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hey how's it going I was calling about your logo from Cincinnati Ohio to st. Louis Missouri hey so I'm gonna show you guys how to book a lo from home and by using your cell phone and using the DAT app today man the beauty of working from home is amazing man last year I had got after military in July just a quick little background about me I have went to the Navy back in 2005 and got out the Navy in 2010 moved down to Orlando Florida where I went to University of Central Florida started Army ROTC and 2015 I commissioned as a second lieutenant so big shout-out to the army and here we go right here I got out as a first lieutenant last July so today I just want to show you guys you know pretty much man how to you know work from home and how do you know just work from your cell phone someone just show you guys real quick how to book a low by using the DAT app this morning and then also you know hopefully you guys that get something out of that got my son right here what's up son what you doing eating cereal got my son here eat cereal this morning and he always talking about picking loads up so let me roll off into this dat Apatow fully you know this little quick little tutorial could help you guys out this morning hey so I'm gonna show you guys how to book a load off the lobe or by using the DAT app I like using dat app because the app is very user friendly and you know it only take pretty much a thumb to pretty much navigate through this app so I'll show you guys real quick on how to use the actual dat app and most of the time the brokers they usually don't come to work till about 8:00 to 9:00 Eastern Standard Time so you know that's when the lower board is gonna start getting a little bit more active so for you guys who's actually um you know out there whether you're a dispatch company or whether you you know on your home fleet of trucks and you want to learn how to dispatch which that's what I teach people is how to dispatch but also I'm going to show you guys how to you know work the lower boards and how to actually acquire lows by using the low boards and like I said I like using the DAT app so once you get access to dat make sure that you download their app and use their app because it's very user friendly so for me what I like to do is hit this blue icon right here with the act with the plus symbol and that's the way that I'm going to search for a new low so I hit it so I do not want to search in Carmel Indiana where I'm going to search that I want to find a low in Indianapolis so Indianapolis I start typing in I in D and then it should pop up so as you guys to see Indianapolis popped up so when it's adho that means they head out so when it comes to a day head and I do not like the day ahead no more than 150 miles out but I really don't want to date a head 150 miles I mean I'm looking for 20 to 30 miles out maybe 50 but anything over that I hate doing it but I will do it if I have to so um 150 miles out just because I know that I can drive or my driver can drive at least 150 miles within about 200 I mean about two and a half hours so I do 150 miles out city state zones for destination I usually don't put that in just because I usually just go you know where the money takes me but just for example if you have a driver and he has to get back home you know for any reason or get back home for home time you know you could put in that destination so for me I don't put it in right now but if my driver had to get back to Alabama which he just had to get back to Alabama this week for us home time I start typing in locations of you know around Alabama to try to find him a load that's gonna pick up you know close to here I mean you know close to wherever he was at at the look at the time which he was in North Carolina and then I was looking for a low for him to get you back to Alabama so I just typed in Alabama and found him a load to get him back home for the truck type since we do Hot Shots I like to put f4 flatbed FH for hotshot and SD for step dick so I like to do step deck and flatbed I like to add those on just because when it comes to hauling Freight with the hotshot you can actually haul Freight for step decks and flatbeds depending on your weight and depending on that actual length of the load that is posted for step deck or a flatbed load so I like to do f4 flatbed FH for hotshot and that's D for step deck and then you just go to done and now you could go to your length which I like to just put 42 feet even though my trailers are 40 feet long but we are allowed we are allowed to hang off the back you know of the trailer so I don't want to hang off the back no more than two feet so I just put 42 feet just in case if there is like a piece of pipe or a piece of machinery that's posted for you know 42 feet long I'm still able to hard at all you have to do is put a flag on the back of the freight to let people know that you're hanging off the back I don't like to go over 20,000 pounds and really I don't even like to hop 20,000 pounds but I do do it from time to time so my max weight I put 20,000 pounds and for a full or partial load I got Beaufort fool so I just always keep both and then from there you could just go to search so now we're searching in Indianapolis so we got loads available 58 loads in Indianapolis to anywhere and now what you do is just keep strolling they usually post a those that have been just posted those are gonna be the ones that pop up first so just like you see right there you got for the time 0 minutes pickup date today Cincinnati Ohio the Charlotte North Carolina it's a partial load it's only 9 feet long 4,600 pounds for a flatbed for the day ahead is 110 miles the trip is 485 miles and you got 750 miles I mean $750 on the rate so that's something that I won't book but uh you could just keep scrolling and just see what really fits you you know so you could just keep going keep going so I'll go back up real quick