Keith Moore The Faith Of Jesus Pt 4 Faith Offended

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that's true would you turn please this morning to the book of Hebrews Hebrews 12 and if you didn't bring a Bible with you this morning Usher's are in the aisle and raise your hand we'd be glad to let you use one of our Bibles it helps when you'll make the effort and open to the scripture and let your eyes rest on it we just completed reading the New Testament through as a church for the third time in his many years and how many that have done it would testify that you ought to do it it's it's you know daily feeding of your spirit on the Word of God there just is no substitute and if you have not been doing this with us we encourage you in fact I'd say please do it join with the song well on Monday we'll be reading what Matthew 1 and then of course Tuesday Matthew 2 you don't wait till Friday and read all five you don't read all five on Monday and say I'm done no you you don't speed read it you don't scan it you you pray before you read it you read it out loud you take your time right you don't have anything else going on while you're doing this you know some people pride themselves and being able to multitask well you cannot do for other things while you read your scripture and get out of the scripture what you're supposed to know give yourself to it completely and read with your family and read it out loud do this it'll be a great blessing to you in Hebrews 12 let's read Hebrews 12 and verse 1 it says wherefore seeing we are accomplished about was so great a cloud of witnesses let us lay aside every weight and the sin which does so easily beset us and let us run with patience the race the is set before us now in in the King James when it says us there is there a period after that no what is it in indicating that this is an ongoing thought run with patience the race that is set before us looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our race no but he's talking about the race right well what kind of race is it though it's a faith race right it's a faith race looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith and you could say like that our faith ranks who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross despising the shame and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God another translation says looking away from all that will distract to Jesus who is the leader and the source of our faith and it is also its finisher bringing it to maturity and perfection the English version says let us keep our eyes fixed on Jesus on whom our faith depends from beginning to end I think sometimes we've separated these two verses too much and so well you know we've got witnesses in the grandstand because you know Hebrews 11 was Tom my faith and all these people who did all these exploits of faith who are no longer on the earth but how many know they still exist right there in heaven and apparently they are aware of our spiritual progress and are cheering us on from the grandstands in heaven and we're encouraged to run with perseverance and persistence our race and to not let anything trip us up right now What did he say in that in that verse we are to lay aside what every weight everything that would weigh us down everything would hold us down and slow us down and then he talked about and the sin sin which does so easily what beset us well now what does he tell my he's talking about things that hinder you in running your race and without even stopping you know the the punctuation just didn't indicates a pause he says looking unto Jesus how you how you gonna do this right how you gonna lay aside these weights and sins and run your race you got to keep your eyes not behind you and not down and around you but up and looking and pressing and reaching toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus got your eyes on him got your hand on the plow don't look back run don't let anything slow you down don't let anything trip you up run and keep your eyes on the author and the finisher of your faith now with that in mind go back to Matthew please Matthew chapter 13 I've prayed perhaps you've prayed but let's pray a prayer of agreement right now concerning the rest of this I'm gonna be the Lord you speak directly to you this morning right he's not limited to what I know he's the teacher he can say things to you in between what I said or about what was said right and through so let's agree together father God we do agree together as touching this thing asking and believing you for the perfect utterance and the anointing and the manifestation of your spirit everyone for ears that hear in eyes that see in a heart open receptive let there come revelation that yes that explodes inside the spirit enlightening and empowering and let there come answers to questions and thank you Lord for protecting us and delivering us and setting us up for tomorrow in the days to come for we're not ignorant of the enemy's devices and you do keep us and you do all things well and we give you the glory in Jesus name Amen are we believing together now very important that we believe together uh pterence is not just based on the speaker it's greatly affected by the hearers in Matthew 13 we this is titled usually the parable of the sower and I'll begin reading in verse this is Matthew 13 verse 3 Jesus spoke many things to them in parables and he said behold a sower went forth to sow and when he sowed some seeds fell by the way side and the fowls came and devoured them up some fell on stony places where they had not much earth and forthwith they sprung up because they had no deepness of earth and when the Sun was up they were scorched and because they had no root they withered away some fell among thorns and the thorns sprung up and choked them but other fell into good ground and brought forth fruit some 100 fold and some sixty fold in some thirtyfold who has ears to hear let him hear now later they had asked him about the parable and he explained it to him verse 18 he says here therefore the parable of the sower when anyone hears the word of the kingdom and understands it not then comes the wicked one and catcheth away that which was sown in his heart this is he which received seed by the wayside now the Luke's account of this adds this you know you really have to read all three of these accounts Matthew Mark and Luke to get the whole story because one will say something the other one didn't say but Luke says you'd have to turn there but he said those on the wayside are those who hear and then comes the devil and takes away the word out of their hearts lest they should believe and be saved so what this is we the parable of the sower it's called but what does the word do when it gets in the ground well faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word the incorruptible seed in the good ground of the heart brings faith now I don't know that we we have realized how precious faith is it comes from the precious word and the enemy is interested in stealing this word before it takes root in people's hearts lest they believe because believers are overcomers believers the enemy cannot hold under his thumb believers the devil cannot you know