Keith Moore The Power of the Tongue Pt 13 I Shall

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he is thanks guys y'all can be seated if you would turn with me to James chapter three and proverbs chapter 18 this morning if you didn't bring a Bible with you hold up your hand real high the ushers have extra Bibles be glad to let you use one of ours and let's go to James three proverbs 18 thanks again for everyone that prayed several days ago we had meetings in Miami this week we'll be having meetings up in Canton Ohio and believe with us on that if you would and good things are happening good things are happening I believe our greatest days are in front of us I believe we're coming in to some some very very good things the Lord is ministering to me yesterday about some of them that uh hallelujah personally about anointings and mm I'm excited because you know we it's not the flesh that does anything it's the anointing that teaches it's the anointing that reveals it's the anointing that breaks the yoke the anointing that heals not men and women it's the anointing and it is such a privilege to be anointed and to be you know you and me to participate in the anointing thank you lord I hear folks saying tell us more cain't right now so James 3 and proverbs 18 James 3 preachers let me touch base on that right now I why did I say people saying tell me more I could sense it a number of people are saying it but as a preacher you're not supposed to be led by that you you can sense people curious or questioning or wanting or needing and and you you can sense things not only from the Holy Spirit but from people's spirits human spirits and you can be swayed by that and just preach on whatever anybody's pulling for you to preach on and that is not right because in that case you're being led by them not by the Holy Spirit and some so well yeah but if that's what they need no a lot of times they think that's what they need and it's not what they need the Holy Spirit knows what they need and if we'll go his way I mean things will happen you never even thought about amen and so let's not be led by each other let's be led by him not just in teaching and preaching but just in life and in all of our affairs let's you be led by him me be let be led by him and not just each other in James 3 verse 2 he says in many things we offend all If any man offend not in word the same is a perfect man and able also to bridle the whole body we've all made mistakes but he says if a person doesn't miss it in what they say they're a perfect man now in in our modern English language when we hear the word perfect we generally think flawless and that is not what you should get from this word if you look it up it basically means fully developed it means complete or complete it and it's talking about growing up and maturing who is a fully developed individual a person who doesn't miss it in what they say so you can tell how spiritually mature or immature you and I are by how frequently we miss it in what we say if we're just saying dumb stuff in the morning afternoon and when the Sun Goes Down we're babies baby babies I don't care if you're 60 years old and been born again 40 you're a baby but if you're growing up you'll go for weeks at a time and not miss it in what you say you grow up even more you'll go for months at a time you're going here the time and not say anything stupid and dumb now if you're gonna do that you're gonna have to be watching what's coming out of your mouth right and before you're gonna do that you're gonna have to believe it's important he goes on to say that we control horses with bits and bridles that control ships with relatively small rudders I think if he'd have been riding it today he might bring up the example you control a whole big tractor trailer with a little steering wheel right is our tongue the steering wheel of our life it's what we're saying is it directing our course I know most Christians don't believe that how do you know that mother kid because of how they talk it's obvious if you really believed then what you're saying is either hurting you or helping you it's either making you sick or healing you it's either keeping money away from you are causing money to come to you it's either making things easy for you or it's making things hard for you if you're gonna believe that you'd watch what comes out of humor wouldn't you look in proverbs 18 please proverbs 18 proverbs 18:22 say a little side note right here you are a joy to minister to yes it is just the great privilege of my life to be your minister and the minister to you so much more I'll start crying and talking in tongues so let's let's go right back to here a man's belly shall be satisfied with the fruit of his mouth and with the increase of his lips shall he be filled increased doesn't start in your checking account or in your pocketbook it starts in your mouth even while you got bills while things don't look good and don't seem like they're going good it's time to talk I mean if you're going the wrong way you need to get a hold of steering well and turn this thing around and go another direction 2011 is not over and it can be a great year for you right we must not just keep waiting to see if some good things are going to happen that's not how that's walking beside that's not how faith operates faith begins to speak increase before it looks and feels like faith will shout while the walls are still up everybody said out loud this is a good year for me good things are happening in my life this year increase extra favor and blessing it's coming to me happening for me flowing through me this is a good year for me and mine [Music] and of course the more blessed you are the more of a blessing you can be verse 21 verse 21 says death and life are in the power of the tongue and they that love it