Keith Moore The Lord My Keeper Pt.5 The Hedge Of Protection

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in second timothy the first chapter second timothy 1. ii timothy 1 verse 12. he said for which cause i suffer these things and he's talking about persecution nevertheless i'm not ashamed for i know whom i have believed and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which i have committed to him against that day we are on our what about our fourth part of talking about the lord our keeper the lord who keeps us anybody interested in this well if you're planning on making it very far it'll be because the lord kept you and if you make it all the way to a long life and what we're talking we're just praying about just now you find your god-ordained purpose and place and you you've arrived to the full place and you fulfill it and you finish it it'll be because the lord kept you day in day out but notice here that it's not all up to him which is the case with thing after thing after thing there's a god part and there's a man part we can't do his part and he won't do our part that's right that is actually a prayer that many people pray that god can't answer and and many of us have done it probably most of us have done it what do you mean brother keith asking him to do what he told us to do he can't answer that prayer he'd have to change what he said what he told us and and he's not going to do that besides that it'd be bad for us it hurt us if he told you to do something no matter how much you beg him to do it he can't answer that prayer let me give you an example scripture said resist the devil and he'll flee from you that's right is that right resist the devil who's the understood subject you resist the devil many christians are asking god to make the devil quit aren't they yes they are pleading with god make the devil stop make the devil stop make the devil stop no he told us he told us to resist the devil amen so until unless we do what he told us to do and that's why you don't need to be ignorant of the scriptures we how many think you need to have your nose in the word of god all the time just on a regular basis the scripture said man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of god well here we're told what god is able to keep can you see it what's what's he able to keep what we have committed to him the young's literal says i've been persuaded he's able that which i've committed to him to guard to that day the bbe says i'm certain he's able to keep that which i have given into his care until this day so unless we put it into his care unless we commit it to him he doesn't have it to keep and it's obvious that god is not keeping everything and everybody some people try to tell you that everything that's happening is the will of god but it's not true people are trying to tell you that everything is going to work out for everybody's good it's not true that scripture is referring to a very specific group of people god causes everything to work out together for the good of them who love him does everybody love him no and jesus amplifies that in john 14 if you love him you will do what he says if you don't do what he says you don't love him i'm quoting jesus so it's people who love him and do what he says he's able to cause things to work out for their good not the entire population of the planet now luke 13 we saw this and i want us to go over it again we've gone over it two or three times but it's not that these things are hard to understand is that the enemy tries to block it and keep you from getting it but if you'll be committed and be repetitious about it you'll get it because the spirit of god will help you to get it and it might be the third time or the 19th time but you just got to make up your mind i'm staying on this how will you know when you get it you won't have to ask anybody you only have to look at your number and go did i get that no you'll go i see that i see that i see that it'll go off in you there'll be a quickening life light brings life uh the entrance of his word gives light in luke 13 1 they were present at that season some that told jesus of the galileans whose blood pilate had mingled with their sacrifices and jesus answering and said suppose ye do you think that these galileans were sinners above all galileans because they suffered such things now if this had been today this would have been on cnn and fox news and abc and nbc this terrible thing that this leader did of course in that in those days uh kings and and even those under them had absolute authority and for some reason uh these people came to sacrifice in the temple and they're sacrificing the animals and he sent soldiers and sacrificed the people like they were doing the animals he slaughtered them all there well everybody around there knew that and jesus brought it up and he said do you think those people were sinners worse than everybody around here because that happened to them he's asking them a question which is dealing with the issue why do bad things happen to good people because here are people that at the very least are being religious right they're at the temple they're endeavoring to offer sacrifices which back then was all you could do and yet this happened to them he answers the question verse 3 i tell you nay so the answer to the question is no they were not worse people the bad thing didn't happen to them instead of these other people because they were worse people except you repent you shall all likewise perish now this is revelation when people say why did this happen to me or why did that happen to them you're asking the wrong question that's why you'll be confused and disturbed from now on if you just fixate on that and a whole lot of people you know people try to explain it preachers try to explain it and say well you know we just don't understand god's mysterious ways why he would have your loved one killed in that car wreck but you're going to find out that it was for the greater good no no no no killing stealing destroying is not the work of god according to jesus he said the thief comes and steals and kills and destroys is god the thief is the father the thief no no no we need to reject and i mean completely reject these ungodly counter to biblical