Keith Moore The Faith Of Jesus Pt 8 The End Of Your Faith

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you can be seated and if you would turn to the book of hebrews hebrews chapter 12 everybody happy got the victory good excited about anything that's coming up faith people real faith people are just always excited they are never depressed oh you might get tempted but you you don't yield to it you know brother Hagin used to say Kenneth Hagin my father in the faith you'd say he you know as the years went by he'd say I hadn't had a headache in 40 years hadn't had a headache in 50 years you know it's too late to start having headaches now then he had said I've had some marvelous opportunities to have one now do you know what he means by that and he mentions a couple of times when symptoms came and he said I know you don't Jesus name get out of here and resisted it well you know you might be tempted to be depressed or frustrated or upset but just pass it by right just refuse to yield to it and just keep the victory stay excited because if the word is true and you know it is and God responds to faith people then you know he does then the best is in front of you right the best is in front of you said out loud the best is ahead of me glory to God well we've been talking about faith for weeks now here at faith Life Church which would be appropriate with him would it be sad have faith Life Church and no faith and that just wouldn't be right with it no no faith Life Church should be a faith church full of faith live in a faith Life walk in the faith walk well it doesn't happen automatically and don't happen just cuz you put it on the front of the building right how does faith come comes by hearing and hearing and how many know next year will need to hear something about faith and the year after that actually when we first started the Lord gave me three major directives and I wrote him down and dated it he did that I was to teach the people how to love each other right and I am to teach the people how to live walk by faith and I am to teach the people how to be led by the spirit well we've been over it but how many understand we're not through with it right we need to hear it again and again now if you have not heard I mean what was it your two ago man we spent months on being led by the spirit the Spirit led life 1 & 2 a long time on it if you weren't here you need to get that how many would agree they they ought to get ahold of that not just because I taught it because it's the word right get a hold of it feed on it because I mean if you don't know how to be led by the Spirit you are at a terrible disadvantage in this life if you're still making all your decisions off of what's in your head it ain't enough how many people agree what what's in your head is not enough for you to make all your decisions and come out right and that's why some people they hit it sometime a lot of times they don't they miss it and they're you know well you can be right again and again when you're led by the Spirit because he's always right Hebrews 12 let's go into talking more about faith and I believe we're nearing the the end of this part of our study here on the faith of Jesus so believe with me for utterance today Hebrews twelve and one wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses now let's just stop right there why is the wherefore there because it hooks up to chapter 11 right and chapter 11 is talking about what faith faith faith faith right the whole chapter is the great faith chapter this one did this by faith and this one did that by faith by faith by faith by faith then he said now all these folks that he's got through talking about they're no longer here on the earth right but do they still exist oh yeah yeah you know Jesus the the Sadducees did not believe in resurrection life after death and they tried to question Jesus one time you know they they thought they were so clever and they told the story about the the man and woman that was married and had no kids and the brother married and they had no kids and seven brothers and so they said she was married to all seven of them so in the resurrection see they didn't believe in the resume in the resurrection whose wife will she be they thought they're so clever he said you do greatly err because you don't know God and you don't know the Scriptures you don't know the power of God and he went on say that God referred to him to himself at the bush burning bush talking to Moses he said I am the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob well they had been dead off the earth for a long long time but God didn't say I used to be right now he said I am why cuz they still are and he is right and he said and Jesus said he's not God just of the dead but of the living right and so thanks be unto God all these people that he mentioned Enoch and and Abel and Abraham and and Sarah and Isaac and Joseph and all those guys will get to meet him one day woman won't tell me how'd you like to sit down by the Crystal River and have a long talk with Joseph and a long talk with Abraham well the you know we're gonna have plenty of time to do it and he said we are compass to bat was so great a cloud of witnesses faith people who ran a faith race and since they're all watching us let us lay aside every weight and the sin which does so easily beset us let us get rid of anything that had hinder our race and let us do what run with patience the race that is set before us persistence and endurance the race that is set before us well what kind of race is it what's he been talking about for the last chapter in verse