Keemstar Went After My Dad on Twitter

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so i don't remember why he went after me if there was a specific like or we were making oh i think pretty much the moment you got banned on youtube keemstar decided he was it was fair game to just like talk yeah and i thought it was pretty funny how he got real comfortable the minute we went on break yeah like a lot of the characters came out the woodwork and all of a sudden it felt really comfortable to say whatever they wanted about me and my family in this case so yeah keemstar basically one day after we started break ethan klein's father from h3 um is trying to take basically my dad by the way is like the most woke libtard of all time i mean he is so far left socially and politically it's kind of laughable but keemstar is trying to take him out of context to prove that i'm somehow a hypocrite or something or that my dad is a racist somebody said what a discouraging day i have terrible luck with airports and cops pulled over and written up four times for offenses my dad said and you don't even look black of course look my dad is a [ __ ] i wouldn't type that but obviously his joke is that black people get you know targeted more right um but he's a boomer this is from 2017. so i guess keemstar realized that he had already come through all my tweets and then he's like i can go through gary's tweet and try to embarrass ethan also he kind of has the thing for messing with the elderly he's done in the past as well right right good point it's only a matter of time before i accuse myself right 2017 did he was he just like scrolling and scrolling and scrolling through gary's he's like yeah he's like yeah [ __ ] up this old man's christmas yes that's literally what he was doing weird so he goes ethan klein fathers from h3 podcast switch and like let's be honest it's not even that good of a fine bro it's just kind of weird and pathetic don't you think game star shut up to be tweeting out like deep weird cuts from my dad obviously he knows what that he's not making a racist comment also i mean whatever your dad is saying is not you saying it why why are we even focusing on your dad's twitter from a few years ago he's not even a public figure he has two likes yeah two likes yeah i mean he probably had like two f or like five followers or something back then but not that it matters he didn't say anything racist it's just say ethan glenn's father from h3 podcast um there was something that led up into this i can't remember what bonus found by nicolas diorio shout out um can you put up a picture of nick while we read this one found by him sure one second hold on but wait it didn't start with this stuff it started with him talking to like porn accounts no there's it's all in here okay um this is nicholas diorio okay hold on i i'm gonna do this in two steps here's how nicolas diorio depicts himself on the internet right it's some kind of he doesn't show his face well he does he just not on his channel and then um this is like keane's uh error to a drama alert apparently because he was posting uh videos on the dramaalert channel here's what we're dealing with here well besides him just being like a child he's like so i mean he looks like he's barely out of high school or still in high school i mean he's a young dude yeah this is what i mean yeah you argue with people on the internet and you get charged up and you've got to realize that you're probably talking to someone that looks like this and what i mean by that is a pimply-faced kid who you know he's just he's a no-no thing yeah these are the people you got to remember what's going on on the internet like if i met this kid in real life i would literally just you wouldn't think twice about it yeah i mean this is nicholas diorio yeah that's a good one [Laughter] what was it weekend at bernie's what's that movie uh yeah weekend at bernie and again not um listen cool guy exactly so this is the kind of person that uh is a tough guy on the internet you know so shout out to shout out to uh at least keemstar shows his face and you can you can goof on him for his face oh maybe he's saying he's 24 really i thought he looked like 17. maybe older photos we saw where he was maybe this one is from it says this is relatively recent like within the livestream he looks older on this one yeah he looks a little bit older that's true but anyway my point is you know it's like yeah so anyway shout out to nicole nicholas dior for shouting for digging up dirt on my dab who's body shaming anyone i'm seeing people i literally didn't even comment on his body you got you guys are projecting a little bit here ice didn't say a single freaking comment i guess you said that he was pimply what you said that he was pimply i guess is that body shaming no pimples saying he has pimple we all had pimples my partner is that he's a child that he's a child yes yeah okay guys