Keith Moore No Place For The Devil Pt.5 Good & Evil

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ephesians 4 would you turn there please ephesians 4 for uh a few weeks now when i've been with you uh we've been on the subject that we're calling based on the scripture give no place to the devil anybody familiar with that scripture are you about to read it but uh give no place to the devil ephesians 4 and we'll begin in verse 20 6. it says be angry and sin not let not the son go down upon your wrath verse 27 the understood subject is you neither give place to the devil now if you believe the bible this gives you a lot of revelation that means there is a devil millions don't believe it they scoff about it but we believe the bible and when you accept these truths it answers a lot of questions for you and if you don't accept these truths you will not be able to understand all kinds of things he said neither give place to the devil the amplified says it like this leave no room or foothold for the devil give no opportunity to him now this reveals this is wonderful news the enemy can't just work in your life because he wants to is that good news or is that good news now he wants you to believe he can but he's a liar and a deceiver and he doesn't have room or opportunity to function and operate unless we give it to him now no smart person would do that because when he operates what has he come to do steal kill destroy so i mean no knowing person would invite somebody into their life knowing they're going to steal what you have they're going to destroy what you've built up they're going to try to kill you you wouldn't let somebody into your house if you knowing that's what they've come to do not knowingly but for instance we just got through talking about it one of the biggest things the devil has pulled off is convincing most of the planet that he and his demon cohorts don't even exist well you're never going to resist what doesn't exist you're never going to resist what doesn't exist and the bible we're told repeatedly to resist or stand against the devil so he said don't give the devil any place give him no place look with me over in first peter or they'll just put it up on the screen first peter 5 8 first peter 5 8 says be sober be vigilant be in other words be be awake be aware be on the watch why because you got an adversary the devil and he as a roaring lion is walking about seeking whom he may devour again there's some really good news right there that word may what does that mean there's some he may still kill and destroy and devour in their lives and there's some he may not i for one emma may not come on somebody say i'm a may not what does that mean i'm one that the devil may not devour but you got that's not the end of the sentence verse 9 whom what resist steadfast in the faith now resist steadfast means you don't just do it one time and you're done you know we wish that's the way it was but the enemy is a persistent cuss and he will come and even when you stand against him successfully he'll try to come back later and come back again you remember with jesus he was tempted of the devil 40 days and 40 nights in the wilderness and then it said the devil finally left him for a season what does that mean he came back later even with jesus to do what well the the good news about the master is the he never gave in his whole life the bible said he was tempted hebrew says in all points just like us yet without sin it's not a sin to be tempted the sin happens when you give in to the temptation when you yield to it when you act on it and so if the enemy comes to bother you to tempt you to press you a hundred times what do you do you resist him a hundred times huh because if you resisting 99 and then you give in on the hundredth time right still he won that battle you don't want to do that neither give place to the devil don't give the devil any room to work in your life don't give him the opportunity to do his stealing and killing and destroying in your business in your stuff that's wonderful news that means you can shut him out oh somebody say thank god you you can shut him down you can keep him out you can he said resist and the way you're going to do it is right here resist steadfast everybody say resist this is one of the key words in this whole study as far as our part we're told repeatedly to resist say it again resist another way to say that it can also be translated stand against stand against if you've read in ephesians 6 it says having done all to stand stand therefore really if you look at the previous part you could put the word against with every one of those stands st having done all to stand against the enemy stand against him right stand again you have to resist it which is why we we need to talk about the existence of the devil and demon spirits because like we said if you don't believe they even exist you're never going to stand against what doesn't exist and that's what the enemy is doing he got most of the world hoodwinked about this so he's able to just do whatever he wants to do people are giving in to him right and left acting like these things don't exist but you and i are not ignorant of satan's devices huh we got the holy spirit we got the wonderful bible the word of god we got the authority in the name of the head of the church jesus we got the holy spirit to help us to detect the enemy's activity and know when we are to absolutely not give in but to stand against it and keep standing against it and having done all to stand against it stand against it you're with me he said resist steadfast in the faith and don't think that some weird thing's happening to you knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world