run and then cause havoc and mayhem in their life believers won't take it they stand up and resist the devil and he has to flee they shake off the oppression and they received their victory and they overcome again and again and again they received the anointing that removes the burden and destroys the yoke you can see how interested the devil would be in preventing this from happening how can he prevent it he can't overcome God he can't overcome the word he can't overcome your faith in the word but if he can get that word out of you and the word does not produce faith in you then he can be successful in defeating you so the word that is sown on the wayside ground said the enemy comes immediately to steal that word lest we should believe now notice the next one all this goes together he said verse 20 he that received seed into stony places the same is he that hears the word and anon with joy receiveth now see the other one there was not a reception of the word but here there is a reception of the word how can you tell if you get revelation of the word and you receive it and it forget it begins to produce faith in your heart how could you tell hmm you get joy right oh like we sit around here you get excited and in that same happening you get strong because the joy of the Lord is your strength right what if the joy of the Lord is your strength what is the depression of the devil no such thing as a depressed spiritually strong person no such thing people cry just believe it if you were you quit crying no such thing as being strong in faith and being pitiful being depressed being downs no such thing you showed me a person to faith I'll show you someone who has an uncomfortable spirit hallelujah and overcomer am more than a conquerer and how can you do that and be weak you can't you must be strong and what is your strength so you're going to find joy every time but where do you get that joy hmm they received that word and the word begin to get inside him and it began to take root downward and produce fruit upward and here comes the faith and with the faith the joy and the peace can you say Amen Nestle the other person they came to church there was an anointed message but they were too busy looking around behind him they were too busy talking to their neighbour about what they were going to eat afterwards did you hear me they were too busy thinking about the bills they had to pay next week and what they were gonna do on the job and the word was being sown the word was being broadcast the word was being sown the word was being broadcast but because of their hardness of heart and indifference and disrespect it just lay on the top didn't get in and the devil come and swiped it and run away with it never got in so faith is not produced so they don't believe so they stay in their defeat here's another kind of person though person who came front and center wide awake said I love God and I love his word oh he's good he's going to talk to me today what's the word of the Lord and when they heard it they with mm-hmm did God glory to God yeah yeah tell me again tell me again whew that's the word of the Lord that's the word of the Lord that's the word of the Lord and received it with joy but I should stop right here but sadly that word never produced results in their life beyond that sadly because this is what kind of ground stony ground they did not get a harvest in their life which means they didn't get the miracles they didn't they didn't get the things done and yet they started off so well right another way of saying they started their race they started so well but what happened something hindered them something ensnared them something tripped them and you see that very word used here on the stony ground y'all didn't like that as much to hear it's it's reality oh but there's another kind of ground later on right you you remember that there's another category what good ground and they heard it and they respected it and they received it and they believed it and with patience they kept it kept it and brought forth fruit some a hundredfold somebody's ask me it's me that's me well it won't be you just automatically but it can be anybody could do it could have it if your purpose in your heart he said when he received seed in the stony places the same is he that hears the word and anon with joy receiveth with joy yet has he not root in himself how many know you got to have some depth to you you got to have some roots roots help the tree to stay put when the wind blows hard right sometimes the wind blows but that doesn't mean you have to fail but you got to have some roots how many know you don't get rich just by coming to one service just by playing one tape this by reading one chapter roots you know you see massive trees and those roots how long has it taken those rich to go as far as they have and as deep as they have years and decades right and this was supposed to be happening with every one of us every day we're experiencing God's faithfulness we're standing and believing and seeing him work and boy that that that experience produces hope and expectation in us and we get stronger and stronger and we mature and we're not moved with everything that comes along why because our roots are going down and deeper and deeper into God into his word right and boy over a period of time you should become very strong hard to move hard to sway right happens over a period of time and he said they they didn't have root and so they endured just for a while for when tribulation or persecution arises because of the word because of the word because of the word that they had received with joy the word that they were in love with and excited about not long before by and by he is offended now you know we've been talking about faith and we're still talking about faith but this morning I want to talk to you about faith offended this is something that we really need to look at we really need to think about because is it possible to come and get the good word of God and receive it and get excited and start living by faith and start walking by faith and be just only not very many days are very far away from a miracle manifesting in your life because of it and yet to become offended and quit and receive no harvest and get no miracle does that happen now that's sad that is sad it has happened so many times too many times and it's my heart that it does not happen with anybody in here and that's why we're on it today are you believing with me now that we're going to get word in us today that will arm us against this and we'll get revelation that will help us to identify this before it gets started and to stop it and shut it down write the word our friend is an interesting word let me give you some definition of it because when we use it I don't think so many times people understand what it means a fin is from the Greek word scandal is oh it's the word we get our word scandal from our scandalize scandal scandal let's say that just just the word scandal brings up thoughts and ideas in your mind a scandal it literally means to entrap or to trip up are you putting some things together now there are our verse that we our text that we've been using on faith looking unto Jesus the author