KeeperRL ~ 02 The Blind Zombie~ Alpha 32

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[Music] welcome to episode two of this let's play series we just got rid of one of the insane characters one thing we have done now is we've triggered the um we can pillage the humans and get like they're like we've we can sort of basically go and pick up whatever they've left over um uh all the villains that we actually have so we've got the bandits down through here now they've been triggered they may come visiting fairly soon having gotten rid of all of those humans i should just point this out one out if we go back into here we've actually now got to level two which means we can now pick one of our levels of research now there's all sorts of different things we can do through here i always like getting traps i've got to say i do like getting these fairly early but they really all are good like you've got alchemy down through there um you can get different mutations you can get a laboratory probably a little bit i don't think that one's really all that valuable pig pig breeding will actually give us more uh more population that we can then house iron working will allow us to then get iron dummies and forges so we get even even more powerful units distillation we get the distillery so beerus for dwarves uh build a distillery and make a rat moonshine for your minions uh then we've got traps as well which is really what we set the fortress up for archery so we can then sort of get like short bows and sort of have some of our units trained with archery or advanced sorcery will then give us even more abilities we can get an iron bookcase for example this is sort of a good one um traps as i say i think i'm going to go traps but and we're sort of a little way along the next level we need to get to 300 now for the next one we're at 49 at this point in time and it gets harder and harder as we go through the different levels so we'll go with traps to start with so um and we need to get an artificer now now our basic goblins can actually do things actually that's another big change orcs and trolls have gone and it's basic sorry orcs and i forget the other one anyway orcs are no longer your basic unit goblins are i think this works better it feels smaller it sort of works for this development of the fortress and then as things develop we get more and more powerful units wanting to come back in okay let's uh let's just leave that one there we need to now wait i'm just going to unpause here we go here's another artificer in you come the last one got killed by an insane uh fighter so we want to keep anyone that's insane we want to get rid of them like find a way to ditch them and we've got the actually with that there i should just point out um you can see through here's what happened last time goblin warriors killed by bandits um yep so as priests and and um wizards will start to sort of do more and more there's another priest that wants to come in uh what i want to do is i want to get another area just for uh burials we've got all this sort of we've got um like a you can see there's goblin artificial skeleton it's sort of sitting back in through there we want a burial chamber we've got a few things we need to go and get actually so i'm going to go and get a a prism and a burial chamber i'll probably build them off each other actually i think that's the way i'll do this one so i'm just going to go back to d for dig uh just get a little five by five been through there another room in there and i'll put the prison in here all right that'll do now we are in the in the hard rock so it's going to be a bit of a a bit of a a go through that one i might as well wait for them to get this room done just for the burials got magic missiles now so we're learning more and more spells he's encouraging everybody i've just got cure poison with it with this guy over here which is good wizard's back in the room just reading the books encouragement from the uh from the keeper i'm gonna call it encouragement i think it's actually hitting it around the head with its wooden staff but anyway he just goes from unit to unit keeping him in line keep working hard keep working hard get another wizard there if i really wanted to but i think i'm going to wait i want i want uh now i want fighters i want a couple more fighters i can just sort of see what our menagerie actually is i've only got two warriors i'd like to get that up to four four warriors all right so this little room in through here can now be set up and i'll keep this one dark this will be a this will be the graveyard and this is one where we can actually if we go back to storage graves any of the storage they can walk over the top of this so i'm just going to go and shift click so we end up with graves through there so they'll build these graves yeah actually it killed a goblin warrior as well as the artifact i saw the artificer need a graveyard to collect corpses all right so i'm going to now just go into pillage so you see the corpses i'm just going to choose all and then they'll come back into here which is quite nice now the other thing we need to do is get a treasure room and i've got to be careful whatever this is up through this side so let's just go and build let's just go and build the treasure room off the side here it's so modular you don't have to have the rooms to size it's just a five by fives is a handy size for a lot of the basic rooms uh there we go another goblin warrior or grab you now up to seven of ten now we're going to need to go once we go to once we've got our army together well they need to sort of get everyone together and go after those bandits now with the artificer as well i think what i'm going to do here is going to start to grab the traps we want to keep an eye on there's another warrior this one has can see in the dark yep grab you that gets us up to eight and um i'm going to go and build a few different sorts of installations through here as well like we've got a fountain [Music] there is actually the eyeball outside i want to see what's going on outside so just go and place one of these out here somewhere and we will go across and get the um i don't know what that one's doing let's go to traps we want boulder traps all the way through here that way when when units come into this side now that will then cue up boulder traps down this way but it's you can see there we're not actually it's costing us too much um too much stone we don't actually have enough stone