Voyager 1 and 2 Detected Something Beyond the Edge of Our Solar System

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Want a chance to win a Tesla  with Omaze? Stay tuned for   the sponsor message at the end of the video.   In the summer of 1977, NASA’s Jet Propulsion  Laboratory launched a pair of Titan-Centaur   rockets containing nearly identical spacecraft.  Known as Voyager 1 and Voyager 2, these twin   probes were built to last for 5 years with the  intention of studying Jupiter and Saturn and their   larger moons. Incredibly, nearly 45 years later,  NASA is still in constant communication with both   probes, which take routine commands and transmit  collected data back to Earth’s deep space network,   making Voyager the longest-running mission  in the history of space exploration.   After completing all of its initial objectives  within 4 years, NASA extended Voyager’s mission to   include the two outer giants, Neptune and Uranus,  before embarking on the even more ambitious   Voyager Interstellar Mission, with the purpose of  exploring the outer limits of the sun’s sphere of   influence and beyond. Voyagers 1 and 2 have  now travelled 22 billion kilometres and 18   billion kilometres from Earth, respectively,  so far that they have left the heliosphere and   entered interstellar space. But time, even for  the long-lived Voyager probes, is running out.   Perhaps as soon as 2025, the probes will lose  their remaining power supply and go dark forever.   In preparation for this, NASA has begun  taking the probes’ instruments offline,   in the hope of extending the life of the mission  for a few more years. But when the Voyager   probes inevitably do go dark, they will leave  behind a wealth of data that is unprecedented   in size and scope. So, now that we are entering  the Voyager Mission’s final days, we can ask:   what did Voyagers 1 and 2 discover out there? Did  the probes and their instruments hold up under the   rigours of interstellar travel? And why are NASA  scientists so surprised by what they learned?   I’m Alex McColgan, and you are watching  Astrum. Join me today as we look at the   most stunning discoveries of the  nearly 45-year Voyager Mission   and relive the remarkable journey the  probes took after they left Neptune’s orbit,   travelling from the solar system’s icy outer  giants to the brink of interstellar space.   While Voyagers 1 and 2 were supposed to be on a  5-year mission, their team of forward-thinking   scientists and engineers made a number of design  choices that enabled the probes to hold up   over a much longer journey. Each probe is equipped  with a long-lasting radioisotope thermoelectric   generator, which converts heat from the decaying  plutonium 238 isotope into electric power.   The probes also have redundancies of most  of their 11 scientific instruments in case   of machine failure, as well as 16 hydrazine  thrusters, including 8 backups. Most importantly,   the launch happened at the perfect time. When  the Voyager Planetary Mission launched in 1977,   NASA took advantage of a once-in-176-year  alignment of the planets, which not only allowed   for flybys of Neptune and Uranus with minimal  course adjustment, but gave the probes a gravity   assist from each of the giants they visited,  thereby increasing their effective velocity   beyond what they could get from their own rocket  propulsion. This idea was relatively new at the   time, having been only attempted previously on  NASA’s Pioneer missions to Jupiter and Saturn.   In 1981, Voyager 1 escaped the ecliptic, which is  Earth’s plane of orbit around the Sun, heading 35   degrees to the north. Voyager 2 later went under  the ecliptic, heading 48 degrees to the south.   After the Voyager Planetary Mission  was extended to become the Voyager   Interstellar Mission, the cameras on both probes  were deactivated in order to conserve power.   The last image taken by Voyager 1 is the famous  pale blue dot photograph of Earth, seen from a   distance of around 6 billion kilometers –  the most remote image of Earth ever taken!   However, this was barely the  start of the Voyagers’ journeys.   To reach interstellar space, the probes  would have to traverse the termination shock,   a region in which hypersonic solar winds run into  fierce resistance from the interstellar wind.   Beyond the termination shock, the  Voyagers would encounter the heliosheath,   where slowing solar winds pile up, becoming denser  and hotter, followed by the heliopause – the final   boundary between the heliosphere and interstellar  space. But, in spite of what you may think,   the start of the interstellar medium doesn’t  actually mark the end of our solar system.   Indeed, it will be another 300 years  until Voyager 1 reaches the Oort Cloud,   the vast region of billions of icy planetesimals  that surrounds our solar system like a bubble,   and another 30,000 years until it exits the  cloud, leaving our solar system forever. When   the Voyagers travelled through the heliosheath,  they made an incredible discovery. Because the   Sun’s magnetic field spins in opposite  directions on its north and south poles,   the spins create a ripple where they meet  called the heliospheric current sheet,   sort of like the rings created by dropping a  stone in water. However, when this sheet reaches   the termination shock, it compresses, as though  the ripples were hitting the edge of a pool.   The Voyager probes discovered that after  the termination shock, these stacked-up   ripples form magnetic bubbles. This means the  boundary of the heliosheath is not as smooth and   clear-cut as scientists thought. Instead, it is a  fluctuating and magnetically bubbly environment.   This messy finding has prompted a complete  revision of our model of the heliosheath!   On July 25, 2012, the Voyager 1 space probe  became the first manmade object to leave   the Sun’s heliosphere and enter interstellar  space. It was travelling at an incredible speed   of 540 million kilometres per year, or 3.6  Astronomical Units, an astronomical unit   being the distance between Earth and the Sun  (approximately 149.6 million kilometres). The   distance at which Voyager 1 crossed the heliopause  was about 120 Astronomical Units from the Sun,   which itself was a revelation: it was unknown  where, exactly, the heliopause occurred.   