everybody on the planet is dealing with some of the very same things in in james we'll read this as well james 4 and 7. james 4 7 says submit yourselves therefore to god resist the devil and he will flee from you now the bible said in the mouth of two or three witnesses let every word be established we have paul's witness give no place to the devil we have peter's witness resist him steadfast in the faith we have james witness resist the devil and he'll flee from you is this established there is a devil and you and i are supposed to resist him regularly resist the devil and what will happen do not believe all of the hollywood junk about demons and about the devil because it's the it's the devil himself that has inspired much of it he wants to scare you he wants he wants to portray himself as this awful monster so that people don't even want to talk about the devil don't don't talk about it don't talk about that when you realize the truth you realize why would the devil flee from you when you resist him if he's this terrible awful monster huh in fact the bible said in in first let me see in in james 2 he said james 2 19 he said do you believe that god is one you do well the devils also believe and what and what tremble the young's literal translation says they shudder they're the ones going ooh they're the ones supposed to be doing that not you not you why somebody says i'm not god yeah but he's in you the holy spirit lives inside the believer and that's why the scripture said greater greater is he that's in you than he that's in the world greater than who than the evil one and all his cohorts that's working in the world do not believe these lies in fact let me exhort you don't watch horror movies including zombie films what's wrong with that it's designed to desensitize you to slaughtering people these things have ulterior spiritual motives and purposes i know the people involved in it don't realize it just like people don't even believe that they're that the devil exists but horror things novels movies all these kind of things they're designed to put fear in you and people watch them because it's a psychological thrill to be scared and then to realize oh there's nothing wrong it's just a movie but fear is a bad bad thing there's plenty of stuff to have to resist fear from just in normal life without subjecting yourself to these things and who would knowingly go in and sit down for two or three hours and say devil okay put all the fear in me you can not smart i said now you can do it if you want to but it'll show up at another place in things like panic attacks now with me you feed something at different points in time it may not just come up at once but then when some pressure comes on all that fear come out we don't want to be full of fear we want to be full of faith faith faith not fear well in order to be full of something you've got to feed on it huh if you feed your fear you'll get full of fear if you feed your faith you'll get full of faith you agree with any of that praise be to god you and i have authority over the evil one and when we resist him in faith he has to flee has to has no choice um go with me please to first john the third chapter well i'll tell you what go to ephesians first we talked about this i'm not quite ready to get off of this i had extra time to study this past weekend uh i got too many notes man i got too many notes but that's all right it's it'll be good for another time uh ephesians 6. ephesians 6 and this well there's a lot of revelation and light about what we're talking about in this sixth chapter in fact in the whole book of ephesians but he talked about that there are these principalities and powers and rulers of the darkness and wicked spirits in the heavenlies and how that we are to take to ourselves the whole armor of god and to stand against the wiles did you hear that phrase the wiles are the trickery of the devil uh look what in about verse 14 or so 6 14. verse 13 excuse me go go back actually verse 12. we wrestle not i told you those guys upstairs were good uh we wrestle not against flesh and blood this is something we continually have to remind ourselves that when people are just acting crazy and unreasonable and all kind of stuff that just doesn't make sense it's not just them they're evil influences behind them that they are most the time unknowingly giving place and yielding to and you got to remind yourself no my fight is not against people it's not against flesh and blood my my they're not the real enemy they may think they are they may say they are but you take the most you know unclean the most cruel the most hateful uh foul based person there is you get them born again get them free from all that evil influence get them filled with the holy spirit they're wonderful people they're great people they're not your enemy they're your brother they're your sister well that's what happened to you right different degrees of whatever it might be but he said not against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against the rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places actually that can be translated wicked spirits in high places or heavenly places verse 13 wherefore take to you the whole armor of god that you may be able to what withstand and again the meaning of these words is stand against the same idea as resist that you may be able to resist in the evil day and having done all to resist verse 14 resist therefore or stand against having your loins gird about with truth having on the breastplate of righteousness and your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace now we we've heard this sometimes and kind of put a i don't