Embarrassing Secrets From Ned's Past... - The TryPod Ep. 139

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ramble this episode of the tripod is brought to you by doordash use code tripod for 25 off your order of 15 or more also thank you to tushy doordash best fiends meundies and better help for sponsoring today's episode okay but you know what i'm talking about because rice pilaf has the little rice and then there's like these little ovals and little bonus rice well there's peas in there what are you talking about i feel like rice pilaf has peas not standard yeah i think it has some sort of peas or maybe those are the little ovals you're talking about i'm talking about boxed rice peas or ovals i'm talking about rice pilaf that you get in the box that's the cheap stuff i feel like it has dehydrated peas i think is involves cooking the rice soaked in stock or broth adding meat spices and other ingredients as vegetables and pulling some technique for achieving cooked grains that do not adhere adhere i don't know so it's sort of like a jv risotto whoa good tweet ned that's really good yeah i should uh dust off the twitter pilaf is jv risotto eugene thoughts wait zach are you saying you thought it was spelled p loaf like no i don't think they think oh okay no no no no no no no we don't think that we think that contains peas i don't think it has to have peas i've never once had i think it just needs to be flavored by are you kidding me i'm going to google i'm going to look at and within the first three google images you know there's going to be peas just to be clear p-i-l-a-f yeah and the fourth [ __ ] yeah and the six you're losing the statistical argument i would i mean i would love to try it sounds great yeah there's sometimes i like p's and sometimes i don't audience talk on that whoa speak on that keith welcome to the tripod today we're talking peas in or out 2022. uh no it's just a normal episode of the tripod but we probably will talk about peas you guys ever supposed to say uh blown peas with your mouth and hover them in the air i used to do it all the time so check this out like a little science imagine vision vision yourself doing this you take a peek you put it on your lips and then rather than having your head up and down you you tilt your head all the way back so your face is facing the ceiling and then you just gently blow like this dude that's hot and you're hovering them and the you know like a little science experiment the pee will hover in the air if you can modulate the like gentleness of your breath to be just enough to hover it but not too much to like blow it way up listeners wherever you are right now i want you to grab a pee if you're driving on your way to work yeah i want you to lean all the way back and try and make that pee hover over keys can we do a roll call roll call roll call wait is this the actual christmas episode no it's coming out it's just december this comes out on thursday oh december it's holiday seasons i don't accept that you don't accept the holiday season technically it's hanukkah season that's true yeah [ __ ] did hanukkah well for us it ends either yesterday or today i have no idea hanukkah such a little slippery [ __ ] that's a good tweet like john ossoff was uh tweeting the happy hanukkah days thanks john oh yeah like honda was that a hot happy honda days reference from him honda days yeah none of the large car companies we've got eight days of sales yeah they do it for every other holiday why not hanukkah they do it for like arbor day the arbor day sale drive your ass off with john assaf right this is happy honda days i like that wow let me tell you what as a jew it's it's uh it's tricky because hanukkah follows the it's a different calendar than the calendar that we have so it's just all over the place you never know what it's going to be it's like what yeah surprise hanukkah i'm never waiting for it thanksgiving hanukkah this year thanksgiving annika go figure all right turkey hanukkah mm-hmm turkica you put eight little candles in your turkey and then a ninth to light the rest of them i mean that's that would be cute that would be cute i would eat latkes at thanksgiving oh [ __ ] i did vlog because at all holidays yeah supreme holidays strong way to prepare potatoes and there's a lot of them what's your top five oh top five potato mashed potatoes smash is obviously flying high oh we're somewhere in the top obviously i would have to be number one with peas in it though right i mean actually yeah are you serious mash number one yes ah it's at least number two over french what do you have what you need to mean french fries i'd rather buy a second burger just sing in general over tater shots oh well i don't know it's not like yeah you bring up a good price holiday dish situation no no just in general just in general fried pepper out of all potato one peppers they're way up there for me number one for me yeah yeah over french fries uh yeah i'll lead a frozen latke over a french fry frozen from trader joe's out of the freezer oh yeah just cold as a ice pop you tell me mcdonald's french fries that's good but a lot of pretty good frustrations brings me back to that first consideration of the midnight society hash browns ash brown yeah i mean it's tough stuff yeah you gotta rank them somehow yeah are all over the place in terms of like how good they're going to be when you get them i feel like sure like you can get the frozen you know kind from mcdonald's it's delicious amazing like fried you can get the diner ones which sometimes are amazing sometimes they've decided no seasoning belongs on them you have to season them yourself like it's too wide a margin whereas mashed potatoes they're always at least great yeah they're going to hit they're always great they may not be wonderful stupendous yeah they're always great i think they've evolved into one of those dishes that you get judged on by other family members oh yeah you know like yeah if you have subpar mashed potatoes people will call you out on i had some pretty hot mash at my thanksgiving for sure lumpy mash do you like lumpier or do you like a little more on the whip the creamy side yeah wet mashed potato i like them wet i i wouldn't mind a little chunk but i don't want a lot of chunks but i do leave the skins on in mine because i like the skins in there it depends what is the chunk what is the lump is it lumps of butter potato coals are different lumps probably potato you want lumps of butter mashed potatoes thank you so much jack really thank you thank you very much i did i ordered a smoothie at the second try kitchen jack delivered i'm just going to do one of these you're going to blow the right at keith's face whoa wow blew this straw you made a good top of the straw right every time i try that it doesn't work let's talk about green smoothies okay do you feel like this makes you [ __ ] your pants or you feel like it's going to make you healthy uh neither my friend so can we just let you just put that straw in one more time oh he made a much better sound the first time yeah [Music] the class right here we go oh that was really good let me try it it's so dark green it's almost like blue yeah yeah i'm not sure i like this segment it's called zach's smoothie this episode's gonna be called exact smoothie lately this is the first time the four of us have all been to back we've only been together about what did we talk about mondays food potatoes and sex green juice yeah well you know what did someone say there was a roll call it happening right now we also have the most people i think in the store that we've ever had before that's cool keith ned smoothie boy eugene miles and then also ned you have a couple special guests i brought