that's all right where's the next lot of stone it's not stone by the way there's z levels as well there we go this stone there so what i will do is we've got this as a prison in through this side we'll just go down to storage but treasure chests prison so i can put tortured uh torture tables in as well so i'll i'll just go and oops hang on let's go to prison and it will get a a fair amount in through there and we'll also then just go across so it's going to be a prison area and just torture tables can be used to talk to prisoners free population slot required for torturing i'll just go and i'm just going to start by placing one tortured torture table actually in the in the room there um they're still digging that one out and what i do want to do is just continue on now i might build i want to build another room in here i don't really need to so i might just start getting another mine that comes off this area so let's just go and dig straight out through here to get those traps done yeah we've also got gold at the bottom there i wouldn't mind getting that i'll just start getting those ready for mining this will be our treasure room this thing has still got a lot that it's got cued up through here there we are let's just go and put more uh i'll put more torches in this room here put torches in this room as well and then we'll just go and get uh storage just some treasure chest down one side here we go we can now get skeletons as well uh they just chew up one of the grave slots uh these have got um these will be okay as well requires one archery to oh hang on these are these are skeleton arches and requires one basic coffin so i can't quite get that one just yet uh we will need that um coming off here so what i think i might do is actually build maybe even maybe even sort of build this one into here let's just build a long room so just go to d let's build this one here yeah so you can see we need a lot more a lot more stone with what we're doing a lot more granite archery target we can't do that once we get archery anyway some lights in here in the prison so this is now ready for gold and it's it's a long way deep into the into the actual fortress so we should be able to get protections all the way through and i'll probably end up keeping on digging up through these and then exposing these through this particular region okay we've got the konorthum next you probably need a couple of those because they've got their wizards as well now building that trap i can go and tell certain things to go and get it there's another artificer there's a zombie this one is blind uh it's a swarmer requires one basic coffin i don't really want to have these in the fortress to be honest they're sort of just too weak better off training up soldiers we'll put a door here before we sort of get into our fortress proper as well so so another one over through here now i can give waters to capture like capture slaves essentially which connects the work for us now we dropped the gold that we picked up from the from the other group it is a good game it is a very very good game yep so we're reaching like higher training levels i'm guessing that these guys have now got it's just this one doesn't have a club i'm going to give the instructions now we've only got 17 wood left i better go and get more wood and we've got this vision out here now we can sort of see what's going on ah there we go we've got a vampire that wants to join us now it needs an iron training dummy which we can't afford it's a shame they are good they are very very good so that's something we do we would like to get it does require a basic coffin i'm going to go grab a coffin anyway i'm going to sort of this is going to be my um my area down for here for the for the undead so we'll just go across to uh where is it let's get three coffins in there to start with and we'll keep this dark this area dark sleeping chambers dark now we're getting more stone which is good pick up a bit here now i can't get the the wooden training dummies until i get um iron working so then unlocks the iron dummy as an example i'm just going to go back and give other instructions here to get more clubs we're going through everything what's that one picked up yes even this guy's picked up stuff which which is okay which is okay he's actually wearing a helm rather than i thought he'd be wanting to wear that that other cloth cap but anyway that's okay keep them all coming along i need to get more training dummies yeah it's getting a lot of priests sort of coming through i'll just get one more training dummy that's going to give me five ultimately i think i've only got three at this stage three of the actual warriors and five should be enough for us to get through get rid of the bandits and we may be able to capture a few of them as well so we'll try that do yeah we've got one trap that's now been set i'm not seeing anything else down here just yet other things we can get is like an animal menagerie uh if we wanted to get like a scout uh we could just sort of go and pick up some um some animals we might even maybe we do that off here was that the wizard it's interesting that's actually open this makes it a bit suspect see how it's different color oh no oh sorry no it's just that we haven't seen it that's all right just get some more torches it's in the wrong wrong walls in order saving again putting in the wrong spot he's just inspecting what's going on through here i don't know what he's doing down through here just idle okay he's just wandering around having a bit of a look is fine okay what are these guys doing they're all idle i guess yeah they're just idle they've pretty much got everything that they need now there's four of them if i can just get one more zombies so i don't really need them to do anything so picking up more and more wood and now we're getting gold grab those and the stone is still a bit of a problem but we'll like they've got that cleared out we still don't quite have enough i think what we'll do is we'll start to now move just dig this one up we've got a we've got a little bit of iron there now we have other z levels that we can sort of build um so i will put that somewhere else i might just get myself a scout these can be quite useful i've got to be careful i don't trigger other zones too early though um so just go across to um where is it where is it where is it the living yeah beast cage i'll just get one at a time one one animal at a time you can get packs of wolves which only count