beliefs that are held by millions of christians all around us god stole your baby with that disease because he needed another angel in the choir that's people who don't understand god or the word trying to explain something they don't have an answer for it that's right but here's the revelation jesus lets us know you're asking the wrong question it's not why did this bad thing happen he said if you don't repent and i'm going to expand that a little bit if you don't repent and give me an opportunity to protect you any of you could perish like that at any time because this world is a cursed place it's full of death there are 10 000 ways you could die today before the sun goes down and there will be hundreds of thousands scores of thousands of people who leave this planet today in the next 24 hours some 155 000 i think and a lot of them will go early they'll go young they'll go through crime accidents other things this is not the perfect will of god it's not the goodness of god in the plan of god it's not why did something bad happen the devil is currently the god of this world did you know this second corinthians 4 4 he is the god of this world he's ruling it through ungodly people and evil influences and that's why you see the death the crime the cruelty all of this going on and unless you're kept by the lord you could be taken out by any of these things anytime do you see what we're talking about saints why'd this bad thing happen why don't i understand why god let this happen and people even say it was i understand why did god do this to me you're asking the wrong questions you're just thinking wrong if you really want to know an answer you say why wasn't the lord able to keep me what hindered the lord from protecting me i need to know it so i can repent and change and get his full protection in my life because i we won't make it out the day without it read the rest of it because he he brings it up again he says verse 4 those 18 upon whom the tower in siloam fell and killed them now we we would call this just a random accident these people were out there at the tower of siloam i don't know what they were doing doesn't mean they were doing anything wrong or bad you'd say they were at the wrong place at the wrong time when that building finally decided to crack and fall down they happened to be right there around it and it fell on them and killed them 18 of them and you'll see people get mad at god and rail because that was that's somebody's son that's somebody's daughter that's somebody's husband right that's somebody's family god why'd you do that why did you let that happen why did you do that to me and people come up with all these ideas let's listen to the words of jesus he said do you think that they were sinners worst people above other people that lived in jerusalem because it happened to them what do you say verse 5 i tell you no no in other words the answer to that is no quit thinking that quit looking at that quit asking that here's what you need to focus on except you repent you shall all likewise perish now that sounds almost foreign to people repent what's that got to do with anything apparently a whole lot right let's let jesus renew our mind and you got a whole group of people today saying we don't need to repent boy that's dangerous that is dangerous repent means change change what you're believing change what you're thinking change what you're doing change you change from here it's like a 180. you change from this to this and if the enemy is able to get to us whether it's an attack whether it's something else don't be a fool and get mad at god that is being a fool he's your help you cut him off you get mad at him you're done it's over you're not coming up in that and when you look around like we've already talked about the curse is in the earth right i mean there are animals and plants that are getting sick and getting destroyed can you see this what did they do to deserve that nothing it's because it's in the earth and it's everywhere and we shouldn't be shocked when something bad happens or something st stealing and killing and destroying the earth is full of the curse and control primarily by the devil in his crowd so death cruelty curse is everywhere but even though we're in the world we're a different bunch is that right and our god whom we serve is able to keep what we have committed to him and he can keep it all away from here until that day through our entire life every monday through friday saturday and sunday every morning noon and night we can say god is keeping me god is keeping me he blessed me and he kept me from all harm glory to god but we have a part to play in this it's not just all up to him now notice with me in uh job go to job the first chapter and let's begin talking this morning about the hedge anybody want to talk about the hedge hedge job chapter 1. can any good thing come out of job you better believe it you better believe it job chapter 1. let's just begin reading in 1 1 there was a man in the land of us whose name was job that man was perfect now that that word perfect doesn't mean mistake free he he's his heart has to do with your heart the bible said that the eyes of the lord are running to and fro the lord is looking for those whose heart is perfect towards him you can do a lot of dumb stuff in your head and your heart be perfect on the other hand you can do stuff that's exactly technically right but your heart not be right that's right and with god it's always about the heart he's always looking at the heart he's one that feared god and the skewed evil they were born to him seven sons and three daughters his substance also was seven thousand sheep three thousand camels five hundred yoke of oxen 500 she asses a very great household this so that this man was the greatest of all the men of the east he was by today's standard a multi-billionaire by today's standard bad place to get quiet anybody read this story before there's about to be some issues with the enemy is that right you know one of the reasons why the devil hates a man of god or a woman of god but if there's anything he hurts worse he hates worse than that it's a rich man or woman of god because in this world rich is influence and rich is ability you can use that ability