My Dad's Hot Take is Deeply Disturbing

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all right well do you guys want to share your controversial opinions um i'll do mine because yours are funny mine are kind of serious should i do that go ahead okay oh more notes without notes okay so this is well i don't know they're both kind of controversial let me see this here let me see back and forth back and yeah front and back okay what is this thirty four thousand per year okay okay okay so the first thing a lot of people are for capital punishment yeah a lot of people aren't yeah people go back and forth and back and forth and then there's there's financial reasons you're going to say kill all prisoners no that would be very euthanize all criminals no i'm i'm against the death penalty wow which is i don't know is that real controversial people are it is kind of controversial for some reason because some people and it's ironic you they're usually like christians right wing conservative types that go praise god woo we're praying kill they're pro-life yeah so only when it applies to the war no i'm very anti-capital punishment you know i mean when people use the excuse that you know it costs a lot of money to kill someone oh my mom's coming with the stats watching yeah okay so in california per year what we spend on a prisoner is thirty four thousand one hundred and fifty dollars that's so that's that's to house and you know all that other stuff to kill somebody we've spent uh over the average cost of 11 executions in the past 27 years was 250 million dollars for how many executions 11. it's mostly wait why because of the legal expenses because you're entitled to because of these guys it appeals right when you are sentenced to the death penalty but the public opinion really ebbs and flows on that and 250 million 250 million the is the average cost of 11 executions and that's been in the past 27 years in california hasn't killed anyone in i said in the past 27 years [ __ ] insane that is so like the moral issue of of putting sentencing someone to death is a whole different argument but like it's wasting that much money and this is another thing that i thought was really interesting we ain't got money for schools but we got money for executions boy so the average age of someone that's executed yeah what do you think it would be they're probably old because they sit in jail for a long time 49 years old yeah that's the average i'm feeling like it you know 49 leave them alone well just get them in jail if they're a danger to society yeah life without the chance of being right right my problem with the x with the death sentence is that there's always going to be a small chance that they're actually innocent and we've seen this time and time again over if you're black yeah it's applied so unevenly that uh you know your chances you know if you're just a average white person you commit a murder right you know chances are african-americans or black americans are sentenced to death much at a much higher frequency well yeah they're subject to all kinds of things much more than than your white person but like how is anybody okay with the prospect of us as a society condemning an innocent person to death well you know my dad used to say to me i would rather let 27 people go than to accidentally kill one person 27 why twenty yeah i do is that just a carpet like a bike salesman why is he having this no i mean we were talking i remember talking to my father we we used to sit around moonlight as a batman or something my dad and my my family when we were young bef you know before even i met dad we used to sit around at dinner and talk politics i don't know i just threw the expression is a hundred yeah but he would he would let he would he would say he would rather let all these people go very wise guilty and i think that's what they say is the um that's what they say about justice right is better that's why the the uh reasonable doubt is there because it's better to let better to free 100 guilty men yes and then let one innocent guy an innocent man to death yeah and we see it all the time dna comes out 20 years later yeah guys have been in prison 20 30 years and sometimes when the dna comes out they still won't let them go which i don't understand that but the whole thing of even and then even further is like obviously we all agree that murdering is uh immoral so who is the state to make that like like it's especially ironic because again it's these conservative religious states so the one doing all the executions it's like get your morals in order is murdering okay or not if it's not you can't murder someone you should not kill people and to prove that we're going to kill you exactly killing exactly it's it's literally just you know massive mass murder is kind of uh it looks you know wiggly put them in jail and [ __ ] forget it right you're for it or you're not for it there's no there's no gray matter so there's a cocktail that they use to murder somebody because uh lethal injection is how you know 29 states in our union kill people how else do they still kill people in like crazy old school that's why i think you talk people utah just allowed you to choose hanging and or firing squad if you prefer i don't think well let me tell you alabama arkansas being thrown off a cliff run over by a car yeah i'd rather get shot in the head it's instant so alabama arkansas oklahoma south carolina tennessee utah wyoming it's not legal to uh to uh have lethal injection they don't allow it they don't allow it there's three things that they that in this cocktail sodium uh peneto or it's pino barbitol ultras anyway they give you an anesthetic that knocks you out yeah they give you something that stops you from breathing and then the other one gives you a heart attack but some people survive this right which is horrible to walk i can't imagine watching i've read about the cocktail apparently one component makes you paralyzed and the other like uh makes your heart stop right and apparently if you don't lose consciousness it's extremely painful and painful yeah you just sit there paralyzed unbeknownst and just die of this horrible agonizing death and sometimes they have to do it again oh that's crazy yeah just shoot him in the [ __ ] head it's like dude let's not let's not mince words here you're killing somebody not try to act like it's all beautiful i'd rather just have someone straight you know i mean you're not going to survive that no each well firing squad but don't think in the chest well firing squad you can miss yeah pick your spot i would just take a gun and just shoot