Keith Moore No Place For The Devil Pt.3 Guard Your Heart

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in ephesians the 4th chapter he said verse 24 that you put on the new man now in our previous series we talked about the spirit of man and we saw that there is an inward man and there's an outward man there's a spirit and there's a body and he's talking about that put on the new man which after god's created in righteousness and true holiness when you were born again it wasn't your body that got born again you know you gave your heart to the lord and you were born again the next day you got the same body you had before you were born again and it wasn't your mind that got born again either your intellect you don't just because you got born again doesn't mean that the next day you know everything right you got the same mind you had in fact the bible tells you uh when after you're born again to be get your mind renewed so that you can prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of god it was the inner man it was the hidden man of the heart that was changed and this is not imaginary even though it's not something you can see with your eye or touch with your hand this is real and this is one of the big issues that people have stumbled over and that is the reality of the unseen many still scoff and mock and think well if i can't touch it if i can't feel it if i can't see it if we can't see it under a microscope or through a telescope it doesn't exist but then they'll turn right around and contradict themselves in just a few moments by describing things that's real to them that they've never seen or touched or felt things like thoughts and feelings emotions you can't see them through a microscope you can't touch them with your hand so it's inconsistent to say if i can't see it it doesn't exist no there's a whole realm unseen realm called spirit god is spirit you are spirit angels are spirits wrong spirits obviously spirits this is not imaginary this is not fantasy this is reality those who study of physics even not many uh you know so-called experts in that realm they believe in multiple dimensions that cannot be seen or perceived from a physical standpoint and this is reality there's another dimension besides this material world and it exists parallel with us and it is spirit spirit if you accept this and believe what the bible has to say about it it will answer so many questions for you it will open so many things up for you uh keep reading here he said verse 25 putting away lying everybody said out loud stop lying stop lying speak every man truth with his neighbor for we're members one of another what he's saying is why would you lie to yourself that's self-deception and we are all of us born again we are the same body of christ and the same family so lying to each other is like lying to yourself be angry and sin not just because you get angry doesn't mean you have to do something wrong or do something that you'll regret let not the sun go down upon your wrath this is not a suggestion it's a command we're not to allow ourselves to fume and stew day after day to do so is to yield to wrong spirits which is the next thing he said uh neither give place to the devil now if you believe the bible is truth and the word of god there's so much revelation in this one little phrase if you believe the bible then the devil exists right yes the devil exists and that's part of this unseen dimension and you also realize that he doesn't have place in your life unless you give it to him whether it's willingly deliberately or ignorantly as many are doing the enemy man this is good news he cannot just come in and take place in your life and do what he wants to do because he chooses to he has to convince us to give him access which a wise person would never do right and yet millions are just completely yielding to the enemy because one of the biggest things the devil has ever pulled off is convincing most of the world he doesn't even exist and so you're certainly not going to resist what you don't believe exists if you don't believe it exists you're never going to resist anything this non-existent go with me if you would to uh um let me see i'll read these to you while you're going to this other place are you okay are you comfortable are you happy go to second corinthians 6 and i'll just review and remind you of these they'll put them on the screen for us first peter 5 and 8. they'll put it on the screen where are you going second kings six did i say corinthians my mistake my mistake second there's a big difference in those two second kings six you're going uh and i'm gonna read these to you then put them on the screen first timothy 5 8 says be sober be vigilant that means be be on your guard be on your watch for what for what your adversary the devil you have an adversary you have somebody that's out to get you you have somebody that's against you as a roaring lion walks about seeking whom he may devour now that word that little three-letter word may is wonderful is that right that means he has to get access which is what we just got through reading in ephesians don't give him the access don't one translation says don't give him the room to operate mother said don't give him the opportunity another said don't give him the space neither give place or room or opportunity for the devil and here it says watch be on your guard because he's seeking whom he may devour that means there's some he may and there's some he may not i myself emma may not come on come on you you want to you want to join in this wonderful group huh i'm a i'm a maynard how about you i'm he's seeking whom he may devour that means he may not devour everybody there's some he may there's some he may not then we need to find out what makes you a may not james verse 9 actually gives you the answer it's not some great mystery verse 9 says first peter 5 9 whom resist steadfast in the faith that's what prevents him from devouring you is that you resist amen him you don't yield to him you don't give in to him you don't give place to him you resist him and you do it steadfast