and the finisher of our faith that is the the finishing of an earlier thought in the previous verse which was to what run your race with patience what kind of race it's a faith race right and don't let anything weigh you down and don't let anything beset you or trip you up or hinder you is the enemy in the tripping up business oh this is one of his major areas of continuous operation he can't stop you he can't just overcome you he can't overcome the Word of God or the faith of God in you he can't so he has to resort to his wild and his subtlety his craftiness his deception and the the picture is painted of a trap something which entraps something which snares and one of the words is like the trigger on a trap like you you know like it would be some kind of a cage or some kind of a rope trap or some kind of a pit trap and the animal would mess around this because there's some food there and finally take that trigger and when the trigger is pulled it catches them the Rope catches them they fall in the pit that's what the enemy's trying to do to you and to me every day he's trying to ensnare us he's trying to trip us and the word used in the New Testament is offend to become offended is to become ensnared to become offended is to be tripped up in your ace now let's look further what does it mean to become offended again we said it literally means to entrap or to trip up or to cause to stumble listen to the others faier says to cause one to feel displeasure at a thing and to make indignant to cause someone to experience anger are shocked because of what's been said or done everybody say anger shock displeasure indignation have you ever had any of these feelings what was going on is the enemy trying to snare you entrapped you another definition is to cause one to judge unfavorably or unjustly of another now this is one that this is a big part of the meaning of this word you can see it from the text but I don't think a lot of people have emphasized it more two different dictionaries bring this up one says to cause a person to begin to distrust our dessert one whom they ought to trust and obey read then again carefully now to cause a person to begin to distrust and desert one that he ought to trust and obey another translation just simply says to cause someone to no longer believe no longer believe you know Paul writing to the Spirit of God through Paul to the Galatians he he be pled with him he said you were running a good race who who tripped you up who's who snared you and that's what this picture is that we're running and we're happy because we're in faith and we're making progress always happy when you're making progress right you're leaving the old behind you're going to the better in the new you're coming up and you're moving forward and you're making progress and you're running with other people I mean this is not just a long race we got a whole family that runs together with us especially local church like this and all over the body we got a vision one vision and one faith and right and we're all running together but the enemy will try to set up a snare let me get a couple people help me here let's see Dave's come up here and help me moe come up here and hit Rick come up here and help me this is the picture let's see one couple of you on this side and one over over here on this side we're all running together let's go real slow now you know we're a real real slow you know where we're running together and we're happy glory to God we're happy we're happy hallelujah I mean we're on the course and then nothing can stop us because greater is He that is in us than in he that's in the world and we have joined the Lord and that Joy's our strength but I notice something well y'all keep moving slowly I noticed something and it bothers me and so I begin to fool with it and snap it trapped me and one reason that this word scandalize are our offend is translated like a trap is because when you get trailer saved my foot gets trapped in something well it annoys you do you see this it aggravates you makes you mad because you're tough and in the matter you get what else is happening now they're going on and where are you you're stuck because you're what you are offended thanks guys that's good hallelujah how does that happen what what is the deal you have to turn and take the bait you could have ignored it and just run your race you could have shook it off you can say no no no nothing gonna weigh me down and then gonna hold me back no I'm staying with the pack I'm staying with the family I'm staying with those that God joined me to I'm staying with the word of God hmm how many times do you suppose that has happened in churches all across this country in the world how many people have been there now for years in a snare in a trap and and the longer they're there the angrier they get they get mad at the people where they just going on without me that's not their problem they can't keep you from being offended only way they can stay with you is to become offended with you who wants to do that listen to friend to become offended is to lose your faith and if you don't see all this and at one time don't throw it away now write some of these things now think about them meditate on them one of the definitions we gave you is to cause to stop trusting or stop believing in someone you should trust and believe in when another definition was to no longer belief to no longer believe now you'll see this in the scripture let's go to another passage here this will open this up to you [Music] go to Matthew please 26 you were there in Matthew 13 go to 26 let me read this to you while you're turning there from the passage we just read the people on the stony ground what happened to him so we talked about the big stoner we talked about how they didn't last they didn't endure but I don't think we've emphasized why why did they just didn't do it for a little while why did they they get up you know cast away the word they had received because they became offended that's what happened the scripture said listen to this the amplified says they have no real root in themselves and so they endure for a little while and then when trouble or persecution arises on account of the word they immediately are offended they become displeased indignant and resentful resentful and they stumble and they fall away another one says they are caused to stumble they are repelled and begin to distrust and desert him whom they ought to trust and obey another one since when trouble and persecution comes because of the message he quickly gives up believing this is one of the enemy's most successful tactics and destroying and robbing people of their faith and it's such a subtle thing people are blinded by and they call their self word people and yet they're offended their resentment begins to come and then bitterness begins to come and if left unchecked the Bible said many can be defiled by this root of bitterness and you listen now you got a bunch of people that are bitter and resentful and offended they are not full of faith they have lost their faith how many us don't understand that faith works by love cannot be see the enemy knows this but he's so crafty that he's always trying to get get that