my friends and family the live studio audience that's right we got a live studio audience today uh my dad is here where's the soundbar where's the soundboard [Music] the big cloud not the horn miles jack to bring you what type of cake chocolate last time your dad was here i feel like i talked about something really inappropriate and he was sitting next to me yeah that sounds right do you remember that yeah right yeah uh and then we also have my buddy eric who uh is my best friend the best man at my wedding neighbor growing up i've known him for 33 years wow long ass time a long time what were you guys doing at the age of one dude don't remember don't be just partying just like when you really truly know someone in that stroller yeah can you oh yeah yeah you could you know you ever seen two like babies just vibing yes sometimes babies just they get along they're like yeah these babies are chill they're both like looking at this train yeah they're into it they're looking at this train later on uh eric will tell an embarrassing story about me that's how i'll yeah i think i'll leave the room oh i like that yeah no defense let's talk about that oh i like that or maybe we'll just tape ned down oh god we'll uh i i feel like there's been a lot of uh accusations and slander in this episode and i'd like to just set the record straight this is not a green juice this is in fact a smoothie it just has an over abundance of kale that wasn't my choice that was just what was on the menu thank you [Music] you're trying to figure out the perfect gift for your family well hello tushy bidets yes they are an excellent gift for your eco-conscious cousin your neat freak sister your farty mcfarterson dad and frankly anyone who poops we all deserve a better clean while contributing to a healthier planet i thought that i knew what it was like to be clean i didn't churchy saved my life i just i look forward to every poop stop spreading your business around your butt all with toilet paper start washing with hello tushy the hello tissue bidet washes your bun with fresh water for a way better clean than toilet paper it's a simple spray and pat dry join the millions of happy hello tissue customers right now who take care of their yule logs the dignified way give the gift of a clean bum to yourself or a loved one this holiday season and get 10 off plus free shipping right now at hellotushy.com try guys tag us and add hellotoshi on social media so we can celebrate your clean bum that's hellotushy.com try guys for ten percent off and free shipping [Music] i'd also like to address something please yeah keith i think i get a dress i think i think um frozen peas with butter always amazing yes yeah yeah here's the thing they got to be frozen they got to just put them in a pot with butter and it's like just the one thing that i think the british do really well you're talking about a peas stir like like on the stove top you never cooked peas never once in my life i believe that frozen bees and butter frozen peas and butter baby we believe you yeah so becky always puts peas in our pesto pasta and i'm like i don't want peas in that i don't want that and she's like but i like it it's like but i don't i mean sometimes i like it i like it in fettuccine alfredo not that i can never eat that anymore but i i don't think pesto needs peas disgust wow maybe she just likes alliteration it's a secret healthy healthy item like they're trying to put she's trying to hide it in the greens these have flavor good tweet they have a lot of flavor that's why i don't want them in my pesto they they they go in there and they change the flavor they elevate it i think it's great i mean todaycookbook.com we have other peas in your pesto yeah pea pesto with pea tendrils piss flavored they're like [Laughter] pee tangles are different than peas yeah they are different they're dope what's going on with that tendril they're like little like leafy like small tiny little imagine a tiny piece of lettuce well i'd like that way better don't they look like a little four-leaf clover almost but like a two-leaf clover yeah yeah they're good they're weird little [ __ ] keith i will agree with you i don't think i would want peas in my pesto pasta i'd rather have chicken oh yeah or like or like a sun-dried tomato i was gonna say sun-dried tomatoes well because the pizza is kind of like it gives it a texture but it also kind of it just like is similar to the pesto it gives that brightness that acidity artichoke breaks through yeah yeah i would say you shouldn't buy the cookbook then i just got my copy last night now eugene's speaking of delicious you were at the bts concert recently with yummy yummy butter smooth like butter what criminal undercover how was it it was mind-blowing incredible it was the most things my eyes have seen happening concurrently that i'd know as a producer of entertainment involved like each thing i saw would take 150 people to make wow and i saw probably 150 things at once all the time it was so intense so for some background bts's permission to dance tour was just about four nights at sofi stadium in los angeles which is a new stadium and it's enormous normally it sees so many people and the other thing that you should know is that keith and i we purposely got like higher up sweet seats because it's one away from just the main crowds but also at a lot of kpop style concerts i think this is happening at many concerts now but especially k-pop uh fans buy for like 75 bucks one of those light up sticks and those light up devices are programmed to do very specific whoa basically like it's all like digitally programmed to work with the music the screen part of the show becomes a screen and each light is a pixel yeah so looking down on it is gorgeous yeah it's an amazing view easy to do a show that feels a stadium in it from your guys's stories like they really use that whole canvas and you know how like sometimes like most artists they have like a little uh catwalk of sorts that goes like 30 feet and then there's another stage their catwalk went to the 50-yard line so every time that they came from the beginning to the middle they were going 150 feet holy [ __ ] they were going 150 feet every time they went from the back part of the stage to the center of the arena and so they situated themselves in one end zone and then like the entire like 80 percent of the stadium was filled yeah yeah whoa yeah and it was so incredible and the every bit of the floor was a screen the screen behind them obviously had a million things going on they had so many fun pre-pre-programmed effects what was your favorite do you have a favorite moment i have a favorite moment i personally really liked the remix of their song idol and the visuals were crazy because they did this sort of like photoshop theme but i also really that there are certain songs they have they're already very turned up and then the remixes are just turned super high for this concert and i don't know i think it was just like a really well choreographed show that uh everyone was it's rare that you're in a place where you could tell everyone's just a mega fan i mean they really are the beatles of our generation they're such a mega fan that everyone around us which obviously was mostly 15 to 25 year old girls uh was filming the whole concert not just like i'm not i'm talking the whole concert they never put their phone down some people even put their phones perched to just film the whole concert from their vantage point it was constant and also like before the show even started girls were crying just because the song came on that they knew they were going to hear later again live performed they were just playing music videos before and people were