Keith Moore The Way Out Pt 9 Story of Restoration

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turn with me please this morning to the book of second Peter and then also second Timothy we'll go to second Peter 3 and we'll go to 2nd Timothy to second Peter 3 second Timothy 2 now if you're new to the church and and new with us we obviously you can't cover everything every Sunday or every Friday or every time we get together we'll be on a subject for a length of time and then we'll go to the next one that we believe the Lord directs us to but if you've got questions about issues and areas and subjects there likely is some input and answers of things we've already taught in times past and it's available to you at no charge somebody was asking some questions about faith and healing this week and and I was reminded we talked in depth on that in a series called questions about healing and so questions about faith questions about how to be led questions about protection questions about finances and I mean there's just all kind of material available both in the word supply and one of the quickest ways go online and look through the list of stuff there and if there's something that you're dealing with and looking for it could be something that could minister to you real strong find some answers and help so don't just wait until maybe some time we're gonna teach on it in the future you can't co how many can't cover all subjects at once and so whatever it is you're dealing with though there very well could be some things already available so look at that and and faith in every area must be developed just because you got strong faith in this area doesn't mean have strong faith in all areas your faith has to be fed in that area to be strong in that area so fine if you're having some challenges in an area you need to feed your faith in that area find the things that do that for you and you can tell something that feeds your faith after you get through watching and listening to it you feel stronger than before you did you feel more encouraged and find the things that do that for you and faith is the victory that overcomes the world in 2nd Peter the 3rd chapter and the 9th verse 2nd Peter 3:9 says the Lord is not slack concerning his promise as some men count slackness but he's long-suffering to us-ward not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance now when I've been with you on Sundays we've we've talked about the series that were calling the way out and the way out is repentance and you see that in this verse that God's not willing that any should perish what's the alternative to perishing but that all should come to repentance now not everybody views repentance in a positive light I mean if you said we're gonna have a seminar on prosperity well you might get a good turnout you still gonna have a seminar on repentance maybe not the same turnout and yet and yet if we really understood it and and what's what's available to us through this and what a gift it is we would want to know everything we could find out about it because it is the way out when there is no other way out and so let me remind you what we've already looked at we've already covered a lot of ground on this and this is your first time to be with us again go back and get the previous sessions going and get them and won't cost you anything around here we have a saying no cost means no excuse for not getting it not not knowing it not having it God's not willing that what any should perish now that just contradicts a lot of preaching doesn't it because there's a whole lot of folks a whole lot of Ministers that have stood up in pulpits and said some form or another that people were being destroyed people were perishing from poverty or lack or emotional distress or family problems or physical problems and people have said that somewhere another that was God's will that they were being taught things and and it was developing piety in them and it's just not true I said it's just not true destruction is not from God perishing is not God's will how many is it his will to perish do we believe this verse said out loud our good God is not willing that any should perish true or not true how many believe this is absolutely true then anybody that's perishing that's happening contrary to the perfect will of God we know it's happening but we need to acknowledge it's happening contrary to the perfect will and plan of God and all of the tragedy and atrocity that's going on on this earth right now is not because it was God's will and plan God made everything the way he wanted it in the beginning have you ever have you read the Genesis account and everything that he made was very good right and all that happened afterwards as a result of sin and the curse was not an improvement on God's original design right no no and it was not a perfection to his plan now all of the terrible things going on down here right now are because man has a free will and man has chosen contrary to God's will and plan and we see the result of all the the aftermath of curse and sin and destruction what's God's will again tell me out loud he's not willing that what any should perish and how do we avoid this perishing but that all should come to repentance second Timothy the second chapter second to me of the second chapter and the 23rd verse I believe it is 2:23 2nd timothy 2:23 he said foolish and unlearned questions avoid knowing they do gender Strife's did you know there's a lot of things you should not get involved in hmm did you know there were people Jesus wouldn't even talk to hmm he wouldn't even answer him wouldn't even talk to him and you and I need to be aware of situations that are only going to be strife and embroiled and and entangled in difficulty and when everybody gets through fussing and hollering and yelling each other they're gonna be worse off than before they started and if we were wise we wouldn't even get involved in hmm foolish and unlearned questions avoid knowing they do gender strife instead of trying to answer every question we need to realize some questions are just foolish and need to be ignored I don't set you free you don't have to answer all questions you don't have to figure out every situation there's lots of times things come up and I remind myself of how glad I am I'm not God hey