Funnily enough, some early models put it as close  as Jupiter, and others much farther. Remember:   the heliopause is the boundary where the Sun’s  solar wind is stopped by its collision with the   interstellar medium, kind of like the crashing of  two powerful bodies of water against each other.   Solar wind is the steady stream of charged  particles, such as electrons, protons and alpha   particles, that come from the Sun’s outer layer.  The interstellar medium, by contrast, consists of   charged particles, gases and cosmic dust left over  from the Big Bang and from ancient supernovae.   When these charged streams hit each other, they  change course and form a region of equilibrium,   called the heliopause boundary. At  first, NASA wasn’t sure if Voyager 1   had truly crossed the heliopause and entered  interstellar space. As models predicted,   the probe’s plasma wave detector found  a massive increase in plasma density,   80 times what it had registered in the outer  heliosheath, and a spike in galactic cosmic rays.   But something strange didn’t happen that left  scientists baffled. After crossing the heliopause,   Voyager 1 detected no change in the ambient  magnetic field. Why was that so surprising?   Well, theoretical models assumed that the  ambient magnetic orientation would change   in a region dominated by the magnetic fields  of other stars. But remarkably, Voyager 1   detected no discernible change in the ambient  magnetism. NASA was so confused that they waited   nearly a year before announcing that Voyager  1 had, in fact, entered interstellar space.   On November 5, 2018, Voyager 2, travelling at the  slightly slower speed of 490 million kilometres   (or 3.3 Astronomical Units) per year, joined  Voyager 1 in becoming the second human-made   object to enter interstellar space. The crossing  also occurred 120 Astronomical Units from the Sun,   and like the Voyager 1 six years earlier, the  probe detected no change in the ambient magnetic   field. But something else surprised scientists.  You see, the Sun goes through 11-year solar   cycles, during which its activity waxes and wanes.  Voyager 2’s crossing occurred at a time when solar   winds were peaking. Models predicted that the size  of the heliosphere would fluctuate with the solar   cycle, meaning it should have been expanding when  Voyager 2 made its crossing. Yet Voyager 2 crossed   the heliopause at exactly the same distance  Voyager 1 had six years prior, meaning our   models were wrong. Like the magnetometer finding,  this demonstrated the value of testing theoretical   models with field data. We now suspect that the  boundary between the heliosphere and interstellar   medium is much more twisted and filled with  fluctuations than prior models proposed.   One leading idea is that our Sun emerged billions  of years ago from a hot and heavily ionized region   following the explosion of one or more supernovae,  and that magnetic turbulence persists to this day   near the heliopause. If so, the probes will likely  encounter a different magnetic orientation as they   travel farther away, but their instruments  will probably be long dark by that time.   Although the historic Voyager Mission will soon  be ending, the twin probes are just beginning   their cosmic journeys. In 40,000 years, Voyager  1 will likely drift toward AC+79 3888, a star   in the Camelopardalis constellation, while Voyager  2 will pass 1.7 lightyears from the star Ross 248.   In 296,000 years, it will pass 4.3 lightyears  from Sirius. These small, intrepid probes will   likely outlast the Earth itself as they continue  their solitary wanderings across the Milky Way.   And if by chance they encounter intelligent  life in one of the far reaches of our galaxy,   they will be a testament to  humankind’s ingenuity and resilience.   On each of the probes is a golden audio-visual  disc called the Golden Record. These records carry   photographs of Earth and its many lifeforms:  the sounds of whales and of babies crying;   music by Mozart and Chuck Berry and dozens of  indigenous peoples; and greetings in 55 languages.   They would offer a distant stranger a glimpse of  who we are, and what life on Earth is like. As   for us, we must say goodbye to these old familiar  friends and continue our own lives here on Earth.   Hopefully, the Voyager Mission will not be our  last brush with the stars, but only the beginning.   Incredibly, we haven’t just sent probes into  space, but SpaceX has even sent a Tesla beyond   the orbit of Mars. It made its closest approach of  Mars in 2020, at a distance of only 5 million km   away. Although it probably won’t take you to Mars,  if you fancy having a premium Tesla for yourself,   Omaze has a sweepstake on right now  where you have a chance to win one,   and even if you don’t, you will still be helping  to support the Juju Initiative, a non-profit   organization that supports youth initiatives  and lifting the spirits of those in need. Now,   this is no ordinary Tesla, this is a custom  Model S Plaid S-APEX by Unplugged Performance.   It’s an electric car with almost 400 miles  of range and does it 0-60 in under 2 seconds,   the fastest accelerating production car ever  made. So, for your chance to win an Unplugged   Tesla S-APEX Plaid, go to  using the link in the description and enter now!   Thanks for watching, and thanks for  supporting the channel through watching,   liking and sharing, it really helps  me make more videos in the future.   Another way to support is to become a patron  or a member so you can have your name added to   this list. Check the links in the description  below. All the best, and see you next time.
Channel: Astrum
Views: 1,396,893
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Keywords: voyager, voyager 1, voyager 2, voyager i, voyager ii, interstellar space, nasa, astrum, voyager 1 distance, how fast is the voyager space probe, voyager final images, voyager 1 location, nasa voyager 1 golden record, voyager 1 pictures, where is voyager 1, is voyager 1 still in contact, how far away is voyager 1, voyager 2 interstellar space, voyager mission, voyager spacecraft, nasa voyager, nasa voyager 1, edge of solar system, voyager discovery, voyager images
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 16sec (796 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 09 2022
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