Keith Moore Walking With God Pt 4 That I May Know Him

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hello thank you Lord living by faith you think that's a good idea I'm telling it's a way to come into a life that other people just dream about letting God do things for you that's so far beyond what you could ever produce or make happen living by faith well you know if somebody saw you come in here they may think you're one of us anyway so you might as well just go ahead jump on the way in and be one of these faith people amen you know what another thing another way of saying a faith person is a person that pleases God right that's what the scripture said well if you would turn in the scriptures to Hebrews the eighth chapter if you didn't bring a Bible with you the ushers have some extra Bibles hold your hand up real high and you can use one of ours and let's all go to Hebrews chapter eight well I've heard you've had some good services with Phyllis yeah I'm not surprised the Lord really gives her good things doesn't it yeah and some gifts or things in such a real practical applicable usable way and you know a church is supposed to be a family and-and-and the kids need to hear from Mama Psalm to write both so things will just come different through daddy than they do my mind and it's it's all good when it's in of course whoever supposed to do it at the time with the anointing that beyond them to do it and if the only things on them nobody can do it better right because it's the anointing that teaches and and destroys yokes and removes burdens thank God for the anointing if you're with us in the the last time I was ministering to you we were talking about this in Hebrews chapter 8 and verse 11 Hebrews 8:11 says they'll not teach every man his neighbor and every man his brother saying know the Lord for they shall all know me from the least to the greatest they'll all know me we've been talking about walking with God and the ultimate benefit of walking with God is coming to know him coming to know him do you believe God is knowable can he be real to you that you know him personally well the prophecy says that in that day you know back in the Old Covenant and not everybody knew the Lord personally most people did not the scripture said that he he revealed to Moses his ways he revealed to the people the children of Israel his acts are his deeds they saw what he did but they didn't know him and you know you can see somebody from afar and and and know some things that they did that doesn't mean you know them and you can know that God created the heavens and the earth and and you can know that he sent Jesus to die on the cross you can know some things about it that doesn't mean you he'll personally or that you fellowship with him or that you walk with him and commune with him on a regular daily basis but the prophecy said in that day they'll not say let me tell you about the Lord let me show you what he's like No they'll all know me they'll all know me said out loud they'll all know me from the least to the greatest he said they'll all know me now we know that if you just go over to the eleventh chapter of hebrews hebrews 11 and 5 it says my faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death and he was not found because God had translated him for before his translation he had this testimony that he pleased God verse 6 without faith it is impossible to please him God for he that comes to God must believe this is not optional if anybody's going to come to God you must believe and he mentions two specific things you've got to believe in other words if you don't believe these things you're not coming to God anybody that does come to God believes these two things what are they one that he is that he exists and that he's real that he is God if he's God he's all-knowing he's everywhere present he's all-powerful how many he raised up a hand and said I believe he is now just the fact that you're in the building indicates you might believe that but you do need to have your mind made up about it right that you're not struggling with it and sometimes I've heard people say well you know I'm an educated person I'm a person of science you know I just can't believe in this God you all be wrong wrong wrong you could believe if you choose to you choose not to and people act like well you know they're not a person that of faith they're a person of science that's completely misrepresented they just believe in something else they can't explain you know all the things that they believe but the concepts they're concepts of creation and they're concepts of where men came from it's not proven science it's a belief it's a theory sorry y'all with me you listen to the greatest so-called scientist concerning the origins of the universe and it won't take long until they'll say we don't really know well then if you don't really know it's a belief you have and so no need you mocking us for our belief you just have a different belief from us your belief is based on something that some man came up with somewhere our belief is based on this book I'm so glad I'm not struggling with this I'm fully persuaded that there is a God who created the heavens and the earth he is but but you got to believe something else what else must you believe you got to believe something about his character something about his nature that he is not a cold indifferent being that created all this and gave it a spin and barely checks in on it and it has more important things than to bother with you know you got to believe he is a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him