Keemstar's Podcast Cancelled By Spotify

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bob's basement final episode but wanted to watch talk about this for a while wait the show isn't ending they're just leaving spotify they essentially say it was a mutual decision ah they got fired that's awesome definitely not between them and the company being too exclusive bro it's a free platform it's not exclusive well maybe they mean because they were because they were exclusively on spotify right yeah yeah i mean that that is a dumbbell but they say the company spotify is too exclusive yeah that seems weird here let's see they're like bro we're not paying you you get like 10 views no hard feelings on either side um it's just we yeah it's time at the end of the day it's business right yeah it is yeah yeah aka they're like we're not paying you right this all leads back to the aden ross stream he lost everything from the lost everything yeah banks is like we need to end the show right well do you think banks ended it or spotify ended it because it sounds like spotify said we're not paying you i'm not sure but i think the real reason is that stream i can't say for sure oh definitely i'm surprised banks still associates with them it's embarrassing and to be honest there has been a lot of guest hosts i think banks has been kind of m.i.a on that [ __ ] lately you know you're in trouble that crypto [ __ ] it's it's just business and um you know there's uh there's other things that we want to do in the future and uh i just want to shout out to uh dan over at spotify oh damn and a few other people uh that worked on this show uh we appreciate you we know all the time and effort and how hard it was to to deal with us because we're probably i mean i can at least speak for myself i'm probably the most toxic [ __ ] on the internet so there's it's been challenging i think actually jimmy lee might have keemstar beat although maybe not you know interesting with those meetings you're definitely the uh the [ __ ] in the conversation most of the time yeah well it's not just that it's like a lot of the i don't know that was a big hurdle for us it's like me and keem really were here when nobody [ __ ] even knew you could make youtube videos and make a career out of it and here we are you know in conversation we were one of the first spotify original podcasts like we made another wave like i it was so cool oh my god you can't be taking credit the only reason they they knew they wanted to do podcasts and they said let's get a cheap little [ __ ] show to test beta run this keemstar is taking credit for all of spotify podcast movement cool like i remember meeting the spotify people and do you remember like we sat down on that first meeting and they were like so do you guys want to go on jimmy kimmel and i'm like no there is no [ __ ] world where kevin starr goes on jimmy kimmel yeah jimmy lee thought he was going to be on jim with kimmel yesterday oh yeah that's strange wait he did what did he say yeah he i maybe we should say this but tell me he we walked because we're in hollywood and we walked by his studio and there's people lining up so he thinks because jimmy lee's walking by with cameras that one of kimmel's producers gonna recognize him yeah that's like the childhood fantasy of right so i broke it to the candy store and then a movie or broke into the production company yeah right and then the security told us to leave so he comes up with this brilliant idea he's like well if we keep walking they can't necessarily stop us so we just kept walking back and forth with him roasting people that's like wow kids in a department store is singing and singing hoping that a recording oh yeah how many times approach it was insane dude my guess is that he wants to go there because people in the queue can't leave you know so they're forced to listen to him and that's where we got recognized the most from the podcast and that pissed him off so much oh man i can't wait to see this this is going to be spectacular keemstar and jimmy kimmel man that'd be a [ __ ] sight so keemstar tell me about the time you falsely accused someone of being a pedophile amazing ten year old fan right away thank you so like so do you guys want to go on jimmy kimmel and i'm like no his laughing just it's like i've never heard someone laugh so insecure in my life yeah he just exhaled so much he was shocked because i'm like no we're internet people like we don't want to go on any talk show like it was just it's cool so it's cool it's cool that they believed in this um it was a little too banks is like bro you're so lame i can't do this anymore too exclusive and two like it just didn't make sense um on both sides both of us us and spotify are totally happy with with the outcome and um really grateful for the experience yeah that's good banks is being trying to be professional you know banks saying they were indefinitely in in infinitely large than impulsive and came saying ethan stole the idea for frenemies oh yeah yeah keemstar okay let's hear it it's good you see um shows like impulsive that started around the same time as ours and ours actually came out the gate you know infinitely stronger and bigger than impulsive if uh people you know have been two so what that just means your show sucks people don't want to watch your show tuning in for that long you know in the early days the first few episodes we did ninja uh ksi we did adam 22 um and those [ __ ] cracked we did them on my channel on my youtube channel and those were cracking and i don't know again no hard feelings this is just a decision that everyone's kind of come to mutually and it doesn't mean it's the end of mom's basement forever i think we'll prob probably take a nice break and kind of readjust and oh it's over there's no way the show's coming back i mean if banks wanted to make a podcast there's so many more interesting people you could do it with the keemstar yeah for sure he does talk about how it's like spotify is too exclusive or something but then later in the episode he says that maybe the show might come back on like