in a needle it and I we got good news today the Lord took me through this last night and showed me exactly where it starts and how it works we can catch it if we're if we'll be open I'm gonna take you to it in just a minute but look at this are you there in 2026 Matthew 26 this is right before Jesus goes to the cross and in Matthew 26 and 30 we'll back up to verse 30 they've just received supper together we're going to observe the Lord's Supper and communion today and just back up in these previous verses it talks about the blood of the New Testament it talks about the bread which is his body and verse 30 they had such a rich time of fellowship and they sung a hymn and they went out to the Mount of Olives how many stand there having good fellowship good fellowship then said Jesus to them verse 31 What did he say to him in the middle of this all of you shall be offended because of me this night now let's just stop right here what does it mean to become offended see you're going along good you're going along good and then you notice something and you get to fooling with it in his snares you and it traps you and you become indignant and angry and annoyed and resentful he said all of you that's going to happen to you tonight because of me you're going to be offended because of me skip down to verse 33 Peter answered and said him though all men shall be offended because of you yet well I never be offended jesus said to him verily I say to you that this night before the crow you'll deny me thrice three times listen to the other translation says you will all be offended and stumble and fall away because of me this night distrusting and deserting me are you seeing this other side of offense when you become offended you stop trusting someone you stop believing in someone you stop believing in word their words and you stop being with them and being hooked with them you unhook and you desert them you leave them have people ever unhooked from where God put them has never get upset about something and leave so what happened to they were offended and if that happens what else has happened to them they are ensnared they get trapped in that offense and it stops their progress and you're trapped you're not running your race and when you're offended you've lost your faith you no longer believe in someone in something that you're supposed to Peter declared to him though all are offended and stumble and fall away because of you and distrust you and desert you I will never do so I'll never do it mark 14 he said you'll all fall away this night you'll all be caused to stumble and begin to distrust and desert me Peter said even if they all fall away in our cause to stumble and distrust and desert you I will not do so jesus said I tell you before the crows you'll deny me and Peter said more vehemently and repeatedly even if it's necessary for me to die with you I will not deny I will not disown you I know I keep saying it but do you understand being offended equals denying and distrusting and not believing that's what it is he said all of you are going to be offended tonight because of me and Peter said no way now let me just stop right here Peter did not believe it was possible for him to become offended at the Lord did he did it happen it happened I don't think we've seen the seriousness of this they were not just confused and frightened they were that but it was worse they they had times where they quit believing I'm talking about after Jesus you know when he went to the the trial and he was scourge Dan and what why did why did Peter stand out there and go I don't know him this is not just confusion what is this this is offense which is what ceasing to believe with what they're doing and he and all of them did it that night they're there saying what were we thinking he's just a man God wouldn't let all this happen to him if he's really a good man it can't be what do they do it they are ceasing to trust someone they should trust they're ceasing to believe in someone they should completely believe they became offended now now here's the question Peter did not believe it was possible that he could be offended at the Lord Jesus they'd just been sitting the together they've just been sitting there in sweet fellowship how many believe the presence of God was in that upper room the love of God and the grace of God and the peace of God and they had been with Jesus now for for a while and they've seen him in every kind of situation and that's what Peter said that no way no way will I ever get offended and distrust you and unhook from you and stop believing in you and Jesus said it'll happen before daylight now here's the question is it possible for you to become offended at Jesus and at his word is it possible so that's mighty weak isn't it people don't like to think like this do they you need to see this is it possible for you to become put out and been out of shape and no longer believe him and his word whom you should believe is it possible if you don't believe it's possible you put yourself in the same precarious position that Peter was at night when he's so adamantly denied it's an ain't no way ain't no way how many know he should not have been saying that the Lord looks at you and says this night before the crows you're gonna deny that you even know me three times it is not time to get back up in Jesus face and say huh are you wrong you're wrong what's the time to do it's time to repent it's time to hit your knees and go god I know you know everything but I know that eat the will of God have mercy on me can I change it what can I do right and he told him he said watch pray so you don't enter into temptation he's giving him some instruction and they didn't understand it and they didn't do it is it possible see people get their eyes on each other is it possible for you or me as much as we think we love the Lord is it possible for us to get and an offended at Jesus and his word the answer is yes yes do you have to know is it possible yes now see the thing that's happening they didn't think and the people prior to this when he went to his own hometown and they were offended at him remember that numerous times it says they were offended at him but see the thing is they did not think they're offended with God no no no just this Jesus but are they offended with God yeah because he's the one that sent Jesus and told him what to say the Israelites the first came out of Egyptian bondage they didn't think they're offended at God it's just this Moses it's just Moses in this area but God took it personally he said I hear your murmurings that you murmur against me and it felt huh we didn't call your name it's Moses this is Moses we like you it just mm-hmm doesn't work if you don't receive the one he sins you don't receive him you despised the one he sends you despise him you become offended at the one he sins at the words he speaks through the one he sends you have become offended with him and how many can see many have not seen this they are offended at the word of God I mean let's just talk about area after area there are there people in this town bless their hearts we love them but they have become offended at the word of prosperity did we preach well if that's just