Keith Moore No Place For The Devil Pt.11 Willingly Ignorant

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would you turn to ephesians please the fourth chapter this morning one of the characteristics of the flesh is impatience have you ever noticed and patience or and perseverance is the companion force of faith through faith and patience perseverance you inherit the promises the enemy knows this if he can get you to be impatient he can move you to miss god many times we've missed it by moving too fast moving too quickly if we had just sat still waited a little bit longer been quiet paid attention but the flesh huh no boy so uh you don't want to start the service watching the clock to see when it's going to be over why did you come right just to check the box and say i went no something's supposed to happen when we come to church number of things actually we're supposed to minister to god things he'll receive from us worship praise adoration thanks our offerings right our services our service and we're supposed to allow him to minister to us and receive from him a supply of his spirit his life his anointing answers direction revelation all these things and we should not uh leave until those things have happened right that what we came here to do we did and what he intended for us to receive we receive are y'all with me sit out loud flesh relax in ephesians the fourth chapter for some weeks now we've been on the subject we're calling uh give no place to the devil and ephesians 4 is is our main text here he talked about putting on the new man and he said in ephesians 4 24 put on the new man verse 25 put away lying verse 26 be angry and sin not don't let the sun go down on your wrath verse 27 neither give place to the devil one translation says don't give the devil any room to work in other words don't give the devil any opportunity neither give place who's the understood subject here you you or i we are not to give place room space opportunity to the devil because he will surely take it if we do now there's so much here revelation for one thing there is a devil right and uh you've got much of the church acts like there's no devil and a whole bunch of the church blamed god for everything well what's the devil doing is there anything to blame him for right well jesus said the thief doesn't come unless he comes to steal kill and destroy but i am come jesus said that you might have life and that you might have it more abundantly and yet all manner of things that are stealing and killing and destroying church-going people are blaming that on god we don't know why god did that well what if he didn't do it that's right huh there is a devil what's he doing is everything he's doing the will of god no it's not true so there's a devil and we're also told not to give place to him which means he can't just come and work because he wants to and it means reveals we have obviously the authority in the name of jesus and the power by his spirit within us to prevent him from working in our life is that good news yes sir three people are excited about it this is not just one isolated place look in james the 4th chapter james 4 you got time for this today james 4 and 6 says he god gives more grace wherefore he says god resists the proud but gives grace to the humble submit yourselves therefore to god resist the devil and he will flee from you submit yourself to god resist the devil now in a word this is what we are to do concerning the devil resist everybody say resist resist another way of sometimes the same word is translated stand against or against again there must be a devil we're told to resist him and we must be able to resist him and when you do what will happen what will happen he will flee from you from you one of the big mistakes that the church has made in this area is praying that god would stop the devil nowhere in the new testament are we told to do that is everybody listening now there's a lot of folks praying god make the devil stop god nowhere are you told to pray and ask god to make the devil stop you are told repeatedly for you to resist the devil huh right you resist the devil you are not to give the devil any place there are two especially two kind of prayers that god cannot answer no matter how much you cry no matter how much you beg one is if you're asking him to do what he's already done that's happening a lot if you're asking god to do something he's already done how can he answer that prayer and you continue to ask him to do it shows you don't believe he's done it and the second thing god can't do if you're asking him to do what he told you to do right is he just going to ignore his word and say okay i know i told you to do it but i'll take care of it that would be him changing to adapt to you that would be a mistake he's not going to do that that'd be it'd be bad for you bad for me so no we're told to do something about the devil that means we must have authority we must have ability and power by the spirit to be able to do this so you see two references already don't give place to the devil ephesians 4 7 here james 4 7 resist the devil and he'll flee from you let's look at a third one in first peter 5. first peter 5 would you look there please first peter 5. again verse 6 humble yourselves under the mighty hand of god that he may exalt you in due time casting all your care upon him for he careth for you be sober be vigilant because your adversary the devil as a roaring lion walks about seeking whom he may devour didn't say goes about devouring everybody he wants to well what determines whom he may devour and whom he may not we've already gotten clues but look at the very next verse verse 9 whom what whom what resist whom is the the devil able to devour and destroy those