faith it's a faith race not just the faith sprint but a faith marathon right this faith race lasts for decades as long as our life lasts down here right it's a faith race somebody say faith race now it's not even a period there he says run with patience the race that he said before us , looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith and we could say of our faith race who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross despising the shame and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God thank you lord now we've been talking about the faith of Jesus and we talked about how that faith is a requirement it's not optional the Lord requires it of us how that faith is the decision there's no such thing as somebody who can't believe you decide whether you're going to believe or not talked about the importance of the integrity of one's word and faith and how God cannot lie and he is he deserves all of our trust and we talked about how faith comes we talked about enemies of faith how that becoming offended will rob you of your faith being double-minded and wavering will cause you to lose your faith getting in fear will cause you to lose your faith and we talked about patience wasn't it last Sunday we talked about staying after and patience and that's how if you endure to the end you'll receive but let's look at this this goes along with that he said Jesus is the author and what the finisher now we've talked about the author we've talked about how faith comes we've talked about some in-between let's talk about this last part he is the what finisher of our faith everybody say finish finish how many understand that how you finish is just as important and even more important than how you start because I mean you can you can mess up in the beginning but if you finish good right you you can mess up in the middle but if you finish good that can be forgotten right how you finish is one of the most important things in any endeavor and particularly this one running your faith race how many understand it's no good we've already talked about this to believe God like a house of fire for two weeks and in quit four it comes to pass that's no good and it's not good enough to run your faith race and live for the Lord for 13 years and 15 years and then get offended and messed up and backslide huh no no we got to finish this thing right and we got to finish it like we started it in faith somebody said out loud finishing faith finish strong in faith now look at first Peter just turn over a few pages to the first Peter he is the author and he is the finisher he is the completer of our faith how many remember the scriptures that says they know that we can have confidence that he who began a good work in us what will he do he'll finish it he'll complete it till the day of Jesus Christ first Peter and the first chapter verse 3 let me read a few verses to you first Peter 1:3 blessed be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ which according to his abundant mercy has begotten us again to a lively or a living hope by the resurrection of jesus christ from the dead to an inheritance incorruptible undefiled that fades not away reserved in heaven for you who are kept by the power of God how through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time now he's talking about our future do we have a bright future how are we going to end up with this whole thing do I have something look forward to oh we do and he said we're kept unto this by the power of God but it's through our faith that the power of God has the legal right to keep on keeping us we're in you greatly rejoice though now for a season if need be you're in heaviness through manifold temptations can you rejoice even in tough times will it take faith to do that with him you wouldn't be walking by what you saw or what you felt or you'd be crying hmm the faith walk means the faith walk doesn't mean you never have any challenges or problems it just means you don't have to walk like you feel you don't have to eat to how things look right you can shout when you feel like crying you can cliff glory to God when you feel like giving up you don't have to give up you can say nah nah I know what I see I know what I feel but greater is He that's in me than he that's in the world and I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me you can say that when you feel like forty miles a muddy road when you feel lower than a snake's belly in the wagon rut that's low where you even though you feel bad you don't have to act like you feel old friend this is such such an important thing to learn can you shout when you feel like crying yeah can you get up and say we're going over big when you feel like you're going under can you do that yeah you can't that's what faith is all about and he said your rejoicing your greatly rejoice though even now for a season there's heaviness because of the manifold temptations that sounds contradictory done well which one are they going through heaviness our great rejoicing both they feel the heaviness but they're by faith they're greatly rejoicing why because they see beyond the here and now and the feelings well now let's see this is our text Jesus endured the cross didn't he despising the shame how could he do it for the joy that was set out before how could he go through it how could he go through it because he could see beyond those soldiers he could see beyond the faces of the mockers in the crowd he could see beyond the pain he could see beyond death he could see resurrection and he could see you and me free hallelujah he could see heaven he could see the