Keith Moore Seeing Jesus Pt 1 Do you Love Me

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thanks guys for that good singing and playing y'all can be seated and if you got your Bibles this morning turn with me to the Gospel account of John chapter 21 the ushers have extra Bibles if you didn't bring one today just lift up your hand and they'll be glad to get one to you we're going to John 21 what time's Sunday morning service next week huh how many services were having just one okay John 21 for some weeks now we've been on the subject of becoming a disciple of Jesus and we've covered quite a bit of Scripture and ground in that regard and how many have a desire to be his disciple not a believer only but to be a true disciple a real disciple and you'll see in our text that we read he said if you continue in my word you'll be my disciples indeed you'll know the truth the truth will make you free continuing in his word and if you look at the whole passage and other phrases that are used that way it obviously involves doing his word and I want us to begin a new series this morning that ties in with that cereals off the previous series and it's called the words of Jesus the words of Jesus in John 21 down about verse 15 Jesus they as speaking to Peter verse 15 when they had dined jesus said to Simon Peter Simon son of Jonas lovest thou me more than these what did he ask him do you love me and then more than these do you love me he said to him yes Lord you know that I love you and Jesus said that's good I just wanted to hear you say it because now that you said it I know it that's good I just like to hear you say it now what do you say feed my lambs verse 16 he said to him again the second time everybody say second time Simon now don't just read this historically put yourself in his shoes what if he's what if Jesus the head of the church is looking at you he's calling your name Thomas Betty Susan Keith do you love me this is the second time and and he says what yes Lord you know that I love you and so he said to him what well then feed my sheep is saying you love the Lord the final evidence that you love him no it is not it's not what's he saying is he saying do you love me then do what I say is he saying that do we see this in other scripture yes we do the the third time verse 17 so I'm gonna say number three he said to him the third time now put yourself in Peters shoes Simon Keith Mary Jo Bob do you love me this is the head of the church talking is it a big deal whether we love him or not it's the biggest now I'm gonna touch on some things today that you may have heard and you have to watch about thinking you know it just because you've heard something and knows something doesn't mean you're doing it right you could deceive your own self loving him is the big issue it's not how much you think you know about him it's not how much you think you know about the Bible it's not how much you think you know about faith how much you think you know about righteousness or prosperity how much you think you know about prophecy the big issue is what do you love Jesus right there's folks that rarely talk about him anymore they're caught up in the organization of church they're emphasizing this they're emphasizing that they're talking about doing good they're talking about politics in times they're talking about nations but how many know this is it right here do you love the Lord Jesus the big one do you love him how would you know if you loved him the third time he says Simon son of Jonas lovest thou me do you love me why would he ask him like this again and again and again by this term put yourself in Peters shoes by this time what are you thinking what do you say it's like I don't know what to say do you love me yes I love you do you love me do what I say do you love me Peter yeah you know I do didn't do what I say Peter uh-huh do you love me I thought I did I think so now why did he say this time you know whether I do or not you know I do I do didn't then he says then what do you love me he said Lord you know all things you know I love you jesus said to him then feed my sheep the big issue is our love for him and it is demonstrated not in us saying we love him been in us doing what he says is this true go back to the fourteenth chapter please John 14 we saw this in the previous series and we're building from this verse 21 John 14:21 jesus said he that has my Commandments and keeps them he it is that loves me who loves him those that keep and do those that reverence his words those to whom his words are everything that's the one that loves him he that loves me shall be loved of my father I will love him and will manifest myself to him Judas said to him not as scariet a different Judas Lord how is it that you will manifest yourself to us and not to the world how are you gonna do that how are we going to see you you're gonna be real to us we're gonna know you you go show yourself to us but you're not going to show yourself to them is it so that right now today there are people on this planet to whom God is not real at all from what they perceive and see and know there is no God and that's what they believe Jesus is not real to them at all they don't know him anything that know about him would be like some historical figure that lived and died centuries ago he is not real to them and yet there are other people on the planet Jesus is as real to them