for evil or you can use it for good that's right keep reading his sons went and feasted in their houses every one his day and sent and called for their three sisters to eat and drink with them so it was when the days of their feasting were gone about job sent and sanctified them and rose up early in the morning and offered burnt offerings according to the number of them all for jobs said it may be that my sons have sinned and cursed god in their hearts now keep this in mind because we're going to see that this is very significant it said thus did job what he didn't just do this a time or two he did this all the time he did what he said ain't no telling what they have done over there in these get-togethers they're having they may have blasphemed cursed god so he's offering sacrifice he is in this frame of mind and mode continually now there was a day when the sons of god came to present themselves before the lord and satan are the hebrews literally the adversary came also among them now another of the devil's names is destroyer if you read in revelation he's called apollyon and that means the destroyer and he goes about seeking whom he may devour or destroy jesus said the thief comes not but for to steal kill and to destroy so what's the devil always wanting to do what's he want to do with you destroy you what's he want to do with me when does he want to do it every day of the week i know that's not a nice thought but it's the truth well how come we hadn't already been completely destroyed oh come on you huh because the lord has been able to keep us right and we we've had some issues where there were some things stolen and killed and destroyed but not everything and the areas where it was some loss or destruction or or theft is it god's fault he's not willing that any should perish right so the question is not god why did you do that not god why did you let that happen the truth is we'd have already been gone long ago if the lord hadn't kept us come on i don't even have to explain to you the truth of that how many different things you were that close being out of here huh and you're still here and that's just the stuff you know about and you'll see the enemy is trying to get to job to do what destroy it and you'll see the lord is is limiting him and limiting him and limiting him you might as well why did he allow some of it in the first place whatever you bind will be bound whatever you lose will be loosed so much more of it is up to us and we're involved in it than what people have thought and the enemy in verse seven are we brave to wave off wade off into job or what so there i said we you and me both so there was a day when the sons of god came satan was there and the lord said to satan where do you come from and satan said to the lord i from going to and fro in the earth and walking up and down in him sounds just like the new testament he like a roaring lion he goes about what to and fro seeking what what's he doing right now he wants to destroy god's people especially the ones who stand out especially the ones that might influence other people to god right he wants to destroy him he hates us because god loves us and we have what he can never have we're family we're god's forever family i mean if we if we mess up everything if we fail to receive our healing we fail to get our bills paid we do dumb stuff but we hold on to the lord and we die wrong and we die young we're saved is that our name is in the lamb's book of life is that right we can't lose for winning have you been born again is your name in the last book of life jesus said that's what you rejoice over that's what you get happy about more than anything else because that is our security so the enemy is going up down in the earth and uh he said have you considered my servant job that there is none like him in the earth a perfect and upright man one that fears god and ensued evil and a lot of people read that and go why did he bring him up why did he bring him up that's not what the hebrew literally says if you even look at your margin it says the lord said to satan have you set your heart on the lord's not your problem the lord's not causing you any problems never has never will he just knows what the enemy is up to he's just ahead of him he said have you set your sight on my servant job you got your eye on him that's literally what margin of my bible says that the hebrew right have you set your heart on that there's none like him in the earth perfect upright man one that fears god and ensues evil and here you see the accuser of the brethren in action and he still does this today revelation that's the end of the new testament he's still talking about him as the accuser of the brethren why not just because he wants to call you a name this is like a courtroom this these these issues are legal he's trying to build a case against you like a prosecuting attorney he wants to get judgment against you so he can get access to you did you hear this he wants to get you judged so he can get to you access to you if he can get access to you what's he going to do he's going to steal he's going to kill he's going to destroy but now this should be good news to you because he can't just come in steal kill and destroy is that right he's got to get access to you and that's what's happening right here did he have his eye on job you better believe it he hates him he's been after him and so then he starts trying to build this case does job fear god for nothing i'm going to make you mad huh he's going to get his have you not what made a hedge god used to be in the hedge business [Laughter] praise god huh of course he never changes is that right he is the lord he changes not so what does that mean he's still in the hedge business he said have you not made a hedge about him and about his house and about all that he has that's his stuff and you've blessed the work of his hands and his substance is increased in the land him his family his people his employees his livestock his buildings are all protected by god there is a protective barrier around him you see this when god brought the children of israel out of egyptian bondage he put a he put a barrier way before star trek or star wars or any of that god had force fields force fields they and they