Keith Moore How to Harvest Pt 10 Whats the Hold Up

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I tell with me to two openings in the scriptures this evening we've been on a series for some weeks now entitled how to harvest how to harvest you know I'm a practical sort of guy I only want to hear about theory so long and then I want someone to tell me how to do it right because it doesn't make a difference how flower and great it sounds or how pretty if you can hang it on the wall if it doesn't produce anything if it doesn't work if you don't know how to do it it's not going to be any good and the Lord doesn't give us useless information does he his word is powerful and amazing none of his words are void of power and none of them failed to produce what he sent them to produce in if you'd find in Proverbs the tenth chapter and Ecclesiastes 11 proverbs 10 and then we'll go to Ecclesiastes 11 you just hold that and they're put up on the screen for us Genesis 822 Genesis 822 we've read this repeatedly it says while the earth remains seed time and harvest and cold and heat and summer and winter and day and night shall not cease this these principle of cycles is God's creation and everything works on it you see the writer of Ecclesiastes talks about this and you can see it in nature long before people understood any of it he was talking about the cycles of the the waters and the Springs and the rivers flowing into the ocean and then the evaporation and then it all happening again and the seasons everything is cyclically God has made it that way and the one of the principles of cycles is sowing and reaping you plant and then you can reap and then when you reap you can plan again right and because of the multiplication of the seed it's possible to increase you can plant and when God blesses you crop you can not only have plenty to eat and see you through the winter but you can also plant more next spring than you planted that year and that is the miracle of increase it's a miracle we've been around at all our life so it you know you grow used to it just from from any familiarity but it is miraculous that you can take this little bitty thing like that and it's got a giant 200 foot oak tree in it amazing and how the that oak tree how many acres can it produce in that 200 years it's just mind-boggling what God has done and one of the greatest gifts he ever gave us was seed because when he gives you seed he gave you a future but something that we need to understand is that he expects us to do a few things hmm when he gives you seed you don't just stand there and look at it hmm I mean it would you would have to know too much for the Lord give you seed what do you think should happen next you should be thinking about planting some seed right look with me in Proverbs the tenth chapter proverbs ten and four he says he becomes poor that deals with a slack hand but the hand of the diligent makes rich you know you can be lazy and not do what you're supposed to do and you can't make up for that by giving offerings and making confessions the we believe so called word people word faith people charismatic believe in sowing and reaping the principle including sowing money and sowing offerings and sowing things some folks don't we do but the idea has almost been left that all there is to experiencing the fullness of God's prosperity is that you give offerings and make confessions and if you'll give enough offerings and make enough confessions then you'll just experience the overflow of God's blessing and that's not all there is to it it's not all there is to it in the natural and it's not all there is to it in the spiritual the Lord teaches us about spiritual sowing and reaping by comparing it to natural sowing and reaping we see it in the Old Testament we see it in the New Testament and for those of you that haven't been with us we've already covered a lot of ground a lot of scriptures let me encourage you to get the previous messages you can go online download them in their entirety you can go out if you're in the building to the word supply and pick up CD or dvd won't cost you anything and around here like we say no charge means no excuse for not knowing it not getting it so really this is important and there are some things we need to know and understand about our part of the sowing and reaping cycles and process he said verse 5 he that gathers in summer is a wise son but he that sleeps in harvest is a son that causes shame the new century version new century and verse four says a lazy person will end up poor you know that verse is just as true as mark 11:23 and 24 it's just distress Philippians 4:19 isn't it you got to do what you're supposed to do you know I've had some people sass me before about some of this and they said well you don't work well you you know several things spring to mind to say but I I grew up on a farm I grew up in the country we had a dairy farm and we did row crops I've worked on the docks loading Freight I've handled an axe and power saw and I've logged and and and there's been many a time that I've doing the ministry I thought man digging a ditch should be a lot easier than this [Laughter] if you do ministry right it's going to take some effort now there are some folks that just goof off and play golf all week and and find something out of Reader's Digest and and share it for for 18 minutes but if that's all you do there will be no power in it there'll be no revelation and anybody with any maturity about them will know it and discern it no we all got our job in and with me if I did not do what I'm supposed to do if I didn't go to the meetings I'm supposed to go to and and be at those places I'm supposed to be and do what I'm supposed to do I couldn't just give offerings and make confessions and expect Phyllis and I to prosper personally just know what I'm saying I've got to do my job well whatever your job is you have to do your job or else wise you won't prosper if you're lazy and negligent you can't just you can't give enough offerings and make enough confessions to make up for for not doing your job so you can't just lay on the couch I know it's bad news to some folks but you get you can't just lay on the couch and be lazy and make confessions and say well I gave any offering now you also have to do what he told you to do we have a responsibility to sow and harvest according to this verse it's possible to sleep through a harvest isn't that what it said look at the verse again verse 5 whether the new century I was reading it wasn't at the new century version verse 4 a lazy personal end up poor but a hard worker will become rich verse 5 those who gather crops on time are wise but those who sleep through the harvest are a disgrace so uh you know you don't want to sleep through your hardest but we see from this is certainly possible in Ecclesiastes if you go there the 11th chapter Ecclesiastes 11 you believe in with me tonight believe with me for utterance you know we could go all kind of directions hmm you may know what I mean by that wherever the Lord would have us to go I'm not locked into a note or to a page you know that and so we're believing God whatever is the need whatever answers and