kingdom of God and eternity with us and see it all that he despised the shame and the cross he said what is this I can do this by the grace of God you know you have to despise your problem I said you have to despise your prop not respect it despise it despise the sickness despise the debt despise the problem what do you mean make light of it treat it like it's little like it's inconsequential despise it understand if you came in the room and people looked up they went oh it's just you and enacted like you weren't even there what are they doing they're despising you that's what you need to do your problems so what I got to do with my primary buddy you despise that you look at in a ah it's just cancer well the Keith the devil has been talking to me you showing him too much respect you showing him rabbits go oh it's the devil I don't care if he appears in your room with flaming fire you wakes you up you just look at him and go ah it's just you roll over and go back to sleep are you even now despise him despise the works of the enemy despise what the Lord told us didn't he in the church here he said give me all the glory that's when we give these testimonies now and give the devil how much none well even if he's able to pull off something don't even tell it give him no free advertising now him being so full of pride this really bothers him and we say tough right oh yeah man he oh he wants to be noticed he wants you to when he's able to pull something off and you're off he wants you to cry about it and tell everybody about it and then tell it again so he can make a big deal out of it and get them scared it's gonna happen to them too but we despise it it's just a million dollars just a bill right there's been many bills before it and will be after it that's just a disease a disease been around a long time Jesus has healed every kind of disease that there ever was what are you little puny disease now we got to build our faith until we can do what first Corinthians 15 says we can stand by the grave and we look we can look death in the face whether for ourselves or anybody else to say ha it's just death Oh death where is your victory and your your sting grave right we'll see if you can do that with death you can sure do it with the disease you could sure do it with the dent you could sure do it with any other thing like that look at me I like they say I wear spit spitting the I spit in the eye of the disease go you're nothing nothing beside God and he's the one taking care of me so even though there is this trial in verse seven trial of faith the trial of your faith being much more precious than of gold that perishes though it be tried with fire might be found to praise and honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ what's he talking about your faith the trial of your faith we talked about this already people say well I tried that and it didn't work no no you got it backwards it tried you and you quit you failed your faith will be tried what tries it what tries you faith contradictory circumstances feelings experiences right other people's experience I only say time elapsing conditions seeming the worse and all these things try your faith but if you won't quit your faith will come out shining at the end somebody say at the end of your faith he said it'll come out like gold tried with fire your faith will come out to the praise and honor and glory when I just got revelation on this the last few days I'm are you believing with me Nam help me help me you know to get it out here your faith and the the passing of tests and trials with your faith is going to be rewarded it's going to be shown at the appearing of the Lord I hadn't seen this to the degree that I'm seeing it now and some of it has to do with my father going home I begin to meditate on some things and the Lord spoke some things to me that I didn't understand and the last few days he's given me revelation on it and I prayed about how much of it I should share with you and I think I'm supposed to share something this morning so you're believing with me right and this is important this is big stuff will my faith and the faith that I lived with in your faith that you lived within this life will it have any bearing when the Lord comes back and appears well he said you know when the Son of Man returns shall he find faith in the earth see you some people that make fun of us about faith it's sad that they're so ignorant because it's such a big thing to God and when he comes back what's he looking for he's not looking for which denomination you were a part of right what's he looking at what's he looking for faith and there are people of faith in all different camps you don't have to be called a faith camp to have faith and there are people that's got faith stickers all over the car and refrigerator and have very little faith but he said the trial of your faith being proven and refined like gold it is going to be found are you reading with me in verse 7 now it's going to be found unto what praise and honor and glory win at the appearing of Jesus Christ is he coming back are we going to see and when we see him what's going to be important that we lived and died if it was before his coming in faith that we did not lose our faith that we kept our faith and that we passed the test and trials that tried our faith and when he comes our faith is going to shine are you seeing this with me our faith is going to shine when he comes war they sort of make you interested in faith should notice keep reading says whom having not seen you love in whom though now you see him not yet believing you rejoice say that