as their breath he's more real to them than human people that they associate with living people I'm trying to say flesh and blood do you want Jesus to be real to you can he be more real to you than he is right now is this worth emphasizing is this worth keeping in front of yourself day and night day and night if it's if it's up to me whether Jesus is more real to me or not and there's something I can do that would allow him to show himself to me and make himself more real to me why wouldn't that be number one on my list well that's what this series about series is about I want us to put our faith on this I want us to release faith for Jesus to manifest himself to us I want us to stand on this word right he said he would manifest himself to us didn't he say it if we would do what keep his words keep reading keep reading verse 23 jesus answered and said to him if a man loves me he'll do what he will keep my words how do we know who loves the Lord the ones who keep his words keep means to treasure to respect to receive to guard to do to practice his words I think that's the single greatest thing that Phyllis and I and many of you might say the same thing received through brother Kenneth Hagins ministry there was a time years ago I didn't know him at all never heard of him and the Lord led me to his ministry I grew up around church my gran mother was the secretary treasurer of the first Pentecostal church in the area had been for 40 years and I knew about I'd heard about healing and speaking in tongues and and I'd heard a lot of preaching but there was something I didn't have that I got from him brother Hagin as I began to hear him and associate with him and that was this this love for the word this giving the word first place in your life letting the word rule your life even though I've been around church for years I didn't have that are you listening this morning his words are not advisory now why would I say that people treat them like they are Christians church-going people treat them like you can take them or you can leave them you can do them or not doing you can think about them for 10 years you can reason about them and argue about them and they're kind of advisory they're supplemental to life take them and use them to help you out here and there y'all with me to millions of Christians his words are advisory not to a true disciple to a true disciple his words are the only way his words are the truth his words are the life his words are your life and when he says it there is no more discussion there is no more debate it doesn't matter how you feel about it it doesn't matter what they said or think about it when he said it it's time to do it we got people all over the place we got people in this church been here for years heard teachings on numerous different things and are still debating on whether or not they're going to submit whether or not they're going to forgive whether or not they're gonna walk in love time just keeps clicking by they're still wrestling with it well y'all pray for me it's a it's hard hard to do the word only when you're unwilling only when you're uncommitted when you've already made the choice if he said it that's it he's the master do you understand there's a lot of people talk about the word but there's not nearly as many that live what we're talking about right now they live like this when they hear it when they see it they immediately implemented their life changes regardless of how they feel about it or anybody else feels about it perhaps the biggest hindrance to being a disciple of the Lord is your own life that's why Jesus said in Luke 14 if you and Matthew he talks about it if you love you can't love I'll put them together mother father brother sister child husband wife you cannot love them more than me and be my disciple what if he says something and they say something else people act like there's this big problem well I got a problem though because my my wife this and my husband this and and so and so why do you have a problem well it's a conflict and it's a where's the problem you haven't made up your mind who your master is you know it's it's kind of like this have you ever had somebody trying to talk to you and somebody on the phone at the same time you're on the phone trying to talk to them and somebody's trying to talk to you did it ever annoy you there's no reason to be annoyed well why are they trying to talk to me while I'm trying to talk to them it's your fault you're annoyed my fault yeah yeah your fault what it's not complicated who's the most important one trying to talk to you whoever's the most important one whoever has the the greatest authority in your life trying to talk to you you should without delay put the other one on hold and listen to them right if you keep trying to vacillate between them and you're frustrated it's just simply because you haven't made a decision what's important it's no problem at all if you know you know if your boss is trying to talk to you and you're on the phone with your friend shouldn't be a problem boss comes up you go excuse me either hold or hang up right pay attention to this then when you through with that if you got time and it's okay you can talk to the other but see people are doing that all over the place right they're like oh I know the Bible said this but man they don't want me to do that and and so and so said this and and then you don't know