KATANA is USELESS against Medieval ARMOR?!

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[Music] Shadow greetings I'm shad and gentlemen there is a test I've been wanting for a while wanting to do for a while should I say but to understand where it all started I need to give you a bit of a background bit of background okay do you guys know the show Ultimate Warrior yeah yeah that old show where they pitted one soldier type of culture gets another they always got stuff wrong they got a lot of things wrong but it was also fun but okay so the samurai came out all right and everyone wanted to see Samurai versus knight that's what we wanted to see right but then they put the Knight versus a pirate and it's the only Warrior that's using gunpowder weapons right and of course of course and they didn't let the knights use any gunpowder weapons so of course the Knight loses okay and then come the finale do you know who they disqualify because it would be unfair because they're using gunpowder weapons yeah the freaking pirate it's outrageous I was so pissed okay anyway so welcome to the video today we are going to be I needed to B okay they did Samurai versus Viking that was the samurai one right and it wasn't uh spot but that was anyway anyway anyway okay they did they showed the katana go up against the chain M harberg all right and when I was watching that I was like to test the uh incredible power of the katana right was to actually fairly put it up against a a full kit of medieval Armor All right because medieval armor one of the like you know special things about medieval armor is that it covers a decent amount of the body it does and it's very good very it's pretty good effective good good steel yep yep good coverage now now Samurai armor as we kind of saw when we're looking at Samurai armor here on the channel had some gaps different weapon different weapons and it made sense for like archers it's a really good archery armor but for like soldier in the thicker battle armor okay uh there was some things there was some things and what I what I want to see is like all right what if we gave someone free rain all right just here is a set of medieval armor here's a katana see if you can do whatever damage you can let's see they didn't do that on Ultimate Way no they no they didn't they didn't that's why we're going to do it right here so so let's uh let's go let's go show you what we prepared isn't that one of the sharper ones yes that we've got oh yes yeah yeah he pretty pretty well armored that's well this is the thing it's not full plate armor no this would be considered actually kind of mid-range Armor high medieval period That's what I was going to say this is still high medieval because you've got gamerson you've got padded koif you've got a BB helmet riveted male which was the normal type of male and a breastplate yeah yeah and so like one of the big th distinctions is this really big chain M horber right right under underne right this gives full coverage full coverage and then breastplate over top gamerson underneath he's pretty well covered there are weak points don't get me wrong I mean not many exactly not many and this is really like it's mid-range but it's still really damn good this is a this is a well earned man-at-arms get up really so you're seeing if a lower class Knight or a higher class man at Arms mhm would be able to to do this like this wouldn't be your poor not poor but not rich it's midgrade which I feel is fair a little higher because of the breast maybe maybe but I mean I when you get to late medieval period there's a lot of secondhand armor around there you can okay so it's very reasonable that even a poor Soldier could inherit or just get his hands on am Munitions grade breast plate that was lying around I feel really sorry for that Katana oh well this is the thing this is what I want to test right so you got a guy decked out in this and a samurai comes in now I look we know the katana was not the Samurai's main weapon their main weapon was the bow or spear okay but it's pop culture that has inflated the status of the Samurai so sorry the katana so much and by the way even the katana wasn't even the main weapon during the the Contemporary period of Japan versus Medieval Europe it was the Tachi all right which would be a bigger you know more serious battle kind of weapon I'm going to nod and agree cuz that part of History I don't know all right but I think that this is not going to farewell because it has a very fine profile it's one of the sharpest blades we've got so it goes down to a very fine Edge and when you get a fine hardened Edge and you hit it against armor angling speaking of which um you're going to need this absolutely cuz it's the thing right so pretend the samurai only has the guata that's all he's got and he comes up against a properly armored medieval Knight what damage could he really do in with conventional attacks with a katana like I like the only vable area really is the face but let's pretend the guy the the Knight he's not going to let them just get a free hit on the face so boxer he's so he's going so I'm going to try and get land what some of the most common strikes You' be out of land against a soldier def so maybe some arm strikes things head you know chest thrusts and things and and the question that I want to is like could you even inja y the night at all period now because of safety I know it seems like safety glasses aren't enough but if we start talking proper safety I'm going to want you to buckle up that throat because this area if the blade breaks I'll be wearing protection okay but but a he mask won't quite cut it I think glasses will because it covers and then then we're going to go a bit here and just say all right barring the face stri because the KN would they'll be you know trying to protect everything could you get through and do injury damage in any part no chance you like that's what I that's the that's my feels I think this is near invulnerability versus by the way not just a katana a lot of medieval swords but oh we say invulnerability you may have broken and bruised bones maybe maybe that's the only thing but not here but here maybe maybe you could break a collar blown maybe i' i' i' grant that um but there are certain swords that are made to be actually puncture chain mail and gambison and that's not one of them this is in one of them this is not a sword optimized for getting through armor and so that's what we wanted we I kind of already expecting the results maybe we'll