this is not my issue he's the judge right I don't have to figure this out I don't have to make a judgment call on this I don't have to hmm its freedom its freedom I thought people asked me before other people try to corner me and say no brother Keith what do you think about this and I said I don't they said I'm sure you have an opinion I said I refuse to I was tempted to have one and I cast it down there's a lot of things I don't need to have anything to say about it's none of my business I'm not their judge come on y'all listening to me I'm not the judge it's nothing to me that's that's between them and God I need to stay out of it I don't need to have an opinion about foolish and unlearned questions do what avoid them knowing that they gender they start strife they cause strife keep going the servant of the Lord must not strive are you a servant of the Lord but be gentle unto all men apt to teach and patient I know one time a fellow he was really he didn't like something my talked and and he was gonna let me know about he said I don't like you I don't like what you teach I don't believe in it I don't like I mean you went on to them and I just smiled and I said you just don't know me I said if you knew me you'd like me I think I made him more mad than all the others do but just because somebody else is having a meltdown does that mean you have to have one or can you be gentle can you even when other people trying to be mean you don't have to do that now it's tempting when people get upset me say ugly things men it pulls on your flesh to respond in light kind but it's a mistake I said it's a mistake don't don't let it pull you in keep going in meekness instructing those that oppose themselves if God peradventure we'll give them what give them repentance repentance is a gift a gift from God said out loud repentance is a gift from God it's a gift from God repentance to the acknowledging of the truth verse 26 and that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil who are taken captive by him at his will the Lord gave me a phrase some years ago and reminded me of it again last night when we repent the devil loses his grip can you see that here so the this this is a picture of individuals who were trapped by the devil they were trapped believing in saying lies they were trapped in Pride and unwillingness to be corrected and and to change and they were trapped captive but God gave them the gift of the opportunity and the heart to repent and they acknowledge the truth and they said Lord I've been wrong you're right this is wrong I repent I ask you to forgive me I want to get it right and just like that the devil lost his grip on him come on can you see that the grace of God flowed into him and the devil lost his grip and they're free nobody had to pray for him nobody had to counsel them they recovered themselves out of the grip and snare and trap of the devil because they were willing to repent [Music] somebody say thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord go with me to the Book of Luke please the Book of Luke and the 13th chapter you believe in with me this morning please do got a lot here and we just need to get the right thing the right time nothing more nothing less nothing else Luke 13 and verse 1 Luke 13 1 there was president that season some that told Jesus of the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices a brutal thing these individuals were at the temple offering their animal sacrifices and for some reason Pilate sent armed men who slayed the people just like the animals were being slain and they were present and they told him that verse 2 Jesus said suppose you that these Galileans were sinners above all Galileans because they suffered such things this deals with one of the big questions that you hear people kick around why do these kind of tragedies happen to some people and not to others why do terrible things happen to what some people might say good people are just average people or and they're saying Jesus said do you think these were worse people than everybody else living there that didn't happen - but it happened to them because they were worse verse 3 I tell you know Jesus said no it didn't happen to them because they were worst people what but what's what's the thing to emphasize but except you repent you shall all likewise perish is there an alternative to perishing being destroyed what is it repentance repentance verse 4 he said or this was like if you'd have been like us watching the news today and we saw a building collapsed everybody in there and knew about it the Tower of Siloam fell and it fell on 18 people that happened to be there when it collapsed and it killed him he said do you think that those 18 that the tire fell on were worst people they were worse sinners than everybody else that lived around there because the tower fell on them and killed them that day verse five what would Jesus say no I tell you no but except you repent you shall all likewise perish now what I've seen is that so many times people are asking the wrong questions when it comes to tragedies happening and people are attributing things to God that God didn't do big big mistake and tell me again who is it God's will to perish so when you see people perishing and people being destroyed what's one of the first things you should understand that wasn't the will of God right you should be very clear on that failure that wasn't the will of God now what you also shouldn't do is go into feeling superior because it didn't happen to you because the only reason hadn't happened to you is the mercy of God right and the earth is a very very dangerous place to be man there's there's enough germs in the air there's enough toxins and everything you eat and drink there's there's crime there there's all kind of stuff all over the place to kill you a thousand times over every day right and the fact that you made another day made another week was it because you're smarter or better than everybody else it was the mercy of God and if you don't get judged and destroyed having made mistakes like other people too it would be because of one reason because you repented come on are you listening you repented and you judged yourself and you didn't get judged not because you've done everything perfectly but because of grace and mercy because