direction is required we'll hear it and course there's a lot of people that are with us that are not in the room and we're believing for them right and there'll be a lot of people that are watching this service tomorrow and next week and so the Spirit of God is so amazing it can be a now word to them when they hear it next month right the Word of God is like that it's alive its living so that's what we're believing for in Ecclesiastes 11 and verse 4 11 for says he that observes the wind shall not sow and he that regards the clouds shall not reap the basic English the BBE it says he who is watching the wind will not get to seed planet and he who is looking at the clouds will not get in the grain so you notice according to these two verses even though you have planted good seed in good ground or in the case of money and things you've given according to these two verses you will not reap a harvest if one you don't take responsibility and put forth the effort to get to harvest in and then two if you focus on and allow yourself to be distracted by the wrong things if you get to looking at the wrong things what does that mean if you allow excuses as to why I can't have it why I can't get it in this economy or this year or with this going on faith is unmoved by what it sees or hears come on are you with me since it is unmoved it'll say no no no I've got good seed in good ground and I did what the Lord told me to do on sowing on that and I shall reap and it doesn't matter what's happening or not happening with the government with the economy with the company with this one or that one God meets my needs according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus it can happen now am I saying that because all these things are clouds it darkens up and you had good hopes at the beginning of the year but it just does not look like there's any way that could happen anytime soon it's a cloud it's just a cloud somebody say it's a cloud just a stinking cloud and I do not hide in the house because I see a couple of clouds go by hmm I am hooking up the combine I don't care for thunders come on over here with me or if the wind blows I'm a harvesting this year in this season right see so many folks are so easily dissuaded so the Bible said we were made partakers if we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast to the end and we reap if what if we don't faint we don't lose heart and give up you know it's amazing how that that folks you know they get stirred up they hear from God they get excited they take three steps and they meet somebody that says no can I do this bigger oh sorry they go back to sit down you're never going to receive like that you cannot be moved by clouds you got to make up your mind I don't care how hard the wind is blowing I'm sowing huh and it doesn't make any difference how many clouds there are I'm reaping there isn't this a picture of not walking by sight but walking by faith right he said we walk not by sight we walk by faith we don't look at the things that are seen we look at the things that are unseen the things that are seen are temporal they're changing you know this is something that you should rejoice about if you got something that's bad that used to be good guess what you know it can change right because it changed from good to bad you already know it can change so if it can change that way why can't it change the other way it can it can good news no matter what you're dealing with it can change it can't change and if you'll believe God it will change for the better somebody say Amen that means so--but so--but go with me if you would in the scriptures over to ah let's see go to Luke 11 please I tell you before you do that go to Psalm 84 that's what I was thinking about let's do it that way go to Psalm 84 then we go to Luke 11 I think you know the order of things is important if you don't if you go to one thing too quick you don't understand the other there's a sequence the Lord would help us we learn by association in Psalm 84 and verse 11 Psalm 84 11 it says the Lord God is a Sun and shield yes he is the Lord will give grace and glory hallelujah I'll take both and let's hear yes and yes no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly don't you say that out loud no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly the New Living Translation the new living says it like this the Lord will withhold no good thing from those who do what is right he will not withhold said out loud again the Lord will not withhold a good thing no so now if he's not withholding what's going on when people are not receiving if he's not withholding what's happening ah most of you know that I came up under brother Kenneth Hagin seniors ministry and was involved in in his ministry at Rhema Broken Arrow Oklahoma for many years and consider him my father in the faith and he had numerous experiences with the Lord and one of them he actually wrote a little book a little mini book entitled how God taught me about prosperity if you haven't read it it's very good little wouldn't take you long to read it a little bit of mini book and it's entitled how God taught me about prosperity I want to take some time and share some of that experience that he relayed in that book to you and of course if you want the whole thing you can you can find out about it and get it but he described how that after some 12 years of pastoring he the Lord made known to him that he was not to pastor anymore that he was to go out on the road hold meetings he held meetings in churches and then later he held meetings in neutral Civic Center's and auditoriums and that kind of thing he did that for a number of years but his first twelve months having left his last Church being in road ministry his finances just got worse and worse every month until at the end of 12 months he this was back in 1950 and he was twelve hundred dollars in the hole and his car he had completely worn his tires out he's traveling and going to places his tires were bald and his car was so bad he's had to sell it for parts he sold it for scrap and he took the money he got for it and paid the interest on the loans that he had not even any principal and was able to buy one outfit for the kids for school and he's he's broke and every month he's going further in the hole so he was at a place having a meeting and this is weighing so strong on him you know the family the wife and kids need stuff back home and he got nothing to send them and it's getting worse it's been getting worse every month for year now and so he spent some extra time seeking the Lord and and fasting he said a partial fast and praying for a few hours every afternoon just seeking the Lord about this Anna verse that had come to him that he was presenting to the Lord was Isaiah 1 and 19 if you put it up on the screen for us if you would Isaiah 1 in 19 anybody man what that said if you be willing and obedient you shall eat the good of the land and so he was he was he had this Bible open you know and he's praying and he's reminding the Lord of this he said Lord I didn't really want to leave my last church but I obeyed you and you know it was the best church would ever pastored it was the best