KEEP YOUR BOX: I'm Coming Out

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I want to warn you man if God does anything like what he did at Saturday service or 9:00 a.m. service we in for a long day Acts chapter 16 but about midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns of praise as the God and the prisoners were listening to them turn to your neighbor say neighbor you don't have to help me praise God I got enough praise where I can praise them all by myself because any crazy how if Paul and Silas are praising God they should have joined in with him but every now and again you gotta give God glory in the midst of people who don't see what you see and some of us have to realize we have to praise God in advance of what he's getting ready to do and suddenly somebody say suddenly there came a great earthquake and the foundation of the prison house was shaken and immediately that can preach all the doors were open and everyone's chains were unfastened if you're not too mean I want to end this series we're in inside we'll keep your box with today's topic and title I'm coming out I'm coming out I thought three people would have received that word over your life I'm coming out it was all renew Hurston who said and I quote if you're silent about your pain your enemies will kill you and say you enjoyed it in today's text we meet a brother who's in purpose but also in pain and when it comes to purpose and pain the two aren't mutually exclusive you can't have one without the other it was purpose that made David rush to the front lines of fight Goliath but it was painful when your father didn't think you were good enough to be king it was purpose that made Joseph's dream and find favor on another level but it was painful watching your brother sail you into slavery it was purpose that made that perfect Palestinian Jew named Jesus look into a cup and suggest nevertheless that will be done but it was painful and during the crucifixion might I suggest that somebodies at 10:30 if pain was his death certificate purpose became my birth certificate that you can't shout about the power of the Resurrection until you grabs in totality the sovereignty of the crucifixion or in other words the reason so many people feel like their prayer has no power it's because everybody wants to live and nobody wants to die and I want to suggest it's not until you've been through some stuff survive some stuff and live to tell the tale that you really understand what purpose is that's why you've got to stop being jealous and wanting what other people got don't want my purpose and not my pain don't want where I am but want to bypass what it took for me to get to where I am can I suggest to somebody in this room today that you did not arrive out of a vacuum you did not just appear on the scene and arrived it took work to get where you are it took long nights to get where you are and the most disrespectful thing you can do to a dreamer is to assume where they are they got bad look or they got by chance everything I got I had to fight for and it took pain to birth my purpose when we find ourselves today we see a brother who's in pain but yet he's praising God we see a brother who's in pain yet he's giving God glory and nobody's gonna say Amen but it's cool and again praise without pain it's just a performance praise without pain it's just a performance anybody can mimic a shout but I want to suggest there are three types of people sitting on your row some of y'all only gonna praise God once you come out of it but did couple of y'all are crazy enough to praise God in the middle of it crazy enough to tell god I don't know how this is gonna end out but since you took me brought me out last time I'm gonna catch two of y'all if he did it before he can do it again ain't it crazy how folk been looking you up and down all servers trying to figure out what's going on in your life they can't tell if you going through or you coming out why because I don't just praise the God when it's good I'm like David I will bless the Lord am I talking to anybody in here so when we find ourselves situated and acculturated in the book of Acts Acts is short for acts of the Holy Spirit we find Paul and Silas situated in house in chapter 16 and this one line enough is worth writing because when we find Paul and Silas they are in Europe on a mission they are in Europe on a mission and fresh off the boat they bump into their assignment that's enough to write right there because so many people are overwhelmed and frustrated because you can't figure out what your assignment is and I want to suggest that you if you get on a mission you'll bump into your assignment now I never set out that I never told God when I was 10 I wanted to own a school and help people get educated I never said that the only thing I told God I wanted was to be used by him at 8 years old I started playing the drums I got on a mission for God by 1314 I'm leading all the songs in the youth choir by 17 18 I'm doing youth ministry by 2021 I'm on the praise team by 25 23 I have one of the largest youth ministries in the city by 25 we start the church by 28 people in about well everywhere by 31 God is still moving we got campuses all over the city all over the state by 35 God puts the school into my lap about 36 it's doing everything God called it to be I never set out to do it but when you get busy for God you bump into what God designed for you to have now I'm gonna speak this and I don't know who's gonna receive it but I pray somebody can put your faith with my faith get ready cuz when you get busy for God you're about to start bumping into different assignments that God's about the place in your life this is critical they arrived in Europe on a mission fresh off the boat they bump into their assignment and look at verse 14 is on the screen a woman named Lydia from the city of Thyatira a seller of purple fabrics a worshipper of God was listening and the Lord opened her heart to respond to the things spoken by Paul look at this right now a woman named Lydia let's look at this from the message version I believe it's gonna bless your life from the message version look at what it says one woman that can preach I should say that for madness one woman Lydia from thigh etre a dealer and expensive textiles let's leave this stuff for a minute known to be god-fearing woman as she listened that can preach with anticipate that scripture right there one woman named Lydia from Thyatira a dealer and expensive textiles known to be a god-fearing woman what's the first thing I want to take out of your life and declare something over your life here's a new box that I need to break off for you and I speak another level over your life and you gotta claim this blessing you will be saved and paid only seven people receive that so look at your neighbor and say neighbor I can't claim everything for you some stuff you got a claim for yourself I want to speak over your life you're going to be saved and pay I'm in the wrong Church how do I know that is possible cuz look at verse 14 out the message she is a dealer and expensive are y'all looking at textile she is a seller of purple she ain't the lady at the hair salon with bootleg stuff she ain't the person who got knockoff stuff she got real dolce gabbana of gucci louis vuitton she got the real red bottoms not the ones that pee laughter you don't wore him a couple