something I dreamed up and came up with well it's my opinion in theirs what does it matter but if it's the Lord's word if it's Scripture if it's an awning of him then they're not just offended with me they're offended with him that there's something about his word that they don't like they resent it they don't think it's him but it's him and when you do that you have judged you're setting you become offended at you have judged yourself unworthy of you become offended at prosperity you will not prosper you become offended at healing you will not be healed you become offended at being filled with the Holy Ghost of speaking in tongues you're not right you're not going to so the next time you begin to get that annoyed irritated angry miffed feeling what should you do you should go whoa whoa whoa whoa there's a trap it's a trap around here the devil set a trap for me and I'm messing around with the trip stick hmm I love the Word of God and I have great peace and nothing can't offend me nothing can trip me up I refuse to I'm gonna run my race I'm not going to judge anybody what if they did miss it that's tween them and god I love the word right I love the word I love the people of God I love the family of God now go to John please the sixth chapter this is one of the best passages in the whole Bible that I'm aware of on this subject right here in John 6 have you got time for some more John 6 and this is what I was talking to you about that the Lord took me through this passage and showed me John 6 is a lengthy chapter did you notice that there's like 71 verses or something and Jesus I mean prior to this there's been healings and there's been miracles and there's been so many outstanding things happen and the crowds have gotten big and many have joined themselves with Jesus and the twelve and called themself disciples of the Christ The Anointed One Jesus not a few not 20 or 30 or 100 many many many a lot of them and a lot of people are they are they're pumped they're excited you you remember the feeding of the multitude I mean they had thousands and thousands of people out there and then when Jesus wasn't there they tried to find him and man they went they traveled and then they're going wherever Jesus is they're showing up by the thousands right and they're pumped about the word and they're excited until today and on this day Jesus preaches a new message that they had not heard before and the title was drink my blood and eat my flesh and the singing was good and their offering was good and the prayer was good everybody was so excited they loved the Word of God they've received it with joy and Jesus gets up and starts preaching and teaching and it's all great and it's good he's too much the bread of life oh yeah we like tears he talked about the manna from heaven oh yeah yeah some of the religious leaders didn't like it but his bunch is still with him and then he says and the application of this is you must drink my blood if you don't drink my blood you don't have any life in you are you gonna eat my flesh if you don't eat my flesh you don't have life and it got really quiet really quiet a lot more people than are here today meaning many many many many more people then are here today spread all over the place and you could feel the tension the crowd has shut down on him what's happening huh let's read about John six now who did this happened with Jesus Jesus verse 66 60 men II there four of his disciples when they had heard this how many of them three or four twenty mini-mini they do you understand who these people are who are they they're not just some mother came to the meeting some of the mother visited Jesus meeting once in a while they're his partners they're people that are they believe they're committed to the core when they heard this they said this is a hard saying who can hear it I'm gonna show you how offense works well I'm not me the Lord is he showed me I'm gonna show you what he showed me how does it start it starts with questioning questioning questioning well I don't understand that I don't understand why they did that I don't understand why they didn't do this I don't understand that I mean you go all the way back to the Garden of Eden that's how it started wasn't questioning devilish disbelieving disrespectful questioning you want to stay safe from ever being tripped up never get started with this if you if you write this off before it ever starts you never get to the next levels of it you never get to the next stage of ensnarement if you just stop it right here this this questioning what does he mean drink his blood that's ridiculous he took my cannibalism nobody eat his flesh what this is this is hot this is this is it so much that this error I know not normally you know I like Jesus and I like his meetings but so this is hard for us to understand him believe but this happened with Jesus the master you know I've really enjoyed it up till now but you know he really is just getting off I saw I mean it's all it is you ain't no way you can make right out of this he should not have said that and he should have done this questioning questioning if I say questioning see that's that's when your your bite you like the animal biting around the trip stick biting around the bait questioning questioning how many are there are some things you aren't that question and you are not talk about your insistent it's not your deal let's clean them in the Lord right and how many understand that they have seen enough of Jesus that they could have trusted him through this haven't they there's not the first time they've ever heard him speak they have seen him month after month and year after year they've never heard him tell a lie they've never seen him do anything unfaithful or unrighteous ever why on this one message that they don't understand they're ready to pull and run why it shows problems that had been in their heart from the beginning this didn't start today this this had been in their heart from the beginning and because everything was going the way they liked it it didn't come out did you see this now but now something has rubbed them crossways and it comes out feminine I don't care few talking about a a loved one if you talk about a friend if you tell not you your ministers or who you talk about you shouldn't just let one thing one message one meeting one conversation right cause you to say up that's it that's it we can't talk we can't what what is faith what would my faith response have been in this situation I've heard Jesus for years bring out things I never thought of so bring revelation of Scripture that I did I had no idea was there I know God is using him and showing him things that I don't know there's got to be an explanation for this and I'm gonna hang around until I see it right it's the same man I was thrilled about yesterday right he hadn't changed I just don't I don't always thumb up but I believe you see the biggest test of faith is when you don't understand I'm also that again the greatest test of faith is when you don't understand Jesus himself went through it why did he cry at the cross my God my God why have you forsaken me he's going through some things but he never stopped believing he never lost his faith that's