pastor it we'd ever lived in and we had the best car we'd ever had we had to bet most pay and our church loved us and and they brought us half the food we ate and and they bought us new clothes to go to the conventions and they and and now you know not only dumb am I not getting that regular salary but we're paying all the expenses and we're not getting the money and Lord I I did what you told me to do but I'm not eating the good of the land and you are you know my kids are not adequately clothed I don't have what I need for the ministry you know you certifies willing and obedient so he prayed like this you know for a few days and I forget what day it was but he said the Lord spoke to him and now I would try to describe how it was because that that's him but but he said the Lord spoke to him and said to him let me just read it to you he said the Lord answered and said well the reason you're not eating the good of the land is because you don't qualify you know the Lord will tell you the truth but that's all he's going to is the truth and sometimes it's not necessarily what you want to hear but it is good news to get an answer right elsewise I mean you might want to pat yourself on the back but if you keep believing the wrong thing you're not coming up how many want to know the truth even if it makes you look bad because we can get over the hat right we get over that and get things free he said there is the reason you're not eating to go to the lens because you don't qualify he said you are obedient but you aren't willing you know you didn't do something but resent it in your heart and that renders it unacceptable to the Lord mm-hmm sometimes people got away with it from the time they're little kids yeah they'll do it so they stomp to their room and they shut the door I'll do it well don't cut it with the Lord you saw what I did it any good enough he sees the heart doesn't he an unwillingness it is rebellion and stubbornness the Bible said is like witchcraft you know we need some mind renewal in this area yeah no way a lot of folks think you know well I'm a little hard-headed sometimes and people that well me too but what you think about me saying you know I do a little witchcraft sometimes not much this little on Saturday night I was laughing about I've seen people take me out of context and he post friends oh [Applause] but he said in a rebellion it's like witchcraft and so uh why because it's the it's the essence of it is still stubbornness and defiance and you can say well I'll do it that you can grumble the whole way and that's what the Lord told him you said yeah you did it but you're not willing and you might put on a good show and convince other folks but you can't fool the Lord can you you he sees right through everything he's you right down inside you and all things are open and naked before the eyes of him with whom we have to do the scripture said he said you aren't willing so you don't qualify to eat the good of the land and so brother Hagin said he he called him he said it didn't take me you can't tell me it takes a long time to get willing he said in 10 seconds I was willing and he said I throw the Lord Lord I'm willing you know I'm willing and I at the devil knows I'm willing so now I qualify right and you can repent you don't you don't have to go all day dragging your feet around if I want to do that what's to think about get willing most people say well I'm gonna pray about it the Bible's gonna read exactly the same before during and after your fasting and praying when you find the answer it ain't time to pray it's time to do man so he said you know I'm willing Lord you know I'm willing the devil knows I'm with her I'm willing now he said the Lord said to him well your trouble is though you don't practice what you preach he said you preach faith but you don't practice faith now he took that kind of hard because he was known as the faith man you know but again the Lord's gonna tell you straight this I you know you know it's possible to have 95 series on faith and have confessions all over your refrigerator and your dresser and have faith stickers on your car and go to the faith Church and faith this and faith that and be absolutely full of unbelief did you know that it is he said you don't practice faith and he said he told the Lord Lord you've hit me a low blow what do you mean a no practice faith you know I believe God for believed you for my my kids and we've been healed and I've been healed and and he went on he said the Lord told him yeah you practice faith for healing he said you practice faith when it comes to healing salvation and baptism in the Holy Spirit but that's as far as you ever go with your faith he said but faith is the same in every realm in every sphere faith for finances works just like faith for healing are the baptism in the Holy Spirit our salvation now that's what we've been talking about in this how to harvest series religion likes what I call no-fault religion no matter what happens it's not our fault no matter what doesn't happen it's not our fault it's all up to the Lord and people try to say well it's just all up to him it's up to him whether I'm healed or not it's all up to him and then if it doesn't happen people say well it must not have been his will why because it didn't happen so that proof when something doesn't happen it proves it's not his will what about when somebody dies without him then that proved it was his will that they perish huh nothing that can't be right it's contrary to the word because the word says he's not willing that any should perish so what we begin to see contrary to tradition and religion there are all kind of things happening in this earth that are not the will of God and it's not his fault all the pain the war the starving the pain the anguish that's in the earth was never the will of God never pleased him it's because man has a free will and man has chosen to rebel disobey God and the wages of sin is death death has come in because of sin oh but Jesus took care of the sin problem do you believe it and soon and very soon everything is going to be restored and there's going to be a new heaven and a new earth where there's no sin no curse and the Bible says there'll be no more pain no more grief no more sorrow no more dying faith we don't even know what that's like a place where there are no hospitals no cemeteries no mental institutions not even any garages to fix your car no garbage piles so we we don't know what that's like but we're going to find out we're going to find out soon and very soon a world in which there is absolutely zero sin and curse and death glory to God you're looking forward to it you ought to be will soon be I don't care if you learn to be a hundred and fifty it's going to come and go so fast we'll soon be out of here this is the shortest thing we'll ever do and for believers this is as rough as it'll ever be that should be a comforting thought about this after this it's joy unspeakable and full of glory man on me and that's all it is and you know he's sustaining us pretty good right now we're making it right where we're having victory isn't he he said you practice faith when it comes to healing but that's as