Keep your head up | Pastor Keion Henderson

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second Kings chapter 6 the Bible says and the sons of the prophets said unto Elisha behold now the place where we dwell with thee it's two straight that word straight means small it means small somebody say small it's too small for us let us go we pray thee unto Jordan and take Vince everyman a beam and let us make a place there where we may dwell and he answered though yees I might say you got your marching orders go and once said be content I pray thee and go with the servants and he answered I will go so he went with them and when they came to the Jordan they cut down wood but as one was filling a beam the axe head fell into the water and he cried and said alas master for it was borrowed and the man of God said where felled it and he showed him the place and he cut down a stick and cast it in vivir and the iron head did swim do you understand what just happened man was cutting down a tree and somewhere in cutting down the tree the axe had dislodged from the handle the axe head failed in the water and sank to the bottom that's what has happened to some of you all you you've been you've been fighting something all year and you lost your head and it was sinking but the last sermon I'm going to give you on this watch on this last Sunday of this year I need you to help me preach it I need you to look at your neighbors say neighbor I don't know what you have gone through but the pastor wants you to know no matter what you do keep your head up that's what we want to talk about today just slap three people before you sit down and tell them keep your head up keep your head up you may be seated in the presence of the Lord if you got a little park sink gang stand you I know you don't cry dry you I never let up I knew you were some Christian gangsters in here this morning my definition of a miracle may differ than yours my definition of a miracle is simply this when God customizes a situation in spite of what's customary in your life that's that's all it is it's it's God Taylor making a moment to make sure that you make it through it's God looking at the specificity of your dilemma and customizing an answer for you that's that's what a miracle is he won't he won't give you water if you have water he won't give you the ability to stretch forth your hands if your hands are working he will only stretch forth your hand if your hand is atrophied and you will only give you a miracle in your legs if your legs are not working he will not give you anything the waist he will give you what you need because the miracle is when God looks at your Nickolas circumstances and says oh you're out of wine I'll take water and turn it into wine I won't give you what you don't need I'll give you exactly what you need from a source you could not get it from are you with me so far a miracle supersedes the natural it makes the far-fetched scene nearby it's it's what God it's what God really shatters rules and make sure that people understand that he's a provider and it doesn't matter the circumstance he will do anything for a friend anybody glad that you're a friend of God see when you are his friend he will travel for four days and come into a tomb where you stink and still call you forward but when you are a friend of God he will he will step out in the middle of a raging storm so that you can walk to him on the water because when you are a friend of God there is no place you can be that God does not know and I don't know about you I'm just glad that I'm a friend of God and that he's a friend of mine somebody say I'm a friend of God however it is one thing in life to witness miracles and let me tell you you would be blessed to witness one miracle in your lifetime you would be blessed to witness one miracle in your lifetime so you are blessed anybody ever seen a miracle anybody ever seen God provide a miracle let me say it the way grandma minam said it has he ever made a way so I knew I knew what church you came from made a way out of no way you're blessed to see one miracle but can I tell you something if you're blessed to see a miracle you are even more blessed when God uses you to perform them [Music] I want to talk cuz he see in nineteen in 2019 you word you are a recipient of miracles but what you don't understand is God is about to shift this thing and he's about to work miracles through you see it's one level of favor when God allows you to witness the miracle it's another level of favor when he uses your mouth to make a miracle now I'm about to help somebody here today see in 2019 you have to take your child to the doctor or you have to go to the hospital and you saw God perform a miracle 20/20 it's gonna be like this you're gonna lay your hands on yourself Oh God in in 2019 he was giving you a raise in 2020 he's gonna give you the company I guess the same for everybody is just for a few of us in 2020 you have to call up your prayer warriors and 2020 they gonna call you why because God is about to flip it the powers gonna go from the outside to the inside you're gonna go from experiencing miracles to being a miracle worker now that that's that's that's it's it's good news because here's what the Bible says the Bible says that that Elijah is not only the conduit of receiving miracles but because he is now the protege of Elijah the prophet he is now as the prophet has gone up in the fire