I Made an Extremely Powerful Slingshot

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how dangerous do you think is a  really powerful slingshot you'd be surprised I definitely was I'm talking about  slingshots that generate more momentum than a   45 caliber firearm and I'm not even saying that  to be over dramatic they actually tested it and   finding that out made me pretty upset because a  few weeks ago I made a video testing a bunch of   slingshots trying to find out how dangerous they  are and while I used to love that video and now   I don't because it's completely inaccurate all the  sling shots I tested in that video are simply toys   compared to the really powerful ones and so to  redeem myself and actually answer the question   well I'm going to try to build one of the most  powerful slingshots on the planet a slingshot   capable of ending anything in front of it and  behind of it compare it to the best slingshot of   the previous video and then see what happens when  I test it against a ballistic dummy this is the   Prototype I made for my custom slingshot and I'm  going to explain the features of each component as   I build them starting from the fork this is where  I'm going to attach multiple elastic bands and   throw massive steel boss with them and so it needs  to be really tough if while pulling the bands one   of these two pieces broke it will fly towards  me like a bullet and that my friend might be the   end of the video and the channel sorry Mom well to  avoid that I made a sandwich of materials that I'm   going to glue together to create the elements  of the slingshot the sandwich has a strong   core to make it tough and for that I could have  used aluminum hardwood or even steel but I got a   lot of polycarbonate laying around from a previous  video and since it's an incredibly tough material   I decided to go with this one then I prepared a  few thin sheets of wood and also red acrylic to   place on top of the polycarbonate these are mainly  there for aesthetic reasons and the effect I would   like to obtain is something like this aim for  the Stars they said anyways to glue the layers   together I'm going to use epoxy which should work  with all the layers of the sandwich but just to   be extra safe I'm also sending the surfaces of  polycarbonate and acrylic so that the glue can   form a stronger bond with them so I'm pouring  the two components of the glue into a cup I mix   them together for a while looks like I'm cooking  or something and then I'm spreading it evenly on   each surface of the layers the problem is that I  used way too much epoxy and now the layers keep   sliding on each others so now I'm panickin while  trying to clamp everything down woring the layers   are going to get stuck in the wrong position I  have to throw everything away and L another day   starting from scratch but it ended up working now  I got to wait 3 days it's been 3 days I'm going to   remove the clamps and see if it actually worked  had a few doubts about this one are the clamps   even going to come out and yes they do kind of  two did the epoxy dry and are the layers fixed in   place also yes it feels pretty solid and three how  strong is the connection between the layers well   either the rising is really strong or I am  really weak but the reality is that there is   not an answer for this one right now I just got  to hope for the best and see what happens when I   test it the next step is croping the shape of  fork handle and arm brace out of the sandwich   block to do that I'm using a band saw and after  the first cut I'm happy to see that there is no   gap between the layers which is definitely a  good sign and so I'm training to cut all the   elements following their shapes as fast as I  can and it took me about 4 minutes but here   they are Fork handle and arm brace or at least  the rough shape of them now I'm going to use   the belt grinder to smooth out the edges and the  surfaces starting with the fork right now it's   definitely thick but the idea is to grind it in a  way that it's going to make the pattern come out   the problem is that I massively underestimated  this step and massively overestimated my skills   and after 30 minutes of absolute random  grinding all right I completely messed up like no it doesn't look bad it's just  Modern Art and you don't understand   it I'm joking so I'm going to make a simpler and   better one the good news is that with  a spare Fork I can test how tough it is yep it's perfect so I prepared new layers glued  them with epoxy waited cropped smoo in the edges   grinded being extra careful do not mess it up  again and now I'm back to where it stopped next   I'm using this fascinating machine to smooth the  edges and honestly I started to get pretty excited   and this is how the fork looks now I swear I'm  so proud now I need to send it then polish it   to make the wood shiny and the polycarbonate  transparent and then I'm going to do the handle   and the arm brace the same basically the same  way I didn't even finish the fork and I'm already   thinking about when this thing is going to be  done and when I'm going to be able to test it   before that though I need to send it and I already  know sending is going to take a while I need to go   from a 2200 GD sandpaper to a th000 grit and  paper so I'm going to just skip this process   but while my slightly younger self suffers for  the next 5 hours I want to thank this plate for   supporting this project and yes that thing moves  I just finished the workshop and I wanted to   personalize it a little bit so I picked a few  posters and they just arrived and they looked   good from their website but seeing them in person  it actually got me excited this is insane it's so   cool Spyro I used to play this with my sister on  our PS1 when we were kids she's about to have a   baby now I love it the posters