were so real that disease would come sweeping through egypt and it would get too basic what we'd call the state line there's nothing there there's no wall there's nothing there but it'd be like going from missouri to arkansas you just see a sign that says you're leaving missouri and there's arkansas but the the disease or the plague would would hit something and it couldn't go into the land of goshen where god's people were is that right or not have you read it that's the hedge he's talking about you could call it by a different name but what is a hedge it's a protective barrier made out of the power of god it is a god field god force field god power field and the devil has cased this where job was concerned he's been around it and he's checked it kind of like an electric fence you know and he's for weak places and bad places and i guess he got shocked several times and he thought [Laughter] and he cannot do what he wants to do so what's he trying to do now he's trying to build a case against job to get job judged to turn the power off of the force field so he can get to him can the hedge be removed yes it can can the hedge be removed listen to uh the scripture in psalm 80 verse 12 psalm 80 12 says why have you broken down her hedges so that all they which pass by do pluck her the bore out of the wood doth waste it and the wild beast of the field does devour it it's not god destroying if the protection is removed all this is ready to destroy that was the only thing that was keeping you from being destroyed well yeah but he's the one that removed it is he now is he do we have anything to do with it what do you even before we go further what do you think in psalm 89 40 psalm 89 40 says you've broken down all his hedges you've brought his strongholds to ruin and all that passed by the way spoil him without the hedge we're vulnerable without his protective power we're exposed we're not under the shadow of his wings isaiah 5 5 says this i'm just giving you a few you'll see this all through the word of god isaiah 5 5 the lord said go to now i'll tell you what i'll do with my vineyard and he just got through go back and read it when you've got the time or make time it uh he's describing how he did everything in the world for his people and yet they rejected him and rejected his words well when you push god away you also push away his protection which is a very serious matter where a nation is concerned isn't it yes sir i am you know we've had some issues we've had some attacks we've had some problems but i'm convinced nothing like what it could have been well why'd we have that it shouldn't be shocking when you tell god we don't want you in our school we don't want you in the government we don't want you in our university we don't even want to talk about you and acknowledge that you exist unless we need help and then please protect us no when you pushed him away you pushed away your hedge but there's enough of us still here we love him we want him he's in our stuff right and with him and what we commit to him and we pray in many churches like us we pray for our country regularly and our nation our leaders and god has spared us no telling what he spared us from without a question had it not been for him there'd be another flag flying over us if we were here we'd be speaking another language who knows but he's kept us yes hallelujah and the more we commit to him he's able to keep and if we commit it all to him how many know that's the smart thing like committed all to him he can keep at all glory to god but we can't control everybody and everything but you sure can control your own self and you your own life is that right your own immediate family yes yes isaiah 5 5 he said i will take away the hedge thereof and it shall be eaten up and break down the wall thereof and it shall be trodden down without the hedge uh it's easy pickings for the devourer and here it talks about you know wild animals and that kind of thing and of course the devil's compared to a roaring lion going about seeking to devour now uh without going into further detail in the book of job perhaps we'll come back to that at another time but go with me please to the book of first corinthians first corinthians the 11th chapter now if we had time and were so inclined we'd go to the passage that this is based on that'd take an hour then we'd come back over here and this would take that could take an hour and then you know the lord tarries is coming maybe you come back right but here is the principle and this is something i saw today clearer than i had seen actually last night about two o'clock clearer than i've seen before in first corinthians the 11th chapter is this new testament first corinthians 11 uh did i did i say 10 i should have said 10 first this all goes together part of it is in 11. but go to 10 verse 6 he's talking about what happened to israel in the wilderness through the red sea all these other things coming to the promised land these things were our examples should we learn anything from the old testament do not neglect your old testament amen so well that's not written to me it's written for you right and everything that happened to them is a real life example for what to do and what not to do even though the covenant is different the devil is the same a lot of stuff he's doing is the same of course god hasn't changed and what happened in those scenarios and situations are examples for us to the intent we should not lust after evil things as they lusted neither be idolaters as some of them were as it's written the people sat down to eat and drink and rose up to play neither let us commit fornication as some of them did committed and fell in one day three and twenty thousand neither let us tempt christ as some of them also tempted and were destroyed of serpents neither murmur ye as some of them also murmured and were destroyed of the destroyer now all these things happen to them for examples are examples and they're written for our admonition upon whom the end of the world are come wherefore let him that thinks he stands take heed lest he fall there's no temptation taken you but such as is common to man but god is faithful somebody say god is faithful he will not suffer he will not allow you to be tempted above