and the horses and the chariots and he has now received a double portion of the Spirit he is now gone from witnessing miracles to causing miracles his life has changed and see you got to understand that this is getting ready to happen for you the season is gonna shift you are about to become the person you admire [Music] if I get 39 people to rock with me for the next 15 minutes we'll be done I don't need everybody because this isn't for any this isn't for everybody it's just for a few people who recognize that the season is getting ready to change you've been watching Elijah and now it's time for you to become a light show and you don't have to become the person you watched because once you get a double portion of the Spirit you don't become them you become you touch somebody to say I'm about to be me I'm about to be me about to be me I'm about to be me Elijah is now propagating and is the conduit by which God has leveraged his Anatomy to perform miracles you remember there was a captain of the army named naman who had contracted a disease called leprosy leprosy was such a devastating disease that it would cause one to smell from a distance and the skin would rot and begin to eat itself up from the inside out and the Bible says that because he was in the presence of the prophet named Elijah Elijah spoken to him and said I want you to do something I want you to do something uncanny and unthinkable I want you to take your dirty self and go wash in a dirty River the name of the river is the Jordan River and I don't just want you to wash in the river I want you to wash in the river seven times and because he listened to the prophet he came back in the Bible says he was made whole there was a Shunammite woman who had allowed the Prophet to come into his house into the furnace room and she was bearing and she was trying to give birth to children but she could not but because she let the Prophet stay in her house when she let the Prophet come into a room he spoke a baby into her womb y'all gonna get this in a minute that there was a woman who had a son that died and because the Prophet showed up the Prophet spoken to this woman's son and the Bible says that he came to life are you here with me because I just want you to before I finish it all if you don't do anything I want you to appreciate a neighbor and tell him God's about the shifter season he's gonna shift the season he's gonna shift the season there was there was a woman I believe she was a widow and her husband had died and and her version of the IRS had come to her house to collect taxes and she did not have anything to pay it with so the Bible lets us know that they were getting ready to take her son into slavery as collateral because she did not have the oil to pay watch this because her husband is dead and she did not have a job and her husband was the provider right now she's down to her last little bit of oil but the Prophet said go to all of your neighbors and borrow vessels and the Bible says that she went to all of these houses and she borrow vessels and guess what every vessel she borrowed God filled it if she would have borrowed more vessels God would have filled more vessels I don't know who I'm talking to but God told me to tell you whatever you got to feign tax for he's gonna fill it [Applause] this is the same profit this is the same prophet who saw God take poisonous stems and turn them into pure stems and watch God so watch this God multiplied food and a famine and then God told him to tell the people that while they were in Moab that he was going to give him water without rain do you understand the kind of power that is in your mouth when you are a conduit of God that God can use your mouth to give water without rain that's a miracle God says I'm gonna make it come up even when it ain't coming down I wish I had somebody in this place who understood that over the next 365 days the miracles are getting ready to come out of your mouth if I had anybody who believed it I would have to stop this sermon right now and give you 30 seconds to recover because everything you call God's gonna make it happen I'm gonna wait on you to catch up that means you can walk to the jaw and tell the boss without telling the boss I command you to give me a reigns I command my child to be healed I command these lungs to come out of my body I command this blood pressure to come down I command this diabetes to regulate itself I guess some by command Lucas to leave this body I command to enter into my soul somebody shot I commanded because you're getting ready to go from experiencing miracles to causing miracles now don't be surprised if you get new friends don't don't be surprised of everybody who got your last name is now all of a sudden miraculously related to you don't don't be surprised if people want to reconcile cuz they're going to see that everything you touch everywhere you tread everywhere you go goodness and mercy as far as anybody in the back believe it - I don't care what time you show it up to church how many of you know that even if you're late God is on time I decree and declare that 2020 is a year of miracles somebody shout miracles signs and wonders come on rewind that press play miracles signs and wonders matter of fact look at your neighbor's say I decree and declare miracles signs and wonders are you gonna be glad you came to church today somebody shot I'm a miracle worker I'm a miracle worker