far as you go with your faith faith is the same in every realm there are people that say don't they don't believe in sowing and reaping when it comes to finances and material things and their people love her friends of mine that take me to issue about preaching on 30 60 100 fold I've had people tell me don't preach out in my church and why why I mean we've read scriptures we spend a night recently on the scripture that said that and just shouted about it talked about it well it shouldn't be a thing thought strange when you sow a kernel of corn you don't get to fold I mean it's not uncommon you can get 36 you can get 50 fold wheat crop I mean you can some crops you can get 200 fold it is this the everybody knows that it's not like it's some secret everybody knows it one seed becomes many see so well I don't know even 100 fold what do you believe in 30 fold you believe in 10 fold two and a half point five fold and some people they look at you like you slept them with a wet dish clothing like huh what what what fold do you believe in and the Cohen I uh I just live if you give the Lord will bless you that's code talk for it's all up to him and that's wrong getting saved is not all up to him being healed is not all up to him getting filled with the Spirit is not all up to him and ripping your harvest is not all up to him we have a responsibility to believe him and to receive and that's what the Lord is teaching brother Hagin about this and this is where I first heard about it back decades ago and the Lord added to me as I've sold him but it's the same foundation it's the same principle there are different ways to say it but it's the same thing we have a responsibility to live by faith and just waiting on the Lord and thinking it's all up to him is a giant mistake I know it's popular millions believe it but it's why people just keep going on year after year and not getting their prayers answered and not getting their needs met and think it's God's teaching them something or God's withholding from them for some reason they don't understand and he's working something out in their life and and they're learning some valuable life lessons by doing without and and not being healed not being able to pay their bills Bach junk no I know the fool don't like that but I'm telling you there is no sale like that is because it is a deception of the enemy to keep you and I paralyzed he wants you to believe that because if he can keep you sick enough and broke enough he can keep you from having any witness or impact he can keep you from being able to leave the house or being able to afford to if you felt like it are you FB friends and in essence he has extinguished your light he has covered you up oh but friend when he brought forth his first people out of bondage he brought them out with silver and with gold and there was not one feeble person among their tribes friend when your body's healed and you got money in your pocket and you got a heart to serve God you can do something you can you've got the ability and you got the opportunity it's no wonder the devil fights this message so hard you know there been people that have marked me and and made fun of you and me and us about prosperity and then some of the same folks ago men it was a great thing that you that you sewed this to the mission area well it was a great thing that you had this for the community it was a great thing well how do you think you go have any of that if you don't believe that you're not going to have anything if you believe the wrong thing there you know there's so big oh you're to have something you'll do something for people but you shouldn't have anything if you don't have anything you can't do anything and the more you have more you can do you can do evil with it or you could do good with it it's up to you it's not money that's the root of all evil it's the love of it he went on to say you you're not practicing faith in this realm of finances he said faith for finances works just like faith for healing the baptism salvation and he told him he said the money you need is not up here in heaven he said I'm not gonna rain he said the Lord speaking to him now of course he speaks to you the way you understand whether it's Hebrew Italian or southern slang drawl ah elsewise I mean if he talked to me in Hebrew I wouldn't understand it not so he he said the money you needs done down in the earth he said I'm not gonna rain dollar bills out of heaven if I did they'd be counterfeit what you need is in the earth and he listened to this he said you know I made the world and the fullness thereof as Psalm 89 11 he said the Lord is telling him this you know I made my man Adam and I says in the fiftieth Psalm every beast of the forest is mine and the cattle Upon A Thousand Hills is mine and the silver and the gold are the Lord's he said the Lord told him this do you remember I said this he said yes Lord yes Lord he said for whom do you think I made the cattle on a Thousand Hills for whom do you think I made the world and the fullness thereof for whom do you think I made the silver and the gold for the devil and his crowd now this is revelation this is contrary to what's been taught in churches for centuries because people have developed all kind of songs I don't want any of this old world's goods and they haven't had of either I mean people come up in church singing about I don't want silver and gold I don't want any silver and go yes you do yes sure you need some but there's been this this religious stuff that's been ingrained that that's for somebody else who's it for you're saying that the wealth and the nice stuff that's in the earth is not for the people of God it's for people that don't serve God and that is not true I said it's not true he said he had never heard what the Lord was revealing to him at that point he said the Lord said to him when I created everything it belong to my man I told my man Adam have dominion over the works of my hands the psalm says the heaven of heavens is the lord's but the earth has he given to the children of men didn't say gave it to the devil he gave it to us his people his man the wealth of this planet is for God's kids that's what is far it's not for the devil and his crowd but he said Adam and Eve bowed their knee to the enemy yielded the sin and then the devil usurped their place he became the god of this world 2nd Corinthians 4:4 talks about this and so the enemy illegally you might say has control of this world and so much of it including government and so much of the finances and he wants all the money because in this world money is power and influence he doesn't want you to have anything especially if you might tell somebody about Jesus if you might use it to show the goodness of God he wants to keep you so broke and so sick and so miserable and so depressed they anybody that saw you would run away from being a Christian because they don't want to be like that they don't want to be broke and sick and a failure you know what makes the devil about as mad as anything is not just a righteous man but a rich righteous man job hmm need i say more the devil was having a fit over job because job was completely right you talk about a good