you repented somebody say thank you lord what do we see in situation after situation let's look at this again is he saying that similar destruction could be prevented if people repented he is prevent means to get ahead of to deal with beforehand and that's what we need that's what repentance is repentance is dealing with it before it gets to the point of judgment and destruction if you judge yourself what will happen you're not going to be judged but if you refuse to repent and it goes far enough and long enough judgment and destruction the Masters revealing that those had those individuals repented those tragedies could have been prevented could have been avoided and you and I instead of being afraid that that kind of thing could happen to us at any time we can be confident of protection if we will repent when something comes up just that simple when something comes up we miss it we get off whatever the case might be when we know it in our heart if you want to stay safe if you want to stay protected what do you need to do repent immediately don't wait get right hmm judge yourself and stay underneath the shadow of the wings of the Almighty right stay protected he's our Shepherd and if you're a smart little sheep you will stay very close to the Shepherd because it's the independent sheep the hard-headed stubborn sheep that won't listen the Shepherd goes left but not I have to go right hmm that get that trail afar off how many know what happens to the sheep that separate from the the flock and independently go their own way away from the leadership and protection of the Good Shepherd that's wolf snacks Leopard lunch the devil is seeking whom he may devour he may not devour everybody in that good news well whom may he devour independent hard-headed won't repent sheep that's the ones he can devour how about how about you I'm decided I don't want to be wolf snacks I huh I don't want to be destroyed I want to be spared huh you tell I want to be kept year after year I want to run my whole race finish my whole course now go with me if you would to the book of Job can any good thing come out of job yes there can job is a tremendous writing inspired of God one of the oldest books in the Bible we're told one of the most ancient and there is so much light so much revelation and truth looking at their situations and the darkness they were in and pointing the way to Redemption and Jesus it's a story of restoration that was based on repentance you're with me friends I gave you the punchline ahead of time so that you'll know what we're looking for as we go through it now the book of Job is 42 chapters and I don't think we could get through it chapter by chapter this morning you want to huh I'm looking around you know certainly preachers can go to long but a lot of folks just don't have a proper concept about the Word of God who said a 20-minute sermonette was high supposed to be where'd that come from we see times when Jesus preached all day hmm we see times when Paul preached all night long all night long hmm and it wasn't so amazing that people couldn't drift in their attention the one young man fell asleep then right in Paul's message and fell out to him remember that so was it just electrifying and yet it was God how many believe what was happening that night was God God was talking to him through Paul and it was precious because some things are gonna happen soon where they wouldn't get to see him wouldn't get to be around him I don't know today how much I'll see you in the future are you me right these are precious times and certainly you know anybody could blabber on about nothing and and just waste time and where everybody out but if the spirit of God's in it and light and life is coming through it we ought not be in a rush to get away from that now in the book of Job the first chapter we see where we can actually get a behind-the-scenes look at the angels of God and the enemy the adversary coming and God saying to the adversary have you considered my servant job as a perfect man upright man and some people misunderstood that the the original Young's literal for instance says have you set your heart on my servant job God didn't bring job up to the devil and invite him to attack him no no no no he's just like always he's a head of the devil and he knew that the enemy had his sights set on joke if there's one thing the devil hates worse than a righteous man it's a rich righteous man oh-oh-oh he can't stand a wealthy righteous person he can't stand that and that's why you'll hear so much even today about negative about anything that has to do with wealth and righteousness because the devil does not want people putting those two together he wants them to think no if you serve God you're just gonna be broke the rest of your life you don't want that the party will be over no more fun forget about you won't have anything we'll be able to do anything I've had men sit across the desk from me years ago and cry and say I know I'm called to the ministry but they were they were they were trying to do things in business and wasn't being successful at it and he and this man said I know I'm supposed to be in the ministry but then he kind of clinched his jaw he said but I my dad was in the ministry and we were broke all our life and I'm not gonna live like that I'm not gonna live like that see he believed a lie he believed he couldn't serve God and have anything and the devil wants the whole world to believe that but Joba was rich he wants by today's standard a billionaire he was the richest man in the East job a man of God a righteous man so they don't even sound right to people today does it a righteous billionaire people are going no no no no no it's harder for a camel to get through the eye of a needle the rich man to get to heaven those that trust in riches read the whole chapter please it's not money it's not the root of all evil the love of money and you can be full of that and not have $10 if you could love money and not have any then you could have some and not love it you could possible but anyway without going into a lot of detail the enemy got judgment against him and attacked him and his stuff was stolen his herds were stolen his kids were killed in a storm what people today would call a freak windstorm and from looking at the Scriptures we know the devil