Keith Moore No Place For The Devil Pt.12 Resisting Temptation

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let's join faith together for utterance for the rest of the service uh the lord has been answering my prayers our prayers about this series there's some really significant things that we're getting to of course no matter what you see you can't express it or get it out unless the lord gives the utterance and you can't see it and hear it and understand it unless the spirit of god gives you that so let's agree in faith for those things father we ask you for utterance for anointing for the moving and working and teaching and ministry of your holy spirit and for eyes and ears that can see here and understand for the answers that we not be ignorant or in darkness about the enemy's activities or work and that we not be fearful of it but that we be enlightened and enabled and empowered to walk in authority and victory just like our master demonstrated how to do it and told us how to do it we thank you for it in jesus name amen hallelujah you can be seated would you look in ephesians please the fourth chapter for some weeks we've been on a series that we're calling no place [Music] for the devil no place for the devil now we've already covered a lot of ground and so if you haven't been with us let me encourage you uh get online and and listen to watch the previous messages they won't cost you anything or if you'd like a cd or dvd go buy the word supply and they'll get you one at no charge and like we say around here no charge means no excuse for not knowing it not getting it um in ephesians 4 verse 22 he said that you put off concerning the former conversation the old man which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts and be renewed in the spirit of your mind that you put on the new man which after god's created in righteousness and true holiness wherefore putting away lying speak every man truth with his neighbor for we're members one of another be angry and sin not let not the sun go down upon your wrath neither give place to the devil neither give place to the devil you understood subject there is you and the previous two verses he gave two specific ways that people do give place to the devil one was through lying and the other was through anger and rage but this lets us know that there is a devil it also lets us know that he cannot just come in and do things because he wants to we have the authority and the ability to prevent him from working in our life is this good news this is wonderful news uh skip on over to the sixth chapter in this same book of ephesians 6 and 10. he said finally my brethren be strong in the lord and in the power of his might keep going next couple of verses here verse 11. put on the whole armor of god that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil so resist the devil james 4 says this resist the devil and he will flee from you but what exactly do you resist i think some people are almost waiting for some creature in a red suit with horns and a pitchfork before they're going to resist well that's why they haven't resisted anything and you keep waiting on that you're not going to resist anything because the scripture tells us that satan transforms himself into a messenger or an angel of light he never comes as the devil he tries to come and trick you that he is bringing a message from god and this is something i think most of the church just it's here in the word but doesn't seem to be aware of what are we to be on our guard watching for the wilds everybody say wilds what's what are that's a king james word wilds well i don't know when i was a little boy i used to watch wiley coyote and the run anybody know what i'm talking about huh wylika that was one of my favorite cartoons of all and then when i got through watching it uh i'd go outside and try to build something you know like they got from acme you know but wiley coyote why'd they call him wiley coyote well he was tricky but he wasn't tricky enough for the roadrunner wilds wilds means deception trickery subtlety is a word we see connected to the enemy what a subtle mean it means he's not coming to you obviously ever he's coming to you he never comes to the front door he's coming to the back door he's trying to come through the window he never announces i'm the devil i've come to trick you he one of the biggest uh trickeries he has pulled off on the planet is convincing most of the world he doesn't even exist and you're never going to resist what doesn't exist now that's trickery and that's what's going on oh but the bible says concerning believers we're not ignorant of his devices which go which shows the same thing about this trickery put on the whole armor of god that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against the rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places see against against against against and in first peter 5 we let's touch on this again we've seen it repeatedly but here we have paul in ephesians we have james and james we have peter here we've got multiple witnesses telling us the same thing resist the devil stand against and resist first peter 5 and uh 8 we'll start with that first peter 5 8 says be sober be vigilant because your adversary the devil as a roaring lion walks about seeking whom he may devour so he he's looking for somebody the literal greek could be translated swallow up he's looking for somebody to swallow up he's looking for somebody to steal kill and destroy in their life well that lets you know he cannot just do it to everybody or to anybody because he's having to try to find who he can do it for or against who he can do it against in their life to destroy them whom he may devour and what's that's not even the end of the sentence verse 9 whom resist we keep saying that word don't we