man you talk about a man that wouldn't lie to you wouldn't wouldn't be dishonest wouldn't violate his conscience perfectly good righteous man and a multi-billionaire with a beef and the devil just couldn't stand it couldn't stand it and through a series of things we won't go into the book right now but you know he had a some hard times a script ourian's tell us that that whole episode probably happened in less than a year you know eight nine months job had a bad year rough ear hard year but did you read the back of the book did you read the back he wound up healed and the Lord gave him twice what he lost don't you know the devil was really having the fifth in I mean because he was a billionaire before this thing started why cuz man he he described his influence over the whole community where he lived over the whole area the whole region I mean sounded like didn't much get done if job didn't like him and what about a person that loves God with all their heart and her completely righteous and has that much influence in the country I see the devil is scared of that he wants anything but that and so the Lord was telling brother Hagin he said I didn't make all that for the devil and his crowd I made it for my man I made it for my people my kids do you believe that or not I believe that I said I believe that he went on to tell him he said the world can build a dance hall a club a theater I'd say today a casino and they can put neon lights all over the front of it and they can dress it up nicely but if you want to dress up the church people say oh no that's too much now listen to what what he said the head of the church told him he said I expect my people to have the best place in town to meet in he putting in courting and parenthesis he said the Lord actually said that to me I expect my people to have the best place in town to meet in has the church thought like that they have not why if the Lord said that's what I expect why are so much of the church think he's pleased if we go the cheapest smallest route can you stay with me a little while hmm there's mine renewal here see people they don't think like that they don't think well we should have the nicest place let's believe and get the nicest place no they want to brag about how much money they saved by doing it too cheap little way and I haven't read any scriptures about where we get rewards for who saved the most money brother Kenneth Copeland said the Lord spoke to him one time said when am I going to get all this money the people are saving for me he's not going to see that money it's a deception can you see it it's a deception now stay with me he said I expect my people to have the best place in town to meet in now here's the thing I wanted us to get to he said I'm he said the Lord the head of the church he said the Lord is telling him this I'm not withholding adequate food and clothing from your little children that's not me it's the devil do you believe that who's withholding said the Lord told him specifically because see he's gone this whole year now and he's in worse shape than he's ever been in financially and and he and he's praying and seeking the Lord and fasting and he said the Lord said to him I'm not withholding food and clothes from your little children always the whole world could hear that and believe that the Lord said that you believe he said that I'm not withholding food and clothing from your little children he said that's the devil we ought to know that Jesus said in John 10:10 do you remember I'm come that you might have life and that you might have it more abundantly vamp Liffe I'd says to the full until it overflows he said the thief comes not but for to steal and to kill and to destroy God's not the thief Jesus is not the thief as the devil he's talking about there is a devil and he's in the business of stealing and killing and destroying and if something's being robbed from your life something's been withheld from you something's being destroyed and killed in your life don't imagine that it's God's will and he's teaching you something through it now there is suffering for his sake but it has to do with me persecuted for standing up for him and preaching his gospel and it's an honorable thing to make sacrifices for that but that's not at all the same as this he said I am NOT is everybody awake we're listening i'm not withholding adequate food and clothing from your little children that's not me it's the devil you believe the Lord said that I believe it's all through the scriptures what about your life let's make it personal what about your life who's withholding things that you've desired things that you've needed is God are you waiting on God hmm is he withholding it until you learn this or that is he are you waiting on him see that's been the mentality though people have thought that they've imagined that they believed that so they just wait and they just wait and they just wait and months turn into years and years turn into decades and your life is slipping away and and you've learned how to eke out a meager existent existence and that's where people come up with all the new doctrines well we're poor but we're proud it's not a sin to be poor is just mighty inconvenient and you wish that people wouldn't hear it the way they do when we talk about being healed we're not against people that are sick we want them to be against the sickness let's all be against the sickness right and when we talk about having your needs met and being blessed we're not talking about you're not anything or you're not spiritual you don't have enough faith if if you're at a certain level of finances no no it's good news you don't have to stay down God will bring you up he'll bring you out none of us would have anything if it wasn't for the mercy of the Lord and the grace of the Lord is something how the devil tries to twist it and isn't well you're you're looking down on us and you're saying we're not this no no that's the devil twisting this the truth is good it's the gospel it's the good news it's a good message what what he said the Lord told him I'm not withholding food and clothes from your little kids somebody said out loud the Lord is not withholding any good thing from me it's not the Lord withholding it is not him well if it's not him I don't have to take it laying down huh if it's not him that is some good news because you know if the Lord's holding you down you might as well give up you guys will just quit because what can you do with that I mean if it's the Lord's will for you to be sick there's no use to go to the doctor if it's this will for you to be broke before there's no needing you didn't try but when you find out it never was his will he's not the one holding you back he's not the one withholding then you can get sassy you can stand up and go hey hey I'm not taking this anymore Jesus is bought and paid for something for me I can have it listen that's what we're getting to hear he said he said the money you need is down there on the earth it's not up here in heaven the silver and gold are down there on the earth where you need it he said brother Hagin they said what what do i do what do I do and he said the Lord told him don't pray about