shall eat thereof say that first sentence out loud with me death and life are in the power of the tongue close your eyes think about what you're saying say it again death and life are in the power of the tongue another time death and life are in the power of the tongue do you believe that does it matter what you say how much does it matter it is a matter of death and life life and death what we're saying we should believe this go to Matthew the ninth chapter please Matthew chapter 9 this is the account of the healing of the woman who had the issue or hemorrhage of blood she was healed in the ministry of Jesus and John said that if everything John who the Spirit of God used to pen the gospel account of John he said if everything Jesus said and did was recorded he suppose even the world itself couldn't contain the books that should be written so we have a very small portion of what Jesus said and did recorded so these must be very important the ones he did record and choose for us so let's get something from this one today in Matthew 9 and 20 Matthew 9 20 behold a woman which was diseased with an issue of blood twelve years came behind him and touched the hem of His garment now you've read this I'm sure you know she winds up healed did did you know that just because something's been that way a long time doesn't mean you be healed 12 years and if you look at marks mark 5 said she had suffered many things of many physicians and spent all she had and was nothing bettered but rather grew worse now this is years over a decade she has spent everything she had that means she had something at one point so by today's standard she spent hundreds of thousands of dollars or millions of dollars I don't know she had something now it's all gone she spent every bit of it trying this procedure and this process and this medication and this one and none of it helped her no reflection on the doctors they they just don't know everything but she they couldn't help her but just because you've tried everything and it's been years and years and years and it's gotten worse and worse and worse does that mean you can't be healing does that mean it's not God's will for you to be here doesn't mean any such of a thing no matter how long it's been no matter what you've been through no matter how bad it's gotten you can still be healed do you believe it don't don't don't give up don't quit she came behind she touched this His garment verse 21 for she did what what you do she said if I may but touch His garment I shall be whole set out loud I shall be hope I might be I could be I shall be that is a bold statement isn't it huh now you got to remember she's been through some stuff don't you imagine through these previous twelve years through all these procedures don't you imagine that every time she went to another doctor she tried another procedure she was hoping this would be it there they'll help me we'll get this fixed I'll quit bleeding I could hemorrhaging don't you think but time after times if she's going by experience how could she uh said I shall be she would have said we tried all this well I've tried everything else I'll try this we'll see y'all pray we hope so it'd be good if it would I need it of all the things she could have said she didn't say that what did she say help ma'am I shall be hold the NIV verse 21 says she said to herself if I only touch his cloak I will be healed I will be healed I want you to say that out loud two or three times I will be healed I will be healed I will be it she said I touch and I will be healed the air provide says verse 21 she kept saying to herself if I only touch His garment I shall be restored to health so she the amplified emphasizes a repetition and apparently she was doing this while she was trying to get to him and pushing through the crowd in her weakened condition she kept on saying I'll be healed I will be made whole I shall behold now this is very different than most church-going people talk isn't it I shall be to say I shall or I will is about the strongest affirmation you can make in the English language it just doesn't leave much wiggle room does it for maybe might we'll see what is know you gotta say something else if you want to imply that I shall means I shall that's it I will I will why doesn't everyone talk like this second Corinthians look with me in the fourth chapter they'll put it upon the screen for us 2nd Corinthians 4:13 2nd Corinthians 4:13 says we having the same spirit of faith according as it is written I believed and therefore have I spoken we also believe and therefore speak now this woman pressed through the crowd she touched his clothes she said I I shall behold and then Jesus just a couple of verses later he said daughter be of good comfort your faith has made you whole so what we can see is that when she said I shall be whole I will be healed that was her faith speaking wasn't it she didn't feel that way yet she didn't look that way yet she sure wasn't going by all the years of the previous things that had happened to her right because time after time after time she had hoped but it didn't happen but when she said I will be healed that was her faith speaking and Jesus told her your faith he didn't say my faith you know he wasn't even having a healing line he wasn't him praying for people he wouldn't let hands on people he just walking down the road he just going from point A to point B and she didn't even ask him if it would be alright if she grabbed a healing on the way did she aren't you glad some theologian didn't get to her and convince her and say now now dear now it may not be his will and it great somebody didn't get a hold of her and say don't you say I shall because you just don't know that's just being audacious that's being presumptuous I will you just never know what the Lord's gonna do now