that means you don't do it just a time or two and then quit and give in you do it today if he bugs you tomorrow you resist him tomorrow if he bugs you thursday you resist him thursday if he bugs you with it 20 times on thursday you resist him 20 times you never stop resisting him now i know that sounds tiring and fatiguing but it's just reality in the realm in which we live in this world in which we live there are evil influences seeking access and seeking influence for the child of god it is not something for us to be afraid of but we do need to be aware of it and we do need to be like the scripture said on our guard vigilant so that when we recognize all right then it's trying to do something we don't just ignore it like it doesn't exist and we neither do we just give in to it and yield to it and let it happen we resist somebody say resist resist steadfast in the faith knowing the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world james 4 7 says it again in the mouth of two or three witnesses let every word be established james 4 7 says submit yourselves therefore to god now another way of saying that is yield to god give place to him but do what resist the devil and he'll flee from you two of the most important things we could ever learn in this life is what to receive and what to resist amen what to yield to submit to and what to never submit to can you see that what to never give in to anything that's of the enemy you should never act like it's from god you should never submit to it you should never give up to it and the reason we say this is because the spirit of god in the book of acts through paul was saying to individuals he said you well excuse me this was stephen i believe it was he said to individuals religious individuals he said you're always resisting the holy spirit yes always resisting the holy spirit why in the world would you do that why would supposedly a believer in god do that well it's the trickery of the enemy this is how he operates not he doesn't he didn't come to you at the front door he the scripture describes him as subtle that means trick tricky so submit yourself to god yield to him if it's the holy spirit yield to him if it's the enemy never yield to it resist and having done all to stand against stand against it go with me i know i told you uh kings but go to ephesians right now we're not quite ready to get there go to ephesians the 6th chapter please ephesians 6. we were there in ephesians 4 and there's a lot in this book of ephesians about what we're talking about right now and ephesians 6 i believe it's verse 10 he said finally my brethren be strong in the lord now that's not being strong in yourself be strong in the lord and in the power of his might your strength will fade and fail his will not your power will run out his will not verse 11 put on the whole armor of god that you may be able to stand against what the wiles of the devil now people have all kind of ideas about how spiritual conflict happens do not miss this because this is central to understanding what you're even fighting against we are to to take to ourself to keep on ourself the whole armor of god and he mentions different parts of it here in just a moment but to what end that we may be able to stand against that's the same in fact some of the same words are translated resist as are translated stand against to stand against what we know we're supposed to resist the devil we know we know we're not supposed to give the devil any place how do you do this how well how does he come he comes with his wiles the scripture also says we're not ignorant of satan's devices actually one translation says it like this we're not ignorant of satan's schemes another one says we're not ignorant of satan's thoughts everybody say thoughts we're not ignorant of satan's thoughts or schemes or wiles or trickery or deceit if you say well i i'm sorry this spirit realm stuff i'm an educated person i can't believe in all that do you believe in thoughts thoughts and feelings can you see them under a microscope no can you prove they exist through material means no then according to people who say i don't believe in things i can't see then you don't believe in thoughts are feelings but they are real right what's happening right now huh i'm speaking words words mean nothing unless they convey thoughts you're hearing words well words and letters and sounds mean nothing unless they convey a thought but here's the issue where do thoughts come from where do they come from they have multiple sources they come from different places and this is what the scripture is telling us that we are to be vigilant we are to be on our guard against the enemy subtly slyly stealthily slipping thoughts to us that we didn't realize came from him and the scripture says he transforms himself into an angel of light one of his main methods of operation is that he tries to convince you that his thought actually came from god so how do i resist the enemy if you're waiting for a a being in a red suit with a pitchfork you're going to be waiting a long time but if you recognize thoughts and feelings as something trying to influence you you influence your belief influence how you see things and it come these things are real that's why people are so many times think well this is god because it's so real real doesn't make it right but i just feel so strong about it that doesn't make it right because you feel strong about it and you hear people use that language yes but but i just feel thought you don't believe in things you can't see what's a feeling where did it come from what's the nature of it these things exist in another dimension the reason we're aware of them is because we are multi-dimensional beings we are spirit we also have a mind we also have a body and the body like we studied earlier can focus outside or it can focus inside i can be aware of everything in this material realm or all kinds of things or i can focus the other direction and be aware of spiritual realities i can be aware of my own spirit i can be aware of the holy spirit within my being i can be aware of god