what does that mean you got to believe let me read this to you from another translation the BBE the the basic Bible says that he is a rewarder of all those who make a serious search for him that if you ask he'll answer that if you seek he'll cause you to find that if you knock it'll be open to you you got to believe that if you believe I may pray and get nothing I may seek and and not find out anything about him and it may not be his will within your not believing this you got to believe he's a rewarder he's a responder he's a good god and that if you reach out to get to know him and you draw near to him what will happen he will respond to you he will draw near to you he will reveal himself to you and and you'll get to know him you got to believe that you must believe that the scripture says go with me if you would over to the book of Mark mark please the seventh chapter I believe it is mark seven and seven well we may need to read a little more of that let's look back up at about verse three anybody in here been reading your chapter every day let me encourage if you haven't been doing that we read the scriptures together as a church if you read a chapter one chapter a day Monday through Friday out of the New Testament in one year's time exactly you've read the New Testament through in its entirety you've completed and we're we're near finishing reading the New Testament this year so we'll be starting again so there's no reason everybody couldn't be reading the New Testament through this year together we have the bookmarks back at the information desk area that'll show what chapter were reading on what day so please let me encourage now if you want to read more than that help yourself but let that be the minimum that you read that and of course if we're all reading the same chapter every day then we're literally on the same page right and in our thinking in our our focus is going to be it's going to work for unity in us and oh reading the don't just don't do it when you're super tired make it a priority and it's ideal if you sit down with your family and read it out loud together so show that it's a priority to you and show the word some respect and read it in faith before you read it pray and say Lord open our eyes and ears to hear your word caused us to come alive in us and to us minister to us through your word show us things we haven't seen and show us how to put this into practice and then read it in faith make it an important thing in your life and family it'll change you it'll do amazing things inside you everybody at faith Life Church reach their chapter every day Monday through Friday did you know that I'm gonna say it again everybody at faith Life Church reads their chapter every day Monday through Friday what do we do on the weekend read ten if you want to but but but you do this at least is that okay I'm telling you it'll change your life it's one of the greatest things you can do for yourself and for your family March 7 did you find it you okay you're comfortable you got time for this actually just back up to verse one it's all good so then came together to him to Jesus the Pharisees and certain of the scribes which came from Jerusalem and when they saw some of his disciples eat bread with defiled that is to say with unwashen hands they found fault because their main scripture is cleanliness is next to godliness which is actually not a scripture but they were the first Church of washing things they were and at the First Church of washing things we wash stuff and if you don't wash stuff you ain't with it and you probably won't make heaven and of course you got to wash it our way they had a very specific procedure for washing and verse 3 for the Pharisees and all the Jews except they washed their hands often eat not holding the what now where did they get this this washing business is a tradition from their forefathers they got it from Mama and Daddy and Grandpa and Grandma and Greg grandma and great-grandpa and they got it from their parents and so this has been passed down for generations and so when you've done something all your life well you sure think that's the way it ought to be done and when everybody around you does it that way well that's just the way it ought to be done but there's a danger in thinking because we all do it this way and we've all done it this way for multiple generations that this is God and that he told us to do it this way when maybe he never did people so well them is good enough for for daddy in them and Grandpa and great-grandpa great-great grandpa yeah but what is great-great grandpa miss God what if he just had a wild idea that caught on and stuck and he never heard from God about it it's just something he dreamed up you ever see that can get lost as the generations go by tradition of the elders verse four and when they come from the market except they wash they eat not and many other things they be which they have received a hold as the washing of cups and pots and brass vessels and tables I mean if it moved they washed it if it Stood Still they washed it and they washed it a certain way it's got to be clean why because this is God having stuff clean as God because they were the first Church of clean and Jesus comes and sits down and starts eating and didn't he wash and they're like oh he needs to get saved didn't he did you see that when's the last time you washed your hands then you laugh but people teach their children stuff so adamantly like it's God the friend as we get into this are you're gonna hear me say this repeatedly I want to