web 3 some sort of thing which oh exclusive to me nft podcast yeah yes baby i mean snoop's in phase now maybe it was snoop maybe that'd be more that'd definitely be more interesting yeah it'd figure out but but this show and ip are amazing for me like i p stop it what i p two idiots talking about the ip is cool but but keemstar gotta go i hope you're the one that owns the ip like you know i i'm about doing [ __ ] before anyone i'm about actually creating like a wave right so in the early days when we were doing the trolling stuff nobody did anything like that like and then we built an entire genre on youtube how does banks tolerate him he is just full of bluster he's so insecure he's just bragging about himself how do you talk to this guy on a weekly basis doing this you know trolling and gaming entertainment content and uh when i launched dramaalert there was no competitors like i was literally the first drama channel when we did mom's basement it was before this whole podcast wave it really was yeah well actually let me take it back the podcast i was on prior to this which was baited yeah was set up with with me and clown being arch enemies there was not a podcast with two enemies going to war every day on a podcast like that didn't exist like i started that wave we had ethan klein on he liked the format and you know zoey wait yeah sorry listen kim i'm sorry to break it to you but saying the n word on xbox live is not revolutionary actually that was pretty commonplace before you started doing it so thank you i'm pretty sure that's where the idea of frenemies comes i cannot believe he thinks that baited inspired frenemies now that is [ __ ] incredible comes from and so with mom's basement we were the first ones to like really i mean we could go all the way back this is so embarrassing what is mom's basement other than just a couple of dudes talking what is revolutionary about that why are you so cute when you talk [ __ ] he's so embarrassing who the [ __ ] bro well i guess that 16 year old who kills the rules ethan's changed games are you were asking why he was so mad that's probably why because mom's basement's ending he's having a bad week 16. mom's face was ending oh scoob me and blade had a video podcast like way way back but i mean me and you kind of set this podcast you've been around forever but it was kind of it was kind of like you either did youtube videos and that kind of content or you did podcast you were like an older like comedian or like how about instead of just um talking about how great you guys are and how you revolution the genre how about you just make a good uh content that people actually want to listen to so your shows don't get canceled yo we got dates bro we got dates wait teams yo we got dates keepstar came on our podcast april 10. mama's basement appeared may 2nd that was their first episode keemstar was on our podcast may [Music] an entire year before wait what's the whole year yeah yeah april 2017. so who inspired who i'm not gonna sit here and talk about how i revolutionized the genre but if you want to say i didn't revolutionize the genre let's be honest but you came on my [ __ ] show and they made your show a year later you [ __ ] stole it [ __ ] just saying just say it boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom send that gif yeah he's talking about baited where i stole uh for enemies from send keemstar that gif boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom i don't care it's just funny to listen to this kid like you know somebody in the sports world or fashion world and specifically had a podcast geared toward you know a certain specific demographic we definitely were you know we're one of the first to to pop in and just say we're going to do you know and everything internet internet culture truly revolutionaries i think it's awesome that they're just like as their podcast is just becoming completely irrelevant just talking about how awesome they are keemstar doesn't know what a metaphor is okay i believe that now that i'm thinking about the stuff that we can't talk about i want to talk about something so bad i got to tell you about this one thing so i'm going to i'm going to say it in a metaphor right all right yeah he does not know what a metaphor let's hear what he has to say well i okay do you know uh like back in the day like in old russia there was that uh nuke uh nuclear plant that blew up like what's the name of that bro you are so dumb i'm sorry but i can't do this should i i need to proceed through this i think i think you're going to want to hear them you know what i'm saying chewbacca or something something i don't know what you're talking about this is and they're wondering why their show got cancelled yo do you remember that nuclear power plant that blew up uh what is it called uh in russia by the way which which was in ukraine right yeah yeah chernobyl of course but i love that banks doesn't even know what he's talking about no oh man you definitely know what i'm talking about this is a great story so far yeah oh chernobyl you're talking about yourself yes yes yes okay okay yeah wait is it never russian is that in russia oh my god banks is so much smarter than keemstar yeah he's infinitely smarter yeah and infinitely more successful yeah that's ukrainian yeah but that was in the old soviet union like before before russia was uh or ukraine was the country true true so old when that no when yeah he goes old russia no but okay keep going this thing blew up remember this is a metaphor yeah this is all a meadow this is a metaphor so let's see where this is going an extended metaphor you might call it the literary term like a lot of people died like in and like you still can't go there there's still radiation levels like it's bad his adapt went there and he absorbed so much potassium that they advised that he never eat bananas again for the rest of his life oh my god he went there why did he go there he went there for a music video and just like as a video like we went to chernobyl because you can talk what the [ __ ] are they saying this is the weirdest anecdote