was behind it what if the devil's been behind any other wind storms tornadoes certainly and yet people insert Scott call it acts of God why not call it what the Bible said acts of the devil oh the devil does not want anybody to know he's behind these things he'd prefer you to believe there is no devil and of course blame everything on God so you don't like God and you stay away from God because you're scared of him and believe he's bad and all this other kind of stuff but anyway afterwards the you know Jobe did not curse God and so the enemy comes against him again did you know revelation says that the adversary is the accuser of the Brethren he's always trying to accuse you and me of something and get some kind of a judgment against us he's a sorry curse isn't it I'm not gonna shed one tear when he gets what's coming to him how about y'all oh he's evil and he said skin for skin everything a man has a gift for his life and and the Bible said Satan went forth and smoke job with sore boils from the crown of his head to the sole of his foot who who did that to a joke bobble said specifically Satan did wonderful Satan's made people sick since then wonder if it's happened again the Bible said in acts 10:38 how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed of the devil for God was with him the Bible says everybody jesus healed and ministered to the their sickness was satanic oppression not God put it on and teach them something satanic oppression how many think want to believe the Bible instead of religious ideas that men made up well after this happened job 1 are you there and verse 20 you said your believing with me right joke 1:20 after all this happened Jobe arose and rent his mantle and shaved his head and fell down on the ground and worshiped he said naked came out of my mother's womb naked shall I return the Lord gave the Lord's taken away blessed be the name of the Lord and all this job's sinned not nor charged God foolishly now just we'll talk about this later as we go in the second chapter and the tenth verse his wife encouraged him to curse God and die which is exactly what the devil told God he would do so we know job's wife is being a mouthpiece for the devil she's saying exactly what the devil said trying to influence him through his wife and job said you speak like a foolish woman she'll receive good at the hand of God and not receive evil I know that don't sound right to you and there's some things that's not right about it but this is all the light job had and he didn't if you're walking in all the lights you have that's all you can do and God accepts you if you're sincere with what you know and the Bible said after that happened job didn't sin with his lips jobs three friends heard of all this evil that had come upon him and that came everyone from his own place a life as the team a night bildad the shuhite so far the namma fight for they made an appointment together to come mourn with him and comfort him and when they lifted up their eyes are far off and knew him not that in recognizing they lifted their voice and wept and they Rin everyone his mantle and sprinkled dust on their heads toward heaven and they sat down with him on the ground seven days and seven nights and none spoke a word to him for they saw that his grief was very great we'll see later on that he didn't enjoy their company so much but right now they came what did they come to do they came to comfort him and during the whole week they just sat there with him and didn't say a word and he knows they're there he knows why they're there he knows they care and so they are they are trying to be and probably are a strength to him at this point until they started talking so many times in situations like these people don't need us preaching to them they just need to know that we care hmm there's the time to talk about these things and there's a time not to talk about and if we're led of the Spirit will know what time that is now in the third chapter about verse 11 here 3:11 job throughout this chapter several times says this first word why why why did this happen to me why didn't I just die from the wound he basically he's cursing the day he was born to see all this tragedy he's lost his kids he's lost all his great wealth he's lost his health he's in pain his wife telling why don't you just curse God and die his friends and acquaintances are scared of him and as we'll begin to find out everybody's convinced he has done something really bad for all this to happen to him well you think about the supernatural scope of his problems how does all this happen to one man in a few days basically two days one day all this happened I mean yeah maybe one or two bad things happened but all of it at once everybody's going this is judgment this is surprising too because we thought job was an okay guy we thought job was a great guy but look at this I mean everything has happened to him except lightning striking him and so he's saying why why why and the fourth chapter in the seventh verse a life as says remember I pray you verse seven who ever perished being innocent or where with the righteous cut off even as I've seen they that ply iniquity and sow wickedness reap the same by the blast of God they perish and by the breath of his nostrils are they concerned what's he saying this doesn't happen to good people this kind of stuff this is the this is the blast of God you being you've been judged and job in verse 14 of chapter 6 excuse me chapter 6 verse 14 he said to him that is afflicted pity should be showed from his friend but he forsakes the fear of the Almighty but now verse 21 skip down to verse 21 now you're nothing you see my casting down and aren't afraid did I say bring something to me give me a reward give me some money did I say deliver me did I ask you to redeem me he said basically he's saying you you're not helping me at all you're judging me and what he what he responded in saying was I am NOT evil I am NOT GUILTY I have done nothing wrong and then the more he talked about it the more adamant he got and he said I'm righteous I'm righteous and I don't deserve any of this now he began to tell God the same thing in the tenth chapter everybody awake this morning Kenyon can you handle this I know it's a lot to receive at once but a lot of answers here if will receive the