who fail to steadfastly resist him that's who he may devour well if you've got people who don't even believe the devil exists you're not going to resist what you don't even think exists and if you get tired well i'm i'm tired of having to deal with this all the time and you just give up and quit well you're defeated you've got to stand and stand against and stand against and resist i know it doesn't sound like fun but do you want to win or you want to be defeated do you want to be kept or do you want to be destroyed every day is a new day right and the enemy is going about seeking whom he may still kill and destroy but what do you do what do you do resist him somebody says resist resist resist resist him steadfast in the faith oh somebody say resist resist give the devil no place now ephesians 6 if you'd look there ephesians 6 and verse 10 it says finally my brethren be strong in the lord and in the power of his might put on the whole armor of god that you may be able to do what do what is that another way of saying resist stand against now here is so important this next phrase stand against what now the others he said don't give the devil any place resist the devil resist steadfast the devil but here he tells you exactly what of the devil that you resist you resist what stand against the wiles of the devil i hope you're not going to sleep through these next few minutes this is so vital what am i to be on the watch for his the devil's wilds don't be looking to see something or feel something don't be looking for a goosebump or a hot flash or a cold flash or hear a voice don't be looking for any of that what you should be watching for is the devil's deception his trickery he is subtle he comes and brings thoughts and imaginations accompanied by feelings and they're designed to deceive they are what are his wiles his wiles are carefully crafted lies taylor made for you to trick you to deceive you that's why you put on the armor of god now people have gotten they focused too much on the helmet and the shield and this and that and that's figurative what is what is the armor of god truth is everybody listening truth loren's girt with truth righteousness can you see that what's right and your righteousness in god faith right can you see that the gospel salvation the word of god can you see that these are the means by which we are not tricked we are not deceived because we know and we hold to the truth we know what is right we know we're saved we're convinced of the gospel we hold the word of god in every situation and we live by faith every day and every night these things prevent us from being tricked they prevent us from being deceived the most dangerous thing in your life every day when you open your eyes is will you be tricked today that's the most dangerous thing going on will you be fooled will you be fooled now if you think well i'm i'm pretty smart so no you're already fooled how did jesus not allow the enemy to trick him you remember when he was tempted for 40 days and 40 nights what did what did jesus say it is written it is written it is also written get behind me satan did he resist him and did he hold on to the truth of the word and the righteousness of the word and faith in the word and the sword of the spirit which is the word come on can you see this it is written it is written most churchgoing people are pitifully ignorant of the word pitifully ignorant which makes you easily deceived easily tricked which is why everybody at faith life church reads their chapter every day monday through friday this is well known this is widely known can you see why i emphasize that so much why because if you don't know the word you are easily tricked easily deceived easily but the more of the word you know and live and walk in you get harder and harder for the enemy to fool right what do you mean well if you don't know that something's wrong you're not going to resist it and if somebody comes to you quoting a half verse and and twisting it around making it say something that it doesn't say and you don't know the other half dozen scriptures that contradict it you're going to fall for it and the enemy's favorite forms of deception are religious he transforms himself into an angel of light he doesn't come as the devil he comes as a minister from god and who did jesus have the most trouble with religious people is that right who eventually killed him right why the devil was working through the religious people you don't want to be religious you want to be saved you want to know god you want to walk in the truth and jesus warned them he said your traditions have made the word of god of non-effect they had replaced the truth of god's word with religious tradition well how can you do that because you've got masses of people that are totally ignorant of the word of god and they just believe what people tell them and go along with it and adopt it and treat it like it's holy treat it like it's god and it's contradicting the scriptures oh child of god do yourself and your family a favor huh dust off that bible are y'all with me or not dust off that bible put your nose in there are y'all with me child of god why because you're in a fight whether you know it or not you're being attacked on a regular basis and if you don't know the truth you are easily tricked easily deceived go with me well i didn't finish reading excuse me let's finish reading this he said be strong in the lord the power of his might put on the whole armor of god that you may be able to do what stand against what the trickery the deception the cunning craftiness the the carefully crafted lies of the enemy do not underestimate how tricky he is he quotes scriptures didn't he do that with jesus do not underestimate how tricky he is verse 12 