just crying wow and it was it was very cool and it was like very sweet i think a girl near us was having fully having her sexual awakening my uh i was kind of loose again it was kind of hilarious it was it was it was just so magical and cool to see people who care so much about something getting to experience it it was and i've never seen like a superband like i never have seen an nsync or a britney spears i've never seen a super app and by the way you've never seen anything like this because there's never been anything like that never been anything like this i have a lot of questions yeah so i didn't get to go it was very sad you guys know i'm a little bts fanboy over here i i took i took maggie's family on a vacation i got multiple tweets every single day asking if i was going to this show from the army it is with great shame and dishonor that i say no i didn't but i was very happy to live vicariously through you guys eugene was texting me teasing me for many hours telling me that he was going it was very sweet like now don't hate me uh so first question how is jimin was very cute and in fact very sensually playing with the audience he was one of the most flirtatious when it came to his clothes that's my fault amazing hair throughout the show they just oscillate between between being super super [ __ ] hot and then adorably shy and they'll just turn on a dime it'd be like very very hot and then anyway i'm just so excited to be here and see all of you it's quite literally asian culture it's so fun i do have one bone to pick with the world oh [ __ ] uh-oh uh-oh which is whenever i post anything about k-pop now there's a lot of young people who are like how does this guy get to do this or know about this before i get to do it and they're 12 and i'm like listen i am actually korean and i've been listening to kpop since the 90s and if you don't remember seven years ago i was literally introducing kpop to every single person i knew including colleagues and all i would say was like y'all just wait there's going to be a band that's going to break through and be the biggest [ __ ] in the world and it ended up being bts right but it was so funny because no one listened to me they're just like all right here's some like weird korean music eugene keeps playing for everyone we listen y'all listen we did but damn now everyone's just like oh yeah of course like this is the biggest thing in the world but i just kept saying like yes yeah in my crystal ball i was like guys you guys have to get into k-pop because k-pop is gonna be the biggest [ __ ] in the world and everyone was still was like i don't get it there's too many people it's too crazy it's not in english yeah english but it's changed sometimes it is crazy it's crazy how much this [ __ ] has changed in the past 10 years bts super bowl halftime show 2023 what do you guys think possible they're almost happening for it they're almost there i also hope like i don't know if that's the right audience for them yeah i would want it to be really isn't but to me it's the definition of super mainstream fox would have these koreans come in and take over our past time i went super southern with that yeah i loved that i think that was mostly correct i could see like the chiron okay question two okay i was gonna text you guys and ask you to buy me merch but i imagine that the merch line was just out of [ __ ] control like i can't i it's like i liked you too much as friends to send you on that journey so but how was the march fans actually lined up at midnight the night before to be at the to buy merch that opened up like in the afternoon so they were waiting over 12 hours to just get the first merch because come on back the merch that we saw there were at the end of the our concert because our so the last night was the end of the thing there was merch but it was not the cool merch anymore it was fine unfortunately but all the good merch was gobbled up yeah just gobbled up and gone yeah my friend irene who went with us it was her third show out of the four to five shows yeah she's she's a true super fan way to go irene yeah but also korean so it was nice because being korean that was the most sweet thing myself with another korean person like we're older so we grew up having to deal with people like making fun of us for being asian we were the ugly ones in school and then to have all of these american kids sing korean next to us it's an insane experience like we were almost near tears half the time she's like isn't this wild because we were hated when we were young and now and i kept repeating like man if i was born 15 years later i'd be such a dick because i'd be like oh it's cool it's the korean kid in school instead of like oh it's a green school kid in school get him right now be like ooh it's the korean kid in school get it yeah it's really cool i yeah that wouldn't have occurred to me but that must have been so moving and special and this is like so people if you don't understand playing sofa stadium five nights in a row something like that five five nights whatever the totally it was so many nights the biggest thing that you can do in music there's not like that is the tippy top top top i saw harry styles a couple like weeks ago and that was also incredible he he sold out the forum he did a couple nights there but sophie is like [ __ ] that that means you are the top of music thousand people there's a new stadium in the world yeah this is also the super bowl is going to be there wow right it's the newest place yeah it's the only place with the technology available that's the most current technology for you to utilize for your show which is amazing uh it was so funny and i i could tell it was mostly you know it was very dominated by asian americans i knew people had flown in there were asian canadians as well there were people some girls said i flew in from canada because it was only in la and it was clear that and so cool you know that all these people get to see someone who looks like them and see like they are the coolest people in the world right now and it was like clearly emotionally affecting for all these people it was very cool to see an experience did you guys get mobbed no because we were on our little secret upstairs area and then we left uh before during the last song and we missed the coldplay uh song which everyone was like you missed the best part of the concert and i said no we didn't i'm sorry but even if you like coldplay coldplay is not the best part of a bts concert yeah for sure well other knights got surprised by like megan the stallion that would have been nick well maybe in the future we'll do like a a k-pop dedicated episode there's a very fascinating history behind it that i'm like super involved in thinking about like exactly how this went from like zero people being aware of korean culture to everyone consuming it so yeah it there's some really interesting parts of history that play into why bts is so popular yeah well get this so i was on vacation with maggie's family we were we were in mexico and we were feeling jealous we were like [ __ ] guys are why we do this why did we go away we should have just flown back [ __ ] your family and so we were thinking about it and we didn't but we're like you know what maybe maybe there's gonna be a cool concert here we're like by we're by puerto vallarta that's a big city so we look we go online and we're like what's what concerts are coming in and i look and i see and it's stevie wonder and lionel richie and i'm like that's [ __ ] stupid you're pretty much the same thing it's the same thing they're both they're both at the height of their talent and career no but i was like you know what that's cool and then we look at the fine