tenth chapter in the first verse he said my soul is weary of life I'll leave my complaint upon myself I'll speak in the bitterness of my soul he's hurting isn't he he's hurting emotionally he's hurting physically and enough pain can cause you to see things differently right and we need to discern that in trying to be a comfort to people a lot of times even though they may need to something it's not what they need what are they able and willing to receive and we need to depend on the Holy Spirit to show us that verse until he said I will say to God don't condemn me show me where you contend with me it's pretty bold is it good to you that you should oppress that you should despise the work of your hands and shine on the counsel of the wicked have you eyes of flesh do you see like a man sees verse 6 do you inquire after my iniquity and search after my sin you know I'm not wicked he's telling God did and there's none can deliver out of your hand and that upset his friends even more they said safe what how are you going to talk to God like that and they actually begin to imagine some things that maybe he had done they said you probably did this and you probably did and I'm sure you did this accusations said out loud our job is not judging judging is not my job then this is an important lesson to learn judging is not my job they kept trying to explain to him what was going on he said he told God he said you know I'm not wicked you know I'm not and basically he began to tell God that God that he wasn't fair he began to tell God God this is not right what you've done here is unjust it's unfair and this three friends says no you're the one messed up and finally after all of their explanations and and and their insisting that good things happen to good people and bad things happen to bad people and I don't care what you said Joe but you've got to have done a lot of bad stuff cuz lookee here and what has happened to you it's obvious to everybody the hammer has fallen on you and you've done evil just fess up admit it he said it's not true it is not true he said what happened is God has missed it now I'm paraphrasing but get in the book and study it for yourself and see see if this is not what's what's going on and finally he says to them in Chapter 12 concerning what their their sayings verse 1 I lie like this Jobe answered and said no doubt but you are the people and wisdom shall die with you he said oh yeah you're in when you die wisdom will be over 13th chapter verse 4 he said you're all forgers of lies your physicians of no value oh that you would all together hold your peace if you just shut up it would be your wisdom and the 16th chapter after they told him some more job answered and said I have heard many such things miserable comforters are you all miserable comforters they came to comfort and they stayed to torment let's make up our mind we're not gonna do that hmm I know some years ago Phyllis and I were in a service where a man and his wife ministered in a marvelous way he preached and then she gave some words of knowledge and things after he preached and the the ministries complemented each other so wonderfully and and was just God and some great and good things came out of it well we were blessed by we didn't know him very well but just acquainted some time after that his wife got sick and went home to be with the Lord eventually after months of being sick and I came by a restaurant and I saw him at the table I was by myself and he was by himself and I recognized him I came by and spoke to him and told him and I heard about his wife's homegoing had been praying for him believing for comfort and strength for him he said won't you sit down and I said ok just me and him and sat down and so I could tell he was he was still quite sad and he began to tell me he said you know there was some young preachers that came by and saw me in and he said you know we we were never that strong talking about faith-healing things and we saw healings and knew God healed there were a little bit different camp from some of us and he said they they they told me if my wife had had enough faith she wouldn't have died he said that didn't help me brother Keith I said I'm sure it didn't I'm sorry you know that's the kind of thing we're seeing here uh maybe they meant well but you need to think how is this gonna help them come on y'all listening how is this gonna help them and you know unless you've been through something yourself and overcome it yourself you know didn't you telling us what you would do and could do right I'll fill us in I've dealt with these kind of things for decades now and I fully understand there's a whole lot of situations it gets a lot easier to die and go to be with the Lord than to fight and state you get tired it and in it's it's a challenge and it takes strength and faith to overcome where most people don't and if somebody doesn't it's not time to judge and you've never done it yourself either come on are you listening to me Saints we need to beware of trying to talk principles and trying to talk hardline sure God can do anything nothing is too hard from here for him but we don't receive according to what God can do we receive according to our faith and our faith is at all different levels right I got a I used to work in the healing school there brother Kenneth Hagins ministry and so we were dealing with people on a daily basis that were pronounced terminal incurable and we're not against the doctors you understand that I believe a man a woman can be called to the medical profession to help people just like I'm called to preach I believe a man a woman can be graced of God anointed of God to minister to people physically in these areas now that don't mean they can fix everything right and it don't mean that you should look to them and put all of your faith in a man right but certainly thank God if they can help you with something natural - but there was a man that came to us and he was in the last stages of the disease we were seeing people healed and he stayed with us I think two or three weeks and they left and later on I got a letter from him actually it was from him and his wife and she told me at the beginning of it that he had gone home to be with the Lord but she said he wanted me to communicate this to you and so here here's his words in