phrase three times believing you rejoice say it again believing you rejoice that again believing you rejoice so we've told you four years now how would you know if you got in faith you get to rejoicing why would you be rejoicing particularly if you're going through manifold temptations and you're experiencing heaviness why in the world would you be rejoicing because you believe something beyond what you see and beyond where you are and you're not wondering if it's so you're convinced you're persuaded it is so and it will be and when translations of Romans 4:17 to my faith cause those things that be not as though they were it's that faith speaks with future events with this much certainty as if they were already past you speak concerning future events with as much certainty as if it had already happened that's how God talks isn't it and when he says it we believe it and so we get ready for it and we count it done and we say if he says he's coming back he's coming back and if we're gonna meet him and be with him together forever and we're gonna rule and reign with him forever in the kingdom of God then you can take it to the bank it is happening and we can talk about it with as much certainty as if it had already taken place I'm glad I came if just for that this morning help axiom that will get you through now notice having not seen does that sound for me you know we're told my faith anybody remember Hebrews 11:1 was it saying now faith is the substance of things hoped for and what evidence of things not seen you haven't seen it he said though we have not seen him talking about Jesus we love him how many can raise your hand and say that's the same for me I haven't seen him but I love him come up the Lord yes and in whom though you see him not yet believing you rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory receiving what the end of your faith even the salvation of your soul receiving the end of your faith said out loud the end of my faith hallelujah now you know like I said my dad went home to be with the Lord just a couple of weeks ago and the Lord said something to me two days after he went home and I didn't understand too much of it but I begin you know the Lord minister took me through another channel and I'll tell you about that in a minute but then getting into the word some about this I saw light and it has to do with this we think so much about living in faith and we should but we ought to think just as much about dying in faith did you hear me we haven't I haven't thought enough about dying in faith but it is just as important if not more important right then living in faith now we had sometimes we don't like to think about it but the Lord tarries his coming any length of time and you and I are gonna die right he could come beforehand but he wouldn't have to tarry long he me and you would live out our days well how should we die how about the end of our faith how should we come to the end of this faith race well should should we die death and can we die a death that pleases God can we well what would it have what car would it have to be then everybody knows Hebrews 11:6 without faith it is impossible to please God so we'd have to die in faith can you die in faith it's the only way I said it's the only way you're to die then we think about Jesus Jesus lived in faith didn't he walked and preached in faith cast out demons and faith ministered healing and faith walked on the water in faith but one of the most outstanding demonstrations of his faith is when he faced death right when he went to the cross and when he died perhaps the greatest test of his faith was when he faced death did he die in faith oh can you hear him hanging on the cross when he came to his last breath what did he say father into your hands I commit my spirit and he left now that's the way to die not the way some people do you know I am being a pilot I read reports of accidents and stuff I want to find out what they did wrong so I don't do it sometimes I'm telling Phyllis you said she says I don't want to hear about her exit I said I'm sorry that's pilot stuff so but so many times you got the cockpit voice recorders and I don't mean once or twice it is so many times that the last words on these cockpit voice recorders or profanity screaming and profanity that is not the way to leave your body is it that is not the way to go into eternity who should you be thinking about when you leave this life who you should expect to see shortly thereafter is that right so you should not die screaming profanities you should not die full of fear so that's why they're cussing and screaming is because they're so full of fear they're afraid to die they're afraid of death aren't you glad Hebrew said that Jesus he took part of flesh and blood so that he through death might destroy him that had the power of death and deliver them who through all their lifetime were subject to bondage because of the fear of death what did he do it then have we been delivered do we have to be afraid of death no no we do not have to fear but we can face death with faith faith we can lean back and say father into your hands I commit my spirit and let her go is that right now let me give you some more scripture how about that you made it for some y'all with me this morning ouch the end of your faith now notice turn with me if you would to John 21 and I'm gonna read some scriptures to you before we get there but be going to John 21 I think I'll do it the other way I'll read that first did I give you the other scripture John 21 John 21 Jesus has been raised from the dead and because he has we will be too right