print and it says stevie wonder and lionel richie performed by kevin it was just some [ __ ] guy named kevin it was a night of covers and that was the best concert that we could have had so we didn't go we didn't go you didn't go see kevin we didn't go see kevin i don't know if kevin's covering stevie and lionel he must be really good he might better be good yeah he better be good there's nothing more annoying in this world than getting home from your grocery store and realizing you forgot that one thing but guess what doordash is here you already use doordash to get food sometimes you don't want to cook you get it but now doordash can also get the grocery essentials you need to your drinks your snacks and other household items delivered in 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you know best fiends it's the fun game with the critters you match you you catch your bugs i got a bug named miles i've been watching them grow up it's like my son it has it all okay it's got the amazing storyline it's got collectible fiends and a ton a ton of fun puzzles you can't put it down it's quite possibly the best puzzle game out there you can play anywhere you got no wi-fi no problemo best fiends wherever whenever if you want with the offline mode that makes it great for your flight home so even if the holiday travels take you off the beaten path don't worry you could still be feigned in not to brag but i'm pretty far along i'm at level 202 and still phoenix has literally thousands of levels with more added all the time so there's always a fresh challenge whenever you pick it up download best fiends free today on the app store or google play that's friends without the r best fiends [Music] what was the vts of your generation would you say the big pop pop group big pop super band the beatles right um yeah it's not really a coral area it's just because yeah it's international because the beatles was the first like international group that stretched over oceans and everyone was hyper aware of them and they didn't have the internet back then so it was like especially impressive that beatles i think you are you guys watching get back did you yeah you guys watched it watched it yet i watched a little bit of it it was kind of boring i'm not gonna lie it's both kind of tough to get through boring and like it's very shapeless but also the most deeply fascinating thing like you need to be a beatles fan but it's just yeah it's just fly on the wall their creative process for eight hours i mean that that part was there's one part where you kind of see them making the the song get back in real time it's crazy he's literally just humming and he's like oh yeah i saw that like just strumming and then all of a sudden at a thin air get back it's crazy and it's like whoa what the [ __ ] happened yeah but like that i think that's a that's a good corollary and it's the closest we have because of like the wave of beetle mania this thing came from overseas and the the hysteria around it that's the wrong word the the the intense fandom where people were fainting like that is new but as far as like musically and culture they're just their own thing i don't know i don't really know how you compare bts to anything else what was the first version of like people being mega fans of something like stan culture yeah was it probably probably like gladiators no i was thinking like was it like internet it's like an illustrious warrior who came back and they're like whoa it's it's spartacus he's so awesome i think people got mad when i just started talking about the caesar uh thing the couple podcasts ago so julius yeah yeah yeah julius caesar no i mean well because like in ancient times a lot of the intense fandoms were like through like how could you like promotionally write about yourself and like part of the reason why caesar like became such a big thing is like he kind of wrote this like memoir that is like very much like from the point of view of like himself this is how dope it was right well people stand to jesus oh no i did i guess that's a good point that's only yeah they had 12 really big things kind of into him but also afraid to be into him at the time but his merch was not ideal yeah he didn't have good money he had a line of sandals that didn't go anywhere i think though like 12 back then is pretty good i mean it's not bad because they were you know they were kind of like fish heads right they went wherever he performed fish heads is not a bad name for the jesus fandom yeah they followed him every time and he was like i'm just performing by this tree i'm like i'll be there right over there which store are you telling which one the one of your birth love that one i mean he was also like highly performative i mean yeah there was nothing he did magic back in the day you just like tilled the field and then probably raised a baby and then there's this guy being like hey guess what one fish a thousand food yeah he was doing redfish water wine party time so this thing is crazy jesus's disciples most people don't know this they would buy these little fans and then while jesus was talking they would stand around him and they would be like a show in and of themselves they would have different shapes like they become a scream people didn't do some crazy stuff for him they did lay down a bunch of palm leaves so he didn't have to walk on the dirty ground once really just once yeah just once i'm not getting them one seat they did that and then he like got there and he washed someone else's feet and they were like jesus don't do that he's like no no it's cool that's going on we're equal okay i was someone who was washing your feet tweeting me the other day about my um how jesus is a slytherin wizard who just fooled us all that smith that was from a previous bond cast and i was like that's real i need to go re-listen to that i think it was yeah something and i think it was when i was playing the miles oh yeah of the episode and i kept talking about evil wizard jesus and how he was a slytherin who just he did all these cool tricks to make us think he was the son of god yeah it's weird that there are things that we've said and done that are more memorable to people than they are to us yeah i was out of control that day well speaking of headlines about cool stuff about cool stuff that we did i prepared a really good segment uh that's gonna be so good miles we'd love to hear it all right thanks man okay so uh on tick tock you hear a tech talk you know about tick tock i know what that is yeah you can hear about it so uh there's a great music i'm sorry i'm just looking at eugene jean's upset so there's a great not making us react to tick-tock no no not today not today well unless you want me to yeah although you guys on bing-bong tick-tock you don't know what that is why is it the dead character from inside out it's not important everybody in the comments is gonna go wild for this is it the thing will nazak did with all his famous friends no but that was fun uh no okay so there's this guy jacob kaplan 17 who dad a great segment that we're just going to steal but check him out jacob kevin 17. no i'm pointing the screen no nothing's there you guys looking back at me okay nope painting right now but um he had this great thing at tic-tac where he was making um buzzing headlines out of historical events and so i have a i have a list of great historical events that we're going to make buzzfeed-esque click bait headlines for that's fun and sort of discuss you know what's going to be the most clickable of these trending historical topics something we all want to do so i'm ready okay to start off uh marilyn monroe jfk cheating scandal eight pictures that show meryl monroe and jfk's