the letter and he he said brother Keith if you're getting this then I'm shouting the victory with the Lord and I want you to know he said that I know that healing is God's perfect will and I know that long life is God's perfect will and he said I I just he they well I won't go into all other things he said but he said you know obviously if you're getting this then I'm going home to be with the Lord he said but I want you to I don't want you to feel bad he said I want you to know that those weeks I was there with you were some of the most precious of my life and if I didn't get everything physically I want you to know this I got back to God and I'm closer to him than I've ever been and my joy and peace and him is stronger than it's ever been that's victory come on are you listening to me Saints that's victory and to fight the good fight irrespective of the outcome is honorable it sure beats just throwing up your hands and quitting not even trying doesn't come on are y'all with me Saints and so the thing is in situations like this you never want to be judgmental and you never want people to tell people so adamantly what they have to do or should do and you've never done it yourself you you've not overcome something like that yourself and so this was happening with job and his three friends and that's why he tells them he said you you guys are miserable comforters he not good and in the 13th chapter of job turn there please 13th chapter of job and the 15th first job makes this statement that is is quoted parts of it are quoted sometimes though he slay me yet will I trust him now you're really this whole book of Job these especially these first 39 chapters are so not everything these people said about God is right God Himself said Allah number of things they said about him was wrong she got a watch about taking half a verse of something Elif as said and building a doctrine on it when God Himself said later on in the book that what everything even if I said it wasn't right not everything he said was right notice the rest of the verse job says I'm gonna trust him even if he kills me but I will maintain my own ways before him some of the first part of that's good the last part of that not good the Youngs literal translation says the low he does slay me I wait not only my ways unto his face I argue the NIV says I will surely defend my ways to his face really at this point job is unrepentant he is not willing to repent and the more his friends have talked to him about this the anger he's got and of course you got to remember he's hurting he's hurting on the inside because of his kids and his relationships and his his whole life is gone basically he's hurting on outside he's got grievious boils and sores all over his body he's in a very bad way and I want you to notice he nor his friends who are considered the wisest men in the world at that time cannot find a way out of this can they they can't find the answers they they can't tell him how to fix it he can't tell him why they can't tell him why I know some years ago I in reading this for some reason I was drawn to this as a teenager and read some of it and didn't understand it but then years later reading it and studying in again after going to Bible School I saw it just it dawned on me because I had written at the top of the the caption there the big question why you know why did this happen why do bad things happen to good people that that same kind of deal and eventually I reached up there and I marked through it and I said the question is not why that's not the issue that's why folks can't get the answer because they're asking their own questions you know what this is the issue is what you do when you don't know why that's the issue because that's when your faith in the character of God is challenged and tried and that's when you'll be tempted to accuse him of being unfair or being unfaithful and it'll never be so that he was unfair or he was unfaithful let me tell you what'll get you through the through the toughest places in life through the worst this earth and life could ever dish out to you he was experiencing some of the worst you know what'll get you through the worst you look up through your tears you look up through the confusion you look up through all the junk and stuff that people are trying to explain and tell to you and you look up and you say look I don't understand why I don't understand why why not how how come but I know this you're a good god you're a good god I don't believe it to my last breath and beyond you're a faithful God you're a fair God come on are you listening you're a just and a good God and I'm convinced when I understand the rest of this I'll proclaim the Lord is righteous the Lord was good the Lord was faithful I heard a man of God years ago say just a simple thing he's reading some things in the Old Testament that people labor about and go I don't understand that how could God do that how could not God not do that how could God say this he said here's something real simple just always stay on God's side including when you don't understand mister why did God do that I don't know but I'm on his side he's right whatever he did I just can't understand that well that just means you don't understand something that doesn't make him not good doesn't make him unfair because when you find out the rest of the story you will know he was and is righteous and just and fair and good and kind do you believe it Saints you don't have to understand that's when your faith is tried the most when you don't understand it why answering the question why it's not the most important thing the issue is what you do when you don't know why that's what shows you heart and whether you really trust him or not now they finished God let me let me sum it up as far as they were concerned God judged job now you know what you'll find kin conspicuous for its absence they didn't say one word about the devil because they didn't know about him they were unaware besides that they didn't have authority in the name of Jesus like us mm-hmm that's the other side of the Cross there was so much they didn't know didn't understand and so jobs three friends judged job and God scuse me job judged God of being unfair and if you skip to the 32nd chapter they will answer the question who's right are y'all okay hmm and