ever obs he absorbed potassium for being neutral noble he got powers is that that's something that happens i i think what they're saying is that he absorbs so much radiation yeah he said potassium well potassium is is radioactive and there's a tiny minuscule amounts of it in bananas no but he said yeah there's there there is another truth where this is coming from but i think he mentions a radioactive yeah some wires are getting crossed so he said he says he absorbs so much potassium which is a vitamin right but i believe it potassium don't eat any more bananas for the rest of your life i'm sorry but what the [ __ ] like there are certain parts you can go but i mean i know what he's saying he's saying he he absorbs so much radiation that he can't even eat bananas anymore because bananas are slightly irradiated right yeah high risk and they like do monitor your like radiation levels and [ __ ] and they do like it they do like this hundred dollars nuclear power plant this whole process to even go what then somebody donated a hundred dollars a nuclear power plant chorizo chorizo yeah i think he's [ __ ] stupid um this is you know in school you learn when you make a metaphor you want to be really clear it's important not to get your metaphors mixed up you want to make a very clean metaphor to drive your point home so so far we're in uh old russia the plant uh chirizo and we're getting too much potassium yeah it's like and uh yeah his biggest take away because adapts just adapt right his biggest takeaway was they told me to just stay away from bananas so i don't even like bananas bucket anyhow i'm gonna tiptoe around this because i want to say this so bad but it might get cut out i don't know but there is a much do they not even have editorial control of their episodes who's gonna cut it out well no one at all because well it's clearly in the show right nuclear plant uh in the ukraine right now it's the biggest one in europe and there's fighting going on right there and there's a live stream and there's like a fire in the facility and they said if it blows up it's going to be like 10 times worse than the first one that we were talking about yeah chernobyl sketch the way he just phrased that it sounded like this one time at band camp there was this fire on true social for sure oh yeah so what again what is the metaphor here is like i'm gonna speak in a metaphor so you know that nuclear power plant that blew up so there's a nuclear power plant right now and there's some fighting going on in there isn't that crazy i'm assuming he's getting to something that something is like that oh no that's it no no no no no no it's like a little bit like not even if it's not perfectly accurate what you just said it's still cool to talk about and like and like wonder about you know what do you guy are you i mean it's incredible they understand each other i'm just hearing coconuts and chernobyl yeah yeah i'm here bananas and chernobyl we have bananas [Laughter] wait what the [ __ ] how did they he's like yo that's really interesting and cool like dude that was a specific analogy and it's cool to talk about man that was a cool metaphor bro he's like yo we're gonna do a little uh we're gonna do a little current events right now so get ready this is gonna be this is gonna shock all you what i love about this too is this whole like discussion clearly came about in theme store while recording this episode keemstar he's a keem store keemstar i think i said keemstar what does he sell what does keem store sell candy uh yeah [Music] um yeah i think he was just looking at his phone while they were recording the episode and just saw something on twitter about this incident at this nuclear plant the fighting near this part this uh decided to just start rattling off about it let me tell you about bananas someone said uh i wish people weren't so like like weren't so [ __ ] i don't know everybody's on it stop it stop just just taking this this stretch here wonder about you know i wish people weren't so like like weren't so [ __ ] what is going on i think they're like why where was our show canceled i think he's got mad [ __ ] cottonmouth yeah dude all i'm hearing high off his ass which is why this conversation is this is this is such a stoner conversation yeah dude dude they going with no crap right now they do one take it's clear ever since they got caught up from spotify they just dropped the ball completely they don't care at all well look he put it on his main channel at first they had interesting guests so of course reviews will be great yeah challenging podcast i've always said is getting past 20 episodes when you've exhausted all your resources all of your connections and then you actually have to make a show that's when that's when you see if people actually want to watch this [ __ ] or not had sex in the tree house on edge it's [ __ ] the internet sucks right now the whole [ __ ] the united okay just just listen to this i it gets it's just i'm sorry but this is poetry we need to launch put this on the dvd and launch it into space yes like weren't so [ __ ] i don't know everybody's on edge it's [ __ ] the internet sucks right now like a little bit like not even if it's not perfectly accurate what you just said it's still cool to talk about like and like wonder about you know i wish people weren't so like blank weren't so [ __ ] i don't know everybody's on edge it's [ __ ] the internet sucks right now the whole [ __ ] the united kingdom that excerpt from banks is truly it proves his iq status his mensa membership it's just i would like to frame that this metaphor is off the rails by the way this is high level uh conversation dialogue has just called for an emergency meeting of the united nations security council i'm reading this from actual like mainstream media so don't censor me um no one's censoring you dude nobody cares nobody even understands what you're talking about like why would they censor this what does he mean you don't have a [ __ ] point you've been speaking for like two minutes and you're just like talking in circles about some nuclear power