resist steadfast in the faith not only resist but keep on resisting and keep on resisting and never give in say it out loud never give in to the devil well can you recognize though when the enemy is uh coming against you what how do you detect it well ii corinthians talks about this that though we walk in the flesh we don't war after the flesh the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but they're mighty through god to the pulling down of strongholds casting down imaginations everybody say imaginations and every high thing he said that exalts itself against the knowledge of god bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of christ this is what should we should be on the watch about are thoughts and imaginations and the enemy is working the same today as he did against eve as he did against adam as he did against cain and on through the examples we have in the word uh look with me in second corinthians the 11th chapter there please we we touched on this but i want you to see another another aspect are you believing with me for for utterance second corinthians the 11th chapter and the third verse he said i fear lest by any means as the serpent beguiled eve through his subtlety so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that's in christ so where's the battlefield the mind somebody said i thought it's spiritual it is but the spirit is the doorway i mean the mind is the doorway to the spirit that's how the enemy would affect your spirit is through your mind or your life and your mind is part of your heart or part of your inner man or inner being and the proverb says guard your heart above all that you guard because out of it are the issues or the wellsprings of life does it matter what we think on and how does the enemy come well how did he do it with eve he beguiled her he tricked her he deceived her how did he do that remember the scripture said there in ephesians and also in first peter be on your guard be alert be on the watch well she wasn't enough and then adam followed suit and bible said he wasn't deceived so that makes it practically worse but look with me in genesis the third chapter let's remind ourself of how the enemy did this because that's he's trying to do the same thing with you and with me in genesis 3 we know that god had told them they could eat of any and all of the fruit fruits of the garden except for the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and he told them if you eat of that tree in the day you do you will die and in chapter 3 and verse 1 the serpent was more what subtle what's what is subtle not obvious right subtle is under the radar subtle is tricky subtle is deceptive we we must not underestimate the the trickery the this the subtle deception of the enemy if we do we're already half defeated if if the lord warned you about something if the spirit of god warns you and says be alert be on your watch be on your guard about the wiles or trickery of the devil should we be nonchalant and go well you know it's no no biggie it is a biggie there are some biggies right this is one of you you shouldn't be afraid but you shouldn't act like nothing's going on the enemy is has been uh trying to deceive you and trick you and and has tricked you and deceived you and that costs you when when that happens it opens up the access for the enemy it gives him place to steal kill and destroy we want we want to stop that we want to close the door we want to give him no place the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the lord god had made he said to the woman yea has god said you shall not eat of every tree of the garden how did this start a thought coming to her mind a question now we'll see that one of the big ways the enemy attacks you is by tempting you he's called the tempter now when we hear temptation so many times people's mind just goes off on one or two tracks but one of the biggest areas he will tempt you in is to doubt he will tempt you to doubt and fear and distrust and that's what he did with her the first thing he starts trying to work on is to get her to question what god said has god said just question it see he didn't start off with we're going to disobey god right uh-uh he's just asking a question can't we ask a question no there are questions that shouldn't be asked right you're going to ask a question did god lie was god wrong god didn't mean what he said you shouldn't ask questions like that but here she entertains it has god said you shall not eat of every tree of the garden verse two the woman said to the serpent we made of the fruits fruit of the trees of the garden but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden god has said you shall not eat of it neither shall you touch it lest you die is she confused about this she's not i've heard some people say well he didn't say don't touch it you don't know that he didn't say don't touch it they talk every day if you're not supposed to eat it not touching it's a good idea right if you never touch it you're not you're not going to get the fruit off of it to eat it but she she's not confused the reason i say that we just got through reading in second corinthians 11 3 that he beguiled her through his subtlety and and he the lord doesn't want the same thing to happen to us that our minds should be corrupted and removed from the simplicity that's in christ can you see she should have kept this simple god said it that's what it means we're not going to do it conversation over right you stay open to suggestion and you play right into the enemy's hands because he is an evil genius he's been around for millennia and all his cohorts uh people talk about you know dumb devil well yeah anybody that opposes god is dumb i'll agree with that but now when it comes to battling wits with human beings these are beings that have been around