you might not been planning on getting all this this morning but you know we don't just play our out over here don't you mean we we're serious about this are the answers here serious answers can you see what a dilemma they're in can they can they find a way out of this mess they don't see anywhere they have said everything they know they've done everything they know job Norwich three friends they see no way out of this is there a way out come on help me is there a way out is there a way when there seems to be no way is there a way is there a way when the way that seemed to be right to the man and he finds that it's not right and it didn't work is there still away there is a way in job 32 verse 1 so these three men ceased to answer job why because he was righteous in his own eyes now job is a good man God Himself says he's a good man but I don't care who you are you don't come to God and tell him he's wrong and hold of pure righteousness because our righteousness apart from his is not enough it's unacceptable and verse 2 then was kindled the wrath of a like you son of Barak health abuse side of the kindred of RAM and you'll find that God spoke through a lie here now this is not one of the three friends this is somebody else this is another guy his wrath was kindled against job because job justified himself rather than God is that the same as repenting no it's not job was stubborn about this he resisted God he didn't yield to God and days went by and pain and agony his three friends judged him they didn't help also against his three friends was his wrath kindled because they found no answer and yet had condemned job they should have been quiet they didn't have the answer and they should have admitted they didn't know so many times friends we should just acknowledge I don't know I don't see it I've had people come to me all upset and or whine this happened why didn't this happen and a lot of times I just have to say I don't know laughter I've had people say well you just don't want to tell me I said no I actually just don't know you shouldn't be shocked you I know you already know there's a lot of things I don't know and he began to suck God begin to say some things through a like you but then it's interesting that God go to chapter 40 that they're God's saying some things through Eli here but it's like he didn't want to talk through somebody anymore he's like stand aside I'm gonna say this myself and God spoke directly who somebody say glory to God chapter 40 verse 1 well let me see back up back up to 39 y'all okay we're making good progress here I shouldn't be too concerned about the time we're already back here to 39 right we've covered a lot of ground the chapter 38 I'm I'll get it here 38 then the Lord answered job out of the whirlwind God Himself spoke now put yourself in the situation he's been hearing these guys go back and forth for the previous days and all the stuff about why this happened to Joe and verse 2 he says who is this that darkens counsel by words without knowledge who is this talking and don't know anything wonder if that's happened again since then acting like they got answers and are clueless acting like they're wise and don't know how to start he said gird up now your loins like a man for I would demand of you and answer thou me now what you'll see here and then some of these other next couple of chapters when he says that that's because that's what job said job said I wish he would appoint me a time and come to me or let me come to him and tell me what I did wrong and I will present my case to him and I'll tell him to show him my righteousness just because you're good man don't don't mean you can't mess up and get some wrong ideas and make some mistakes and you know you don't remember how long ago this was he couldn't say I'm the righteousness of God in Christ that wasn't available to him all he's got that he knows of is him trying to do right and be right good man and he wants God said he was but uh God quotes his words back to him he says you want to talk to me you want to stand up like a man and jump okay here I am have a few questions on what you'd answer first no if we can talk or not where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth where were you at then and and verse five and six and seven and eight when I made this and when I did this and and where were you when this happened and and do you understand how this works and and do you understand what caused this and where this came from and why this works this way and who does this and why this happens and and while that happens how many understand job's answer to every one of these questions was what I don't know I don't know I always wondered about that no I no clue I don't know I don't know and verse 39 he keeps going do you know this can you do this do you understand this how about this chapter 40 moreover the Lord answered job and said shall he that contends with the Almighty instruct him he that reproves God coz job had reproved God he had correct ago he said God this is not right this is not right what you let happen to me you you have you've missed it here he said let him answer it now I want you to notice something through through all of this chapters of God talking to job not one time did he tell him this is why this happened to you he told him everything except that why because the issue is not just why it happened this is what you do when you don't know why that's when we find out if you really trust him or not if you have faith or not but is there a way out no matter what happened is there a way out we're about to see it we're about we see right come owner are you are you ready job answered the Lord and said hmm what do you what do you think he's gonna say now what do you think What did he say though he slayed me I'll trust him yet I will maintain my own ways I will defend my position before him you think that's still there huh he said look I am volved what shall I answer you I will lay my hand on my mouth I'm putting my hand on my mouth right now I spoken once but I'm not gonna answer ya I open my mouth twice but no more then answered the Lord job out of the whirlwind he said gird up your loins not like a man how demand of you and declare thou to me because that's what job told him will you dissin all my judgment will you condemn me that you