we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against the rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places wherefore taken to you the whole armor of god that you may be able to withstand in the evil day and having done all to stand and then he talks about the different parts of the armor of god and again don't focus on a a breastplate focus on righteousness don't focus on a belt focus on truth these are the things that will prevent you from being deceived go to matthew 24 please matthew 24 now 24 is is a substantial chapter it's a lot of verses here and a lot of things are covered but i want you to get the spirit of jesus emphasis matthew 24 verse 1. jesus went out and departed from the temple his disciples came to him to show him the buildings of the temple jesus said to them see you not all these things verily i say to you there shall not be left here one stone upon another that shall not be thrown down as he said upon the mount of olives the disciples came to him privately they said tell us when shall these things be and what shall be the sign of your coming and of the end of the world verse 4 notice what jesus led with he answered and said to them what take heed what does that mean take heed huh you remember what peter said be vigilant be on the watch be on the guard about what about what that no man deceive you is this a real danger huh this this thing of being tricked of being deceived it is the most serious thing going on every day in your life so that's that's a big statement brother i know i'll say it again it's the most serious thing going on in your life every day what if you know the truth the truth will make you free if you know what to receive and yield to and what's god and what to resist and what's the enemy you're going to overcome you're going to be successful you're going to be kept but the danger is that you think something's true and it's not and you yield to something you shouldn't yield to and you fail to resist something you should resist see we got most of the church going world yielding to poverty because it god they imagine god's teaching them something through it yielding to sickness because we don't understand god's mysterious will they should never yield to these things come on can you see that well why would they do it because they believe a lie a lie they heard in church and that prevents them from getting free they're yielding to something they should be resisting and then they hear something about god will do a miracle in your life oh we don't believe that that's all passed away with the last apostle or that god give you a supernatural means of building up yourself and speak in tongues oh no we don't believe in all that they're resisting something that's god yielding to poverty and sickness something that's a work of the devil and what's the real problem here what makes them vulnerable and unable to receive they believe a lie a lie has become a stronghold in their thinking and what's the problem with being deceived you don't know you're deceived if you knew you were deceived you wouldn't be can you see this if you're deceived you believe that a truth is a lie or you believe a lie is truth can you see that you're deceived you're deluded now we've all been there you all are quiet today when when they ask him about i mean they're asking him to cover a lot of ground uh the end of the world you're coming all these things and the first thing he says is what what's the first thing he says jesus answered and said to them what take heed what would we say watch out did jesus say watch out for something what don't let anybody do what then is there a possibility of that happening yeah is there a danger of that happening yes because jesus said watch out don't let anybody deceive you uh we talked about this earlier two of the biggest things that that makes so many so easily deceived is one they don't know the truth they don't know the truth well enough and two they're too quick to believe what they hear they're too quick to believe what other people tell them when it comes to god we believe everything he said completely without even questioning it when it comes to everybody else no no no no when it comes to everybody else we examine it we scrutinize it we question it come on are you with me you need to ask questions do not just believe what you hear you need to know the truth and you need to seriously scrutinize and question everything else who said it how do you know were you there where's the proof you need to be a skeptic concerning everything else except what god said if he said it ain't nothing to question right he has never lied he never will it's impossible for him to lie you can count on what he said you just accept that completely without questioning it and you trust it and act on it but everything somebody say everything else everything everything everything i don't care if it's people you love and trust they can be wrong too they can be sincere but be sincerely wrong question it question it you know the bible said concerning the saints at berea in the book of acts when paul came and preached to them the last time he was in they tried to kill him for preaching the gospel but this place the bible said they were more noble than those in thessalonica in that they searched the scriptures daily whether those things were so whether what things were so that paul was preaching to them what were they doing they were searching what the scriptures every day to see what to see if what paul was saying was right as a result many of them believed never accept the word of any preacher without examination you're not going to help me with this or not never well we heard it in church that don't mean it's true well they preached a message on it the whole