as one character but i wouldn't mind getting there's a skeleton there that still requires the archery target there's a shaman um hmm we haven't got one of them let's just get a bit of a menagerie of all sorts of different creatures but the i guess the animal is the next one i wanted look i'm looking for a bat would be it would be quite useful because i can see in the dark i can get a raven for going and checking other things so they come in with their own sort of like spirits uh this is a troll spirit final magic attacks um yeah so this is sort of work like ultimately i'll be wanting these guys to go out and sort of help them with different sorts of fighting we're up to now we've got one more character we can bring into our fortress let's just leave them here he goes he's got all sorts of creatures he's going to be good let's make sure he's not insane or anything he's fine he's fine you pick up extra armor i'm going to get more stuff fairly soon anyway so let's just leave all that where that is let them keep on building there's another trap so it's night time outside these are the clicks as it goes through very simple timing system which is fine i'm getting all that gold that wonderful gold now we still have a little bit of extra stone there now as well you're getting a of a lot of zombies want to come in i'm not sure if they take up any spots i might just get why they do unfortunately do all right in that case i will grab the zombie immediately and we will march off there he is i'm just going to get rid of him you can go after the um so i can do it individually i'll end up creating like a group to go off this way now i'm going to make sure i'm done with this before before daylight there's another question marks down the side there's the edge of a another area just a bit of exploring before we go in here oh we found a key um i'm not sure whether what that will unlock it's become much more um role play in the actual in the game now which is which is quite good yeah what's wrong with us we've got the um we've got one injured head which is so we're now blind that's what we can't see anything there we go just got killed i won't go after this stuff until we've got like our main army all right so we i want to just i wanted to just free up another population slot so that one does that uh okay there we go he's picking up more and more of these they're coming out with him i love this it's it god the game has gotten so so good it is great now i do want to also then build an area to go down underneath and i might sort of start that out way over here so we might just go and dig out like a a bigger area just for our entrance under underground and then just that way we can sort of spot what's what it's going to be more dangerous actually there's more stone up that way as well but i'm thinking i'm going to end up digging through here i'm just going to keep this corridor running all the way up it's interesting here we can get whatever we want through there and then it stops so there must be an opening around here somewhere let's get rid of all that stuff okay so there's a big big cave there we don't know what that's going to be hopefully get some clues there's another warrior it's a swimmer okay we'll bring him in now that gets us back up to our tent again here we're going with what we're doing leather armor so yeah nothing else we can bring in we're now at maximum population and i think we're almost ready to go after the um the bandits now actually one thing i was going to try to get with some animals but we haven't haven't received any at all okay we've now cleared out this room let's make this the way down so let's just go across to structures we'll get it downstairs and we'll just sort of we'll pop it in the middle here and what i will do is i'll also then just go and get another door and just throw it on the side there and we'll put some torches in here as well so grab a torch i'll do ah it's water all right so it'll be a big lake area and there's something else over the top there all right so we're sensing things back out that side and we also need to get around the other side as well so let's just go around the outside of this water without we don't know what's actually in there but that is it's definitely a cabin floor backing through that other side so we'll just go across and [Music] you can see we can't dig there but we can dig there that's actually openings in whatever that gateway is so it looks like it's got a an area around it um it's going to be difficult so i don't know what's actually in there so i'm going to avoid that just go back up and around and then we can go across in fact we'll go across to here now again we've got more more changes there so we'll just go out to that side all right that'll do build the way down hopefully we don't end up in the middle of something so if we now go down oh sorry if i press ctrl and then scroll up this is what we then see so we can have a look around we've got certain areas back in through this other side so it's looking fairly clean got some rock some some other things down the bottom there gold more stone so let's just go across and dig this one out and um just so that way we end up with like a way through i'm thinking that we'll probably need more stone initially so i can go either either way let's just head south i think if i do that can i then you know unfortunately it's i don't know how to undo uh like with the shift i just wanted to get a bit of a feel for if there was any any pockets there but it looks like we're fairly safe okay so this is the this is the z layer down let's go back up again now i think that this is going to get tricky getting across these um we've got no idea what this thing actually is and similarly back over here this is looking like if i just do another shift if i just go d and just do another shift in through there here we're getting actually that looks a bit more unusual looks like it's more of a larger area and we're out of time yet again guys we are out of time um just make sure that we can get no we can't go there so i'm just going to go and just stop that at that point all right well i'll leave it there thanks for watching i'll catch you next time uh um uh [Music] you
Channel: DasTactic
Views: 6,316
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cKGcIYTB5f0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 27sec (2007 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 12 2021
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