you i want to drop them from my airplane i want to be thrown off a cliff you should be able to if you're going to kill them they should be able to choose the way they die thrown to some sharks i don't know yeah skydiving accident i don't know but do you know it costs 200 for a an injection each injection 200 bucks yeah it costs 200 you're saying that the comparison of the cost of the injection compared to the actual cost of executing someone is is that's what's interesting about the price of it well i mean you know when you talk about when people say oh the cost of keeping someone alive there's so many costs of when they're all in death favor let's get this serum out and just start killing people no i'm against it because it costs two well you said it's 200 bucks it seems like a good deal compared to keeping someone in jail yeah yeah i'm just saying it costs money to kill someone it costs money to to kill someone it's only 200 bucks that's a good ass deal well okay i don't get your point that's a value good value that's only one thing just added it added up it's a lot of money maybe controversial in some circles but i i am 100 with you mom abolish the capital punishment abolish it we are we have to decide we have to decide who we are are we murderers are we not murderers period yeah i think public opinion has swung back into the majority people being against the death penalty where the majority people were pro-death penalty maybe 10 years ago put him in a cell swing back and put him in a hole put him in a solitary confinement you know like like charles manson when we put him in holes in a whole no that would be fun no you can't do that and of course trump at the end of his uh alleged presidency management alleged president yeah he was definitely not an alleged presidency yeah okay disgraceful presidency okay there you go he managed to execute 10 12 people in the last six months just like well we got these people on death row let's kill them all and there hadn't been any federal executions in yeah i heard about years and i thought some of those guys had uh at least a few of them had questionable uh certain stances yeah you know uh contravening evidence yeah he does that to appease the christians we love jesus number one don't kill people let's kill him let's kill them all right dad what's yours um i have a couple one being uh a word to people who aren't getting vaccinated oh no here we go and their excuse is you know the fda hasn't approved this yet and i'm not sure about it so i'm gonna wait and see you know what happens um so you know what they're really saying is when all you guinea pigs we're gonna see how the rest of you do and if all the rest of you are okay then i feel it's safe for me and you know i i think that kind of attitude is so contrary to what america is supposed to be about e pluribus unum it's on our money it means uh from many one e pluribus unum um from from many one meaning everyone should put all of their differences all their hostilities aside and work for a common goal or one country eradicating a deadly pandemic but because there's so many unvaccinated people still heavily republican and heavily red states um you see this the new variant coming back states are trending up in california here we've got the the devin nunes uh parts of the state uh where people are getting sick again so uh get with it people it's safe uh something like 99 of people who are dying of covet now aren't vaccinated how much more proof so a conservative would say to you dad you're vaccinated it protects you why do you care what i do because your actions have a bearing on everyone else if you catch covid and you give it to someone else all those medical costs are being borne by all of us it's like the arguments oh i'm a libertarian i don't want to wear a seat belt i can't wear a motorcycle helmet well you know the problem with all those arguments is the the public at home bears the cost for all these people who want to be irresponsible at no cost to themselves dad what do you say to the conservatives you're just being a sheep you're saying you don't want to you want to be a guinea pig well yeah it makes you a sheep you're the guinea pig and they're the wolf well i'm a guinea pig that's not going to get covered and you're a wolf that probably is gonna get covered so you admit your sheep no i'm using their figure of speech i make independent decisions based upon the best possible evidence and the overwhelming evidence okay let me ask you this checkmate question do you watch rachel maddow yes or no yes i can do it busted yeah we do we watch cnn this morning dad and i were watching the news and they were discussing uh the talking heads if you will they were discussing when we used to uh you know when polio was alive and well and when they first came up with the serum how everybody celebrated and was like lining up to get their shots and that um the news organization was so much more simple you know you had walter cronkite you had fewer you know you didn't have the social media and you didn't have fox news promoting all these lies for political purposes which makes no sense at all because you're telling people like tucker carlson has been vaccinated and yet he gets on his channel and tells people not to do it so if you're telling someone else not to do it why are you vaccinated well he has an admin publicly that he's about you know no he is how do you publicly admit yeah yeah he hasn't publicly admitted it but uh people that know him objected okay all right i'm telling you i'm about to i'm like about to get my second cease and desist letter for this account keeps this off about carl taco tuckelson yeah well well we call him carl tucks the dick between the legs tucker klansman i like that one i don't know thank you okay i mean okay you guys are coming with some political takes i was thinking more like so mine for example was that i don't like pasta you guys have anything maybe a little less chocolate yeah i rise in defense of season eight of game of thrones [Laughter] that's a good one now you're going to get cancelled how do you defend that [ __ ] how go ahead i hate the ending i hear you to defend that dog [ __ ] [ __ ] mutilated aborted fetus of a [ __ ] it's so bad it ruined the whole series how do you really feel so [ __ ] half it's not even half baked it's not even cooked i mean it's just dog [ __ ] go ahead okay the last episode i will grant was it seemed like a real easy and convenient way to work things out you said what were you talking about say something defensive but season eight was a lot more than just the final episode i know i watched