challenge you examine what you believe and where you got it and why you believe it are you with me friends challenge yourself on everything you believe or think you know about God why do you believe that about God who told you that where did you get it because there is a ton of stuff that people say about God that is completely off the wall God has been so misrepresented so maligned people have done the most uh true just stuff in the name of God supposedly he told him to do it supposedly the God's will and God's Way when it had nothing to do with him I'm talking about whole movements hundreds of thousands of people millions of people doing rituals and routines and this and that and the other and it is nowhere to be found in this book it's got nothing to do with God and yet whole organizations and religious structures have been built out of it and people are adamant adamant about it just like these guys were about washing stuff I want you to notice who they are correcting who are they corrected who are they straightening out telling him what's God and how it ought to be done only God manifested in the flesh looking at them and instead of them listening to him they're correcting him because he don't watch like they do keep reading the Pharisees and scribes asked him him who Jesus why don't you your disciples walk according to the the what the Scriptures the scriptures I had a lady come to me one time after I'd spoken and she said she's shaking her head about something I had said she said now now I just can't go along with that I said why she said well it's like the song says I said huh like what like the song says and she quoted to me some unbelieving song that happened to be in a hymnal not everything in a hymnal agrees with this book and just because this has been around for a couple of hundred years doesn't mean it's any more true now than it was when they wrote it two hundred years ago did lose somebody I think I feel like I lost somebody right there oh brother Keith you talk to him I'm talking about to him I'm talking about this Creed and that Creed and this thing and that thing and everything your momma said and everything you ever thought I want you to challenge it are you with me friends challenge it and and make yourself answer the question where did I get this where did this come from why do we believe this there is only one authoritative source y'all with me friends this book is the only sure word that you can know that that's right and this is the only thing you build your life on if you can't find it in here then you don't need to be making a big deal out of it and you certainly don't need to be building your life on it and you don't need to be drilling into your into your kids ask yourself frequently is it a scripture and ask yourself the question where is the scripture where's the scripture I'm just let this be an ongoing thing anytime you think of something you believe something you think is right what do you ask yourself where is it at where is it at in here and if you can't find it in here how do you know it's even true maybe something that people around you have believed for years but you know the majority is not always right but this is right keep reading he said well has Isaiah prophesied of you hypocrites as it is written this people honor me with their lips but their heart is far from me they talk a lot but their hearts not with me in vain do they worship Me is it possible to worship God in vain for no reason no benefit do you suppose today there are people worshipping God in vain in vain that means it's doing them no good to do it why teaching for doctrines the commandments of men their whole belief system is based on what men said but what men came up with it's not my job to tell you what to believe it's not it's my job to believe God for utterance and tell you what the word says and you should already know that you should believe that you should believe what he told you I know when I grew up in church from the time I was a small child but for the first seventeen so years of my life the word was not first place just because church is in your life doesn't mean the word is first place in your life I believe whatever the preacher said I believe what our denomination thought you know with me friends but where did they get it where did it come from how did it start thank God just as Phyllis and I got married right out of high school the Lord got his word to us through some people who learned and knew some things about living by faith and knew knew how faith came that it comes by hearing this word and you know many of you know of our association with with Kenneth Hagin in their ministry and one of the greatest things we got from from him is that the word is first place that's it everything comes back to God's Word it has the preeminent place in your life well of course if you don't know what the word says where does that leave you if that's supposed to be the foundation of your life and then the the standard that you judge everything by if you don't know it you're at a tremendous disadvantage you're easily duped you're easily misled you're easily deceived the less you know about the word the easier you are the trick so as we begin to as I begin to learn and develop we went to Bible School the Lord challenged me as I was hearing I was hearing wonderful things but the Lord challenged me in a time of prayer he said examine everything you believe everything you believe do not just say yeah I believe this where is it at where is it and so I did he'd remind us that well lord help me with this and