money anymore I know that shocked him he said that is the way you've been praying claim whatever you need somebody say claim whatever you need now are we still talking about harvesting claim whatever you need said out loud claim whatever you need said again claim whatever you need I know people make fun of us for saying things like this mister ah you really believe the Lord said that absolutely it sounds just like what he said in Matthew Mark Luke and John go to mark 11 see if it sounds like him mark 11:24 mark 11:24 doesn't say Jesus said read letters how many respect read letters you respect what Jesus said Jesus said I say to you what things soever you desire well he desires money too for his kids to be clothed and fed properly and catch up their bills and money to go and have meetings and do what he needs to do whatever you desire when you pray do what do what believe what believe that you receive them and you shall have them this same word numerous places in the same King James New Testament receive same word is translated ta ke take same word numerous places in the same New King James New Testament believe that you take them how am I going to take them you believe you take them and when do you believe you take them now when you pray and then what happens after that you shall have them but can you see millions of Christians are not doing that they're just begging the Lord and waiting to see what's going to happen and then when it doesn't happen they go well it must not have been his will they didn't leave they received anything they're not doing what he said and that's what brother Hagin was learning here he said claim whatever you need he had talked to him about Satan is the god of this world and so he has influence and he is trying to hold back he's the one holding withholding he's trying to hold it back keep it back he said you say Satan take your hands off my money he said because it's Satan who's keeping it from coming to you not me do you believe the Lord said that yes you say I claim whatever it is you need and name whatever it is you won't or you need claim what you need or want say Satan take your hands off my finances have you been doing that if you have it you need to start if you did a long time ago but you forgot it's time to get stirred up on it right and realize don't just live in a lull and just keep waiting and just keep waiting and just keep waiting waiting on what are we really waiting on the Lord and we're waiting on him to reap it for us are we waiting on him to decide he's tired of withholding it from us and go ahead and let us have it no with me friends no it's the devil the thief the killer the destroyer they that work trying to withhold from us and because our money that we need and our stuff is in this world and him being the god of this world he has influence in this world and he can do things to hinder but for those standing and leaving he cannot stop it he can do things that hinder and if he can get you discouraged and get you worn out and gets you despairing and get you to quit well then it's not gonna happen or if he can just log you into deception that God's you're waiting on him and then he's withholding for reasons you don't understand and you just have to wait and wait and wait and so you say wonder how much longer have to wait the devil said oh it'll be a while it's going to be a while well wonder why I need to wait or it's a mystery and you may never know in this lifetime yeah but I need to pay my bills well it's your cross to bear millions believe this and he said the Lord told him I am not the one withholding food and clothes from your little kids he said it's the devil and then he told him something he needed to do hmm oh the error of waiting on God when he told you what to do that's how days and months turn into years and nothing happens he said you say Satan take your hands off my money because it's Satan who's keeping it from coming to you not me and you say I claim whatever it is you need and then you say Satan T then you say go ministering spirits and cause the money to come he said he was in shock he thought huh he'd never heard anything like that do what tell the ministering spirits to my angels go ministering spirits and calls it to come in well he went on to describe how the law had to talk to him about this because this was near to him he said I never heard anything like that Lord on another occasion and experience he had with the Lord he said he said Lord I've read the New Testament through 150 times and if there's anything in there like that I don't know it he said the Lord smiled sweetly and said son there's a lot in there you don't know I'm gonna think that's the truth earth there's it's a lot in there you hadn't seen and the amazing thing is you may have read it like he said hundreds of times scores of times and it's just right there and you didn't see it it's not because it's so hard to figure out it's because the enemy is trying to blind you trying to keep you from getting it so uh he said say go ministering spirits and caused the money to come in and he in and he said Lord the Lord quoted to him then Hebrews put it up on the screen for Hebrews 1:14 Hebrews 1:14 talking about angels are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation he said he told the Lord he said lord I thought that said ministered to them he said no and he said he gave him the example of a waiter a wake person coming to your table and you tell him what you want and then they go get it and bring it to you and they're ministering to you and ministering for you and he went on to describe to him to explain he said Satan himself is not doing all the work of the devil there are demons and evil spirits and he said these demons and evil spirits are trying to influence people in the earth to try to tempt them to get them to lie to get them to steal to get them to commit adultery to get them to commit murder all kind of thing and they're working to try to influence people not necessarily Satan himself but these demons and evil spirits and he said in the same manner a Jools influence you believe that is this in the scriptures angels influence and he said these angels just like a demon to try to influence somebody to lie our still kill do something evil these ministering spirits will influence people they may not see anything or hear anything but a thought will just come to them and the feeling will just come over them and they think you know I need to do that and it's an influence for good it's a godly influence and in this regard brother Hagins need money for his family and for his his ministry and his meetings and and so he said he was in this little place to we're a very small congregation I think he said there their average crowd was 40 and he said uh the last time he was there he got fifty seven dollars a week and that was only after the pastor took a long time with the offering and played and said who will give five who will give ten and just took a long time pulling oh please you know you know brother Hagin needs it and dadadada and he went on fifty seven dollars for the week and he said now this time he's back he needed a minimum of a hundred and fifty dollars a