he is our hope he is the proof positive it can and will be done and we're gonna have a body like unto his glorious body the scripture said something to look forward to no more wrinkles no more excess weight no more weakness I think I told you this before but it'll bear repetition the man who was brother Oral Roberts crusade director for many years this has been decades ago when this happened he's with the Lord right now but he died kind of unexpectedly and he's in the hospital and no pulse they said well he's gone his wife got there and boy she got ahold of him and started yelling at him and said no you don't know you know you're not leaving me and she she called and calm and and they got him back after some length of time but when he woke up he was aggravated he was he was here he told me sir why did you do that why did you do that later on he made a promise he said don't if that happens again don't do that don't please I know you you want me to stay but please no he said that he he did die I mean it was clinical facted and he said that when he got called back to his body he said he was running now he had been quite athletic in his youth but he was a little bit older now and he had had knee problems and he'd had some other problems and he just you know he hadn't experienced that for quite a while but he said he was on what seemed to be a country road and by some kind of a beautiful fence and the most beautiful meadows and he said man he said I was running he said I was flying he said I was running like a cheetah man he said I was I was running with no pain and such freedom and strength you called me back [Applause] you know I don't think we realize what you know what we're gonna be able to do with our glorified bodies we are so going to enjoy our glorified bodies we're going to be able to do some stuff hallelujah but in John 21 are you there Jesus has been raised from the dead and his body is glorified and he is talking to them and you remember that after their eating and and you know a lot of people excited about that that you can eat with your glorified by love hug but well that was worth coming to church for a lot of people right there like you mean I get to eat yeah yeah Jesus ate he ate after he was raised from the dead with his glorified body yeah you hear that praise God and he's talking to Peter and notice verse 18 John 21 18 Jesus is talking to Peter you remember he had told him repeatedly if you love me feed my sheep and then he told him he said verily verily this is John 21 18 I say to you when you were young you girded yourself or you dressed yourself and you walked where you would but when you shall be old you'll stretch forth your hands and another will gird you or dress you and carry you where you would not for you wouldn't wear you don't want to go and tradition has it you know that that he was martyred and was you know parently was taken at different times to where he wouldn't want to go and he was older and of course you know bodies age weaken verse 19 this spoke he signifying what by what death he should glorify God read that out loud with me now by what death he should glorify God by what death he should glorify God can you glorify God in death as in life yes how do you glorify God in this life by living by faith receiving by faith acting by faith in love how would you glorify God in death same way same way dying in faith and love now go with me to Philippians please he said he spoke that to them signifying or specifying by what death he should glorify God said out loud I will glorify God in my life and should he tarry his coming in my death I will glorify God amen let's not let that be the last time we say that Philippians the first chapter Philippians 1 and verse 20 he said according to my earnest hope and expectation would he say that in nothing I'll be ashamed but what with all boldness as always so now also Christ shall be magnified in my body whether it be by life or by death can the Lord be magnified in your body in death yes yes there are many ways to die just like there are many ways to live people say oh I'll tell you quit breathing and that's it you're dead no mm-hmm there are many different ways to die the Bible said in let me just read these to you listen numbers 23 10 don't turn there just listen numbers 23 10 he said let me die the death of the righteous and let my best end be like his let me die the death of the righteous proverbs 14 32 14 32 says the righteous has hope in his death the amplified says the righteous has hope and confidence even in his death the Bible said in Psalm 116 15 precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his Saints didn't you say the death of everybody but the death of his Saints is precious to him why would it be of value to him and pleasing to him it have to be in faith we know that right it's precious to him now death it's not our friend don't you misunderstand me death is called the enemy of God and it's the last enemy that'll be put under foot but we do not have to go screaming and scared and in weakness we can face it with confidence and dignity and honor and faith we can go out right can you say Amen somebody say I will I will I shall the the amplified says excuse me I meant to read this to you it please that's t71 it Cleese st7 one says the day of death is better than the day of one's birth to see we don't think like that most the time do it the day of one's death is a better day than the day of your birth well how many people really think like that if the Bible says it that's how we should think that's when he said here he said let me read the amplified translation