times she got good stuff she is known across the city that if you want some good stuff you better go find Lydia but look at the Karma she sells expensive stuff but she's known for being god-fearing many of y'all wanna be paid but the reason you ain't pay yet is because God said if I make you pay at the level you ant all they gonna know about is your money all they don't know about is what you drive all they gonna know is about your title she says she has stuff but she known for being a god-fearing woman now everybody ain't gonna shout but it's cool in the game I don't want people to know me for having a big church I don't want folk to know me for having good music I don't want people to know me for having schools I want people to know me and say yeah he got that stuff but if you don't know nothing else about him that boy in love with God in love with Jesus can I preach the three people who that has stuff and stuff will leave but as long as I got God I can always get stuff back this will be the season of my life wait yes I will some nice stuff but I won't God more than I won't possessions she is a Diller she is a Diller she is the seller of expensive textiles known to be a god-fearing woman but look at this scripture and she listened with intensity she listened with intensity look at this next slide is gonna bless your life I want you to really catch this your lack of intensity is tied to your lack of tenacity that's critical she listened that's critical oh my god she is the seller of expensive textiles known to be a god-fearing woman and she listened with intensity to what was being saying I really want you to catch this now and I pray you can receive this wide pmj because I see something in this scripture that many of us have been dealing with that we need to break off the last boxes that we need to come out of because she is a dealer and expensive textiles which means what she has nice stuff where is she from buy I etre why is that important Gayatri was known as an industrial city it was a city known for producing entrepreneurs and business so where she came from produced her mind said Michael McClure where she came from produced her mindset has she been from Nazareth she probably would have been a carpenter or had a trade has she been from another city she probably would have just been a maid but because she was from a place that all she saw was people doing stuff that I'm in her own church got on her one box that I want to break a little God to break the box off our church why pmj because I want to declare because you connected to a church I want you to come to a place where you see so many people in favor you can't help but get that I want you to come to a place where you see so many healthy marriages then all you can desire say Lord put that on me I want you to come to a place where you see so many degrees so many entrepreneurs so many people single and free so many people happy and whole that you can say god I want that on my life and can I suggest to many of you the reason the places you go are starting to irritate you it's not because you've outgrown the place you've outgrown the spirits on the place I'm in the wrong church this morning now it ain't them this is why your circles this is what I think about the old you could stay at certain places all night and kickin it the new you before you get there be ready to go while pmj in it because of the place it's because of what you see in the place you look around and you see everybody hurtin you see everybody struggling let me pause cuz I want to speak something over your life that I pray you can receive I'll speak a new testimony I don't even know when to say Amen I speak a new testimony make that make sense I'm going to be saved and pay what what does that main pmj I bind up these old testimonies see I'm sick inside of this right you didn't know how I was gonna pay the bill and I got down three months behind and God may not have came when I wanted him but he's a known term god yes he is the devil is a liar my new testimony gonna be different I didn't know which one of my properties I was gonna have to sail and God look it up and I got double to offer on this one and I was able to stack that money so y'all can't even clap cuz you a hater your new testimony gonna be real simple that I went to school this week and got this scholarship in this grade and didn't know how I was gonna pay for tuition but this person paid for this semester they pay for that semester so I ain't sure if I'm gonna go to grad school or get another under grant yo new testimony gonna be I got two job offers on the table one pay this much one pay that much I just gotta pick why I bind struggle here it is I've been to speak this over your life if you receive it you can jump up and show receive it God is shifting you from surviving to thriving look at your neighbors shout I can't shout for you baby but tell him I'm getting ready to shift from surviving to thriving that being a struggle is over for me he's shifting me from not enough to more than enough and while says he says she says she says I am a dealer and expensive textiles so what do I need God to break off my life I need you to catch this I come against and I break the spirit of poverty now miss what I just said I come against and I break the spirit of poverty the Bible teaches about poverty and its effect on people to write or speak about the spirit of poverty does not fall into the arena of prosperity teaching a spirit of poverty has nothing to do with how much money one has and where you live what you eat and what you wear and what you drive a spirit of poverty can oppress and not frequently does it oppress not just wealthy people many people below the poverty level are not oppressed by the Spirit it has nothing to do with wealth or the lack thereof it's related to greed and fear priest p.m. James so the spirit of poverty has nothing to do with you being broke it is a mindset see so so many times when we talk about the spirit of poverty we delimit the spirit of poverty to people who don't have nothing when you don't realize I'm gonna say this to seven of y'all you can have zero in your pocket but 100 in your head and still be blessed I'm so here me a spirit of poverty can be defined as a demonic spirit empowered by iniquity and sin in the areas of giving and receiving that's rich that's rich a spirit of poverty this is what I got a break off my members here's what I got a break off my life here's what we got a break off our black businesses here's what we got a break off black community here's what we got a break off black institutions it's called a spirit of poverty what is that Pastor Mike a spirit of poverty can be defined as the demonic spirit that is being empowered by iniquity and sin in the areas of giving and receiving let me free you real quickly and I want to suggest this to you this is why people who got stuff more often than not have the spirit of poverty it's because they got stuff but they stand G they mean won't help nobody don't come through for nobody they greedy they keep it all to yourself yeah you ain't got nothin help everybody see the spirit the spirit of poverty ain't about how much money you don't have but spirit of poverty is not when you got stuff is when stuff got you and it mean it is a spirit though that definition on the screen that is empowered by sin and iniquity and the areas of giving