before we go too much further into this go over to James James the fourth chapter have you ever noticed that a lot of Christians you bring up anything good and exciting and they'll bring up something negative that in their mind is contradictory you find a verse that talks about you being blessed and doing good and then they'll try to find one that says woe woe woe be unto thee you could talk about blessing they will talk about judgment always negative and you start talking about things like this some people will quote this verse James chapter 4 in verse 13 go to now you that say today or tomorrow will go into such a city and continue their year and buy and sell and get gained verse 14 for where is you know not what shall be on the morrow for what is your life it's even a vapor that appears for a little time and vanishes away verse 15 for you ought to say if the Lord willed we shall live and do this or that but now you rejoice in your boastings all such rejoicing as evil therefore to him that knows to do good and doeth it not to him it is sin and so people go ah see there see there he's supposed to just say I will you suppose say if the Lord will but what about the woman with the issue you think we'd be reading about her if she had said we'll see hmm you just never know if she'd have been wavering it's quiet in here well which ones right you don't have to pick they're both right so this is where people get in trouble they learn a truth and try to make it the truth for everything and know there are it both are true sometimes you need to say in affirm I will I shall and other situations you need to say if the Lord will we will but if you say if the Lord will you're revealing you don't know his will hmm and that's not always acceptable for you not to know his will now when it comes to the future and his plan for stomach there so we're going to this city and we're gonna do this and they're planning their future and then they're bragging about what they're gonna go do and it's obviously Phaeton checked in with the lord they hadn't prayed and asked him about this and they're bragging and he said that's that's they it's evil no go with me to Ephesians the fifth chapter Ephesians Chapter five 17 it says were for be not unwise but what understanding what the will of the Lord is the amplified says don't be be not vague and thoughtless and foolish but understanding and firmly grasping what the will of the Lord is now there's some things we don't know about the will of God but when it's plainly presented to us in his word and by the author of the book the Holy Spirit we should be convinced of his will and in the plain light of his will we shouldn't be saying if it be thy will when he just got through telling you it was his will and there's far too many church-going people and Christians that are content not knowing the will of God and just act like it is unfindable and unknowable no know what's supposed to be going on with your Bible reading your praying you come into church we're supposed to be immersed in the Word of God the presence of the Holy Spirit and your you and I are supposed to be finding out his will and his ways and maybe we started out saying I don't know I'm not sure we'll find out but after weeks and months and especially years in the Word of God there will be area after area where we quit saying we'll see and we start saying I will we shall he has he will because we're no longer foolish and vague but we understand what the will of the Lord is that's why he gave us this book that's why I gave us the Holy Spirit why he gave us ministry gifts and all these things we should be increasingly confident in knowing the will of God this he wants you to know his will was he hiding it from you hmm is the Lord will keep trying to keep you in the dark does he want you guessing no that's why he gave us the book say thank you Lord go with me over to the book of Genesis you see this this affirmation I shall I will over 2,000 times in the Bible mm I didn't say 200 I didn't say 900 anything that's in the Bible over 2,000 times we ought to pay attention to what phrases are we talking about I will I shall there's no ambiguity in them now this woman had faith and got healed we saw her we heard her faith speaking when she said I shall be healed and if you study Hebrews 11 and the great heroes of faith you'll see a recurring theme with that these are not people who are guessing and wondering they're affirming positively that the will of God and one of the greatest faith stories of all time is Abraham and when the Lord directed him to take his son up on the Mount and offer him up offer Isaac up as a sacrifice and this is specifically mentioned in Hebrews 11 about how Abraham through faith did this and notice it says that he accounted that God was able to raise him from the dead Hebrews 11 says because he remembered that God had said in Isaac shall your seed because God had told Abraham that his generations were going to be perpetuated through Isaac and then later he tells him take him up there and offer him up as a sacrifice well now if Isaac dies then that word can't come to pass about his children and children's children being perpetuated through Isaac so Abraham concludes that God's going to have to raise him from the dead are y'all with me friends and you see this in his language in Genesis 20 what did I say 22 22 and verse 5 I want you to look at Genesis 22 5 as they were going up Isaac and Abraham and the firewood the beast of burden going up the mountain he told his helpers you stay here and notice what he said he said you abide here with the donkey I in the lad me and the boy will go yonder and worship and come again to you who's going me and the boy who's coming back me and the boy we might we hope so we'll see now listen to the NIV he said we will worship and