who your master is you're not giving the word first place in your life and you don't love the Lord enough right you love other stuff well you can tell we're going to have a lot of fun in this series catch you man we're already off to in a big way here but I'm excited about the side of it of him manifesting himself to us so people have missed the mark because you still got millions of Christians pleading with the Lord to show you show himself to them Oh Lord I want to know you Oh Lord I want you to be real to me all Lord I want you to show yourself to me he didn't say whoever begs the longest and fast the most I'm going to show myself to see it's easier to do that than to do what he said he's already told us exactly how he's gonna make himself real to us Oh friends friends family Jesus could make himself so real in this auditorium in this place until the very presence of God just permeates your hair until from time you set foot on the parking lot it's like he's standing there holding your hand and not just in here but in your house in your bedroom in your car but it doesn't come by doing all the religious stuff that people want to do it comes by doing what he said to do it's not just pleading and begging and praying and crying and wanting and needing it's doing doing so much Revelation you can't get with the Bible and the concordance so much of the revelation of God you can't get in any service or seminar did you hear me you only get it when you act on it when you put it into practice in your life then what was theory or principle becomes experience becomes reality and the experience is Jesus manifesting himself to you personally in that what the other thing said or other text about being a disciple those who are truly his disciples who continue in his word are the ones who are going to know the truth experience the truth and the truth is going to make you O free from every fear free from every bondage free from ungodly tradition and junk and what other people have said about Jesus that starts true you're not going to be dependent on other people to know him you gonna know him for yourself - many know God vicariously through others he's not real to them personally that's why so many are so easily misled people who come along and say this is the Lord and they go whoopee and just run away with it and it's not the Lord and they should have known we're not to be any longer little children tossed to and fro carried about with every doctrinal wind and people coming along saying they know something how do we know if they know the Lord same way go to first John's first John is this ok this morning first John second chapter third verse I'm gonna read this out of the English version first John 2:3 says if we obey God's commands then we are sure that we know him how can you tell you know him hmm by doing what he says if someone says that he knows him but does not obey his commands such a person is a liar there's no truth in him but whoever obeys his word is the one whose love for God has really been made perfect this is how we can be sure we're in union with God whoever says he remains in union with God should live just as Jesus did how can we tell who really knows God people that do do do practice live do these words not debate about them not procrastinate about Dule if the word says love then what do you do there's making difference why how you feel what they said what they did if the word says forgive what do you do you do it by faith I don't care how you feel or what they said or did doesn't matter and folks that claim they they know all this stuff about God but they're struggling with doing it what does that prove they don't really know him and they don't really love him right if you love him there's no argument you do it if the word says give you give if the word says obey submit honor you do it whether you like this or like that or you don't or you feel like it see immature unspiritual people are always talking about how they feel that's one of the big indicators well I just feel I feel strongly I just don't feel i J I know that that it says that but I just I just don't feel I know the Lord said he forgave me but I just don't feel like he loves me I don't I don't feel like I used to and I don't know what's wrong but just lately I just don't feel that old spark and fire like I used to I just I don't know so your feelings are your master not Jesus and people live their whole life they make their decisions whether they do it or whether they don't do it based on how they feel about it said out loud not me I don't live by my feelings feelings are not my master Jesus is my master his word is the final authority in my life when he says it that's it no more debate no more discussion no procrastination no delay do it do it and how many know that's also the key to miracles isn't it and then what Jesus mother said to him whatever he says to you do it and they did it and what happened miracles miracles did they see a manifestation fact it says in that chapter that the Lord manifested forth his glory did they see the glory of the Lord on that day and in that situation how did they see it not by telling the Lord how much they loved him how did they see it but when he told him to do something they did it immediately without arguing without reasoning they did it brother Keith are you saying just obey blindly not knowing why our not understanding what it means