that you're able but will with the temptation make a way of escape that you may be able to bear it no matter what the enemy might try to do is there a way out there is but back up and look at verse uh 9 and 10. don't tempt christ as some of them also tempted and were destroyed of serpents verse 10 neither murmur ye as some of them also murmured and were destroyed of the destroyer how do you tempt christ and what is murmuring is it true that murmuring got them destroyed does it apply to us at all does it mean anything he said this is an example that we need to be made aware of even though the covenant is different the principles are the same this is something i know most of the church world is not aware of complaining will get you destroyed you think most people believe that not at all why complaining murmuring also could be translated grumbling grumbling murmuring griping complaining all the same thing and what i saw today early this morning that i had not seen so clearly what did job do continually i hadn't seen this like this before i saw it oh they're having another party ah ain't no telling what they are doing what they are into can you see this innocent the enemy was able to make a case out of it to get access to him because it's coupled to fear and fear is a law he said what i greatly feared has come on me fear is the opposite of faith faith is trust you cannot complain in faith i wrote that down at 2 30 this morning you cannot complain in faith have you ever complained i don't even need you to answer but do most people think it's no big deal they think well you know yeah yeah yeah yeah what is that what is that going on right there murmuring and it has the spiritual force to remove your hedge we need to be educated about spiritual things we need mind renewal you know it's like the lord had to tell phyllis this morning y'all set that apart where nobody else could use it spiritually if you want it to leave you need to do something about it you need to do something about it isn't that something spiritual things haven't been real to us like they should be people think they can say anything they want to say and express all kind of bad feelings and emotions and it doesn't mean a thing it won't bother anything it won't hurt anything am i reading the new testament where he said do not murmur like they murmured because they got destroyed of the destroyer see you can pray a good prayer you can get out in the floor you can sit at your seat you can find 12 good scriptures to pray over your kids pray over your finances pray over your body pray in the spirit thank god for it and 30 minutes later undo it all with your mouth something come up your kid did something dumb something come up you got another bill something come up you got a symptom you got a pain and you you go into murmuring mode ah tired of fooling with this all the time if there's not one thing it's something else and but but see that tone is not innocent you know what god hears you know what god hears he hears your heart yes he does you know what he hears they don't trust me they don't trust me they don't believe in me they're not expecting anything good they don't trust me god where are you and why i've prayed and prayed and prayed i'm believing no you're not believing you're not believing if you're believing you wouldn't be complaining doubt despairs complains and is sad faith rejoices gives thanks and is glad if you're upset because god's not meeting your needs do you believe he's meeting your needs can't you can't if you believe he's meeting your needs you can't be upset that he's not meeting your needs that's not overly complicated help me out now if you're upset because god hasn't healed you are you believing that he has oh you can't complain in faith impossible whatever you're complaining about you're not in faith in or i'm not in faith god everything's so expensive everything's so high it just takes so much and i work and we have so little and it takes so much and it's just i'm just fed up with it and these politicians i'm sick of what they and what they don't do and what they don't do you know what the devil he's smiling because he hears do you know what that was that was your hedge coming down and he's sharpening his knife going say it some more come on yeah it's bad out here it's bad out here [Laughter] i had not seen it as clearly with job go back to job as this began to unfold what job was full of really came out now this doesn't mean he wasn't a good man he was a good man but can good people be negative don't don't look to your left aren't you to your right just yes yes but is it serious is it far more serious than most christians have ever imagined it is far more serious they were destroyed over the destroyer because they murmured they complained they grumbled they griped most church going with people don't even believe that they'd go what i mean all grumbles them i mean every all of us have bad days and weekdays what are you doing right now and you can wind up you do that enough and you do it from the heart and you do it as a lifestyle you will forfeit your protection and expose yourself to attack by the enemy dangerous very dangerous as this began to happen as the hedge was removed i mean you talk about problems supernatural the same day somebody came and said your flocks have been stolen and before they got through talking somebody came and said the the house fell on your kids okay so i mean back-to-back saying that it's obvious this is not natural why why'd the devil do it then he's been wanting to do it for years but he couldn't couldn't get to it but now as soon as he can man he's taking him out why that hedge might go up again that hedge might go back up at any time he better do it while he can and listen to what job says in job 3. job 3 verse 1. after this opened job his mouth and did what cursed his day now the enemy's saying he's going to curse god he's not doing that but but but listen job spoke and said let the day perish when i was born and the night when it was said letter there's a man child been conceived let that day be darkness let not god regard it from above let not the light shine on it let darkness and shadow of death stain it let a cloud dwell on it let the blackness of the day terrify