now I understand that the seven miracles that we have just perused in the text are ones notable of our scrutiny but this next miracle I do not understand how it makes the pages of the pericope I am confused because if a miracle is to be performed I understand performing a miracle for a widowed woman who needs to feed her child and I understand if there is a woman who lives in a culture where birth is her rite of passage and God allows the Prophet to call forth the baby and I understand why God would raise a little boy up out of death because it would help the community and the family to improve their faith but I don't understand why God would allow a miracle worker to be fooling with an axe head you can take it to ace hardware in Jerusalem and they can put a look glue around the stick and stick the ex-head on you don't need a miracle for an axe here unless the axe head is a picture unless it is a shadow unless it is something pointing to something greater why waste a miracle on wood and iron it's a picture of the cross because remember the cross was wooden but the nails the nails were iron that's that's that's where we are it's really a picture it's an allegory because I told you a thousand times and I'll say it a thousand more that the Old Testament is God concealed the New Testament is God revealed and so now we have yet another shadow of proving to us that our faith has validity it is just an exhale but what we really see is God doing something bigger because now they are at the school of the prophets and there was a young young man coming up through the ranks he is a professor his name is Elijah and he is at the school of the prophets teaching these young boys how to prophesy this was the same school that Samuel and Eli went to and and they were able to choose Saul and David as the king they are at the school of the sons of the prophets and all of a sudden in this school in this room where they had been learning about the ways of God and learning how to express prophesy in a way that is palatable to those of us who are in the faith all of a sudden in this room where they learn and where they pray and where they fasted and where where they were able to receive the Holy Writ all of a sudden one of them stood up and said this room is too small this room is too small this this check is too small this this job is too small this house is too small this business it's too small this influence is too small they they all of a sudden got got to the place in their life where they got tired of being small I don't even know how y'all picked a song today called is gonna be big it looks like God is getting ready to blow somebody's money they all have a sudden they just looked around and said it's just it's too small it's too small can I just help you understand something it ain't gonna get bigger until you decide it's too small I I don't know who I'm talking to but some of y'all sitting back talking about God I need you to make 20 20 big I said I ain't gonna make it be it until you decided that 20 19 was too small I anybody in here right now to let the devil know I will no longer settle for small things now I understand the Bible says despise not small beginnings but after you get over despising it's time to accelerate I wish I had somebody in here he doesn't say that you have to dwell in small things he says that you don't despise him and once you recognize that it's okay for it to be small now it's time for it to be big slap three people on the hand and say it's gonna be a big year it's gonna be a big year everything you thought about 2020 was already too small everything that you prayed about for 2020 was already too small everything you dreamed about for 2020 was too small I came to declare and decree it's going to be big now I don't need everybody I just need a few hundred people in here right now to give a big future a big praise I dare you to shout right now like it's going now I want you to see something I'm getting ready to give you the first thing that's gonna help you keep your head up are you ready here's what the Bible says and they said this is too small for us so they went down there you are pastor they went down and they cut down trees okay you missed it and they said this is too small for us and they went down and they cut down beans see in order for you to make it in 2020 the first thing you're going to need is consensus some of y'all are not going to be able to build because half of your circle is saying is too big and half of your circle is satisfied with status quote you got to get everybody out of your circle who ain't saying us you can't have half the people excited about the size of it and another half talking about it has to be big the problem is is that a double-minded circle a double-minded squad a double-minded set of friends is unstable in all of his way how many y'all got just that one negative person in your circle that no matter where you go they always complain and they always late the food ain't never good the temperature of the chicken ain't never hot enough to stake ain't never right they send everything back they take half the drink and drink half of it and then say they don't like it and then send it back oh it's watered down oh it's too strong shut up who am I talking to in this place today you're gonna need consensus in your circle as a matter of fact I want you to look down your row and say neighbor for the next 20 minutes I