surprise ourselves but even if it confirms it it's to show demonstrate how powerless certain weapons are against proper armor I reckon you get suited up let's get started [Music] [Music] [Music] a oh okay so this is a carbon spring steel blade yes this is stronger than what a traditional Katana would be that was traditionally made look what it did to the edge like I think we damaged the blade more than the Armor this is all fixable this is all reasonable this is no normal operating like this is not catastrophic now what we should mention is these hits here are not under normal operation this is closer to a lar helmet th where as if you want to see what actual armor would look like more like this that we've used in the previous video and you can see that you've scratched it yeah not a single St got through didn't get through the chain mail on dedicated powerful thrusts in fact I think this type of a Crest under normal circumstances if this was strong has a chance of actually breaking that blade because it's trying to cut over a flex which means the blade eventually slips down you want to go tyen why not [Music] [Music] he [Music] so first up let's just let's say this again just to reiterate this helmet is not like combat grade okay it's more lb grade if you want to see the same type of it did but you want to see the same type of shots look at what's happening here and it'll give you a bit more of a reference and now you got a shot what just above the chain right there I busted the link there busted the link okay so that one at the throat would have like how by much I got the tip in I busted the link got the tip in and I went in between the gamerson as well so that I wouldn't have gone through the gamerson yeah now this patter this pattern is called a one in four so if you bust one link sure it's going to pop that Circle open now you have four links around it holding it in place so it'll stop it getting really really through so in some of the places here you can see where I've you can see the slash across there some of the links are a little bit further apart but I haven't for the most part like busted through them yeah like like technically no strike got through and pierced the skin underneath I think that one of the most vulnerable would have been the strikes here you could break right but that's about the most you could do other than that this was rendered basically aert yes all the stuff on this breastplate here I mean none of them got through uh when it came to the chain mail it's bones that sort of stuff would have been broken you know maybe get some through through some links here and there but it didn't get through the gamerson so and like if we were to upgrade this to full plate no broken collar bones uh really no breaking anything cuz that's the plate deflects that blunt force less chance I mean less chance you need a hammer to transfer blunt force through planks now looking at the sword here let's have a look oh he messed that up but all of this still usable yes this is all still like you could just Chuck this onto a sharpen Stone and fix never chistine condition and and if you're in the middle of combat that's still a perfectly fine blade you don't have giant chunks missing that's going to get caught or rip up but that is because it's modern spring steel okay if that that was a differentially hardened very high Rockwell uh tamahagane blade we would be seeing massive chunks going out of that this becomes a serrated Katana well we're already getting there we've got some little little tiny chips but I honestly I honestly expected this to survive as it is but I did not expect that to survive as it has regardless of whether it's modern steel or not it's regardless it's still very thin and very sharp by the way for the price of this sword this is one of the better performing affordable swords would ever review off the top of my head 175 180 Romance of men uh they sent us sent this sword to part of the review of the Samurai armor and I've really liked it it's really they came very sharp I dig it Y and uh and it's held up just some pretty solid abuse like for what it what it was but this is what I was expecting medieval armor is is no joke and it covers a lot of the body yeah like like all right so yeah the only people say well of course that's why you go for the gaps the point is there's far fewer gaps on this that like the only option you have is the face and that's kind of it if you are fighting someone this armor or I would expect the legs to have some type of armor but not always a lot of the time it ped or you did sometimes have chain shers but cuz also it's easier to defend the legs or you just slip it back a bit and you you can indeed and so if you were fighting someone like this right and all you had was a katana or similar type of s like you would have as much you would have as much trouble with a Messer right or or a fion against armor like this it would stop it completely it worked that's why people wore it so what you would have to do is do what they did in history you'd probably have to Grapple him pin him get a knife in through the slot cuz you couldn't even like a knife really hard it would be so hard to BU t mber with a knife people say yeah cuz with a Rondell a specially made knife to do that you would need such a powerful you know but you still you can but it's hard to land such a powerful strike like that in combat especially when you're close and you're just trying to that's true so you just aim for the gaps ex aim for The Gap you would need to rapple him pin him dagger him through the face and that's what they did cuz this is the other thing right a lot of full plate you know people say just go for the the armpits on full plate they usually had shade B they did they it's not just yeah easy just go for the the gaps and they did have steel rondells as well protecting those areas specifically which are small discs you know this looks like a lot of armor I wonder how awkward it would be to actually take this all off and put this all on because I feel like I've drawn the Short Straw today you guys have got to like swing that around but I haven't had a chance to to play with much so I kind of want to try all this on it would be interesting to see you try and put this on it's a lot why you then get to hit him with the no that's a sharp sword what people can do but I can't get through so you'll be safe no I like my colos colos here exclusive content what we'll do Nate get you can explore this armor check it trying it on for