feel high quality  and sturdy let me try to zoom in and the clarity   on the images is really good this plate also just  launched a new product called displate Textra   which basically gives extra Clarity to the images  by having a 3D texture on the posters hanging the   posters is also intuitive and fast and this plate  gives you all the tools you need wipe the wall   stick the protective Leaf stick the magnet to the  leaf I'm using a 3D one but they also have it flat   and that's it basically took me like 4 minutes  to set up three posters there are over 2 million   artworks available in the displayed catalog and  you can pick from original art or license design   like Star Wars Marvel Elden ring or Dune I wish I  got that one actually you can also get them right   now by going to display.com shake or use my prom  code M shake and you get a really nice discount   I'm also leaving a link in description if you want  to check them out at the end of the video anyways   5 hours later the sending was completed then I  used an improvised buffing machine to polish the   polycarbonate and after grinding a little slot  where I'm going to attach the elastic bands I   finish the fork using Lin seed oil and wax and  here it is I really like how it turned out but   maybe it's just because I made it kind of like my  mom that likes me regardless well for sure it's   better than the last one it's a so pretty big this  is how it looks compared to a normal slingshot but   it should fit well the kind of power I'm going for  all right I'm going to make the handle and the arm   brace and so I did it all over again for the arm  brace which luckily took much less compared to the   fork thanks to the simpler shape and after sending  it this is how it looks now the last element I   need to make is the handle aside from smooting out  the edges I'm trying to grind the handle to make   it fit perfectly with my hand so I keep grinding  and testing it then I just adjusting it based on   how it feels and after completing the rough shape  I spent a few hours sending it by hand to smooth   out the curves as much as possible and as the  last step I'm applying the oil as I did with   the previous elements this is how the final handle  looks and I like it but most importantly it feels   very comfortable and I can't wait to test this  thing like that all the elements are done now I   can put them together with the main frame and then  I'm going to test it against the targets my custom   slingshot increases the draw length compared  to a normal one basically how far I can stretch   the bands before releasing them and with more  elastic mass the power increases exponentially so   to connect all the elements together I'm going to  use this steel profile I need to cut it a little   bit first I'm not exactly sure how long should I  make this Frame though the longer the better but I   need to be able to use it so I'm just measuring  the distance between arm brace and handle and   based on that I ended up using another profile  I had in the shop this one is exactly 1 M and if   this version ends up being too weak I'm going to  use the longer stick to make an even more extreme   version for that reason I also want all the  elements to be removable from the main frame and   so to connect them to the frame I thought about  using steel brackets I'm not sure if this is the   best way to do it though if I making a mistake let  me know right now so that I can stop before this   thing flies towards me when I test it all right if  I die it's your fault so I cleaned up the profile   using the Bel grinder and then I I send it by  hand fixing the mistakes I made on the B grinder   one day I'm going to learn how to use this thing  but today is not that day anyways this is how the   steel profile ended up looking now to connect the  brackets to the frame I'm drilling three holes of   5 mm into the steel profile basically like this  after that I can install the brackets in which I'm   going to place the fork I actually also mounted  two brackets at the end of the seel bar so that   this way I can connect the arm brace to one end of  the profile and the fork to the other through that   though I also need to drill a few holes into  the elements and this step is kind of scary   because the acrylic could shatter in the process  and that would mean starting from scratch So to   avoid that I'm using a special bit that should  work both with plastic and wood then I started   drilling three holes into the fork this process  took me like 30 minutes I went very very slow to   avoid damaging the layers and I think it kind of  worked at this point I can insert the balls that   I actually grinded to make them look nicer and  I also added three rubber spacers since the back   of the wood is not perfectly flat and I hope this  will help distribute the pressure I think it works   yes I believe it looks pretty good but the best  part is not even the look what surprised me the   most is how premium it feels even who built it it  doesn't wobble at all it doesn't make noises and   it feels very sturdy now I'm repeating the process  to install the arm brace and this is how it looks   on the profile and seeing it like that makes me  pretty confident this thing is going to crush   bones hopefully not mine anyways only the handle  is missing at this point and I'm not exactly sure   what's the best way to connect this one and so  I'm doing the first thing I thought about I'm   drilling a big hole into the handle and my plan  is to glue a steel rod into it so that then I   can easily mount it to the frame to glue the  rod I'm using a fast drying glue that should   work well with polycarb that wasn't a crack  it was air coming out of the handle now there   is one Last Detail I need to add to the handle  the bols on the fork and the arm brace basically   act as spins providing extra strength to