for millennia and millennia and millennia and you talk about practicing at deceiving people they are evil genius at it and the only way to be safe and protected is you don't play with them you don't play their game you don't listen to their lies you give them no place to even talk to you wouldn't it have been better if you'd have said who are you get out of here you questioning god get out of it that'd been the end of it i guess we'd all be in the garden no coveted and verse 4 the serpent said to the woman you shall not surely die first a question and then a flat out lie an alternate truth the devil gave her his truth have you heard that phrase my truth your truth i gotta i gotta you know stay with with my true that that's a bunch of junk truth is truth whether you know it or believe it or not and just because you believe something doesn't make it true no truth is not relative the scripture said god's word is truth jesus said i'm the way the truth the spirit of god's called the spirit of truth these are not variables they don't change from person to person or from generation to generation but the serpent said to the woman you shall not surely die and god knows that in the day you eat thereof your eyes will be opened you'll be as gods knowing good and evil what's going on here temptation can you see it temptation through reasonings and then it goes on to say when the woman saw the tree was good for food it was pleasant to the eyes a tree to be desired to make one wise she took of the fruit thereof and did eat and gave it to her husband with her he standing right there and he ate it too and that is how paradise was lost that's how the curse came into the earth which includes thorns and heat and cold and storms and disease and deformities and cruelty and murder and all of the evil that's in this planet came in on the heels of this but i want you to see two big things the enemy tempted her to do because the bible said she was beguiled she was deceived and when god came walking in the cool of the day to talk to him commune with him like he did uh again and again when he talked to adam and said you know who told you you were naked he said the woman you gave me she gave me to eat and he said to the woman did you do this and i want you to notice what she said in verse 13 genesis 3 13 the lord god said to the woman what is this that you have done and the woman said what huh the serpent beguiled me and i did eat the serpent did what are these the wilds of the devil the trickery of the devil now the young's literal translation says it like this that the woman said the serpent has caused me to forget the serpent has caused me to forget and i do eat forget what forget what god said is that right can you see this there are two two big areas there's a lot more to it than this but two significant areas that the enemy will work on like he worked on her will try to work on you me anybody he will tempt you to doubt to question it to be fearful and disbelieve and doubt that's why he uh he said what did god say you won't really die what's he what's he tempting her to do to question whether god what god told her was absolutely completely true or to question the uh god's motive what he told him and why he told them to question the simplicity of don't eat the fruit you'll die she listened to him and let it become complex and complicated and more involved when it wasn't more involved it's real simple don't eat the fruit if you do you die so this temptation to doubt now why am i saying this do not hear this and go yeah yeah she shouldn't why are we talking about this if you'd if you don't make an effort you will not do better than she did because eve's brilliant these are not cavemen and cave woman grunting at each other ugg ugg these are made in the image of god they commune with god on a regular basis how many understand you can't be a dummy and commune with god he talks to them they understand they talk to him and have intelligent conversation but the enemy because she allowed it she listened to him was able to talk her out of her faith she let go of her complete trust in what god said and considered and started believing a lie that she wouldn't really die and then the enemy on the heels of this is tempting her to disobey separate her from her faithfulness or her commitment to god can you see this tempted to doubt and tempted to disobey can you see this well he he hasn't had to come up with anything new because this has worked all too well on every generation of human beings all the way from then all the way up to now on everybody except jesus the master he tried the same thing with him tried the same thing but it didn't work i said it didn't work jesus didn't give him an inch he wouldn't consider his lies he wouldn't turn loose of his absolute faith in the father and trust in the father he kept quoting what the father said didn't he quoted it quoted it quoted it and he wouldn't disobey he wouldn't act on the enemy's temptations he wouldn't do it now with that in mind go with me please to the book of luke luke the eighth chapter the word tempt if you're taking notes you might want to write this down um a lot of people when they hear the word tempt they define it as test and i'm not saying that idea is not there because it is depending on the context but the larger main meaning of the word it seems like people just kind of rush over it means try someone say well it's the same thing no it's not the same word this translated tempt is translated a say a-s-s-a-y in the king james which we would translate attempt attempt i won't take time to go through all of them but for instance like hebrews 11 it said by faith the people passed through the red sea like on dry land the egyptians assayed to do it and were drowned that means they attempted to do it they tried to do it so when you