what happened to joke people think the whole book of Job is about why the bad stuff happened to job and job and his three friends they discussed it and battled about it for chapter after Chapter after Chapter and their hope you know emphasis is why did this happen that's their whole deal why did this happen why are these bad things happened to this good man and they kept trying to figure that out that is not the question you know what the question is what you what do you do when you don't know why that's the question and that's the test that job failed and thank God he overcame and recovered but that's the test he began to fail what do you do when you don't know why that's the great test of faith and see that's what begins to happen that night when they came to get Jesus they'd seen Jesus just walk through crowds people trying to kill him and couldn't touch him they'd seen the dead raised they'd seen okay they'd seen demons run towards him and get cast that he's not afraid of anything they know it and they watch him you stand there and let him take him and abuse him and and they didn't know why wah wah what's going on and that was the greatest test of their faith can you believe when you don't know why can you have faith when you don't understand yeah it's the greatest test of faith don't fail now you see people go to church for years and then something happened close to them that they don't understand I've seen people and shaker fishing of God it ain't right no fair it's not right you should have done the answer you shouldn't see that's what job was trying to say it's ain't fair it's not fair well you just failed big time you that is offense why would somebody say the affair what's that knew that they are offended at God and they're believing lies because there is some nothing that God should have done that he didn't do there is nothing that he did that he shouldn't have done he is perfect in all his ways he has never failed anybody and he never will let me tell you how to get through the toughest darkest roughest places in your life you may not know why tears may be streaming down your face you may be looking to situations you don't comprehend and you don't understand but you look up through your tears and you say Lord I don't know I don't I don't understand this but I know this you're a good god you're a faithful God and you love me and I will always believe in you I will never contrasting you I don't have to understand it I don't have to see it I will always believe and trust in you friend you will not stay down the Almighty if he has to move heaven and earth he will raise you up because nobody ever trusted in him and was made ashamed nobody ever waited on him and relied on him and was disappointed has never happened and it never will how do you stay out of the snare number one anybody with me how do you stay out of the snare stay away from that disrespectful disbelieving questioning number two this is what it leads to when Jesus knew in himself that his disciples who his knees were his partners his people people closest to his disciples did what murmured at it he said to them does this offend you how many understand this this service is different from the one the day before as he taught these things that the father had given him tenth you could feel the tension through the crowd you could feel the people unhook you you could feel the offense and people are talking among their cefco and this is ridiculous this is ridiculous what is what is this questioning and then they begin to gripe about it and murmur that's next step you question it and then you do what you gripe about it you question it and then you complain about it and it right any right now grumble and gripe and complain then what does it lead to keep reading does this offend you so they are already offended he said what it is you'll see the Son of Man ascend up where he was before no he said he said if you can't handle this you sure couldn't handle that it's the spirit that quickens the flesh profits nothing the words that I speak to you their spirit and their life but they were despising these words they were offended at these words for there were some of you that what that's the third thing it happens so you you get offended you could include that if you wanted to beYOU question you complain and you stop believing you believe not for jesus knew from the beginning who they were that believed not and who should betray him and he said he said that's why I told you no man can come to me except it were given to him of my father and from that time many of his disciples did what that's the last step they're questioning what else complaining and griping about it and then what you quit believing what happens after that you leave you leave they went back for a while and then got back with him no they walked no more with him what does that mean that was it they did not get back with him how could that happen with Jesus it did and it's happening today people don't think is that they're offended with Jesus but they are because he's the one that was speaking through the people are upset with said again with me questioning complaining stop believing leave when you get to that point you are entrapped you are snared the trap worked and at that point you are not going on in your race your there toying with this thing how many have seen people that twenty years later he bring up the subject and they start fuming Oh bitter angry resentful I know but there was a man that I ministered to in healing school bless his heart just just to be around him even nice acting God and and he was there for weeks and weeks and weeks and weeks with serious life-threatening prop health problems and I felt part of the Time Lord I just don't understand why this man is not receiving his healing any better than this because he'd been this way for years and years and years so Lord I begin to pray extra about it Lord okay I cannot help you what what's hot what's hinder name do you hear that word what's hindering him when they were standing in the lobby after service not to talking about something not talking about a particular area business it's actually an item we were told mine that turned into a business conversation because he used to own this particular business and as we got to talking his face changed and he began to tell me about somebody that did him wrong in business and then the more he talked about it the heart I'd never seen him like this the harder he got until after a few minutes he's virtually ranting and raving about this these people duped him and took advantage of him and basically stole his business he wound up by saying it did I'm ranting and raving he said I wish I had a tank I just pull it up maiming it their house and just blow that thing off the block and the Lord said that's why that's why he's right now see this this physical problem had incapacitated him he was not able to do his ministry he was not able to do what God had called him to do he's not moving forward in his race and he had been entangled in this thing for decades that's sad I said that's sad that's sad somebody say not me come on stay a little stronger not me not me Jesus looked at his disciples are you there verse 66 many