I'll do it I didn't realize what a job it was and as the days went by I'd realized well I believe that okay where is it so I get to find get to looking and some things I found I thought okay yeah that's right but there were several things not just two or three then it's time went on I think okay where's that at and I'd look and I've looked and I get my concordance down if you don't have a concordance get you on that way you can look up subjects you know and find out where things are in the Bible and I got me a little concordance and I looked and I looked and I looked and I couldn't find one thing about that in the Bible and I thought well hold on now I believe this all my life where's it at well I know it's in here somewhere so I looked and I looked and i lo didn't know anymore look and actually found some scriptures they contradicted it I thought now hold on here and I finally realize I heard somebody say that somewhere I heard a preacher say that well just cuz the preacher says it don't make it true say that again real slow just because a preacher said it it doesn't make it true you need to check everything that comes out of my mouth and everything every other preacher everybody is that you hear you need to check everything that comes out don't people so let that sounds like a lot of work it is well just tell me what to believe and I'll do it no no a lot of folks have been doing that that's what we're saying stop doing that get you a Bible check everything out everything you think I believe this I don't believe that where is it in the scriptures let this book be your standard that you measure everything by and if it's not there I don't care who had a dream I don't care who had a vision I don't care who prophesied are you with me friends if it's not in here you don't accept it you don't believe it look with me in John the fourth chapter can you take a little bit more I got some extra for you this morning I hope you got time mm-hmm I mean you you got up and got cleaned up and made the drive and made the effort you might as well get something while you're here right just go ahead and get get a full load this is important this is your life and your children's lives John for Jesus was at the the well and he met the woman at the well and he ministered to her supernaturally and then she went back and told the people she had met him and what he said and what he did and and people got excited and believed based on what she said and then back in what is it about John 4 and 40 or so when the Samaritans were come they besought him that he would tarry with them and he stayed there two days and many more believed why because of his own word verse 42 and they said to the woman now we believe why not because of what you told us but we have heard him ourselves and know that this is indeed the Christ the Saviour of the world we don't believe because you told us you believe we don't believe just because of your experience that you related are your revelation we have heard him ourselves said out loud we have heard him ourself the Lord gave us a word about this church and at its the time of its first services that this would not just be a place where people came and heard about God and learned about God but a place where people experienced God I'm holding on to that word would you receive it leave with with not you're not supposed to know God vicariously through your ministers your beliefs are not supposed to just be based on what I believe or any other preacher our experiences that I've had walking with God you're not to know him through anybody else vicariously you're to know him for yourself one of the greatest revelations you can ever get is that you can know him for yourself do you believe you can know him for yourself a man experiencing a lot of people know stuff about God but they don't know him he's like a historical figure like George Washington Jesus is like George Washington or Abraham Lincoln or who else you know he they know some stuff about him they can quote some stuff about him know do you know him personally genuinely well if you don't how can you get to know him how can you get to know him well how did he not walk with God by faith and you see some amazing things about that but that phrase that that verse he walked with God by faith and that faith pleased God and it changed him Enoch came into a place he had never been before and and where God was more real to him that he had ever experienced before do you believe that will happen with you said out loud I can know him for myself can you come into a place walking by faith with God that you've never been before a place where he's more real than you ever imagined he could be the end that's what's supposed to happen in this family and with you and with all believers go to Philippians please the third chapter Philippians chapter 3 Paul talks about his previous life before he met the Lord Philippians three and three well verse four he said though I might have confidence in the flesh if any other man think that he has squirrel he might trust in the flesh I'm more circumcised the eighth day of the stock of Israel of the tribe of Benjamin a Hebrew of the Hebrews as touching the law a Pharisee concerning zeal persecuting the church touching the righteousness which is in the law blameless was he a religious man yes did he no God no not at all he could quote the law backwards and forwards he was zealous he was so zealous about the things of God he persecuted the church thinking he was doing God a favor and yet when he met Jesus on the road to Damascus he said who are you