then we will come back to you we will we will go up there and we'll do this thing and then both of us are coming back and the Bible reveals he is believing for resurrection Wow when you have faith you don't talk mousy you don't talk if he well we'll try you know we'll do the best we can you know that's all a man can do is the best you know how and it just you know they just don't always work out and we just don't know why and you just you just never what the Lord's gonna do people think this is good Christian attitude it's wavering and unbelief now if you don't know you don't know you shouldn't try to be adamant and holler I will I shall and you don't know the little of God but you see this should you be content to go here after year clueless sisters the will of God let's find out let's get some confidence las' it's some areas and be able to affirm instead of wondering and wavering can you say glory to God he said I will we will worship and then we will come back to you I mean this is amazing this is beautiful Abraham did this in covenant with God because he's basically God was saying I am your exceeding great reward I am your source everything I have is mine and Abraham that you remember and Abraham is saying yes and everything I have is yours and so then later God said okay everything you have is mine I want your boy oh but Abraham had enough faith and he any thought don't you know he thought about this day don't you know he laid in his tear with his eyes open if they could you know and then he realized wait a minute wait a minute God's told me that my generations are going to be through that boy so that boy can't die up on that mountain he can't die with no wife and no kids and no grandkids so this doesn't make sense well I guess godless have to raise him up from the dead and he was literally believing for resurrection which gave God the right because his covenant man had done it for him gave him the right to give His only begotten Son and to raise him from the dead come on can you see this and all this is tied to his faith saying we we'll go up and we will come back I'm gonna try see if we'll see never no uh no no we will and we will you know we studied this a while back and it's worth repeating go to First Samuel 17 we saw David go out there and the battle was on and Goliath is marching back and forth and blaspheming God challenging and and David saw that and they started telling him you know man anybody that's man enough to go fight this dude the king is gonna give his his daughter to him he'll be part of the royal family and his whole household and never had to pay taxes again the rest of their lives and he'll get these rewards and and David says safe whoa what how much whoo you mean the pretty girl whoa tell me again tell me again and you can say he didn't just start affirming some things he's listening to this he's hearing this wanting to keep asking them tell me that again and and some something got so strong that they took this teenage youth up to the king and said tell him and he said your servant will go fight this man don't go try see what I can do no no we're gonna go do it First Samuel 1732 David said to Saul let no man's heart fail because of him your servant will go and fight with this Philistine well he was so convincing that the King let him go amazing and as he's going out there with his little sling and his little stones and this mammoth of a man is meeting him and cursing him notice then in verse 37 he said the Lord that delivered me out of the part of the blind and out of the paw of the bear if it's his will huh this is no time to say if it's his will if you're not sure if it's just will you should have never opened your mouth back at the Kingston this ain't no time to be insane if it be thy will he will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine and his words were so powerful that David the king who was big Gaston head shoulders above everybody else he's good he decided sitting this kid out to fight him he said we'll go and the Lord be with you you gonna need it and verse 46 when this John is cursing him and coming towards him verse 46 David said this day we're gonna see what's gonna happen y'all pray dear Lord pray this day will the Lord deliver you into my hand on the left center the Lord will deliver you into my hand and I I'm gonna try I'm gonna do my best I will smite you and I will take your head off of you and I will give the carcasses of all your buddies the whole host of the Philistines to the files of the air the wild beasts of the earth that all the Earth may know that I'm a man of faith and that's what some folks have got enough know that there is a God in Israel can you say praise the Lord do you hear the confidence no wavering no ambiguity no what if no we'll see no maybes I will I'm gonna take you out I'm gonna take your head off and all your buddies to you and your buddies do it happened in a few hours it happened to meet Lee with him and I mean they they ran on the host and the whole host was routed and destroyed and it happened just like what he said she said I shall behold seconds later she was healed man he said I will smite you minutes later Goliath is headless is it true do you hear the spirit of faith o hear that verse again I believed therefore have I spoken we also believe and therefore speak what kind of speaking does faith do I will I shall that's the language of faith that's the language of somebody who knows the will of God who's confident of the will of God go to the Book of Psalms The Book of Psalms was Israel's songbook and hours to song book these are not just to be read monotone these are songs they were accompanied by music instruments they're to be sung just like the songs you were singing earlier today and these are inspired of the Lord these are songs he wanted and still