need consensus on this row I'm going to be praising God all along and if you can't there's a seat over there you can go have consensus by yourself but as for me and my row we gonna praise the Lord I dare you to make everybody on your oh shout give them a stank face look at them if you're not gonna shout on this row if you're not gonna give God glory on this row go find some other dead folks but as for being my role there will be consensus what doesn't raise a sore if you check your peach leg look at them tell them guys about to blow your mind I decree in the clear big things i decree and declare larger territories I decree in the term more than you can handle somebody's shot is going to be you need a cooperative squad you need people who down for the cause you need people say I don't know who we fightin but just let me know why we fighting them out why am i stumping them why am i hitting them who we bout to go beat up you need people who ask questions after you finish I know it's a little violent but it's you don't need to because the Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence and the violent take it by for you you don't even need to sit next to people who way don't have to serve them to be done before they say hallelujah you need to find a whole nother a seat section and crew to sit next to and twenty20 matter of fact I wouldn't even sit next to people who I sat next to this year they didn't say tonight no ya ain't chance they ain't gonna say that next year so you might as well find you somebody cooperation that's really a problem is you don't have consensus in your circle the problem is is you're trying to do better and ain't trying to do nothing the the problem is is you're trying to move on with your life and they stuck in their position the truth is is that you already see it's time to move forward but you spending so much of your energy trying to drag them with you that you slowing your progress because you're carrying dead weight the problem is is that I encourage you on Sunday and then when you go call them to tell them what I say it they end up talking you out of your glory and you too scared to break away because you think oh we've been together so long we've been friends so long we grew up in high school well you are in another school son of the Prophet [Applause] [Music] you need cooperation and consensus in your circle you need people who say okay we gonna go cut if I move yeah I got to explain nothing to you I I'm trying to do something come on how many I need some friends just like lik we we bout to build something okay what we doing Corporation a house divided against itself I'm in the Bible whether it's uncomfortable not I'm in the scripture our house divided against itself she'll surely you Christian in a Muslim how does go work [Music] you baptized in the Holy Ghost and they don't believe in the fruit of the sphere had it's gonna work you believe in cooperation they believe in division how does it you believe in forgiveness they hold grudges how'd it go [Applause] you want to be holy they want to be ratchet how disco [Music] I mean that is a good mixed or I might have been trippin a little bit that forgive me on that one that now you mean that I mean that I mean that you know I think that's a good mix my fault that's good that's what I want you know Chris my bad I I get ahead of myself sometime I get in the spirit and I just say things because most of us is both off of Matt anyway he was cutting down a tree the axe head dislodged yourself fell in the water cannot cannot just hurt your feelings but really mean it in a good way if you haven't ever almost lost your head it's because you have never tried to make anything bigger if you if you have never felt like you were about to completely lose your mind it's because you ain't ever had taken any risk how many of y'all have ever felt like I'm about to go in come on I really don't have time to play with y'all it's one Sunday left we ain't no future in your front how many of you ever felt like I'm about to go off I'm about to lose my mind I'm about to go off the handle and the next person who say something to me have you ever decided that the next person you get your hands on it's gonna pay for everything how many are you just looking for a fight what what what come on y'all don't be out you get what you say God is able don't make me come [Music] sorry what you mean you sign if you have never felt like you were going to lose your head is because you've never used it people of vision when you get ready to attack something when you make a decision that's unpopular when you decide that you're going to go in the direction and let God fight the rest of it when you decide you know what I have been on this job for ten years I've been on this job with it but it's time for me to do something else I'm on a branch out and do something I've never done before when you decide that you're going to finally go from renting to buying and then you recognize that when you were renting they were taking care of things that you never thought of and now that you're buying you got to think on another level sometimes it'll make you feel like is this I just want to go back to the wilderness because new responsibilities make you want to retreat consensus you need consensus you need people in your circle you need people in your squad you need people on your team who have some of the same values and who are