week just to not going the whole anymore and he said he knew he dared not say anything to the pastor about because he'd say if he'd had told the pastor he said a hundred dollars the pastor said man I you know it take God to do that and it and then if he said if one hundred fifty dollars he said the pastor said I don't think Jesus himself would get that at this meeting this is back nineteen fifty in a small place out rule and so he he told later he told the pastor don't say a word just say this is brother Hagins offering and just passed the plate and and he said well brother Hagin if I say that if I don't you know go through his pulling and who will give five and if I don't do that you won't get a quarter he said well if all I gets a quarter you won't hear a word out of me I'll just take my quarter and go he said just say this is brother Hagins offering past the play because he said he wanted to prove it out with the Lord had told him and he went out there by yourself and he stood up and he said Satan you take your hands off of my money I claimed a hundred and fifty dollars a week now why didn't he claim 10,000 see this is not just what you can say it's what you can believe you're with me friends and after hearing from the Lord his faith has come faith comes by hearing his faith has come up where even though he got fifty seven dollars after much pleading last time he believes God could do this and so he said I claim a hundred and fifty dollars every week while I'm here and go ministering spirits and caused it to come in and he said the Lord told him he said yes if I can read it right he said after you do this count it done don't pray about it again and if you think about it crosses your mind just say thank you Lord for meeting my needs well that's faith it and so he said the end of the week came one hundred and fifty dollars had come in he said the pastor shook his head and said I never seen things like it my life somebody told me that I hardly believed it wasn't his faith no and he said he learned how then you know everywhere he went he said the next place he went he found that actually needed a little more but he didn't tell them what he needed and he just claimed it like he said you know Satan take your hands off my money I claim whatever it was two hundred dollars a week and go ministering spirit caused it to come in and he said for the weeks was over he had that money every week plus he had a new set of tire tires for his car plus he had some other things and it wasn't from bagging it wasn't from pleading god did it why would these people so that when before it was such a struggle for a third of it to come in in influence and not man's influence divine influence come on can you see this and this is not just for preachers this is not preacher verses this is believer versus nurse well I'm never in a meeting I don't have offerings it's not according to offerings it's according to influence and there's all kind of avenues for it to come it can come in your occupation in your job right it can come in the form of jobs contracts opportunities equipment riot you can try to do it through your finagling and calling and working the phones and beating on doors and you can just trust in your ability or you can begin to operate like this you can claim what you need right you can bind the enemy from holding it back from you and you can believe for it to come in and count on his influence and things will happen and people look at you go I don't know why I'm doing this for you but you just smile and go idle huh and now you're living by faith you're operating my faith can you see this somebody save man amen means so big thanks be unto God so he began to operate that way and then he said toward the end of the book he said after doing that for thirty years now at that time he said it was as easy for him of course the ministry had gotten large and the school and the international ministry and he said I he could believe God for a million dollars just as easy as he you used to be to believe for that hundred and fifty dollars after thirty thirty years of extra and doing this can you say Amen aren't you holding a scripture somewhere can you take a little bit more here going over to Luke 11 then who's withholding from you it's not the Lord the Lord is not withholding there's some terrible things happening in the world they're people including children starving to death for lack of just something decent to eat and you hear people that think they're smart talk about where we don't understand God's ways no way God's withholding food from these little kids no way is he withholding money from somebody to pay their electric bill no way but because people haven't been taught the goodness of God and who he really is and how things work people haven't been taught that you have to live by faith and you have to take some responsibility to deal with some of these things lot of it's just ignorance people never heard it some that did thought I know if I believe all that stuff it's a dangerous thing to reject truth it'll keep you in bondage but do you believe God is big enough that he could bring some influence that would cause changes in your life right away do you believe somebody should I believe it because we're going to act on this in just a few minutes we're gonna act on this we're gonna act on it as a church we're gonna act on it as individuals and families hmm because if God's not holding it back from us and if God's force [Music] we do what we're supposed to do who can hold it back anymore who can do it in Luke 11 this is an interesting passage of scripture because of the wording used here it kind of misses some folks I know it was numerous times I read it before I it came alive to me Luke 11 and verse 5 jesus said to them which of you shall have a friend and shall go to him at midnight and say to him friend lend me three loaves for a friend of mine in his journey has come to me and I have nothing to set before him now what's he doing he's over his friend's house at midnight and this is pre electricity days hmm so what do you think's going on at midnight not just sleeping they've been asleep a long time because they're going to get up at the crack of dawn and poomm poomm poomm poomm poomm on the door awakened out of a sound sleep Jimmy get up get me some bread man Joe Bob just came by he's hungry what would the person's you know awakened out of a dead sleep what's your first response you know man poom poom poom poom poom get up and verse seven he from within shall answer and say trouble me not the door is shut me and the kids are in bed I cannot rise and give you it's late tells you about to go to bed in heat tomorrow morning fear bothered me at midnight waking up the kids keep key reading Jesus said I say to you though he will not rise and give him because he is his friend at this point friendship ain't enough to get you out of bed maybe it's cold they didn't have central heat you and the kids are in bed you finally got warm and you just don't see why you need to get up and do it and don't want to friendship is not a strong enough motivator yet because of his importunity he will rise and give him as many as he needs he will he said the