i can be aware of spiritual influences bringing thoughts and bringing feelings seeking influence and the moment i recognize hold on now whoa whoa whoa whoa that's wrong thinking that's not from god what do i do come on help me out what i go into stand against mode i go into resist mode he said let's finish reading this he said that you may be able to stand against what why very important to get this right a lot of folks go off on tangents and they fight they imagine they're fighting this and that but they miss this what are we to to be standing against resisting the wiles the trickery the subtle deception of the devil verse 12 for we wrestle not against flesh and blood so many times people are fussing and fighting with each other when that's really not the problem the problem are the influences behind them what's influencing them or what's influencing you we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against the rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness or wicked spirits in high places or are the heavenlies my father in the faith kenneth hagin had an experience with the head of the church jesus who taught him some things and showed him some things about this i'll refer to those once in a while and of course you're to check the word to see if it bears witness with you and your own heart but i'll mention it i bring it up because i'm going to mention some of these things throughout this study he said that the lord told him that these are four ranks of evil spirits and beginning with the lowest and ending up at the highest and he said that the principalities did very little thinking for their self and were just told what to do and the next word powers means authorities he said rulers of the darkness are are the uh main ones we'd have to deal with in this world and wicked spirits in the heavenlies are the ones he deals with that angels deal with uh and i know that's a lot to to take in at one moment but i'm i'm telling you what uh what the lord told him but these are spirits they're not human and they're not angelic they're something else they are cognizant aware beings they come from another age and another world before we got here and they've lost their bodies you know the scripture talks about us in in corinthians that we don't want to be unclothed we want to be clothed with our new body and so we're not going to be bodiless throughout the ages the scripture tells us god's going to raise our body and glorify it but we will exist from the time we leave here die until the lord time the lord comes back and and the resurrection of all the bodies occurs we will exist just fine without a body amen and you'll be you you won't change into something else well they're these spirits here that are bodyless which means they can have no influence in this material realm unless they can get somebody to yield their mind their mouth their hands to them and they seek expression in this realm not something we should be afraid of but something we should be aware of but you got to recognize it before you're going to resist it he goes on to say wherefore take to you the whole armor of god that you may be able to withstand in the evil day and having done all to stand you can say stand against verse 14 stand therefore or stand against can you see how many times he says this verse 11 stand against verse 12 against against against against verse 13 withstand stand against verse 14 stand against are we getting an idea here yes what's our part stand against it resist it don't give in to it don't give in to what don't give in to what huh those thoughts and those feelings to feel sorry for yourself amen yes sir that's the devil it's coming from outside spiritual influences stand against what stand against anger and rage and wanting to get somebody back what do you do with that what do most people do with it welcome it is that right make plans how to carry it out now you're laughing but most of the inhabitants of this earth are not even aware of what's going on they're going long doing okay and all at once they just they just feel bad oh man i was doing so good well what changed i don't know i just don't feel like i did oh well everything's lost what's the feeling where did it come from why does it have to dominate and control me is anybody awake i just had a bad thought did you have to think it the rest of the week where did it come from who brought it see people are waiting like i said to see somebody in a red suit and a pitchfork before they're going to start resisting anything what do i stand against answer the question child of god what the wilds wilds trickery deceit how does it come how does it come well hold your place there and look in ii corinthians the 10th chapter 2 corinthians 10 and 1 i'm reading this from the phillips there is spiritual activity these things are real but it's not how hollywood depicts it these are not the monsters of horror films none of that is reality these are disembodied defeated spirits that can't do a thing to a child of god unless they can talk you into it amen but it's sad how much they're able to talk people into have you ever yielded to a wrong spirit got some honest people around huh have you ever yielded the confusion have you ever yielded to depression have you ever yielded to anger have you ever yielded and told a lie then you've yielded to wrong spirits you may not have been aware that they were there you might not have been aware of why for three days in a row you kept wanting to do something that you knew wasn't right it just kept coming something was pushing you it just kept coming up to you over and over and over again and that you knew wasn't right but something kept pushing you to do it it was a spirit our spirits and if you don't know what's going on you'll do nothing and it'll stay there and let's keep on and it'll get worse and if you don't know what's going on you'll just yield and yield and give place and give place until you're totally confused totally depressed totally defeated when all you had to do help me child of god all you had to do resist get out of here no i'm not going