and receiving I'm finna freed you I'm gonna free you I'm gonna free you many of you don't even realize the reason your relationships keep going left it's because you are in a relationship with someone or you possess the spirit of poverty which means you are in incapable of giving or receiving love see see that's the problem the devil plays subtle tricks is called strongholds he plays his subtle tricks and subtle lies in the atmosphere and once he places a subtle line the atmosphere you then applied that lie to every area so when you say poverty that you instantly think about what money but you don't realize the spirit of poverty does not deal with the giving and receiving of funds it's the giving and receiving period you have a spirit of poverty when it's hard for you to give an apology you have the spirit of poverty when folks trying their best to support and love you but you keep pushing them away how does it manifest Pastor Mike it manifests in laziness greed looting stealing concealing sin lack of generosity what are three things I couldn't sleep the other night I was in Chicago and I couldn't sleep and Holy Spirit kept saying Mike there's some things you have to break off of your family when I say family I'm not just talking about my wife and kids it's my family but mcclure family the woods family those two families came together and made me and there are three things that are that are combined in both of those families that if I'm not careful I'm gonna keep running into because they never broke one of those three things debt bondage and poor decisions I'm heavy today gets bundage and poor decision I'm gonna say this and you don't have to say Amen your spirit gonna agree with me some of y'all are fighting stuff that ain't even your problem you are dealing with compounded confusion it was spirits that was never broke in your bloodline that didn't nobody ever break that has been growing for years and years which is why you can't figure out why you always get to a certain point income question is because there was a sealing place over your bloodline that was never broken but I want to declare God birthed you in that family to break something I don't know who I'm preaching to can I preach the three folk who look around your family and say God I'm just so much different than them but now you realize God birthed me to break something you've got to be the first one to get multiple degrees you've got to be the one in the family with some money you've got to be the one in a family with a healthy family look at what it says so three things I had to break was dead poor decisions bundage can I ask you a question today what need to be broke off your bloodline I'm gonna ask you a heavy question what did you see your mama deal with that if you ain't careful you've fallen into yourself what did you see your family deal with that as a child you said I would never go through but you find yourself in your don't use in that same cycle I'm gonna make a diss declaration and you can receive it if you want to God anoint me to be a cycle breaker give me when I say this now it's called the spirit of poverty it houses in your life it sets it up and it makes it difficult for you to give or receive it's crazy ain't it it makes it difficult for you to give or receive so what do we need to do we need to bind the spirit of poverty and loose looking to the true source giving to the Lord giving releases resources giving to the poor hard work generosity y'all missed it hard work generosity see you have a spirit of poverty when you want everything but don't want to work for nothing how you taking off wit bills no if you healthy and you ho go to work as a matter of fact go down tomorrow as they do got a couple more hours that you can throw me why because I'm not waiting on nobody to put nothing in my hand see a spirit of poverty y'all don't like me today but it's cool a spirit of poverty it's waiting on somebody to bring you something when you break that you say don't nobody have to bring me nothing I can get up and verse 14 put verse 14 on the scene she is a dealer in expensive textiles that's critical she is a dealer someone stayed diller which means she doesn't have the Internet she doesn't have a warehouse she doesn't have employees how do I know that look at verse 14 one woman Lydia was from Thyatira a dealer not dealers dealer in expensive text house which means every morning she knew if me and my family was gonna eat I've got to get up and go get in I'm finna say this and three of y'all gonna turn me off and it's cooling again you hit this next week but for three of y'all your spirit and your baby and your spirit finna leave right here that you've been wrestling lately because something in you've been telling you you ain't gettin in enough and then other people around you've been trying to convince you you're doing too much you ain't doing too much as a matter of fact puts your gas on the brake some more God said you have a window that if you don't get it in this window it may not get got let folks talk about you all they want to all you do is work and all I'm gonna do is pay bills and Baal bless you I don't have time to sit around talking about nothing doing nothing I didn't come to priest is lazy so apathetic complaining always want somebody to do something is somebody else fault members i came to preach to the go get us in the room who can show up in a work hard and pray i've been a work hard and fast i've been at odds and give god glory why but it's my year to go get it yo neighbor ain't clapping cuz they ain't got your grind reach over there laser staining high-five another neighbor and shout i'm going to get it this year my family gonna be blessed my career bout to go get it huh somebody self go get it I was watching I was watching jaylen hurt yesterday right and Jalen killing right now Jalen killing right now he throws for 400 yards 3 fo touchdowns they destroyed it seemed they playing he didn't even play in the fourth quarter third quarter and all of a sudden I get to watching the game I go on Instagram and and Jalen in the locker room working out the video pops up of Jalen in the locker room working up he still got his game pants on still got his cleats on just finished playing a game his next game ain't for another seven days but he realized if I'm gonna win in seven I got to go get it right now I'm not waiting on watch tonight just say 2020 in my ear I'm finna go get it this week so I can make a do declaration that this is mine I don't know who I'm preaching to in here but touch somebody or tell them it's my season if they didn't I pop you back that's the wrong somebody walk over to somebody else say it's my season that's the rope somebody look at somebody else tell them it's my season tell him I'm going hard in the prenup I gotta go by myself I refuse to lose another year I refuse the weight on somebody else that's three people and say it's my season look at your neighbors say neighbor what's wrong with you know I can't carry you no more no I'm done carrying capable people I am done carrying capable people when I'm gonna work you can get up and go to work to wear that job believe me it ain't beneath me if I got to mop if I got to go to a call center if I got to work out a plan whatever I gotta do um look at this look at this Lydia Lydia is a dealer and expensive textiles but baby girl she known for being a god-fearing