may be righteous did you know there are many that are judging God today many very foolishly very ignorant Lee accusing God of being mean of being unfair of being unjust of being unfaithful and all it shows is that they never really believed in his character to start with they never really trusted him to start with if you really trust somebody you really believe in somebody you don't start accusing them the first problem comes up hmm has anybody made up their mind what are we going to do we're going to stay on God's side no matter what happens or doesn't happen and people want to accuse him and rail and how come this wine that you can sold I don't know but I'm with him I'm with him well there's no way he could be right he is right well there's no way that could be fair whatever he does is fair I assure you right he's never let anybody down he never will he's faithful he's good he's fair he's just and if anybody needs to change here it's not him if anybody needs to repent around here it's not him it's not him he didn't miss it somebody said trust him I trust him Lord I trust you I'll trust you always he went on for another couple of chapters asking job's some real basic questions about creation and the idea is if you can't answer these basic things about spelling and addition how are you going to talk to me about trigonometry calculus come on are you listening you you don't understand the basics of this how you going to challenge me and my judgments chapter 42 are you ready for the finale the grand finale a job and his three favorite friends painted herself into a dark corner had to for chapter after chapter the best of their wisdom couldn't answer it couldn't figure it out and most importantly couldn't get it our jobs not to fix the blame we want to see the problem get fixed right we're not interested in somebody feeling bad what if they didn't miss it we want to see people come out and if they did miss it it's not our place to judge said out loud I'm not a judge I'm a comforter I'm not an accuser I'm an encourage I'm not an accuser I'm an encourage job answered the Lord and said I know that you can do everything and no thought can be withholding from you who is he that hides counsel without knowledge he said this mean I uttered what I understood not things too wonderful for me which I knew not here I beseech thee and I'll speak I'll demand of you and declare that of me that's what he had said to God he said I said it and it was ignorant I've heard of you by the hearing of my ear but now my eye sees you I've come in direct contact with you wherefore I abhor myself and what and what repent in dust and ashes was he a good man God said he was a good he's good man upright man just man complete man and if you read the whole account he had done all kind of things for people hurting and in need and I mean he was there decade after decade doing good things but dead just because you've been a good person done good things doesn't mean you never need to repent and you get some wrong idea and you get in this mode that you're you're right you don't care what anybody says and you're not bending and you're not you're you're not yielding that's how you can get in a dark place where you can't see any way out and your friends can't help you out and you can't get out but in spite of all the tragedy the total financial loss the physical problems he's at death's door you read the account I mean he's practically dead he's about dead physically and yet when he did this everything begin to change oh come on are you awake this morning when he did this everything begin to turn around go into God read it read it read it read it after these things the Lord spoke to job the Lord said to Eva Faiz the temanite my wrath kindled against you and against your two friends for you've not spoken of me the thing that's right as my servant Joe bass therefore take to you seven bulls and Rams to go to my servant job and basically get him to pray for you did you know you'll see this again and again the very people you judge you'll have to go to for help you will see this so just make it light on yourself first time around and so they did and the Lord accepted Jobe and verse 10 and the Lord turned the captivity of job oh somebody say glory to God when he prayed for his friends also the Lord gave job twice as much as he had before what he was a millionaire before then came there to him all his brethren and all his sisters and all that had been of his acquaintance and they ate bread with him they'd been moaned him and comfort him over all the evil the Lord had brought upon him we know it was allowed every man also gave him a piece of money and gave him an earring of gold and the Lord blessed the latter end of job more than his beginning for he had 14 thousand sheep and six thousand camels and a thousand yo of oxen and a thousand she asked us seven sons and three daughters and says his daughters verse 15 no daughters were so fair as he is so beautiful verse 16 after this live job a hundred and forty years after this somebody said just like poor ol Joe well historians tell us they think maybe the whole episode of Job happened in less than a year's time maybe eight and nine months he had a bad year he had a hard year he had a rough year come on how did he get out of it Saints tell me how he got out of it when he quit being so hard-headed and he repented everything broke everything changed when he humbled his heart and he said God you're right no matter what I see or don't see you are right and I repent and forgive me for being so stupid hard-headed you are right and he prayed for his freed and hold a grudge against them he prayed for them and things broke broke broke broke his financial drought broke his physical sicknesses broke off of him comer you listening his relationships broke and were restored the bondages that were on them broke can you see it and he lived a hundred and forty years that's after this and saw his sons and his sons Sons even for generations and then Jobe died being old and full of days he saw it all he did it all hallelujah stand on your feet everybody
Channel: Free Word of God
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Length: 76min 39sec (4599 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 31 2013
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