relationship is goals yeah that's good so i might put in cheating relationship is goals we all wish we could cheat that yeah that's really nice 13 other affairs that will get you saying yes queen really good stuff definitely going to click on that so did marilyn well for real hook up with jfk oh yeah probably yeah yeah i guess it's true marilyn monroe is dope yeah i'm a big fan people because everyone thinks of her as just the dumb blonde but she was so smart she hung out with with philosophers i only have cool people really dirty awful titles going through my head yeah that really i i don't know if they're appropriate or not well we can cut them out or bleep them that's gonna make for a really great episode not just steam vents see what else is up marilyn monroe's dress this week that's really good oh god that's like the buzzfeed headline as if it were published in the 60s yeah read all about it not just steamvents anymore folks jfk right two thinking here's a good one uh the wright brother is playing a plane for the first time my god what the [ __ ] is that [Laughter] i was like you know what else no one saw it they'd be like what the [ __ ] is that yeah it's in the air and it's a machine that is crazy where are they from north carolina north carolina brothers from north carolina finally get something right take to the skies really good take it to the skies pretty good it was pretty crazy they did that huh you see the shitty flying machines people had invented before they were awful there were some that like did this they they were like like flapping like a bird that would have been you i would have loved i think an early air engineer i think in another life keith would have been coming up with goofy ways to figure out flying and he would have failed spectacularly beautifully it would have been so beautiful meet the brothers who are literally flying a plane literally that's really good yeah yeah who is it got actually a good point keith who would you guys all be if you were in when was flights invented what was fighting invented early 20th century yeah so if it were if you were then instead of because obviously you which aviation pioneer are you yeah fast food questions to find out it must have been earlier than 1912 because there's no way we went from inventing planes to having bombers immediately it must have been late 1800s right it must have been late 1800s i don't know i don't know because otherwise they would have used them in world war one 1870 in world war one all they had was like you know zeppelins they did no i saw 1917. 1903 was the name that movie yeah 17 there's a plane crash huh there's a plane the 1903 was when they first did the flight thing well [ __ ] right brothers yeah those boys old were they i think they were yeah i mean everybody died back then like pretty early so i mean well they were born in 1871 and they were like 33. should we should we fly some like old-ass planes try guys fly that seems terrifying rudimentary planes okay crazy to take us up yeah crazy flies yeah he has a pilot's thing he's working on this there that's really cool every time he comes to film with us we have our office he has his office we're like crazy coming out there's like no man i'm studying and we're like oh what are you and he's studying for his airline test really yeah that's so cool and he loves it he's so happy and we'll get him on to talk about it sometimes i don't even know why or how he decided to do that wes and i went on a plane flight and the pilot was all super nice and like let him kind of come up and look at all the buttons have you guys ever been to playing cockpit there's so many buttons it's so it's like it's there's probably over a thousand buttons and each of them do something and you probably have to know what each of them does wow you probably probably yeah some of you can just let autopilot take over probably what's your favorite button what life oh my favorite button podcast ends right there my favorite button i have a favorite button in life it's the button that starts a game of paintball that's after you put your coins in this one that little flashing button you got to play pinball after you hit that button and that's a pretty darn good i button i like that missing button that corduroy the bear was trying to find remember him yeah yeah did he find it yeah he found it it's a kid's book yeah i remember that vividly he lost fur here's what corduroy the bear looks like now old yeah you won't believe it he uh he lost his one of his buttons on his overalls yeah yeah the a girl find him and take him home and sew him a new button at the end because he can't find a button because everyone else needs their button i mean it's probably gonna be adapted into a movie at some point because they're already doing clips i'm surprised it hasn't clever the big movie looks crazy he's so big and red it was fun scythe west how big and red was clifford he was pretty it was like the size of a school bus he got big too fast imo it was like it was like an overnight magic so was he born typical puppy size yeah and then he got huge he was born as an ordinary puppy and then the power of love transforms him overnight to really a size from like a circus man it was another new series what kind of [ __ ] message is that for kids and then they go mommy why am i not big well good to me because i don't love you enough no that's gone only this dog has that the dog and because he's red but i wish that the the dog has just had just grown over the course of a week so they could have dealt with the larger versions of him slowly yeah that just seems like that would be opportunity better for the characters but it was pretty funny to wake up in their giant dog they had to deal with those consequences that's true it was quite hilarious immediately difficult sounds like you liked it i liked some things i liked something there's some good moments but the dog is 100 cgi and i wish that occasionally there was a real talk on screen probably the best is just somebody in a zorb and the dog is like punting oh yeah that was a good sequence [Music] it is somehow already the end of 2021 which means we're roasting chestnuts instead of friends and this is the time of year where we spend hours days or even months trying to find the best gifts for our favorite people lucky for you buster meundies is back with the ultimate gift guide so you can save time and focus on going home for the holidays with the coziest gifts ever i love me undies their underwear is incredible their pajama pants are sublime i don't know what their secret is there there's some fabric that they've discovered that like why isn't everything in the universe not made from this i get a me on these package every month new pair of underwear me and maggie can match yeah we're cute like that and you can get your festive on with the new me undies holiday collection me undies has a little something for everybody on your list nyandi's has a great offer for our listeners for any first-time purchases you're gonna get 15 off and free shipping right to your door your days of fighting for your life in the mall parking lot are over to get 15 off your first order free shipping and a 100 satisfaction guarantee go to me undies dot com slash try guys that's meundies.com try guys [Music] good time few more g-rated movies wait so he's still he's still a puppy technically when he's huge yes so does that imply the sequel he's going to be like the size of the empire state building mm-hmm good point are they good wow well it just so much a lot of people need to love him if they knew her no he's saying because that the ramifications of which are terrifying are they going to neuter clifford he's better ballsy already neutered