am i not get let me ask you something am i not allowed to talk about anybody who's over like what is your point i didn't make a single comment shut the [ __ ] up yeah should you have the packet then nobody's allowed to talk [ __ ] about me i'm fat don't say anything about me dollar tree's scarce exactly guys i didn't body shame him come on not a single comment about his body he's youthful he's got pimples he looks like a child i mean what the hell i know i already see that ethan is a hypocrite he is body shaming nicholas diorio gift of the year what they said they're gonna he fed the birds they're gonna have videos for weeks now whatever yeah i don't care don't be watching it's not like the nobody watches either way there's gonna be videos so whatever no i don't care but i just wanna let it be known that i am not body shaming him and i never said a single freaking peep about his body so don't be acting like i body shamed you bro thank you all bodies are beautiful okay i mean well why don't we show what the oreo sent to keemstar so let's see um are you at least eight wait what is this oh wait what these are wait these are super out of order dude like this is keemstar being creepy on his man because i know he accused my dad of being creepy but these are all old keemstar tweets yeah everything everything about your dad should be in that first the first link is there more and i didn't see it yeah there's more oh okay okay i didn't know that okay so got it so shout out bonus found by nicolas diorio are you more enthusiastic with your i can't read it because it's cut off let me see maybe is it down here let's see um [Music] oh yeah here it is are you more enthusiastic with your bj's they're disappointing still because you're so far that's disgusting i mean and what's well first of all my dad is disgusting i can't believe he was writing those comments on twitter that is just so freaking but here's the thing that they don't they don't get is that i am calling my dad out for being a creep consistently oh no i don't know you did it on the show with them we counted literally how many porn accounts you followed on twitter so they think they're doing something it's like maybe you should just admit that you're a fan and you watch the show because we already did this but yeah that's disgusting i mean i agree just wait till we look at your tweets keemstar but wait this was i feel like we're not remembering the context because what was this following he was trying to say that your dad is a creep because we were talking about someone else i agree what was that text bro i don't i didn't remember does any of you guys remember we were talking about someone um that was actually doing something creepy maybe or or was it just keemstar maybe about him dating dating oh yeah yes i made a joke about keemstar dating a 20 year old right and then he's like really well your dad was coming on a on a 20 year old porn star's account or something i think we'll get there to it right it's a little out of order so this is a picture of a girl posting herself with my face over it your ass does not look busted well see he's just being a sweetheart there isn't he 2014. he thinks this is dude nobody's embarrassed by this i talk about it my dad doesn't care smash that like button i mean i wish he didn't i keep calling him out for it and he doesn't stop well this is from 2014. i think he's stopped probably this is really old i think he didn't know even that it was public no definitely not yeah uh ethan klein from h3 podcast keeps bringing up that i dated a 20 year old as some kind of own when his own father publicly sims for girls in their 20s bro are you really dumb to think that that's first of all the same first of all you're talking about my dad who i already call out for being a creep versus you actively being in a relationship with a girl who just finished high school who has spring yeah who has literally had braces in their mouths dude but it's like yeah i don't get it your dad is not trying to date anyone no in fact he's only consuming their service yes they're put themselves out there for that purpose and he is in on a public forum and he's engaging with it and it's not to say that we like that he's doing that we've told him about it many times not to do it and i think he's learned but this is not the same way wait this girl is 26 she's not even like dude you're okay that's but it's not it's just not the same i so when girls put up porn is there an age limit of who is supposed to watch it or interact with it it's 18 plus no no no but no i don't i mean your dad is technically like you said consuming there's certainly a product that she's put out there he's not trying to actually be with her in person yeah it's such a sad but and also i didn't do it keemstar uh i'd oh god i could go in on him so hard but it's just below the i'm so [ __ ] angry i'm so [ __ ] angry i mean you say what you will about my dad