to do that get out of here i command you to shut up and leave in jesus name what does the scripture say resist the devil and he'll flee is the bible true if he didn't flee you didn't resist him you're just still playing games all of us have yielded the stuff we shouldn't have yielded to but let's wake up amen let's grow yes let's learn amen faith life people amen are and will be some of the most spiritually aware you believe it and and spirit led people in our generation in the plan come on i want to hear a little more agreement than that i i said faith life people told my children me are and will be some of the most spiritually aware is that a good thing or a bad thing spiritually aware means you know what's going on you are not ignorant of the enemy's devices you see him coming a mile off huh and you put your foot down you you don't give in to the enemy and you do recognize when it's the holy spirit and you give him full place and you yield to him and you submit to god and some of the most and best spirit-led people in our generation on the planet did you find second corinthians 10 verse one i'm reading the phillips he said the truth is that although we lead normal human lives i'm reading the phillips translation the battle we are fighting is on the spiritual level the very weapons we use are not those of human warfare but powerful in god's warfare for the destruction of the enemy's strongholds what kind of strongholds is he talking about these are not brick and mortar these are not concrete buildings these are not physical walls what what's he talking about these are strongholds of deception and blindness and confusion and lies in throughout the earth the scripture says that the god of this world has blinded the minds of them that believe not lest they should see the glorious light of the gospel of jesus different parts of the country are deceived in different ways different parts of the world especially where you see uh idle religion worshiping idols and worshiping others and false gods these are strongholds of wrong beliefs and wrong thinking in different parts of the country parts of the world he said our battle is to bring down every deceptive fantasy and every imposing defense that men erect against the true knowledge of god we fight to capture every thought until it acknowledges the authority of christ somebody say every thought did you hear these two words imaginations now this is describing spiritual warfare so we walk in the flesh we don't war against the flesh well how do we war we war against imaginations and thoughts these are what develop into strongholds in a person's life that governs them and controls them think about this imagination imagine there's no heaven i mean that's a beatle song no heaven above us no hell beneath imagine who wants you to imagine there's no hell and no heaven and look how subtle the enemy is he crafts it with catchy music is that right and maybe people that you like other of their music he's subtle he's crafty he's slick he's got you receiving this that you like and while he's doing that he slips something in and if you don't know what's going on you entertain the thought how do we know there's a heaven maybe there's not maybe maybe can you see what's going on you are getting you are in the beginnings of defeat and the enemy is seeking to develop a stronghold of rejection of god's word a stronghold of unbelief in your mind and heart and it starts with a thought did adam and eve give place to the devil remember last time we talked about how that the enemy took jesus up showed him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time and told jesus all of this i have the authority of all of this because it was delivered to me and to whomever i will i give it that's why the bible calls the devil the god of this world who gave it to him how did he get it who gave it to him did our first parents give place to the devil how'd they do it how did it start huh a thought come on can you see it i thought this is where the battle is this is where the warfare is it's not dressing up in fatigues and going to the highest mountain you can find and screaming and shouting at the devil he'll join you in that what what's the difference thoughts well what was going on with jesus for 40 days and 40 nights where he said he was tempted of the devil how thoughts and feelings came to him if you are the son of god command these stones to be made bread thoughts feelings suggestions temptations this is what these spirits are up to all the time and the the way jesus defeated and never gave place oh i like the phrase when jesus right before he went to the cross he said the prince of this world is coming but he has nothing in me don't you like that i mean the devil didn't have a smidge of an inch of a place in the master's life why he would never give him an inch how did he do it when the enemy is bombarding him with thoughts and did you notice the enemy even used scripture too didn't he he said well it's written but then he's trying to get the lord to act on something wrong based on a misapplication of scripture but how did jesus deal with it how did jesus resist the devil he said it is written it is written it is a is he resisting is he standing against error with truth is he standing against lies with scripture standing against darkness with revelation of light oh hallelujah hallelujah and he did it so completely and perfectly that the enemy finally had to throw up his hands and leave him for a season because he ran out of stuff to do because he realized he's not going to give in on this this had worked on every other human being since adam and eve all the way up to now but it didn't work on jesus he wouldn't give in he wouldn't yield to it teaching us how to do it showing us how to do it amen can you see one of the very important reasons why we we ask you to read your chapter every day every day monday through friday and come to church and feed on the word of god why because it's filling you with light amen with the knowledge of his will and of his ways of his truth and so when the enemy tries to come against