okay with some of the decisions and won't be jealous because you decided it was too small but after the consensus came the confusion because you know you solve one problem hmm do you solve you solve one and then what happens yet you you cause another one right so you say you know that they say the number one thing that people are going to say on the first is you know number one goal is what we're gonna lose weight right but you ain't account for when you get in that gym and workout on the first day like you've been working out all year how you gonna feel in the morning you just gonna go in there and you're just gonna be determined to lose 12 pounds that day slap your neighbors they ain't going having captain it's a man panicked said I lost my x-head he said I lost it now watch this he knows where it went in but he doesn't know where it landed time you know it doesn't land where it goes I ain't got no health today it was home it doesn't land where it went in some of you you you remember the day you lost your mind but from then on it's a blur you don't you don't you don't you you missed the next three weeks you miss come on you don't know what if somebody actually what happened in the few months following that moment you lost your head you don't know because when you're submerged you can't see when your head is under the water when your head is beneath the sand when it is underneath the circumstance you lose all your sensibilities he he doesn't know where it landed and now I wanna I want to be philosophical here for a moment I need you to pay attention and now this is what the real problem begins this is what the real problem is he knows where it went in but now he's guessing about where it landed god help me in this place I want to give this to you because I want you to hear what I am saying when it was in his hands he knew exactly where it was but when it went into the water he moved from knowledge to perception now the Bible says no weapon formed against us with what in my estimation one of the biggest weapons that the enemy has ever waged against mankind is perspective are you with me so far I'm gonna slow I need you here me it's it's the biggest weapon why because we believe that whatever we perceive is actually knowledge see this is what happened in the Garden of Eden they were operating in knowledge God says you can have anything but don't eat of the tree that's forbidden the enemy comes into the garden and take us us from nut takes us from knowledge to perspective you can eat of it you will not and this is what has most of us defeated is because the enemy has hoodwinked us into having a higher value on our opinion than knowledge you could read something in the Bible and say I don't know what it says but I don't know about all that and this is why you have this whole fight against what scripture actually means and not everybody's twisting scripture saying that it might be tampered with and how do we know that a man didn't do it you know why because they would rather be in perspective oh it's the big argument between Republicans and Democrats one group says you should be able to do what you want with your body and the other one says that abortion is wrong and now you've got two perspectives and that's what the enemy has destroyed us is because we now trust perspective more than we do knowledge we trust perception more than we do knowledge and the Bible says and you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free not and you should have a perspective your perspective has engaged you hello I knew you were gonna say see how you decide it's gonna be there and now I'm giving you meat and you sleep I'm gonna work you anyway it's such a name that you gonna work it anyway and from the moment the enemy brought perspective into the earth nobody has been sure of anything since you don't know who to trust you don't know what decision to make you don't know what job to take you don't know what church to go to you'll know what neighborhood to live in it you don't know what city to live in you don't know what car you should buy you don't know what neighborhood you just you're at what it's all about perspective am I gonna live close to work I'm gonna live close to church do I want to live closer to Galleria they only can afford to go once a year or do I be smart and move out here somewhere where's cheap and drive-in when I got the money to go y'all they gonna say man but say ouch and since the intrusion of the ability to perceive no one has been sure of anything the Bible says a double minded man is unstable in all of his ways you're in stability in life right now and the reason why you cannot achieve your dream is because you're battling between what God said and what you think if you're English a man just just walk with me knowledge versus perspective see this is really a picture of the atonement because when Jesus came and atonement when you hear the word atonement it's really like reparations in other words it's it's it's payment for sin okay so Jesus is the atonement he provided a payment for a sin debt that he did not accumulate so this is atonement watch this because he takes us away from perception this is what atonement does perception the law it's like it's like seven hundred and almost eight hundred laws all of these perspectives if you if you if you eat with this hand that's the sin and if you eat at this time that's the sin and if you do this