know some kind of a graphic idea of it but he's not talking about actual physical pieces of armor he's talking about spiritual things and he's just using the armor that the soldier wore then as a picture of how something worked and look at verse back it up to verse 14 again your loins gird about with truth everybody say truth this will protect you from the attacks of the enemy righteousness will protect you can you see this the lack of truth will make you vulnerable hittable hurtable the lack of a revelation of righteousness and who you are in christ will make you vulnerable to these attacks verse 15 your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace that can also be translated prosperity god the good news about peace and shalom and wholeness and plenty verse 16 above all taking the shield of faith above all these things faith like a door-sized shield will protect you and you'll be able to quench all the what other translations say flaming arrows this is the word for missile well a spear is a missile an arrow is a missile a knife that's thrown something flying through the air to hit you and hurt you is some type of missile and these are fiery darts flaming arrows of the wicked how do these flaming arrows come they're not literal they're not physical what are they how do they come do you know when it's time to go look at there there's a flaming error better get that shield of faith up so that it hits your faith instead of you are you all okay he said to let your faith be like a shield one translation says and you'll be able to stop all the flaming arrows of the evil one well let me remind you of second corinthians 10. put that up please second corinthians 10 4. second corinthians 10 4 he said the weapons of our warfare are not carnal so he's talking about the very same thing we just got through reading about in ephesians they're not natural they're not fleshy but they are real and they are spiritual and they are mighty through god to the pulling down of strongholds what kind of strongholds verse five casting down imagination these are the flaming arrows imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of god and bringing into captivity every thought everybody say every thought every thought to the obedience of christ we have not acknowledged how serious thoughts and feelings are we you know that's part of the enemies working to cause people to believe he doesn't even exist because you'll have all kind of people say devil demons angels god no they're educated they don't believe in such stuff and yet they'll turn right around and talk about thoughts well what is a thought they'll say i don't believe we don't believe in things that we can't see and feel you can't see a thought huh you've never seen a thought you cannot put your finger on a thought you cannot touch a thought you cannot smell a thought you cannot taste a thought but are you going to say thoughts are not real because you can't see them and feelings how about feelings have you ever just had a feeling come to you seemingly out of nowhere i know the answer to the question huh you know maybe maybe you seem like you're doing pretty good and all at once you just felt yucky well what is that you can't see it you can't touch it what is it good has a source it comes from somewhere god evil has a source it comes from somewhere not god it comes from the evil one good comes from good evil comes from evil evil does not come from god and good does not come from the enemy ever ever he lies about it tries to twist stuff around but it can't come out of him because there's no good in him can't give what you don't have thoughts and feelings are spiritual and these influences these unseen influences are very real no honest thinking person would deny that feelings and thoughts come to us and there are times when the even the most holy saint of god has found come to them ungodly thoughts and wrong feelings i don't have to ask if you've ever had them but the thing is just because a thought or feeling comes to you from the outside and suggestions and pushing and pressure to say and do something that's wrong that does not mean you've sinned it means something's trying to influence you and tell me what you do oh come on you know the answer to this you know the answer what what do you do when influences come to do wrong you don't go what's wrong with me because additional thoughts will come the enemy you walked into that one the enemy will bring suggestions and feelings of bad things and to do bad things to you and then he'll jump around on the other side and say what's wrong with you supposed to be a christian thinking things like that he's the one who brought it to you he is a master deceiver and liar that's he invented lying he fathered it and he's very very good at it and if you don't believe these influence exist then you're taking responsibility for all this kind of stuff that you did not generate and you didn't ask for it you didn't bring to yourself you just have to make a choice when these wrong things come to you to say no i'm not going to accept that i'm not going to sit here and dwell on that and i'm not going to say it and i'm not going to act on it satan get out of here i resist you leave me and if you do that in real faith tell me what will happen next he will he will leave will that be the end of it forever i wish i could tell you it was but he will try to come back he will but no reason for you to be scared or upset the same thing at work first time we'll work the next time and the next time and the next time and as many as it takes and there will be times where he realizes he's not going to get you to do this so he just gives up on that for a season you get a