message could be wrong could be based on something that's not even right what do you do if it's me whoever it is you should do what search search the scriptures daily that sounds like read your chapter every day daily they searched the scriptures daily who are they checking up on paul huh paul why well he's a man they don't know him they just heard him preach for the first time last week right what are they doing they searched the scriptures daily whether those things were so and hold your place here and go over to first john man this is so big it keeps growing on me that's one great thing about church you know the lord terrorists is coming we can come back is that right and get some more of it oh praise god somebody say praise god praise god praise god first john 4 1. first john 4 1 says it like this i didn't get through in matthew 24. so we're going back there but he said beloved do what believe not every spirit but try the spirits whether they are of god because many not not just a couple what did it say many false prophets are gone out into the world don't believe everything you hear don't believe every sermon you hear preached believe every book you read come on you're with me or not what should you be doing you should be searching the scripture everything you hear you should be thinking now where is that at in the scriptures where is that at did the word say that and people say well yeah you know it's it's part c of of this one verse well no go back and read let's read the verses that came before it and let's read the verses that came after it is that what he was saying in there or not and if anything's really a truth in the mouth of two or three witnesses let every word be established you'll find it in other places in the word it'll be confirmed don't believe every spirit that is did you understand prophecies are to be judged not despised but judge you'll hear people say yeah but so and so prophesied yeah but they could miss it yeah but it was so and so like i said they are they human they could miss it they could miss it i've seen prophecies that in my opinion the first part of it was inspired and the last part of it was them mister well how in the world i'm supposed to know i'm glad you asked you've got the holy spirit living inside of you and you've got this written word come on are you listening you are supposed to be examining and checking don't believe every spirit what did jesus say take heed go back to matthew 24 4 and that no man deceive you for many 24 5 matthew many will come in my name saying i am christ and shall deceive many is deception the thing we should really be on the watch about you'll hear of wars and rumors of wars see that you be not troubled for all these things shall come to pas must come to pass but the end is not yet for nations shall rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom there will be famines and pestilences and earthquakes in diverse places all these are the beginning of sorrows now people will take that verse and do the opposite of what the lord said do with it people will read this and go yeah there'll be nation rise against nation kingdom against kingdom famines pestilences earthquakes and that means it's the end jesus said it's not the end are y'all listening and people will read we'll we'll hear that and they go oh you look at these earthquakes earthquakes and pestilences that's disease and and there's wars and rumors of wars whoo be scared be very afraid the lord said no don't be troubled it's not the end and you are not to be upset about it can you see how people take a half a verse and they wind up doing the opposite of what the lord said do with it it's not the end when you see and hear these things jesus said it's not the end somebody help me out say it's not the end now i said it like that jesus said it's not the end when you see these things and you hear these things what did he said two things huh don't be troubled are y'all with me or not don't be troubled and it's not the end oh hallelujah he said verse 13 he that endures to the end the same shall be saved and this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations and then shall the end come not just when you hear about earthquakes and wars and rumors of wars it's when this gospel hallelujah this good news has been preached in all the world somebody said well that's probably already happened no not the gospel religion has been preached in a lot of places not the good news but the gospel will be preached in all the world and then the end will come and verse 22 except those days he talked about should be shortened there should no flesh be saved but for the elect's sake those days will be shortened then if any man shall say to you lo here is christ or there believe it not for there shall arise false christs and false prophets and shall show great signs and wonders in so much that if if possible they shall deceive the very elect behold i have told you before he went on to say if they say look he's in the desert don't go there look he's in the secret chambers believe it not can you see the emphasis the lord is saying don't be fooled don't believe it don't listen to that don't be tricked don't be fooled the most effective thing the enemy has going for him are his lies revelation 12 said that satan he deceived the whole world and he's called the the prince of darkness and there if we had time there are many scriptures that talk about light and darkness and we now the scripture said we have been translated out of the kingdom of darkness if you're in darkness you don't see light you don't know the truth you're blind you're confused you're deceived you don't you're here people that think they're real smart talking about where did we come from what's the reason for