of this now he said I will not disgrace myself and their professors or be put to shame in anything but with the utmost freedom of speech an unfailing courage unfailing courage now as always Christ will be magnified and get glory and praise in this body of mine whether life through life or through death unfailing courage he said for to me to live is Christ and what to die is gain the living says for to me living is for Christ and dying is even better said out loud I'm not afraid of death I have no fear of death let me share with you for a few minutes what I had mentioned to you previously I told you some of this and I wouldn't have to tell you this this is very personal but we're family I know you're interested to know you care about us and this what helps me helps you to my dad what yesterday was two weeks ago we were going to Florida I was going to speak in a church and then we're gonna have a few days of vacation he and mom and Phyllis was gonna join us later in the week and we had set it up planned it for some time hadn't done something like this and years and so it was right on the way I had to fly right over him to get there anyway so I needed fuel that just worked out perfect so we talked about it and they said yeah they wanted to do it so we made arrangements and we found a little bungalow thing it was right on the sand on the beach very nice and we had it reserved for whole week we were going to go down the keys and look at stuff and they had never seen any of that and the thing is dad had always had a fear of flying I guess it was the biggest fear that he had to deal with and about what six seven years ago he had a massive heart attack and just by the great a miracle grace of God that he overcame in I've told you about it he was leaving his body I thank God for those last years it's like extra and he had flown with me twice before and the last time we made it okay he told me on the man he said I still don't like it but as as you know they're getting older in this we're busy and they wanted to be in meetings with us sometime and I wanted to see him sometime and and he knew that if he could fly he could be in more stuff and so we had we'd talked about it and he said I want to do it I'm gonna do it and he knew about fear and he you know he knew the word on it well we got there that morning and he and mom met me at the door of the plane and you know we prayed about it and I said no dad we don't have to do this he said normal too I said okay so we seem to be doing okay we're into the flight about two hours or so and he's sitting in the back he'd just come up to the cockpit two or three times and talking to me and we're looking at the coastline and talk about how fast were going and when we'll be there and all that kind of stuff and he seemed to be doing pretty good I mean no indication of any pain or problems or anything and mom you know I he'd about five minutes before he'd been up in the cockpit with me and mom took me said something's wrong you dead and I look back and he slumped over well I realized now he was already gone well I did an emergency descent into the nearest airport I could I got you know medical people on the horn they met me at the door and but when they you know they met me but I'm I got stopped rolling and I had the door open and they had him the amulets was right there but they said there's no pulse there's nothing well they took him in they worked on his body for 30 minutes at one of the best heart places around that area but they said there's nothing there wasn't you know he he was gone basically for you got it well as you might imagine the enemy tried to mess with me on that right you know we didn't we didn't have to do that we didn't have to push that and the first day or so was challenging the Spirit of God spoke to me on the second day thank God for the Holy Ghost and this is what he said to me I thought it was interesting how the Lord's I don't mean I heard an audible voice now but I know the word of the Lord inside me he said he said Keith it is important to your dad that you see this right that you think right about this well I knew that was true but I thought you know I'm trying to think well did we miss it by doing this because I I wouldn't stand up in front of you and try to tell you something different if we missed it I'd tell you we missed it people can miss it but that was one of the thing that was bugging me I was thinking Lord I checked my heart and I know when something as important as this you too checked me and I didn't have a check and so I'm looking at you know and the enemies trying to bug me with it but the Lord said to me he said you're not seeing this right I said we'll help me please he said your dad died in faith haha well he had to us I know that for a fact we talked about it I he stood up three days before he went home to be with the Lord three days before we took the plane ride he stood up in church and testified they had a testimony time at the end and and the pastor asked to somebody have something and he said he did and he stood up and he talked about how he had been challenged with thoughts and fears about this but how he had overcome him through praying about every specific thing I only listened to this last night and this is the last words he said I wrote him down verbatim he said the word doesn't change because of how we feel the word is the same the word is the truth and I will declare it with the last breath I have I will that's what he said that's what he said and I was thinking with Lord he wasn't not old I would like to had you know more years with him and the Lord said to