keep the  layers together and since the handle doesn't have   those I decided to add four small bols to it they  don't compromise the comfort and this way I'm sure   the layers are going to stay together even if I  drop it and to mention the words of a wise German   man I'm going to introduce in a bit it's not ugly  it's effective now I'm mounting the handle using   a piece of ladder to distribute the stress between  the handle and the frame and like that the custom   slingshot is ready I really believe this could be  up there with the most powerful slingshots in the   world but I guess I'm going to find out soon when  I test it I don't know if I should be excited or scared I'm excited though but the reason why I  picked this design over some crazier ones ahead   is pretty fascinating it looks fairly simple but  this design should be the most powerful one you   can make for a handeld slingshot and the reason  why I know that is this man hello and welcome   to the slingshot Channel while checking the  comments in my previous slingshot video I saw   this one that threw me right into the rabbit hole  that actually made me start this project yorg is   a German God right on top of the slingshot foot  chain and he set a world record of 135 ju with   a 25 mm steel ball and just to clarify 135 ju is  closer to a small firearm in terms of power than   it is to a normal slingshot and since I don't  have much experience with slingshots and most   importantly I'm not German I reached out to  him and he actually replied yor gave me a lot   of valuable information that allowed me to get  to this point and most importantly he made me   realize that there is a serious risk involved  in what I'm about to do and he also suggested   me to scrap all my other designs besides this  one I build and it's basically a new version of   the Starship which is the slingshot he used to set  the word record and so now I can install the bands   and then I'm going to test it the size and the  number of layers you need depends on the weight   of the ammo you're using heavier ammo require more  bands which are much harder to pull but they also   generate more power so to find out the dimensions  of the Bands they need for all the bosss I'm going   to test I'm using an equation that York created  basically based on the weight of the ammo you use   and the draw length it TS you the dimension and  the number of bands you need and to find my draw   length I measured my draw length with a normal  slingshot have no idea if this is the right way   to do it and I added the extra length of the frame  with that I got a total of 198 CM which is a lot   but I'm using a smaller one to be conservative for  maximum performance bands also need to be tapered   basically they need to be larger towards the fork  and smaller towards the pouch this allows the ammo   to accelerate faster and therefore increase the  speed and the power after that I can attach the   bands to the pouch and the process is pretty  straightforward little bit spit for the most   part of it Al the friction causes not to get all  messed up and you can actually just break the and   here is how they look at this point I can attach  the bands to the slingshot and like that the build   is finally completed it's ready and so now there  is only the fun and potentially little step left   all right then let's test it now before risking  my life with a massive balls I want to find out   if my custom slingshot well if you works and  also if it's actually more powerful than the   ones I tested in my old video and so I'm going  to gradually increase the dimension of the ammo   and the number of bands and I'm going to measure  energy penetration and damage for each one of them   I feel like a juggernaut I know you're probably  thinking it's maybe too much for this small ammo   I'm actually worried it's not going to be enough  but I guess there is only one way to find out and well it turns out that this thing works pretty  well 125 yeah it's fast out of five shots the best   one I got is 130 m a second or 426 ft per second  and if you consider that a 9 mm bullet travels   at around 1200 ft per second that's a lot so with  the 8 mm seal bar the custom slingshot generates   1.6 times more energy than my best sold one this  is the weakest set up I'm going to test and it   already broke the catch boox behind the wooden  panel I also tested a different brand of rubber   but I got very similar results so now it's time  for the second test with the 8 mm ball penetration   and at my first shot the ball went on the side  of the gelatin block and I actually thought it   was a fluke no cuz it went way too deep oh no way  jeez but then when he tried again the second shot   was perfectly in the middle and he went deeper  than the first if we compare the penetration of   my old slingshots compared to this one this is  insane the old slingshots are also not lethal   with an 8 mm Ball but given this penetration do  you think it's going to be lethal 8 mm ball test   number three damage and so I stretched the  bands as much as I could and I shot no way   at first I thought the ball actually cracked  the skull but then then I saw it it stopped   the ball went into the gelatin but it stopped  on the skull let's keep it there also what's   wrong with your nose man J I didn't notice that  anyways this slingshot is already more impressive   than the ones I tested in my old video and this  is literally the weakest possible setup I have   for this one so I'm very curious to see what's  going to happen with the big balls but in the   meantime these are all the result I got with the  smallest one next I'm shooting 10 mm steel balls   and to shoot them I'm going to use a double  layer setup basically two bands per side and   I was expecting the 10 mm BS to be significantly  slower compared to the previous ones but the speed   actually