that's the saying all of these perspectives then God says I'm gonna tone I'm gonna come and die for the perspective so I can get you back to knowledge knowing me god help me in this place today I'm really trying to I'm trying to encourage you and I'm trying to show you something that in the next year you're going to have to put lesser value on your opinion and more of a value on what God said every time God gets ready to blow your mind you allow your mind to blow it every time he gets ready to blow your mind your mind get to working and you blow it why because you go with your feelings and your opinion over what God said that's good I don't care if you say man or not but can I tell you something his head went in the water and and and and I know it because the text said it the Bible says that Elijah said man this ain't nothing man I didn't raised a dead boy I called a barren woman to be pregnant man cat over that at the local army he he had leprosy man I told he took a bath and that came off see if you start talking to your problems like they are not powerful [Applause] then you recognize that this thing that you're going through can be done just like that and he says all right he says all right this is what we're gonna do he said what were you have to tell me where where did it go in where did it go in oh here is the next thing confession you you gotta admit that you lost your head you gotta admit that you lost your temper you can't just be walking around here talk about they did see when when it's always them you'll never find your head come on talk to me somebody you're gonna say could have said it wasn't my fault the person who made the accent they would have made it stronger it would have never came up he took care he took responsibility he says I lost it right here can you identify what you lost your head do you know where you were who you were with you know what you you you we were wearing that day did you do remember what you were drinking the day you lost and I'm just I'm just giving you some circumstances do you remember what city you're in what state you're in what state of mind you're in what company you're in what circle you will in because if you don't know where you lost her head then you don't know where to prevent yourself from going back to from losing it again he says it went in right here I remember it just like it was a day and it was said it went in right here I see another picture because look at what Elijah does the Bible says Elijah goes and cuts down a stick a branch and throws it in the water and the axe head now ladies and gentlemen of the jury I want you to go home if you gotta ask and if you do I'm kind of concerned about you anybody got to act let me see your hair yeah I knew the two of you had one but I'm kind of concerned about this area I bet you your axe can't float in the water it is impossible because of the aerodynamics of and the components of the axe head for it to float he throws a stick in the Jordan River st. yes of water it was the Red Sea I would have a problem if it was the sea if it was Euphrates if it was hot Dell if it was geese on if he was P Han if it was if it was the Nile River out but but but the Jordan because this is where Jesus this is where his head went in the water remember John the Baptist baptized Jesus and his head went in the water now would in the scripture is a metaphor for flesh y'all not listening but I'm actually I actually pay attention to me now so you got a head that goes in water you've got the same water we're naming baptized himself seven times you got the same water with Jesus his head went under this water and his body came up and wood is a metaphor for flesh so what he actually did is the head was sinking deep in sin far from because you know when you think you kind of it's sinking far from the peaceful shore very deeply staying within sinking to rise no more but the master of the sea Elijah cuts all flesh throws it into the water and now from the waters he lifted me see what is actually happening here it is a picture of Atonement where God is actually saying I cannot make the choice for you but I can give you a choice the Bible says many are called but few are chosen can I flip the script all are called but only those who choose to listen are chosen and those who listen sooner are chosen faster and so now the flesh has hit the water and now the flesh has caused the ex-head to rise because it's a picture of atonement flesh has now come to get the head and now the axe head has without pouch it has now it's back in the hands of the man who cut it off and now he has to reconnect it because God will never perform a miracle where your action is necessary he didn't make the axe head jump onto he had to go get it and reattach it he's a God ain't gonna save you without your confession if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised his son from the dead thou shalt be saved somebody say you got to confess it are y'all with me so far so he throws the axe hit the the stem into the water the axe head floats and it reattached itself notice it only lost his connection when it was being used notice it only lost his connection when he was beaten it against something that was resisting the tree didn't want to fall and the axe hey I didn't want to give up and and somebody was gonna have to give in either the tree was gonna have to fall or the axe head was gonna have to go it but but but