hear the word try it doesn't just only mean test it means they attempted it so when the devil is tempting you he's attempting can you see this he's attempting or he's trying to deceive you he's trying to trick you but it's up to us whether he's successful or not attempting he attempted to get eve to doubt god and she let him convince her he attempted to get her to disobey and adam followed and she listened to him but did she have to listen to him now you know in a little bit of their defense they didn't know all we know that's right they didn't see what would happen in all the mess it caused and all the death they didn't they didn't even know what death was but it doesn't justify you doubting god there is no excuse thank god there's forgiveness but there's no excuse or justifiable reason for doubting god or disobeying god nobody ever had to or has to any time we have it was a failure something to repent over but the enemy will come he has come and he will come not in an obvious fashion but with subtle thoughts and feelings tempting you to doubt well you you see this at most universities you know uh christian parents is it it's a bit of a conundrum it really is because christian parents uh endeavor to put uh faith and still faith in their sons and daughters all their life and save money big time and send them to universities where uh every other class almost they're trying to convince them not to believe in god not to believe in a creator not to believe in redemption not to believe in a virgin birth not to believe in miracles this is the work of the enemy always trying to separate you from your faith to convince you to doubt and fear and on the heels of that gets you to disobey because if he can get you to yield to that then he will have access to steal kill and destroy and sadly it's happening all over the place and people not even aware that there is a devil are blaming the destruction on god himself i don't know why god put this in my life no that's not the issue the issue is why didn't you listen to god all of us have missed it in these areas but let's grow up let's develop let's be alert let's be vigilant and on the watch right anything that's trying to separate us from our faith anything is trying to get us to disobey what god clearly said in luke 8 is the account of the um what we call the parable of the sower and there were four types of soil representing four types of human heart and one of them was the the rocky ground and luke 8 13 says they on the rock are they which when they hear the word when they hear they receive the word with joy and these have no root which for a while believe and then what happens in the time of temptation fall away what does that mean fall away they they stop believing they allow temptation challenges issues to cause them to turn loose of their belief they believe for a short duration and because the scripture once part of this passage said they lacked moisture well we know from first corinthians 3 that teaching is watering the word and another one said they lacked root they didn't have roots it was a shallow dry reception they heard something in the comfort of church and they jumped on it and shouted and said that's good but it was shallow and they didn't water it any further after that and when some temptation came to question that they faded and wilted and turned loose of their belief fell away well look in luke 20 2 i believe it is and this is one of the one of the clearest places in the scriptures of how this works in a time of temptation it said they fell away attempted to what one of the biggest things the enemy is going to tempt you to do is to fear and doubt that's that's one of the main things because if he can get a foothold there he can convince you to disobey he can convince you to do all kinds of things based on that loss of faith and that fear but if he can't separate you from your faith then he can't do much else with you either because that's your foundation that's your rock and and there will come temptation to doubt to question just like what the enemy did with eve but if you keep watering that word and keep hearing the same thing what's going to happen your roots are going to go down deeper come on can you see that and you're going to get more and more stable and more solid so no matter how much temptation and pressure comes you don't quit you don't give up you don't turn loose your belief in luke 22 verse 31 everybody awake the lord said to simon this is right before he went to the cross this is actually the night that the soldiers came and took jesus away to that mock trial the lord said to simon simon behold satan has desired you that he may sift you as wheat what does that mean he's given peter a heads up he said the the enemy is on your case and he's out to sift you now what does that mean what a uh what is a sift what does a sift do it separates right it separates one thing from another it holds one thing and lets the other thing go out well what is the enemy trying to separate from peter read the very next verse you don't have to ask but i have prayed for you that your what faith faith what's the enemy always after our faith and the word that our faith is based on remember we talked about the parables of the sower well the wayside ground it said the sower sowed the word and immediately the enemy came to steal the word that was sown in their heart why because he's got to get you to quit believing or he can't do what he wants to do in your life he's got to separate you from your faith or else he cannot you're not giving him place if he can't do that i've prayed for you the lord said that your faith failed not and we sure hope it works we'll see huh now when don't you like that that's that's a faith prayer when not if when you are converted strengthen your brethren he hadn't even messed up yet and