also highly  encourage you to join my Discord server of a link   tree below I'm hosting giveaways in there all the  time and constantly interacting with my community   you can also follow my other social media sites  where I pump out kenshi clips and kenshi posts   regularly I try not to spam kenshi 2 videos as  you see it took me years to make this one but I'm   I mean it was well worth it hopefully I think  it's gonna be useful to me in another year   or two when the game's getting a release date  and I have to make another one of these videos   anyways though thank you guys for watching  and I'll see you the next one peace each other
Channel: Cool Kid Croc
Views: 237,237
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cool kid croc, cool, kid, croc, gaming, kenshi 2, kenshi, kenshi 2 news, kenshi 2 2023, kenshi 2 update, kenshi 2 lofi games, lofi, games, lofi games, chris hunt, kenshi 2 gameplay, districts, mods, modding, development, game dev, open world, rpg, sandbox, hivers, river raptor, skimmer, sheks, skeletons, lore, armor, gates, walls, building, mechanics, everything, we, know, so, far, 2023, update
Id: EmDq-Q2yfy8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 40sec (940 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 03 2023
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