me said you you're not seeing this the way I see it he said your dad had told you he'd been through he'd been through a lot of rough stuff with the heart thing he had to fight every day to get back to some kind of normalcy he told me he didn't do that again and when he went he wanted to go he told mom that he told me that and he said he said your dad died and this is a I don't know if you watch westerns you know what this means with his boots on anybody know what that means we died with his boots on he died being a strong in front of me and in front of God he died facing his greatest fear and he overcame it and he died in faith and he was already headed up he just kept going he said you're not looking at this right he said this is to be respected this is to be honored this is how you die you die in faith you die in faith you don't die running you don't die scared you don't ride high died hiding and cowering you die facing and believing and overcoming that's how you want to go out of here that's how you want to meet the Lord that that was the last thing you were doing and the last thing you were saying I thought those words were excellent he said with my last breath I'll say it the word is truth and I suppose he did well then sister Billie brimm called me last night from Israel and said the Lord had put something on her heart and we talked for a while and then something came up that uh she hadn't thought about and I hadn't thought about she told a story that somebody had told her about a loved one going and said that revelation came to them afterwards and said the way they went would result in a better resurrection now when she said that imediately remembered Scripture in Hebrews 11 and I thought hmm and we just got through reading in first Peter about our faith is going to shine at the appearing of the Lord so now go to Hebrews the great faith chapter and look at this because this is for you this is for me if the Lord tarries his coming we need to think about this and we need to go out the right way because it affects our resurrection it affects when we see Jesus at his appearing glory be to God Philippians no no no Hebrews thank you lord y'all got a couple of more minutes for this Hebrews 11 the Bible said in Hebrews 11:13 Hebrews 11 and 13 what does it say these all died in faith not having received the promises but having seen them afar off and were persuaded of them and embraced them and confessed but see they didn't see it on before they died but they died believing it was true they died in faith don't you like that now skip down to verse 35 well let me back up to verse 32 because he gets on a roll here and gets to preaching he had taken individuals one at a time and he gets down to verse 32 and he says and what shall I more say for the time would fail me to tell you about Gideon and Barrack Samson Jephthah David and Samuel and the prophets through faith they subdued kingdoms they wrought righteousness they obtained promises they stopped the mouths of lions they quenched the violence of fire escaped the edge of the sword out of weakness they were made strong they wax valiant in flight turned to flight the armies of the aliens women received their dead raised to life and others were tortured not accepting deliverance that they might obtain a better resurrection now see specifically these guys were tortured they lost years of their life down here didn't he and if they had recanted they could have got their years they possibly could have had these extra years of life down here but they considered something else worth more than half your earth life I mean you know I believe in long life don't misunderstand me I believe in healing just as strong as I ever have in prosperity and long life but there's something more important than getting your money are getting you healing or even extra years of life down here it's how you go out of here and it's what's coming next Oh glory be to God [Music] and so he said they they didn't accept their deliverance and keeping some of this natural life so that they could obtain a better resurrection you mean there's different degrees that there's different things better you would think any kind of resurrection would be good but there is such a thing as the better one and it has to do with how you lived and how you died how you win out of here oh my lord glory be to God does this stir yet all does this do anything for you yeah we gonna live by faith but we're gonna do something else we're gonna go out of this life with our spiritual boots on we're going to go out of this life looking things in the eye we're gonna go out of this life believe in God with every fiber of our being speaking his word with our last breath and through this we will obtain a better resurrection and our faith is going to shine at the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ can you say me stand up and lift up your hands and give glory to God oh [Music] thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord oh praise you praise you praise praise you glory be to God hallelujah glory to God I sing honor and glory forever let's sing that the course of that hallelujah oh thank you lord let's sing this Oh hallelujah before everybody say Oh ah I don't know Oh Oh Oh Oh holiday [Music]
Channel: Free Word of God
Views: 2,183
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Keith, Moore, The, Faith, Of, Jesus, Pt, 8, The, End, Of, Your, Faith
Id: ZJmwKjfifIc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 12sec (3612 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 03 2012
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