it what's he doing what's he doing is this positive no is this faith is he complaining he's he's hurting now i'm not judging him but you can see why the hedge is gone verse six as that night let darkness seize on it let not it be joined to the days of the year let it not come into the number of months let that night be solitary no joyful voice come in let them curse it that curse the day that are ready to raise up the morning let the stars of twilight be dark let it not let it look for light but have none let it see the dawning of the day because it shut not up the doors of my mother's womb or hid sorrow from my eyes basically he's being eloquent about saying i wish i had never been born is that murmuring it is it's murmuring and his hedge is gone verse 11 and this is this is a common word used in murmuring why why why didn't i die from the womb why didn't i die when i came out when i was born why why did the knees prevent me why the breast that i should suck why shouldn't i die when i was nursing for then i would have lained still and been quiet i'd have slept then i'd have been at rest why verse 20 wherefore or why is light given to him that's in misery and to him that's bitter in soul verse 23 why is light given to a man whose way is hid verse 25 for the thing which i greatly feared is come on me and that which i was afraid of is come to me how did his hedge get removed did he have anything to do with it well you got new testament scripture that tells us warns us do not murmur like they did because it caused them to get destroyed of the destroyer murmuring is not innocent it's not a nothing thing you can't be in faith about a thing and be grumbling and complaining and murmuring about that thing and if we persist in doing it we can forfeit our own divine protection and without his protection how long did it take the devil to come in and just start wiping him out i mean it's not that it's crazy that something bad might happen on this planet terrible things are happening all around us that's the wrong question to ask and it's not why god do it to me he's not the problem never has been the problem can you see what the lord did though even when the enemy was able to get a judgment against him because of what he was doing he said well all right but you can't touch this can you see that and then all right but you can't touch this can you see that it's not that god is trying to get it he's saying this as far as you can go no okay but this is as far as you can go and what's he wanting to do i mean if you read the rest of it there are 40 chapters of pain and strain and woe is me right and you know what had to happen in the end job had to repent what's jesus solution if you want to be protected huh he said unless you repent you'll all likewise perish god's not willing that any should perish but that all should repent what murmuring fear and unbelief among other things can get your protection removed repentance can get it restored if the wall can be brought down it can be put back up is that right whatever was keeping it up to start with can be reenacted and you read the end of the book chapter 42 what happened what happened job said i'm going to paraphrase he said i have said a bunch of dumb stuff i truly have but i repent i hear those words i repent in dust and ashes i repent and he even prayed for his friends that had made him really mad and said a bunch of bad stuff about him and the rest of the verse says that god when he god changed and restored him and healed him and gave him twice as much he was a billionaire before this started he gave somebody about poor old job he had eight months of rough stuff he had a bad year but he repented and he got his protection back oh come on can you see it can you see it and according to first corinthians 10 if we're smart we will learn from what happened is that right because these things are examples for us and we will cut off the griping and complaining and murmuring today we will say that is it that is it i am not going to give place to the enemy in my life i'm not going to cut off my protection and remove the hedge i'm going to talk faith and only faith and faith rejoices faith no matter how it feels faith gives thanks faith is glad and faith does not gripe it does not never oh you'll be tempted to you may there'll be times you'll have to bite your lip you're about to say some dumb and bad stuff you better go what's wrong with you i just i just can't talk right now [Laughter] why because your flesh is wanting to gripe oh he wants its soul wants to bellyache and grumble and blame and and the reason your flesh wants to do it so much it's a supernatural thing is because evil influences are pushing you pushing you pushing you gripe gripe gripe talk bad about them i judge them cuss them they need good cussing [Laughter] you're laughing but have you ever felt pressure you ever felt pressure it just keeps coming just keeps coming about talk bad about it talk bad why because that's the only way the devil can get to you if he can't get you to do that get you to remove the hedge he can't get to you let's keep him on the outside i said let's keep him on the outside looking in wanting to get in trying to get in and you can stay in there in the safe place in the high tower going in there you can't get me you must say well i don't want to do that on antagonizing look you might as well do it okay because if he can get you he will get you it's not because you play nice [Music] and it's true if we'll stay tight with god and close to him obey him stay in faith and trust him order our mouth alright then he can keep us day after day after day and though a thousand fall at one side and ten thousand at the other it won't come nigh me no plague will come near my not because you're so perfect it's because you believed what he said and you're agreeing with him amen stand on your feet everybody glory be to god thank you father
Channel: Jason Wigood
Views: 1,023
Rating: 4.6923075 out of 5
Keywords: RKN, regional kingdom network, faith channel, healing, Holy Spirit, faith, prayer, word of faith
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 4sec (3544 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 17 2021
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