the lord's already talking about him being strong enough to help other people that's correct this is faith yes it is isn't it but we see immediately what happened keep reading and he peter said lord i'm ready was he ready he wasn't as ready as he thought he was and boy that's just about everybody you want to talk about huh i'm ready i'm ready to go with you both to prison and to death me and you lord and and jesus said i tell you peter the rooster the [ __ ] shall not crow this day before you shall three times deny that you know me keep going uh we'll skip down to verse 39 if you read the other accounts you know they peter said no way adamantly not denied and all the other guys joined in said no no that'll never happen lord and he came out and went as he was want to the mount of olives and his disciples also followed him keep reading the next couple of verses when he was at the place he said to them what pray that you what enter not into temptation so why would he say that because the enemy is there to tempt them to tempt them to what to fear doubt turn loose of their faith disobey the enemy is there to separate them from their faith and from their commitment to him and it's going the pressure is going to be greater than they realize it's all fine and dandy when you're hanging out in the garden together right but this is about to change radically and they don't they don't realize that pray that you enter not into temptation now this gives you as another picture the devil can't push you through the door is everybody listening he cannot make you force you to doubt to fear to disobey he can't he can't pull you through the door he can't push you through the door what can he do talk about the door look at the door look over here on the other side look at the tree look how good it looks you won't die come on come on come on through the door come on he can't push you through the door he can't pull you through the door he's got to get you to come through the door by yourself on your own volition he's got to get you to choose and then what the lord said pray so you don't so that you don't enter into what the enemy is pulling on you to do verse 41 he was withdrawn from them about a stone's cast and kneeled down and prayed he said father if you be willing remove this cup from me nevertheless not my will but your will be done there appeared an angel to him from heaven strengthening him being in agony he prayed more earnestly and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground what is he resisting hebrews says he's resisting sin what's what's this pull uh is he being pulled to do what not my will but your will be done the enemy's trying to tempt him not to go through with this that's right he rose up from prayer and was come to his disciples he found them sleeping for sorrow so did they do what he told them to do did they take his warning seriously no we've been there he said why are you asleep right get up and pray lest you what lest you enter in to tem temptation to what to doubt to fear to unhook to disobey in uh verse 54 skip down there they came and they they took jesus they led him and brought him to the high priest house and peter followed afar off when they had kindled a fire in the midst of the hall and were set down together peter sat down among them a certain maid beheld him as he set by the fire and earnestly looked upon him and said this man was also with them and he what he did what he entered into the temptation what do i mean he yielded to the pressure to do what to the one thing we need to see they were shocked that he let them take him they were bewildered because they had seen him in tight situations before and they seen him just walk through the crowds and and they saw him say words that just shut everybody up and and they they did not expect this and so when he let them take him and he seems powerless in their hands the enemy comes like a rush like a roaring lion with fear come on can you see this fear and questioning why why is he doing this why why didn't he stand up why doesn't he speak why why and then she says he's one of them too he's one of them too and he is tempted come on can you see this to doubt to question uh what they've been involved with in the last three and a half years is he really the son of god why can they just take him away that way am i they're gonna it looks like they're gonna kill him they'll kill you too the devil said they'll kill you too they'll kill you too they'll kill you too and he says i i don't know what you're talking about should we come down hard on peter and judge peter now have you done a similar thing in your life yeah you have can you see how this works see the lord gave peter a heads up even you know i guess hours before this happened he said the devil is where is is working on separating you from your faith he he's working on something to cause you to doubt and fear disobey and uh could peter have done more to not give in yeah for one thing he could have stayed awake and prayed like the lord told him to what if he had stayed awake those few hours and prayed uh who knows what he might have got right what the lord might have showed him uh that would give him some understanding about what was going on maybe bring to his remembrance prophecies about what the lord told them the lord told him what's going to happen right he told him he was going to be offered up to the gentiles and and they were going to kill him and in three days he's going to write he'd already told him all this but in the heat of the moment and in the pressure these feelings of fear just rushed over him and he yielded to the temptation he yielded to the fear he yielded to the doubt and questioning and lied and said i don't know what you're talking about i don't i don't know who that is this is a clear example of how the enemy