didn't drop very much 11 19.1 that's  a lot out of five shots the best one I got was 124.401 in bigger boss to have less  penetration power but it almost went   through with a 10 mm steel ball I got a  penetration of 13.9 CM before trying the   ballistic dummy I also want to shoot a  few different targets this is not part   of the official test and I could totally  avoid it but I won so I shot a watermelon   then a coconut which is pretty hard but it  still went straight through and then a sakan and at this point I'm kind of thinking  this might be lethal already all right nope wait what is that that was anticlimactic I'm not exactly sure if  he bounced on the bone or he just went   straight there either way I'm going  to try again aiming at the forehead oh no way went once again perfectly  inside the eye in the other one come on I'm going to try to hit it again but  once again it didn't crack so I think the bosss   were just bouncing off the bones anyways these  are all the results I got for the 10 mm steel   balls and now it gets scary 20 mm lead bosss  like these are the bands I just used and these   are the bands I'm going to use now three huge  flat bands per side and for this one I also had   to build a bigger pouch I'm scared for the first  time since I started testing this thing now I'm   actually scared as a disclaimer I don't think  this is wise I don't think this is safe and I   don't think it's going to be enjoyable to use a  monster like that but I just want to go for it   this is how it looks with the flat bands connected  to it and with that I'm ready to try it kind of   and well as expected these bands are way harder  to pull compared to the previous ones but even   though this setup highlights my for technique  and the lead ball actively tried to kill me it   was actually working pretty well how much was that  57.9 and that means 79.3 Jew of energy which is a   lot still I wanted to keep trying for two reasons  first because I know I can top my previous speed I   just need to develop a slightly decent technique  and build up confidence and second because I'm   kind of loving the distraction this thing is  able to generate and I can't wait to test it   against the targets but then I made a mistake  somebody said that if you run when you can't walk   I broke the fork that's a bad one this has  been a very unfortunate turn of events I got an   allergy reaction it's pouring and it wasn't even  supposed to rain my slingshot broke on the other   side though I'm still alive and most importantly  though the polycarbonate is very tough indeed it   doesn't even have a scratch on it and so I found  a temporary fix so that I can keep using it you   know it is what it is it just lived long enough  to become the villain so I'm going to just wait   for the Sun and then I'm going to finish the test  how's it going guys today's tomorrow and sunshines   now you know why that happened by watching the  slow motion of the incident I realized that I   pushed down my hand right before releasing the  pouch and well I just got to try avoid doing that   again I also just built a much deeper armrest  since the helmet sticking out made it kind of   hard to stretch the BS comfortably all right  then let's see what happens I'm going to just   try to stretch this as much as I can so if you  hear weird noises that's why and so I wanted to   measure the energy once again and after shooting  at the Target a few times I actually topped the   previous result 59.6 59.6 yes that's better that  is 84.1 Joules that's good depending on which   side you play for I think I could actually get  more than that with a better technique and more   practice but I take it let's do the penetration  test for this test and also the next ones I'm   going to be using the black bands the yellow ones  keep breaking and this perform as well will be   more durable I also remov the wood and the acrylic  from the back of the fork and installed the new   brackets do you think it's going to go more or  less in than the small ones well none of that happened oh my god did you see that  jeez this was the best investment   ever yo basically bounced on the surface of  the gelatin and came flying back towards me   that would have hurt anyways before shooting the  ballistic dummy I tested the damage against of the air and I have no idea where he went but  with the second shot I got it so it's time for   the final test damage and I really have no  idea what to expect but I guess let's find [Music] out oh yeah let me show you he went through the  nose oh my God and he cracked the bomb   below it do you see that ready so then I  shot again trying to aim a little higher and once again the ammo penetrated and it  shattered the bone around the eye so I want to   try to shoot another one on the forehead and see  what happens and well this time I actually hit the forehead so I guess this thing is very dangerous  that was my honest reaction while that thing was   filling up nothing I did nothing now that the  liquid is gone it's pretty clear to see what   happened the ammo went straight through the  forehead and it actually almost came out from   the back of the head these are all the results  for the 20 mm lead ball and so to answer the   question how dangerous is a slingshot I guess  it depends on the slingshot I'm going to fix   this slingshot and paint it and I'll post the  final version on Instagram follow me there if   you want to see it along with updates on  the next videos I'm going to keep making
Channel: Mike Shake
Views: 4,713,953
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mike shake, Skills, Learning new skills, Learn skills, learning skills, yesgo, mike, mike skills
Id: _ipvR9wPvWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 23sec (1463 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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