of his disciples went back and walked no more with him and jesus said to the twelve will you also go away why would he say that to him it must have crossed their mind right why would he say it do you see how serious this was this day I mean people left Jesus not just for the day they unhooked from his ministry they said basically take me off the mail list take my name off a church roster I ain't coming back this is with Jesus masses of them left and did not come back and he's sitting there with his staff and he looked at them and he said you're going away to what they say Peter spoke up he said well Lord to whom shall we go you have the words of eternal life that is a faith statement I said that's a faith statement not talking about what we don't understand today he said that we know this we know that you have the words of eternal life now we're not going anywhere we believe we're sure that you are the Christ the Son of the Living God but there was one you know still sitting there hmm that later on sold Jesus for a little bit of money why our fence had gotten in his heart and that root of bitterness had not gotten out this is a man handpicked by Jesus he just didn't make a mistake in picking this man but ever all of us have a free will and if we don't respond correctly we can get to questioning and complaining lose our faith believing in in God and his words and in those that we should believe in and if that happens you wind up leaving and unhooking and if that happens you can be ensnared and that be stationary in your race and not make progress but you don't have to not now not ever and if you've been having trouble in this area if you've seen some things all we've been talking today you're in a good place today because we're about to take communion and by the blood of the Lamb and by the the body of the master we can be forgiven of any bitterness and resentment and holding any grudges we can let it go and we can take communion and over the cup we can we can make a stand and by the grace of God say I refuse to be offended today or tomorrow or the next I refused to be ensnared in my race in Jesus name uh shoes come musicians come go ahead hallelujah glory to God begin to sing with these guys keep your eyes open until you're served don't unhook now they stay focused on this check your heart this is a time to get some things fixed and to make some things right and to prevent failure in the future [Music] [Music] [Music] not be [Music] why [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] fever [Music] the [Music] right I [Music] [Music] if you've nothing sir raise your hand please we don't leave anybody out I said well I've missed a component well that's why Jesus came repent believe receive join us there's no mistake that is too bad for the blood to cleanse you've not been served please raise your hand [Music] hallelujah wolf a kilo or indigo oh thank you okay Oh Thank You long [Music] thank you for the blood Jesus Christ [Music] thank you [Music] thank you for the [Music] Jesus Christ thank you [Music] Jesus Christ thank you for the [Music] thank you for the Jesus [Music] if [Music] thank you for the blood thank you thank you [Music] thank you thank you Father Jesus thank you [Music] hallelujah now listen to some Scripture the Bible said Paul speaking by the spirit that he received of the Lord Jesus how that the same night he was betrayed somebody being offended at him that they had this communion together and they partook of the bread and the cup and if you read this whole passage in 1st Corinthians 11 you'll see that he mentions people who were getting judged people who were he said sick and dying prematurely and weak because of a failure to rightly discern the Lord's body let me read this scripture to you jesus said if anyone would cause one of these little ones to lose his faith in me the King James has become offended it it'd be better for that person to have a large millstone tied around his neck and be drowned in the deep sea how terrible for the world that there are things that make people lose their faith it's he said such things will happen but how terrible for the one who causes them then he goes on to talk about if your hand offend you cut it off if you foot or if your eye and one trade less you said if it causes you to lose your faith throw it away we're gonna do a couple of main things right now we're going to receive our cleansing no matter what we've done in the area of being offended or not believing and we're going to ask for forgiveness if we've been a source to spread bitterness to somebody else be used as a tool of the enemy to trip them and snare them and there we go receive grace whereby we will not be tripped and not be snared for the remainder of our faith race the scripture says the Lord Jesus the same night in which he was betrayed he took bread when he had given thanks he broke it and he said take eat this is my body which is broken for you this do in remembrance of me hold up the bread said out loud Lord we reverence your body we value it count it precious thank you that your body was broken so we could behold by your stripes we are healed we value the entire body of Christ forgive us for ever being a part of any offense are any stumbling or anyone losing vision our faith because of what we've said are done we asked for forgiveness and cleansing we love the body we esteem the body by your grace will do nothing to trip up the body breaking it [Music] hallelujah after the same manner the scripture says he took the cup when he had supped he said this cup is the New Testament in my blood this do years off as you drink it in remembrance of me as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup you do show the Lord's death till they come he sent this to the disciples and immediately afterward he said all of you going to be offended at me tonight right after this but we don't have to be we watch pray and obey the word and watch the symptoms never start the questioning and the doubting in the griping but keep our faith hold up the cup said out loud thank you for the blood this blood the Covenant the New Testament in your blood I'm in covenant with you Lord I will never quit believing in you I purpose by your grace strengthen me help me that I never become offended at you are your words no matter who they come through alright anyone you sinned I love you I will always believe in you I will always trust you I will follow you I'm in covenant with you by the blood cleanse me of all sin all unrighteousness I am in you take and drink [Music] hallelujah if you wouldn't just remain with eyes closed for a moment no looking around for I pray for every person in this crowd known the Internet today any man any woman any young person who does not know you who's not been born again that you would draw them powerfully right now help them to see their lost condition and if they have believed on you just now and received you just now give them the strength to stand up and publicly confess you like you've told us to do I pray for every person who has been born again but they are whatever reason they left you got offended and left quit believing in the one they should have trusted thank you for drawing them back today