My Dad's Secret Twitter Account Got Exposed...🤦‍♂️

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so anyway we've got so much fun stuff coming up but first before we get into all that dad i have some bad news for you wait hold on my mom's calling i gotta go your mom dad so you had claimed previously that you had only three followers uh i see where we're going uh unfortu which was you know unfortunately an indirect challenge to everybody to count the actual uh file do you want to make a um do you want to clarify at all do you want to make a do you want to amend your estimate before i show the real number oh you actually have a real knife oh yeah oh yeah oh lord the the original discussion i think was only people not entities oh similarly in other words i don't think so well even if you do say three it's way more okay of people go ahead but all of them combined i will say in my feeble defense that um once i went back there and and looked through there you know some of those have been on there since the invention of twitter i think they're actually they don't they don't pop up on your on your feed or anything yeah they were on there when i opened my twitter account i think no oh apparently i see they pre-loaded they burned those into your twitter yeah i so at that point i think i had about 1200 twitter followers 1200 twitter oh i thought you want to say something else i had a second heart attack and you know like a lot of people that follow a lot of people you might only see tweets from someone you follow once a year all right what's the number um well i have gone through and revised those oh you've unfollowed some was yeah okay i unfollowed a bunch of irrelevant people so i know uh not all of them not all right some of them are relevant no not all some of the porn accounts are relevant they are i'm yeah proud of some of them okay okay good reach out to me for more information on that if you desire but no don't no i don't no stop that i don't want you have a conversation with people about your favorite porn accounts no not people oh what did you mean the the recipients the tweeters themselves okay anyway i i've revised it down uh got rid of a bunch of relevant ones i know it was up in the 70s allegedly and as i said on the last show i'm not good at counting so uh that was really bad at counting you got a lot of love from sex workers though saying hey gary sex positive i did he did i did there i got a lot more followers in the sex worker industry none of them were people that i was following at that point but did you follow them back um no no i'm in enough trouble already i did appreciate their follow and uh you know including them my my twitter look i'm sex positive too just not when it comes to my dad i'm sex negative when it comes to my dad everyone else sex workers god bless but with my dad no chastity belt i don't want any of that i don't want to know about any of that understandable what was the number okay so you want the real number yeah okay so drum roll my dad said 70. there was some conflicting numbers i think because my dad was in the process of unfollowing them but the reports that i've had range between 112 and 134 accounts wow oh my which constitutes about 10 roughly of your followers of your follows right i'm calling on that oh no that's that's that's i have here dad come look at the screen right now come here come look at this i knew you'd try to call me out on this we have screen shots of every holy save for a work account look at that gary the proof is in the pudding i knew you would try to dispute this so we came right somebody put this together yeah my dad is being litigated i'm for one person i thought was funny was like damn can't y'all just let gary beat his meat in peace [Laughter] well i i think which i i respect too but i think it's just funny twitter isn't porn and twitter i've seen vile on porn you could show anything on twitter twitter is porn it's a gateway to porn well but just following someone isn't getting you into porn necessarily unless you okay what is this argument um the argument is i i don't think you could find any of those uh interactions except maybe five where i've actually tweeted something back it's all just randomly grabbing people that i that i had followed or following yeah and taking something from them but there's no interactions there so i would say uh i don't i'm not accusing of interacting with anybody so i plead not guilty okay of being a pervert i guess i don't know what else is that just a normal healthy uh i mean how old are you now 70 and you're still i mean at it so god bless i guess yeah ask ask your mother what she thinks stop i'm not asking mom what she don't ask her don't ask me what do you think what does that mean never mind moving right along god when the bit goes too far 114 that was too far you know there was um [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign
Channel: H3 Podcast Highlights
Views: 25,935
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Keywords: h3 podcast, podcast, h3h3, h3h3productions, ethan klein, ethan and hila, garry klein, twitter, twitter account, following, followers, follow, secret, expose, redit
Id: TgCK82t2srU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 18sec (378 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 09 2021
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