you and lie to you and trick you the spirit of god can bring to your remembrance truth and light that you have heard and you go oh no no no no no you're not you're not messing with somebody that doesn't know any word devil i know this is not right i'm not giving in and you start resisting just like jesus it is written it is written it is also written and he says get behind me resisting but it was in the arena of the thoughts of the feelings the influence so watch about these phrases i i yeah but i think i think yeah but where did the thoughts come from yeah but i just feel where did the feelings come from submit yourself to god resist the devil and he will flee from you ii kings six you were going there earlier we needed to get a hold of some other things my my where are you going second corinthians 6 and 15. what did i say corinthians i got a lot going on inside me at the same time i got 15 pages of notes for today and we're on page two kings second kings six when the man of god was surrounded by enemy forces his servant got up early in the morning and they saw a host compass the city both with horses and chariots and his servant said to him at last my master how shall we do we'd say what are we going to do it's just me and you and we're surrounded here by enemy forces because the enemy king had sent his army to take out this prop just this one man take him out because he was giving counsel supernatural counsel to his king in verse 16 he answered fear not for they that be with us are more than they that be with them we've got more with us than they do with them don't you know that his servant thought huh i mean he could see people all around got them surrounded and then he's looking one two one two you know he said verse 17. elisha prayed and said lord i pray thee do what open it well his eyes are open he is seeing all too well all of these enemy troops surround so what's he asking the lord to do let him see into the unseen realm what we call the unseen realm it's not unseeable it is with the naked eye but it's not unseeable spirits see it they see each other it's another dimension he said open his eyes so he can see and the lord opened the eyes of the young man and he saw and behold the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire spirit now lest you think well that's just horses and cherry it's a fire that's just an imaginary symbolic thing oh no honey child no the bible tells on one occasion one angel wiped out a hundred and something thousand enemy force overnight that's pretty real when they're all dead the next morning huh oh no this is real but it's just a picture of how uh it didn't say he saw them coming they were already there can you see that they had been there why are they there they're ready they're in position if they need to manifest against these enemy forces trying to hurt this prophet they're there they're ready if our eyes were opened today we would see angels in this place huh you'd see angels riding with you in the car you'd see angels in your house with you huh they're spirit but they're real they're real you don't lose your angel just because you grow up go with me if you would to the book of john we've got a few minutes and let's touch on this let's touch further on how to resist the book of john everybody okay you can take a little more you're here might as well get the whole thing amen uh the scripture tells of what happened with judas and it is one of the most uh revealing along this line i've i've seen some people talk about you know some of these shows that try to explain some of these things they said that really judas didn't want to do what he did but it had to be done and he just kind of submitted and did it but that's a lie the bible says that judas betrayed jesus and that he transgressed and sinned he was not a reluctant partner working with jesus to fulfill scripture no no no no no he was a close friend and confident and on jesus crusade team if you will actually handled the finances of the ministry carried the bag and he absolutely betrayed jesus and was a a total traitor to him and what did jesus do to justify such an action nothing jesus didn't do him wrong jesus didn't hurt him so what happened lying deceiving betraying does that sound like something the enemy would be involved with how did it happen with somebody that is living and ministering close to the master will the enemy try to lie to people during a church service oh yeah i wish it wasn't true but he's always trying to manipulate and deceive and influence he'll try to lie to you while you're praying he'll try to lie to you while you're reading the word in john 13 1 john 13 1 he said before the feast of the passover when jesus knew that his hour was come that he should depart out of this world into the father having loved his own which were in the world he loved them unto the end was jesus aware spiritually yeah he knew there are previous times before this it says he knew his time was not yet right and now it comes to a point where he knows we're here he was aware of where he was in his course of ministry he was aware of what it was time for spiritually verse two and supper being ended the devil having now put into the heart of judas iscariot simon's son to betray him what happened what happened the devil was able to get these treacherous traitorous thoughts into the heart of judas you've got to remember who picked jesus to be one of the 12. jesus did out of all the people he could have picked he picked him why well god didn't make the devil he made an anointed cherub that covers that was beautiful and amazing until iniquity was found in him the devil fathered lying himself god didn't make the devil the devil and here judas was a different individual he was excited about the ministry he was respectful of the lord and the word and the anointing he was thrilled to be in the meetings he was using his faith for the finances to be covered and for everything to happen that needed to happen why did they turn over the finances to him in the beginning there must have been something about him they trusted him but after three