does want his people to have in their mouths things he wants them us to be thinking that singing saying and hearing and hearing and thinking and saying because a song I mean just a confession you might say a number of tons but a song you'll sing it 30 times and not even think about how many times you have said it so this is the the best way to get something continually in your mouth there's a song so I want you to notice we won't we won't take the time to go through all of them obviously but I just want to you to notice a sprinkling of them of the kind of things he had them say and having their mouth on a continuous basis in the Psalms the third chapter of the of the third song Psalm 3 verse 6 What did he say I will this is something you're singing I will not be afraid of ten thousands of people I will not be afraid so you go through all this I will not be afraid you might be working or plan and this think of that first phrase I will not be afraid I will not be I'm gonna try not to be afraid I'm gonna do my best I will not be afraid some for eight some for eight I'm gonna go in there and lay down try to get some sleep I hadn't been sleeping too good and y'all I'm y'all pray for me I've been having some problems and it's time to sing will lay down and I will sleep I will sleep I will sleep I will [Laughter] and it works just like that everybody said I will lay down I will sleep in peace hallelujah now some people find fault with folks like me and you talking like this they go are the audacity I will I shall who do they think they are and then they they think that that's disrespectful and presumptuous and they don't realize they're doing the same thing just negatively people will get out of it and go you watch something bad will happen what do you mean has it happened no but you want it's going to happen something bad will happen it will and you watch you get it's you get right in the middle of that and it'll break down it'll quit just when you need it it'll happen it will it make them mad if they realize they're doing what we do and we did that for years and we didn't like the way it worked and so we decided to quit saying that and begin to say it'll serve me well as long as I need it it'll work out for me everything is working out for my good and God's glory I we will finish this we will complete this that's just agreeing with what the Lord told us to do and some of these same people that would criticize us they love the 23rd psalm look at it and they'll realize there and just reading the song they're doing what we're talking about this morning because listen to what it says remember this is a song to you singing the Lord is my shepherd i get by the best I can huh sometimes you have enough sometimes you don't times is hard and we just do the best we can no no not the Lord is my shepherd and I try come on help me say the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want oh you ought to say that again ah shall not whoa again ah shall not well well if you shall not won't that means you always have what you need you needs always met how many believe the 23rd psalm verse 4 yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I'm gonna try not to be afraid it's hard you know sometimes you can't but I will fear no evil I will not fear it for you're with me your rod and your staff they comfort me verse 6 surely goodness and mercy shall follow me not I hope it does it's shall follow me all the days of my life and I sure hope I make it in by some hook or crook I if I can just squeak in the pearly gates Lord we just live the best life you know how and then be up to the Lord and we'll find out later oh no no I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever I will well how do you know I will how can you be so sure I reckon if the Bible said it it'd be okay for me to say you think so would it be okay for me to say just what the Bible says if you're not saying that what else are you saying you found something better than the Bible to say look get enough Psalm 71 again these are songs these are things the Lord wanted them in us to have in our mouth all the time I would dwell in the house of the Lord forever I would dwell in the high will not be moved I will not be afraid I shall not want what if you talk like that all the time you just talk like that day and night all the time and wouldn't talk anything else Psalm 7116 well I like this one of my personal favorites here this is good for traveling it's good when you only had three hours of sleep it's good if your body doesn't feel as young as it used to be it's good and things say you're gonna go you're gonna be able to go can you go or if you don't see the money or resources to do it man this is one to jump on ah we'll go in the strength of the Lord God I will I will will you be able to make it I will I will go in the strength of the Lord God there's a New Testament scripture that goes along with this Philippians 4:13 anybody ever recorded that one ever marked it down Philippians 4:13 was it saying hmm you're not always able come on think about him see folks don't realize reason will say there are so many factors how can I be sure walking by sight sight will say it looks so impossible I just don't see how feelings will say I just feel so and I don't feel like but faith says faith says ah well I will how will you be able to I don't have to know that I will go when my strength is not enough I will go in the strength of the Lord God when I don't know how to do it and then not able to do it I still will do all that will be able to do all things through Christ who strengthens me but if you don't say I will you don't say I shall then you're not convinced of the will of God yet and wavering what will you receive James says if you waver don't think you'll receive anything of the lord you can't wander and