just show you guys more of an example so we say this low right here posted zero minutes ago from Cincinnati Ohio pickup date today going to st. Louis in the rate on this load is $800 so I'm gonna click on it now it tells me the same thing Cincinnati Ohio st. Louis Missouri posted eight I mean zero minutes ago so it's a brand new low $800 on the rate and then you got 110 miles day ahead 350 mile trip so what I like to do is scroll through and I see still we got the wait I see the company which is the broker which is land star Ranger and then I keep going their credit score is 99 which is amazing and and then you got MC that's there MC which is one seven eight four three nine and then in the comments that guy I so tanks and Dan pickup is PU pickup and de L is delivery FCFS is first-come first-serve from eight to four meaning that you don't have to have a hard appointment all you have to do is just pretty much just show up anytime from 8 to 4 to get Lotus so I really don't like you know hauling ISO tanks to be honest with you so for that rate what I would do is like to call him up and pretty much just requests I mean not request but let them know that you know I could hardly for you know $1,000 cuz that'll give me probably around like 280 a mile to 85 a mile if I get $1,000 in a way that you find out the dollar per mile is how many how much is how much you know the actual rate is paying / the mouths on a trip so a thousand which that's what I'll I'm going to actually you know calling negotiate that rate for but if you want to stick with 800 divided by 350 that's like 220 225 ml and but first I want to show you guys I'd go with TAFEs and that's Trans Am Financial that's my factoring company even though I know Landstar is good to go when it comes to factor in the low but I just want to let you guys just see you know how to actually uh you know factor that low to make sure that it is factorable so I'll go back to there MC which is 1 7 8 4 3 9 and now I'm gonna go to tears and now we'll type in let me fix this all right so now I'm gonna type in 1 7 oops one seven three one seven four what was that MC let me see one seven eight four three nine one seven eight four three nine and then imma go go or search so I hit search and then you see Landstar Ranger got there MC number one seven eight four three nine and all you want to do is click on it and right here it let me know that they're good for purchases so anytime you have for a new broker you always want to check to make sure that they're factorable you know to make sure that you're able to factor that low which you're um you know your factoring companies so you know that you're gonna get paid within 24 hours so like I say I go with tabs and that's just real quick on how you could check to make sure that that low is gonna be factorable is by typing in their NFC number in your factoring companies portal so I met back on the actual low board and all you have to do is just click this icon right here with the telephone on it to call them and I'll call them real quick just so you guys get here and we'll see if the answer with the answer I'll just show you guys how to talk to the brokers and and you know coming you know negotiate that right and if he don't answer I'll just make another video you know they actually show you guys how to talk to brokers and how to negotiate the race because sometimes hey how's it going I was calling about your logo from Cincinnati Ohio to st. Louis Missouri oh I'm with Manny's movement one zero zero two we're picking up some time before 4:00 p.m. around maybe 1400 2 p.m. yet it before today and I see real quick I see you got a raid on there for 800 is there a way you could do $1,000 you but okay so you wanna do 800 at the moment okay do you guys usually have a lot of these loads [Music] okay I've got you so yeah I was just I say that she posted the rate but I was just wanting to see if we could try to maybe negotiate a little bit higher but hey I'm gonna keep searching around and if I could come up with any if I don't come up with anything I'd call you right back Thanks so yeah so basically I just caught up that broker and as you guys could hear he couldn't go higher than $800 because those I saw tanks they usually move them pretty cheap anyway so like I say um you know but it never hurts for you guys to call them in if you had to get over into the st. Louis Missouri area I would have hard it just because I still would have got over $2 a mile but um for just a load that you know I'm just hauling just to be hauling I'm really not gonna go haul it just because I know that I could find something better than that at the moment so that was just some you know just a quick little card so I could you know actually show you guys how to you know talk to brokers and you see that it's not a long conversation it's basically a saw it's gonna be straight to the point so hopefully you know this video was able to help you guys out when it comes to um you know booking loads and if you guys got any questions like I always tell you to reach out to me via ok so hopefully that quick video was able to help you guys out on you know booking loads and calling up brokers and like I say you know once you get the hang of it it's pretty easy you know so is probably like I don't know what time it is what time is it son it's going on 10:30 right now so I'm just 10:30 so yes Louis still a little early for us right now so we bout to get ready and start making some moves out in the streets hey so um if you guys got any questions like I always tell you guys reach out to me via email at broker at men's Transcom if you guys are interested in the dispatch training visit my web site at [Music]
Channel: Brandon Manney The Mentor
Views: 215,364
Rating: 4.9492903 out of 5
Id: ctvZ0LgMm4Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 59sec (959 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 13 2019
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