works keep reading after a little while another saw him and said you you're one of them how many understand that's not a bad thing to be called one of them when it's one of them christians you're one of them we've had phyllis and i've had people call us that you're one of them them tongue talkers yep chief leaders in the bunch tongue talkers you're one of them healing believing miracle believing that's it i'm one of them oh come on are you one of them i'm one i mean one of them abundance believing oh yeah prosperity believing confession making yeah declaration making yeah i'm one of them but uh he's out there feeling very alone and they said you're one of them and he said man i am not i am not about the space of another hour another confidently affirmed and said of a truth this fellow was with him he's a galilean i heard him talk i heard his accent you are one of them and peter said man i don't know what you're talking about and immediately the rooster crowed my my verse 61 the lord turned and looked at peter don't you know he felt bad peter remembered the word of the lord how he said to him before the [ __ ] crow you'll deny me three times and peter went out and wept bitterly because he had been duped by the devil he had been tricked he allowed the enemy to cause him to turn loose of his confidence and his faith he embraced fear he gave place to fear he gave place to lying telling lies about knowing the lord and lost a battle lost a significant battle that could have been won but the good news is not too many days after this he's talking to the risen savior who says peter you love me boy he said i do he said feed my lambs asked him again feed my sheep and then on the day of pentecost we see him standing boldly preaching and proclaiming the good news of jesus and thousands getting saved hallelujah because if you let the enemy trick you and you fall and you fail it's bad you didn't have to but it's not the end i said it's not the end thank god for forgiveness for cleansing for washing for restoration hallelujah thank god for the righteousness of god in christ that's imputed to you when you receive it that has nothing to do with how well you have or have not performed thank god for the mercy and grace and goodness of the lord our god hallelujah there's so much more to talk about but stand on your feet that's good enough for right now i hope you can come back there's more to see there's more to know there's more to do is there a devil is there a tempter yes is he going about pacing around trying to find who he can swallow up devour or destroy that means he can't just do it because he wants to he's got to find somebody that will listen to him somebody that'll believe his lies somebody that will allow him to convince them to turn loose of their faith stop believing start questioning start doubting start fearing and then act on that fear and disobey that opens up a big place for the enemy to come in still kill and destroy but we said out loud we are not ignorant of satan's devices said out loud father god thank you for being so good to me so gracious to us having mercy on us in our ignorance and in our failures our purpose not to let anything or anyone anyone separate me from your love from your faith from my faith in you i choose to trust you and not question you to believe you and not doubt you to obey you and follow you fully i say get behind me satan get behind me i follow the lord and him only do i serve oh praise god praise god praise god let's sing yield yourself again yield yourself [Music] [Applause] holy spirit be my god [Music] myself i will let you be my god off to workers would you come to the [Music] front sadly there are many on the planet that don't believe in god they don't believe in life after death they don't believe in the devil they don't believe in heaven or but soon and very soon they're going to breathe their last and slip out of their body and find out it's all true but it it'll be late for some if you've never confessed jesus as your lord do it right here right now today if you've gotten away from him you listened to the lies and you got away come back tell the devil he has no authority in your life and give him no place come fully back to the lord say it affirm it or reaffirm it say father god i do believe in you i do believe you gave us jesus to pay for our sins and he died on the cross and that you've raised him from the dead jesus i receive you as lord of my life and i confess you as my savior my redeemer my healer my provider my protector my lord and i receive [Music] all you've done for me thank you for saving me i won't let anything or anyone take my faith away oh hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord i will let you be my god hallelujah if you said that for the first time don't rush out of here or out of branson come down to the front let these folks know that you've come to the lord today or you've come back today let them celebrate with you answer questions if you have some i pray with you if you want prayer about something else but as you go out into this dark messed up world you know there's an enemy out there but you don't have to give him any room to operate you can shut him down you can cut him off when right before jesus went to the cross he said the prince of this world is coming but he has nothing in me don't you like that he has nothing in me so it's possible to obey the lord and give him no room no place thank you lord
Channel: Jason Wigood
Views: 1,919
Rating: 4.9148936 out of 5
Keywords: RKN, regional kingdom network, faith channel, healing, Holy Spirit, faith, prayer, word of faith, Keith Moore, no place for the devil
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 55sec (3475 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 26 2020
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