waver maybe will maybe he won't I'll try maybe I can maybe I can't we'll see then we've already seen this in God's dealings with the Israelites when he said he had given him the promised land and to go up and take it and what they could and should do and then they said we can't and we said that your words carry more weight in your life than anybody else's and if you won't say what he said then he can't do what he said in your life you're gonna wind up getting not what he said but what you said if he says you can and you say you can't you're not gonna get what he said you're gonna get what you said if we're smart if he says we can we will say we can and we will amen no matter how much it looks and feels like we can't and everybody likes Psalm 91 to go there some 91 I mean I don't care what Christian persuasion denomination group you are you like Psalm 91 huh but I want you to notice the wording in this song in Psalm 91 verse 1 he that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High might shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty verse 2 I will say of the Lord he is my refuge he is my fortress he is my god and I'm gonna do my level best to trust him I will trust him I will skip down to verse 14 there there's so many of these in the way it'd be a good study for you just to go through the whole Book of Psalms and look for these I warn you it's gonna take you a while but it'll be well worth your time it's against a good good study here the Lord is saying some things and you see how he speaks he says because he has set his love upon me therefore will I that's the same thing as saying I will I will deliver him I will set him on high because he has known my name verse 15 he will call upon me I will answer him I will be with him in trouble I will deliver him and honor him verse 16 with long life will i I will satisfy him and show him my salvation I will I will I will I will now he says I will why should you say we'll see why wouldn't that be disrespectful hmm if I told you you told me about a situation you got and I said I will I will be there tomorrow and I will bring the money and you looked at me and said well you just never know what brother Keith is gonna do well I sure hope so we'll see is that going with me he's talking to me in such a condescending tone what are you telling me what do you - you're telling me I'll believe it when I see it which means you don't believe it at all if God tells you I will come on Saints are y'all awake or not if he tells you I will what should you say he will he will oh come on he said it he did it he will and I sell if he said I will why can't I say he will with no ambiguity with no wavering oh thank you know someone 18 someone 18 six someone 18 six says the Lord is on my side we already picked teams and he's on my side how many know before you go any further which team's gonna lose its the team he's not all the Lord is on my side I will not fear what can men do unto me verse 7 the Lord takes my part with them that helped me he's on my side therefore I will shall I see my desire upon them that hate me now we know the devil hates us this scripture is quoted and referenced in the New Testament in Hebrews the thirteenth chapter let's put that up on the screen Hebrews 13:5 Hebrews 13:5 let your conversation be without covetousness be content with such things as you have don't don't think you can't be happy without that next house or that next car or that next neck next next thing your your contentment is not in that stuff and it's just stuff it cannot fulfill you don't believe those lies and you can't even enjoy a new house without being right with God you can't enjoy a new car like you should without being right with and if you're right with him then he's number one and that car is way down here on the list somewhere else for he has said what What did he say what did he say what'd he say huh I will never leave you nor forsake you if he said I'll never leave you no forsake you what should we say he will never leave me nor forsake me and you see because of what he said look at the very next verse he said I will never leave you nor forsake you so that we may boldly say the Lord is my helper and I will not fear what man shall do to me when you know what he said it makes you bold to say he said I have I did I will so we can pop up and say he did he will I shall I believe therefore have I spoke he will deliver me he will meet my needs are you with me and I shall run my race and finish my course why because he will be with me every step of the way he will never leave me he will never forsake me I will have to do without I won't fail in accomplishing what he told me to do I will I may not always feel like it it looked like it but I will go in the strength of the Lord God I will go in the grace of God and the provision of the Most High because he will never leave me nor forsake me you believe somebody say glory to God glory to God what you said again glory to God glory glory glory glory glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God he is the Apostle and high priest of what we're saying Isaiah 57 19 he said I create the fruit of the lips he works with what we say and the word confession literally means saying the same thing so we're saying what he said come on picture that woman she was not a theologian no indication that she had ever went to Bible School we don't know that the woman could even read a lot of folks in those days couldn't read a word didn't say she read some books said she heard about Jesus and from hearing that all her years of wandering and trying and effort and labor she was able to set aside the ambiguity and wandering and wavering and begin to say in her weakened condition as she pressed through that mob and crowd if I can just the hem of his clothes I will be healed I will be