woman she's known for being a god-fearing woman and the next scripture says and when she heard this is critical in her heart look at the next verse it says God opened her heart next first it says God opened her heart this is critical to I need you to catch this whilst it's important because whose heart got open y'all in her own church helping out the wake up with me today whose heart got open whose heart got open whose heart got open I almost helped me preach or not who heart got open go to the next verse and when she and her household had been baptized y'all slow but you're worth waiting on go back a verse who heard the word next verse who got baptized y'all slow with your words wait now who woke up and went and got it who got a blessing because of it God said the reason you gotta come out it's because when you come out everything around you got to come out I ain't come to preach the greeted people but if you want your mama bless your family bless your children's less the green children bless you auto shop we coming out Lydia play Lydia caught the word family got baptized this is why this is why I need you to come out your box because if you don't come out anybody else coming out hit me now if you don't come out ain't nobody else coming out Lydia said this can preach Lydia Lydia gets the word I don't even know if her family was present all I know is that Paul and Silas sitting here James like hey man you got to get to know Jesus now I'm telling you Jesus is incredible he died I would on the third day he didn't stay dead he got up mmm with all power in his hand people walking by like what did they talk about dead ain't nobody but Paul and Silas you know you're always trying to get somebody saved they gonna mess around and get beat again what you're talkin about remember the last C today was that Lystra they went in there talkin that Jesus stuff got stoned and they left him for dead what what you're talkin about you don't remember with all on the news Paul rolled up in Lystra he was trying to get people delivered and on fox said you know what they say what they say pull up on the Internet today on five six Paul Rowles up in Lystra trying to get people saved and delivered he was stoned and left for dead but what are you doing here oh they didn't put that part on news what part of news then he was on the ground they had stoned them threw rocks on him he was bleeding they thought he was dead they just stopped beating him till he stopped breathing but what are you doing here oh they didn't put up on the news what happened the people of God put a circle around him y'all gonna catch in a minute and the Bible says they started praying he got up and started walking see this is why your circle is critical because if you don't have the right circle but people around you will keep you in a box preach vmj but if you got the right people they can pull you out which is why I pray for me pray for me pray for me I'm not hanging with people who comfortable being stuck I'm not going round places that are comfortable when mediocrity I am allergic to average I don't meddle in mediocrity I'll break out when I get around folk who don't talk what I talk see I'm addicted to bosses I'm addicted CAC you ain't got to have nothing to be around me but you at least got the roots I see I don't like small conversation don't come around me ain't never happy ain't never got no we ain't nobody no no no I need folk around me talkin big even when they live me little I won't around me like where you going next year drew by oh we don't book your ticket I don't know I got to see how much they thought we'll go get it what's you doing this young man we're gonna go buy us a car then what'd you get man Aetna is 550 words how much you got to put down Halloween no yet I but what that is outside are you go do it go not really there what you're talking about you have not Lydia gets a rush this she go home her whole family comes out how do I know Lydia does not have the spirit of poverty cuz look at that burst right there it says her whole family got baptized watch this she urged us saying if you have judged me to be faithful to the Lord come into my house did you catch that did you catch that how do I know I have properly broken the spirit of poverty over my life when there is nothing in my life God can not use you miss what I just said when there's nothing in my life that God can not use see everything that I possess is God's possession everything I possess is God's possession can I ask you a question who's gifted who's gifted and ain't let God get it so you mean to tell me all my stylists Oh your hands up on my hairstyle any stare stylist so you do all the best hair no wear on my barber study hands look at look at you all my finance majors throw your hands up finance majors all my school teachers throw your hands up everybody okay so got you a question how any child in our church failing and you gift it to teach so so you need to tell me you can only teach when paint three people I need you to be aware of people who say praise me and me or pay me that's crazy praise me pay me or position me see I had to do a self inventory of the people around me because I discover certain people were only around me because I paid them certain people only did for me because I praise them which means if I did they did something for me and then I may get on stage say I want to thank so-and-so for what they did then they want to leave the church and say well peso my views mean I didn't use you you told me that God told you to usher I shouldn't have to tell the whole church thank you for what you told me God ain't it crazy how both walk into your life tell you what they gonna do for you can't get mad when you don't acknowledge what they said they was gon hit me oh it's called gifting it's called gifting it's called gifting it's called giftie it's called good thing I've been traveling and preaching and doing all this stuff gotta yadda yadda yadda and just stacking stacking stacking stacking finally Tiffany talking should I pass the mic you got $17,000 sitting right here from all the place you don't wanna preach on a place you don't want a song just people get you this I said so the happiest day was last Thursday I couldn't wait to go to the bank cuz I got me a cashier's check I started back of it and I went to the school and I'm say hey all this stuff y'all need I want you to catch this stuff so hear me so then all my friends said you don't lost your mind you don't went out here work oh I said no you don't realize I said God gave me a gift but I bumped into an assignment so I so do I sit here and wait on somebody from over the mountain to come bring me a miracle or do I get up and go be my own miracle hear me hear me hear me see wait when you surrounded by people who don't have your grind they will realize your sacrifice hear me so when you see me move and I'm not moving cuz I'm trying to I'm trying to make stuff happen I got I got 143 kids who depended on me to make sure they get from kindergarten to high school I got 12 seniors who gonna need scholarships in six months and I'm not gonna look at them and say you can't go to college because you didn't have the right brain I'm being by faith see I'm gonna have a shift in here some of y'all waiting on the miracle some of us trying to be a miracle look at your neighbor and say neighbor I want God to bless me to be a