but at least he didn't [ __ ] leave me in a dumpster behind a fire station let's [ __ ] go wait okay i'm just saying like if you want to go after my dad then it's all on the table right i mean bro this guy texted him he messaged you two years in a row on christmas talking [ __ ] about your wife saying he slept with your wife uh talking about your son talking about your father with peace and love i'm going to be quiet now yeah thank you yeah game star tried to no he's trying to say my dad's a creep he's at least he's in my life thanks for reminding me he tried to say that me and him were like oh yeah he tried to make a rumor that you slept with him when he was doing our podcast yeah it's not that i slept with him it's that he [ __ ] me you know it's like more degrading it's not that i slept with him he got me him and leaf and all of team's little lackeys like nicholas diorio and our son is technically his son which is like i've never puked in my whole life but this might make me puke game star yeah exactly the guy's total scum but i'm just making me like he's gonna attack my dad right i could at least defend my dad by saying he didn't abandon me right in a [ __ ] gift basket to uh you know the neighborhood uh orphanage i mean i'm just being real if we're gonna talk about each other's fathers like my dad has a lot of shortcomings but he didn't [ __ ] leave the family neither did my mom by the way i mean i think that's fair to say is it too is it below the belt and i can't wait to if you're saying it with the point that it doesn't make sense to go after each other's fathers like that is my point if he has a point if he wants something who's the worst dad i mean right you know i'm sorry i got to defend my dad here you think my dad didn't want to leave the family suck it through not once animals die don't feel bad for keemstar he's actually the trashiest worst human being ever he literally tried to make a rumor that people were believing that he quote [ __ ] ela when he was here doing the podcast and he made multiple videos about it all of his sick through my stomach to just hear that he reported that leafy made a video saying he [ __ ] he was actually trying to make it a thing yeah and his his followers kept trying to make it a thing while also calling you a horse yeah so she's gross but i [ __ ] her anyway yeah he's disgusting he's gone after my dad my wife and i love how hitler this gang that talks [ __ ] nonstop is gonna act so sensitive now i can't believe what ethan said right i am so outraged that ethan would make fun of keemstar for being an orphan orphan cobra kai baby no [ __ ] mercy no plan well i i really don't care yeah yeah i'm ready to join cobra kai [Music] sweep the [ __ ] sweep the [ __ ] listen he made fun of my [ __ ] dad i wish i could make fun of his dad i just don't know who he is and sadly neither does he i mean we're not [ __ ] around this year i'm just saying it's and it's not it's not keem's fault it's his dad's fault for being a deadbeat yeah there you go that's that's important yeah you can't blame the kids for what their parents did it's not his fault he was left like a [ __ ] where's your daddy where is his dad yeah where is his daddy so anyway that's basically that so anyway uh h3h3 from it keeps bringing up that i dated 20 year old but his dad watches porn can you believe that dude your girlfriend has braces it's over like why just don't bring up any of this like if you're dating a girl with braces just don't go there because right right who by the way you pretended was your assistant for a long time right because you are too embarrassed to admit you were [ __ ] a girl that literally graduated from high school yesterday did i know that he was pretending yeah yeah for like six months i [ __ ] up probably closer to my dad's age than your girlfriend would be more pro it would be more appropriate for you to be in a relationship with my dad than your girlfriend that might actually be true by the way i just want to clarify you know nothing wrong with first of all orphans not their fault every kid deserves loving parents it's just a horrible tragic thing so i don't you know i have a lot of respect for people that grow up in the system it's hard it's a messed up crazy hard life and you know for that experience i actually do have sympathy for keemstar and anyone that grows up in those conditions and you know it's a horrible situation so just trying to make you're trying to make the point that if you're comparing that yeah i got you okay just saying just saying my dad can beat up your dad considering well my dad's good at shadow boxing is my point oh my god i didn't get it that was a good joke good one ethan people are typing dear susan there it is yeah let's start it off with the band good i can get back to my h3 tv today i went after ethan's dad gary i ethan's dad is a bad dad he watches porn and leaves comments on twitter nothing like me and