break somebody say hallelujah praise god you get a break oh thank you lord these fiery darts these fiery flaming arrows what are they they are thoughts they are feelings they are influences to get you to do something bad something wrong they're very real but we need to identify their source in in the very beginning with adam and eve back in genesis you can go to genesis 2 if you want to but we see god created a perfect place he created a perfect man and a perfect woman absolutely no flaws no deficiencies there was no curse it's hard for us to imagine what it was like there were no thorns there were no briars wasps and bees did not sting snakes did not bite lions and tigers did not kill and rip apart other animals let me say say what they were vegetarians say what yeah the bible tells us in isaiah that whenever things restored the lion will lie down with the lamb instead of eat them and will eat straw like a cow people talk about we know well god made nature violent like he did not he did not make it violent like that this violence and this you know destruction is the result of the fault so everything's perfect and here comes the devil now everything was perfect till he showed up and if you that's that's the very front of the book if you fast forward to the end of the book you'll see he's going to be removed and then everything will be perfect again [Laughter] so don't blame god don't blame god wish i could say it louder don't blame god for the curse for the results of sin for bad weather for all this disease don't blame him for this don't blame him for it you'll be believing lies but notice god gave them as far as we know one commandment uno one anybody remember what it was genesis 2 16 the lord commanded the man saying of every tree of the garden you may freely eat that included the tree of life that you may eat and live forever so we know beyond a question if they had not sinned and fallen they'd still be around today because the lord himself talked about them eating taking of the tree of life and eating and living forever he said of every tree of the garden you may eat freely and apparently there were a bunch of them verse 17 but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil one out of all of them you shall not eat of it for in the day that you eat thereof you shall surely die one tree one command that forbade one and just a few verses later what do we see adam and eve and the enemy speaking through the serpent standing by the one tree looking at the one tree they're not supposed to partake of and what was the result of partaking of this tree the knowledge of good and the knowledge of evil they already had knowledge of good they had knowledge of god but to know the difference between good and evil we'd have been so much better off if we'd have never known anything about evil but what is happening the enemy said to eve did god say what's he doing an influence can you see this did god say you shall not eat and she said yeah he said we don't eat of that tree we don't touch that tree unless we die she's clear on it then he says and here's where here's where it comes get it on fire huh you won't really die come on do you see this here comes a flaming arrow you won't die it is a lie it's it it's just words it's just a thought but it was the thought and lie that destroyed and robbed them of paradise that caused them to die are there deadly thoughts and they have sources where did it come from we know specifically the bible tells us this these words words contain thoughts came from the devil speaking through the serpent you will not die well that's just a blatant lie god said they would can you see this so tell me what eve should have done huh you basically basically got the same answer for all questions i'm asking throughout the week this this is the tell me what should she have done tell me tell me strong what should she have done huh she something should have come up on the inside of her and she said what what you calling god a liar you call you calling my creator my father a liar it's time to stand up on the inside why because this and you see if you'd have done that what would you have done i refuse to believe that i believed the word of god [Music] you'd have pulled up your big shield of faith come on can you see that and that fiery dart would have went drunk and then you told him to get out of there told the devil to get out of there but is that what happened what happened no resisting and so what did that fiery dart do right inside right inside her mind and so she's standing there thinking about that i won't die we won't die and the devil says look at this fruit how could anything so pretty kill you and hurt you and the bible said she's looking at it she's thinking that's got to taste wonderful it looked so good to eat of course they'd never eaten it before and then it was so pretty it was so pleasant to the eyes and then it would enhance you it would raise you up to be a god-like being she was already a god-like being but they did not stop this flaming arrow can you see this this is how the enemy works with all of us he will fire a thought and these thoughts are not just intellectual they are accompanied with feelings and it has to do with very real spiritual influence trying to persuade you to do something to act on something to allow something that's bad that you should not do or should not allow flaming arrows casting down imaginations he said our weapons are not natural but they're mighty through god to the pulling down of strongholds casting down imagination everybody say casting down imagination see what's going on in eve's mind and adam's right there with her what's going on imagining eating the fruit looks