that that's he's not he's in the building [ __ ] pink red rocket is going to be this link's over slivers red rocket people don't talk about it enough a genuine rocket yeah a genuine rocket yeah we're going to need a bigger knife i can't imagine like a team of 30 vets yeah someone's gotta neuter clifford a crane the team from armageddon comes in bruce willis is on a rocket that's the sequel yeah ten unlikely scenes coming up in the sequel to the big red dog do you think clifford's a tragic character is he so big well think about this okay think about things that dogs love belly rubs he'll never have a rub that can satisfy that belly playing with other doggos he'll never find an equal yeah dogs are a little too aggressive sometimes when they accidentally kill stuff and i would say a dog the size of a house would do that it's sad yeah wow yeah well i think a lot of the childhood story characters are inherently tragic for some reason i think that's like like um uh paddington he's a sad guy well because he he doesn't have his family he's supposed to be in peru and he like gets stranded in london he does get basically adopted but he's also like thinking about his his aunt in the jungle because that's where brown bears obviously the jungle yeah but i think a lot of the storybook characters have sort of a tragic backstory but then aunt lucy comes to to see london it's like how a lot of children's stories um always write an orphan as a protagonist yeah because it's a very easy like arc to then right wrap something up in a book babies understand doesn't have family and they understand that it would be sad to not have parent yes i don't know if this is a [ __ ] up thing to admit but when i was a kid i i had like orphan fantasies because all the media that i watched people were orphans i'm like man that'd be so sick it's like whenever i played make believe we were like all right cool and i have no family cool my parents are dead too oh man that's so honest because you would make you the protagonist of a cool story i just loved it takes two man well they have they're certainly usually the leads in most of i mean even in marvel movies like there's a lot of moms that don't exist or were killed yeah yeah like name a character with a mom a cam i can't name one i mean can't do that i guess the wasp did but then she always thought she was dead yeah yeah and she ended up not being done but she was just stuck in a different dimension she was essentially dead yeah have you guys seen that really horrifying fan of pig image of uh christopher robin and the 100 acre wood characters it's like christopher robin and it's like this retelling of a dark where christopher robin kills six kids in the woods and like to deal with the trauma of that he invents these characters of winnie the pooh piglet and the rest there's no okay that's kind of interesting there's the prevailing theory although it's not necessarily what the author intended that his imagination all the characters are just extensions of some like some mental neuroses that he has so like his depression like a little like we're kind of like going out on going out on a limb there with those two theories darkness in our lovely happy characters yeah there's one about the rugrats that's like that that one's dark people love making things dark and spooky yeah he's always trying to build his little stick yeah this little stick cut when he gets blown over 100 acre woods casting who's who yeah ned would be tigger i guess you would have to be piglet well you probably would be winning the pooh yeah i think so i do like hunting yeah you would be winnie the pooh are you christopher robin nah i think i'd be or yeah yeah or that who's that rabbit guy rabbit uh but rabbit's like always rabbits he's like finicky or owl i guess rabbits rabbit get out of here miles i think you're christopher robin hey i appreciate that i could see you in those little shorts [Laughter] i think people would get a real kick out of us doing a live nationwide tour of us just doing stories from actually if we can get the rights but then they're just like you know just appropriately twisted oh yeah i would like to get dark and spooky yeah people like that that's what adults like it's still good kills can we call it spooky poo spooky well now it's time for a segment where you hear an embarrassing story about me and i leave the room wow i'm introducing my buddy eric [Applause] go on thank you guys for having me eric so great to have you on the show one question that's on all of our minds what's wrong with ned yeah what's wrong with ted i'm going to stoke some controversy here here we go so this is this is a story ned has his version of the story it's the showdown between my brother and ned nine-year-old ned five-year-old my brother andrew and uh it's the golf club incident of 1996. wow it's got so many titles yeah showdown for colin yeah wait ned is four years older yeah ned's four years older and uh we're playing in the backyard and uh we're playing golf little kid golf that ned had his like new first set of like metal golf clubs like the the real thing about the plastic ones classic privilege and they're in florida that's all you do there and uh a lot of people don't know about ned is he was kind of intimidating as a kid especially me like i was a year younger and older ned he was kind of he was bigger he was kind of scary and he had a bag full of clubs he had a backpack carrying his bag full of metal sticks everywhere exactly and then my brother my brother likes to push people's buttons and my brother gets a hold of one of the golf clubs and ned's not ned's not too happy about it so he's like andrew give me back my golf club and my brother's like you know my my brother's my my little brother he's being a little brother he's like no i'm not giving you back your golf club yeah and uh and so you know ned's starting to get angry my brother's starting to get scared yeah but the thing is my brother has a goal and ned had a way of running when he was that age where he ran like head first like a velociraptor it was terrible throttle so [Applause] so words are exchanged i'm just sitting there just watching this i'm like oh this this is gonna end very badly so ned just charges my brother like head first like he's uh he's like a linebacker going going after my brother my brother freaks out and he he just goes for a swing oh yeah it takes him out hits him right in the head oh not everywhere blood holy [ __ ] oh my god it was a terrifying scene luckily everyone was so let's just do a slow-mo replay yeah your five-year-old brother has a metal club in his hand yeah what is it what a driver a putter where we were going to wed nice yeah probably like a pitching wedge or a five iron something like that ned angry runs head first towards your brother sort of a naruto run this five-year-old takes it and in an act of self-defense of course yeah that's not how ned would phrase it now where did it hit i think it was like kind of like right on the top of the head no on the top of the head now tell me was it like uh like did he he cockpit he he cocked back my brother was standing there he was like barry bonds like ready to this wasn't like a swat like he he gave a full and you sure are you sure that that age he was five and not four [Applause] very nice [Applause] so this is a maybe funny story now but that's terrible so my brother got in a lot of trouble yeah ned was very upset parents were very upset my parents were very upset uh it took a while to mend that relationship because ned was hurt by it i mean it was it was it was it was no joke yeah mr foamer can we get you in here oh my god yeah it was it was terrifying did he need stitches or anything i don't think he did