then he said that i was left on a porch in a bread basket at the fire station actually that's just a lie that's defamation i was left at a church [Music] anyway i hit a dog this christmas it's been a rough year [Laughter] true story true story it's too late in the day for this you should uh wrap it up we got food waiting for it so because it was good and got good reviews from normal oh this is this is unrelated meanwhile annis anniston residence wait this is this is whatever it's just a picture oh and that yoga position is called okay who cares um oh yeah they're trying to prove that my dad's racist uh tucker if the nfl owners are racist why are 70 of their employees black my dad said if slave owners are racist then why are all their employees black which you know makes sense right he's make again saying it doesn't mean just because their employees are black that they can't be racist right he's pointing out the irony yeah obvious very obvious so they started clipping just this right yeah and then trying to show that my dad's a racist uh if slave owners are racist then why are all the yeah which out of context is just kind of weird doesn't make any sense he also follows this account that mainly posts 18 year old girls dude it's porn stars what do you want you're actually [ __ ] an 18 year old with braces who literally had to get a permission slip from her mom to go we don't know that it's 18 but okay hi ethan klein's dad and he's tagging him like what the [ __ ] who harasses someone's boomer parent he's literally tagging my dad and harassing him on twitter well like if he said he's he's got it he doesn't like it's like this whole thing way more pathetic knowing that you've already addressed it on the show you've talked many times so it's like what do you want people know about my problems with my dad yeah um hi ethan klein's dad this girl messaged him because my dad we because of the extensive conversations we had on the podcast she said hi i'm your biggest fan oh maybe i should scroll down because i don't think i'm seeing it this is it i am your biggest fan this is thank you for supporting women who choose sex work and not putting us down but empowering us all by watching you on your podcasting cameo turn take it off the screen for a sec okay i think he left a comment here here's the damning evidence you're welcome oh no actually the biggest crime is that he misspelled your no no actually not you are welcome murderer murderer yeah so you got him guys got him you're welcome crazy kavos another keemstar lackey ethan klein's dad bloody loves it let's see that was a name i haven't heard in a long time cabos what happened to that guy these do you still make content i i don't know i literally haven't heard that name in like two years you can see her nude doing lesbian stuff if you search well viper i mean wait where's the one he's okay so oh we already saw this one but what is this in reference to my dad said i think your boobs are crooked i mean dude what are you doing such a dumb ass why did he why would you say that that's just that's kind of mean i mean i don't have the context well yeah you don't have maybe the picture was like oh yeah i just don't give him the benefit it doesn't make sense that my dad would leave me no yeah um so i'm gonna give him the benefit of the doubt because i don't think he would just be like nice boo nice crooked boobs lady you can see her this one's pretty funny you can see you're nude and doing lesbian stuff if you search well wait that was your dad yeah that's my dad of course he's giving giving advice yeah search well my friend dad what the hell it's just so funny to me like this group of like 20 year old guys is just all teaming up on this old man and tagging and tagging him yeah like antagonizing him i'm sorry you guys okay that's it so i mean you know luckily my dad was pretty unbothered by it but you know they tried they were trying to really mm-hmm i think a lot of people are imagining the overwhelmed talk about this attention does he was he would he even have been aware of it if you hadn't like asked him about it no he was aware of it he was responding to them and [ __ ] oh he told us about it it was like kim starts trying to come after me he was responding he was trying to be like because they were trying to paint him as a racist which isn't cool and he was like look at the contacts he was just leaving comments and stuff but it didn't really take off in the drama sphere just because it was so obviously but keemstar made like a drama alert about my dad too vinny abby well exactly it's like gary klein it's not you can't click bait gary klein sorry probably why we went back to just talking [ __ ] about pokeman all the time i don't hate women i think they had like a schedule while we were on break let's start with the old men then we'll move on to the women go cover all the bases yeah well i'm back daddy's back the one you never had