guy will get up and do it and give him all in aids and hauls now I want you to listen here's the difference between going away empty are going away with everything you need one what was the difference King James says importunity and that word just goes over most folks head and mine it's just like huh when's the last time you use that word in a sentence it is not really a South Missouri Arkansas 2012 word 11 and 12 work and the the some of the translations and some of the definitions people come up with a lot of folks say because of his persistence but that does not tell the story and that's where it gets missed if you look up this word don't take don't take my word for it necessarily look it up in the lexicons and dictionaries you'll find that it literally means shamelessness shamelessness are also without bashfulness another word is boldness shame less Ness now what is the opposite of shamelessness shamefulness oh well google that you know is watch to go over there and get some bread for joe bobbin I'm not going over there it's midnight yeah you're not gonna have any bread I'm not I'm not going over there I just don't like to bother people and I just I'm not going now it's a good thing to not want to impose on people but there's a much larger truth here that Jesus is sharing with us people that act like that with other folks oftentimes well should sell fandoms all the time they are the same way with the Lord and you'll hear people talking about this oh I don't want to bother the Lord with that I all right you know I don't we don't need much and we're saved love the Lord love each other so you're not going to let you're not going to ask and you're not going to ask like that one one definition of the word is impudence it's brashness is that you would have the audacity to trump up there in the middle of night and beat on the door and holler get up Joe Bob needs some bread and tradition has said oh yeah that's bad that's bad that's bad Jesus said no that's when he got bread when friendship wouldn't get him bread bowled asking did the scripture says you have not because you ask not what is the punchline to this story hmm oh yeah did you read the next verse read verse eight though he will not rise and give him because he is his friend yet Jesus Jesus is talking because of his shamelessness his boldness he will rise and give him as many as he needs and I say to you what do it do this ask ask and you won't do without it we'll be giving you sit back and imagine yourself humble well I'm I'm not going to ask the Lord he knows what I need and it's all in his hands and it's all up to him you're wrong you're wrong you'll do without and you'll think it's something to do with his plan and it's got nothing to do with this plan the Lord said I'm not withholding don't you like that I'm not withholding food and clothes from your little children he said the devil is it's the devil he's the god of this world your money is in this world he's the one with holding he said you need to stand up and say Satan take your hands off my money you need to stand up and say I claim whatever you need he said and won't that he said that and won't and then you say Gold ministering spirits caused it to come in just like demons influence people to do evil could you believe that angels influence people to do good certainly certainly I say ask come on verse 9 are you with me ask and what will happen and your kids will have their clothes and you'll have plenty of food you'll pay your bills you'll be in good shape seek and what happen and you won't be scratching your head rest of your life you will find out knock and what'll happen it shall be open to you for not just a lucky few everyone that asks receives and he who seeks finds and to him that knocks it shall be open if what if you will have enough faith and courage and boldness to step up and do what he's talking about ask for it and when you ask don't ask wavering believe that you receive believe that you take it right in there what jane says if you ask for wisdom that's good but don't but you got to ask in faith nothing wavering because if your waiver fees are well maybe it'll happen maybe it won't that's not gonna work you got to rise up inside claim X amount whatever it is you need I claim it out of this world system Satan you take your hands off of it you cannot keep it from me in the name of Jesus I command you to turn loose of it get your hands off you off of it it's mine I claim it the money you needs not in heaven it's down here it's here you know also where the devil is but he's not bigger than God he's not bigger than the name of Jesus and he's not bigger than faith in God go ministering spirits brother Hagin said when he first did that he did it trembling because he'd never heard anything like that before and didn't want to preach on it till he had seen it work for a while and he did thank God he did its blessing us tonight right and he said afterwards when he saw how wonderfully it worked and after just going in the hole going in the hole he came out he said he said he was he was under the barrel not bottom of the barrel under the barrel barrels on top of him but he said God brought him out in short order brought did not turn the situation around got him in good house and got him in better shape and just came up up and up and any of you that have seen the Rhema campus my my my imagine where he was had to sell his car for junk and now that and millions of books sin all over the world and amazing things happen and what if what if he hadn't got this back there then you can so I can't do this you know I'm going in the hole luck can't even pay barely pay the interest I got no car now must not be God's will for me to be in the ministry maybe God's trying to tell me something I must have missed him you see how people get messed up they start judging the will of God bother unpleasant experiences that they're having and imagine that like there is no devil imagine like God's withholding said out loud he's not withholding here What did he say didn't we read a scripture no good thing will he withhold from those who walk uprightly those are endeavoring to do what he told him to do no good thing will he withhold can you say glory to God what thing soever you desire when you pray believe that you receive that believe that you take them you lay hold of it you see oldest that confess it possess it Bunch you better believe it that's us if you ever see the truth you want to be one of us y'all just let blab it and grab it claim it and frame it we don't deny it but they ought to watch who they're making fun of because that's Jesus I didn't write that brother Hagin didn't write that that's Jesus of it how about acting on it tonight stand on your feet thank you lord let's act on this thank your father thank you lord thank you lord glory to God just close your eyes and focus on him for a moment
Channel: Free Word of God
Views: 27,934
Rating: 4.818182 out of 5
Keywords: Keith, Moore, How, to, Harvest, Pt, 10, Whats, the, Hold, Up
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 1sec (4921 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 15 2012
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