i don't think he did what's different about ned's version does he make himself out to be like i wasn't that hurt or not he was more like she's just trying to take the golf club from my brother and my brother just i see so i heroically went to save the club now here's the story here's a story i think you should spin ned was like a really stupid kid and then after this freak accident he wakes up and he's like wow brilliant x times y equals yale and he is the most brilliant child in the world do you guys want to when ned comes back in should we be like i cannot believe you charged that poor innocent i honestly boy wish we all had access to it yeah i i do think yeah yeah i just want to be holding a goal wait do you have your mini golf is it in the closet oh my god i think we have keith has mini golf clubs i don't the opportunity to say his side of the story the fandoms but wouldn't it be so funny if we make it all seem like we're against him but clearly y'all are y'all made up because you were the best man and yeah you guys well i didn't hit him the head with the golf ball yeah that's true you were caught between two parties there yeah i'm just observing this it was kind of like a slow-motion train right because i see ned's head go down and he he's running and and i'm like oh no and i know my brother he oh my god keith has a golf club wow okay so um should we we'll ask ned back in yeah but keith maybe you should be hide the golf club and then knew what story you're going to tell no he had no idea oh he had no idea yeah he asked for an embarrassing one uh you chose a traumatic that's so embarrassing oh my god wow does your brother still have guilt about it he was five yeah yeah i think he was just afraid and he he i think he's playing the self-defense card there he's backed into a corner yeah so how are we playing this we're gonna bring ned back in yeah and then we're all gonna um tell him that this story really impacted our perception of him yeah and then um say that explains a lot and keith will then take the lead with the reveal no and i think actually for the review would be like if ned gets eventually like whoa whoa whoa dad that was a fantastic story thank you for that yeah thank you i just we just really couldn't believe that you could do that i know that your opinion of me has forever changed um it definitely has it's a little bit yeah yeah do you one i don't i don't need to be here um so we heard about um yeah what'd you hear about we heard about a time where you were a little too violent yeah something you did to someone very close to yeah well we thought it would be embarrassing but it was actually a little at first i thought it would be a behavior that was like part of the course but it clearly wasn't what it was oh yeah i'm not sure what story you're talking about yeah i just don't holy [ __ ] i just violent behavior yeah towards somebody i mean his brother was five yeah it's the origins of fool throttle fulmer yeah and look i'm not going to hold something that you did as a kid against you right we've all made mistakes so it's what do you what what story is this that calm down ned gone down i'm getting hysterical dad calm down then calm down calm down you can have it back when i'm done with it [Music] the end of the year always makes me sad it's just the shorter days it gets dark it's gloomy and i'm just like ah seasonal depression welcome back into my life i could use someone to talk to and thanks to better help i do have someone to talk to i use better help i love better help it is so great to have a licensed professional therapist that you can match with you get to do it from your home the scheduling is easy i have an appointment right after this i can do it from my office if i want you get to chat with them online in a safe secure way you're going to get timely and thoughtful responses plus you get to have those weekly video or phone sessions right and then sometimes you need to try a couple people to find the best match for you better help makes it easy you can try different counselors until you find someone who you click with so many people have been using better help that they're recruiting additional counselors in all 50 states i want you to start living a happier life today and as a listener you'll get 10 off your first month by visiting our sponsor at betterhelp.com tripod join over 1 million people taking charge of their mental health again that's betterhelphelp.com tripod [Music] i know that the the first nine of many people's lives are tough but the back nine is normally easier i think i remember this story now where did you get a golf club for me to know and you find out ned come try run at me come and get it come and get it that story ended with me getting here i was the one who was bleeding from my skull dad please contain yourself oh god uh the flashbacks are happening to quote the witness um he he lowered his head and charged like a velociraptor yeah yeah that was that so so it was self-defense so what was his brother to do yeah this poor innocent child is being attacked by full throttle foamer yeah i was just standing there i was definitely just standing there because i remember the club which was a driver by the way a driver clocking me on the head and then all of a sudden oh my god there's blood he said it was an iron mm-hmm he said it was like i thought it might have been a wedge or another could have been still have a bump she'll have a bump i don't know honestly the driver might have hurt less than a wedge just because yeah it's a round rather than a thin line that's why i was surprised at the blood yeah it seemed like such a yeah we were definitely having an argument i don't remember about what i don't remember charging him geez well that was fun for us i got a handful of puns in and that felt good that was pretty good that's true you know that should maybe be a new segment is i love the the shift and perception of childhood yeah moments from one perspective to another yeah my story as told by someone else did my dad tell his moment of the story of my mom being on the phone with him me coming inside and then her saying oh my god there's so much blood hanging up abruptly yes i'll save it for another time then that's funny yeah well actually all right this is a new try guys merch oh [ __ ] is this this is it or is this a sample of course i sign off on all merge oh look at that is the approval board it's a windbreaker oh that looks fresh can i try this on right now yeah put it on here i'll get changed while you tell us about your mom finding out that you were covered in blood uh well i mean i i put my own hand up there and then was like ah and ran inside uh and you know your scalp it bleeds quite a lot quite a lot so i think by the time i ran inside my mom yeah oh he's taking his whole pants off jesus oh my god i saw it i saw him how old is this underwear this is new why is it so thin it's really thin gaining a lot of weight from working out nothing fits going straight to your dick yeah i'm getting a lot of weight in my dick what do you want me to do guys where do you want me okay we already had eugene saying he wants to see miles and boy shorts that's right oh yeah no that wasn't me flashing his dawn your needs joy in his life oh my god there we go well they do look good they do look really cool they're like snow pants oh it's a full zip oh a full zipper on top i'm liking this i like that wow okay so we've got it's like all the way yeah wow this is cool very 80s so it's very 80s it's a full jumpsuit there's little like diagonal stripe moments on the bottom do they still call these windbreakers we call them windbreakers yeah it's like a windbreaker yeah break that wind wow that was like loud i like