god enough [Applause] just saying just saying i'm saying i'm just saying it's keemstar's fault give me what they're just saying zach kavos's channel is like dead got 50k views on a video from 10 days ago that's what i'm saying like you fell off plus ration well now you just gave him content for another video that's okay nobody's watching well they might if he clicks away at us yeah the only video he has recently that has views is one with uh jake paul in the thumbnail okay l ratio fell off in real time on a youtube channel don't i don't condone that i have no part of that okay so anyway again keemstar who attacked my dad for being thirsty on maine here's keemstar being horny on maine and you tell me which one's worse keemstar are you at least 18 i'll give you another chance nice boobs show me them on skype now how are you going to compare that to i will give you dick stop it i'll beat it up big titties you want would you want me to read one of these again i mean just all of them like i will give you back stop it you better stop it our next bks will be in your butthole stop i'm drunk and you're using me for my greek god sperm shared dna i'm down three-way i'm not yours to share quit being greedy ho i'll lock you in seven rooms so get ready for that labyrinth r word wow want to be the random sexy [ __ ] on the bks live stream tonight okay now if you can just change your underwear we would be getting somewhere that's disgusting shut up [ __ ] tit or get the [ __ ] out sorry i'm bored bored type sex i'm bored 3 am skype sex you're lucky my fave [ __ ] gave me her blessings on your fallow 16 more take a dick to the face skank let's make out c word can't even say that can't say that keemstars okay whatever shut up or your mouth will get sperm who talks like don't shut up or your mouth will get sperm for years like dude just telling him to learn how to trick shot then suck his dick you both suck that kick keemstar anyone from denver going to be there all weekend fan meet up at david star [ __ ] mmm please stop gawking on my profile pic i'm a i'm a person not a piece of meat i would honestly love for my first wait just carry a condom around easy to conceal and great protection who does drunk ops start what is all this are we done tonight uh if kim i will be paying playing with your boobs all night talk also using the n word i mean so like just get up die horse there sixth grade i'm gonna play with your boobs all night so here's a girl she's coming to his fan meetup possibly 12 i mean who knows the age let me go back up here i mean that what's the age of that girl he said boner boner breaking news confirmed boner literally just a boner oh he's so he's so he's got such game you know he's so suave it's no wonder alert it's no wonder the only people that will touch him are ones who are like literally uh let's say i have no experience in life i don't know who like don't know any better show starts in 29 minutes retweet if horny you are too don't lie you coming on i mean my [ __ ] i'm not easy hoe so this is how long ago these are old but still yeah like so we're gary so we're my dad nine years ago or something like that well you gotta remember he's like so he was exactly so he was still 30 years old you know yeah boner alert that's a third-year-old man boner alert boner yeah so keemstar i mean shut the [ __ ] up you're by the way yeah keemstar shut up yeah thank you a [ __ ] cap that off so that's about it old-fashioned shut up [ __ ] what is this cb just a little reminder of all the stuff he's tweeting about eli i mean past the horror stuff this is well oh i can't play the audio and they're so quick you can't cuz he's just listening to uh hit him up by tupac oh yeah this is what he posted at the time it just says right after [ __ ] you fat [ __ ] yeah i [ __ ] your [ __ ] you fat [ __ ] yeah you sleep with 18 year olds dude because you can't get a real woman so and this is after right after ethy leafy tweeted this is not a joke keemstar just told me he slept with ethan's wife cool and then he put up and he doesn't understand why people think he hates women or um yeah like you didn't have a choice in it or it's just like you're just this idle [ __ ] doll that uh yeah huh here is lila on the other side of the bed i haven't heard in a while either i wonder how his channel is doing oh and don't give him content he'll make a video on instagram or something facebook what facebook make a facebook video about you dan okay [Music] you
Channel: H3 Podcast Highlights
Views: 134,051
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, podcast, h3h3, h3h3productions, ethan klein, ethan and hila, drama alert, twitter, dad, father, keemstar, keem, daniel, tweets, old, fake, context, out of context
Id: -0DIy4js24A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 31sec (1891 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 19 2022
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