so good it's going to taste so good it's going to feel so good it's going to make me so high it's going to give me such ability lies somebody say lies lies lies but they did not protect themselves from it they let it come in instead of resisting they let it come in and wound up acting on it and wound up losing everything we can't throw any stones we'd have done the same thing you said no i wouldn't well you've read the book you know the story but the only way you could say you would not have done it is if you had never sinned you've lived your whole life to this point and have never sinned and i know that ain't true so you've already done what they did but can you see that all of these things all of these sin all of these actions it starts out as what a thought a feeling a suggestion an influence a persuasion and the enemy's persistent and notice how the enemy if you learn what to look for he gives his self away he can't help it he for one thing he's annoying he is when i say the devil i'm talking about all of his cohorts all all demon spirits all evil spirits unclean spirits they are pushy and annoying and they won't shut up and when you find thoughts and temptations and pulls that just it just keeps coming to your mind you keep thinking about it continually and it irritates you and it bothers you there's spiritual influence behind it because the environment of hell itself is torment and so when these spirits are active you get a taste of torment of torment and vexation when the spirit of god's ministering to you is totally different it's peace i said it's peace and he will not he's not annoying let me put it like that he's kind he's gentle he's gracious he will not try to make you do anything he will call he will leave he will lead you but it's up to you whether you follow or not he'll show you but he's not going to try to make you do it now the devil on the other hand he tries to wear you down he just is so annoying he'll just he won't shut up you know what i mean by that he just these thoughts and these fish you don't hear it but it's almost like do it do it do it you know you want to do it just do it already do it do it say it you know you want to say it say it say it you have to say it say it [Laughter] i'm not talking about voices you hear but the thoughts come like that they just they come like that and it's a push it's a push it's an evil push it's an evil attempt to persuade but do you have to give in you never have to give in you never now the enemy is going to endeavor to influence you to do bad things the holy spirit's going to influence you to do good things and you'll see the lord pointed this out to me recently you'll see this in the works of the flesh and in the fruit of the spirit the enemy tries to influence the things that are listed in what the bible calls the works of the flesh in galatians 5. go ahead and turn there with me have you got a minute let's take a look at it there's 15 of the first items and nine of the second and so if i spent three minutes on each one which we won't do but you see you see what we're dealing with here can you come back we need to continue this but in galatians 5 galatians 5 and 16. he said if you bite and devour one another take heed that you be not consumed one of another you see that word devour who wants to devour and destroy so it's people doing it but who's behind it and he said this i say verse 16 walk in the spirit and you'll not fulfill the lust that strong desires of the flesh now when you people see the word lust they tend to just think sexual but it's much more than that you can have strong desires for all kind of things that's not right uh walk in the spirit another way of saying that is yield to and follow the good holy spirit's influences he's going to remind you and bring thoughts to you to remind you of what the lord told you huh he's going to bring thoughts and feelings and direction to you to guide you into all the truth that'll make you free and even show you good things to come walk with him yield to him and you won't fulfill the wrong desires that the enemy is trying to influence through your flesh verse 17 the flesh pulls we might say strong desire against the spirit and the spirit pulls against the flesh have you ever experienced this child of god and these are contrary to one to the other so that you cannot do the things that you would part of you will want to do things that's not right not a single amen it's a fact your body did not get born again nor did your mind your mind didn't get born again either your spirit the hidden man of the heart became a new creation in christ jesus and immediately in romans 12 we're told that we need to renew our mind and then we're told to keep our body under bring it into subjection so part of you the flesh he's talking about will be pulled to do things that are wrong but the the inner man the the spirit of god inside you is leading you the other way keep reading this in verse 18 if you be led of the spirit you're not under the law now the law was given to spiritually dead people people who did not have the spirit in them like we do but think about the things he gave them in the ten commandments you shall have no other gods before you well who's going to influence you to worship other gods right not god and it went on to say uh you don't make any graven images that you bow down to them and serve them well who would influence you to do that and you don't take the lord's name in vain well who would try to influence you to do that you know foul speech and cursing and blasphemy is the language of demons people say well it's just a bad habit that i i picked up earth it's worse than you know it's the language of demons who