or yes yes yes just do what he said yes and that will demonstrate what that'll prove that you really do love him it'll prove it you're there in first John - aren't you still there why don't people do that something particularly about people church-going folks first John 2 and 15 notice this love not the world neither the things that are in the world If any man love the world the love of the father is not in it for all that's in the world the lust or strong desire of the flesh the lust strong desire of the eyes the pride of life is not of the Father but is of the world why do people not love the Lord like they should and and obey Him they love something else right now when you say the world that has kind of a religious connotation and people say it don't even know what they mean but second Timothy 4 don't turn there but 2nd Timothy 4:10 Paul said by the spirit he said demas has forsaken me having loved what here's the man that was in the ministry with paul how many think paul his ministry was a good ministry you might have been surprised though if you'd have been there with him how much like our modern-day ministries here anywhere else it would have been what do you mean by that well you've got natural life you've got natural things to do a lot of us just work right he must not have been seeing halos around Paul's head every day for him to say you know I'm through this I'm going to Vegas I'm missing out on stuff all these campaigns preaching and sometimes Paul goes Longman it's common for him to go you know three hours he has gone eight hours more than once more than more than one instance in the book of Acts refers to them going some seven eight nine hours you felt I went wrong is it that things go so long or that people are so carnal he said demas has forsaken me he left Paul how many know Paul is a God called man he's a God anointed man he's preaching the real gospel he's doing a super important work and yet this man got to the place where he wanted something else you know Phyllis and I during the course of the church we've been here long enough now where we've had a number of people come and number people go and then people come back and you know as leaders I always wanted to check up on myself if somebody leaves I want to know did we do something wrong did some of our people do something wrong but again and again and again I'm seeing people just get tired of serving God they just want to do something else they just they just rather sleep in they'd rather stay up late and partying not coming to church they'd rather spend the money on Saturday night then give it in the offering they just rather they just don't love the Lord now there's nothing we could do to fix that do you understand that I don't mean to say we've never made any mistakes but I'm just saying so much of it does fall under this category it's just a lack of commitment of people not to us not to just to the church to the Lord the commitment to the Lord is just not there when people tell you well you know why haven't you been to church in the last six months well you know I I like everybody to church but you know I like to work in my flowerbeds on Sunday that's my day I like to get out and just take my time and they don't love the Lord did you hear me now they say they do but if you did the word says don't forsake the assembling of yourselves together didn't it among many other things if you love him you gonna do what he said but people's love of their own life in this present world is the thing that's leading them away from the Lord they love that more than they love him and there's more than one thing in this area John 12 you don't have to turn there but John 12:43 says they love the praise of men more than the praise of God lot of people God they can't see him he spirit are your relationship with him is by faith and so people they can see and hear and feel are more real to them than God and they just it's more important to them that they please people than God if you love the Lord you're willing to please him if it displeases other folks right if you're unwilling to displease them to obey the Lord who do you love more then no matter what you say and that's why he said if you love mother or father more than me you love brother or sister you love son or daughter you love wife or husband more than me and your own life more than me what do you say you cannot be my disciple you can't be my disciple you can't and how many understand that also said you can't become like me in this life because that's what being a disciple is well this is really an introduction to this series you think you can handle it this is an introduction to this series if it's so that if you love the Lord you're going to do his words how many would decide in here already and say I love the Lord how are we going to prove it we are going to do his words well you got to know what he said we are on a quest then we are on a red-letter expedition what do you mean the series is called the words of Jesus and we're going to start for now at least in the book of John and we're going to look at every red letter missing there's a lot of minutes a lot of them how long is that gonna take I don't know really doesn't matter we're gonna look at every red letter every red letter how many instead it doesn't get any more important than Jesus and it doesn't get any more important than what Jesus said I think so many times