the tree said I'm gonna stand and the tree still powerful enough see the flesh is hard to deal with that that that flesh stood up against that head and it did not fall and it was dislodged and I bet you the tree thought it had won the victory but it never knew that God has a grace for anybody who's lost their head and I don't know who I'm talking to in here today but I need you to just slap three people say God's got a grace for that I don't care where your head winning I don't care where you lost your confidence I don't care what you lost your mind I don't care where you lost your dream if you can confess where went in God's gonna make it come back up I don't know who I'm talking to but God's getting ready to make bad things resurrect in your life he's about to bring things back to life that you thought we're done yeah I don't want you to give up because you gotta be not weary in well-doing you will reap a harvest if you faint not I decree and declare that things that you have given up on and that you had lost God is about to bring them back to sight and he who has began a good work in you actually it begins to flow can you see that and you got to understand that an axe hey it falling in water is a curse because iron rust in water is it possible that you have your head in things that arresting you Oh God are you and in value and and you don't have to be honest but have you fallen into environments that are not good for your Anatomy [Applause] you don't cuss till you get around them you get around them you just drink up everything you don't [Music] come on y'all it's another year come on when you around your church friends its hallelujah praise hello I know that's why God is good you get around now your words lose letters you got some folk in your circle you got to repent every time you leave them you got to go home and say Lord I don't know why I do that will not get around there [Applause] [Music] your head is in an environment that is not conducive to your survival you got your head in circles you should do you the circle you trying to get in is already too low you trying to get accepted into a group that's already beneath you and you're rusty you don't even think fast enough anymore you you don't recover fast anymore you just stuck angry all the time keep attitude don't know how to forgive anymore stuck in how you think stuck in how you perceive and if you get out of that environment and get around some people oh god help you may have to give up a whole group for one individual stop and you lost your head I came to tell you it's your job to keep it up you got to lift your own lift up your head o ye gates and be he lifted up you everlasting and the King of glory so it took touch the name say your head is your responsibility you're gonna have to get your head out of depression you're gonna you're gonna have to stop crying about being rejected you're gonna have to stop crying about what they didn't do it what they didn't give and they didn't say sorry lift your head up slap somebody to say get up oh I feel glory in this room get up why is your head still in 1999 [Applause] come on y'all why are you still crying on your husband's shoulder talking about your father was not there and you're 50 oh god help you see you have given yourself an excuse to keep your head in the water because of what happened to you and your child I wasn't raised like that you didn't raise kids by now we were raised to do so okay that was 30 years ago if I had some real people who who were serious about confession you be you be asking God to touch your see you right now because some of you have given yourself an excuse to keep your head into your past yes I was raised that's how I grew up that's where I came from okay we know where it went in now can you identify where it went in so that God can lift it up I came to tell you today that it is time to get your head out of the water and the water can be anything get your head out of the pain get your head out of the rejection get your head out of the frustration okay it happened touch somebody say it happened it happened but I am here to tell you right now God is about to undo that thing he is about to do the redemptive work he is about to do the atoning anybody in he'll want to thank him in advance because I see hairs floating up I don't know who I just see hairs popping up I see hands popping up all over the room I see people coming out of depression I see people coming out of situations that you never thought you were gonna end that guess what when you come out your children they're going to follow you I don't know who I'm talking to but some of y'all were just about to give up but I came to tell you don't cry dry your eyes keep your head [Applause] say it start to float up can I tell you something and he had to can you see I'm having a step in the water and grabbing it himself pulling it out of the water he didn't say I have no one he didn't he didn't ask can you get this thing but if I get married maybe I'll get it if I if I get a job that payment up then I'll be happy if I get suitable transportation then I won't be complaining anymore if I could just get a check that or pay me three dollars more per hour then I'll be nothing anyone can do for you or to you we'll get your head back you can ask anybody in here who God gave a pay increase over this year they still crazy you had to step in and get it his self and he reapplied it to