is it possible to be completely religious and not know God at all it is Jesus told the most religious people of his day the leaders of the Jews the scribes the Pharisees the priests he said you search the Scriptures because in them you think you have eternal life but they are talking about me and you won't come to me this is we we believe in God we believe in the law we believe he said yeah and it's all talking about me and Here I am and this is no we don't want you they rejected him which means they didn't know God at all and yet they're just as religious as can be one of the biggest enemies of knowing God is religion I'm talking about Christian religion you can know all kind of stuff about God and not know him at all Paul said I was a Hebrew of the Hebrews as far as knowledge of the law a Pharisee he was trained at the feet of Gamaliel he had the best religious education you could get but I want you to I want you to see that what happened in his life when he met Jesus for real he said all of those things were seven but what things were gain to me I counted loss for Christ yayyyy doubtless and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord for whom I have suffered the loss of all things and do count them but dung what is Paul calling dung huh we need to answer this question what is he calling dung what is done well it's what you think it is [Laughter] so what is Paul calling manure all of the religious tradition and junk that he had before he met Jesus all of his rules all of his rituals he said it's all manure now has that been preached in the church real strong he said I counted dung why can't keep reading why what did he find that caused him to say that's all a bunch of dung that I may win Christ verse 9 and be found in him not having my own righteousness which is of the law but that which is through what faith faith the faith of Christ the righteousness which is of God by faith keep going then what that I may know him knowing for myself come on can you know Jesus like you know your mama your daddy your spouse your children your great can you know him okay is he knowable but you got to turn loose of all the religious traditional junk because that is a replacement for actually knowing him Paul said all that religious junk that I was so proud of a Pharisee of the Pharisees religious to the core and zealous about it some of the meanest people on the planet our religious zealots they will destroy you and give you three scriptures why it's okay go to John in closing I think oh you want more that's great he said that I may know him and the power of his resurrection what is we're talking about walking with God in this series walk with God why is it desirable why to pursue it no I'm sorry I'm moving too fast you're right I need to take more time go back to Philippians we're not through this that I may know him and the power of his resurrection and the Fellowship of his sufferings being made conformable unto his death I want to know him I want to know what he did when he went to the cross I want to know what he did when he when he died when he was resurrected I want to know do you want to know I want to know him inside I want to know how he thinks I want to know his ways I know just what I'm not satisfied with you telling me you know him I want to know him for myself and that's what he wants is for you to know him he said if by any means I might attain unto the resurrection of the Dead not as though I had already attained either already perfect but I follow after if that I may apprehend that for which I'm apprehended of Christ Jesus I don't count myself to have apprehended we have not arrived at knowing him but this one thing I do forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forth unto those things that are before I press toward the mark for the prize the high calling of God in Christ Jesus what is the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus you already know that don't you go back to 1st Corinthians you can see it first Corinthians what you don't have to go there they'll put it upon the screen for us but what is the first Corinthians 1:9 I believe it is if there it is it's up on the screen God is faithful by whom you're called to what what is this call you are called to the Fellowship of Jesus to fellowship with him and to know him what is the mark the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus you are called just like Adam and Eve walked with God and commune with him in the cool of the day and that was lost by sin but Jesus got it back by his Redemption hallelujah and now you and I can walk with Him again and get to know him you're called to know him and old friend as a result of knowing him you become like him what is the the mark the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus it is to know him and to be like him you can't be like him unless you know him because what are you being like you don't even know what to be like o friends are you awake this morning are you listening there are people all over the place will tell you God's like this God's like that no God hates this God loves this God disc really do they know him there's something they got by tradition how'd they come up with this where's the scriptures hmm no just let somebody tell you what God's like and you swallow it and go okay well he must be no no no no no can you know him better than you know him now hmm I'm gonna begin to get into this right now go ahead and go to John 10 how can you know him beyond where you know him now how can you know him better here is one of the first things we'll