miracle I'm gonna put my whole cousin through college I'm gonna make sure my mom'll never work a day in her life I'm gonna make sure everybody around me walk in favor somebody shout be a miracle no no if I gotta preach folk if I got to wake up on Saturday preach on Saturday new staff means Saturday evening preach Sunday three times so in two days I don't preach four days Monday we're gonna have staff meetings all day Tuesday I'm a priest two times Wednesday jump on a plane go here sing do what I got to do boom give me that chick in Jesus name booyah sign the back up and come back Thursday sit in class what about 12 seniors talk to about 15 juniors talk to about twenty ninth graders talk to them boom boom boom and then they get to look at me and I get to see them walk down the hall when new computers I get to see them walk down the hall with uniforms I get to see them sit in assemblies with schools from over the mountain see many of you don't even realize the reason god they put none in your hand because it ain't nothing in your heart get em I feel the mobile mold coming out ain't nothing in your heart and I'm trying to get you to realize you got to be like Lydia you got to say this ain't just for me this ain't just for me this ain't just for me your mom ain't struggling to put you through college so you can talk back to her this ain't just for me meaning we don't even realize that you disrespect God when you disrespect the people who make the sacrifice for you to get where you are oh my god hear me Lydia Lydia here's a word I got to go Lydia here's a word she turns to the person who spoke the word and said come to my house many of you don't even realize the blessing you're gonna miss it's because you're so busy thinking God you ain't stop to think the person God used that's heavy that's heavy that's heavy that's heavy that's heavy she does come to my house then pollen stylist leaves our house they start walking down the street right so Paula thoughtlessly the house she walking down the street and all of a sudden this little girl starts following them this little girl is following them these are men of the Most High God these are men of the Most High God they're bringing salvation these are men of the Most High God is right there in the scriptures these are man for the Most High God they bring in salvation these are men of the Most High God and Paul here's what I miss when I preach this at 27 cuz I was young when you get older your eyes started looking at different things cuz you done been through some stuff here's this one phrase I miss in my youth it says she followed after Paul and us and she kept crying saying these are the men the bun servers of the Most High God who are proclaiming you the salvation next verse watch this watch this she continued doing this I never saw this for many days the nation is crazy for many days whilst is crazy because God said to me Mike when I first read description I thought she bothered him he delivered her but Paul does something that many of us do he tolerates what he should have killed many of you don't even realize it sir stuff in your life that you playing with that you better take out but it takes you out it says for many days can you imagine these the men of the Most High God ignored these are men of the must hug I said ignored be is on me hey baby girl do me a favor go play some way okay he is up and the text says Paul was greatly annoyed he turned and said to the spirit I'm gonna find me a Baptist Church I like I'm so tired of this man I need I need me an old church don't be making me work too hard I'll be up here sweating preaching and I get to the parshat posed to be excited about y'all just be sitting there looking at me I'm gonna find me a oh it's solid Baptist Church with 400 deacons who gonna be like yes sir because y'all be sleeping on me making me work hard y'all won't even see the shower what's this she did this for many days Paul turned sad - who who did it she who did he check many of y'all are mad at people who you don't even realize being used him me and lady me and Lady whent will fuss that often but when we do when we do get into it we get into it alright alright so so I had to check her one day cuz she just kind of popping at me pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop alright so then all of a sudden she kind of popping at me about stuff I don't do no more and women let me pause here for a minute because sometimes y'all be so used to fussing at your man that you don't even realize he's changed but that's what you're so used to automatically fussing about all right so she kid me and I'm like gonna know and then she hit me with the ho no you ain't never here you need to help with the boy than do okay whoa I said when I'm doing bad someone they're taking people to practice that's I'm writing I got mass I'm writing appreciate a service if a week traveling singing this for the big big double come home and you're in I'm not loose the Holy Spirit say I said oh I the barrel know what is that because that's a diss spirit that's on you I stretch my I said baby whatever spirit this is that's on you in the name of Jada she lived a mission in and whatever spirit is on you [Applause] so we stand in the kitchen like this like we're trying to see who power is the strongest I like the spirit of solute spiritus but then all of us that I couldn't put my finger on it cuz she real suck it was different it was though it was a poppy type of snap Becky and I was I was like okay then all of a sudden I go sit down and I go press list on the owner on the DVR and in his love something Huntsville it's basketball wives it was it was it was love and medicine or some so did not just press play but a little summary in Gale against so-and-so name he was then I went to the next episode I'm not baby if you from and I started noticing this and [Applause] I thought okay I thought but then I looked at her I said oh baby what you gonna bill I said it I said I said oh because your eyes and your ears of the birth take your spirit so if the devil was to impregnate your spirit if God wants to impregnate your spirit he let somebody speak a word or he lets you see something you missed it so quickly so she comes home true story I always preach true she comes home yesterday and she's like oh my show it's gonna come on Eileen I had something for I had already went into the DVR deleted him I had already took him off automatic and I said they become in a row let's watch TV on the room and she was wait she okay baby eight o'clock I need you to change channel I said cool so eight o'clock come I'll put it on the channel true story you can look at it I'll put on the channel and sort of the came up tonight boom I said no longer so then she looks at me and she said I'll tell you what delete you I got myself saved on TV like seventy five times right so they see when they deleted me off the team in I'm okay I said it's cool cool I said that's tit for tat I said but what you're not gonna do I said I said I don't like the spirit I'm gonna free you Oh Lord I'm scared to say this what if your relationship will be better if you let go your friends see that's why certain people I can't go around I don't need a spirit to get on me miles mouth miles see there's certain thing the difference between success and failure you feel yog this year gonna be who check spirits no see because because