healed I will be healed I will be healed glory to God my my grandmother back as a young woman was in a terminal condition and back then people were sick in their home and she told me this story I wouldn't around at that time but you think about things that happened if they hadn't happened would you even be here you know and and she's facing what would have been certain death and it was wintertime and in those days men cars were you know just simple instruments and the roads were dirt and in the wintertime rutted and I mean traveling in any time was an issue but in the wintertime well about what was it 70 miles away a man of God was having a meeting and she believed in these things in Heath and she was sick and she told the family and friends if I could just get to brother so-and-so's meeting I'd be healed well that's kind of reminds you David she must have sounded so convincing that they got the best car they could put together and they put their quilts in the car and their extra tires cuz usually had three or four flats ever 15 miles you know and and they faced the slush and the mud and everything it took and they got her - brother so-and-so's meeting and she said in the service of a something she was couldn't couldn't carry herself and they got her up before the man of God at the time of prayer and she had an experience she said when he stepped down to minister to her she didn't see anything but light and angel standing all around him and her and and she was gloriously healed and you know then my my dad and us and all of this everything that case use a young woman but all the way there she said she kept said if I can just get brother so-and-so if I can just get to that meeting I will be that's one reason we have miracle and healing nights because it's an opportunity for anybody that'll stir up their faith so mr. wolf Wow that day one I did it any day can be miracle day if you'll believe in how faith but this is just an opportunity for us to combine our faith and begin to say if people begin to confess I will I shall I will be healed I will be then we know it's already been bought and paid for but you're talking about receiving it and experiencing it go with me to third John please the third epistle of John I think we can close third John just one chapter and the fourth verse he said I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth now yes this is John speaking to his brother and these people but it's much more than that this is God speaking through John and it's his heart toward us does it give our Father God joy and great joy for us to walk in his truth walk in his life how many in here have children hold up your hand once you have children then you already know a lot more about this than you realize you know Hebrews 11:6 says without faith it is impossible to please your father none of us kids can please our Father without faith and we heard this woman I will be healed that's her faith talking I believe there forever spoken your child I'm told my children old enough to understand something and do something your children dealing with some kind of issue and they didn't do what they could have or should have and you know what they're capable of and you know they could and you know they should and they come to you and say okay I tried it just it's too hard it's impossible it's impossible does that bless you huh you know they can do it now with that you are ready and willing to help them and support and give them what they need and yet they whine and they cry and they flop around with no backbone and then again they don't need a hug they don't need a hug they need something else oh but friend your young man your young woman maybe they are fresh in their memory seeming failures and they don't know how to accomplish and achieve what's being asked of them or what they need to face and deal with an accomplished they can see it haven't experienced it and yet you tell them no you must do this and you can do this and I'm with you and they look up through their tears and they they straighten their head up and they go alright daddy I will okay mama I will I'll do it come on what does that do to you help man what what does that do to you does that minister to you you know you're not just looking at a little baby anymore come on help me out you you're looking at a young man of God you're hearing a young woman of God somebody that's got some metal in them somebody that's got some strength in them somebody that's got something does that please you does that let you know why it pleases you and ministers to you because you got it from the father of all fathers and when we find an act pitiful and say I can't and there's no way and we'll try and we'll see there's just no way that does not bless the Lord but it gives him great joy when we get a hold of the truth of his word and we say I'm gonna walk in it and I have seen and heard how faith speaks and talks and I'm gonna walk in the truth of that and need the Bible said it gives him no greater joy when will stand up in the midst of our temptation to fear and our tears and our problems and fresh memories of failures and everything else and we say in the name of Jesus I will I don't care what it looks and feels like I shall we will and will have and it'll happen and you're not just trying to convince yourself for somebody else you believe it you believe it do you think it pleases the father just like your children please you hallelujah standing when you feed everybody oh thank you lord
Channel: Free Word of God
Views: 30,442
Rating: 4.765306 out of 5
Keywords: Keith, Moore, The, Power, of, the, Tongue, Pt, 13, I, Shall
Id: Sz1TcVaAiuk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 10sec (3670 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 24 2011
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