they think they're asking intelligent questions i got a book i got a book that explains all this but with many of them that's not the answer huh and that is the problem they could be enlightened if they'd receive it look in john the third chapter i need a few more minutes today you got the time where are you going what you going to do later that's so important that you couldn't take a few minutes huh is this important in john 3 one of our most famous verses we're aware of john 3 16 god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life what do you got to do you got to believe in him that's the light of truth and gospel verse 17 for god sent not his son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through him might be saved keep reading the next couple of verses he that believes on him is not condemned but he that believes not is condemned already because he's not believed in the name of the only begotten son of god and this is the condemnation this is why people wind up condemned instead of justified while people wind up lost instead of saved i hope you're awake are you listening this is a big thing why light has come into the world and what happened men loved darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil this is the biggest problem when i first started in the ministry i became aware of hosea 4 6 and the first part of that verse says my people god's people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge and i thought well man that's that's it that's the big problem people just don't know and so if we can help people to find out then they won't be destroyed there is a truth there but that's not the whole verse and after several years i realized that's not the biggest problem lack of knowledge ignorance is not the biggest problem because god is faithful he is faithful to get the light so that it's available to everybody on the plan he's faithful he's faithful he will cause you every person i don't care if you were born into the tenth generation of idol worshipers on the darkest continent of the planet god will cause the you to have opportunity to see and hear the truth he will i don't care who you are where you are he will cause it now it may not be the whole gospel but it'll be a little bit of light that if you would receive it and believe it he would bring you to more and then bring you to more until he got you to full salvation in christ do you believe god is faithful to do this he's faithful to do this nobody will be able to shake it fist at god after this life and the judgment and go with god i never had an opportunity nobody will be able to say that nobody because even though they might not have been in a christian meeting and heard the whole gospel preached there was an opportunity there was a light they looked up in the night sky one night come on are y'all listening and something said to them there's a creator god come on y'all listening something revealed it to him there's a there's a god he's real if they had accepted that and said i'd like to know more father god okay you real i'd like to know more he would let them ride into the gospel but they had a choice do i hold on to the false idols and lies of the previous 10 generations of my family because it's going to cost me if i become a christian come on can you see that you've got a choice but uh he put that up hosea 4 6 what did it say my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge that's not even the end of the sentence because what because what because you have rejected knowledge that's why they were destroyed without the knowledge because when they had the opportunity to get it they rejected it how many think these buildings ought to be full with speakers out in the parking lot is that right if people knew the truth oh dear me if they knew how close they are to eternity huh and if they knew how real hell is and how real heaven is and all these things oh dear me people would be beating the doors down trying to hear the truth that would make them free but most of these people have had many opportunities huh in today's how many times did they change the channel when a preacher came on there have been so many opportunities but people are rejecting light has come into the world the light of the gospel the light of jesus the light of the truth the light of the word but many love darkness more than light and they say i don't even though they saw something and they knew it i don't want that to be true because if god is real huh and you owe him your very existence and life and breath you should bow your knee he said you should by your knee and ask about his plan for your life is that right but see people don't want to do that they they want to rebel they want to be defiant so they want to believe there's no god that means there's nothing i have to submit to which is they don't realize it but in doing that they're yielding to the enemy and resisting god they're deceived that's why the scripture said submit yourself to god and resist the devil and he'll have to flee from you go with me to ii peter ii peter and the last chapter just three chapters in second peter and this is so rich this is this came by the holy spirit through peter one of the 12. in ii peter 3 are you there 3 3 he said knowing this that there shall come in the last days scoffers walking after their own lusts keep going next couple of verses there and they'll be saying where's the promise of his coming for since the fathers fell asleep all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation what are they saying there's no uh jesus is not coming there's no salvation you know they're they're denying the lord and they're using as their supportive evidence how long it's been and that they were saying 2 000 years ago he's