years or so something happened to him even though he's around all of this glory hearing jesus teach and preach seeing healings and miracles and deliverances what happened read it out loud what happened the devil was able to what get this into his heart how did he do that thoughts suggestions feelings lies the breaking point came when that woman brought that alabaster box of ointment do you remember that and we're told it was worth a year's wage of a skilled worker so i mean this i think we're talking at least by our money fifty thousand dollars maybe a lot more that's being conservative and she just dumped it and judah said oh what a waste what a waste now think about that wasted on jesus where your treasure is that's where your heart is that's why people get upset sometimes when folks talk about giving is because they don't want to give anything ever they have no interest in the things of god they don't care about it and they don't want to be reminded of how little they care and something happened in him when he sold out it was immediately after jesus corrected them and told them to leave her alone that she had done a good thing it was immediate the very next verse in some of the writings he went to the leaders and elders of the jews and asked them how much they would pay him to betray jesus it was right on the heels of that that incident and we know he wanted a piece of land he bought a piece of land with the money even though he's right beside jesus day in that even though he's in some of the greatest services the greatest services there's ever been the enemy was able to feed to him he should have more he should have more money they're not paying him enough he deserves better they're not appreciating his gifts enough this is a direct attack of the enemy against him and against people he's around against jesus come on can you see this can you see how subtle it is he doesn't start out just obvious he starts out because see it all came out of him when that woman dumped that fifty thousand dollars on jesus feet he couldn't handle that he's like oh oh what a waste that could have been sold and given to the poor and the bible said he didn't say that because he cared about the poor he said it because he was a thief and carried the bag he wanted to get the 50 thou in the bag so he could get to the fifty thousand the enemy was trying to get access to hurt jesus he couldn't get jesus to yield to him so what's the next best thing work on people close to him can you see that he's subtle he's tricky he he put it into the heart of judas iscariot simon's son to betray him the proverb says guard your heart with all that you guard and keep for out of it are the issues of life what does that mean watch what's coming thoughts feelings suggestions imagery imaginations don't just let everything that comes get in your mind and you think and dwell on it till it gets in your heart it couldn't have got into judah's heart unless it came to his mind first can you see that and he could have stopped it when it came to his mind and it would have never got in his heart and he would have never acted on it in verse 26 if you skip on down there jesus told them what we call the last supper he told them he said one of you is going to betray me was jesus aware spiritually oh my do you want to be aware spiritually does it pay to be aware you got to remember he's not operating his god now he's operating as a man he didn't stop being god but he emptied himself of his mighty weight and glory and power and became like other men the scripture said he's functioning as a man and yet by the spirit of god he's aware and you remember who was it peter that told john to ask jesus who is it because john was right there with his head on jesus shoulder he's so close because you know he named himself the one the lord loves something like somebody else we know i'm his favorite you ever heard that before and uh jesus said he it is to whom i shall give a sop when i have dipped it he took a piece of bread and he dipped it in the stuff they had and he handed it to judas iscariot now this is an act of friendship we're fellowshipping we're having a meal together personal and somebody starts hand feeding you that's a good friend right and notice what happened he gave it to judas iscariot and verse 27 after the soph satan entered into him what do you mean judah sat there he heard jesus say one of you is going to betray me jesus extended to him a hand of love and friendship and he took it and pretended like he didn't know what he was talking about like he was his best friend and he's already got a plan he's already made a deal with the elders to hand him over to be killed and he takes that thing and he when he did that man is he giving place to deception to lies and and the enemy was able to come into it and when he when he did he looked at him jesus looked at him and said what you're going to do go do right now go do quickly in other words you're going to do it do it not that he wanted him to not that it was his will he's already he's already made a deal with them to do it this is a graphic picture of how the enemy can influence people even christians if they'll let him you can't say judas was running with a bad crowd huh you couldn't say jesus was so mean to him and mistreated him so bad that he had a right to feel you know slided and abused he did not the lord had done nothing to him but be his friend and love him and help him night and day and include him in some of the most amazing things that have ever happened on planet earth but it just goes to show it doesn't matter who you're around or what you in the middle of the devil will come and try to lie to you and tell you that people are not doing enough for you that you deserve more that you did you hear that word deserve you want to get rid of that word that you deserve you deserve if you deserve it the lord can't be gracious to you grace is a gift it's nothing that you deserve no friend if he had put his foot down and resisted the enemy when those thoughts first come and came to him about him wanting money him wanting land him