plant no like why is that being said who the [ __ ] are you talking about i don't even understand why does he think someone's gonna censor i don't know i don't know what he's talking about don't censor me bro but one time my friend was it went to church what was that whoa chorizo chorizos and now he doesn't have to eat bananas ever again because he got so much it's so [ __ ] amazing between russia and ukraine forces threatened the security of the zappos i can't pronounce the name nuclear power plant the biggest nuclear power plant in europe that's the official media what's the source the the official media is saying where it's really it is important to speak up against [ __ ] that you don't [ __ ] with but it's also important to speak up against [ __ ] you do [ __ ] with oh dude that's so deep is so [ __ ] have you guys is that what you're doing right now i don't know is she doing speaking up against shitty [ __ ] with or against [ __ ] he doesn't [ __ ] with what's happening and are we still in the metaphor do want to see right because often times people you know the [ __ ] squeaky wheels the one that gets the gets the grease right it's a cliche but it's very [ __ ] true it's like most people are really only willing to speak up and and talk their [ __ ] when they're bitching about something or like did he have a [ __ ] ring go up in the podcast my dogs are barking because they they're trained to go off on that it's awesome comfortable with something or have a problem with something right rarely do you see people like going out on a [ __ ] limb to defend something or like what shows the [ __ ] are you saying i don't even know um what the [ __ ] i really appreciate yo that what the [ __ ] wait i'll listen to this says it's important to [ __ ] with what you do [ __ ] with and important not the [ __ ] even more important but then he makes no stance yeah he doesn't make a stance and then this golden moment here listen i'm just i i have a problem with something right here listen rarely do you see people like going out on a [ __ ] limb to defend something or like faze aristotle something socrates up here wait okay listen to this i'm just i i i don't even know um i really appreciate all the love and support what does he turning the pages of a book that's exactly what i saw but like faze was so incoherent that keemstar didn't even know what to say and then you just hear keemstar chewing us into the mic with just dry mouth this is the best they're like uncomfortable with something or have a problem with something right rarely do you see people like going out on a [ __ ] limb to defend something or like i'm just i i i don't even know um i really appreciate all the this is the best and this is just we don't ever listen to this but this is the final episode so they went out with like you know huge they went out with a big they put a lot of work in this final episode and support that we've had uh over here on spotify um from our fans yeah so a fun farewell to your mom's basement my mom's your mom mom's basement that was amazing man wow they should do a current event show i'd actually love to listen to that i want to listen to them talk about i want them to do a fresh air podcast well we've once again not talked about anything in the title like i feel like we've already done what how long we've been going oh we've been going for two hours and uh 20 minutes um kim pete kanye yeah well boom that now you can put in the title you said it gone that's true um we should i guess let's do it on friday because i just can't get into all this now get your [ __ ] ass up and work yeah i do want to talk about that can i say apparently i saw in the chat everybody was roasting me for the way that i said i gotta think about how to say it now nuclear nuclear i think i said nuclear nuclear nuclear nuclear nuclear wait you said it like george bush nuclear nuclear nuclear it's gonna grow i just looked it up and apparently this is a very uh contentious thing oh here we go dan's got it no look there's a there's a [ __ ] there's a debate on wikipedia about how to pronounce it so wait what did you say i didn't even i now i'm like not sure because i'm like self-aware of how i'm saying it now i think it's pronounced fungu if you're all about it i i guess i'm saying nuclear which is incorrect what's the j cole that's from his uh allies on me record i like put a finger in the air if you're all about it put a finger in the air if you're all about yeah deja vu yeah what's the line this guy if you want about it put a finger in the sky if you want it now put two fungus in the sky if you want it nuclear everyone say nuclear go ahead a b hunger for this character no say it that's wrong apparently say it i'm afraid to say it just say it nuclear nuclear nuclear nuclear whoever enunciated that olivia nuclear love nuclear he says it the best he says the best he's not from here uh ian uh nuclear nuclear that sounds right chicken chicken grenade chicken what do you mean it's just it's just some juice i love chicken dwight eisenhower jimmy carter bill clinton and george w bush bush also said it wrong so what how did they say it i was always being confused by that i think it's such a common mispronunciation the way i was saying nuclear is wrong nuclear no there's too much emphasis on there on the second uh why does it i always was confused why everyone cares so much i mean it's just nuclear it's nuc it's nuclear oh i see that's the misspelling on the top left nuclear right nuclear nuclear nuclear nuclear nuclear well i'll try and correct that yeah after we were just going on about keem and banks and you're gonna come out and say nuclear embarrassing delete it fat [Music] you
Channel: H3 Podcast Highlights
Views: 182,790
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, podcast, h3h3, h3h3productions, ethan klein, ethan and hila, keemstar, spotify, kicked, last, end, final, banks, faze banks
Id: rsWbQfa1Xvc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 20sec (1760 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 18 2022
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