coming soon and it's been 2 000 years so he didn't come soon and uh moreover he's not coming scoffers mockers verse 5 for this notice this next phrase now they what they what they willingly are ignorant of everybody say willingly ignorant i want you to say it again willingly ignorant now what in the world does that mean willingly ignorant let me read this to you from some other translations the web says for this they willingly forget two translations say the the niv and the living say they deliberately forget the ncv says they don't want to remember one says they forget things like that on purpose they're willfully blind to the fact they deliberately suppress the fact they conveniently forget what does that mean they choose to ignore the truth they choose to reject it well this is the problem if you don't want the truth what else is there huh there's nothing left right if you don't want the truth if god gave you the truth and you don't like that you don't want that to be true then then what the scripture said it was prophesied in isaiah jesus quoted it it's quoted in the book of acts it's quoted in the epistles talking about their eyes they have closed their ears they have stopped lest they should see and hear and be changed and they should be healed did you hear that phrase their eyes they have closed what does that mean don't want to see it if you do that what did you do you took off the truth come on can you see that you took off what is right oh come on can you see that now you are what the lie can just go right into you you got no protection from the lie why because you said i don't want that yeah and here's the problem even though you didn't admit it in your heart you knew you knew in your heart that you just heard the truth but you didn't like it your flesh didn't like it because it means you've been wrong and you're gonna have to change and you just you don't like it and you don't want it to be true so you decide that ain't true and yet your heart goes you know it is no it ain't true and the devil says i got something for you [Music] i got something you can believe believe this instead willfully ignorant what a phrase huh what can you see that goes right along with light came and they love darkness than than light this is the the chief problem in the in on the planet the entire planet is under the dominion of darkness and darkness has to do with the absence of light which allows the deception the reason folks are vulnerable to it is the disrespect and and defiance and disobedience and when the truth comes they're like ah that ain't true that ain't true you know it is in your heart you know it is but if you say no no i don't want that i don't believe that i don't believe that then uh uh our spirit will come immediately to you and offer you an alternative to the truth [Music] whatever appeals to what you want and what your flesh wants and if you embrace it in the beginning your heart knew it's not right but if you embrace it for year after year you'll get to the place where you believe the lie is true and you forget what you saw remember james talks about that if you see and then you forget what you saw and you're a hearer but not a doer you deceive yourself you can't even blame that on the devil i want to finish reading this for a moment there are some amazing things right here in this passage he said they they're they're saying where's the promise of the lord's coming he hadn't come he hadn't come since the fathers fell asleep all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation remember that phrase the beginning of the creation now this is back to genesis 1 1 and 2. it's what this is talking about and keep reading they willingly are ignorant of this that by the word of god the heavens were of old and the earth standing out of the water and in the water now a lot of people attribute this to noah's flood some do not and i'm among those who do not this refers to something prior to that keep reading no notice the world that then was being overflowed with water perished it was destroyed noah's flood the world was not destroyed the atmosphere we're on the same planet with us i mean things changed but it's still the same planet the waters receded can you see this but in genesis 1 1 in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth and verse 2 the earth was what without form and void darkness was on the face of the deep it's covered with water does god create things that are dark and no life something happened and this is in all indications in my eyes where all these spirits came from something that existed before human beings were created are y'all listening and he goes on to say the world that was then overflowed with water perished keep reading but the heavens and the earth which are now can you see he's talking about something different not just the the earth but the atmosphere in heaven see in genesis 1 and 2 the earth was without form and darkness and void and there was no life in it and darkness was on the face of the deep where's the star at where's the sun where's the atmosphere where's the heavens no that happened rest of the chapter god created all this that we see and know now but the heavens and the earth which are now by the same word are kept in store reserved to fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men which is why when noah's flood happened god was moved and put his bow in the sky and said never again does that mean it had happened before can you see this but this time it's going to be destroyed this what's what's here now is not going to be destroyed by flood but by fire keep reading verse 8 beloved be not ignorant of this one thing now this is this harkens back to them being willingly ignorant say it out loud i'm not ignorant of the