because everybody on the line everybody went alone go line back is obedience but is defiance see if you can't touch the line you hinder in my progress because he's telling me to touch the line cuz imma get to a game I ain't got nothing left and I won't be able to dig deeper because I love how to think when my body tired see this is why you gotta have people around you you gotta have people around you who don't cheat and celebrate it no shortcuts I'm preaching to three of y'all no shortcuts this little girl and Paul turns and he says to the spirit what type of spirit does she have am i doing all right today the spirit of divination she has the spirit of divination definition is on the screen put this thing who knows spirit of divination is an attempt to foretell the unknown by occult means such as witchcraft all right spirit of divination spirit of divination okay spirit of definition right there and I want to go too deep st. try and go viral and get a tank but that's when you got horoscopes and you turn to all this stuff you're trying to foretell what's gonna happen that that's what a spirit of divination is when you can't boom until you read your horoscope all right pepper have pest Mike but they be right it don't matter no you're trying to get ahead of God I'm gonna leave that alone it's a spirit of divination so what happened she should have been a prophetess but she's surrounded by people who can see she bound but keep using her that's rich ain't it so if she got a gift to predict a future they should have loved on her nurtured her brought her to church and said this sister got a word she could have set the whole church free but yet when you are in a box you become blind and you fall in love with people who manipulate you many of you won't many of you are addicted to manipulative people because you've been through so much in your pants what you perceive is love is brokenness so you can meet somebody sweet and say they soft meet a player and rather chase them you can have one friend who is saying let's go to church you say they boring another friend say let's be ratcheting you say they did life for the party y'all don't like me today it's clearing in itself so hear me when I say that it's a spirit of divination she should have been a prophetess they use her as a fortune-teller what are they doing they got her set up in the city and they got people paying to get a word hey if he wants your prophecy come here what you won't give me $20 boom tell her what she gonna do and she accurate Paul says to the spirit in the name of Jesus put on screen she's gonna run put that on the screen he tell he's turns and says to the spirit in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her and it came out that very moment but none let me show you what's incredible and people got mad there are certain people who like you better blind coach coach's certain people who like me better blind there are certain people who like you better manipulative when they can just cry use you take all your stuff disappear and they pray not for you but on you and they throw Paul in jail right they beat him and it's can preach there could be a testimony they left him beaten bros broken blue dick bloody but breathing beaten broken bruised bloodied but breathing he's beaten broken bruised bloody but breathing and they throw him in jail why he messed up their prophet how do I know I'm being how do I know someone is trying to manipulate me it's when they do they best to isolate you it's when they don't want you around nobody it's when they start attacking the very people who've been loving you and holding you down for your whole life and I got to get you by yourself because if I get some people pouring until you you ain't gonna be free now I got to get you by yourself I got and they tried to cultivate this box that you have they see you that's why all my singles I need you praying I need you fast and I need you in God's presence I need you worse but I need you at church I need you I need you listening to the app because if you're not careful the enemy can see your brokenness they thought Paul in jail right and talking Silas in jail and can't you see me beat bruised they heard chance cup your helmet and they in jail they they in gym in tents they in jail shackle shackles and chains and can't you see Silas looking at them and saying what we gonna do and it scripture says but about midnight Paul and Silas we're praying okay all right I'm not implanted in the back but I need your help can you go to verse 13 or 14 I think I think it's 14 it's the second to last screen I gotta improvise second to the last screen can you go there quickly all right and on this that's verse what 13 go back to verse 25 that's what we got go to 25 so that means 13 comes before way all right so 25 is in the future 13 represents the way so go to the past 13 and on the Sabbath day we went outside the gate to a Riverside where we were supposing that we would have a place come on Silas let's roll y'all missed it come on Silas come on Silas let's go Silas boom oh look like we ain't you're a boy alright thank you for bringing us here man let's go pray pool yeah we finna go find somewhere to pray hey Lydia how you doing alright what's your name Lydia okay well look man we my name is Paul that Silas man we just come to share the good news of Jesus Christ I know you've heard about me I've been going from place to place setting up churches man did you know Jesus died yeah we all heard about it was all over the news but did you know he got up with all power in his hand and that's why we now have a right to the Tree of Life all you have to do is confess with your mouth and believe in your heart are you willing to do that well I'm not trying to get in your biz but I can see you got your own business set up and the world has taught me in order for me to be successful corporately I gotta kill my faith oh so you you saved and paid okay cool do me a favor what you mean wait now we got somewhere to go I can't wait okay what's your going hey I'm in case you got okay ma'am we at the Riverside because we came to pray no this ain't bad I don't have a change of clothes to baptize I confess your mouth baby come on husband you confessed your mouth believe me honey rose Shh come on kids you confess with your mouth baby Shh okay um okay I can't go to church looking like this come to your house no we good we good we do it no no you all right come on go to our house all right we just sleep here tonight don't worry about I wash the dough cause we're not ease be all right all right all right thank y'all so much we can ready to go let's get it do that in the other the most excuse me though girl if she's being used that mean her handlers are closed yo mister y'all don't be thinking y'all don't be thinking critically enough of me see I'll have a life all I do is sit up and think all day so think about this if she's being used she's only doing what she's being told to do so she ain't following him because she know him she's following them because her handlers are trying to use her to disrespect them coming coming coming you see them too right there that's Paul and Silas this what I want you to say what you say do go say these me and love God they gonna save us all go tell them boom hey come on get your girl miss that plan come come get you I said get you girl come on come here come here come here come