every god but the last episode is what ruined it no no no no no it's all bad go ahead no it's not no i i i mean there was great stuff there we had the the uh the battle there with all the uh walkers coming and them defending uh what's your majigger oh this is a great defense the watch that was a great episode you're talking about when daenerys destroyed the whole red keep with the dragon what are you talking about no when the army of the dead attacked winterfell at the very end there was so [ __ ] dumb he went charging out there and you just it was so dumb they built up the night king all season long right he literally amounted to nothing no motivation no backstory it was way too easy nothing and then this deuce shows up and nobody gives a [ __ ] jon snow is just kind of like rolling around and [ __ ] being a dumbass a piece of [ __ ] he's the chosen one he'll do [ __ ] and then all of a sudden arya's like oh i got a [ __ ] dagger and it's like literally all this buildup for nothing literally unfathomably dumb and ruinous disagree first jon snow was trapped by one of them he was the hero that was picked to defend to up to defend the world he was the hero of light he's not a little [ __ ] she's supposed to be trapped in the [ __ ] corner in the meantime pointless the whole curve of the show arya spent training for this she was the assassin great scene where she fought uh what's her name the gwendolyn christie she was training to be an assassin sure she had an interesting story lined up for her but everything came to nothing because the whole prophecy that we're all meant to believe in there was no notion the whole series that this prophecy was going to go askew or that was arya it was literally just [ __ ] right beyond [ __ ] writing [ __ ] aborted writing it was just this writing was has as is just mutilated and [ __ ] well dan and dave would disagree with that i didn't like that jon snow killed uh okay no one liked that he killed who died yeah daenerys gives a [ __ ] the whole thing was literally doesn't exist in my mind the whole it doesn't it's help dan do you have an opinion on this oh yeah i i hated it as well i'm i'm with this side of the room i'm sorry gary and brandon nothing the whole show oh yeah that's a total piece of okay cool the one-eyed rave three-eyed raven and he's like i'm king [ __ ] what's up now yeah like he was prophesizing the whole time he could see the future and all he was doing was scheming to be king like what the [ __ ] pointless dumb horrible i wish that episode was never even made well what about when bran got out of his wheelchair at the end and fought the night king what wait that didn't happen that might have been a better ending instead of just sitting there like a bump on a log the whole series he was you know it doesn't it didn't make any sense brandon would be the key there's nothing redeeming that season was beyond repair i like the last episode of lost too so i never watched that show that that was awesome okay that's easy to entertain that's my take i've got definitely controversial so i applaud you for that yeah dan and dave if you want to reach out to me personally and thank me they got so greedy they're like oh hbo is going to give us a show and then they made they ended the show so poorly that i think hbo took they recanted their offer well they were supposed to go do a star wars movie right yeah and they're like [ __ ] you you suck they took it back they're not doing [ __ ] now how many years did that game of thrones what was it like seven years eight seasons it's just but it was every other year it was ten years i think i mean to end it like that after all of that with the actors had to deal with weather they stomped on my face and i'm not into that kind of thing it was so good at the beginning apparently my dad apparently isn't that type of thing i don't know if you go back and watch the first season the pacing the character development everything was so beautiful so amazing and like as you build up you have all these wonderful plots that are coming to diverge and then it's diverging and they just go [ __ ] everything horrible worst show worst ending to a show ever by far yeah in fact it's so bad that i can no longer enjoy the show i can't even go back and re-watch it because i know it doesn't go into it right right well it was it was really entertaining it was an amazing show everyone couldn't wait i was so invested you know everybody was and then at the last that last show just you know and when daenerys came out and the wings were behind her and you thought oh this is going to be what an awesome and then just when he goes down the stairs and he just yates right into into oblivion what about jamie and circe did that work hold on we have to analyze did that we did that okay well first of all you said it wrong it's not great yet yes yes okay yeet into oblivion do we accept that dan uh cause you eat something i said it right but i didn't pronounce it right you're saying that the the creators of the show yeted the quality of the show into oblivion no no no no no no saying daenerys daenerys oh dad you know she came out and she was it was epic and then from there the whole show just no no no you were saying she was on a dragon and she yidded herself to the city no no that's not what i said that's not what you said so go ahead rephrase that rephrase the eat now i don't remember exactly how i said it i remember what she said i i i i'd give it to her i'll give it to her but she said yeast or something well except that we're gonna give you a hundred dollar bonus today for that yeast yeah yeasted themselves 25 for you dare dance okay so daenerys is descent into madness while an interesting plot point was so [ __ ] rushed i couldn't possibly believe that the amount of [ __ ] that she's been through her whole life and then this small little [ __ ] blip has has turned her to has caused her to turn into a murderous psychopath it's just if you're gonna do that big of a character shift you need to tell give it the justice it deserves and for those reasons there's nothing redeeming about that season and shame on you i agree but that now that's a good controversial [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign
Channel: H3 Podcast Highlights
Views: 97,819
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, podcast, h3h3, h3h3productions, ethan klein, ethan and hila, hot take, controversial, cancelled, cancel, woke
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 5sec (1385 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 16 2021
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