the stick watch this he took custody of it you got to stop outsourcing your head to other people you got to go get it Oh God you got it ain't nobody gonna make you happy you got to do it ain't nobody gonna encourage you you got to learn them I need 50 people to shout I'm gonna do it this year I'm gonna praise till I get happy this year I'm gonna worship until I get a breakthrough this year I'm gonna fast and pray until God does it for me this year somebody say you got to do it you got to do it and let me tell you your neighbor can't praise God for you you got to do it for yourself and if you believe that praise is a weapon I need you to open up your mouth over the next 30 seconds and again to give God some praise come on this next place let's go release a miracle this next place is gonna release what you've been praying for somebody shot I came to get my hand back I came to get my money back I came to get my confidence back I came to get my swagger back then everything that has breath I'm still waiting on you I'm still waiting on you I'm not about to do this one for you this is your last Sunday I dare about 200 people to give your neighbor - and shout neighbor I'm taking custody of my destiny oh you're in here what I said turn and find you another neighbor and shout neighbors I'm taking custody of my destiny I'll refuse to be depressed for another year another years I'll refuse to be downtrodden for another year snap your neighbor give him a high-five and shout neighbor over the next 45 seconds I'm about to bust a movement because I believe that God is about to do a new thing you can sit back euro - you can try if you feel like it but I'm coming my help comes from your head shower the bus of triumphant this is your years of releases this is your year of the breakthrough this is your year of a comeback y'all still don't want to praise Him I just need 55 people to step out in the aisle step over your neighbor and shout labor I've decided to leave my troubles behind I've decided to write my own tears I decided to be small sermon I've decided to annoy moan if I got somebody who believes this is your year I feel the move of God I feel the spirit shipping in the atmosphere the devil should a curious roundabout November us that you messed around and made it to another year I believe this is the year are your releases grab your neighbors gather here and shall neighbors [Music] shall labor if you can't get out by yourself i'ma blow you until you release it get out of that depression get out of that frustration forget what they think about you but get what they're saying get your head back [Music] get your hands back Muskaan scat something with your name on it shiny shiny get your head back get your mind back get your dear best get your dreambox [Applause] [Music] slapped you people say I'm back I'm back I'm back I'm back I'm back I'm back I'm back I'm back you're gonna see I'm back I'm back I'm back lift it up lift it up and I lift it up zombie on outro when your hair comes up you can't roll with the bow down [Music] I'm low but my hands up I'm sick but my hands up I'm lonely but my hair tops [Music] such as if they lift it up lift it up flip it up no more depression no more frustration you gotta put on the gun in a play the spirit happiness [Applause] [Music] lift it up this is not arrogance it's a sign lift it out [Music] [Music] yep you could manage to lift your head up and keep it there God is going to blow your mind but don't blow it with your mind your neighbor has survived something to stop getting so down on yourself like you the only one who ever been through something [Music] look at your neighbor that ain't none of your business what they've been through what they've been through some teller it's been real out here but you survived [Music] even when you didn't think you were going to that's the one thing about a story it's so personal you don't get a chance to tell it all but on the other side you decide made it over that so grandmother used to say I made it over I made it over I made it over through many dangers toils and snares I made it over I made it over lift your hair you keep that head up all year you hear me all year if you don't reach a goal don't put your head down if it doesn't happen in the timeframe that you thought it was gonna happen keep your head up God is about to blow your mind it's about to blow your mind holy spirit we thank you that you brought us this far and we thank you that you haven't brought us this far to leave us as we leave this place today Oh God allow us to make it back here Tuesday to see another opportunity to cross over into another season in another year we're gonna stop just splitting our lives up into the first of every year you're good every day and we're not going to wait to the first to thank you we thank you right now in advance as we leave this place allow us to walk into new seasons and expand it to a territory in Jesus name we pray if you love the Lord shot a man somebody on your way I'll tell them I love you I'll see you Tuesday [Music] [Music] wonderful don't give up on God because [Music]
Channel: The Lighthouse Church of Houston
Views: 39,865
Rating: 4.8804183 out of 5
Keywords: Keion Henderson, Lighthouse Church
Id: O2uhu729F68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 31sec (3631 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 29 2019
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