devil's devices i love the truth no matter if it shows up that i'm wrong that other people are wrong i love the truth i choose the truth he said don't be ignorant of this one day with the lord it is a thousand years and a thousand years as one day we they're saying it's been so long it's been so long god says it hasn't been long at all that's right it's been a couple of days to me how old is the universe how old are these things we we have no idea god is called the ancient of days how long has he been around don't even try to wrap your head around that but a million years is nothing a billion years doesn't tell it so a couple of thousand years if god says it's going to happen soon if it happened within 6 500 years it was less than a week god time is it just me talking about what he's talking about because they were saying oh it's been a long time long time long time which reveals our whole life is about that long down here is that right if you live a hundred years that's a tenth of a day 10th of a god day keep reading keep reading don't be ignorant of this many are willingly ignorant of it we choose to acknowledge the truth verse 9 the lord's not slack concerning his promise as some men count slackness but his long-suffering to us word not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance what's he waiting on for more people to get saved jesus told us what's going on when and only when not when there's earthquakes and rumors of wars when this gospel the one true good news about jesus and redemption and salvation when this gospel is preached to every creature all over the world then the end will come he said what's he waiting on he doesn't want anybody to perish he wa it's his will that all would come to repentance but he's not making the choice for us verse 10 but the day of the lord will come like a thief in the night that means unexpected unannounced in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise and the elements shall melt with fervent heat the earth also in the works that are therein shall be burned up keep reading seeing then that these things shall be dissolved what manner of persons ought ye be in holy conversation and godliness keep reading looking for and hasting to the coming of the day of god we're in the heavens being on fire that's not the earth now that's the heavens that's our atmosphere and beyond will be on fire and shall be dissolved and the elements shall melt with fervent heat and not one word about human caused global warming not a word and no word about how we can save the planet this planet's days are numbered if you believe the bible somebody said well god's going to redo it no the bible said jesus said heaven and earth shall pass away but my words will not pass away there's going to be new heavens and new earth wherein dwells righteousness and he said he's saying where do you want to be when all this comes down you want to be safe in christ oh come on you want to be saved you want to be in the family of god you want your name written in the lamb's book of life right when the heavens are on fire when the mountains slide into the sea when this whole thing is completely destroyed god will still exist and so will we and he's got new heavens and new earth wherein is no curse no sin no death no darkness oh come on can you see that can you see that oh hallelujah didn't anybody believe this oh somebody say thank you father thank you father thank you father stand on your feet praise be to god if you're here today you're in sarasota you're watching online are you watching this later after the fact church you've been hearing this all morning what's the biggest danger for anybody in this life being deceived believing the devil's lies some of his principal lies he's pushing is there's no god there's no life after death there's no heaven there's no hell religion is a myth a useless crutch [Music] don't be fooled [Music] when you slip out of here and you breathe your last it'll all come real clear to you but it could be too late for some things the bible said today is the day of salvation now is the accepted time hallelujah it said well it's called today don't harden your heart don't harden your heart don't reject the truth and be a fool don't do it acknowledge the truth receive salvation and be set free close your eyes if you would everybody either affirm or reaffirm your faith do not be silent now if you choose to reject this [Music] you don't know how much time you've got people are leaving this planet by the scores of thousands every day dying you don't know how much time you've got please friend take this seriously if you if you mean business say it out loud out loud from your heart father god i believe in you i choose to believe i know in my heart i've heard the truth from your word by your spirit i thank you for sending your son jesus i believe that he died on the cross and paid the price for all my failures all my sins all my mistakes he paid it in full and you have raised him from the dead he is alive right now according to the gospel king of kings lord of lords and he is coming back he is returning for us jesus i receive you as my lord and savior i receive all you have done for me i receive complete forgiveness total washing by the blood i receive the righteousness of god in christ thank you for saving me oh hallelujah [Music] hallelujah
Channel: Jason Wigood
Views: 1,956
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: RKN, regional kingdom network, faith channel, healing, Holy Spirit, faith, prayer, word of faith, Keith Moore, no place for the devil
Id: 4vpXAhE8gOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 8sec (3908 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 26 2020
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