touch on John and chapter 10 this chapter Jesus is revealing himself as the good shepherd is he your shepherd the good shepherd and he said well verse 1 he that enters not by the door into the sheepfold but comes up some other way the same as a thief and a robber but he that enters in by the door is the Shepherd of the sheep to him the porter opens and the sheep hear his voice and he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out when he puts forth his own sheep he goes before him and the Sheep follow him for they know his voice they know his voice you know the voice of people that's in your life that's been in your life for years you heard that voice when it was happy when it was angry when it was sad you heard all the variances and in between and if everybody in this room was talking at once you could with your eyes closed pick out that voice couldn't you your mother your father your sister your brother your child your spouse you know that voice you can recognize that voice you can pick that voice how how did you get to where you know that voice like that by hearing it so so much over such a long period of time how are you going to get to know the Lord by hearing his voice how do you know what is his voice if it's his voice his concern just like this whether it's coming through me or whether you reading out of this book of whether it's coming through somewhere else or whether it's just coming up in your spirit in the middle of the night it's gonna sound just like this do you realize this is not some people try to say so but it's not just a book written by men it's the same voice speaking in Genesis that's speaking in songs even though there are many different humans involved it's the same voice speaking through Matthew that's speaking through John same voice speaking through acts same voice speaking through Ephesians and Hebrews and Revelation differ human instruments but it's the same voice how many can testify it's the same voice it's the same voice and the Holy Spirit that's in you same voice because he's author author of this book if he's speaking through someone else same voice same voice and what about his sheep what about his sheep oh thank you Lord somebody say thank you lord skip down to verse 14 I am The Good Shepherd and what I know my sheep and and and what can you know him but there's this so I know he knows us and he says he's known of us I am known of mine can you know him verse 14 and verse 15 as the father knows me even so know I the father and I lay down my life for the Sheep skip on down to verse 27 and if you know if you're not for me with this you ought to circle this you ought to highlight it put a star by it whatever it is to show it significance to you and help get this engrained in your thinking heart what does it say my sheep are you in a his sheep if you're not you're to become so right today this morning my sheep do what they hear my voice and I know them and they follow me never say again I can't hear from God because they're speaking contrary to the scripture I've had people come and say brother Keith pray pray I got a big decision to make and man this is this is life and and and if I get this wrong it could just ruin my life and and and and I don't want to do the wrong thing I fasted I'm afraid I just can't seem to hear from God I just can't seem to you know and I said stop never say that again quiet never say again you can't hear from God are you saved oh yeah are you or you one of his sheep yeah then it is written my sheep know my voice right you got to give words that don't oppose God you got to give words that agree with God what he said I've been talking like this for years and then it helps me so much I say I am his sheep and I know his voice and a strangers voice I will not follow he orders my steps he directs my past I have an anointing and I know everything I need to know by this anointing he is leading me he is guiding me I will know the right thing to do I'll be at the right place at the right time because he's helping me I'm his she and I know his voice and the more you say that and the more you agree with that the more real he'll become to you and the more clear it'll be to you and this if you're into this you're on your way walking with him aren't you and if you hear him through his word reading your chapter every day and you come to church and you hear him speaking through the ministry gifts and your you hear his spirit speaking to you in line with his word and you hear him on Monday morning and you hear him on Tuesday afternoon and you hear him in the book and you hear him at church and you hear him in your spirit and you hear him the week after week and month after month after while you get to know him you get to know that voice and when other people say well gods like this the gods like that you go whole wait up wait up I've been hanging with him for 40 years now huh and he said this and I've seen him do that but that can't be because that's contrary with everything I've heard him say come on and then you're not so easily duped by a need everything that idea that people come up with about God because you know in for yourself Oh friends is this appealing to you you're knowing for yourself stand it with me everybody thank
Channel: Free Word of God
Views: 10,466
Rating: 4.7543859 out of 5
Keywords: Keith, Moore, Walking, With, God, Pt, 4, That, I, May, Know, Him
Id: rUMs-rXh3tY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 12sec (3072 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 15 2012
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