would influence you to use the name of god in a blasphemous in a wrong way huh why would you want to yield to it and then it goes on to talk about uh you don't you shall not steal well who will influence you to steal you shall not kill who would influence you to kill you you'll not bear false witness you'll not covet what's your neighbors who is influen trying to get you to do that so even back then before the new birth he was giving them things to help him to see don't yield to this right something comes and keeps telling you kill them kill them kill them kill them it is written thou shalt not kill right so i'm not no matter how i feel i'm not going to give in to that well what he's saying here is that you and i if we're led by the spirit we're not under the law someone said we don't have to keep the ten commandments anymore it's not a matter of that the ten commandments are right and they're good and they're perfect always have been always will be but if you follow the leading of the spirit you're not going to break the ten commandments you got the author of the book living inside you right and that's what he said if we're led by the spirit we're not under the law and then he he keeps going to say verse 18 if you be led of the spirit you're not under the law now the works of the flesh are manifest which are these and like i said he mentions a bunch of names of things and i want to go over them briefly but uh two of these words in the king james don't appear in the original text but all of these ideas are there adultery doesn't appear but fornication does and it covers all of those things fornication covers all kinds of sex outside of husband and wife covenant marriage fornication well who's going to try to influence you to commit adultery or to have relations and you're not married uh what's what's trying to influence you to do that it's the enemy uh uncleanness and this is this is spiritual uncleanness it affects physical uncleanness um sometimes people have said well you know cleanliness is next to godliness that's not a scripture but but god is not unclean god is not dirty and really you can't get things down here in this curse-filled earth truly clean and yet people who yield to wrong spirits they become nasty people quit bathing they just do all kind of nasty stuff and this is the influence of unclean spirits that's good lasciviousness that means no restraint no out of control who would push you to have no limits just do anything to be out of control idolatry we've already talked about that who would influence you to worship idols witchcraft is a one of the works of the flesh that has to do with the use of spells drugs charms you shouldn't have good luck charms that's right yes sir that's right yes sir what's wrong with that a lot what are you counting on amen on that to protect you instead of god amen what are you doing who would influence you to use talismans and amulets and and spells don't get your palm ready don't call the psychic hotline come on with me for one thing why in the world would you do that when you got the author of life inside you you know why go ask a lying demon about your future when jesus told you the holy spirit would show you things to come don't do it hatred well that's hating who would influence you to hate variance that has to do with quarreling and fussing you'll see people sometimes they they just their fussing is unreasonable they got every reason to get along and have a good day and they fuss over uh toothpaste caps and toilet seats and bacon crisp or not and just mess up a good saturday for what now you're you're laughing because you know too much about it but why why do we have that because you'll everything will be great it's a nice sunny morning somebody made breakfast and everything's wonderful and something just comes and says you i've told them ten times not to make that bacon so crispy i've told them i told them i told them i told them how many times you have to tell them tell them tell them tell them tell them and it comes with feelings and all at once you just don't feel as good as you did and all that once you just feel kind of ornery and all that what's you just you just feel and then he says say it say it say it say it tell him tell him tell him tell him tell them tell them tell them tell them and if you don't believe there are evil influences what will you do you will tell them and they won't appreciate it right and then you don't know it but he's on the other side telling them to tell you tell them tell them tell them tell them the enemy seeks whether it's husband and wife whether it's brother sister whether it's co-worker whether it's people in the church on the job whether it's people in a nation he's always pushing to cause strife and fights and quarrels and arguments and so much of it is just unreasonable it's illogical but people all at once they just look at somebody and they don't like them and they just feel they get a mean feeling and they just where's all this coming from tell me faith life family what you do when thoughts and feelings come tell me tell me huh and if they come back 40 times in the same morning tell me what you do you you resist 40 times you resist you resist somebody say i resist i resist and according to the bible multiple witnesses when i in faith resist the devil tell me what happens tell me what happens what happens he will flee from me and man when i really put my foot down in the name of jesus they shudder i don't shudder they shudder and they flee come on somebody say they shudder and they flee they leave keep reading emulations that means envy jealousy indignation it means seeing somebody doing better than you and you don't like it it