to make an example watch this let me make an example that's gonna send a message to your manipulators I've been a pulse y'all I got to say man this why people don't like you coming to my church see see is he late the fact that you go to church it's the fact that you come to this church how much now I want you to see me clearly I want you to think about this think about this I really want you to think about this I really want you to think about this you could call him and say you going to the club and what they gonna say cool you can call us say you going to the mall let me come we're gonna go to track what aren't you going to just be careful didn't do what you say for what it's just it's just kind of like it's just kind of like always like you know I used to go there but it's like I went there and I saw some stuff know what you saw you know no just say it now I'm not telling the truth so then you stay at home go somewhere else and be sitting in church like no this ain't it then they get up singing songs that we sing and you like oh here come no no this is a you get in Charlie life and we gotta yeah do you like no no so now here you are grown sneaking you wanna know why because people don't see the problem with this church is that you come then you change and you'll change me so suddenly that you become a mirror so what's wrong in them and it's hard for them to look at you did the question hey come here come in I got cinnamon cumin cumin cumin cumin come in in the name of Jesus Christ come out Holy Spirit comes out little girls sitting there probably tripping like in my head is my movie I'm the pastor I can do it like I want to do it alright so in my head look girl tell me to come out I'm a little girl Oh go get him who are you oh how do you know the spirit off you when you see people used to be crazy about and then we even look the same to you you just be looking back like I did that like geez oh my god hit me hit me hit me and Paul says come on let's go we got to get out of here now come back Paul we got to go let's go pop boom and they beat him and they beat him not now watch this this is why you got to be careful hanging with people with favor cuz who casts the spirit out Paul who got beat Paul and Silas who the one who did it Paul who called Hale Paul the quickest way God wants to reveal if the people in your life are with you is he let them get with you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and they throw them in jail and the text says and at midnight Paul and Silas were what did they plan to do when they got off the boat what do they finally do in jail this may be quotable for you never allow I'm in the wrong Church never allow unexpected obstacles to detour your original intentions tell me to slow in the bed never allow your original intention to be detoured by unexpected obstacles look at me when you got that job you said I'm gonna go to this job I'm gonna work my way up and do what I got to do people start hating on you at the job stay focused on what you originally said let's go home I gotta go I'm out of time and it says and at midnight Paul and Silas pray to sing praise unto God so much so that the prison has heard them and we're listening to them let's go home stand sit stand with me stand with me they were listening to them next verse next verse next verse suddenly thank you there was a massive earthquake I want to show you something because I don't think you get what God did earthquake put on the screen earthquake diagram earthquake I want to show you exactly quickly thank you so much it's a fault scarp all right so at the top of the land is an epicenter at the top of the land it's an epicenter what you feel the shaking is called wave fronts but part in the center of the earth that lies on the fault line is called the focus point can I read something to you that's gonna bless your life can I read something to you that's gonna bless you like I want you to catch this now watch this I want you to really really catch this right why is that's important pmj the point underground where the earthquake begins it's called the focus the point where the earthquake begins is called the focus the focus point or the fault line is where the rock actually breaks directly above the focus on the surface is the epicenter which is the central point from where all the grounds shaking extends watch this so an earthquake is nothing more than a shaking I'm sorry a breaking then a shaking I said I'm gonna show you this right here all right focus do you see the focus point where is the focus on the dead center of the fault line I'm gonna see who I want to catch this sermon with me catch it so what causes the earthquake when focus is broken so the earthquake comes when focus breaks it called us the fault line to crank it sends a ways to the surface that shaped the epicenter in many of you don't even realize the shaking you've been feeling you so busy trying to deal with the shaking you should be trying to focus on what broke that's heavy ain't it because I want you to see this right now because here's what you feel that's of my mud life been rocky and God is saying what broke your focus used to be on the app used to be praying you to miss church you who you let snap you focus then now you fill in the wave at the time can can I be honest because I don't know I'm gonna move you with emotion who in this room right now been filling your focus off and can we be honest whenever you feel your focus off what else do you start filling stuff start getting crazy all of us thinking there's and get blurry stuff start falling out of alignment you can't get your rhythm and here's what we do it's people breathe what we do it's people is that we rather deal with the runny nose than the cold so if somebody see you smiling at the nose they don't hang you medicine they hand you a napkin because I ain't trying to fix your cold I just don't want to look at the surface symptoms and what am I trying to do I'm not trying to give you a napkin no I'm looking at you saying now let's get to the root of it let's get to the root of it cuz if we don't put the focus back together everything in your life just gonna shake again Paul and Silas is in jail right and the text says we don't have a key to get out because they end at midnight Paul and Silas a rock can you go to e-flat for me cut it up go to C go to B go to a are you na go to the 4 5 - is it a such thing as a G go to the G all right stop what key is there that's what what key is there that's be what key is there that's F sharp so so sound ain't just noise gimme sound is a which is why God says make a joyful or in other words use your and what you don't realize is while they're in jail the prisoners looking like how y'all gonna get out and in my head Paul and Silas hell we got a key that I may not have the physical key but if I just praise God in the right key doors a start opening in my life I'm gonna give you 10 seconds use your key right now if you need him to open the door on your job open the door for your he'll open the door for your career you shifty [Music] one minute and the Bible says put the scripture on the screen for me please it says and thank y'all for being patient with me oh god don't god you're so good hear me when I say this he says earthquake which mean focus gets broken how do I know that's true because it says the prison was shaking at its what foundation