how the top is kind of like you know stripes zach will take it off uh on the after pod uh head on over to patreon.com try guys become a triceratops lighting it looks it's it's just like a little thing it did look a little translucent didn't it yeah well it's not like this tripod ever i can blurs people's crotches right so well after keith yeah but now it's time for some advice with advice that'll go for miles with miles [Music] do you feel like your life is slipping by [Music] what's up miles nation how's everybody doing today who's that it's me christmas nick oh christmas nick that's right i've been busy down by the north pole and i'm telling everybody how to get by this cold winter season prospector christmas what do you have to tell us grandpappy have you ever wanted to live in a wonderland wonderlam yeah what's that son what's that have you ever wanted to revive life from the sink revive life from the sink disposal get your pan okay and revive life from the scene my advice to you is that plants aren't necessarily dead [Music] why are your pants off well this christmas snake needs to let it hang loose my advice to you is to get a little bit of water if you think there's a plant that's dead in your house because you're murdering them like a genocide you wanna [Music] trees are experiencing a genocide shock them all bring them in the house i guess doubling down they're dying it's not incorrect every christmas tree that dies i feel it in my loins but my advice to you is that your plants might not necessarily be dead there was a plant in my house recently and i thought that plant is dead as [ __ ] we forgot to water it it's not in the sun it's dead but then with a little bit of care and a little bit of wire wire huh that's right christmas kids i took a little bit of why it was a big tall plant and it was like kind of falling over and i wired it up and i i tasseled it with little nipple tassels and it went up and then i put water in and put in the sun and completely fine completely fine plant it was just sick it was just sick it was just am i [ __ ] and then i hear [ __ ] and my [ __ ] sick of my [ __ ] and then i revived it so my advice to everybody out there living their best lives trying to not get cold for christmas is just your plants not necessarily dead give your plants a second chance give your plants a second chance dot com tweet it dot com wait it stop tweet it you know what i learned about plants is that if they got little little brown bits on them like the leaves are dying on part of it cut that out yeah cut that part out because all the water is going there they're trying to fix it that's right and then the rest of the plant starts dying along with it especially a tomato plant especially tomatoes don't even be started on tomato plants don't don't you bring us down there because we're never going to get out we're never going to get out the way they grow they keep like splitting but they split way too much so you got to pull out the little little tiny tendrils prunes pea tendrils i feel bad for house plants it doesn't speak on that it's like looking at a caged bird well some their cousins but their cousins are like yeah look at all this fresh air that's true and the housemates are like please put me by a window yeah i'm constantly in a state of plants can sometimes get the shaft but if they're well maintained there's nothing more beautiful glorious i'm not a such tender loving care not a fan of plants too much work not enough reward wow reward what do i get out of it your house is lovely oxygen oxygen there's oxygen outside and inside already there's plenty of plants it turns out there's plenty there's life it's not because of your plants because forests and oceans crops crops help wheat those are great but my plants in my house plants in my yard don't eat them you don't need plants i like you're telling me if your backyard was all concrete you would be happy i would rather it be dirt where dreams are made of you you know for a fact that your lovely wife puts a lot of work into her plants and i'm gonna go what uh you know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna call her we tell her that you don't appreciate we did until we got the kitten and the kitten can't be trusted so all the plants had to be locked up in a room and then all the plants started dying this is why it sounds like about resentful what about sounds i never wanted them to begin i liked seeing them when they were happy and healthy but also sometimes all of the sinks would be full of becky's plants because it was watering day yeah which meant there was nowhere to wash my hands how am i supposed to wash my hands we're in a pandemic you can stay with us she knows they're her plans she knows she knows she knows i'm so sorry though i i've gone through these plans yeah thank you zach apologies i can't wash my hands what about like succulents and cacti they're fine but also they're just unpredictable too yeah sometimes they just die and i elbowed a cactus the other day on accident [ __ ] wow well those cartoons ain't kidding you will go elbow a cactus yeah it still hurts it's been two weeks jesus cactus probably heard all that smack you were talking yeah previously talked about how beautiful i thought that tactus was and then i elbowed it and i said [ __ ] this i feel like once every two years science comes out with an article it's like do you know that when you cut a plant they actually scream and within agony and pain and we can measure it they're screaming all the time ha ha what yeah you hit that [ __ ] like when like they cut grass they emit yeah express it as a buzzfeed headline and then maybe but i only eat meat exactly but don't you hear the screams i don't want no secret screams yeah apparently grass like warns grass nearby that it's getting hurt huh that's horrifying it's terrible i don't know through some kind of yeah releasing a chemical of some sort i don't know it's it's pretty wild but you know that's all the time we got for today listen to try after pod on patreon go to patreon.com guys we'll see over there and uh it's still time for you to get some christmas gifts if you forgot about that family member or maybe you rekindled a lost love an old flame an old flame we need to give them a nice hoodie they would love a ned collector boy they would love a collectible hey maybe you want a three pack of hot sauce maybe you want a cookbook maybe you want some tea or maybe you want to invest in eugene's dark secrets if that were an option though i would do that can we just make on the try guys the merch site just five dollars toward eugene's secret plan and see if people buy it i bet a lot of people uh okay okay grass is crying keith is with the official tripod theme song oh ouch i just got cut everybody around me watch out there's all on mower about i'm saying oh algae i just got cut everyone around me watch out there's a lawnmower about tripod until next time stay beautiful [Music] you
Channel: TryPods
Views: 138,702
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tryguys, keith, ned, zach, eugene, habersberger, fulmer, kornfeld, yang, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed, ariel, ned & ariel, comedy, education, funny, try, learn, fail, experiment, test, tryceratops, podcast, advice, miles, miles nation, secrets, show, talkshow, behind the scenes, youtubers, ramble, audio, video podcast, clip, segment, silly, becky, maggie, you can sit with us, try wives, girls, female, women, commentary, garrick bernard, kelsey darragh, movies, tv
Id: zMPXELZrpxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 39sec (4179 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 09 2021
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