gives you displeasure to see somebody have more than you get ahead of you who would try to influence you that way wrath it literally means breathing hard anger who would try to influence you this way strife it talked about trying to win followers and rivalry and competition and ambition seditions breaking apart into different groups and factions and divisions and heresies is also different parties envying some of these overlap but then yet there's uh unique differences too like we said feelings of displeasure at the advantage or prosperity of others drunkenness that's real simple intoxicated revelings revelings are coupled with the drunkenness these are wild drunken parties and orgies who would influence you who would push keep pushing you and bring in those thoughts uh get drunk it'll be fun get drunk get high get high get drunk get high get drunk get high you know you want to get drunk get drunk it'll be fun get drunk get drunk get drunk get high all of these you will see spiritual demonic activity to influence to do evil but keep reading that's the works of the flesh can you give me two more minutes you give me two i'll take two and [Laughter] uh well the pastor should have a few privileges what do you think verse 22 but we're about to see a major contrast is that right but the fruit of the spirit in other words say what the spirit now we're not talking about any spirit we're talking about the holy spirit of god what he produces what he influences to produce is what love is the devil ever going to try to influence you to love never and what else joy huh when when the enemy's trying to say tell them tell them tell them and the spirit of god in you says no love them love them just give it a break love them it's up to you which one you yield to right the spirit of god will influence you to love he'll influence you to joy now what we many have not realized joy is a choice you can yield to depression or you can resist depression and yield to joy you can laugh when you don't feel like it you can say hallelujah praise god when you do not feel like it you can yield to the spirit of god will prompt you you got a lot to be thankful for don't you don't you sit here and feel sorry for yourself get up and praise god right and when you do your feelings will change peace oh thank god for his peace long suffering like we just got through saying the spirit of god will prompt you no no you do not have to call this out right now you don't have to make a deal out of this cool your jets relax give it some time the spirit of god will prompt you give it some time give it some room trust god give god a chance to answer your prayer give it some time gentleness the devil will never try to influence you to be kind and gentle he wants you to be harsh hard mean demanding pushy like him the uh the enemy will try to influence you you got to stand up for yourself you know you got to tell people you can't be a doormat the squeaky quill gets the grease you got to make some that's not a scripture you you got you got to make some noise you know make some noise you got to demand what you want demand but the spirit of god will prompt you even though you're upset he'll he'll he'll touch you and go don't raise your voice don't don't raise your voice be kind be kind be kind kind be gentle don't be pushy don't be demanding don't see who's it up to which influence we yield to it's entirely our choice the devil can't make us if we don't give him any room in place he won't have any room and place he wants to steal kill and destroy but there are some he may not devour and all the spirit of god is by far the bigger one the stronger one the greater one than anything that could come against you and when you decide to yield to him and he shows up that's why the enemy has got no choice but to beat it out of there why because the big one is showing up oh no they're going to yield to the whole oh they're going to do it they're going to yield into the holy ghost oh we're out of here man boom they don't want to mess with the holy spirit goodness we're almost there well that's good faith we've already taught you about faith before meekness that's humility temperance we saw one of the others was no restraint lasciviousness that's no self-control this is self-control how many know the spirit of god you know you start getting all riled up and worked up and he'll prompt you he'll go get a hold of yourself huh get a hold of yourself control yourself no and some you'd be in mid-sentence you can go let me tell you one thing god loves you and i love you and going to go pray and we'll talk about this another time [Laughter] you can why why would you do that because someone the greater one on the inside of you just about time you've you've already let them have it he came up and said ah no no no no no no no no don't do that and you were spiritual enough because faith life people are some of the most spiritually aware and best spirit-led people on the on the face of the earth right now you you thought okay stop yielding to that wrong influence yield to the holy influence and the fruit of that will be love joy peace longsuffering gentleness goodness faith meekness temperance against such is no law no power no work can stop the greater ones work in you can you say amen stand on your feet everybody
Channel: Jason Wigood
Views: 3,202
Rating: 4.9480519 out of 5
Keywords: RKN, regional kingdom network, faith channel, healing, Holy Spirit, faith, prayer, word of faith, Keith Moore, no place for the devil
Id: iHqABqM75H0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 38sec (3938 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 17 2020
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