folks have gotten distracted and they're majoring on the minors and they're spending all this time and effort on this and that and it's a trick of the enemy to keep you away from emphasizing Jesus and doing what he said do let's major on the majors right let's emphasize the important we're going to ask yourself three questions at every red letter we see hmm number one do we know who is talking do we know who is saying this do we know who he is do we know how important he is do we know it's the master do we know it's the head of the church do we know who's speaking secondly do we understand what he's saying to us do we understand what he's telling us to do to a true disciple when the Lord speaks it's not are we going to do it it's just how do we do it how do I put this into practice how do i implement this not am I gonna do it that should already be settled how am I gonna do it so we're believing God for revelation and understanding in every one of these red letter passages we're gonna acknowledge this is important the master said it I love him I'm gonna prove it I'm gonna know what number three would be am I doing it am I doing this and if you're not do I love him if I love him I'm gonna do it and if I love him and I do it what happens next he will manifest oh oh all the stuff we've been praying about and looking about from all these of the move of God the manifestations of the Spirit it's all right here it's all right here and there's futile for us to beg for it he told us what to do do it and I'll manifest myself to you I'm excited because we're going to camp on it and we're going to look at it we're gonna hear it we're gonna do it and see what's gonna happen wouldn't we do it what's going to happen he's gonna manifest himself you can go ahead and advertise it to your friends and tell them man Jesus is manifesting himself to us we are having the move of God glory to God could you cut it off could you stop it yeah by getting passive and seeing things and refusing to do them or putting it off or procrastinating reasoning and wrangling then what will happen God will cease to be as real to you Jesus will cease to be as real to you things you'll get colder things will get duller things will get harder and you just keep not doing and not doing and not doing he can be as distant to use like an unsaved person I'm unwilling to live that way how about you I am unwilling to live that kind of life is not the will of God I don't have to I'm not satisfied with him being as real to me as he has been I'm thankful for it but I'm not satisfied with him how about you I'm not willing to stay where I am in the revelation of the Lord I'm not willing to stay where I am in the measure of his reality to me I must have more I said I must have more he must be more real to me I must see more of him I must experience more of him and I see now there's no need in me begging begging begging Lord show yourself to me show yourself to me oh I want to see you oh I want to see you that's ignoring what he said he told me exactly how I can see more of him didn't he didn't he didn't he so what are we gonna do we're gonna look at what he said we're gonna listen to what he said when I say okay turn to chapter one in John you go look at it and when you see red letters you're gonna go Oh red letters hmm come on show me how you gonna do it show me hey oh oh oh oh red letters red letters I'm not just being silly show me again show me anyway we got Oh red letters it's the master talking it's the master then what are we gonna do what do you say what does that mean how does that apply to me how do I do that right and as soon as you know as soon as you know you put her in gear you put her in gear you let out on the clutch you press the accelerator you do it you put it into practice and not tell me what else happens well that what happens after that he manifests himself he becomes more real to you you see a part of him you never saw before I'll glory to God is anything more important than this no well it's happening and it's already begun it's happening here and it'll happen with all our brethren in the faith Life Church watching by internet all around the world everywhere people that join later in the week and download the services they'll be sitting at the cyber cafe they'll be sitting at their their bedroom of their office or their in room and they'll hear it and they'll see it and they'll do it and Jesus will manifest himself to them in Canada Central America Australia Africa Europe South Louisiana northern Maine San Francisco Jesus will manifest manifest semester manifest manifest Jesus will manifest manifest Ignis what you're hungry for you don't just want to see me I don't want to just see you we must see him I'll stand up on your feet and praise Him o Lord we worship you lift your hand
Channel: Free Word of God
Views: 3,819
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Keith, Moore, Seeing, Jesus, Pt, Do, you, Love, Me, More, Grace, moore, Keith Moore, word of faith, Keith Moore Teachings, Faith life Church, Faith, life, church, keith, word, of, faith, preaching, teaching, God, god, Holy, Television Show, Hope, Talk, end, times, broadcast, FreewordofGod, free, Kieth Moore, kieth
Id: UHY1jGtkuV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 34sec (2794 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 23 2012
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