wanting a place him not getting everything he wanted if he would have resisted that that would have been the end of it the enemy would have to use somebody else to betray him judah's name wouldn't be forever synonymous with traitor you just say the word judas everybody thinks traitor betrayer we don't want to judge him we want to be on our guard lest a similar thing happen with us right that even though we're around all kind of good things and in the middle and around some wonderful and amazing people that we don't get to judging after the flesh and we don't let imaginations come our way we begin entertaining ideas and we should have more isn't that exactly what happened with the devil we saw that back in isaiah 14 and ezekiel 28 god gave him he had a throne he he was ruling he he had beauty he had amazing things we don't know how long and it wasn't enough for him he decided he wants the throne like god he wants to exalt himself above everything it wasn't enough for him and why he winds up getting cast down to hell something that'll help you keep your heart and mind right all the time is to practice a lifestyle of thanksgiving amen this will help you keep your heart right when something comes you should have you say shut up i've got so much god's done so much for me is that right and you just start thanking the lord for everything yeah but you you've always wanted this and you don't have it and they should have you say shut up and get out of here come on resist everybody say resist resist yeah but they should have put you in that place they should have given you a raise already and they should have just turned that over to you and and they should these are wrong spirits trying to get something in your head and if they can do that long enough get it in your heart and if it's in your heart you'll act on it and the enemy will be able to disrupt and hurt people and tear things apart and divide and deceive and work his stealing killing and destroying now he's doing it he's having way too too much success doing it but you can make up your mind he's not going to use me i'm not he's going to have to look for somebody else because i'm not yielding my mind to him or my mouth to him or my hands to him or my life to him i've been born again i got a lord and savior and it ain't the devil he's got nothing on me he's got nothing in me i yield myself to the holy spirit i yield myself and submit to god and anything that's of the enemy i resist it stand against it and give it no place in my life can you say amen says stand on your feet everybody thanks be to god hallelujah thanks be to god thanks be to god thank you father thank you father thank you father i sure hope you can come back we did not finish that but you know it's not about knowing every detail it's about understanding how to apply something and uh applying this this afternoon and tomorrow morning and the next day close your eyes say out loud father god i submit myself to you to your spirit to your word the authority of your word and the headship and of your son jesus help me to be alert and aware of the devices the thoughts the feelings the imaginations the suggestions of the evil one help me to recognize them be aware of them immediately that i may resist them and give them no place hallelujah if you would just keep your eyes closed for a moment keep focusing on the lord if you're watching by internet or you're in the building here or in branson and you've never given your life to the lord they're all kind of lies that the enemy may have told you there is no god there is no heaven there is no hell there's no devil there's whatever or you're fine like you are you don't need to be saved lies lies lies if you'll check your heart and be honest you know something inside you is letting you know you need a savior you know what you've heard is true there is a god there is a creator and this is the most important decision anybody will ever make it's heaven or hell it's eternity in the balance will you receive him will you receive what he said he's done for you and given you let me lead you in a prayer everybody either affirm or reaffirm your faith say it out loud i do believe in god i believe in jesus that he came and paid the price for all my sins and i do believe he's been raised from the dead king of kings lord of lords soon to come again jesus jesus i receive you and everything you've done for me i confess you as lord of my life forever i receive washing cleansing your own righteousness thank you thank you for saving me hallelujah hallelujah those are we perhaps we'll get into this another time but did you notice he said put on the whole armor and these are not physical pieces this is spiritual armor but it portrays things the helmet of salvation for instance the helmet of what salvation why would you need that on anything that tries to tell you you're not saved what do you do you resist it the breastplate of righteousness what do you do anything that tries to tell you you're not acceptable to god that the blood's not enough you resist it is that right you command it to get out of here loin skirt with what truth and truth is what everything else was fastened to how do we resist lies with truth truth truth truth every one of these things he mentions are truths and realities in christ that we know and have to resist things that try to tell us oh you're not saved ah you're not righteous ah you're not acceptable lies lies the truth has made us free thank you lord thank you lord one more time lift up your hands and say thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord the greater is he that's in us thank you lord for the name of jesus thank you thank you thank you thank you
Channel: Jason Wigood
Views: 4,843
Rating: 4.9298244 out of 5
Keywords: RKN, regional kingdom network, faith channel, healing, Holy Spirit, faith, prayer, word of faith, Keith Moore, no place for the devil, guard your heart
Id: 5mNc3wEee8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 40sec (4120 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 07 2020
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