also look at what happens whenever the foundation of your life is broken torn apart which is why you have to pray look at me I'm never gonna force nothing on you I'm not that type of past it I'm never gonna force-feed you guy I'm never gonna do that I'm gonna take you to the river and let you drink I let you so it's up to you that's me so look at me I'm gonna be very clear with this pray that's foundational give that's foundational because of those who despitefully use you that's foundational be respectful that's foundational yes sir no man being a good person keeping your word it's foundational it's foundational when I leave here today I am tired I have been on the road for probably less 13 days four times I preached seven times in three days less we got off the road with the staff meeting priests from all the Bible studies jumped on the plane we went to Chicago left Chicago came back priest Saturday service I'm fries three times a day I am exhausted but I gave that girl my word I was gonna get her some spring rolls from PF Changs hear me when I say this as soon as church is over I'm gonna take my Tiger but MPF change stand in line I can sir spring rolls please cuz if I walk in that house without comes free Rose watch this watch this I'm not where I'm grown it hurt busting at me I'm gonna change my life I'm gonna play that game I'm grown so she can fuss and get mad she eventually get over it but you wanna know what I have grown to realize I don't want her to now question my word sososo hear me I'm gonna show you fellas let's see your pastor cuz if I can't keep my word about PA Chang I can't keep my word about not being what I am when I'm away from her it's the small things so when I say baby I'm here she gonna believe I'm here cuz if I kept my word in the small things I be faithful over them then you'll be ruling over the way I got to keep my word so hear me when the foundation is broken door swing open now let me pause I didn't say this that no other service it's the only one I must say it because I feel like God gave me this word specifically for you the doors that are about to open in your life aren't good ones hear me there aren't doors for you to walk out because your foundation has been all over the place you don't pray you don't give have lift right you don't reach a word you don't say focus like God is calling you God says the shaking you're about to experience is flinging doors open watch this the Book of Proverbs says an angry man is like a city without walls which means it has no defense system how do we know walls our defense system because when Joshua goes to Jericho it is surrounded by what walls Joshua did not have a key to get in but he shouted which means noises away Keith and when he got the right key walls came down so what do we realize praise is synonymous with bringing stuff down and shaking stuff at the room so what happens p.m. James for many of you if you don't get your foundation in check look at your pastor I'm gonna force be nothing on you praying God gave you the job you're a tired folk keep coming for you keep your mouth closed and stop trying to give people a piece of your mind give them a piece of your heart and if not watch this this foundation for the shame then when that foundation shake doors don't start flying open how do I notice it's true because look at the scripture but jailer got ready to commit suicide and Paul says stop we still here or in other words God didn't open this door for me to walk out he opened his door to prove to you you can't keep me in and many of you here you passed it here you passed it he passed it if you don't get your foundation right I can't pray that off three I can't pray to know there's gonna be stuff you and killing it's gonna be stuff you go through that you're gonna look back you know clown kid God what's going on oh and let me free you cuz many of you are going through a shaking right now and I want to be very clear with you it ain't the devil it's you you giving the devil too much credit it ain't the devil it's you somewhere between yesterday and today later and now the oh you in the new you foundation lost focus and when fit focus snaps when something breaks at your core it calls the shakin at the time I don't know who I'm praying for today but you wanna know why I love God cuz every time I break it you can put it back together father I pray for focus I pray God that you would grant me the ability to remain focus grant me the ability to keep my mind and my heart and alignment coz God the truth of the matter is there are certain things I want in my head that my heart don't agree with there are certain things my heart want me to do that my mind can't convince myself to do my heart keep telling me to love people my mind keep saying you're gonna get hurt again my heart keeps telling me to pray but my mind keep convincing me I gotta go out and make something happen my heart keeps saying love God my mind keeps saying is it real my heart keeps saying give my time my mind keeps saying I got bills there is this wrastling happening in so many people between their heart and their mind so today God I ask that you align the truth let my heart in my mind come into agreement let my heart and mind you don't want a chorus so I can become all you called me to be God I promise from the depths of my soul I don't want to be known for a big church I don't want to be known for great music I don't want to be known for schools I don't want to be known for being a cool guy I want the world to say that boy I love God I want people to know me because I'm god-fearing I want to be popular in hell not on earth that I'm a shy rhodesia god I want demons to hear about what we're doing and say now God is on his side god I don't want to be popular before man because if man makes you popular they can put you up and snatch you down but God I won't heaven to know my name god I won't happen to know this church I won't heaven to know them that God even when this basketball teams standing on stages and hoist trophies I want them to be different and say to God be the glory god we got to get our priorities together when the world is saying Jesus more than a church god when rappers can rap about him but yet we keep him in a closet so god I speak by faith that our focus is coming into alignment I speak agreement over this church that we shall be what you called us to be and God I want to pray a special prayer right now because doubt it's real and God I'm not even talking about doubting God many of us still doubt ourselves many of us still don't believe we're worth it God many of us because we lived our past we still see ourselves as who we were God and I know this because we still introduce ourselves that's what we were we're quick to tell people what we overcame not because we're trying to get them saved we're trying to beat them to the punch of bringing it up to us but God in the name of Jesus I wipe the slate clean I plead the blood of Jesus over our past I declare the blood of Jesus over our present in our future for we shall be what you called us and I declare int is so in the matchless name of Jesus the Christ
Channel: Rock City TV
Views: 21,568
Rating: 4.9092784 out of 5
Id: dDIsUqeapy8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 24sec (3984 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 02 2019
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