our our supporters thank you to everyone for you guys I will and genuinely when I say like ad revenues being the worst been it's even gotten wor like it's oh yeah like dramatically so but what has improved are our supporters you guys and thank you so much it's only thanks to you guys been getting better because if it wasn't for you genuine if it wasn't for you we would have had to fire Nate right you guys are the ones who make that possible exactly Nate sorry yeah if we had to fire something you have to look look look we love you Nate it's just that so thank you guys I need to be in more push-up competitions and and he has a couple of other like Nate Nate Nate's he's been around the block a bit you know sometimes we put them out to pasture yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah sure if you want to see me beat Ty in push-ups that's also exclusive content there's literally two seasons of behind the scenes content all just waiting for you guys uh discussions in-depth topics uh reviews even going like with katana stuff and mail you name it it's all there waiting for you guys so genuinely thank you guys thank you for helping us keep Nate employed really everyone that look the truth is everyone employed here right H and if you want to see us you know Nate put all this on become a supporter Channel memberships Patron subscribe start or player multiple platforms under $5 a month you help us keep the lights on thank you and uh this video has been fun this but I think you have proven the concept like like like we damaged the sword more than the Armor just before we finish out today's video I thought why not do some Cuts with the blade that we have just smashed against the medieval armor well semi ruined but it's still a functional blade well hopefully it's going to be a fun blade this isn't ruined for the most part like we've got some chips here sure but these are they're very shallow chips especially compared to other when you can like chip big gouges out you take chunks out of a blade and hopefully it will back up what we're saying with yes the medieval armor is absolutely going to withstand sword strikes sword stabs everything but it's still a functional blade afterwards well I'm a little bit more impressed by this cuz obviously we expect like nothing's getting through the armor that's what it's for but this blade here 180 us which is a good price for a katana it's on the it's on the cheaper end of katana very cheap and it was very sharp when it came and it held up to that without like obliterating itself it is now when we say very cheap we only mean price in regards of quality it's doing good as tyren just said so it's it's not a cheap sword but it's definitely uh eff we'll do some pool noodles we'll do some water bottles like we usually do now I want to make this clear that like this would still be able to cut flesh tear flesh it's just not razor sharp anymore so let's see what it does on our usual cutting [Music] mediums there we [Music] go it's not bad just a weak little cut let's try something a bit stronger [Music] here are some of the bottles just so we can go over these very quickly yeah I mean like we're able to get some cut well I was able to get some Cuts I had one explosion yeah I got a lot of cuts and a lot of t hairs so there was one that I cut a lot closer to the to the sub that cut that cut rather nicely but to use that close of an area of the blade most of the time you're just getting pops and tears all right but let's just head back let's head back to bamir and the armor I think that's enough the blade still works basically I reckon I won that one you Reon I don't know about that I mean do you want to go for another couple of rounds we've already done it now I'm sure those guys wouldn't mind seeing more Carnage all right all right before we end Let's uh let's go ham let's let's see if we can break the sword yeah that's what I was going to say [Music] yeah get who W it's okay it's okay it's okay bud it's okay it's okay he's not going to hurt you anymore Tyrant borrow me Bor me Tyrant what's up has there been uh something you've been wanting to get off your chest some angry issues you want it just work I feel like he's good now yeah I feel like he's good now how do you feel I can't don't blame me that I love my job uh yeah didn't get through a thing we got some more scratches but uh I mean why don't we add in the caveat that like all of those strikes would have tore his arms off and stuff no it wouldn't have I don't know he's looking pretty worse for wear now this does raise a question did I do that yes this a good job thank you some stretches just as a just as a note this leather belt would be cut through so easy you have to give credit to the armor angling and the armor as well for this which we have this in a previous video does make me wonder if you could break like bone an arm through gamerson and chain mail we might have to test that we need to get like an analog for a human arm and see if we can actually break bone just striking but we need meat on top of an that future content right we can do that perhaps if you guys want to see that yeah I just realized my hand was like because we were just talking about the belt my hand has just been sitting here with with bar doing that stop doing that yeah but I think like yeah that's I think this is nothing got through nothing got through like Katana is nearly useless against some proper even half decent medieval that's that's the reality if you want to get through the male we know use really really pointy sword and you'll yeah not just a katana we're talking about CS Messa falion the only thing that has a chance is a really pointy sword like a really pointy thrust centered long sword or something big and heavy that's going to collapse this armor and break bones like a mace or a hail birir or something like that because we have seen a really pointy long sword destroy this chain M and we've seen the back cave in things like that and video right there so so the one where we test medieval weapons versus chain mail we're going to need like an armor testing playlist We Will guys check out because there is stuff that can get through this chain mail and uh see it right there in the video hope you enjoy it
Channel: Shadiversity
Views: 147,160
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: M4mAC47_JUQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 27sec (1287 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2024
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