reveal to them that you love them so much still you'll forgive them and cleanse them from every every failure and all their distrusting offense if they just come back and those that have already done this give them the strength Lord drawn to publicly confess you today in Jesus name with eyes closed nobody looking around if I was praying for you just now friend and that's that's you you know in your heart you you've never given you yourself to the Lord and you know you hadn't been right with him and you need to respond to him and confess him as Lord today would you raise your hand would you raise your hand so yeah I'm ready to do that I haven't done it but I'm ready to do that to say publicly that I give my life to Jesus my heart to him yes others that should join on the internet raise your hand the Lord will see it oh thank you lord thank you lord if you raised your hand or you should have raised your hand to give your heart to the Lord I'd like for you to stand right now Jesus said if you're ashamed of me and my words I'll be ashamed of you you said but if you'll confess me before men I'll confess you so if you lifted your hand or you should have to give your heart to the Lord or to come back home the Lord would you stand up right now thank you here's something else you might say about the Keith I'm a Christian but I've never been filled with the Holy Spirit like I hear you all talk about friend every believer has a right to be gloriously filled and overflowing full of the power of God speaking in a new tongue if that hasn't happened to you you ought to say yeah I'm ready right now affect you you stand - we'll pray for you you can leave this place full of power if you haven't had this experience in God you understand right now and say yeah I'm ready I'm ready those of you watching my internet you stand - we'll pray for you when we pray for these those standing would you open your eyes and look at me I'm so glad you are not ashamed and embarrassed of the Lord at all you must be bold in front of people about it he said and I'll claim you in front of the Father would you come down and meet me right here let me pray with you personally please don't be ashamed amiss come quickly as we say [Music] [Applause] [Music] forget about everything and everybody except you and the Lord Jesus he is here he is real the more you focus on him and believe in him the more he'll reveal himself and make himself real to you those watching by Internet I'm praying for you too right now you just continue to you stand up wherever you are to stand up before the Lord and open your heart to him and just expect him to do more asking him to do in this prayer expect him to do it that's faith and what he's done for millions he'll do for you Father I pray for these how you love them and we do too with the love you put in us Lord you knew him before they were born you knew they'd say yes you knew they'd come back you knew that once your fullness and you've watched over them and spared their life so many times and got under this place today thank you thank you thank you you said those that come to you like this no way would you refuse them or reject them so we have your word for it that because they come believing they are accepted in the beloved we act on your words in Romans 10:9 and 10 to believe it confess and you said those who do will be saved everybody those standing before me now everybody in the crowd my internet everybody said out loud father God I believe in you I believe in your son Jesus that he died on the cross paid the full price for all my sins I believe you've raised him from the dead he's alive right now King of Kings Lord of lords soon to come again Jesus you are my lord my Savior thank you for loving me receiving me cleansing me setting me free as you help me I will follow you always believe you always hallelujah glory to God glory to God look at me if you would now that's done never let anybody it knows you or your past or your own memories make you feel embarrassed or guilty or ashamed about anything you have ever said or done before today because according to the word it's gone no matter high fields or seams it's not too good to be true why Jesus paid such a terrible price you stand before the Lord is clean as though you never made a mistake if you mess up tomorrow next week or next month you just ask God to forgive you admit it and believe it and just like today you'll stand back up clean the blood never loses its power this is not all some came to be filled with the spirit all of you need to be filled to overflowing full of power talking in tongues just as excited as the rest of us and you will be this is so important that the one that rushed I got a place of ministry just a few steps around the corner people trained to touch base with you pray over you and check before you leave and make sure you satisfied would you take a few minutes won't take too long would you turn to your right see these folks the pearsons you heard from them earlier go follow them now please to that place of ministry to get the rest of what you come for are we excited about these guys to everybody stand up let's thank God for these that have come today and if you prayed watching my internet glory to God you're saved you're free we believe with you right now you need to ride in and then and contact us let us help you let us support you God's Word is working mightily in you everybody say that loud they've been set free they're delivered from the power of darkness in the kingdom of God's dear son they'll never be the same again after today hallelujah father help the prayer room workers minister to him powerfully and effectually thank you the holy spirits already been given help him to receive him and yield to him fully and completely add to him supernatural equipment to do their ministry and service deliver him from habits and bondages new form beyond what they've astronaut according to your goodness and greatness in Jesus name a man Oh hallelujah are we going to run our race we're not gonna be tripped up nothing can offend us we won't let it won't get into that trap hallelujah we're gonna stay with God and go right on take your cup I think I just knock mine off somewhere but to take your cup back to the back and put it in the the trash bin and we're so glad you're with us so they have a good day all day long be nice to somebody be sweet to some bye take em out and feed them and buy them some new clothes and make a payment on your car pay it off and right back up make a house payment say Hamill and we'll take care all your utilities this month I'm gonna pay your credit card off and all that good love gives because thing as we go all right here we go I trust you I just [Music] not I trust you [Music] I trust you it's su [Music] we [Music] because I trust you because you love me trust in you touch you see [Music] I trust you I trust you [Music] because
Channel: Free Word of God
Views: 3,243
Rating: 4.942029 out of 5
Keywords: Keith, Moore, The, Faith, Of, Jesus, Pt, 4, Faith, Offended
Id: ZysQfMscdaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 20sec (5660 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 03 2012
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